Ending Humanity With AN EVIL BUG ARMY In Buggos

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ladies and gentlemen let's eat some humans welcome to a little game called buggos i spawn in some fun little purple bugs i eat and devour humans for my upgrades like that i've got a lot of bugs they have a little humans i think it's safe to say we can murder everyone right go get em yes destroy the town now go my bug army eat to your heart's content and that was extremely easy and very quick oh and would you look at that i already have an evolution available some things just work real quick don't they oh this is disgusting allows you to direct the swarms with greater ease give me i already found the upgrade for more damage too to do that though i need to kill some people this should be fine right there's a lot more humans in this level than last time that's fine i'm capable of controlling up to 100 bugs so if i just put my little pin down to make them all hang out over here nothing bad has to happen yet i also have 700 nutrients so let's make it where i spawn more bugs because right now i'm uh not losing any so for all intensive speed running purposes this is for the best all right i'm at 72 time to go murder add the attack modifier and get going my little bug minions i just wish you guys worked a little faster what is that group doing over there why are you breaking that wall i don't know guys you work better in groups remember that oh you're kind of like little murder bombers this is fine kill him you die that's okay forget about the wall destroy the just outside humans this'll work better trust me or everyone just calls mass havoc wherever you see fit that's also an option you can do this one little bug no one let him in oh no that's fine everyone's murdering and he's just doing his best oh we made it in yes destroy that wall little guy you can do it you're the hero i needed flashback to over here everyone is dead all right i could summon all the other bugs over there but i kind of want him to break this wall on his own what if i do that will you break it that way there you go ah feels good to end the lives of everyone what is going on who forgot that building oh looks like my bugs need more training i'm sorry did that just say i got two upgrades now so for like you know more damage and you know maybe a faster spawn rate i gotta say life is good for some bugs these are new humans do they have guns huh maybe i actually have to be somewhat careful about all this or maybe i can just have my bugs go attack this one lone gunman you got this team oh they're shooting from outside the wall oh quick someone rusher wait no this one guys someone get there yes go bug oh they take more hits too i see the humans have actually learned somewhat that's fine take this first settlement if you kill the people with guns we win a lot easier trust although it looks like we're actually going to take this first settlement pretty quickly well 135 more bugs too while i'm at it i've got over a thousand nutrients i'm not hurting guys you don't have to break the wall you just have to murder the humans the walls can they're like a secondary thing if we divide our forces to where a third of you break walls and then the other two thirds murder it's so funny how easily humans die i've got 80 bugs might as well boost their attack are all the houses destroyed over here you working on that last one little guy thank you clean it up my automotive autonomous automatic bugs look i don't have a dictionary next to me okay sometimes i just take my best guess look at how efficient they are oh my gosh that's so easy let's go ahead and increase my swarm capacity that i control as well as my spawn size and i realize the levels have difficulty on them for instance this last one was three out of ten mildly dangerous and this one's four out of ten making them dangerous good to see they got an upgrade sad to say it's not gonna be enough does this building spawn humans is that what that was that's fine i can also spawn things 51 already wow that was a really good upgrade i got huh no all bugs to my pin you don't want to go too quickly but that's fine i'll add your attack speedrun time we're immediately going up top to destroy that building murder all the humans in your way that one with a gun go get em eat them alive yes there is strength in numbers so what if you don't have laser weaponry you have tiny little sharp teeth and that's more than these guys have look at the waves look at the wipe look at the destruction oh god i'm so good at this what do i have to do to be able to control a hive mind of bugs in real life huh that's where the true fun could begin all right team we're turning the corner and immediately going up at the five people with guns this way we don't have to worry about dying you guys did that way too quickly i think we know how this one's about to turn out yeah just to complete the base upgrades i'll get this swarmer influence oh and it looks like i'm gonna get a bug that can make new colonies to give me more bugs all right this yeah i like this what i do just drop this down and then i go hey build it right there what are all these other things i can build what is all this goop going on is the goop good or is the group bad good for me bad for humans probably that one oh wow and the influence is actually paying off the entire swarm is moving towards my pin now before i could get like half of them and then the others would just eventually follow but no this is really good all right place a hive down there whenever i get a builder if i could because then i can think i can just disable spawning on that one and then my builders will come over here right oh i see this is my attacker pin this is my builder pin huh a new level of strategy just got put in this game that i was not ready for that's fine who needs strategy when you just have a swarm of death bugs the overwhelming numbers is my strategy did this guy ever get built no god my builders suck huh it's fine i still won so i think the swarm capacity controls how many bugs spawn in so if i were to upgrade that twice i can have pretty much double the amount of bugs now which will be perfect heading into this six out of ten painful experience it never said for who though the humans are me although i kind of have an idea might builder bugs just explode themselves on the hive is that what goes on that doesn't make much sense but i just made another swarmer and now if i allow nutrient goo i think my builders will blow themselves up causing the swarms to get nutrients out of it which just lets me spawn a whole bunch of guys all right begin the onslaught if possible i'd like to make another hive there and one right up there also go begin the attack i've got a just absolute influence and rush of bugs right now if i break these really big cathedrals the humans stop spawning which means i should be able to just wipe everyone who's up here in the game of chess sacrifices must be made as for me this isn't chess i just like making sacrifices to get what i want you think i should name each of these bugs nope doesn't matter that 6 out of 10 was super easy all right is that area 2 this is scary there's an 8 out of 10 here i'm sure it'll be fine especially if i just boost my swarm capacity up three more times kind of like my plan of just placing down a couple of hives and having my builders well build them i can have a 280 swarm capacity this will be fun the builders will complete the extra spawners and then the builders will start blowing themselves up to drop nutrient goo on the ground allowing me to spawn a lot lot quicker and then i can just send my bugs to the onslaught or those turrets maybe we'll go up the right side then the humans are evolving they've figured out how walls and turrets work huh yeah don't think it's working well enough though looks like they're yeah this is this is murder this is death all right takes about two minutes per level that should be able to get through this extremely easily then what are these guys is this the heavy from tf2 what's going on here it also doesn't look like there's 223 bugs on my screen maybe that's because they're all standing on top of each other though too ah whatever an attack force is an attack force although that's a lot of gunman i guess we both took our time spying stuff in and that might not have been the best call that's fine murdering the gunman is that a flamethrower oh these guys are detrimental to me look at how many bugs i lose whenever they just start hitting oh my gosh add to the attack please can we rush to their building this is fine it looks like i'm not really able to make that much progress this is what i get for making that two minute remark i think it also means i need hives right here i'm doing what's known as funneling in and i don't want to do that anymore let's find out my new four spawners are almost completed delicious time to go murder hey stupid little enemies get ready to be overwhelmed by 280 trillion bugs now oh the turrets hurt so bad oh no that's fine once they start losing their flamethrower guys it all goes downhill for them i don't like that i'm getting shot at from up top though so we're gonna clear this area next funnel them into the corner and then they no longer have any chance at victory especially if i do something like this just work on those hives little builder bugs i wish i could control what spawned because i need more attack bugs but i just keep getting building bugs instead and oh if i break that turret right there too it's all gonna open up i think they're actually killing me more than i'm spawning but all the flamethrower guys are down oh no two more just spawned in that's fine break the turrets yes the turrets died that's all i needed we win increase the attack power and let the fun commence this level was actually difficult and took a little bit of strategy and i lost 2700 bugs oh my gosh that's okay though i have three evolutions and i also have a new bug oh yeah and i could get nutrients from destroyed buildings and now my builders can make sacks for more nutrients which means i can spawn more more more and more wait the defenders can spit acid and i just send my defenders on like an onslaught mission my other bugs group up here all my main attackers group up over there my builders group up down here because you guys are gonna make these little meat sacks for me and then i can put a bunch of spawners down too and i didn't realize how big this area was oh my gosh that's fine i'll just send my little attack force to this tiny little cubby hole and i'll just hope my builders can hurry it up wow this attack force is extremely good okay was not expecting it to work that quickly look at the very slow army of defenders that i have they're like my little scouts if i just leave this entire top left area alone too i can make a bug building crazy army yeah like this works out great especially if i just do something like this it took me a second but my acid shooters are here which means i just take over this area with ease did they willingly open the wall are they coming down here to try and destroy my hives what's going on i didn't even see that happened oh man well now i'm angry and for that everyone's dying i will say having the defenders being able to combat these flamethrowers is the best decision i've ever made i just need spawns to be closer they have to run the entire map length all i need is one of these things to get completed i need to upgrade my builders i think oh there we go it's about to get heated oh yeah look there's my second spawner down and my third should be happening any second now thank you that fourth will be done before you know it and when that is we can start a fifth sixth i now have my builders forming just nutrients for me and then everyone else is on the attack but speaking of which if i just give them more attack damage can i wipe this oh i just took one building screw the nutrients full on frontal assault now go my ranged attackers you're my only hope it looks like that building's about to break and it just did which means we win just give up you stupid heavy this one man has no idea what's about to happen to him now this is getting fun it looks like i can make builders twice as effective and those postings give me double the amount of nutrients oh and this is a six out of ten with three upgrades don't mind if i do so i think the best way to start out is to immediately place a hive down as for everyone else might as well just try and send them up here because as long as my builders stay back well things can get fun because since i can't really control what's happening this is just a different way to do it all my other bugs will die or make successful advances and my builders will stay alive down here while building now it's just a nice little waiting game quick side note these weird little pulsating orbs are just disgusting oh and i broke one of the walls we have progress which is where the next part of the plane comes in of making three more spawners this is disgusting to look at but it's really really effective for every square my guys take i get that much stronger we broke through the first wall without me even realizing it there's still a lot more to go though oh my gosh that's fine i think each one of these things gives me four and five nutrients about every uh four and five seconds so once i take all these sweet delicious buildings well the next part of the plan can commence which is just moving my spawners closer to the enemy i have 14 000 nutrients let's get to killing friends you just beautiful beautiful bug army sweet pulsating nutrient form sweet pulsating nutrient form was my nickname in high school really at this point i don't know how effective my little tiny bugs are i mean the swarmers have one health and two damage these guys have ten health and two damage and ranged attacks i almost wonder if i'd be better off getting that disabling bug upgrade and just making it where i only have defenders because we just successfully took the top area so now there's one more left you know honestly i could build those closer sweet sweet advancement baby look at all of the green oh i need to make my swarm capacity max i need a 700 bug army also just remember if i allow nutrient goo my builders will essentially wipe themselves which means i get more attack bugs it's like i'm looking at a green magic eraser which looks like the flamethrowers are actually stopping me which means it's once again time to move it closer spawn immediately run into fire murder i have a deathly deathly fear of the ocean and a deathly deathly fear of all bugs but something about being able to control them just seems right and three upgrades achieved now if i'm not a mistake if i do large spawn size and then selective breeding and unlocking this spore launcher things should get fun i mean only two upgrades for a seven out of ten i feel like i'm being robbed that's fine only builders spawn in for a second that's just gonna make this process go a lot quicker look at all the nutrient farms i already have i'm just only mass spawning builders all right time to let my little uh purple skitter guys come out because these humans over here are getting curious but now that i've built all this i can disable builders now so now only swarmers will come out and i'll send builders and swarmers up top just for a little preemptive attack actually let me get these spore launchers down too i haven't really used these but this kind of just immediately protects my home base i think how you doing swarmers doing good looks like you guys hit a stalemate there that's fine i'll change that in a second disable swarmers back to builders i should lose troops at a very very fast rate or at least i thought i was all i know is my builders are completing these spore launchers at a very very fast rate and then disabled now if i only toggle defenders to spawn how wacky do you think this can get a ton of health a ton of damage and if anything shoots them they shoot it right back oh and my swarm has apparently wiped this town i didn't even realize that good job guys i had completely written you off i've essentially created what is the attack on titan rumbling and man is it beautiful now i'll go back to disabling defenders and making builders again because we've wiped this down the lower left town so we need to make closer spawners i wish i could get even more selective with it and choose which spawner spawned what that would truly make my life easy not like it isn't extremely easy already actually ah screw it defenders do your best to wipe this town i don't actually know if this will work out super well or not i mean this is literally again the rumbling so maybe whenever i get my six new guys up here it will okay maybe i should have just been super confident in my abilities this is going great these are the only two spawner buildings left well sorry one broke when i said that and the other one just broke maybe cancel these spawners all builders report over here the defenders team has wiped out everything all that's left is for my builder team to just start doing this yep there's one spawner spawned a bunch of builders which then allow me to make another spawner and then i can start summoning defenders here and i just actually did a pincer attack these poor poor souls never had a chance ah sweet sweet victory i think really what i need now is insane swarm capacity along with making my defenders faster and this is an 8 out of 10 which is the most difficult level yet i'm sure it'll be fine right let's go ahead and lay the groundwork summon a bunch of builders to get more spawners to get more builders and then make my little group of spore launchers because these things just rushed at me a bunch of jerks i think if we do something like that it should be fine and while they go build all my turrets and die to turrets i can get all my nutrients and then the green army can come out once again i do also want to toggle swarmers because i can just send these guys up here to take this section also i realize i need my builders to die so i'll allow nutrient goo and just clicked him in the main center alright swarmers go take that building for me defenders well go do your acid suicide tactics so far working out great i do think it would be a good idea to put some spawners here though so i do need to bring builders back into the just rotation actually my defenders are kind of carrying going through this it's really this bottom section that i need to be somewhat worried about but if i just do something like that then my defenders and builders that spawn down here can take out these things as they try and approach and destroy my nutrient farm those jerks and then my tiny little brown bugs can just self-implode to make the beautiful beautiful spawners that i need which then lets me summon out my army of defenders yet again which you know if i toggle my defender spawns off for a second i think some death and murder is gonna happen cause they kind of have again that magic eraser effect going on up here and i screw it might as well bring my normal guys back out too the main thing was i just wanted these spawners to be active because this is where the action's at and there's a lot of turrets over here and you know i think this just worked out way too well this was an eight out of ten really i didn't feel a single second of stress well we're on to area three though how many areas are there in this game oh well this is a three out of ten and it's called cockroach town and it doesn't really wait those are tanks you know looks like things might have just gotten a bit interesting oh but you know if i do this then i can unlock the warrior tanks meet your demise
Channel: ImCade
Views: 120,693
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cade, imcade, iamcade, indie, pc, funny, gameplay, buggos, buggos ultimate bugs, buggos sentient bugs, Ending Humanity With AN EVIL BUG ARMY, buggos best strategy, buggos guide, buggos gameplay, buggos imcade, imcade buggos, buggos best bugs
Id: ocDVBaKsuRw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 32sec (992 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 08 2022
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