Engineering an ARK with two of every weapon...

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video game sequels are dead Kerbal Space Program 2 overwhelmingly negative City skylines 2 mostly negative plus a whole host of failed sequels that don't run well have way less content than the originals and are just playing bad so what is a developer to do these days rather than releasing a cursed 2 how about releasing some DLC instead yes hello fellow engineers and welcome to a game that was released via Early Access in 2015 and whilst the 1.0 only released in 201 20 that was still 4 years ago now it's besiege and the reason we're backing it today well they've just released their first DLC the splintered sea so let's click on the planet and check out what this is all about so we start off here I think as just like the the normal besiege game we've got to build some sort of vehicle to destroy the the land so I guess we got to oh oh blurry blurry no look at the focus focus there we go we got to destroy this Hut apparently sorry house house that's very offensive to any Huts watching oh look at all the seagull on there are they going to get destroyed too right well anyway this is this is what we' got at the moment a cube so we've got to try and make a we got to make a boat so we've got all sorts of pieces we got basic pieces which are just like just a load of blocks so I guess we do I don't know something like that I'm thinking make it sort of like uh we have a water tab so what does this add curved wooden block oh presumably we can use that like yeah the edge of our ship like that perhaps now it doesn't actually say whether like each piece Floats or not these barrels have adjustable Bo see oh so you can like fill or empty them cuz you got rise and sink buttons okay that's that's handy we got a Rudder at the back o we've got aquatic screws we also got sails and a harpoon launcher you can reel stuff in okay that's cool uh yeah and then there's just all the all the stuff from before so there's like flight there's various types of armor there's so many weapons oh look at all these weapons right well if we turn on is there like Sim I can place this on the on the water that's cool I am thinking try and do just like a sort of that's got holes in it that's not going to work is it oh or can I do one at the back so we got that sort of thing and wasn't there like a where's where's that yes wooden panel so can I is that how you meant to like waterproof this you do wooden panel like I don't think it was wooden panel actually let me just load what have I got in here oh yeah the slong there we go a true feat of engineering now the question is will this float I mean it should do so if we press play does it float I mean the tip bloats the rest of it not so much I tell you what then can we get rid of all these saw blades on the back I don't think we need them so get rid of all of you we don't need Wheels anymore so underneath we can get rid of all the wheels right so then would it be worth trying to add a Ruder to the back or even some of these aquatic screws if we take aquatic screws up here and up there then if we press play Oh do our screws need to be attached to like something no they should they should work anyway let's shove a barrel on the back as well a load of barrels out the back that should help us stay a bit more buoyant right oh my goodness my cannons just went off we have a success I wasn't even I wasn't even looking I don't know what happened right so these will shoot with C that's good to know flamethrowers shoot with white I'm going to ramp up the speed of these cork screws things so cork screw should be moving I mean one is I feel like maybe maybe on that side did all that stuff break there's a lot of breakages in there yeah tell you what let's just move these to the outside they can then go a bit longer then as well if we go to about there and we got so many weapons we don't need all these weapons get rid of all those crossbows out the front get rid of the drill at the end what is that doing yeah then I can shove a block there and then there so I think that's all linked together I'll do the same on this side then so we got these two gaps we just put all the cork screws between and hopefully that should allow us to like move forward a bit better so oh yeah there you go look we're moving we're moving okay one of them's moving the other one isn't is that because I locked it at the end I thought they' twist freely I think they don't actually twist freely I think they don't want to be attached at the front that's the thing about this game yes it's a learning experience okay so we can now move around we just need a Rudder out the back but yeah we can move forward and backwards oh this is awesome I mean actually I don't need a r technically cuz what I could do if I go to controls I can make that one e and that one q that one q and that one e and I put R for reverse in as well so basically if I want to reverse I hold r that does both of them at the same time that's cool if I want to go forwards I hold q and d so we're going forwards then if I want to turn we just hold one so now we're turning we're turning right if I want to turn left I do the same thing right so then we've just got a man that's some big old waves but this thing it's sort of like a submarine like I guess we could call it a submarine anyway right nut lined up we press c b my nut came off but uh that is Zone conquered I lost my nut our submarine doesn't look that good right now but uh that's a success to the next zone so on this one oh look there's fisherman so I'm guessing we don't like fisherman so what was flamethrower was it I think it was white but we're underwater so I can't actually flame oh no we are flaming they're just toggled so as we poke out the water our Flame should come on all right so can we flame this guy doesn't seem to be working that well I'll tell you what then let's just let's just line up and then B cannons through all of them right nut disappeared still success all right so this one looks like there's there's a ship back there a very blurry ship I have a feeling we may need to do a bit of engineering to this uh for now though we will try and navigate just to prove that we can turn so we've gone around that way we're heading to the left yeah look we' we've got around this side press C boot oh no I destroyed well myself basically my balls have gone everything's gone okay yeah we need we need a bit of work I want to know how did they build their ship why is it so blurry just let me see all right settings is it the the focus click effect maybe no that's that's still blurry doof potentially oh yeah there you go oh that's way better stupid blur right the question is how do we make this ship better and firstly I don't know how I built those is it an advanced building is that what I is that what I did before oh yeah build surface is experimental okay so that isn't actually how you get like buoyant I think though I am I'm going to start again so completely from scratch let's do we'll do that for the base as I was going to do before I'm going to use these curved wooden blocks for like the body I actually I'm not convinced i' I've gone big enough here so if we go that wide instead we can then add these along the side then perhaps at the front I can make this a bit pointier so we're a bit more like oh we okay let's move everything back okay that's looking sort of okay let me just play and see what happens to this does it float yes it floats but it's terrified it's shaking like anything now there are braces so I can probably brace like the front of it like that so let brace those two together if I then brace like those two and those two then just do diagonally like that as well well maybe over to those if we Press Play Now does it still Shake no look we've solved it we have solved it we're not the most buyant thing in the world though so perhaps can we replace like some of these with some barrels what if I shove some barrels in there right I think I think that's a bit better what I'm thinking next we add some height I'm like I'm going to make an arc but like rather than two of every animal we're can have two of every weapon so yeah okay let's fill in these Corners right okay this is looking this is looking quite good actually let's just see does this float okay oh yeah it's not bad it's not bad it's a bit front heavy but it can always add some barrels to the front I guess okay that's the front Barrel dot that looks quite good actually right so yeah that floats pretty well so we need some propulsion I am literally thinking just add some sails or maybe should we paddle I assume paddles they have to go on something that moves do they yeah I'm not I'm not creating a moving paddle that's way too complicated I mean I could potentially if we hit underneath we could get away with these underneath again cuz I feel like that's probably more how they're meant to work like dangling from the front Okay then add a Rudder out the back right if we press play does anything fall off oh no it doesn't okay this is good that's forward that's backwards then we got Rudder okay we might actually have movement so oh it's not the best steering thing in the world but I think it actually steers better than my last machine like yes look at this the ark so if I just like go into this boat yeah nothing happens we need some weapons so what sort of stabby weapons do we have we've literally got metal spikes which could go on the front oh no have I is this too long I haven't made a boat that's like max length have I oh that's ridiculous so I definitely can't get drills on the front Okay what if I were to remove a barrel or two no they don't fit okay what about the next one back yes they fit but then they're basically in line with the front of my boat all right okay what I'm going to have to do I'm going to have to move the back of this if I just make the back shorter we go that to there we move all of this to there delete stuff out the back I'm going to have to delete the bottom logs and do that but then I can move everything backwards which means I can add more fun stuff to the front so I think the best layout is going to be if I shove two barrels like that then I can shove these drills on the front beautiful and then spikes on the very front like that and I'll just add a few more barrels where I can right and then let's press play on that so we got spinning drills out the front now right let's try and get over to there it's a bit of forwards and backwards to actually do a turn but oh this thing has speed all right anyway let's ram this thing so ready oh I missed it I completely missed it my drill fell off anyway we need a more direct hit like that is that doing anything okay no it's not it's not working the best it's got very hard armor right perhaps there's a reason why pirate boats didn't have like drills and spikes out the front I feel like they did have like sort of raming things out the front but maybe not the drills so what if we go for o explosive rocket press T to launch so yeah two of those on please maybe two flame towers as well now they've got to actually point out so maybe one over that side one over that side and then repeating crossbows as well so flamethrowers y to ignite rocket is T crossbow is C so I'm Rockets fell off if I press T do they still shoot oh they still shoot oh my goodness ah well the Rockets aren't actually attached like where they are Oh weird is that because that's an end block don't know yeah don't actually know how to attach these Rockets I mean I'll try and balance them there but I think as soon as I drop in yeah they're just going to roll off then when I do launch them they're just going to hurt myself out still we got loads of other weapons so let's go try those out so flamethrower ignite with white okay so they're going to be flaming all the while they're above water you see when the waves come they do go out but that's fine right crossbow as well they're pathetic that's not going to do anything all right if we can get close let's try the flamethrower out so flamethrowers away oh yes it's on fire is actually on fire you now hit it with crossbows is that it that really did not do a lot fine we need to go bigger with this I feel like there's a reason why why pirate ships had cannons so we got a whole load of cannons now now they both shoot at the same time which isn't ideal they've only got one shot each as well so we got to make sure this is lined up not the easiest thing to do when the waves are bobbing but right that's looking boo I thought that was looking good but it just destroyed my ship Ah that's uh that's not ideal hey where are my pieces going why are they all floating away so fast look at that bit go who okay back to drawing board I think bracing may be required so let's get a wooden pole and then we can just brace like to the other side so I think that should sort of hopefully make my boat not not implode when we so let's just shoot from here and see oh I mean it did actually work for like some of them so if I did that the whole way across that might actually be okay so like that if we now shoot oh that was a lot better I mean some did still break yeah it would be nice if we had a bit more ammo on this still I reckon this is probably good enough to take down their ship now oh I've just lost I just went into the oh I went into the shallows and I lost my my spirals maybe I should put some sails on this all right okay now we literally just have we just have a sailing ship I think the Sails are making me always move forwards I'm trying to move backwards with my screws can I spin the sails at all oh yeah we've got some speed the old the Sails are sort of they're definitely giving us propulsion just not necessarily in the right direction yeah if I hold forward as well we are really going for it trouble is we're going for it way far away from where I want to go so let's turn around oh my goodness we nearly we nearly capiz them right okay we're lining up for a cannon shot ready get ready we just got to tilt the Right Way B pathetic what's the point of that all right don't rate sails they're not very good I might add some more some more roders to the back maybe that will give me a bit more turning oh yeah oh hello hello turning right I'm going to get nice and close so I can't miss with my cannons right ready boost yes did we destroy it I think we mostly destroyed it yes we did oh finally that took so long right what are we taking on this time we got to reach an area I can do this in this boat easy I don't oh no there's mines there's mines I'm about to hit some mine oh there's a mine in front and behind can I poke it with my oh boy oh wow that's bouncy to be fair though that set all the mines off and I think I'm okay so I've just got to drive up here don't even have to worry about the mines cuz my ship is so good nice by the way check out the bridge up there if it wasn't the end of the game I'd be giving that a bridge review but we're on to the next Zone the angular deeps pass through the are oh no I tell you what I need I need to bring back the sub mapine right we'll save this as the ark then let's load up the submarine there still it's still just a slong by the way we're going to have to do some a couple of tweaks if you like just to make this like more of a submarine rather than just a pain right so what I'm thinking we fill this thing with barrels so I can fit some big barrels in there which is good and get loads of little Barrels in as well and basically we can have all of these like sink like what do we press J to sink okay then we just need steering we shove some roders out the back maybe roders under those definitely get rid of those Wheels right then we just need propulsion so I'm thinking if we do those under there get the old screws going again then that could be the sub mapine so we'll save that we'll press play so that's trying to float so we've we've gone to the surface so we want to use you to sink it was it Jak whatever it was I don't think we have enough barrels yeah it was J we need more barrels though so they fill up with water j j j j j okay so that is actually sinking which is love we have lost one of our cork screws though so this might not go quite to plan right I think I know what I need I think I know what we need no I'm not sure I'm not sure how do I get this thing to sink that's so buoyant okay A bit sailed we may have to lose all the sort of all the boarding stuff I'm sorry I think we're going to do that cuz then we can fill it with big barrels I think right so we we've got that if I I was thinking if I do like the cork screw things on the top and the bottom and maybe we'll sort of glide through the air a bit easier by air of course I mean water it's all fluid it's the same thing at least when you're doing the calculations for it but yeah let's try that wow okay so those drills went off straight away not ideal this thing does work though if I can just actually yeah if we can just spin this around proba is my hands like all the way across the keyboard trying to press like 10 buttons at once yeah right okay I think we've got it I think we've actually made submarine it's quite tricky to control all the controls are reversed cuz we are upside down oh there's a wool there don't hit the wall okay we got we got one we got one I need to move the camera but I need both my hands for the controls yeah I feel like I really need those top screws cuz then I could just go like forward quite easily I'll tell you what though I feel like I am actually in control of this I'm just trying to spin like right a bit I'm so glad this isn't a stream we can edit most of this out yeah look now now we're getting there oh come on that's got to count how is that not counting see we keep muring fish by the way poor little fish right anyway I've just added some bracing to the front I'm going to try again but trying to keep the top and bottom spirals going so if we oh yes oh yes okay we've done it we've done it sort of oh that didn't count that didn't count all right we got to go back okay that's good that is one that is actually one The Rock just gets out the way we should be able to get the second one this definitely all counts by the way and then we just Bob over this way and hopefully we'll get there in a second yes yes we did it we conquered the zone right onto next one this vehicle is genius what do we need to do extinguish Beacon oh we got a squirt water right let's load up the ark again how do we extinguish water oh do we use the Harpoon luncher maybe here let me just remove all these cannons cuz they also use seat that could be a nightmare if they all went off at once so yeah what if we shove Harpoon launchers on the front then we just got to try and drag that thing down we may need to aim up somehow if I hold C goes over there right what if I what if I now reverse yeah I can't pull that anywhere but maybe if we shot up there we might be able to so in mechanical we've got these movie things so we could put a hinge oh they just like are they just grav okay they're just gravity fair enough not a hinge we want like a mechanical one yeah steering hinge there we go so if we rotate and shove those on the front like that then shove our harpoons on the hinges then when we press play we can like yeah look we can aim up so if we aim right up probably move forwards a bit so like that then shoot oh where did there you go okay they went way over the top okay probably want to look at this from like this angle yeah I can see now that's way too height so we lined up that direction so this one yeah if we just go like Bo oh we went through it right this might take a few attempts but I think it'll be worth it this I mean I could technically cheat I could slow down time then we can get this directly directly Fir and it so that's definitely lined up that direction so over this side if we aim there then B that looks that looks perfect right yes we dug in we're dug in okay so now let's do the speed back up to there we can now hold C to pull it in yes it actually worked it worked I wasn't actually I didn't expect that to work only took us 12 seconds all right the next oh my goodness the next one we're quite outnumbered kill 90% of sve are they going to attack me oh yeah look they are they're throwing they're throwing Spears at at me noeds I mean to be fair they I think they're quite weak like I can literally yeah I can literally just just crash into them and we're fine oh this is actually quite fun just destroying them like this I mean I would probably rather like some crazy weapon though why is that all their names down the bottom be like literally just B fly through all of them all right then line up for this lot you little suckers oh I'm glad I still got the drills on the front yeah this is meant to be the arc it's meant to have two of every weapon so I've added two of every weapon I feel like the balls might destroy me ow ow yeah adding all these wasn't the wasn't the most clever thing I've ever done but uh let's press C boost cannons went flying what other weapons do we have I mean to be fair to be fair two of every weapon the ark has done it we've still got a crossbow launcher on the left I mean there is one on the right but it's like it it got burnt by the fiery ball I think and by the way I found there was actually a water cannon which I could have used rather than the harpoons in that last round I wonder actually will the the water cannon like sink them no it just got them wet fair enough right oh no it's another submarine one okay I might leave it there for now I don't know if I got the patience to build a submarine that actually works but a very cool DLC that I'm glad it's not a a sequel otherwise it would have got really bad reviews but if you enjoyed like one for now say peace love and subin bye guys
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 165,278
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rce, real civil engineer, besiege, besiege splintered sea, beseige
Id: To7-lO5IwzY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 50sec (1250 seconds)
Published: Wed May 22 2024
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