Naruto's MOST HATED Characters RANKED and EXPLAINED!

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so recently I was scrolling through YouTube and I stumbled across a video as I do and the video was called most hated Naruto characters 2003 to 2019. now this video didn't really offer any commentary or really any explanation as to why these characters were hated outside of the description saying that the numbers aren't 100 accurate all the numbers were based off of Google searches between 2003 and 2019 which I don't really know how you'd check the Google searches for hatred towards a character like are people just out there Googling Sasuke h-a-t-e in all capital letters like are those the Google lists that were compiling genuinely I don't know however the video did get me thinking see because here's the thing Naruto is a massive Universe with tons of characters and as every individual watching Naruto has different feelings on certain characters I would assume that every individual who watches Naruto would have a different top 10 list of hated characters like well I may dislike Sasuke as a character you may love him and therefore he wouldn't make your top 10 and while I might love donzo as a character you may hate him and therefore he would make your top 10 and so on and so forth and this is the beauty of a wide and deep Universe filled with so many characters with different backstories and different motivations in different different actions is that I can hate a character that you love and you can hate a character that I love but we can still come together in our enjoyment of the universe because it's because it's like I hate all the main characters I just hate one and it's not like I love all the bad guys I only love a couple but you but you do come here for me kind of I guess so today I want to go through these top 10 hated characters and give my honest reaction to whether or not I feel as though these characters belong on this top 10 list and since apparently this list was compiled from Google searches top 10 Naruto hated characters List should probably mirror a list somewhat close to yours the reason I'm saying all this is because this list is not my top 10 Naruto characters I hate the most list maybe if this video does well I'll end up making my own list but for today I'd like to try and React to what is your list in the most accurate way possible cause if we're assuming these numbers are even remotely correct this is probably pretty close to what your list looks like so this is about as close as I can get to ranking a list that you've sent me without every single one of you sending me a list got it good let's get into it before we get into anything guys please for me like this video subscribe to the page and hit that Noti Bell if you see my finger at any point and you're worried about me don't worry I just cut the tip of my finger off with a mandolin it's healed well I guess healed is not the right word it's it's healing but if you want to help me heal guys go ahead and follow me on my other page The Weave Commander we're instead of talking about Naruto and boruto I talk all other anime and if you really want to help me in my healing process go ahead and follow my anime podcast we talk who's Anonymous where me and Danny Moda breakdown everything happened in anime this week it's available on YouTube Spotify and apple podcasts and if you really want to help me heal guys go ahead and pop on over to my brand new merch shop and pick up some of my incredible merch will there be The Dons or The Itachi political teas or talkus Anonymous sticker packs it's all pretty great so hated characters genuinely they can be the reason that people either drop the show or continue watching it and that's the beauty of hatred towards a fictional character either you check in every single week waiting to see the episode when the character is destroyed or it's the reason you stop checking in every week because you just can't handle the character anymore and that's the wildest thing because while characters like rudius gray red monetta or meliodas could possibly make you drop in anime characters like donzo or jacoba can make you check in every week but there's a stark difference between those two examples because even though those five characters I listed could all end up on top 10 most hated anime characters lists they're on those lists for different reasons see to me genuinely there's nothing more atrocious in an anime than a protagonist I'm supposed to like that I hate because in an ideal circumstance a top 10 hated characters from a certain anime list should just be villains or those with villainous Tendencies however not all villains are hated characters like Eisen and Modera would never end up on a top 10 hated list because they're unique woven into the story incredibly powerful they have Great Character designs they have character development arcs everything about these kinds of villains we gravitate towards we hold on to we love and that's what's so interesting about directing hate at fictional characters because even though sometimes they're watching a character do absolutely horrific things we can't help but like the character a good example of this would be Joe from you a character that is objectively detestable however the story and the way the character is built makes us sympathize and even relate which makes our brain do this moral dance of will I like this person sin but they're a bad person and that that is good right and that to me is what makes a list like this so interesting because while a lot of characters ended up on this list because they were written the right way good amount of characters ended up on this list because they were written the wrong way and coming in last place or tenth is Kabuto who I believe toes the line between written poorly and it's written well see for a long time Kabuto was one of my least favorite characters it was Sasuke Obito and then Kabuto and that's because Kabuto is kind of an infuriating character he like Orochimaru exists as a villainous character in Naruto for almost the entirety of its run all the way from the tuning exams to the climax of the fourth grade Shinobi World War he is there being annoying and the real reason that capital is so annoying is because he has no feelings of his own when we first introduced the capital he seems like a friendly guy who just can't pass the tune in exams but then it's revealed that he's Orochimaru who not only takes great pleasure out of torturing a woman in Tsunade who suffers massively from PTSD but also takes great players measure in torturing a 12 year old genin who he slightly befriended like a week prior and in that moment we feel so betrayed Kabuto a character who we thought was an ally is actually an ally of the most evil man in OG Naruto Orochi Mark and not only that he's powerful like you know G Naruto Kabuto was talking an incredible amount of smack yes he defeats Tsunade which isn't tough back then because like I said she was massively suffering from PTSD but he also smacks around Naruto and says that he wishes he could stick around to fight jariah because he wants to fight one of the legendary sawning after he just got finished battling against Tsunade but whatever and he never really goes away but the problem that a lot of people have with Kabuto is not that he's a bad guy that sticks around for a long time that he never finds an identity see because capito is revealed to be a spy for the Akatsuki as he's been relaying information about Orochimaru back to the Akatsuki but then we find out he was actually a double agent for Orochimaru and he's actually still with a rochi mall room but the worst part about Kabuto being with Orochimaru is that orochimaru's Squad is so unique from Kimi Maru to the rest of the sound Village 5 to Sasuke basically everybody that Orochimaru interacts with be they Karine swagitsu or Jugo are all so unique with their own KK genkai and yakabutos hailed to be orochimaru's strongest assistant is kind of just a PA a physician's assistant he helps in all things medical Ninjutsu he's always standing next to Orochimaru and that's kind of it he's just an annoying voice that tags along with orochimara everywhere he goes and this only gets worse after orochimaru's death as capito takes a piece of orochimar's skin and grafts it onto his body he then undergoes the least original power up in all of Naruto getting all of orochimaru's Great White Snake abilities also becoming a snake Sage calling himself a dragon Sage hitting all the kekigenkai of the sound Village five jugo's ability to pull in nature energy basically everything Orochimaru ever built Kabuto grafted onto his body and thus Capital just became an amorphous blob of some other man's accomplishments and that's just boring not to mention he's solely responsible for making matara a new body bringing matara back in the first place as well as bringing back all of the other Edo tensei soldiers to fight against the Shinobi Alliance and the fourth great Shinobi World War and what's worse than all of this is that Alias they do to atone for this grave Injustice that killed 20 000 people his stay in izanami for like six hours sure izanami forces him to have this great change in his life where he realizes that he can't change it the way that the world works but is that enough not to mention that after the fourth grade Shinobi World War he's just forgiven and gets to run an orphanage and genuinely capital is in my top three most hated characters for a long time because of all these points however that was before I did a you know nothing about him where I realized that the reason that Kabuto Globs onto every person that he's ever known is because every person he's ever known has been taken away from him whether it was his parents or Nana yakushi the woman who ran the orphanage that he grew up in everybody he ever loved was yanked away from him and thus anybody who gave him even the slightest amount of attention he clopped onto making their needs their wants their personality his own and therefore walkabto is an incredibly aggravating character there's kind of a reason behind that and he's written that way on purpose and actually the true beauty of kapito's character is that he goes back to the orphanage as the orphanage is the only time that Kabuto ever got to be a human not dictated by other humans desires because it was at that very orphanage that donzo plucked him out to be a member of the root so kabato by going back to the orphanage and raising other orphans is living by his rules for the first time in his life I think that's kind of beautiful do I think he deserve more punishment and do I still not love him as a character absolutely yes but is he still in my top three most hated characters no but he's definitely in my top 10. but enough about children who got groomed by evil men to do terrible things in the fourth grade Shinobi World War up next we have exactly that because coming in at number nine we have Obito another character who existed within the top three of my least favorite characters in all of Naruto here's a little peek behind the curtain he's still there here's the thing is Obito technically a largely misunderstood character yes a lot of people believe that Obito started the fourth grade Shinobi World War because Kakashi killed Rin which is not true but is also kind of true see Obito himself states that if Kakashi believes that he's starting the fourth grade Shinobi World War over the death of Rin that he's insane which for a lot of people disproves that Obito started the fourth grade Shinobi World War over rate but if you ignore the fact that rin's death was a large factor in Obito falling out of love with the Ninja system in the way that the world Works you'd be lying to yourself people can do things for multiple reasons and therefore I believe a lot of the hatred towards Obito is people believing that Obito started the fourth grade Shinobi World War only over rate when in actuality Obito saw a flawed system and wanted to fix it so if I can acknowledge the fact that Obito isn't the simp that a lot of people paint him to be why is he in my top three least favorite characters I kind of hate the way he's written genuinely I think he's kind of boring in what meaningful capacity is Obito different from nagito oh wait both children bless Widow Jutsu scarred by the warring system of ninjas at a young age who the loss of a loved one sent them over the edge only to make them realize that in order to change the world they had to break the system that made their loved one be lost in the first place both technically leaders of the Akatsuki both actively working their way towards the eye of the Moon plan and while nagato is more focused on spreading pain across the entire world so everybody could be connected through the great force that was pain Obito just kind of wanted the eye of the Moon plant in nagato having an outside motivation not tied into the eye of the Moon plan is why you won't find him on this list as nagato actually goes through like a lot more than Obito does watching his country get ravaged the loss of his parents in a needless murder the loss of yaiko had its own hands because Danza was intimidated by the possible powers of a peaceful Akatsuki unifying with a hidden Rank and while neither Obito or nagato's ideology was correct nagatos was a bit more compelling my biggest beef with both nagato and Obito's character is the fact that they committed their entire lives to ideologies killed hundreds if not thousands of people in the name of said ideology and then after a three or so minute conversation with Naruto were like oh never mind hate that like h-a-t-e hate that listen I get it talk no Jutsu is an incredibly powerful Jutsu and Naruto is supposed to be this motivating jesus-like ninja character when you've committed the level of atrocities that nagator Obito have committed in the name of their philosophies and then you give up that philosophy in three minutes makes it seem like you were never that dedicated to the philosophy that you massacred thousands of people to pull off but at least nagato when he decided his philosophy wasn't correct after talking Naruto had the audacity to bring everybody he killed back to life well what did Obito do well he joined to the good guys for 30 episodes and died to kagia sure he saved Kakashi for the second time which is kind of a cool little full circle character Arc moment and Sherry gave his eyes Kakashi and kind of abruptly love kind of moment but when it comes down to it Obito isn't as compelling as matara or nagato and is about as annoying as kavito not to mention from pretty much the moment that matara shows up in the fourth grade Shinobi World War Obito no longer matters as a antagonist like yeah he gets his Jupiter form but then jubito just gets defeated by Majestic attire susano but enough of the villains let's get to the good guys who ended up on this list because coming in at number eight we have a I find this interesting but I also understand it and kind of agree see I've made it incredibly clear I love the hidden Cloud I believe that the cloud have equal to or greater fighting force in conewa for the majority of Naruto's history and I've made it a hobby to talk about the hidden cloud and the raikage as often as possible because genuinely I find them incredibly interesting I feel as though a Naruto story based out of the Hidden Cloud would be really cool but at the same time I understand disliking a the fourth right kage because here's the thing when a is first introduced he's kind of a bad guy not only do you see a in Killer B battle against Minato in the third grade Shinobi World War but also in the five kage Summit prior to the fourth grade Shinobi World War when Sasuke pulls up and tries to fight all of the kage at once a is kind of the worst kage there he smashes his table he yells at all the other kage he makes it very clear he's not gonna participate and when it comes to Sasuke having meaningful battles against all of the kage when he pulls up on the five kage Summit his most meaningful battle is against a and here's the thing in that moment where kind of supposed to be rooting for Sasuke because a has been depicted as this somewhat evil overbearing raikage figure who's been plaguing konowa for decades as in that moment he was probably the most powerful kage at the table and this is further depicted when he arm wrestles against Tsunade and keeps up with the kcm1 Naruto who's trying to convince him that he shouldn't go after Sasuke see A's depicted as his incredibly powerful authoritarian figure from a scary powerful Village and considering the fact that we're told the story of Naruto through the perspective konawa this is kind of unsettling and the thing is a never really changes well obviously the Shinobi Alliance comes together and a is elected to be the leader of it as he is the most powerful kage out of all of them a still feels like the most possible threat to konoha outside of the bad guys and considering the history between konwa and the hidden cloud with people like kinkaku and ginkaku killing Toby Rama or feelings of unease around an incredibly powerful rykake are Justified and what's wilder than that is that it doesn't end after the fourth creation of the world war but obviously a in the hidden Cloud are allies during the fourth grade Shinobi World War and Naruto the last it's revealed that the hidden cloud has been building a chakra Cannon capable of destroying the entire moon in a time period when all of the villages are supposed to be demilitarizing so for as long as we've known a he's always felt like a threat to konawa's security and as he feels like a threat to konawa security we dislike him as a character now I personally like a as a character a lot he's an old school Ninja distrusting of other Villages because he's lived through Wars against them and while he comes together to join the Shinobi Alliance he makes sure that the hidden Cloud never loses a step to other Villages like konawa who technically just like the hidden Cloud also are not demilitarizing during the demilitarization era as konol are making things like Shinobi wear and Shinobi gauntlets things that while they may not technically be made to increase the might of konowa's military do exactly that so A definitely wouldn't make it onto my list but you know who would make it onto my list the number seven entry white zetsu how can something made from the cells of a man so great turnout so evil I mean hitting white zetsu just kind of makes sense it's like hating the Cybermen or really any good the white tetsu were just the fighting force of the bad guys during the fourth great Shinobi World War of course they were all stated to be high joanine level Fighters which obviously it didn't seem as though they were because people like 10 10 were wiping out hundreds of them they were just bad guy copy and paste characters with no character development which makes sense when you consider the fact that they were either constructed from hashirama's cells or from the original round of infinitsukiyomi the kagya pulled off they're just husks of old people not that interesting very easily hateable moving on because coming in at number six we do have a pretty interesting entry because coming in at number six if Kari also known as Karine Uzumaki also known as the woman obsessed with Sasuke at least one of the women obsessed with Sasuke now Karine is our first example on this list of is on this list because of bad writing the previous four entries I can see with good writing why those four people would be on this list two of them are bad guys one of them leads an incredibly powerful Village that opposes the views of our main village another one is just the army that we had to fight in the fourth grade Shinobi World War but Karine is none of those things well Karin is technically a bad guy in Naruto she never really felt that way and the reason that she never really felt that way is because the story didn't take her seriously enough to actually give her any kind of development that would make us feel intimidated by her in actuality Karine is a victim a victim of circumstance a victim of Orochimaru a victim of Sasuke just a victim which is annoying to a lot of viewers because Karine is one of the only uzumaki's left on Earth and we've seen beyond a shadow of a doubt that she holds an insane amount of power so her being written as somebody who's unable to do anything by herself is infuriating was born in the hidden grass Village separated from the hidden Whirlpool Village so she wasn't affected by the Uzumaki Massacre however she was soon taken from the hidden grass Village by Orochimaru who wanted her for Uzumaki life force now could a rochamara teach her a bunch of cool Uzumaki abilities and have her go be a badass fighter absolutely he could have as I've already said Karine is genuinely one of the more powerful people in Naruto between her Mind's Eye of the kagura that allows her to open a third eye within her brain that allows her to see kilometers away and not only just see kilometers away from herself but also see-through buildings and see if people are lying and read their chakra signatures from dozens of kilometers away it's the best version of a Byakugan on top of this Korean is also a full-blooded Uzumaki which means she has Uzumaki life force which is so powerful that upon Tsunade biting Karina was able to refill the entirety of herbia which mind you took people like Sakura three years to fail however instead of getting a possibly incredibly powerful young Uzumaki female who's gonna revive the clan what do we get another whiny Sasuke obsessed love interest that's never gonna pan out into anything of any meaning whatsoever who serves one purpose and one purpose alone whenever Sasuke gets hurt let him bite you for 99.9 of the time that Karine is on screen she might as well be a medkit with a mouth Irene gets one and I mean one cool moment in the entirety of Naruto and that is when she finally unlocks her Adamantite chains while battling against a wooden construct that Obito created that lasts about 11 seconds for the entire rest of the time the Karine is on screen all that she's doing is lusting after Sasuke even after he stabs her for being taken hostage she's wasted potential she's whiny she's used she's basically everything that my Sashi Kishimoto ties into every single one of his female characters and then he ties those hair characters to one of my least favorite characters in Naruto who also happens to be our number 5 spot Sasuke see I've done entire videos breaking down why I dislike Sasuke so I'm not gonna go on a 20 minute diet tribe right now I've also recently done a half hour video on everything I like about Sasuke so let me give you the highlights on both ends of how I feel about Sasuke I believe Sasuke in part one of Naruto is a legitimately good and compelling character a character driven to try and get revenge for his clan that was killed by his older brother and therefore he struggles to find meaning and anything else outside of getting revenge and therefore when he begins to make friends with Naruto and care about him possibly more than he cares about getting revenge on Hitachi it scares Sasuke because now not only is he getting distracted from the thing that's supposed to be his greatest motivation in life but also somebody he believed was lower than him is catching up to him in strength which is a problem considering the fact that Itachi's strength is said to be second to none so if somebody who I believed was a mess up from day one can catch my strength there's no way I'll be able to catch Itachi's good motivation genuinely fun character great battles edgy annoying the place of good foil to Naruto but then Sasuke decided to no longer do the thing about him I liked playing a good foil to Naruto because while technically Sasuke does pop up every once in a while and she put in to be like hey I'm not like you Naruto by Far and Away the majority of Shippuden happens with Naruto and Sasuke very far from each other the wasasuke does still have some incredible fights like his battle against Adora and his battle against Hitachi Naruto and Sasuke's character development arcs have been completely separate of each other which I guess is somewhat the intended point because obviously Naruto is supposed to be building a community of people around him while Sasuke is getting more and more isolated but what's worse than that is that Sasuke is constantly switching between ideologies on one hand he wants to kill Hitachi but when he kill his Hitachi he realizes he wants to destroy konawa the exact opposite of what he thought you wanted him to do and then after a certain amount of time he realizes they provide him and help Kono on the battle against Madara and then he's like oh never mind I'm gonna kill Naruto so I can become Hokage with no friends he's edgy he's annoying he's terrible to Karine and Sakura until very recently in the boruto manga he was a very bad father and the majority of his power and wins were given to him in both Naruto and Shippuden while in boruto is yet to accomplish basically any anything without Naruto but since we're talking about team seven let's stick with Team seven because coming in at number four is Sakura who for the majority of Naruto and arches Putin was the most hated character however fortunately for me and her other characters were introduced that people disliked more than her so why do people hate Sakura well I think we all know it for the large majority if not actually the entirety of part one she was objectively useless but not because she was useless but because she had the grave Misfortune of Being placed on a team with Sasuke and Naruto Sakura's skills weren't so much worse than any other member of the konohawk 12. they were just so much worse than the two strongest members of the konowa 12. not to mention that she also got one of the worst fights in anime history and her battle against Eno and the tune in exams which is boiled down to basically a chick fight between two friends arguing over a guy which was annoying because one obviously women can be motivated for more things that aren't just their love of men and two obviously because the battle sucked and outside of being generally useless in part one of Naruto she was also just mean to Naruto constantly berating him hitting him making fun of him for being an orphan to another orphan none of it was great but she was also 12. however after the time skip Sakura's character doesn't prove a fair amount she obviously trains with Tsunade she gets more powerful she becomes one of the greatest if not the greatest medical Ninjutsu Specialist of all time learns the byaki Yasiel learns how to summon lady katsuo but unfortunately she definitely does still have moments where she slips up like after the five kage Summit when Sakura confesses her love to Naruto in order to make him stop going after Sasuke which Naruto rarely rejects because he knows that she's trying to manipulate his feelings of love towards her in order to make him stop going after Sasuke which is emotional manipulation and not great not to mention that also after the five kage Summit when Sakura has the drop on Sasuke and has the ability to kill him she hesitates leading her to being saved by Kakashi and then later Naruto a couple of other moments throughout Shippuden where she just needed to be saved however for every bad moment the Sakura has in Japan she is just as many good see a lot of people discount her battle against sorcery because granichio was controlling her body but in actuality that's not was going on there see what gratitude does connect her chakra strings to Sakura in the battle against sorcery for the majority of the time that Sakura is battling against sasury's puppets granted Geo is not in control so the reason that the technique is so powerful is because it allows the person with the chakra strings connected to them to battle as they would however if hypothetically somebody's attacking from their blind spot the puppet user who's behind them can pull them out of that situation it's like an emergency rope not to mention that Sakura's battle against sorcery was incredibly cool and genuinely set the president for Shippuden and after that genuinely the only good thing about the war Arc probably is Sakura well there obviously are incredible fights those are one good thing about the war a big part of liking the war Arc for me comes in the fact that Sakura is relevant in it though not as relevant as she should have been as she was the only person to have to fight kogi without a sage of six pass upgrade and therefore ninja Sky Daddy coming down and deciding that Naruto and Sasuke were the only two people who deserved an upgrade therefore leaving soccer in the dust once again in terms of power it was the most relevant we'd ever seen Sakura be so why is Sakura hated well because she was a regular person placed next to to reincarnations of Gods on any other team she would have been the most powerful member by far however if you place a baseline Corvette next to two McLaren f1s the Corvette's gonna look kinda weak tie that into some mean things that she did in Shippuden and part one and some little underlying misogyny and you have well a very hated character who genuinely should have been written better straight up but we can't expect that out of Kishimoto but there is one woman according to this list that the Naruto fandom hates more than Sakura and that's because coming in at number three we have kagya listen this one doesn't feel like cocky as fault cockia for all intents and purposes is actually a very interesting character a Godlike entity who descended down to earth in order to make a god tree to consume a chakra fruit but in actuality she was just a part of a cycle as a lower ranking otsutski who was going to be fed to a tentales to create a Chocolate Tree forever or until at least a shaky ate enough chakra fruit to become a God Like shibai and therefore kakiya no longer wanting to be a part of this cycle rebelled against Shiki and ripped him in half however before she could condemn this entire world she fell in love with a man and had children children who she grew to fear because they were the only other people on Earth would chakra but this wasn't the only thing that kagi feared because she had rebelled against a millennia old system with a higher ranking in lowering odsuzuki falling into individual roles so she knew at one point or another other otsutsuki would come to look for her on Earth which meant she needed to build an army now within the capacity of when this poll was made not a lot of this information was actually in existence within the confines of Naruto and just Naruto kagi is a God who came to Earth looking for a tree fell in love bang the dude got scared of the two kids bought the kids lost to the kids got sealed in the moon and then got released once matara unlocked infinite tsukiyomi and while that in that alone is a pretty interesting story for a bad guy I mean it introduced an entire alien race that would serve as the bad guys for boruto it was the moment that Naruto jumped the shark for a lot of fans see because the real reason the cocky is so hated isn't because of who she is or what her motivations are it's because she replaced Madara the bad guy that we were building up to for almost a decade however just in that moment finally achieved all of the Power he was looking for it gets donut holes and who does he get donut hole to buy a character who we thought was a background character in order to facilitate the rebirth of his mother who we've never even heard of it was really bad writing now that's not cocky as fault it's more the event that created kagya that's unpopular than the character and therefore I wouldn't put kagya anywhere near my top 10 most hated characters List I would put the event of replacing Maduro with kogi as probably my least favorite thing that ever happened in Naruto period kogi is actually a really cool character you know who else is also a really cool character the person coming in on a number two spot because coming in at number two is donzo listen I understand that people dislike donzo I just don't Danto is pure evil raw uncut Colombian hatred or you can make the argument that Danza was doing what he thought was right for the village so he just like Madara nagato is a hero who went wrong no he's not Danza was America he looks at other countries goes huh not how I would run that Kicks Down the door destroys every thing and goes huh because democracy didn't work here and then leaves he is the most accurate representation of actual government within Naruto a character who commits himself to the betterment of his Nation Above All Else But at the cost of human lives morality and also the betterment of the nation let's run through a couple of things that Danto has done so upon realizing that it was shishui's plan to use kodo matsukame to stop the coup decided instead of trying to talk shisley out of it I'm just gonna kill him so he poisoned chiswi with yojiabarami's poison and stole one of his kodo matsukami so he could use it himself because instead of controlling an asset that completely worked for him 100 Faithfully who would have not only become one of the strongest uchiyah of all time but also would have worked for him he decided nope don't love that idea your eyeball is mine now insane evil probably a bad decision those are three things that you can say about basically everything donzo ever does Danza then goes on to basically Force Itachi into massacring the entirety of the Uchiha Clan effectively cutting down konoha's fighting force by half instead of conveying the information that he has about the good Heroes into heroes in can get fugaku to the table and talk about not destroying Kona wall after Naruto's birth danzo Sees at The Villages toward a Sunder by the amount of loss that Karama inflicted so he points at Naruto and goes well karama's in that baby so everybody can come together on their hatred for a child effectively ruining Naruto's life and probably in actuality should have created a child terrorist much like Gara but just got lucky because Naruto was born as ashra's reincarnate and therefore was a happy cheery dude multiple times tried to assassinate heroes in one time sending Yamato a literal child to assassinate the third Hokage who was known as the professor and is one of the strongest men in konowas history you sent one child with wood release he started the agatsuki because he was like that peaceful organization called the Akatsuki who are trying to spread peace kind of powerful I hope they don't link up with a hidden rain who just kicked our ass in the Second Great Shinobi World War let's destroy the Akatsuki by turning Hanzo against them and just in actuality made the eye of the Moon plan happen not to mention after the Uchiha Massacre heroes in was like your done no more root for you to which Gonzo was like yeah no I'm gonna keep running the route everybody in the root hey you just listened to me now we don't listen to the Hokage so we just made a private militia that believed he was the leader of konawa which just gave him even more free reign to do morally questionable things and then in the moment of his death how do they make sure that everyone's like oh danzo was just trying his best they half-heartedly show danzo trying to be like heroes in his entire life and he's like oh I could never catch you here is it that's it no like oh I was trying to be the best person I could because my mother was sickly or so on and so forth he was just jealous of a guy because when Toby Rama asked will anybody stay behind a battle against kinkaku and genkaku heroesan said he would evil raw uncut evil and we just don't get that in Naruto everyone's like oh I tried my best I wanted to change the world that just my methods were flawed no not Mega Corporation BlackRock steamrolling native peoples donzo and I love an evil bad guy because you check in every week to wait for that evil bad guy to kick it and therefore even though I Don't Love Sasuke as a character watching him kill donzo was all this ah the bad guy's the good guy now I hate it be evil until you die or get out but speaking of being evil until the day you die coming in at number one apparently we have black zetsu which genuinely does make a lot of sense because if I'm correct and I believe that I am every single Naruto Fan's least favorite moment in Naruto is matara's death it was stupid it was unnecessary there was other way to introduce the otsutskis and three Rinnegan Modera dying to Black zetsu was just silly even if it was a surprise feed it was absolutely asinine but here's the thing black zetsu also falls into the categorization of really cool character really bad moment because after matara's death it's revealed that black zetsu has made everything in Naruto happen black setsu has been pulling the strings on Indra and ashra reincarnations for thousands of years he's the one who altered the Uchiha Stone tablet he's the one responsible for Modera getting the Rinnegan without black zetsu none of Naruto moves forward and that's really cool in actuality it probably makes blacksetsu the smartest character in Naruto Point Blank period obviously him being the personification of kagyu's Will and building the Akatsuki all to bring Cog gear back obviously led to the terrible moment of matara's death but I got a lot of respect for black zetsu as a character well obviously after Cog he was released he became the sniveling mama's boy who lived in her sleeve you gotta kind of respect what he pulled off he also gotta kind of respect the fact that he was able to kill Modera whether or not it makes sense like I think black tattoos presence within the story makes the story weaker but at the same time I don't hate him as a character which is confusing I would prefer that black satsu as a character just remained the side member of the Akatsuki that was half white half black this big old Chompy head I think moderate's death in the introduction of kagya in the way that they happened was the weakest moment in all of Naruto and maybe the weakest Moment In The Big Three period but I don't hate black setsu as a character because his motivations make sense you've been trying to manipulate dozens of generations of Indra and ashra's reincarnations to bring his mother back to life and that's actually a kind of cool and Noble motivation and one that he pulls off so it's kind of a sticky spot I mean I probably would have him somewhere in my top 10 but definitely not number one but what do you guys think would you put black Z2 at your number one would your top 10 look anything like this tell me in the comments below and why it goes down there please for me like this video subscribe to the page and hit that Noti Bell Sasuke Obito Corrine could switch I don't really hate that many people from Naruto [Music] I remember
Channel: NCHammer 23
Views: 169,495
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Naruto, Anime, Manga, Naruto Shippuden, Boruto, Sasuke, Kakashi, Sharingan, Rasengan, Nine-tailed Fox, Shinobi, Jutsu, Hidden Leaf Village, Akatsuki, Ninja War, Naruto vs Sasuke, Naruto vs Pain, Naruto vs Madara, Naruto OST, Naruto Opening, Naruto Ending, Naruto AMV, Naruto Review, Naruto Analysis, Naruto Theories, Naruto Explained, Naruto Characters, Naruto Moments, Naruto Best Fights, Naruto Best Scenes, Naruto Top 10, Naruto Top 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 21sec (1941 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 17 2023
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