Upgrading An Idiot Into A God

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today i'm a potato of a different kind and we're gonna make him overpowered and we're gonna start with the offensive ability though five llama balls that deal five damage each and we're gonna get a shield protects you from attacks i i don't know what that one is take that butterflies okay this passive ability i can use it like that and if i do uh block and hit it will use up on energy though i took damage there so that wasn't super good not to worry though because i'm starting to learn what the enemies do we need to pick a path through this dungeon i think i want to go down a floor because then i go through the red guy and then also the winged uh ball i don't know what those are what those do but i'm kind of nervous to touch that what do you do nothing oh okay so you're just uh very scary you give me those that's health so we'll take that okay so this is actually gonna be a little bit harder then we'll just drop down here recklessly and we're good back to some enemies so we're just going to keep swinging away i can block projectiles if i'm swinging so that's going to keep me really stupid you sit down there next is an angry red guy room so we're going to be a little bit careful about how we maneuver through this but if we go like that you die i'm not really sure what our damage is at right now i do have my offense offensive ability and i could also just stay airborne here a little bit by going like that and so we'll just bust in and kill everyone that's a little bit easier and more my style uh you however are going to be annoying but you can't really attack me anyway but that way and then we get a room full of drugs we could take technology armor or hp i'm taking hp and then we get to pick what boss fight we get we could either get more future injections uh plus 10 piggy bank or chess give one additional item i kind of like the sound of that i do think that means a harder boss fight but i've made worse choices before have some of those for a second until we figure out what we're fighting just keep swinging just keep swinging killing things as we go we're gonna brush through those just keep fighting just keep swinging okay we took one hit there not good we've been through worse can we hit you there's two of you now so let's just stay right here in your guys's face and throw some of those out and what are you let's just kill them right away not give anything a chance even swan yeah the quicker we kill things the safer we are and now chess give one additional item so we need to look for chess oh look i love her i kind of like the sound of this armor plus three armor plus three strength plus twenty percent attack speed so that's gonna be nice in many regards okay i was in a map and i didn't realize the enemies could move between levels at least these ones can very uh very good so we've already used up one of our precious armor anyways i was going to look for treasure chests and there's one below there's also a weapon floor which is interesting i don't think i can get them both though so we're going to go down right right down then we're going to push through a whole bunch of enemies uh these trap floors actually can be pretty difficult to navigate so we're gonna do our best this one actually isn't that bad all things considered we just need to time this right this one's easy and it's back to fighting enemies which i much prefer to trap floors because i feel like i can handle these fairly easily generally that guy's only got one iron stupid oh he hit me though but now we're gonna get whatever these are we could get metal cannon we could get a passive or plus two technology uh i think we'll take this just because it's a passive i don't really know what a lot of those do anyway i mostly wanted the treasure chest so we're gonna open now we get two items which is one of the things we just gave up uh passive deal seven damage to all enemies when you take damage perfect i have a habit of taking damage a lot that's not a huge bit but against bosses that might be good i'm gonna take this just because it has the passive of two max energy and ten percent attack speed whereas the old one had no passives extra energy just means i can use my abilities more whether that's defensive or offensive i don't uh use my uh defensive abilities a lot surprisingly because uh well i'm all gas and no brakes uh cleared out that room i've lost all of my armor but that's okay that's kind of what it's there for i accidentally just use my ability so i might as well use it again just to see what it does okay you're dead you guys are going to be dead now i'm starting to learn how things work much easier okay this room is actually a little bit stressful because i just i thought i could kill them before they could get an attack off i was wrong these guys i'm pretty sure i can because they just fly around being annoying for hp left i can do this because now we're coming up to a boss so we get to pick what we want um so maybe we'll take addict just because that's gonna be the easiest choice and we get some heals here and it should make for the easiest boss fight i'm gonna uh just kind of stay way away from the spikes if i can okay those aren't that bad i know how to dodge those these guys are a little bit annoying so let's just kill them right here if we can okay you're gonna die you're gonna die and then we're gonna try and block that didn't do a very good job of that but i'm pretty sure you might be the last enemy another boss fight complete didn't make that look very easy but double the effect of future injections now we got money to spend uh we could put another outfit on that would give us 202 strength we could also buy this it's passive plus three vampirism minus one max hp i think we're gonna take that because we'll get uh every so many hits we get health back and then we'll maybe take this that just gives us hp then we'll also take this plus two armor plus two strength that'll eat us a few hits then this is what the next levels look like so we gotta pick our path through i think we're gonna go down the floor to deal with all those enemies no we're gonna go straight through to the weapon one so we just kind of gotta find a way to get through all this without getting hurt without getting hurt much oh oh i mishanded all of this but we're okay we made it to here we lost our armor doing that but these are actually pretty hard to get through like i can go to here but this climb is going to be a little bit difficult is it not okay we got enemies here somewhere these dummies i just used to get my energy back if i want them this is this is traps and enemies that lied to me uh okay so he hatched out of there that's actually really hard to deal with oh what what what just happened how did i get over here okay well that's fine i guess i definitely got hit there because i just teleported okay well we're just going to uh very aggressively push through wow this is actually really hard so we're going to go over here like look look at all the stuff you have the time to do this and i don't know if i can sit under here okay so we need to let those go and then we'll go out right into that right good job one health left but we get a weapon now which is really just offensive abilities i wish i knew that better and i don't want any of these because mine has a better uh passive whoops all right well i guess i'm taking nothing all right let's hope for some heals in this room then because uh okay this is kind of outrageously hard okay i definitely took a hit there and we got experience though and we leveled up okay i've got another good run going based on this strong bones block one hit in every room that's kind of like regenerating armor so now i'm gonna get extra complacent about what i'm doing and i already hate this because those guys are there but i'm pretty sure i can jump through give myself a little bit of space and their dad didn't have to use up my hip or room there's a challenge room in front of me i'm kind of tempted to do that but i'm also kind of not so we'll just do the enemy rooms instead plus as i enter rooms an enemy is supposed to be marked and if i kill them first i get extra coins if i don't i lose coins which is a little bit hard in a room like this yeah because it takes a second to see which enemy it is i'm supposed to kill not only frame to attack and then i can kill him without issue and then i get extra coins and then it's just a matter of dealing with the idiot with this syringe in his head he spawns those which die in one hit and we're good then we visit the devil we could do something where pets deal 10 more damage we could take more attack speed we'll take attack speed not sure what happened there then we're gonna go downstairs for an injection uh we're gonna take max hp so we're sitting pretty strong okay so you're the guy i gotta kill so good we got extra coins and then you're dead then we're in a mystery room so let's find out who we gotta kill first which is apparently you okay which isn't super easy but we actually did that somehow we might have just used up our free head but we're getting pretty rich doing this and because there's steps i can just sit right here i think to kill these guys i would use my ability but i really don't have to against this guy he just spawns them who die okay you have to die first which is already done oh didn't think he could get over that we get a free hit in these rooms now so i can really be a little bit more uh adventurous to get through them uh i think for the most part actually i can just kind of run past these actually and then we get to pick here 50 chance to block trap damage i think is probably what we want that might sound stupid but trap damage is like everything to me oh meatball that was my ability i jumped right into him that wasn't super good i gotta really start memorizing like how the enemies act okay we hit him with the meatball he's dead didn't kill him yet but he's about to die i'm gonna get away from everyone for a sec okay so far he's so good actually you're dead we're gonna move away from that get under you kill you oops we ran into the trap because of course we did i just realized suddenly how much armor and stuff i have though that kind of gives me a lot of confidence that i shouldn't have five armor eight health in a 50 chance to block traps plus just a lot of money nothing here is super good i don't know what charisma does i just win more coins for winning arena fights that's like an investment moving forward because i already make extra money there's a few here that i like the five percent damage repeat but i want the ropes that's going to give me three armor and one max energy for as long as it lasts so look at all that armor okay which one is idiots do i need to kill first okay i don't know where okay i gotta move or i'm gonna get hit i don't know where the first idiot is these zooms get so difficult so fast did i just take a hit i think i did so i'm just gonna have to kill this guy i think because i can't risk it now i don't have a lot of coins to lose anyway so yeah he's dead good so i think for these i'm just going to go below them or i can just kill them without having to dodge things a billion times over then there's one of these guys up top that's not that bad though because i just need to sidestep them ooh a chest that gave me one armor gained five seconds of invulnerability when you enter a room that's also very interesting i actually really like that i'm gonna use that because i'm just gonna charge two things now then we need to decide are right through this i think i'm gonna go up and then over where's my first idiot did i get him first i'm invulnerable still right it's a little bit hard to see when the invulnerability runs out and stuff but then again i just don't really know what to look for either but i know i'm invulnerable for five seconds plus i get a free hit plus traps have a 50 chance to not hit me so i finally have the toughness i need i think i'm gonna take the spear for now i lose my meatball which loses the max hp but i think i'm tough enough to get away with that do i take this for an extra three armor i think i'm going to okay i'm invulnerable for sex so let's kill him got him so we got extra coins for that this guy's easy the traps are always so annoying because i never see them until it's too late but i have 11 armor so should be good to go get health there if you want it we don't even need it but all right who we killing first not you not you okay you up top sure we can kill you first got him well i'm not gonna try and uh find the bounty hunter guy in this one i'm just gonna kill anyone i can because yeah this room's a disaster he threw his arrow so he gets to die uh you get to die then the bounty under guy is clearly well gone i think this is an easy room whoopsie oh okay how are we gonna bounty hunt that guy out of all of them can we get to him sort of not really i killed someone does that count okay back to the boss type thing uh some of these are good killing critters restores three times more energy yes okay time once again for a boss fight but we're invulnerable for five seconds to start i think so let's make that work for us miss with my big shot which kind of sucks come on just take through it so far so good okay you're gonna die you're gonna die you're dead also you we're doing lots of damage too i think good so far so good it's mostly just those guys which are kind of annoying but also not that bad once i kind of get in the rhythm of them that was easy and there we go killing critters gives us three times more energy plus we have five hundred dollars to spend i don't love any of these so we're gonna pull this okay spicy food 25 chance to poop for 12 damage when you attack down okay that just gives you an extra attack we're also going to take this for 20 thorns one vampirism uh this is a skull and crossbones so okay i guess it's like a challenge room i'm vulnerable for uh five seconds so so you can have that yeah i can see what's the challenge room with the boss fight in itself so we're just going to make our way through this if we can wow this is actually really really hard to do gotcha with that so wow okay i don't know what to do just keep dodging is he dead oh now there's two of them great not at all stressful or hard so far i'm doing it though and especially if i keep stabbing with my stabby he just keeps swinging the sword that sound keeps making me think that i'm getting hurt for some reason but it's not okay i think i got him that was stressful 50 chance to take one damage at the start of the rooms can't kill you plus 30 piggy bank i don't know what that means so i'm not gonna touch it i think my invulnerability might block that but since i'm not sure i'm not going to risk it not really sure where i am but there's a treasure chest if i go down then straight across which shouldn't be that hard there's the first enemy we need to kill there's definitely no idiots so that's stressful but we killed him so there's our money we're already rich again so we'll use that invulnerability to our advantage to find are we supposed to kill oh you up top that's gonna be hard to get never mind got em who would have thought and vulnerability would make it so easy so you've got a shield so you can't attack but that's kind of easy to get around okay and again there's our target he's over there he's kind of in a weird spot i'm trying to make the poop thing happen there it is it's at one in four chances i think so clearly luck isn't really on our side but i just wanted to accomplish this just to say i did come on is it only is there only one at a time okay that's fine i'll just go down there then and kill them okay got you and you okay now we're good to go again so this guy's gonna do that we just go behind him and kill him the poop can just hang out there okay so these traps actually follow me now so that's not super uh fun we're just gonna go like that and yeah i really gotta remember my invulnerability at first too like i should just be charging into these rooms and going for it because nothing can hurt me for the first little bit anyway but here's your treasure chest what do we got what is this torture six max hp full heal before arenas and bosses could no longer recover hp in other ways i'll take that for now simply because i've got so much armor anyways that i think i could use that to my advantage next i'm just gonna go for heroic aura probably should remember to have a defensive shield i can use too but we're uh healed again so let's just dive into this boss fight and kill everything we've done because we're invincible first up stabbing things also along the way you explode when you die you don't so we'll get behind you guys get behind you guys just keep swinging at things out walked into that still got lots of armor those are going to get super annoying i didn't realize the turret at the top of the map so we're going to stab you guys to death and finish ow you off all right we're starting to take more damage than we want to be uh okay we got our uh spear back if we want to stab that turret at the top well the bullets in general are kind of what's getting me on this floor but we did it we still got five armor plus 450 things we're going to take 20 attack speed minus 1 max hp a 5 chance to block incoming attacks and maybe this enemies explode on death for 6 damage maybe that's not a ton of damage you take one damage right now plus 10 thorns yeah i'm pretty sure we blocked that anyway maybe not okay anyways let's get the guy who we're gonna get paid to kill and then we'll slowly kill everyone else or quickly these rooms are definitely getting stupidly harder i don't know what most these enemies do anymore i'm just kind of getting in there to fight them alright looking at the route we can go up for a treasure chest let's go for that one okay the guy we gotta kill first was right in my face not sure if we actually got him there or not but we killed something these guys are getting tough too uh we need more damage maybe but we can poop on them that didn't actually do a lot i'm gonna lower them down because i don't think they can walk upstairs so then if i sit over here i can just kill them as i please okay the one we gotta kill is that one got him so then let's just use our invulnerability to kill everything we can then we get our treasure chest which has one of these plus six strength plus minus eight technology i don't think we need technology anyways my spear scales with strength and bloody shield so good back to bounty hunting gotta kill this big guy apparently uh should not be too hard i think not sure if i got him first or not but he is dead a new room new problems i don't know if that counted or not i just decided to spear them because i wanted to be lazy uh this is a trap room would be nice to get through whatever i'm invincible for a sec so let's just yep plus 20 damage in arenas alright let's have another oh this isn't gonna be super fun i can already tell i'm vulnerable for a second not for super long though so we're just gonna have to keep killing everything we can while trying to avoid damage basically there's no more strategy anymore i'm just charging straight at everything if i get them to group up i can spear them for a lot the spear does a lot okay we're good uh the traps in the middle keep kind of getting the better of me so i need to stay away from those we'll kill these guys because they don't seem that dangerous wow there's just a lot to kill here okay uh i still got some uh armor but it's not gonna last forever these guys are clearly a boost to someone else or something because i don't think they really do anything it's a little bit hard to tell though amongst all the chaos i almost lost my armor but i killed him reflected trap projectiles do 50 more damage that's kind of cool and i have a lot of money so i might as well buy it 10 damage against bosses sure not really sure where the boss is i guess that counted as the boss what we just spot and maybe this using an ability as a 10 chance of restoring an energy then back to my bounty hunting ways perfect i don't know what these enemies do so i'm just gonna kind of hopefully not get too much damage from them oh there's another one didn't even see you up here don't really know what you do so die okay the very next room i was getting a little too complacent and i lost all of my armor because i just wasn't killing things like i should have been here's another treasure chest though armed with something i don't really want okay we gotta kill the guy up there i missed him entirely but well we killed him eventually sort of and i managed what is that guy there's a big boy down there i think i'd probably just spear him to death mostly they're getting tough my spirit didn't even kill him this is a trap room uh i have invulnerability so i might as well just cruise on through that mostly this is a little bit of an everything room which is pretty stressful so we're just gonna get in there and uh lose our shield but we got them dead okay another room but i think i got them so we're back up to 400 something dollars i see what these guys do now they just lay land mines everywhere uh this is another basically the same trap room so i'm gonna use my vulnerability to my uh advantage and just ow okay i did take a hit at the end uh let's go for this one max hp three three strength three technology and a whole lot of money plus i get healed here uh this is going to be a tough one but i do get extra damage for bosses now i've already taken a lot of damage uh okay this is overwhelming i wish i had my armor still but we'll make do probably oh i just saw my health we won't make do i'm uh probably about to die um i got my spear again gotcha and that guy's gonna explode when he dies okay that guy dropping hoops everywhere okay there's kind of a pattern that's keeping me safe sort of we're gonna have an exploding poop guy here though so avoid that at all costs one health left and i collided and we died but i got a lot of experience so next time i'm always stronger ah
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 622,238
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: NCljks-1IEM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 53sec (1133 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 15 2022
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