I EVOLVED Into A MONSTER To Save Everyone in Venture To The Vile

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welcome my friends to a weird one this is game called venture to the vial where our objective is to absorb boss powers and evolve ourselves I always like doing that I don't want to spoil the entire game for you but it is a 2.5d Metroid Venia stuck in the Victorian era or something similar to it also the game just did come out today on Steam so there's a link in the video description if you want to pick it up it was developed by like former Triple A developers so it's really really well done and it's got that Indie feel too H press the left bumper to continue conversation don't stand on ceremony go on and take it take what this mask oh I get to level up my little antlers check those out neat okay give me new antlers oh so we're all like humans but we wear masks perfect can you look so grown up just like your dad long before you're strapping lad just like him is that him on the wall I bet it is look at that picture oh Ella came by earlier you were asleep but you can catch up to her now run along or is that Dad on the wall That's dark you have antlers you're your dear people but you have antlers on the wall yikes so there's also a ton of people to meet in this game I don't really want to spoil the entire backstory for you I want you to kind of play it on your own but oh what is this walrus Jr missed the window what hold on you're just chucking apples at the window for stealing your you jerks I don't like Mr walrus boy what do we have here oh hello fine people of rainy barook oh boy he's going to be a snake oy old salesman isn't he is he a vulture H scientific breakthrough will change your lives everyone's got different masks that's awesome hello doggy man potential limitations uh-huh see pollution of smoke which further blackens our lungs yeah that makes sense and we see gasly emissions from the trains leading to ailments also makes sense okay I'm kind of with this guy the graves of the miners fill up the weeping willow which must be where their graves are proudly funded by a benefactor okay so Mr muskrat must be a battery power interesting Mr muskrat must be like a bad guy I'm guessing biochemistry using fruit of our town apples huh create a CL power supply that's kind of unique wonder how you make power out of apples power the vast Machinery of the future okay I'm done talking to him let's explore a little bit more we need to find Ella hello is that a fish it is they' got a fish on the wall cool and there's like uh maybe that's where the sparrow oh and the Goat people live here oh hello who are you oh that's Ella thought you'd never get up well well aren't you looking a bit more noble St Majestic antlers yeah oh Critter fishing okay Critter fishing that must be our job we have to catch our quota for the day H oh and speaking of Critter fishing here's our first trap anything in that one how do you oh here's one nope baited and empty next one's further down all right I have a feeling we're going to catch something nasty in this all right this area is kind of cool we have a dam I always like giant blocks that block rivers and water that used to be my job if you didn't know I was a hydro and hydraulic engineer oh where are we now that was disappointing still better than digging the Black Hills oh yeah so Critter fishing is better than mining for sure why are you going to the bush hold on just gonna pick up the bush and move it sure come along we'll get to the den soon what's the den oh what is this thing now what is this it's like a little fort you all right oh keep forgetting about your lungs do we have bad lungs the roof's caved in catch your breath here fix the roof I'll do the traps oh we can do that I'll be back in two shakes of a lamb's tail okay so Ella must be a lamb goodbye lamb lady oh no it's the wallrus kid what do we have here little Buck has some new horns Shame about the lungs oh great because they're feeble his lungs you going to beat me up now I don't like you who are you walrus man what are you doing out here anyway nice of you to patch up our new den oh no so they've claimed our Hideout as their own shotty Builders he ask me my father could buy me one twice his size with a proper roof now sling your hook you're making the place look untidy great what are they going to do to me what's that you want to have a goat don't make me laugh your little goat is in here to protect you oh great throw the first punch okay he we start fighting X to attack oh nice uh-oh they just broke my horn off that was brand new did you see that Eric M I really don't like him bash is they're going to break my fort now oh no uhoh yeah get it m let's go home you're for it now run along little boys they're scared of Ella help me up I feel so sad that my anim broke though I'd call them clowns but they aren't even funny and I like clowns who really got you this time didn't he you all right though antler boy but you hadn't been ambushed I would have been a different story sit with me you look wobbly let's just sit here for a while I want to make sure the antler's oh she's really nice I like Ella she's my friend time passes as that time always does some grew a few feet higher others 6 feet lower H friendships too grow deeper over time though something else grows in the Wild Woods oh there's Ella and my antler is still [Music] broken right let's check these traps I've seen funny things growing too in the sounds I do not want to know what's making those sounds let's be quick hey did we get something oh there's another trap it's ruined and it smells foul go check the others quickly I'll meet you further in oh okay oh here's another one it's empty the bait is gone why are our traps so terrible trap is baited and empty my goodness we can't catch anything what's this one H trap is rued it smells foul something tored apart there's like this weird mushroomy thing going on too trap is in pieces strange fur lies around oh boy I'm not sure what's causing all this I haven't seen any other animals that one's been checked already but I do see like weird growths so it looks like we have one last trap to check it's this one another one busted uh-oh oh no don't hurt Ella came from the back it's getting dark the traps are wrecked let's go home I'd rather not find out what can do to that trap we can use the old bridge over the river oh no this is is bad I have a feeling Ella is going to not make it don't make me run I've got bad lungs okay all right Old Bridge don't don't no no no no no no you're going to be fine you're going to be fine that's a bit rickety but it held me it'll hold you you can do a brave St don't look down it's going to break it's going to break it's going to break it's going to break it's going to break it's going to break it's going to break I knew it was going to break I said it I called it no don't no no well then where are we mysterious Cave of Wonder and awe what is this place fragments of a broken mask lay lonely oh who who whoa what was that oh there's a body here bones of small creatures strewn about must been the creatures we were trying to capture in the traps whoa I don't like that thing do not like it at all keep on oh it's back again thankfully it's not going to catch me I've got plot armor right now although it is terrifying oh I'm going to have to battle it I bet uhhuh get up and up again we got this oh okay I knew it was going to grab me you can't hurt me you can't hurt me weird creature what are you I wouldn't want him eat me either this scratch the arm look like it did yeah he's hurt now does this mean is that one of the creatures I get to absorb it's power it might be maybe Ella will know something if she's still alive okay what's happening now oh passed out what where am I oh no is this oh this is the crazy Dr Crow he's the one trying to sell the stuff he awakes I did awake you look worse for the wear here take this it's a tonic that will work wonders for man of your stature go on take a drink no oh it's healing drop all right we're good neat healed up there work like a treat I knew it would well either that or would have killed you Stone dead no harm no foul lad he's a crazy he's crazy you're a very special case no one has returned from the vile my friend your friend Ella sadly my young rat catcher was never found it's been a month no not Ella and it's been a month we won't see her again the vial has seen to that oh no what was that fascinating need to take more samples when the subject is resting no don't take samples of me hello who are you what are you press X to attack dummy H out oh my goodness poor little guy little hamster man I'm in dire need of medical supplies be a good Chap and get them from the hospital out east my scapel is restless to meet your cadaver no F you can't do that okay what is this Sinister looking bubble interesting there's a lot of cool things here 36 days since the outbreak that's kind of when we went missing about a month ago right or Ella hasn't been seen in a month what does this mean examination one unconscious for a few days been missing over a month contamination of the vile however it's unlike any other form we have seen H so I have to go East to the what was it called hospital and I have to remember how to get there now looks like all of these businesses are closed a natural sounds coming from an old abandoned house can I go in there I just want to slab things just wanted signs everywhere please station's closed the Beagle man is in recovery uh-oh have you seen them I can't find them down in the dark school's out who are you hello taking Mr leaky for a stroll is that one of those mushroom things lost Mr fuz been so lonely okay the game just got super dark having a splendid time no don't play with that Teddy come home so I can find a teddy bear for the kid oh wow here's here's a shrine of everyone that's been lost whoa Beaver Luca wow a whole bunch of people from that family that's crazy I'm I'm scared of whatever the file is but I mean I'm part of it now okay I think I'm getting close to the hospital doc said someone would come this way I wasn't expecting a bit more strapping but important the storm R going in there rather you than me oh great he checking on Kevin he's mostly friendly oh if you don't touch him or make eye contact seems good for a name Kevin all right go to number 37 okay uh school for wayward children wow oh my goodness wasn't that must be Kevin Hey bad o wasn't expecting to get stabbed I also just got 15 things H interesting ha another one okay I need to level up my skills a little more oh a wreaking Pelt that was my nickname in high school where is the hospital at hospital gracious ANS infirmary right that way okay we go that way there's also what's over here Oak Towers we need to go to the doctor's office ha get dead nice whoa what is this thing who Dodge that all right there's also a Parry if I remember right okay we got to dodge back oh there's the Parry I should have checked my uh oh okay pop pop pop okay that hurt actually we'll drink one of our potions to heal up good he gave us a small claw this is 30 room 30 we need to go to 37 to meet Kevin but maybe there's some fun stuff in this one oh there might have been something in here hello oh what is this thing I will chop that up nice that's a whole bunch of resources very cool who look at that thing nope I don't know what that is but it's kind of cool looking it's like no oh I killed it that was wild okay 32 uh-oh can I not get up there I can't I got another way in I wonder if that's what I need to go through these houses it could have been there was an exit far to the right there's the exit okay the end is nigh where's room 37 that's 33 I keep going okay here's number 37 I'm guessing we have to go into oh hello whoa whoa are you friendly I don't think so I'm going in I don't think anything in this game is friendly except Ella she was my only [Music] friend okay found my way in through a back door what is this dibs Kevin's caller uh-oh it looks like the back door is all ripped apart too why would Kevin have a collar on who's Kevin think I'm just going to drop down okay if I keep going right yeah there's nothing there we go back to the hospital now which should be down this path hello weird creature get stabbed neat going to stab this too what is this appears to be a night Bloom I'm guessing they bloom at night if I use my inductive skills my giant brain oh good a camp we can save and heal [Music] up we get our tonic back so we can heal and unfortunately we're going into the hospital now hey stupid bird come here get wrecked nice and to gracious ANS infirmary we go okay this place gives me the heie jibbies already there's an elevator with the siren we have to get medical supplies okay I'm guessing it's not going to be in the front there's a creature above we can jump up there okay what does that say it's locked Ward key is needed we can get through here I will destroy whatever that is cuz it gives me loot oh and what is that rotten feathers yuck maybe the ward is back here oh this is cool cuz we're in like a oh we're in a second layer oh there's the ward key nice what does this say orderly notes it's been weeks since things went Tad wrong cases keep coming in patients seem to be sprouting or blooming I don't think I know the word for it one Labs Mr hair is grown so huge can barely restrain him took out my jaw last time someone dropped a kidney tray on the floor two weeks now we're overrun something is growing downstairs planted some f seeds has gone to the dogs I locked up and shut down all proper tight why are we going to open it oh the batteries no one is coming in ah I wonder if the batteries are causing this that would be an interesting situation okay I used the key to get in now I can go back to the right and open the door bad plan why am I opening the door to an infected Zone full of weird creatures probably because I get to some bluetoo oh shut that off it's annoying or it's pacifying all the creatures oh there's medical supplies up here that's what we need hello press the giant button I picked up a battery oh cool I can save here too ooh I got a good block there 1 2 2 three locked it nice that was cool hey Dingus get Dead Block I like that Parry attack H there's a puzzle here that I'm missing somehow I feel like I need to climb up I should probably drink these up H I have not been here yet we can go underneath oh yeah the ward said something was deep underground right there's a horseshoe I needed that for one of the side quests what is this boiler instruction hit the main reset switch it's annoying I know but after Jack Turtle nearly blew all roof off by himself needed to idiot proof it oh great okay I feel like I'm going to need to fix it somewhere else too and I'm guessing this stuff is spicy so don't touch the spicy water no touch spicy water oh just keep running oh wait keep going good oh that's going to come at the angle I can make it through did it okay that's off we need to go back and then up that ticking sound is also making me go crazy ow it was spicy I knew it would be okay these are fine wait wait I see one more I see one more got it music changed so that usually is a sign that we're a champion okay the boiler H what is this nice bunch of loot how do I get over here though that's what I really want let's see if we can go back a level and then go across so I do have a side quest somewhere to get horseshoes so I just need to find horseshoes which was where was that there's got to be another way down somewhere for those so I found another button I used the battery that opens up ah the elevator okay does that go up or down oh what is that that's not Ella please tell me no that's Kevin or Mr rabbit I'm going to have to go battle that whatever that thing was no I don't like it of course it even has elevator music why am I jumping up to the top of the rabbit gigantic rabbit ha ha ha block it oh that was close to not being a good block oh good that was better what is this place okay I got another safe spot uh execute a back step yeah I know that thank you why does it want me to execute a back step why are you telling me that now what is this okay giant crazy rabbit guy but if I kill him I get get to take his powers right oh man I think it's telling me to use the back step here probably because I need to nope okay that's exactly why whoop whoop all right all right no nope wrong way hey that's fine oh okay big kick let's heal I don't not good at bosses nope nope nope okay I see the ground I see the ground ha who and then ow Okay jump over it heal again okay we're full health I don't have any idea how many okay we can't we don't have like uh what are they called nope okay not so bad not so bad not so bad no bad rabbit bad Kevin okay cut it cut it cut it cut it cut it cut it cut it cut it I got this back ha back back back die die what are you doing okay we learned important lessons Giant vile filled rabbits are crazy but I think now that I know what I'm doing I should be able to do a little better at thisuh oh I wonder if I can Parry you too but we don't really need to uhhuh nope okay I was think I think we might have inv oh there every we can Parry it all right got you no back back back back not so hard now are you big scary rabbit uh-oh I'm stuck in a corner what are you doing what are you doing okay it's down oh shoot I need to get past it what no stay away oh oh okay we're better now no stay away what are you doing no no no no no no no no no okay I just got stop and then who jump away that was better no there's junk on the ground junk on the ground okay ready and then Dodge Dodge yes okay stab stab stab oh stay away from the junk on the ground too I got this i got this no that wasn't that was not me getting it that was me dodging into it again oh all right nope ha nope okay nope nope nope why is it faster nope oh not this again okay oh I just got to run and then okay we're fine oh it's doing it again no no no no no okay you just why are you so bouncy you are a rabbit after all get you're annoying no okay get St no stop just get down here thank you no what are you doing what are you doing you just letting yourself down die oh I killed it I killed the giant weird oh it's grabbing me okay I got pulsating things on my legs does that mean I'm turning more into a nasty creature I have no idea what just happened but at least we killed the giant rabbit thing and there's a teddy bear back there is that actually Teddy there's another quest to find Teddy here I am oh unnatural velocity absorbed okay terrifying feeling courses through the body oh oh nice we get a yes double jump oh cool that's going to help me get a lot of things done like Escape that room M dirty I was wondering if we' get a double jump wait was that up no we can't go up ah and the medical supplies that we needed sick hi nope can't touch me ow if I die to that guy after killing that boss that would be so sad so I explored all through the hospital and I could not figure out a way to get that horseshoe downstairs we'll have to come back for that maybe once we have a better skills H it's also night time so we can get that night Blossom what is that why is there a giant moth don't like it staying away this is like don't touch the ground cuz it's lava game oh balls no NOP I can double jump now forgot about that woo hello what are you hello there must be around here somewhere oh give me a fright huh Story begins from RS to rich is weird let's save again that's going to change it today though isn't it no maybe not the flower is here I knew it would come out good came out at night time hang on you got the medicine you actually did it I guess that old fool beagle has a chance after all that count caims plans a bit oh he wants the head job of cop that's funny okay so we got the meds we can bring it back to the doctor hey Doc Ken you returned I mean welcome back gorgi forget about that thing I asked earlier and you have medicine fantastic shaping quite Splendid more than we asked for was asked yes take a seat on my table oh I don't like this oh you jerk drop me no no no gorgi I don't think he's dead like the others beside traps during the day might have Graz KNE what oh you know what uhhuh I want you to do something you're ring so much vile good for the belly think so breathe and think your legs in the pit how about I oh I can't can I double jump off the wall oh whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa okay press a to select a mutated viscera okay a natural velocity Wall Creeper yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I'm evolving oh I have so many points too okay Essence is attracted oh cool all right then we have other ones here oh I don't have enough points for these I need points for blood and then we have different items oh yeah there's the medicine we have the collar okay I used the box of Med oh he's not expecting me to get out of here is he so I can get through this gate too oh who's this many times I consider something vile is this gorgi gorgi did he kill gorgi I don't think I like Mr Crow oh get off the wall yes yes yes yes and yes why is gorgi on the floor here too wait hold on huh how many are there I might have to double jump up and then off yeah yep he's taking his time maybe graay his knee after what is down here why are there so many of gorgi oh boy peekaboo it's me look at he split here he is he made it through I knew you would I wouldn't have heard you you see far too valuable yes yes what about the others that you made go down there hostility is no harm for oh no graze knees let's get a good look at you see me what you have brought Cen found a specimen at pure vile more you bring the more I can understand it works well for you little dear I can give you more fortitude now go ahead and place a specimen onto the apparatus yes yes okay is this the apparatus pure vial going in Max Health upgrade coming on I'm a little bit scared of this why would I trust the guy after he drop me into a a trapped pit that's the real question uh I don't look any different do I or is my antler bigger can't quite tell wasn't too bad after all hardly any leakage only took a few hours you can stand the pain can't you only way out is through be sure to return with more valuable research specimens all right we can do that oh cool he gave me an extra heart at the top anyway my friends that'll do it for this first video of venture to the vial if you like this video make sure you check out that link Down Below in the video description and get this game for yourself it is very interesting and quite intriguing so I hope you will enjoy it also wanted to mention that this was a sponsored video so keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time and I'd like to thank all of my patrons and channel members including autod da Ben Dicky J Teddy hippius General Harris Trent M Cino Keegan H Lou c zarof maxer r BC Engineers CarX whiskey YH gun Jam Doug rules red d c scander d Payton plays fussy badge ritler Warrior link hu Kyler J Nitro Nitro w k Grim Reaper kitu Rob rugy terano and Abram Jeep
Channel: Blitz
Views: 224,816
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blitz, blitz plays, blits, blit, blotz, biltz, venture to the vile, venture game, venture to the vile gameplay
Id: JVDoIY2vw4U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 56sec (1796 seconds)
Published: Thu May 23 2024
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