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respecting your enemy it's a funny line to walk because on one hand for mutually agreed upon combat It's usually the Best Manners possible to give respect to the person you're fighting and the reason that it shakes out that way is less to do with making sure that the person you're fighting likes you and more to do with the fact that you should never underestimate anybody you're fighting one they say that entering a fight angry is the shest way to make sure that you lose said fight as once you let your anger take over your brain you lose the ability to make rational choices and two by not showing respect to the person you're battling against you're underestimating their ability to beat you which can leave you open to surprises in counterattacks however this is only if the person you're battling against has a chance to beat you in a fight let's say you put me in the ring with a 2-year-old I could be as disrespectful as possible because there's no way that 2-year-old is beating me in a fight and if I was a kind of sociopathic narcissist who would fight a 2-year-olds then I wouldn't be too concerned with making sure the people were like oh but he was so respectful about it there's nothing respectful about trying to hit a 62 yard field goal with an infant's skull now fortunately in our reality fights with this level of disparity between the power levels of the two people in a fight rarely happen and if they do happen they're not being televised at least not to me and you however in non-real universes fights like this happen a lot fights where two or more people come into combat against each other with one party believing they are so massively more powerful than the person they're battling against that there's no reason to respect their opponent moments where characters enter a battle with such certainty that they're going to win the entire fight is just the flex on the person they're battling and really there's no anime where this happens more than Naruto see Naruto is known as the show where people get jumped that's why ninjas run in fourman teams they want to jump individuals and get the problem taken care of quickly and while there are plenty of respectful one-on-ones throughout Naruto's timeline the majority of the battles in Naruto do tend to be one person versus many however sometimes those many are fighting that one because that one is stronger than the many and it's moments like these that can lead to some of the coldest Flexes in anime history moments of such high disrespect that you can really only respect it because that's what absolute power buys you the ability to treat any and all enemies with no respect whatsoever however not all flexes are about a lack of respect some flexes are simply arbitrary gut reactions to an event that makes the person who just pulled it off look very powerful in fact some flexes are made out of respect for your opponent as an acknowledgement of the person you're fighting strength and it being much lower than yours is an act of respect so long as you're telling them to help them if I'm able to have a meaningful dialogue with a 2-year-old who just waddled into a boxing ring with me my first and probably only goal would be to somehow tell them that I am way too strong for them to fight and that if they try to fight me I'm going to beat Justin Tucker in terms of length so let's just keep all of that in mind as we head into today's video which is the top 10 flick Flexes in Naruto before we get to flexing on anything guys please for me like this video subscribe to the page and hit that noty Bell and if you want to help me Flex on all my haters guys go ahead and follow my other channel the wee Commander or instead of talking about Naruto and boruto I talk all other anime and if you want to make that Flex twice as strong guys head over and follow my anime podcast who talk was Anonymous where me and Danny ma break down everything that happened in anime this week it's available on YouTube Spotify and apple podcasts or if you want to flex on your very own haters guys go ahead and check out my brand new anime merch store where we can pick up some of the greatest anime sweatshirts t-shirts and sticker packs known to man so what is a flex while the majority of my fan base is probably young enough to understand what I'm talking about here some of you may not be well Flex in its most simple terms is bragging showing off you just bought a really new expensive car that you love well you drive it up and down your street a couple of times that's a flex you find yourself in a fist fight against somebody and you put your hands down by your side and stick out your chin and Dodge their punches like your Muhammad Ali on the ropes that's a flex so as long as you're showing something off that being your status your money or your power you are in essence flexing so how does one even begin to rank a flex that is a legitimately very good question but I'm thinking of Naruto Flexes in the capacity of a real life Flex if I'm like oh I got an iPhone 12 yeah I mean that's a flex to some people on Earth but it's a bit different from being a homeowner in Los Angeles so to me if I were to rank Flexes in a fictional Universe I would take into account what they're flexing and maybe more importantly how that paid off for them because here's the thing if I am in a fist fight with you and I put my hands down by my side and stick out my chin and you knock me out that really afflect understand the rules now cool let's get into it because coming up at number 10 we have one of the most immediate examples of listen to the rules and this placement will make sense because coming up at number 10 we have white mask Obito saying the incredibly iconic line huh am I sweating no it's just rain these fools could never make me sweat now listen I'm not going to sit here and say that that is anything but one of the coldest lines ever muttered in a fictional Universe ever Obito while sitting on top of the gazu while pulling out his UA goai a legendary UA weapon that can reflect all Ninjutsu looks at his arm and sees perspiration but is it perspiration this liquid on Obito's arm couldn't possibly be sweat because the people he's battling against couldn't even begin to make him break one and his acknowled of that fact is wildly disrespectful Obito is looking out upon the entirety of the Shinobi Alliance as they scramble to try to save their tailed beasts but now through the power of His newly found renegon his kamoi and his Six Paths of pain Obito believes he's above the strength of even the entirety of the Shinobi Alliance he doesn't just believe that he can beat them he believes he can beat them without breaking a sweat to look out on the collective forces of the entirety of the Shinobi world and assume that not only you could defeat them but defeat them with a low amount of effort and kind of prove that to be true is a wild flex but Nick if it's one of the coldest lines ever uttered in fiction and it's kind of true why is it so low on this list well mostly because it's like only kind of true see why mask Obito is absolutely a menace to society between his new Ron abilities the commi and his Six Paths of pain Obito in his white mask form is substantially stronger than we even saw him be as I believe white mask Obito is probably Obito's strongest form yes stronger than jubito at least based on everything that we saw and while white mask Obito does go toe-to-toe with the likes of Mike guy Kakashi and Kym one Naruto simultaneously and that's very impressive the real reason that these three weren't able to get the better of Obito is because by and large they were also focusing about half of their attention on the T Tales which was just recently created by Obito giving the ghetto statue King Kaku and gen Kaku and one of gyuki's tals well part of Yuki's tales and on top of that Naruto enters his battle against white mask Obito only using KCM one but as soon as Naruto unlocks kcm2 he's pretty much enough to overwhelm Obito and that was just Obito battling against three people and Mike guy wasn't even using the gates so well yeah obviously him saying these idiots could never make me sweat is incredibly sick this is a man who got cucked out of his own War by Ma absorbed the tales somehow got weaker and then had the tales ripped out of him and then the only reason he makes it to the end of the story is because multiple things clamor on to him to make sure he survives long enough to make it to the end of the story so great line bad payoff that instance was a disrespectful Flex an idea popped into Obito's head that he was so much stronger than everybody in front of him that there was no way they could ever make him persp that isn't the only way you can Flex on those around you because coming in at number nine we have another moment from the fourth great Shinobi World War however this moment isn't done out of disrespect but rather respect well maybe not out of respect but for the betterment of the people that this person was fighting because coming in at number nine we have genetu versus the fourth division now this is a moment very similar to that of our number 10 spot where somebody genetu in this circumstance identifies that they are significantly stronger than the people that they are facing however instead of demeaning the people that he was battling against genetu actively tried to help them and ironically genetu did a better job at defeating his opponents than Obito did see genetu is the second mokake of the Hidden Mist Village and the oldest member of the hoseki clan that we know of and therefore as a member of the hoseki clan he has the hydroc ability that is to say that he can liquefy any part of his body should somebody be about to inflict bodily harm onto him however that's not necessarily his biggest concern considering the fact that he is otens back meaning that he can't be physically harmed to begin with on top of that genetu as a mizuk KAG is an incredibly talented water release user but what separates him from the rest of the hosi clan at least the hosi clan members that we know is that not only is he not a swordsman but a large amount of his power is tied into his summon which is a giant clam capable of dispensing steam that when inhaled induces genjutsu now genetu and the majority of the other otate ninjas who were brought back during the fourth grade Shinobi World War by Kabuto had his actions controlled but not his mind and therefore genetu even though his body was forcing him to battle against the fourth division was telling the fourth division on how to defeat him and yet even though genetu was telling this entire division on how exactly to defeat him they could not in fact genetu wipes out the entirety of the division and their lives are only saved because gar gets Naruto and den noi to come battle against genetu and yet even then genetu is able to destroy a grand sand mazia a Fu and Jutsu so powerful that it was able to seal Shiki for a couple of hours it sealed genetu for a total of 3 seconds and that's because genetu has an infinite explosion ability that allows him to make water and oil clones that explode expand and when they recondense explode again now eventually gar does find a way to cool down the steam clone that genetu uses for his infinite explosion technique and since he's able to slow it down and seal it in Gold the technique is nullified all while sealing away gen Getsu his original body in another grand sand maelia however all in all it takes three goag in an entire division to seal away a man who is actively telling them how to seal him away that ladies and gentlemen is what we call a respectful Flex who knows how many people would have taken to seal genetu if hypothetically he wasn't giving away the tips to how his techniques work this man was a menace there's more to being a menace than telling people how to defeat you you can simply just display the fact that you might be nigh undefeatable which is what the person in our number eight spot did because coming in at number eight we have Naruto slapping away five tailed beast bombs see because after the tailed beasts were placed under the control of Obito and Mona they decided to turn their tailed beast bombs onto the Shinobi Alliance and it's at this moment that we see Mike guy and Kakashi arguing about which of the two of them is going to be able to get rid of these five incredibly deadly attacks Kakashi claims to the power of His comi he'll be able to absorb all five of them and Mike guy claims if he opens the eighth gate he'll be able to deflect all five of them however Mike guy doesn't believe that Kakashi's com will be strong enough to pull in all of the five tailed beast bombs and Kakashi knows that if Mike guy uses the eighth gate he'll lose his husband however fortunately for both of them there was a third option and that third option is Naruto however it's not like Naruto had to risk his life to deflect these F tail beast bombs in fact Naruto doesn't even break a sweat Naruto flies in like a flash of lightning in his kcm2 mode and smacks these F tail beast bombs away and In This Moment he displays so much power and so much Poise that Kakashi thinks he's looking at Moto not Naruto but Naruto goes one step further than simply deflecting an ability that Mike guy would have had to kill himself to deflect as Naruto then takes on his completed kroma truck remote and defeats the five tailed beast who had launched the assault on Mike guy and Kakashi in the first place which is the epitome of backing up your business see not only did Naruto show to these five tailed beast that without the usage of his krama mode he would be able to easily deflect their strong strong EST offensive ability but he then backed it up by putting all five of these tailed beasts simultaneously on their backs all the while Naruto was using his first ever tailed beast transformation simply by using an ability that he was new to he was stronger than the five tailed beasts who were standing across from him and that made him substantially stronger than his teacher and his husband who were standing behind him but Naruto hasn't always been on the giving end of Flexes in Naruto as more often than not he's actually been on the rece end and one of the first flexes that Naruto was ever on the receiving end of was when Itachi came to say hello see because coming in at number seven of top 10 Flexes in all of Naruto we have Itachi knocking what do I mean by that what incredibly specific moment could I be referring to well I am of course referring to the moment when Itachi decided to kidnap Naruto but instead of kicking down the door of Naruto's apartment and snagging Naruto before he could react Itachi and Kisame simply walked into Kona found Naruto's apartment and knocked see because Itachi understood that regardless of how prepared Naruto or really anybody in the village was he could get Naruto like that and thus Itachi being stronger than everybody else in the village and definitely stronger than Naruto decided to not abandon decorum and therefore before stealing konoha's strongest asset he decided to let him get up and answer the door the level of confidence required to not only walk into a village that you are a rogue ninja of but also walk up to that Village's greatest asset and warn that greatest asset that hey I'm here and you're coming with me now is a level of flex only mired by the sheer fact that Itachi didn't actually end up stealing Naruto in the first place because jariah happened to also be in town and jiah was enough to scare Itachi and Kisame away now say what you will Itachi wasn't actually trying to kidnap Naruto and he was actually trying to warn Naruto that the yatsky were after him and it's fine if you subscribe to that theory it's also fine if you subscribed to the theory that Itachi wasn't actually a good guy until shapin and that him being a bad guy was rcon by Kishimoto during the time skip because everybody loved Itachi but either way we don't actually know what Itachi's true motivations in that moment were though within the confines of what is now considered Canon it's best to believe that he was an actually trying to kidnap Naruto but considering the fact that Itachi was incredibly involved in the snagging of yagura who had isobu the three tales and he never really seemed to hesitate to fulfill the aot's orders assuming that much based off caninos is kind of hard to do but at the end of the day Itachi knocked but at the further end of the day he didn't end up with the boy that he was trying to kidnap which is why he's kind of low on this list However unfortunately a display of power followed up by nothing at all is kind of a commonality on this list because coming up at number six we have a very similar instance to Itachi knocking and that is Toby Rama lifting a finger see when it comes to shows of pure might this is one of the greatest depictions of what power truly looks like in Naruto see during the fourth great Shinobi World War when Sasuke hebby and Orochimaru decide that they're going to bring back the four dead Hokage in order to help the shobi alliance in their battle against MOA Sasuke begins to tell the Hokage all about his plans for the future of konoa and most specifically about how he's going to take Vengeance against konoa however considering these are the four dead hok he's talking to all of them have a fair amount of allegiance to konoa maybe none more though however than toi Rama and thus when Sasuke tells Toyama all about how he's going to destroy konowa Toyama gets a little upset and it's in this moment that Toby begins to release his chakra aura that is to say that he shows the entirety of the room just how powerful he is all by simply lifting his index finger however sheerly through the act of lifting his index finger everybody in the room who's not on toyama's side begins to get real nervous swu begins to melt Jugo takes a nervous defensive stance Sasuke begins to Grimace and sweat himself and even Orochimaru one of the strongest people in the universe at this current time as he had just gotten his arms back takes a nervous defensive stance for the upcoming battle against Toyama it's not until hashirama himself releases his chakra Aura and places a hand on his brother's shoulder and tells him to put his finger down that Toby Rama backs off and therefore while the lifting of this finger never really amounts to anything the fact that tobirama simply by showing off his chakra Aura was able to make Sasuke Jugo suitsu Orochimaru and even heroin nervous is saying something not to mention that the combined force of both Toyama and hash dr's auras being released simultaneously almost destroyed the building that they were all standing in to quote the dub of Naruto now that's presence now unfortunately for the entirety of the fourth grade shobi World War Toyama gets some kind of dogged on like he's got a couple of pretty good moments in the battle against Obito but moer straight up offs screens them and somewhat surprisingly I think almost every single Flex except for Naruto slaps the five tailed beast bombs on this list ends up with the person flexing losing and number five on this list is absolutely not breaking that Trend because coming up at number five we we have Rock lead drops the weights now this is not only one of the top 10 Flexes in anime history but also one of the top 10 moments in anime history Rockley a relative unknown in Naruto up until this point whose only redeeming quality was the fact that he somehow managed to speed Blitz Sasuke and that he only uses tautu draws the incredible Misfortune of coming up against the strongest genning in the entirety of the tuning exams gar and it's at this point that Rock Lee very quickly finds out that GAR has an absolute defense his mother Soul living in a gourd of sand that he keeps on him at all times and this absolute defense blocks any incoming attacks projectiles anything and thus rockle is struggling to get Beyond this absolute defense and therefore struggling to hit gar at all it's at which point that Mike guy rockley's teacher tells Rock Lee that he can take off his weights which is absolutely insane when you consider the fact that rock Le in the tuning exams is basically fighting for his life and has been doing it with one hand behind his back which kind of makes it take a second look at the fact that he lost the battle in the forest of death like why didn't he just take off his leg weights I mean it's called The Forest of death don't go in with a handicap it also makes him embarrassing Sasuke all the more embarrassing for Sasuke now when Rockley goes to take off his weights a lot of people just assume it's got to be 20 30 lb but no when Rockley drops his two weights from on top of the statue he's standing on it's clear that they weigh probably close to several tons as the explosion from them hitting the ground is equivalent to if he had dropped two Mac trucks onto the Earth and thus it's revealed to us very quickly the level of strength that child has in his legs and that once again becomes very evident when we see Rock Lee absolutely speed blitzing gar see Rock Lee gets tens if not hundreds of times faster after dropping his weights so fast that he's able to outpace gara's Absolute defense something that nobody had ever done before and it's now sans's leg weights that rock Le is able to battle against gar on relative even footing as rock Le not only managed to break through G's absolute defense but also through his sand armor however unfortunately for quite literally th the second time in the cheting exams the impact of rock Le's reverse Lotus was softened and thus he wasn't able to finish the battle against gar which is why gar finished the battle against Rock Lee by destroying his arm and leg and making it so that without the aid of Tsunade he would never walk or fight again but never walking or fighting again is a lot better than never breathing again which is what Killer B would have done to Sasuke if it weren't for Ken or Jugo because yes that's right coming in at number four we have killer be's entire fight against everything about this fight is disrespectful I mean Not only was Killer B wrapping his way through the entirety of this fight he would take breaks during this battle against Sasuke a wielder of a dual Ms to jot down lyrics but speaking of that dual Ms killer be was able to attack Sasuke so quickly his Ms couldn't keep up with the eight swords as we see multiple times throughout this battle Sasuke's Ms struggling to keep up with Killer B but Sasuke isn't even the only person who gets disrespected in this battle Jugo when seeing that Sasuke was getting press rushes into the battle to try and save Sasuke but killer bead just knocks him aside there's a man who can make rocket arms and killer bead just smacks him around like he's a child but the disrespect doesn't end there because swagu also thinks he can get in on this battle and what does Killer be do to him well he beats him so badly he takes his sword specifically his executioner blade a weapon that's said to be incredibly hard to handle cuz it's 6' tall in steel and yet in a matter of seconds Killer B takes the sword Masters using it and then uses it against Sasuke and with all the help in the world Sasuke still ends up as a pin cushion impaled by I believe five of killer be's swords and without Ken stepping in to heal him all but immediately Sasuke would have died then and there but Sasuke gets up so Killer B gets more serious letting out his version onein Cherokee cloak and once again Sasuke gets absolutely clowned as Killer B crushes his throat with a Lariat and as Sasuke lays on the ground grasping for air as he's about to die for a second time Jugo fortunately pumped pumps a bunch of nature energy into him and saves his life once again but now when the battle gets truly serious as now as Killer B understands that he has to get truly serious about this battle he undergoes his tail beast transformation and as taka sees that in this form he is almost unbeatable swagu tries to take himself and Tako Away by slinking away into a local water source however not before Sasuke managed to hit kyuki with amatarasu but even while his tentacles were on fire with the black flames of amatarasu kyuki still fired a tailed beast bomb into the Lake in order to evaporate taka in their Retreat now technically many believed in the moment that this counted as a win for taka because at the end of this fight there was a floating Face Down Killer B however it's later revealed that Killer B simply took off part of Yuki's tail turned that into a clone and then left that behind so taka believed that they had won but in actuality Killer B just left and therefore even though Killer B does technically Retreat from this battle the fact that he kills Sasuke twice inh handedly defeats every member of taka means we're going to give give him number four on this list but a 1v4 is nothing compared to a 1 V 20,000 because those are the odds that MAA faced yes that's right coming in at number three we have MAA versus the Shinobi Alliance now specifically we're talking about the tautu battle that Mo launches against the Shinobi Alliance after being brought back to life like the very iconic 20,000 Shinobi running at one MOA moment see because here's the thing about MOA In This Moment not only does he basically win but the fact that MAA could look out over the entirety of the Shinobi Alliance and go hm Fair ODS is an insane and I say insane Flex I wouldn't fight two people let alone 20,000 and what's almost worse is that the entirety of the fourth division 20,000 Shinobi were nervous about this fight sweating and screaming in preparing for death against one man and they were justified in this fear because the second that these two forces clashed one immediately took the upper hand and it was not the fourth division Mo proceeds to put on the TA Jutsu show of a lifetime as the base form of a charangon shoot from side to side to see which victim is coming to get their beating next there is quite literally a moment when MAA turns into a Beyblade and cuts down roughly 100 Shinobi just by spinning around with swords he catches aakunai with an explosive tag out of the air takes the tag off places it on somebody else my man kills a dude who's currently underground and sure you can say oh Nick but he was only fighting father uh they're still Shinobi most of them are probably joning that means these are trained professional fighters and while they may not be the God Eaters of the universe they are still very much soldiers ma took on 20,000 of them simultaneously and didn't receive one hit now sure would MAA eventually go on to lose the fourth great Shinobi World War yeah but that was mostly because of kagia even though Naruto and Sasuke were jumping him at the end there that's something that people forget about like sure obviously kagio was the person who killed MAA but Naruto and Sasuke were running it up on him towards the end there but maa's flexes don't end there because coming up at number two we got another great moment from another great man and that is MAA asking the five current goag if they want his clones to use suano or not see MOA fights a whole lot more than just fodder in the fourth grade Shinobi World War as MOA during one point of the fourth grade Shinobi World War finds himself across from the five current KAG and well sure you can make the argument these five KAG aren't the strongest consideration of the five KAG of all time they're still the five KAG which include a the fourth R KAG one of the strongest K in history Tsunade the greatest healer in Naruto's history outside of maybe Sakura an noi who Mo identified as the only threat to him in the Shinobi Alliance May a dual K Gen Kai wielder and gar probably the strongest magnet release user ever except for now maybe his son anyway you look at it most people would struggle against these five simultaneously and yet you want to know what MAA did MAA made 20 25 Wood clones and while it's not entirely clear whether or not wood clones subscribe to the same level of chakra split as a shadow clone as wood clones have been claimed to be the strongest of all clones but if hypothetically wood clones do have the same set of rules as Shadow clones this would mean that each and every single one of these individual clones had 125th of Ma's chakra and MAA identified that each and every single one of these individual wood clones was as strong as one of the goag and thus moo is telling the goag that his clones with a 25th of his power were as strong as them and after telling the goag that he also asked them the incredibly cold question do you want them to use susano or not implying that MOA can now not only make 25 clones but with one 125th of his chakra generate a Susana as a clone using Susana would be tapping into its own chakra source and thus Mo's clones where a 205th of his power could undergo one of the strongest defensive abilities in all of Naruto and proceed to wipe the five go KAG off the map and while the five go KAG do put up a pretty good fight against Ma and his clones every single one of them is basically killed and it's only after tsunan brings her two bisected sections back together through the power of Lady kio's healing that she's able to revive the remaining four goag so yeah MOA backed up his smack talk and we consider the fact that his clones might have been able to undergo susano that fight could have possibly been easier for him however even that Flex pales the comparison to the number one Flex in all of Naruto and you're not going to believe who pulled it off that would be none other than MAA and to be a bit more specific it would be when MAA grabbed his second meteor Sara freshly awakened through edot tensei after cutting his way through the fourth division with Tai Jutsu and massive Fireball Jutsu that required an entire Division of Water users to nullify decided let's stop messing about and decided to use his renon abilities to pull him a meteor out of the stratosphere and as that meteor was hurdling its way towards the Shinobi Alliance a large amount of them made peace with whatever God they believed it however fortunately for the Shinobi Alliance the go Kake were there as inoki was able to use his super lightweight Boulder jutu to make the meteor lighter so that GAR could grab it with his sand and thus the goag were able to stop M's first meteor and thus the entirety of the Shinobi Lions takes a big sigh of relief and then they suck that air back into their lungs when Maus said great job what are you going to do about the second one and then MOA proceeds to hit the first cop meteor with a second meteor that they can't catch so both meteors fall into the Shinobi Alliance and everyone dies moo is looking at the Shinobi Alliance like an MLB pitcher who just watched the little leager tip one of their pitches but the pitcher knew that the next throw that they were going to be was a curveball so nasty it was going to make the little leager fall out of the box Moo's actually jovial at the fact that they caught the meteor he was like good job ants here's some molten iron in your anive the the level of disrespect to actively applaud your enemies and their ability to stop half of your ability is insane it's almost like he wanted them to stop the meteor so that he could see their faces distort as they realized the job wasn't done yet because here's the thing even if they stopped two or three meteors there's really no reason for us to believe that MAA ever had to stop he was just successful in the second meteor hitting so no need for a third there was literally never any threat of the Shinobi Alliance not being by a meteor and thus watching the Shinobi Alliance struggle so mightily to stop just one must have put a smile on his face so yes the top three Flexes in Naruto's entire history belong to MAA but that man was on disrespectful timing from the second he was reincarnated so that makes sense now sure I could have included a ton of flexes from poro like right now I could tell you that the second meteor and ishiki looking at the susano and going oh yeah the Pinnacle of uch defense and then ripping Sasuke out of it by his face are on equal footing but I figured let's keep the list to Naruto today what do you guys think what are the greatest Flexes in all of Naruto tell me in the comments below and while you guys are down there please for me like this video subscribe to the page and hit that noty Bell I would choose to film a 30-minute video the day that my voice is [Music] gone [Music] for
Channel: NCHammer 23
Views: 291,365
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Naruto, Anime, Manga, Naruto Shippuden, Boruto, Sasuke, Kakashi, Sharingan, Rasengan, Nine-tailed Fox, Shinobi, Jutsu, Hidden Leaf Village, Akatsuki, Ninja War, Naruto vs Sasuke, Naruto vs Pain, Naruto vs Madara, Naruto OST, Naruto Opening, Naruto Ending, Naruto AMV, Naruto Review, Naruto Analysis, Naruto Theories, Naruto Explained, Naruto Characters, Naruto Moments, Naruto Best Fights, Naruto Best Scenes, Naruto Top 10, Naruto Top 5
Id: 3Xw1rNbhlfQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 35sec (1775 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 09 2023
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