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believe it or not we're going to use this crap to decimate the entire ocean but first I need to get my shell back from the shark luckily this isn't the first time I've had to upgrade a crab and we've already found our very first weapon so now we can start with the stabbing part of this adventure the way I look at this is the more things we stab the better off we're going to do we just find more stuff by murdering things and this looks valuable it's a crystal with a health bar I've just got to beat it up and I got three of whatever those things were plus we found a moon snail shell these shells are also where I level up and I see we can increase our attack at some point I just need more resources to be able to do it I started a fight with a watermelon so we're going to go ahead and murder this thing and take it shell which doesn't really actually F but that's okay there's always something else to murder and I assume every time I see something it's guarding something so we just need to attack everything we see and I found a Blood star limb a severed limb collect four more to increase Vitality so I think I will do just that as soon as we figure out how to murder the big crab who's also able to dodge now I just need to eliminate like every single creature in the ocean and then we can get back to picking up valuables this one finally dropped me something another bread claw those are valuable I also notice these heart-shaped Kelps around I'm pretty sure these I can use to heal myself so as long as I can uh avoid taking more damage than than I'm gaining by picking up those things we'll be fine the problem so far with a lot of the things I need to pick up is they're well guarded although we could rescue this tiny crap in need of help and since he's only being attacked by basic crabs I think we can take these out fairly easily and if I'm understanding this correctly so far I mostly just need a lot of attack power cuz so far I can mostly just overwhelm them with raw attack damage all of the morons have been defeated time for my reward another Blood star limb that would be great because every time something touches me I get absolutely wrecked but at the rate of killing things we're going to be rich I've gotten enough to level up once so we're going to go from 15 to 16 attack that's a 7% increase which means that I can now kill these guys in only three hits which is actually considerably better plus now I just feel like I have that intimidation Factor going on only two more of these to increase my Vitality again there's probably a few more Within eyesight uh I wandered way over here to a spot I maybe shouldn't have cuz now there's a giant uh monster attacking me uh oh I probably wondered whatever that was up there though might need to level up a little bit before we go fight things like that now apparently I need to go in there but I'm too naked to do so so they sent me over here to someone that's going to give me clothes I'm almost certain there's an obvious path I'm supposed to be following but I cannot stay focused in anyone Direction there is just too many shiny things distracting me I did not find the captain but I did find I did find the captain okay when I put that on I have either that or the plastic Poncho so now we are a captain there is also a glowing button maybe I shouldn't have pressed that or maybe that's actually okay those look valuable what are these a shell can give me lots of Defense apparently this might have been someone else's shell cuz we started a fight so now I have the ability to block where I basically just hide in my can which sounds like something I would do okay so he's going to attack fairly obviously and then we're going to miss with everything we got cuz we're way too far away he's going to hit me with that quite hard okay and he's absolutely destroying me we're going to get some heals in I think if I jump a lot I might be able to avoid a lot of his attacks okay jumping seems to be a pretty good avoidance of his attacks and we've knocked off 5% of his HP jump attack Okay jump attacks might be the key for this we can totally cheese this whole fight jump attack that one did not Dodge at all we're low on health luckily we still got some heals left so we're going try that again jump attack uh that also didn't work super well attack attack jump attack okay he broke my shell because I decided block and I think he just murdered me so I recovered all of my stuff including my Plastics there so if I can find one of the spots again I can actually level up right now wish I knew all of these were sitting right here there's actually three healing plants right behind where I died but I'm pretty sure I can actually just take my anger out on these guys cuz they're pretty weak uh he's got a double swing apparently but if I murder him we get some plastic we kill enough of these guys I level up now a key part of my strategy along with trying to cheese everything is going to be spending my plastic when I have it because if you die and then don't recover your stuff and die again you lose your plastic so you got to use it or lose it so this level up is going to cost 360 we have 470 so I could actually level up quite a bit we're going to take a little bit more HP that'll put us up to 55 HP and then I'm going to go and Bully all of the wildlife cuz we have a healing and Resurrection spot right there anyway and we get so many microplastics for killing these things I could just bully my way through them and because I don't learn anything I've already decided to pick a fight with an enormous crab who is absolutely destroying me and we're dead in what I would describe as a nonoptimal spot to die but I'm pretty sure I can actually grab that without really in Big Boy again so at least I get my stuff back and at least murder some regular fish might need some better stats and weapons before we get to properly fight this guy he does that and then he charges we'll leave him right over there where he's swinging at nothing while I pick up his treasure and move on that's plus three Vitality that's actually big uh they only give me their stats uh while I'm wearing a shell so I definitely need a shell but once we put on a shell plus three Vitality is Big cuz this game is not easy to survive my charge attack at this point is strong enough that I can almost one shot those guys when I actually hit them so I'm going to add plus one to resistance for leveling up this time that's going to decrease the damage my shell takes so those three Vitality are going to take me from 55 to 70 HP once I put a shell on that's actually huge also didn't realize I could climb Nets before so I can only imagine how many things I missed along the way so we're going to try to fight with idiot stick again especially now that I know where there's some extra heart Kelps around uh okay we can't actually go with the extra Kelps are so we're off to a less than great start so I need to use my Dodge and I need to use my Dodge didn't dodge there that's okay we take so much less damage with the shell on yeah run in circles actually that's perfect keep going in circles whoops Dodge too early attack attack attack attack I don't know when to dodge this one Dodge that didn't work uh I feel like it's getting harder to uh Dodge attack suddenly we need to heal really badly really badly okay we're going to put some heals in our mouth and run not to worry we've got a shell back on so when he goes to attack we could actually just go like that that actually works so maybe we should just be uh doing that the sh obviously has HP ah he has a back kick that are actually undodgeable or unblockable so just as I think I have some fun solution to things oh okay so he can just do that so it turns out when you can just block all of the attacks it works a lot better and when they're blinking apparently I can hit them with a Super Attack to knock them off balance but as you can see this battle is going a lot better even though he's running away so back he comes we're just going to block that and start hitting him with a few nothing this time I think I've about got him defeated and yeah we did that super easy first try and now we have a pop can shell that can you be used to defend myself plus we got a lot of plastic from that 82 the only thing I took away from that fight is that we need more attack power all right more attack power let's see how it goes so far we're able to knock that crab off balance for hits power attack and we both missed Power Attack got him one hit pretty sure I'm not supposed to be in here but that's never really stopped me before this person looks important the very important lady said I'm supposed to go somewhere to one of these doors and then up at there and then to find some things which I'm prettyy sure was this way past all of the danger plants barely certain I'm supposed to go this way because I'm pretty sure I'm supposed to get to this now we can grapple so now whenever I see these hooks I can bring myself straight up to them and wherever I want from there now apparently we need to work our way to the top of this Tower by climbing way up with our hook shot uh there's also uh Falling SE archin and all sorts of things to look out for along the way but we're just going to keep climbing up cuz there's always good things at the top pop like whatever this is a rusty nail so that plus4 attack uh minus three MSG attack we need three res to be able to do it I think I found what appears to be a bottle cap I doubt it's very good but we can use it actually it's not bad its defense is almost the same but it's also uh lighter I also found a barnacle that's going to give me plus 10 defense but I've only got three stars in total to use so we're probably going to stick with the sear for 15 extra HP and I completely forgot what I'm supposed to be doing so we're just going to keep going to along the path in front of us basic crabs I've been murdering me since I was a baby crab this suppos is no threat to me anymore okay here's a bigger shell this has 40 defense it's medium but has plus one something okay it's got plus one uh resistance or resilience whatever this is so if I get one more of those my rusty nail comes into play I don't know if I have a good feeling about the crab that appears to be holding a match next to what looks like flammable oil okay let's see what match uh crab has him oh he's actually okay he's way stronger than I gave him credit for should probably pay attention especially because I'm spawning all the way back here but since it did put me back here I can use that opportunity to use these old grappling hooks that I uh didn't use before and see where they'll take me I feel like I'm probably somewhat strong enough to take on one of these guys at this point oh yeah I forgot about his second attack I wonder if you're stuck down there can I get one n okay attack uh the shell is badly damaged we're going to swap into this one we're going to block good so far so good yep he ran away from Battle he was scared so this route seems to take us in this direction where we can find all sorts of treasure up here this is where 2500 microplastics that's a few levels if I knew where to turn that in at my biggest takeaway so far is that everything is extremely dangerous the weaker it looks the stronger it is like that over there that's a puffer fish with like a a prize bake attached to it I'm terrified of what that's going to do to me but I have also learned that when things are this color they are valuable one sponge plus 33% Umami regeneration we need 18 MMA sheep for that that's uh beyond what we have to be honest with you I'm going to ignore the puffer fish for now cuz I think it's probably going to oneshot me I feel like I'm not supposed to be here right now so we're just going to go ahead and Scoot along to the next uh wildly overly valuable item which is another crab revives once upon death at the cost of this stow away okay so that gives me a free regen so we'll probably use that when we're struggling against a boss uh I came up here on this ledge and there is all sorts of dangers that I mostly going to ignore I okay there's a health bar and we're fighting this thing appar wow destroyed my shell this isn't great uh okay well it is called the Royal shell splitter I suppose I feel like this would not be a good thing to fight right now but at the same time what was that okay we can hurt it just a little bit it could break my shell that's fine I didn't need that anyway few hits and we're going to get out of the way I don't have any heals either so this is a really stupid Bight to be taking but if we do that yeah it's going to break the shell but that's when we attack and do very little damage okay that pretty much one-shotted me goodbye that's obviously an optional boss we'll deal with that later but I did use the hooks to climb up to another one of these and there was some more hooks over to my right where we'll take to explore new things so we're going to follow all of these hooks all the way up to this very dangerous looking creature and use those to carry us down to another purple Crystal that we're going to use some more upgrades eventually now this place is pretty heavily fortified but I do see some hooks up there so as long as I'm playing on hooks I don't think I can be hurt not by these morons or anyone but this place is actually extremely well defended so I really need to be careful so I clearly need to grab that hook hello game got it now we'll go in here ooh what is this this has to be good all the way to the top a Blood star limb one more to collect Vitality the first few were easier to find than that one was but at least from here I can spot more treasure I just need to get past uh the puffer fish of Doom so we're just going to go right on by you and grab a chip claw 500 microplastics I'm not sure if this one is as strong as the uh former captain that we killed seems to have the same move set so far so we'll maybe take a bite out of this to see if we can defeat it so come here let me hit you a few times uh no weaker than the captain was for sure so we could probably just mostly just tank through this see if we can uh get off a strong hit never mind we're just going to yeah we're just going to go ahead and mostly tank through this miss me stupid and you're dead that was worth 100 microplastics my shell is very damaged all right I'm going to use my new found confidence to explore this area I avoided it earlier cuz I was scared of those guys now I'm not that worried about them decided to fight one of the big crabs again and I once again forgot about his second attack and also that one so we're going to get out of here before kills us and we don't lose our plastic next we need more attack we're going to level up again microplastics done okay jumping head to where we were earlier against this guy we're going to pick up our stuff and be on our way that way he can't hurt us and we just got 380 shells back and here's the safe Point literally right after so now I have a new type of spell that I can press control to use and that's the only way to defeat certain enemies then it's back to climbing a lot of Nets out of this Cavern they tried to have me looking the wrong way when there's a big purple Crystal right behind me and also a cork I can sit on I get the feeling that this Crabb down here is something a little bit special we're going to control attack him do little damage and we're just going to move right on by I've also now lowered that to make a shortcut which I think I could have done earlier but you know what why ever do things the easy way when you can do it all the hard way also there's no way I can resist going for whatever this is I thought that would be a bounce your jellyfish limp it plus two res so I think I can actually unequip the starfish and then I can put this this which will give me plus four attack and whatever I just got to together cuz this should give me plus four attack so long as I have it equipped and then I can even do another one star so nothing right now but our attack is all the way up to 22 that's 150% damage don't these look like they should be bouncy you land on it and as hard as concrete you don't actually bounce anywhere so it's really deceptive okay we've already learned that these crabs are high damage and really annoying to deal with so we're just going to grab some stuff and move past them for now it's way too vulnerable of a spot for me to bother with shot glass plus three attack wow that's actually huge give me that oh actually if I use this I don't get the bonus of my rusty nail I need the uh the bonus from the tin can to make it all work so we'll test it out against this guy he's going to uh bounce mly off my shell we're going to hit him 150% damage on a tough crab that's great not sure if this is a secret jellyfish or not uh it just kind of lower down beside me randomly when I wasn't paying attention and now we're way up here I do see a yellow gold glowy below me so we're definitely going to drop onto that cuz those are always good things perfect permanently increase the amount of heart Kel pods you can hold which is great those are what heals me and we finished our blood star so we're up to 80 Health we started at 50 so we have 50% Health 50% damage from where we started and that um that looks like a boss fight I'd feel better if I had more heals but I guess we're going to have to do with two it sure is a boss fight whoops meant to block that all right good start Good Start block that shell is badly damaged already got it okay time for little heal of course we can't run away meant to jump that cool we're after a good start so we're going to switch shells got a free there going to heal up a little bit I think this is more of a dodgy typee is uh we do plenty of damage to it when we do hit it Dodge so what is do Dodge okay's got a double attack triple attack qu duple attack okay good to know and Dodge I thought I dodged uh you know what it's not actually that bad one to actually get can we do a Power Attack please got the it's unbalanced I want to hit it or we could just die instead that's fine too I was going to say it's not that bad once you just sort of get the basic pattern of this and we also do a lot of damage so he'll attack attack and slam we go around the slam and poke him in the rear and he's dead and we got a pristine Pearl perfect for impressing royalty like myself [Music]
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 181,405
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: tDrnUCBIefw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 31sec (931 seconds)
Published: Mon May 06 2024
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