What if UNIVERSES 6 & 7 MERGED? (Full Story)

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what's up everyone welcome back to a brand new series today we have a scenario that I've wanted to do for a while but have held it off because I've been trying to find a way to tweak it if you remember a while back I did what if for jiren was from universe 7. and I like doing that one so I thought what if I move someone from Universe 60 Universe 7 instead and I wanted to make one about hit in universe 7. but instead I had a different idea and after looking into the comments some more I see that a lot of people suggested it too so I decided why not do this a what if we're Universe 6 and 7 or one universe and I'm not just gonna be putting characters from Universe 6 in the universe 7. I actually have a whole story about how it happens and what it actually affects in the story too beyond that you'll see what I mean as it goes on anyways let's begin covering what would happen if Universe 6 and 7 were won beerus and Champa are constantly butting hits and at some points fights even break out between them and at one point that's a particularly bad one knowing the two brothers it's over something Petty it's over beerus eating some food at champa's birthday which is upload beers birthday obviously it's the same event that actually was seen in the manga except here we're changing it a little bit it happens a while before everything else in the store story and the fight gets a little too intense whis and vados are able to intervene finally stopping the battle but as they look around they see the results of the destruction besides the countless planets that were destroyed it seems like the fabric of the universe itself is falling apart and not just one universe but both of them Universe 6 and 7 are structurally damaged and it's almost as if one begins leaking to the other the two begin merging beers and champagne Consciousness after whis and vados knocked them out and they asked what's going on as their attendant scold them they so badly damage its universe that now the two of them are just well they're collapsing in on each other they're able to mitigate some of the damage but it seems already too far gone the two universes merge into one giant one the neutral space between them completely disappears as the two universe begin connecting beerus and Champa are terrified because now they know they're gonna have to enter the Zeno for it and soon enough Zeno does call them over he doesn't do anything about it he actually thinks that one Mega Universe it might be pretty entertaining it could raise the Mortal level especially because those two were so weak and it leaves one less Universe for him to look over another upside is the fact that this could be better for their management they haven't really been doing the best jobs with their individual universes but with two of them overseeing one as well as having more Kai's looking over everything well maybe those weak Universe can be saved but Zeno tells them they're on very then ice he tells the two of them to not cause any more Havoc or they'll face his wrath they're absolutely mortified and they do anything that he asks for they're surprised they weren't just a race on the spot for that but Zeno actually sees this as a fun experiment and now they really just need to watch their act and make sure they're being better gods or at least being less chaotic and while this could be easily fixed with the Super Dragon Balls Xeno advises against it he wants to see it through beers and Champa almost went to gather them actually but now it looks like they're just gonna have to live with it with this Mega Universe being created it now has multiple gods two gods of Destruction two Supreme Kai multiple other Kai and of course two attendants vados and whis the Kaiser taking this very seriously fua and Shen are trying to do their best to keep everything going as is and now they have to figure out what to do next there's multiples of each planet too for example there's two planets called Earth these are twin Universe after all but they can't just have two of each planet existing there are some unique planets between them but as for those duplicates something needs to be done about that beerus and Champa decide to handle it themselves after all before creation comes destruction to create a functional new universe they're gonna have to destroy some things at random duplicates of each planet are destroyed thankfully they're so far apart that they're not affecting each other for example Universe 7's Earth is so completely detached from Universe 6's Earth that it doesn't really matter but one of them has to go while the other stays and this is thousands of years before everything else so Universe 6's Earth is actually intact right now well at least for the time being until they have to destroy it Universe 7's Earth gets spared and they repeat this for all the duplicate planets too some planets are already very civilized for example the two nameics they're already developed and the namekians from each are pretty similar so the kais do help making larger planets coalescing the two societies together with Universe 6 and universe 7 namic merging this is only done for very few planets the higher level ones that are very civilized neither Earth for example was heavily developed and is still at a critical stage in its development merging the two together would be disastrous but for two very similar planets like namik that already seem like they're developed already they're put together they do this on a planet by Planet basis for each planet it's going to be a little bit of a different case one interesting case is the two Saiyan planets one planet is actually a little bit farther along in development Universe 6 is planet sadala there's also Planet plan which eventually would turn into Universe 7's Planet Vegeta since the kais are both so frantic right now about everything and let's be honest they're also a little bit incompetent they don't realize that these two planets are actually the same just at different stages of develop so the two planets are actually left alone Planet plan eventually develops into Planet Vegeta a society with Saints and tefls and even goes through its own phase where it's called Planet sedala without even knowing that there's another one already shin and fua notice this when it's too late but for some reason beerus steps in and tells them not to destroy either he doesn't know exactly why but he feels like down the line the sayings will be important to him he can't quite put his finger on it but he did have a dream recently he might need to go back to sleep again soon many years pass and eventually the Saiyan societies eventually come in contact with each other also for our purposes Saiyans will come to be just as normal and will take Liberties and keep some of the same characters as normal realistically if this is how it went so much of the history of the Saiyans would go differently that people like Vegeta wouldn't even exist but this is Dragon Ball and we're not being realistic here the Saiyan societies eventually do merge with the universe 7 ones being more dominant over the universe 6 ones unlike with the tefls the two Saiyan societies live in peace although they kind of keep to themselves Planet Vegeta is pretty classist as we've seen and if low-class Saiyans are looked down upon there's also going to be the universe 6 saying they're looked down upon they do seem weak they don't even have tails they revolved past that so even though those Sans are actually farther developed the ruthless Universe 7 Saiyans are still looking down upon them the non-tailed Saiyans are basically looked at as their own class like the low-class Saiyans while the middle class and Elite Class Saiyans from Universe 7 Reign above them there are some differences between the two Universe 6 Saiyans of course don't have tails and they're more peaceful and we'll add some other things to them too for example they keep their youth for longer and have longer life spans Universe 7 Sans are stronger but have shorter lives and a little bit less potential than the universe 6 ones I'm kind of keeping some of the ideas from the main story where Universe 6 saying seemed to be a lot more peaceful and have a lot more s cells because of that although instead of it being the S cells of explanation it's more so just them being further developed in general and this creates the genetic difference between them and their longer youth also explains why some of the Saiyans here look so young from Universe 6 but the universe 7 sayings actually kind of look their age looking at you kabba and right now Planet Vegeta is pretty heavily developed anyways Vegeta III AKA The King Vegeta that we know he just took over with the say and still being controlled by King Cold's Army King cold actually did want the two societies to merge the Saiyans are powerful soldiers that they could use although the universe 6 ones don't seem to want to cooperate they're a lot more docile than the universe 7 ones which also does rub off of some of them King cold is trying to expand his army as much as possible he did come in contact with another Army it was on a farther side of the universe but it still was there an army called the frost core it seems there's a ceasefire between the two but not an official one we'll be seeing more of that Army later on as well as many of the other things in the universe that develop differently but let's just focus on the Saiyans for this moment Frieza eventually does take control and ends up destroying Planet Vegeta not at the request of beerus either he actually does this on his own which is another change here and while beerus did want to keep the Saiyans around he kind of forgot why he wanted to in the first place maybe it'll come back to him and maybe this is for the better it was a mistake for those two planets to exist in the first place and Champa kind of agrees too at least they don't need to worry about it anymore but even with Planet Vegeta being destroyed there's probably many more Saiyans that went off Planet but Frieza knows this he wants to hunt them down some Universe 6 sayings escape from the universe 7 Saiyans and for those that were in that merged Society some of them deserve to avoid being in frieza's Army too or just because they didn't want to be under King Vegeta's Rule and rather King sedala but in the Frieza Force some Saiyans still do exist and there are some out there that he doesn't know of yet but right now he knows a four three of whom are tailed Saiyans and one is a tale of Saiyan they don't actually know they're from separate universes they're just separated by whether or not they were born with a tail in frieza's Army there's Vegeta the prince as well as Napa and Raditz and there's one tailless Saiyan who's kind of unlike the rest who actually did during the Saiyan Army due to her strength this is cauliflow an orphan tale is saying that was raised by some of the other ones now also part of Vegeta's crew in Vegeta's eyes the more Saiyans gather the merrier even if Radisson cauliflower are essentially low-class Saiyans in his eyes still it's better this way but as I mentioned there were a good few who weren't killed on planet Vegeta when it was destroyed with one of them being sent away as a baby a Saiyan named kakron who eventually ends up on earth now unlike something like Planet Vegeta for example Earth actually developed like normal comparatively to the others it's still a relatively undeveloped Planet but how it's civilized there's human societies with each decade that passes their more Tech technologically advanced it's no longer owned by dinosaurs or cavemen it's roamed by intelligent humans as well as a Saiyan who doesn't even know he's a Saiyan Earth has actually remained completely unaffected which includes Goku as well but I did mention the history of the namekians was affected as well and we're not really going to be seeing that just yet but just know that the nameless himekian that came to Earth wasn't the same one that we know in the main story he has some slight differences due to his different Society too but we still do have Piccolo on Earth and as much as I'd love to go into the story of Dragon Ball at least the parts poor radius arrives well there's nothing really to cover since we left Earth completely unaffected and we don't have any sort of space travel until later on nothing changes this is another one of the Liberties we're taking just because I don't want to create a completely different story with different characters even though that's realistically what would happen with the two universes combined like that but as the series goes on we'll be seeing different characters pop up different story lines different planets the hierarchy of gods is completely different at some point Vegeta does want to find every surviving Saiyan he's been kind of looking around but he knows it's dangerous frieza's also been on the lookout because he knows they could be threats he's not particularly concerned about the tailless ones more so the tailed ones who grew up in a more aggressive environment the ones ruled by King Vegeta not King sedawa but he doesn't actively seek out the Saiyans he's just keeping an eye out for them and this leads to Raditz being sent to Earth looking for his younger brother that was sent to this place a shot in the radius to see that Goku actually doesn't have a tail it's a sign of weakness among Saiyans because it makes him look like one of the non-tailed Saiyans in even lower class than the low-class Saiyans that they are but of course he knows that's not the case cockroaches had his tail cut off which must mean he's pretty weak too because they view that as a source of power for them and his power level isn't anything too impressive either he knew Kakarot was weak but he's still this week after all this time and he's not acting sane like it's so strange outside of that their encounter goes pretty much normal leading up to the death of Goku and Raditz but radish gives a different warning this time in a year's time three Saiyans will come to avenge three Warriors will arrive on Earth finishing the job that he started leading everyone on Earth to prepare for the Saiyan Invasion but they're not the only ones preparing with all this chaos and this giant merged Universe there's another faction why one that formed a while ago but it's still relatively new an agency created to keep peace in the universe not one created by gods but by Mortals the galactic Patrol a couple of them are monitoring this planet called Earth Accords one of them being Jaco he knew a while ago that substain was sent there that he was supposed to kill but he never was able to do it luckily the planet turned out completely fine but he didn't get word that another Saiyan space pod was going there great is it one of the planet Vegeta sayings that went there to cause Havoc why is that but the guy never leaves the planet it seems that both the Saiyans on that planet ended up dying in a battle with each other you know what Jaco's actually glad that happened well if Earth was being invaded then it was stopped and that means both the Saiyans are gone none of them can be a problem in the future he does know that there's probably some other Saiyans out there still but at least those two are gone granted that one on earth he probably wasn't that bad of a guy because he never caused any problems but he could never know for sure looks like it's not his problem anymore but one of his colleagues hears of this too and he particularly takes interest in it Jaco says that it's not really his problem either he shouldn't have to worry about it I mean if the Saiyans are gone why does he want to go there but for this guy it's something more personal duck always knew this guy was kind of strange as one of his colleagues but he kind of gets why this guy wants to get involved because he actually is a Saiyan too not one of the universe 7 Saints but one of the ones from planet sedawa at least a descendant of one of those Saiyans he's actually around the same age as Goku it's a lack of trollman and Kappa his family barely escaped Frieza although his parents weren't so lucky they didn't make it out but they're able to safely hide their kid with kabba surviving then eventually being found by the Glock Patrol who came in to see if there were any survivors from what happened since the Frieza force was tracking down some of the people that deserted this is actually right before the planet got destroyed too and they didn't know what to do with this kid but they decided to actually take him with Jocko being one of his mentors too and for cabba a lot of this is personal figuring out that the Frieza force is still out there causing havoc and what's worse it's more Saiyans being pitted against each other it's even weirder this time because apparently these two they're not sadalin they're Vegeta I guess that would be the term for that ones from planet Vegeta they don't even know that those two Saiyans are brothers too but he wonders why particularly this planet is an interest for the Saiyans because that could put this planet at risk not just from the Saiyans attacking but from Frieza attacking too and Cabo wants to check it out just to make sure that everything's fine it's not going to hurt to at least just get some info so against what Jocko says Cabo actually goes out to Earth trying to figure out what's happening here he wonders how many Saiyans are still out there not just the ones from playing a Vegeta but the ones like him there's definitely got to be some survivors and what concerns him is this planet is now on the Saiyan's radar there's definitely others out there he knows that the prince is out there alive is somewhere Vegeta a guy that kind of concerns Kappa not as much as Frieza but still he's concerned and cabbage tries to think of what's going on he can't figure it out though but eventually he does arrive on Earth during the one year of training a few months after Raditz arrived Piccolo's in the middle of nowhere watch him go on survive in the wilderness and he senses something strange a power approaching it doesn't seem malicious but still it's concerning since it's coming from space others actually pick up on it too on the lookout the humans there they could sense this and of course kame can see there's another Invader on Earth that same telepathically he starts speaking with Piccolo which kind of does annoy Piccolo but Kami tells him to check it out pickle tells me not intrude on his thoughts like that he already was gonna go intervene anyways but he will let them know what's going on Piccolo still is Piccolo at this point so he's a little bit difficult to work with but in this case he's actually gonna cooperate he flies over to where the space pot is and it's not one like the Saiyan space Paws that they saw before it's more like a normal spaceship well whatever constitutes is normal for spaceships the hatch opens and a man steps off Piccolo's stomach drops no it can't be this early already there's there's another saying here Cava steps on the ship making eye contact with Piccolo Piccolo is immediately ready to fight seeing that this guy is clearly is Saiyan his first instinct has jumped into battle this is bad the Saiyans aren't supposed to be here for another few months they're not ready yet Goku's not back either and the worst part is he's the only one here that knows too the other Freighters are all off somewhere else Piccolo has to face this alone and cabba simply asked for the say named Kakarot or the one named Raditz he just wants info in either of them pickle tells them they're both dead if he's looking for his friend and Raditz he's gone and Radice is the reason Goku's dead too and cabbage just gives off a sigh of relief and that leaves Piccolo kind of confused what he's not worried that one of his comrades is dead and Cava tells Piccolo he thinks there's a misunderstanding but Piccolo questions he has a Saiyan isn't he and then he notices he doesn't have a tail either it seems the two of them have to catch up a bit cattle learns about kakron and how he eventually became Goku Jocko actually never knew of that a while ago he was tasked with killing Kakarot as a kid but never ended up doing that thankfully for him it seems that the planet remained okay and the saying didn't cause any Rampage here Kappa knew that one Saiyan Raditz came here but he didn't know that the other three are actually going to show up soon too with Raditz warning them so that must be Prince Vegeta's crew Piccolo also learns about the Saiyans hearing more of the history of them and how there's kind of two different kinds of Saiyans the sadalan ones without tails like Kaba or the vegetan ones like Vegeta obviously or Goku it seems Goku is a weird case because the Vegeta and Saiyans actually are more well destructive while Goku's a good guy and Kappa mentions have Saiyans like him are a lot more passive but have greater potential than the vegetan Saiyans Goku apparently a low class stage from that society and Piccolo's a bit confused on why there's two separate groups of Saiyans they still don't know about the separate universes thing so Kappa doesn't really have an answer for that Kappa does say that he's around Goku's age and explains how his family deserted Planet Vegeta with him being the sole survivor for a while he's been trying to help the galactic Patrol stop Frieza which includes stopping the Saiyans in his army he's not even sure if the Saiyans are loyal to him the Satan should hate Frieza if anything but Vegeta and the Three Saints that were part of his crew well now the two Saiyans that are part of his crew they've remained loyal soldiers to Frieza and Kappa thinks this might be a good opportunity they're gonna get the two Saiyans alone he could figure out what their true motives are maybe they do want to revolt against Frieza and if not well it leaves the perfect opening for them to destroy the rest of the Saiyans if they truly are that evil and loyal to Frieza and Kevin tells Piccolo that he'll join the fight he can't promise that the rest of the black Patrol will help but he says that he will the rest of the galactic Patrol knows that frieza's Army is very formidable and they kind of tend to not get involved with that but cab is doing this on his own accord this is a personal goal of his and Piccolo can't believe it they found another saying that he's actually on their side supposedly he's still not that trusting Piccolo is pretty suspicious about this whole thing but then Kami butt said he could sense this guy's presence and he asked Piccolo he feels it too right his energy There's No Malice in it at all Piccolo still wary about this whole situation but at least he might be able to trust this guy and then cab asks something kind of weird so Goku's been on this planet for this entire time and has assimilated with the humans cab asks if Goku has a kid or anything and Piccolo tells him about Gohan this makes Kappa pretty excited he's heard rumors about how strong hybrid Saiyans can get this isn't just Saiyans with other species with tsedalam and Vegeta Saiyans this was the case although there weren't too many of them and they're all gone by now supposedly but a Saiyan and Earthling hybrid he's glad to hear about this because he could be a very valuable asset although the issue is Gohan's pretty young and very inexperienced and pretty cowardly too oh yeah Cava should have realized that well maybe he could help train Gohan but Piccolo's not too sure he's confident in his own methods and no offense Kappa did say he has a more passive type of Saiyan so he wonders how strong habit truly is and cabba would be glad to show Piccolo the two of them against sparring the piccolo immediately comes to learn that Kaba is actually white skill despite being a pretty young black patrolman he's very experienced as a fighter While most as much as Goku actually of course his fighting style is completely different but he can immediately tell that this guy is very smart not to mention powerful and because of this cap is going to help Piccolo spearhead this whole operation since it seems like he's kind of the one leading everything which includes Kappa training Gohan it's even better because he learns that they have a way to bring Goku back to life and cabba wonders how strong Goku could truly be he grew up here on Earth and apparently grows pretty quickly as a fighter as a low-class tailed Saiyan maybe he's not that strong but at the same time he seems like a very unique case so maybe he's actually more powerful than Kaba expects and let's cover some power levels at this point too cab is the strongest of the group at a power of around 6 000. Piccolo grows a bit stronger too because Cowboy becomes his training partner and with such a strong and experienced training partner like that Piccolo's power jumps to 4500 and with cabba's involvement Gohan's trading actually goes a lot more smoothly with two teachers around like that it really does help him grow as a fighter controlling some more of his power putting him at around 2000 before any rage boost although this doesn't mean he's gonna be a perfect Fighter by now it just tells him out a little bit but have it says there is one advantage that other Saiyans have that he doesn't they have tails which means they can transform into great apes while the sedal and Saints have greater potential and can grow faster as Fighters them turning into great apes is a huge Advantage although Gohan's tail got cut off by Piccolo already and it turns out Goku's tale is gone and it's been gone for a while and it doesn't seem like it's coming back anytime soon so unfortunately they don't have that power on their side but at least they know to watch out for the other Saiyan's tales and see if they can cut them off somehow just to prevent them from transforming and eventually three Saiyan space pods arrive on Earth they actually have a little bit more info about these Saiyans thanks to kabba the galactic Patrol got some more info on the Saiyans as well they're much stronger than Raditz but they don't know the extent of the Saiyan strength there's three members of the crew Vegeta the prince who's definitely the strongest then there's Napa who's a pretty high class Warrior from what Kevin knows he seems strong but cabba might be able to match him possibly even surpass him but then there's one more saying that they don't really know much about she's also fairly strong and probably around Napa's level and her name is caulifla and cabba can't really confirm it but from their data it seems she doesn't have a tail which might mean she's a sedal insane which makes no sense that she's part of that crew because apparently really she's just as good at the job as the other two so maybe she's a Vegeta saying that got her tail removed but they can't know for sure it's just worth noting though the group comes face to face with these three Saiyans and just like Piccolo feared they're way stronger than Raditz Cava can sense key too and his projections were right Napa and cauliflower around the same but Prince Vegeta he's definitely the strongest of them way stronger than anyone they have in their group but they might have a shot if they work together and if Goku comes back on time they'll be able to defeat him with Goku's help but surprisingly none of the Saiyans attack first Napa just plants some Cybermen and as soon as they hatch into the ground Kappa wastes no time immediately pulls out a blaster shooting at all them with Precision the side of men all explode he didn't want to take any chances with them the group might be able to defeat the Cybermen easily but he knows the tricks of them he's actually fought some himself it's too risky to leave them around and Napa perks up it seems like they have another saying here that's strange they don't remember hearing about another one living on this planet and then he nudges cauliflower he says maybe she's the same type of Saiyan as him so it is true they're both the same kinds of Saiyans but then why is she with that crew and Napa says he hopes she doesn't mind but he's gonna have to fight this guy and the two of them start arguing deciding who gets to defeat Kappa but then Piccolo speaks up he yells out to Napa saying that they'll fight together a namekian interesting fine Khalifa can fight that other Saiyan while Piccolo will fight Napa Krillin butts in wondering if Piccolo will be fine if people says he should be okay at his current strength he should be able to take Napa with Piccolo actually having a higher power level than him and Kappa feels just as confident too if Kali feels around the same strength as Napa he'll have no problem Piccolo and Kaba assume a battle stands while Khalifa and Napa do the same with Vegeta watching as the two Duos launching towards each other and the rest of the fighters watch on with amazement they can't believe how strong Piccolo's grown and more importantly how strong kabba is it's good that they have another Saiyan on their side well besides Goku of course who should be arriving here pretty soon he's running late but maybe they'll be fine with just cabba and Piccolo's help and Yamcha says that they have Gohan too who apparently has some pretty crazy power stored away and Gohan still a bit nervous to fight but he's glad that the rest of his friends seem so confident about it maybe this won't be as bad as they thought an appeton's Piccolo Piccolo isn't using his 100 power because he does want to conserve some of it and he asked Piccolo if he's sure if he doesn't need help from the humans he'll even let them bring one of them in with him how about that short one huh and he beckons over to Krillin telling him to join the fight too this irks Vegeta a bit he's pretty focused on cap and Khalifa's fight because it seems like Khalifa's losing a lot of ground and Napa seems to be holding his own well but he doesn't want him to get too cocky and Piccolo smirks okay he'll bring Krillin in and the two begin fighting Napa together with Piccolo saying that he has an idea he just needs a little bit of time to charge his attack and krillin's not sure if this is gonna work but Piccolo quickly gives him the full run out of what he's got an idea of so they decide to apply it Krillin puts his hands on his head performing a solar flare blinding Napa is Piccolo that quickly jumps back starting to charge his own attack and nap is infuriated swing punches randomly he'll kill that weakling for blinding him but as his vision comes back he looks around frantically and at the last moment he hears a beam fire towards him as Piccolo yells out Napa turns seeing it at the very last second jumping up in the air as the beam grazes him and he laughs that that fool expect that to work again they heard it all in the scouter they know radish died to the same thing but then he hears another key attack launched towards him midair he turns around seeing that curl him this is nothing to him the cans on curb as it flies towards Napa going completely vertical and Napa decides he'll catch it between his hands standing there with his hands in front of him ready to catch it oh God Krillin doesn't want to see this he looks away and Napa wonders why as he tries to catch the cans on in his hands and he times it perfectly but the attack's powerful it slips right through his hands then right through him Piccolo lands on the ground nearby with two separate halves of Napa then landing on the ground too and Piccolo tells when it's toughen up that's his own attack after all he's gonna have to get used to that if he wants to use that attack more their plan to work perfectly Piccolo's attack was just a distraction dropping Napa's guards to Krillin could use his own and pig lunu that Krillin had some new attack that he wanted to use but he didn't know it was that potent and yeah it's kind of disgusting Vegeta was so preoccupied with Kaba and cauliflow's fight and he just now notices that Napa was killed that's why he didn't yell at a nap at a Dodge it he just sees two halves of Napa on the ground really he felted those two it doesn't seem like college was doing too well either cab was holding his own pretty well he doesn't even seem too injured while Khalifa is definitely having a tough time and Vegeta's pissed off that she's not doing more he tells her to pick up the pace he knows she's the second weakest in the group but this is pathetic and then Khalifa yells at him to shut up don't intervene either she's got this but as she looks over to Vegeta she sees where he's standing she's right near Napa's body or half of it at least what they killed Napa that quickly and Kappa looks over and he's just as surprised and he lets calling for in on some info too he's nearly stronger than those who combine and if they were able to kill Napa that easily this shouldn't be a problem and he's about to land a finishing blow but before he does someone else launches a blaster here to end the fight the blast doesn't kill her but it launches her far away taking her out of commission and cabba looks around to see that Vegeta was the one who launched it he's angered he has no use for her anymore damn it he should have known that those two would fail him they can't believe he did that he attacked one of his own crewmates and he doesn't seem to care that Napa died either or Raditz for that matter but Vegeta simply doesn't care maybe it would be better if he fights them himself but they still need to buy some time Goku's not here yet so Krillin button doesn't Vegeta want to fight that other say in Goku as well what Kakarot that guy he's still not here yet he's running late any doubts that kakarot's gonna be much stronger than them but Piccolo promises that he is and Kaba button too he's only heard about Goku from other people so he actually doesn't know too much about him but he tells Vegeta that Goku is actually stronger than him doesn't he want to fight another Saiyan like himself and Vegeta's a bit annoyed but fine he'll wait and Kappa does try to stall a little bit more asking about Vegeta's true motives which is not giving a lot of info and it's going to take a lot to pry out they don't know that part of the reason they came here is for the dragon balls but from what Kappa could tell this guy isn't truly loyal to Frieza they still seem to be terrible but maybe they have a common enemy of course Kappa can't see them upcoming allies anytime soon but maybe they don't have to destroy the other Saiyans maybe they could actually just temporarily work together as Frieza Kappa doesn't float this idea just yet but it comes to mind Vegeta definitely doesn't seem to care about Frieza he's more concerned about his own Saiyan species which is also exactly why he decides he's going to fight Kaba first if Goku doesn't get here in time and surely enough Goku doesn't get there in time hours passed and he's still late only a few minutes away and it looks like they have no choice kabba steps in ready to battle and Gohan watches on he has the feeling that he needs to do something here he actually does have some sort of a connection with Kappa too it's not as deep as his connection with Piccolo but Kappa came here and helped him he helped Gohan grow stronger he's a teacher to Gohan and just as importantly he's one of their allies one of their friends now cabba assumes a Battle Stance getting ready to fight Vegeta and as the fight begins he completely outpaces Kappa and the rest of the group watches on completely hopeless Gap is the strongest of them and Vegeta's fighting himself effortlessly they got to do something to help but nothing they can do will work and then Piccolo flies in he'll help too they just need to buy a few more minutes and then Goku should be here and Gohan stays with the humans still terrified about this whole thing he wants to help but he doesn't know if he can but he watches his cabin Piccolo desperately try to fight Vegeta nothing they do works and his anxiety then turns to some sort of Rage seeing his teachers his friends getting hurt like that it causes a temporary fit of rage ramp the human sense Gohan's power rise dramatically as an aura flares up around him he launches in towards Vegeta Vegeta scattered beeps and he looks over in the direction of Gohan and a scouter then explodes wait what Gohan lands to direct him and Vegeta's stomach delivering her floor kicks and punches then jumping up in the air launching a volley a key blast down below with Piccolo and Kappa barely getting out of the way and Calvin looks on with awe it seems their training paid off that combined with Piccolo's horse trading really toughened him up but cow's influence definitely helped and he knew Gohan had some crazy late in power but it's interesting to see a saying like this it makes sense that he's a hybrid with humans but still to see reserves a power like this it's incredible is this what all hybrids are like even for non-human hybrids the dust settles and Gohan powers back down surprised at what he did now Vegeta's there having defended against all the blasts but he's clearly a bit scratched up and then cabba takes notice for something his tail it's not wrapped around his waist any longer and Vegeta's completely focused on Gohan he might attack him soon and in a split second cab decides to act Vegeta almost goes to attack Gohan after that which helps to distract Vegeta but kabba sees a great opportunity not only to keep Vegeta from doing that but also an opportunity to get the upper hand here he quickly pulls out his Blaster channels all of his key into it and aims a precise shot at Vegeta's Tale the blast quickly darts across the battlefield Vegeta doesn't even have a chance to react he's already mid attack as he lunges towards Gohan it just feels a sharp pain in his tail as it's cut off he stops himself midair looking back to see that it's been cut and cab is standing there with his gun pointed out with smoke coming off of it infuriated Vegeta then launches towards him with Cabot desperately getting ready to defend and then there's a loud burst of energy a streak of red light flies across the battlefield next Vegeta never makes it to Kappa something hits him mid-air as he sent rolling across the field cap drops his arms and sees someone in Orange standing in front of him with a yellow Cloud floating above him too Gohan looks over and smiles and Kappa says this must be him this must be Goku Goku turns back to look at Kappa saying he's glad to finally meet him kinkai did tell him about this other guy here apparently he's a Saiyan as well he was surprised to hear that there's another Saiyan that wasn't bad like his brother good to know that he's not alone Vegeta gets up quickly in that Split Second he was punched in the face he didn't even notice Kakarot arrive and what was that red flash of light and he smiles finally he gets to fight this other Saiyan far away from the battlefield cauliflow regains Consciousness infuriated that Vegeta did that she pulls out her scouter to try and find where the others are and she locates the general direction before a split second another power appears and then it sharply shoots up starting at over 8 000 and then doubling quickly her scouter explodes what the hell was that Goku and kabba stand together both ready to defeat Vegeta Goku has some tricks up his sleeve thanks to kankai which is also what he just used to help here it's the Kaioken he has to use it sparingly but thankfully he shouldn't need to use it too much Vegeta's not going to transform into a great his Tail's gone he's maxed out at his regular base power and the rest of Goku's team is still alive individually he's at a big Advantage but he's not fighting individually Vegeta is actually significantly disadvantaged here now everything's working against him but he's not going to retreat here he's not gonna quit and now he finally gets to fight Kakarot like he wanted he does want to fight Goku alone so Goku does oblige Kappa says they should work together but Goku thinks he has this personally he does want to fight Vegeta alone and with help from Kaioken he should be able to actually win here worst case Kaba can't help he doesn't want to get too confident but he thinks Victory is assured already which is exactly why he wants to take this opportunity and fight Vegeta one-on-one the low-class warrior faces the prince Goku's disadvantage at first but once he shows off his full power and goes into Kaioken times two he starts closing the cap and using Kyle contempts 3 actually does help a lot even though that's very strenuous in short burst he's able to overpower Vegeta but otherwise Vegeta overpowers him and Goku gets to enjoy his time fighting Vegeta definitely is just as strong as he thought he'd be he really is an amazing opponent which exactly why he wants Vegeta to delete they don't need to fight anymore Vegeta doesn't need to be here but of course Vegeta's not going to have it that way he's not just gonna leave because Kakarot said he should he'll fight until everyone's dead here and at this point Kappa does step in he's not gonna have another opportunity to catch Vegeta so that's probably the best option here kava doesn't necessarily just want to kill Vegeta either capturing him could be a great help plus killing Vegeta would be kind of tough anyways capturing him to get some information about the freezer force can be really helpful here and for all he knows maybe they can get Vegeta to join their side that would be the ideal outcome actually of course for Goku he knows nothing about this Frieza guy or anyone else but he's not out to kill Vegeta either it would be a waste of such a great warrior and they've already humbled him enough and now Goku and kabba finally fight together Vegeta can't believe it he's being beaten by these two Saiyans one of whom is a low-class warrior and one whom is a sedon two lower tiers of Saiyan that shouldn't beat him the elite Prince the low class one doesn't even have his tail which makes Vegeta think back to how his was cut off which is just truly embarrassing Vegeta continues fighting but at some point he is defeated as much as he hates to do it this time he decides to escape able to create a diversion and get to a space pod he gets in his ship and launches off into space taba quickly tries to shoot the ship down at least to get Vegeta back here on Earth he's able to charge a powerful blast aim to write up Vegeta's ship but right when it's about to hit two other ships fly in front of him and snap and cauliflow's pod they swirl around Vegeta ship making it tougher to hit and basically act as a shield with kappa's boss hitting both of them and Vegeta's safely getting out into space damn it they almost had him he needs to track Vegeta down somehow the group has no need to go to Namek here but kabba wants to keep track of Vegeta and while he wasn't able to stop Vegeta's ship he was able to do something during battle that will really help he was able to slip a small tracker on Vegeta himself within his armor this is a good foresight because now he could at least find Vegeta wherever he's going off to Goku thinks Kaba for his help and then Cabo surprisingly asks if they could help him and out he understands if they don't want to and he hates to ask or make them feel indebted to him he knows this doesn't involve them either but he wants them to help track down Vegeta and maybe defeat Frieza too these Warriors are so powerful Goku especially he's even stronger than Kevin is he does reiterate they don't need to join if they don't want him but he's gonna monitor where Vegeta goes and he will be back soon enough to tell them what's going on and he lets them think on it also thanking them for their help here he says they'll see them soon he gets in his own ship but right before he leaves he sends it something strange nearby Piccolo sentences at the last moment turning around and then blocking someone's attack it's that same saying from before cauliflow she's still alive they thought Vegeta killed her and she looks around at the rest of the group realizing she's completely outmatched here and she asked where Vegeta went did they defeat him well kinda but also he left and completely left her behind she then pulls out a remote trying to summon her own spaceship but it doesn't work she saw some explosion in the sky at the last minute but didn't know what it was then realizing that Vegeta used for spaceship basically as a distraction oh crap she's completely stuck here and completely outmashed on top of that well that Napa guy is dead and Vegeta's gone but Kappa could at least arrest her for their lack of Patrol she's ready to fight everyone even though she knows she can't and then she has something pretty surprising they're looking to track down Vegeta right well yeah and she says she'll help after that betrayal she wants Vegeta gone he killed Napa he almost killed her and then he abandoned her here she's just not gonna let that slide Piccolo's kind of suspicious of it especially after how cunning radish tried to be but it seems she's completely serious she did watch Bridget to kill one of her comrades after all and almost kill her so it probably is real it takes a bit of time for everyone to work everything out but eventually a new plan is formulated Kaba and caulifl actually stay on Earth for the time being because Goku suggests that they stay here and train using them as training portals could be pretty helpful for Goku even though Khalifa kind of hates the idea of it but cow is up for it enten's Piccolo wants to keep watching the other two Saiyans he joins Goku 2 in his training with Gohan and Krillin joining too although Krillin doesn't plan to go off planet with them cab is waiting to find out where Vegeta went and then they'll move to go after it and as time goes on a pretty strange team is formed there's Goku and Gohan and then there's Piccolo who really isn't still the greatest guy but is better than before but it's still worth noting that's basically Goku's Nemesis then there's kabba who's a good guy but they barely know him he's a galactic patrolman and this is actually his job and then there's caulifla who's pretty much still an untrustworthy enemy but it's an enemy of my enemy situation and if she does do anything to act up they can defeat her pretty quickly she's just going to be very useful for info and she's another strong Warrior that could help gravity trainings eventually developed on Earth as well with the group even using us to kill time and eventually even installing on a spaceship because Kappa finally found out where Vegeta went he found the trajectory of Vegeta's ship and it's going to some freezer base but that's not their main target the most important part is the microphone on the tracker picked up something interesting Vegeta was mumbling something to himself about Namek and this could be a good opportunity to capture him in his tracks They don't know what this Planet Namek is at least until Kaba and Khalifa point out that Piccolo's a namekian that's his home world so why could he possibly want to go there but kava does remember from their fight Vegeta was after the Dragon Balls here so what if he's trying to find them somewhere else Kappa didn't even really know what the dragon balls were then but he does know now what they are and Khalifa then bats in too that is exactly why they came here they did want to recruit kakrot or kill him but more importantly Vegeta wanted the Dragon Balls for himself maybe to wish for immortality or something she wasn't too sure but she knows he wanted them so that settles it Vegeta's Target might be namik and it looks like he'll be there alone which is the perfect way to capture him the rest of the human in the group don't really want to get involved in this because it's not really their place to go but Goku Piccolo and Gohan are still in on it Goku likes the idea of having an opportunity to fight Vegeta again and Gohan wants to go along with him Piccolo also does want to stop Vegeta and make sure that other Saiyan Khalifa doesn't pull anything funny and now he has to go to his home planet which could be interesting for him so the group heads out for Planet Namek and let's discuss some power levels now Goku is the strongest of the group he has access to Kyle kanba in his base he's at 150 000. cap is not too far behind he's at about 120 000. he grew really quickly with gravity training and having some great training Partners around him but most importantly his potential as dahlin is actually going to really help here same goes for cauliflow who's still behind but is at 60 000 which is way higher than before Piccolo's also grown stronger also around 60 000 with Gohan being at 30 000 having a better control in his power and of course having his own great potential so now let's go over Dynamic itself eventually Vegeta does get there being one of the first to go but unbeknownst to kappa's group he's not going to be the only one there Vegeta could already tell some Frieza soldiers are here Frieza was listening in on him but something is strange the Frieza force is fighting somebody he says his battles going on across the planet that could just be the namekians but no it doesn't seem like that Vegeta puts on a scouter trying to listen into some of the Frieza Four soldiers and also track some of the fights going on he is a bit lost because he had to spend some time healing so it might be a little bit farther behind but it seems some of the Frieza forces already here as well as another faction maybe and then out of nowhere Blaster launched at him he's barely able to defend against it then launching his own attack at some other soldiers not even sure who they are but he could tell exactly about their armor those aren't Frieza 4 soldiers those are soldiers from the frost core he's quickly able to figure out what happened Frieza was spying on him but Frieza also might have spies in his own Army the Frieza force is here for the dragon balls but the frost core is as well and Vegeta's right in the middle of it and little does he know another group's coming right for him too that Galactic patrolmen and those earthlings and one of his former allies who's still alive on benaught stamp Vegeta might have bit off more than he could shoot it's not just that but it's also the fact that manic is stronger than normal having more people as I discussed before in the first part Namek is actually a combination of the two damage from both universes it still is Universe 7 dynamic as the planet itself but there's more inhabitants and even though a majority of the population was wiped out a while back there were more to begin with they had stronger civilizations they were more resilient and there's more namekians to this day and stronger namekians at that too at the same time and the mechan resistance is going on Vegeta is in the middle of a battle between three factions the namekians the Frieza force and the frost core he didn't realize this planet was so powerful either it has so many of its own Warriors and it seems the namekians are actually the strongest faction here plus it does help that they are on their home tariff so Vegeta tries to make haste trying to at least get some Dragon Balls for himself and not too long after another group arrives thanks to Kaba they already had the tech and the directions to get here the galactic Patrol had some great resources for space travel and Bulma was able to help too which is how they got some gravity training done on their ships plus they're able to turn their ships into capsules but that's besides the point now they're just glad that they got here and before they landed they knew something bad was going down Kappa got his own until from the patrol with King Kai also budding in and telling Goku is same thing Namek is under attack and it's not necessarily going to be a welcoming place and as they put their ship away in a capsule Goku feels something a familiar presence is coming towards them they must have already been spotted when they landed here even though they found some place that was kind of far away from everybody but the fact that that energy is familiar they wonder who it is the power vanishes and then suddenly reappears as Vegeta then jumps out of him he charges an attack and great at them they can gets another group of three to four soldiers but as he fling his arm back to charge the attack it comes to the shock and realization that it's those same people that he just fought before on Earth and what's more cauliflows in that group immediately at the sight of him she's completely pissed off jumping up in the air to fight Vegeta but Gaba yells out trying to get them to stop they need to keep their powers low it's already too late though because he's able to land a good hit on him flipping him and then throwing him down to the ground right in front of him she gets ready to kill him right then and there but Goku and Kawa then try to defuse the situation but wait aren't they supposed to be here to catch Vegeta this is what they should be doing well not exactly when they got word from the lack of Patrol and King Kai that Namek was under attack they kind of have to change plans they were already really close to the planet when they heard about that and they did consider turning around and going back to Earth but instead decided to fight here as much as kabba did want to capture Vegeta it's like he said before he'd rather have a g to work with them maybe he could help against the freezer force and as a patrolman this is exactly what he wants to do he told everyone they could turn around if they wanted and no one opposed to going along with Kappa they decided to join in on this fight it's a good test of their strength and they have their own personal reasons cauliflower still wanted to go and kill Vegeta Goku wanted to fight Vegeta and Piccolo also wanted to kill Vegeta but more importantly they did like the idea of going to his home planet and he thinks it's faded that he comes here to defend it they successfully defuse the situation and Vegeta says they're better off leaving he was thinking of doing the same thing he wants to get the dragon balls as quick as possible but he knows it's not going to work and he doesn't want to fight them as well he doesn't want them meddling in his plans but he can already tell by Khalifa alone he can't win here the others must be stronger as well he didn't even realize she was still alive but he does have one idea they can all work together don't they all want to stop Frieza and for that matter Cavite that Galactic patrolmen shouldn't he want to stop Frost as well well this is good because that's exactly what they were thinking they need to work together it doesn't seem like either Frost or Frieza is here which is good because from what cabba knows they're incredibly strong and that could make things a little bit more complicated things are already complicated but they at least have a chance to make things more simple although Vegeta doesn't really plan to work with them this is a strategy for him to not have to fight them right now he'll use them as a means to a net use them to find the dragon balls and have some allies against Frieza they could act as a great distraction and he could slip away when he needs to getting the Dragon Balls against his wish or simply just stealing the dragon balls from them if that happens kappa's plan is to get the dragon balls before Frieza can they should be able to Goku was able to bring a dragon radar just in case and then Vegeta picks up on something weirder there's another person there that he didn't even realize was there until now she's hiding behind a rock nearby and then Goku tells should come out it's Bulma she decided she wanted to come along too and Goku says she could help them track down the dragon balls they originally were going to use this as a way to find Vegeta in case he learns to suppress his power somehow because if he did get a dragon ball this would be a very easy way to track him and she says it's good that they have it here because now they can get the dragon balls for themselves and Vegeta can't believe it being reduced to this working with these fools they can't even get the wish he wanted but at least he could kind of Stick it to Frieza so that's kind of nice but he is still concerned if Frieza himself shows up or if Frost shows up they're gonna be screwed they don't even really know that much about Frost either even less than they know about Frieza and they don't know much about Frieza to begin with things aren't really looking that good the group makes Haze as they go around getting the Dragon Balls thankfully they are able to defend some of the namekian villages too granted Vegeta and cauliflower aren't really doing much with that but the others are all doing it Frieza didn't really realize what he walked into either it looks like there's more people here than he expected his army just went to get the dragon balls not knowing that Frost would be there which infuriates him somehow this info leaked from his army and not just that but the namekians are stronger than they all thought Frieza himself is about to step in but he has a better plan he is present on the planet and he just needs some assistance and it's a good thing that he called for it already this will be sure to wipe out Frost Army as well as the namekians one dragon ball is in the hands of frost Army one is in the hands of frieza's army two are still in some of the other Villages and three of them they're in the hands of kappa's group they're making pretty quick Pace the dragon radar helps a lot and the namekians do willing to give the Dragon Balls to them after they find out who it is especially with Piccolo being in their crew it's a little bit easier for them to trust that group besides him being a namekian they could just tell by his presence that he's one of them his key reveals it all but the group sent his five powers approaching Namek with Kaba Vegeta and Khalifa realizing it's the Ginyu Force and they become the kitty Force first Target because they see a bunch of Dragon Balls altogether but it shouldn't be too hard to stop the guinea Force Kappa actually has a lot of info on them and knows some of their abilities too Ginyu and gold are the most dangerous but first they should aim at defeating Ginyu it doesn't even have time to do body swap because Goku and Piccolo attack them together defeating the captain the heycon raccoon Jason murder and it's pretty easy since there's so many of them and the group does collectively overpower them too and goldo's barely able to escape he's gonna try and use his time stopping abilities to try and at least get the dragon balls for himself that could really help here he doesn't even use this to attack he used this to try and Escape he'll do this to avenge his whole crew if you look at the Dragon Ball to make fries and maybe he could wish for the guinea Force back that would be great he freezes time going to take the dragon balls from them and he's just about to run out of breath but as he does he hears someone talking to him wait that makes no sense time's Frozen who's talking to him anonymous voice is behind him saying he's surprised that golo can stop time too Gola then clutches his chest exhaling all the air he had with time then resuming once more he falls to the ground and his last sight is a towering purple man standing there kappa's group is left confused because their dragon balls are gone two of them are missing and they still have one and they don't know where that golden guy went but then they sense that ominous power near them too and Kappa turns pale when he sees who's there the Frieza Force wasn't the only one who called in reinforcements it looks like the frost core did too this is Frost's highest level assassin the galactic Patrol knows all about him he can manipulate time just like Golda and while it doesn't just freeze Time by stopping his breath this guy's actually more powerful and has better time stopping abilities even if the time stopping isn't as lengthy this is the Assassin hit and he says he'll last them politely once he wants to take that last dragon ball from them the group has no idea of who this hit guy is clearly he's someone who doesn't mess around and it's also pretty obvious that he's not with the guinea force or the Frieza Force for that matter Vegeta in college let's say this guy didn't work with them ever there's only one explanation for who this guy is he's got to be working with frost although it kind of looks like they have no choice even though they know nothing about him they still do need to fight him especially because they're not giving up those Dragon Balls it's pretty clear right away that hit is stronger than Ginyu and Captain giddy was the strongest of his group although he's not too far beyond him in terms of strength the real issue is his abilities as an experienced assassin he has a bunch of techniques up his sleeve the most deadly of which is the ability to control time again they know nothing about this guy and they need to learn something about how he fights in order to defeat him it's pretty easy to tell that he can control time somehow and Goku wants to test that out seeing what he could do and figuring if he could work away around that as the group fights him he effectively fends them off he's got power to back up his abilities he's an excellent Warrior and they can see that it's not gonna be easy to take him down and Goku thinks he might have a way around this he wants to see how much time he can control he learned how this guy fights adapt into his fighting style but also hit reveals that it can control time for 1 20th of a second using it to basically skip ahead it doesn't sound like a lot but in a fight it's a lot of time but it says he'll also be able to improve it as he fights and Goku has an amazing idea they need to predict his moves catch him off guard and out speed him somehow and Goku has the perfect technique for that he lunges in for an attack and the second he's about to land the strike it activates his time scale and Goku activates coyote bursting into it for a fraction of a second speeding him up enough to attack him before his times get back to Bates and when he used this he goes into Kaioken times 20. a very strenuous and Powerful version of Kaioken but it barely affects him because he's only using it for a split second when attacking and not only does it greatly boost his speed but it also makes his attacks way more potent and the rest of the group stands back as Goku handles this and it can immediately tell he's pretty heavily unmatched here he needs to make an escape he'll cut his losses he at least gets some dragon balls back to frost even if he can't get all of them right now as Goku prepares his last attack hit uses his time skip using it not to Parry with Dodge but to do something completely unexpected Retreat the ground explodes around them hit lowers his key drastically and makes a quick and Silent Escape they try their best to find where you went but they don't know at least they know they could defeat him once they encounter him again and not to mention he didn't get all the dragon balls so at least there's that but Vegeta says this could be an issue if Frost is bringing out his strongest troops too he must be here as well he knows that freezes here nearby somewhere and that's bad enough as is but with frost being here too that's even worse because they have no clue about Frost they have no idea what his powers are like what he's capable of nothing like that they didn't know about hit for example on the other side of the planet it's able to quickly make it back to frost who actually just recently arrived on the planet well he's glad that the Ginyu Force is gone but they didn't account for that other group being here it explains that a some group that's not what the Frieza force and they're not the mechades either well one of them is but he's not with the namekians but one of them was wearing the Frieza force armor although they were fighting the guinea Force for some reason he has no clue who they're truly aligned with and frost is angered beyond belief there's others meddling in his plans too freeze is one thing they can take care of him but there's a random group that's here how would they causing trouble how do they defeat head of all people it says he needed some time to regroup he plans on striking though when they least expect it because that'll be effective and he'll deal with them in due time for now they should focus on the namekians in the freezer Force Frost has his own scouter which then goes off someone's approaching him actually a couple people are but most of them seem weak except for one person with an exceedingly High battle power it's Frieza as Frieza flies towards them his jaw drops that's who he's trying to get the dragon balls they found all the scouters and saw that someone defeated the guinea force and here they say Frost one of his strongest men hit and some Dragon Balls the fact that Frost is here means that he's ready to make his final moves and Frieza needs to stop it before it begins hit steps in front of frost ready to defend him but Frost says there's no need for that the two stare each other down with Frieza giving off a wicked grin he knew that someday they'd finally cross paths in a circumstance that would cause him to battle the frost is glad that frieza's prepared for this that's exactly why he came here on this planet since he knew Frieza himself was involved Frost himself needed to get involved as well naturally they're the only ones capable of taking each other wrong and frost thinks the best way to kill the Frieza force is to cut off its head instead of eliminating all these targets they just need to eliminate one Lord Frieza Frieza Chuckles well one thing incumbent frost on us is thinking the two of them are pretty similar ideas although Frieza didn't expect to see Frost here right now but it doesn't matter though he's ready to fight as the two prepare for battle hit tries to time skip using it to try and hit Frieza with one deadly attack before the battle begins but as he uses time skip he's outpaced by him Frieza not even phased by him and with one powerful blow he's able to knock it away this is going to be a one-on-one no Petty tricks like that he begins powering up as Frost does too as the two of them show off their true power going right into their final forms they didn't actually know for sure that they had final forms but they kind of assumed that the two were very similar in how they could transform so seeing each other using the same Powers well it gives them Comfort to know that they're probably on equal footing back over where Goku's group is they can sense everything happening and they're just astounded two Powers at that high of a level what are they supposed to do against those two opponents they assume the other one is Frost and one is definitely Frieza and they sense hit get knocked away with just one attack completely fighterized by Frieza but then Piccolo notices strange one of the Dragon Balls in their possession it starts glowing and then suddenly just stops as the orange color of it disappears it turns into stone and he begins panicking as the rest of the group notices too doesn't this mean that dragon balls are inactive now but how did that happen Frieza and frost haven't even noticed yet because they're in the middle of their battle but now this group knows about it it turns out that Guru has died the immense stress that he felt his Planet being torn apart like this two armies converging in on it and now their two leaders are fighting each other it accelerated his death taking the dragon balls and perunga with him well okay that's actually kind of good for them it's a shame because that means Namek lost its Elder but remember the group didn't actually need the Dragon Balls here they just wanted to avoid Frost or Frieza getting them and with no dragon balls that means there's nothing to worry about at the moment well at least in regards to the wish some of them have different ideas in mind Vegeta thinks it's best that they leave same with cauliflower this planet isn't their problem anymore they think this is great news as much as they'd love to kill Frieza well that might just happen with frost doing it they could Escape here on notice and unscathed and while Vegeta can't get his own wish for immortality he relishes in the idea that frieza's gonna find out he won't get his wish but others have different thoughts in mind for example Goku does still want to fight Frieza even though he knows it's way too dangerous at this point but it's not just that it doesn't feel rightly even Namek like this Piccolo himself is thinking about this too there's still a lot of namekians here the planet can be saved they can't just up and abandon it like this it's not right it won't sit right with them and as the group tries to figure out what to do next they sent some Powers approaching but not malicious Powers it's a group of namekian Warriors and Cava notes something really strange about them their energy feels weird different from the other namekians it's a lot more powerful first of all and also I feel like there's multiple energies in one he can't quite put his finger on it but others notice that too the three namekian Warriors land they don't recognize these people and it was kind of confusing because one of the people in the group appears to be wearing the armor or the Frieza force that being Vegeta but also there's Piccolo in their group a namekie they don't recognize him but they can clearly see he is one of them they try and figure out what's going on here and ask this group to identify themselves Piccolo explains and they find out that these three are the meccan Warriors Warriors that have merged with other namekian Warriors that's why they're so powerful and why their energies feel weird their names are nails so now and Purina the three strongest namekians they were the strongest before and now they're even more powerful they've merged with other Warrior mechans using this as a backup plan they know the dragon balls are gone and they really need a fight here they're not sure how the battle between Frost and Frieza will go but at least one of them is going to survive there's no way they kill each other someone is going to make it out of there and they're gonna need someone to defeat that last person although there's another issue too when they fuse that would have been enough to defeat first form Frieza the three of them together could have done it and it probably would have been the same result from frost but freeze and frost power shot up so far they went right into their final form and now they're not sure what they can do against these two and even if the three of them merge together into one really strong super namekian they still have no clue how that fight will go down they still don't know the full power of Frieza or Frost only what they sense at the moment these namekians were pretty powerful in the get-go too as I mentioned in the first part namex history is a lot different it had a lot more Warriors the population was allowed in general and they had a greater amount of strong namekians but now that brings them here they don't know what the best course of action is to defend their plan the situation is dying Namek is already in Ruins and they're pretty straight up about it they say a lot of the population has died while Namek has a larger population than normal it's still relatively small especially in comparison to planets like Earth so even a small loss of life is great in proportion but they have one last-ditch idea it's what they mentioned before if they can all fuse into one super namekian maybe that will be more than enough it'll assure their safety it is the last resort the dragon balls are gone the Elder the dragon Clan to Mexicans are dead and if these three die the only one left will be Piccolo and Kami who they don't know about at the rate this is going namik and his people will be wiped out and it's not like the fused machines can come back either this Fusion is permanent as far as they know there's no way to reverse it but nail has a pretty shocking proposition the ass of Piccolo can help maybe a fourth and reckon can really tip the scales but Piccolo has no clue who these people are or what this even is like he doesn't know what name Fusion will do to him meanwhile the battle between Frost and Frieza continues hit watches from the sidelines the entire area around them is torn up it's an unrecognizable Wasteland the two are a pretty good match for each other it seems and by now they notice that the dragon balls are gone so they're purely focused on killing each other it doesn't matter if the dragon balls are gone there has to be another place to find them it can't just be this planet but Frieza notices something interesting he has Frost if he's truly at his full strength yet and frost as he is why his Frieza terrified by it actually the opposite and Frieza has a little secret that he's gonna let Frost or not this is its final form but he's only been fighting at 50 of his power and frost doesn't believe this no that has to be a bluff and Frieza acid Frost really wants to test that bluff he starts charging power as it begins transforming once more not really changing form but changing size with his power spiking as well it takes a bit to charge up but he fights as he does so charging up a little bit more energy between each attack going gradually from 50 to 100 and he could see Frost is quickly losing ground he needs to do something to help but he knows he can't but actually this might be an opportunity for him the perfect opportunity to leave Dynamic he doesn't care about the dragon balls and while he does work under Frost he's not loyal to him he's there for the pay but there is one thing that's important to him finishing the job and if he fails at the job he was hired to do that's really going to irk him but hit also knows when he's defeated if he stays here he'll be pointless he'll die regardless and his job won't be complete he decides now he's going to escape manic if Frieza does win here he'll come from later but he'll also come for that other group that was meddling their time will come soon enough hit will grow much stronger before he meets them again Frieza finally reaches his full power completely overwhelming Frost he says that was a fun battle but it's gonna have to end here and frost curse is Frieza he says Frieza think he made a one here but he knows that he'll be back Frost says this isn't the end for him it's the beginning of the end for Frieza instead but Frieza pays no attention to this simply just Landing the finishing blow out of frost piercing a powerful Blast by through him then grabbing onto the mangled Frost then launching one more blast to fully eradicate him freeze is breathing heavily he's injured too but he's Victorious although what does he have to do now he wonders with that assassin went he should probably clean up that loose end and also that other group that was meddling in his plans he needs to get rid of them as well but maybe the best way to do that would just be to well simply destroy Namek that'll ensure that everyone on this planet will be dealt with he aims a hand right down to the surface launching a powerful blast but it never makes contact with the ground it's actually sent right back to him his own blast hits him Square on someone deflected him and hears the sound of someone Vanishing behind turning around to see what looks like a namekian standing there but something about this one's different his demeanor it's strange and he has a brilliant glow around him father than that he looks completely unassuming this couldn't have been the one to knock his attack back Frieza swings an arm at him and the name catches it and that glow vanishes around him and Frieza can clearly see his face now the namekian thanks Frieza for killing Frost that's less work for him now he then punches Frieza with his fist going right through it but Frieza surprisingly is unfazed by this it is painful but he's still alive even though he got punctured right through his chest who is this the namekian states that his name is Piccolo although a new version of Piccolo it took a lot of convincing but eventually the nameki infusion went through they were fine with Piccolo being the host he was powerful enough as is and the fusion would be pulling regardless so now piruna and nail all merge into him creating the strongest namekian that the planet has ever seen they knew the future would be powerful but no one expected it to be like this Piccolo simply launched the blast at Frieza setting him flying down towards the surface the power of the attack is very intense leaving Frieza badly mangled and seemingly dead in Piccolo sees now that this was Overkill but he's still glad that they got to defeat Frieza and now that Frost is an issue anymore too it seems navic is safe he descends down below going to where frieza's mangled corpuses that should be the finishing glove but he noticed something strange below Frieza the ground is glowing he kicks over frieza's body and is a disgusting and brutal sight but Frieza is still alive actually how'd he survive that how durable is this guy and the glow below and grows larger and larger Frieza just detonated the planet he launches a blast of Piccolo's face it does nothing but it serves a distraction a pluma lava shoots up in front of them too as Frieza then tries his best to fly out into space barely being able to escape and Piccolo can't believe it he failed know that should have killed Frieza how'd he survive that they didn't know he could survive attacks like that that's why Frieza eliminated Frost so quickly and destroyed every little bit of him he knew that Frost was durable but they didn't know that Frieza was that durable giving him the ability to do this Piccolo quickly flies over to the rest of the group grabbing all them and bringing them back to the ship he says he'll explain what happened in a bit and the group is barely able to escape as Namek explodes Piccolo watches on through the window he failed his Planet it's gone if there were any namekians still alive they're not there anymore he and Kami are the last of them whatever remains of the namekian race it's within him the rage he feels not just towards Frieza but himself it's immense he could have obliterated Frieza he could have saved the planet at least and now frieza's still out there but Goku says it's fine they'll fix the planet they could use Earth's Dragon Balls to fix it and then revive the other namekians but he also notices something weird too while pegler was told this Fusion wouldn't really change him it seems it kind of did he clearly has a strong connection to this planet now and he feels for it he feels for the rest of his species that's gone now his planet was torn apart by these two armies with him being the sole survivor of Namek he'll avenge his planet and his people he'll stop Frieza nail salon appear in a face as well as the sacrifice of every other Warrior to make in it won't be in vain for the time being our group of protagonist ends up splitting up Kappa goes back to the lack of Patrol thanking everyone for their help here as for everyone from Earth they end up going back there obviously Khalifa and Vegeta actually don't really have anywhere to go and they end up on Earth both in solitude not just from each other but everybody else Goku and Gohan return to their normal wives with Goku obviously making out of Namek not just returning home fine but also returning home without Super Saiyan you win some you lose some Piccolo on the other hand has seen a huge increase in power and has a new motive for himself as well he wants to defeat Frieza figuring out where he is and he is kind of concerned that he might show up on earth eventually regardless Piccolo is going to prepare for his next encounter with Frieza as well as his next encounter with hit the two of them are still out there and it doesn't know when either will show up and if either will be a threat in the future they could grow stronger they could be the same strength he needs to be sure that he can get rid of them when the time comes so what's going on with friezed hit that well as for hit let's cover his story a bit hit wants to get the dragon ball somehow he knows there gone on Namek but since they existed on Namek they must exist somewhere else too although that's not his main concern at the moment he could use that in the future and you may be thinking he might use it to get Frost to come back but actually he would use them for a more selfish reason if anything he doesn't know how he'd use them if he did get them or if they even do exist out there but he'd rather use it to benefit himself he has kind of a third party hired for frost after all and while he does want to finish his job because that's just part of who he is his job doesn't include Reviving Frost just procuring the Dragon Balls for him as well as defeating any of the people that were opposing them on Namek and since the dragon balls on Namek are gone as well as basically the planet itself well that part of his objective has failed and he has to accept that although he doesn't know that Namek was brought back by Earth's dragon balls but that's kind of besides the point he wants to find those others and defeat them he's not going to rest until his job is completed not just Frieza but everyone else on Earth that came to Namek to defeat him he actually doesn't know much about them and assumes they were part of frieza's army judging by Vegeta's armor and all and the fact that the group had Goku and Khalifa who are other Saiyans too ever everyone is back and Earth more motivated than ever Piccolo is training in preparation while Goku is trying to train to surpass pekalor Frieza in any way possible he doesn't know how he could do so but he knows he could probably find some sort of way and hit assumes that in the meantime everyone else is going to grow stronger so if he encounters anyone again he needs to grow stronger as well but it's going to be hard to track down the others that random group that he encountered when they defeated the guinea Force tracking Frieza that might actually be easy there's a passage of time here about a year or so by now King cold has found Frieza and they started the process of rebuilding him but he's not fully finished yet although in this time hit was able to track them down as well as growing stronger himself too with the strength that he has now as well as the abilities he has he should be able to defeat Frieza he locates their Mothership sneaking aboard it catching everyone off guard defeating some of the random Frieza 4 soldiers that he comes across and he does this all very covertly his time Skip and all his assassin abilities actually helping to go through this without anybody noticing and as he goes with the ship he tries to get any info he can on the Dragon Balls as well as the rest of the Frieza force and see if he can find those other people on Earth since he doesn't actually know where they're from and maybe he can get some info here so he collects whatever he can along the way but much to hit surprise pretty early on he comes in contact with King cold who's immediately on guard and actually isn't too concerned he's ready to face hit King cold knows who he is and why he's here he's here to kill Frieza isn't he and it says that's part of the objective but King cold is part of that as well and King Cole assumes he's going to be after the Dragon Balls as well what is he going to try to get them to bring Frost back it says actually no his primary target right now is just him and Frieza right well whatever the case King cold says this is the end of the lion Fred he could have just lived a peaceful life away from everything but him coming here sealed his fate and it shouldn't be too hard for King Cole to defeat him especially without Frost set aside pit really stands no chance but hit tells King cold that he has no need for frost anymore he'll win here he's more than capable on his own alarms start ringing on the ship and hit realize he has to work quickly King Cole tries to swing at him but it just vanishes from sight then appearing with his fist connecting to King Cold's chest and at first nothing happens but once hit steps back King cold is just then completely immobilized then falling to the ground it says that he doesn't need Frost as an ally anymore but he is grateful that he got this poison from him it makes King cold a lot weaker King cold then tries to stand up once more barely having any strength left he's using poison what a cowardly move hit is an assassin after all and is going to use anything at its disposal this is going to make the job much more efficient he punches in front of him with a compressed blast of air flying right into people's chest immediately stopping his heart the poison weakened him enough to kill him with just one attack hit then lifts him up against one of the walls blasting him out into the vacuum of space king Cold's corpse floats out into space and much to hit surprise it doesn't actually freeze or anything he guesses they're the kinds that could survive in space but that doesn't matter with him seemingly dead now and defenseless it launches a single blast that completely eradicates him he knows how durable these people are and wants to make sure that he doesn't come back or anything especially with how Frieza came back after all but while hit did make this as quick as possible it wasn't quick enough the ship is losing stability in the part that he launched a hole into but as he runs to find Frieza it seems he's gone a piece of the ship has separated launching off on its own Frieza actually made his own escape with some of the scientists on board breaking off the section of the ship where Frieza was he's almost fully repaired and just needs a little bit more time Frieza hates the idea that they have to run but this should at least slow hit down the rest of the mothership collapses with hit aborted as he quickly makes his way towards his own ship but Frieza is long gone already and Frieza still has no clue who messed with him he got word that someone was aboard and defeated King Cole and he has a hunch that it might be that assassin that he faced before but that makes no sense that assassin was so weak beforehand how could he have grown so strong so quickly enough to defeat King cold even with whatever assassin techniques he has in the ability to stop time that shouldn't be enough he still needs the raw strength to defeat King Cole so has he grown stronger is that it it can't be anyone else the frost core is completely collapsed and that namekian he faced before it wouldn't have been him he would have known it couldn't have been Vegeta either he wasn't nearly sure strong enough and there's no way he grew that strong and that quickly he doesn't have much info but assumes that he's now being hunted by hit what's he gonna do now a few soldiers and scientists are left with him thankfully but the issue is Frieza has no objective he doesn't know where hit's gonna go it has no clue how to track him down not just that but he has no clue how attracted on the other namekian that he faced before it's gonna take a lot longer and he still is gonna need a little bit more time to fully heal and get adjusted to this body he wants to figure out who that Assassin's working for but not just that he wants to find that anekian that faced him before the one that left him in this condition even though the planet's gone he definitely found a way off there but he does remember an interesting tidbit of info from his crew his soldiers had reports of Vegeta running around same for Khalifa as well as some Galactic patrolmen the pieces are there they just need to put the pieces together somehow and figure out what planet they're all coming from as for hit he decides to try and find the others that fought him before too he wants to try and track down Frieza but he has no way of tracking that other ship that escaped by the time he realized it it was already too far gone but he assumes that frieza's next Target might be whenever Planet those other people came from too they each have a common enemy he'll finish his job no matter what which also includes eliminating those on Earth and just like Frieza he thinks a good place to start would be tracking down that patrolman the one that he saw before and also that saying he fought the one wearing orange the one who was able to dramatically increase his power and defeat him wherever they came from that must be where they are now so now let's go back to Earth itself by now Kappa has actually been assigned to protect Earth along with Jocko he kind of did have it under his jurisdiction before but since he's done so well with it so far that's a big focus of his now he doesn't live on earth though but he does stay very close nearby he even tries to recoup cauliflower and Vegeta he knows they have nothing else going on for them right now and he did kind of want them to join in the first place against Frieza he owes the fact that the fellow Saiyans especially with Kali for being a sedalan that might actually make them warm up to him but it doesn't at least for Vegeta Vegeta doesn't want to go with the offer and decides to stay on Earth but because of Vegeta's decision cauliflower actually decides to join knowing how strong cap has grown with the patrol she wants to join him there growing stronger herself besides this means that she doesn't have to be around Vegeta since she still does kind of hate him Andre understandably this will be a good way to keep yourself ahead of him as well as keeping them from trying to kill each other Vegeta does aim to surpass the other Saiyans them training intensely on his own naturally he still does end up with Bulma but he'll figure out some way to surpass other Saiyans especially Kakarot by now about two years have passed since namik so it's been another year since his encounter with King cold and Frieza as for Frieza himself he's finally gotten adjusted to his body the healing process is a complete Mecha Frieza is now ready it did take a bit longer for him to fully adjust to this body due to the extent of his injuries and the fact that it kind of delayed it but also Frieza took some time trying to train a bit with this body too making sure he has full control over it it wasn't a lot of training that he did but it was enough to get him adjusted fully and more importantly with his amazing potential even a little bit of training goes a long way let's say a few days and maybe even a week here just to fully adapt as for hit he hasn't been sitting around doing nothing either he's finally located Earth growing stronger himself as well continuing his own Improvement growing stronger thanks to Pure progress he wants to improve his physical strength and the ability of his time control and and one day he descends on Earth just like with Frieza and cold he's going to make this a pretty quick job thankfully this place isn't swarming with soldiers and since his entire planet that is infiltrating it's a lot easier to remain undercover his first Target is Goku the one who is an issue before because he was able to counter hits time abilities he actually didn't get to see the full extent of Piccolo's powers and doesn't realize that he's the biggest threat at the moment but still has Piccolo as a threat he'll defeat them all as they come he tracks Goku down to the middle of some Wasteland wondering why he's here from a far distance he launches a poison dart at Goku immobilizing him as he collapses to the ground the poison courses through him injuring him but also leaving him vulnerable hit quickly launches over ready to kill Goku with one attack but before he lands it he sends his power nearby something then catches him off guard he didn't even sense a power nearby it just popped out of nowhere but he sees those other two sayings in that group from before Gohan and Vegeta Vegeta's actually been training with Goku recently it is a very recent development but it has been happening as reluctant as he has to do so kakarot's unlock some sort of new power that Vegeta wants to get a hold of him self and he's glad that they can finally see hit again this time they won't give him a chance to run away and Vegeta will be the one to beat him Gohan's also ready to fight as well and no more words are exchanged as Vegeta and Gohan fend off the Assassin together they know his abilities from the last fight they know it's going to be kind of tough to face him with those abilities but still it's important because they know about them but it lets them know that he's improved since last time even if they know what he's capable of they don't know the extent of what he's capable of now before he was only able to time skip about a 20th of a second he's improved that now it's about 1 15 and he's gained a better ability on time control in general while also going much stronger physically and Vegeta questions why hit is even here and hit just simply says he needs to finish his job he was tasked with defeating all them and he's going to do so but Vegeta says it's a pointless task first of all his lead was gone he's just give it up but not just that it's cowardly the way he's going about it sure he's an assassin and all but at least fight like a true warrior or was it because he knew that he wouldn't be able to defeat him in Kakarot and it says he's confident he would have been able to defeat Goku even if he didn't catch him off guard just like he'll be the one to defeat Frieza oh so that's it too he's after Frieza as well but Vegeta lets hit know that he'll be the one to defeat Frieza as well once he attains kakarot's power what that Kaioken thing it says that's not gonna be enough for Frieza not for him either but also he's surprised to hear that Vegeta wants to defeat Frieza he assumed they were part of his crew too Vegeta even did have the armor of the Frieza force on but Vegeta laughs at this no he hasn't been with Frieza for a while besides he should have seen them fighting against the Ginyu Force that wasn't some sort of internal fight Vegeta wasn't the genu force he was with that other group the genie force was specifically after them Frieza is their enemy and Frieza is Vegeta's Target but even with a valiant effort from Gohan and Vegeta it's not enough to face hit he's grown so powerful and his techniques are so Advanced they can't do too much against it but thankfully before hits able to do anything else another fighter quickly arrives one who catches hit completely off guard and then fights him with such a Sonic Speed that even hit can't keep up Piccolo has arrived on the battlefield and hits confused why isn't a Mecca in here and how is he so powerful it's that same one that he saw before he remembers that but if he's stronger than Goku Piccolo is able to stop hit also throwing a send zubina Gohan who then gives it to Goku but Goku is actually fine thankfully the poison was only temporary he wasn't hit with nearly enough of it and hits in a pretty big bind now but then they sent something strange hit didn't realize that this whole time he was being tracked by Frieza and that's exactly who he senses frieza's power is approaching Earth he led Frieza Right Here and Now freeze is gonna have an opportunity to take down everyone that was meddling at his plants not just hit but the Saiyans on Earth too and this just makes things even worse for it he warns them to freeze his power they might have been able to defeat him but he doubts they'll be able to defeat Frieza they're going to need his help but Goku tells hit to chill out Frieza might be powerful but they should be able to handle him anyone of hits power will be helpful here they might not need it they're actually a lot stronger than hits giving them credit for Frieza ship lands and he makes his presence known with a group of a few Fighters arriving over there Goku Vegeta Gohan Piccolo and hit who actually isn't too sure what to do right now but no one's off guard because they know that hit could easily try and kill them while they're not paying attention Piccolo's keeping a close eye on him to make sure that doesn't happen and it still has no clue what they mean they're gonna need his help to fight Frieza but Goku says that he and Piccolo can handle this Frieza glad to see everyone already here this is gonna make things a lot easier for him even if that lack of a trollman and Khalifa aren't here right now but Goku steps up first and he says freeze is going to be pretty surprised to see what kind of power he has now he's trained so long and hard to try and surprise Piccolo and only just recently he found out about this but it's a state of power beyond anything that he's had before it Frieza laughs at the idea of a Saiyan trying to defeat him there's no way he could grow that powerful and Goku as if Frieza really wants to wager against that his Aura flares up a golden key surrounds him and mechanical sensors Within Frieza go off trying to estimate what this power is Goku shouts as everything around them shakes he even hit his throne off guard Goku's hair spikes up and then turns golden with a burst of key as he fully Powers up he wasn't too sure what this was at first and he barely has a control in it but according to Vegeta this is apparently the Super Saiyan form frieza's Frozen in fear when he hears this uh a Super Saiyan no that's that's just a rumor that doesn't exist and Goku walks ever so slowly closer to Frieza and Frieza says he doesn't care for the Super Saiyan is real or not his new body is even better than it was before not to mention he's grown a bit stronger too sure it was only a few days of training but it's more than enough and Goku questions if that's really going to be the case but before Frieza can do anything he suddenly caught in a Time cage if I hit who then yells out now is the time to attack as Piccolo rushes in too and this makes Goku kinda mad he wanted to fight Frieza with his own strength but it looks like he has no choice they'll just have to defeat him right away a combined effort from Piccolo Goku and of course hit defeats Frieza well that was kind of a letdown Goku was looking forward to facing him but he'd kind of screwed that up although hit can make it up to Goku if they could fight sometime in the near future that would be pretty great and Vegeta calls him insane for even suggesting that he was just trying to kill them before but Goku reminds Vegeta he tried to do the same as well same for Piccolo they weren't an enemy of my enemy situation and it seems hit isn't really a threat here anymore plus he knows what Goku's power is like now as well as Piccolo's too hit could try to kill them but it's going to be pretty tough and it really has no clue what to think but he kind of Chuckles to himself fine then so be it while it is part of his mission to defeat them technically he guesses it doesn't matter anymore frieza's gone and they're not really part of the Frieza Force anyways so they're not really part of that objective this isn't the last you'll see of them he departs Earth with everyone thinking that was just a really weird encounter and Goku's pretty surprised at how dedicated he is to his job what a weird guy I went on the sacred world of Kai's shin and fua have actually sensed all this going down they're keeping a close eye on everything due to actually trying to be competent here but also have their hands full and it seems a lot has happened recently that they need to catch up on there's a passes of time here about three years or so over this time frame nothing too big happens cauliflower and Kappa do return to Earth occasionally and Goku's glad to hear that cab is actually able to work with her somewhat she is tough to work with but still better than before especially considering she was part of Vegeta Squad and it's good that she's working for the right side now the two have actually been gone from Earth for a while and learned that Goku acts as some sort of new power a transformation called Super Saiyan they don't learn to access it right away but still they definitely are going to try and work towards that especially with Khalifa wanted to get that the two do have jobs as a black patrolman after all so they can't just be here training all the time but they will stop by occasionally especially because with power like that Kappa can become one of the strongest patrolmen there's one strange guy who's a bit stronger than him and Kappa wonders if this will put him over the edge and make him the best patrolman although Joker will still think he's the strongest regardless anywho they go back to their jobs of course Vegeta is going to try to unlock Super Saiyan as well spending all his time working towards that and Goku is pretty amazed because even with this great power Piccolo is still ahead of them he guesses that makes sense though because he did merge with a bunch of namekian essentially the whole planet of Warriors and he's glad he got to fight Frieza before because he knows Piccolo could have just killed him easily he and hit weren't actually needed in that fight but this isn't a terror Goku if anything keeps him more motivated trying to reach Piccolo's level and surpass that he knows he can although something gets in the way of all this Goku eventually comes down with some strange virus and nothing can be done about it but Kappa eventually does get word of this wondering if he could do anything to help the Glock Patrol has a ton of advanced Tech and resources so maybe they could do something to make a cure boom honestly isn't too sure because she couldn't even whip up something same with Dr briefing they're not really too into medicine anyways Kappa wants to do anything he can to make sure Goku can pull through so he tries everything he has trying to get Jaco and cauliflu help as well and in the neck of time the Glock Patrol is able to procure something with their scientists using the resources to try and get some sort of cure they can't cure it immediately but they're able to find a treatment and this helps them buy just enough time enough time to actually develop a cure Goku has the virus a little bit earlier on pretty much around the time where future Goku got this and takes longer for him to heal because they didn't treat it right away but after a few weeks surprisingly Goku makes a full recovery a crisis was averted and they're grateful for the help of the black Patrol and their resources Kappa doesn't want to take credit but Jaco kind of does and Kappa says that Goku's helped him so much in the past that he needed help return the favor somehow and thus the heart virus Never Kills Goku but that doesn't mean they're safe from threats here one day there's a terrifying news report some cities being attacked by what looks to be just two regular teenagers or something no one has a clue of what's going on Krillin is the first to get word of this and contacts the others judging from what they see on the newscast it looks like somebody using K to attack but no matter what they do they can't sense any strong key signatures but they should be able to it's strange and it seems like this could be a problem so they're definitely going to check it out they fly over to the city but just as they do they see a ship descending from the sky a very familiar one it's kabba's ship with he and Khalifa jumping off board this is under his jurisdiction after all so he wanted to check this out because he has been monitoring the planet and he hoped they would have some sort of info but they don't jack also jumps off the ship saying that no matter what this threat is they'll be able to defeat it until he sees the entire city vaporized in front of him and decides he's gonna go back on the ship for a bit the group looks around frantically trying to find who's responsible for this and they see two figures floating in the sky they lock onto this group descending down to the ground Vegeta says these are just two normal humans but how are they able to do this they're shooting beams in what looks to be key blasts but they don't sense any sort of power coming off these two and then Goku and Krillin sees something interesting one of them is wearing the symbol of the Red Ribbon Army and Goku puts all the pieces together these are Androids that explains why they can't sense them 17 compliments go could be figuring it out yep they're Androids and he should realize that they're the ultimate life warps too they're actually glad that Goku came here that makes their job a lot easier they're actually not really doing it just to please Dro but they do have a directive to kill Goku kind of as a side quest for them and then they'll just go back to their normal destruction but this is fun they didn't expect to see Goku right away but Goku tells them they're not going to get away with this he doesn't care if they're Androids humans aliens whatever whatever power they have won't be enough to face them he's surrounded by a golden aura paddling up in a Super Saiyan the two Anders aren't really two things and then Vegeta does the same thing powering up as well cattle looks around a bit confused and guesses they're all gonna power up as soon as they can so he transforms as well with Khalifa following suit Vegeta's jaw drops and Goku looks over smiling so they actually got the form awesome Goku is obviously elated but Vegeta not so much especially knowing he still wants to be stronger than the other Saiyans mainly kakron and cauliflow and caulifl could tell this gets under Vegeta's skin but Vegeta's not going to let distract him he'll prove himself in this fight they also have Krillin piccolo and Gohan there all ready to fight whatever this threat is the Enders aren't too phased by this though they have data on all these Fighters and kinda know how they fight even if they aren't too aware of these new developments in their power the Super Saiyans all play with great speed but no matter what they do it's not enough to fight the Androids it is enough to just push them back though and basically hold them off but not nearly enough to kill them especially because they learn that Anders have Infinite Energy but there's something there that really helps them tip the scales that being Piccolo he still is the strongest in the group and no matter how strong the Androids are here it might not be enough to face Piccolo and they kind of realize that right away the Super Saiyans have their fun at first and it's not like Piccolo wasn't already fighting seriously but once he sees that they're not faring too well he decides to show off some more of his power obviously the Androids can't even sense it but he's actually able to completely demolish them they still do have the advantage in stamina and this doesn't mean that they're not powerful they still are very strong but they can't believe how strong Piccolo is he shouldn't be this powerful but again they haven't really seen the full extent of his power Piccolo says no matter how much data they have they definitely aren't up to date on what happened to the dynamic but they know Piccolo's full power it shouldn't be like this and Piccolo ask if they're really sure about that he hasn't used his full power for a while not to mention it's much greater than it was on there because it has been a few years and the Androids realize they're fighting a losing battle so they throw up a smokescreen and try to escape using their lack of key as an advantage but Piccolo's quickly able to reach his arm out grabbing one of them dragging 17 in by his leg and as the Smoke Clears he sees Android 18 standing there holding Vegeta with a hand stretched out to his head having taken him hostage alright take a look do the same taking Android 17 as his hostage so it's come to this they've realized they've lost so their only option is to actually take a hostage how pathetic and 18 has no clue what to do because this is the only thing she could think of in the meantime but then 17 thinks quick putting up a bunch of different barriers launching a powerful keyblast in front of him basically turning to a giant ham spall as it rolls away 17 pets all his power into it and there's such strength in this blast that it sends them far away at a shocking speed too basically launching them across the entire ocean as it rolls across and 17 is able to wiggle free of Piccolo's grasp but the second he does pickle launches a blast from his mouth not only destroying all the barriers around them but completely incinerating Android 17. Piccolo rock is back into the City and then sends his a huge burst in power it's Vegeta he summons all the strength trying to break free elbow and Android 18 of the gun and it doesn't do much in terms of damage but it's able to help him break free and he's absolutely fuming how cowardly that they're trying to take hostages to just accepted their feet already it quickly jumps back then find her Gallop gun at her with 18 launching her own blast easily holding it off but she could tell this isn't good 17's probably already been defeated and Vegeta's blast gets more powerful as Goku then jumps in and then Kappa and then caulifla it's a 4v1 beam struggle but then she hears two voices cry out from above first it's Gohan yelling masenko hitting her from above and not doing too much damage but Piccolo then makes his way back joining in with Gohan's attack so now from the sky she's hit by that double masenko either consumed by all the Blasted and just like that the Androids are defeating in case you didn't already notice there's no time traveler here either which also means sell from that alternate timeline isn't going to show up but it is worth noting they never found gero's lab essentially this is the event of the future timeline but there's no need to distinguish the timelines because there's no time traveling here that's why the Android's awaken earlier that's why Goku came down with the heart virus and didn't have someone travel from the future to help him and it also means Giroud died at the hands of Android 17 just like normal and no one's ever gonna find cell so he still is being developed in gero's lab now Vegeta pulls Kappa aside he's decided what he's gonna do next he wants to train with a Glock Patrol and cap is a bit confused to hear this why well Vegeta seeing how they've grown so strong so quickly plus something about these tale of Saiyans has always been strange he wonders if they have inherently greater potential but even if that is the case that doesn't matter Vegeta's own hard work will pay off besides he's an elite Saiyan Prince after all if anything he should be inherently gifted too it knows they probably have some strange training facilities that's got to be the case they had the tech and resources to cure Goku's virus so they gotta have something for that as well and cabba says yeah they do that's part of the reason they grew so quickly and it's decided Vegeta's gonna go with them for a bit wanting to see if he could send Super Saiyan somehow and more importantly getting ahead of all the other Saiyans while everyone else stays on Earth Goku is still trying to get Gohan to unlock Super Saiyan and was hoping that this battle would help with that but you know it's probably a good thing that it didn't because he knows it's unlocked from anger too especially with how Gohan's power Works he knows that inducing that anger would probably mean that something really bad happened so it's probably good that it didn't happen then clearly they have Piccolo here so that's still really going to help them grow stronger but there's also other things going on too let's go into space going back to hit following the encounter with Frieza on Earth it has found new workout in space he still is basically working as a freelance mercenary whoever pays the highest he'll work for them and he has a great work ethic he's notorious around the universe not just for his great Powers but just the fact that he always gets the job done no matter what it is he sees it through to the end and there is one faction that's particularly interested in his abilities that being the heaters first they started hiring him for a few jobs here and there the best part is hit never ask questions about them as long as the pay is fine he'll do whatever they say taking out high ranking soldiers on other planets any competing factions or even cleanly assassinating people that work for them that they want to get rid of because the haters do have some of those people and with him working with the heater so much they form a good business relationship with hit and he becomes one of their star mercenaries although he is pretty competitive with another one of the mercenaries one who's also doing very well in his own right that being granola the two are very competitive with granola being sent out as basically a pirate he has his own great abilities and definitely is powerful but the heaters still kind of view him as a problem their empire is expanding especially without Frieza there they're able to take the throne and fill that power vacuum taking over as many planets as they can and making as much money as possible and with this they're getting more soldiers more strong people people that they can trust and the heaters start to view granola as more Expendable than he was before and gorilla could easily tell what they're thinking he doesn't have as much jobs with them anymore and when he does they're a lot more dangerous than they were before granola starts trying to train more and more trying to grow stronger he feels like he knows what the heaters are gonna do Frieza might be gone but he knows there's still other threats out there the heaters are still a pain and it might be a Potential Threat as well but granola knows that there's also Saiyans out there apparently granola's a bit paranoid thinking he has enemies everywhere and he wants to do whatever he can to preserve his life want him to figure out maybe how his techniques work maybe he can get them for himself this could be the key to his survival he can get rid of the heaters once and for all get rid of hit too so he's not a threat and even better and act revenge on the Saiyans who ironically enough he heard about from pitt who would mention them in passing for the heaters while granola was eavesdropping and one day granola was able to get what he wants hit goes to the heater's headquarters for another job but feels a strange sensation as he's walking in almost as if his time skip is activated he can move freely but he knows he didn't activate his time Skip and then he realized what this is it must have been someone else even though it was only for a split second someone used the time skip ability he felt a weird Ripple in time that felt like it almost stopped for a bit he rushes inside and all he sees are the heaters on the ground every single one of them they're dead and each one of them has one wound on them a precise attack that killed him in one shot and he looks around trying to see who did this and then he feels that same sensation again that Ripple in time anyone else wouldn't be able to move with this but it activates its own time skipping at the same time as whoever else is doing it everything completely stops around them for a brief moment and it turns around quickly enough to see who it is defending against the attack the time skip ends and it's standing there with his arm defending with granola being the one to attack him wait it's him using these abilities he didn't know granola had those Powers but more importantly why is he after hit now as we've discussed before hit doesn't really care about his employers he's not loyal to them and has no attachment to the heaters they just pay him that's really it but granola is directly threatening him so this is his problem now it tells granola he has no clue how he got this power or what he's planning but he plans to try and kill hit it's going to make it as tough for him as possible he could tell that granola had some clear grudge against the heaters unless granola know nothing if this is personal he got paid and that's all that matters to him just his job and that job with the heaters is done but granola has no clue of what to think he doesn't know if hit is a threat or not but even if he is that doesn't matter because of his wish to become the strongest wait A Wish hold on does that mean he used the dragon balls but he never went to Namek or anything how did he get the dragon balls and granola's surprise to see that hit knows about them but says it's no concern how he got them so he made a wish to become the strongest in the universe at this point which grants him the powers of the others who he surpassed now he's able to control time just like hit but then granola drops his guard he'll be willing to take his word for it not going after him because first of all he knows if he needs to kill hit he can and second of all he could tell that he's genuine he's worried alongside hit long enough to know this he has no grudge against granola and no reason to kill him and he has no connection to the heaters besides being paid and it's not like he got rid of his only source of income he can get other jobs gorilla says if it really doesn't trust hit he's only using this power for vengeance he knows frieza's gone already but he's still had other issues the heaters for one they were plotting to kill him after all but more importantly he knows there's someone else out there that he needs to defeat he heard hit mentioned it before too the Saiyans the same group of Warriors that destroyed his people all he wants is power for his Vengeance he just wants to get rid of the Saints and then live his life in peace he doesn't want to have to kill hit but he will if he needs to and says he hopes hit realize the same thing don't get in his way time freezes again and hit tries to counter it but he can't Grinnell is able to actually stop time for a little bit longer giving him just enough time to get out of there he wasn't using it to attack just to disappear and it has no clue what to think granola might be an issue he never was that strong before and now it's kind of concerned but he wonders if granola is actually going to try to go through with that he knows exactly what Saiyan he's going for too and he wonders if he's truly going to be able to stop that but again hit isn't really attached to anyone this isn't any of his business but he does wonder what his next move should be but he recognizes granola's going down a dark path he consumed by revenge and he did mention something interesting he wants to get rid of any remain in the Frieza Force too but surely he should know about the frost core right which could also leave him as a potential Target by the time this has all happened with hit a few years have passed since the Android Saga Vegeta does eventually return to Earth from the galactic Patrol he can't stay their training forever because well he is still with Bulma trunks was born and while we're on that topic Goten was born too and Vegeta eventually did come back but his training worked out it looks like he unlocked a form Beyond Super Saiyan he was surprised to see the strength of these two Saiyans especially cabba while he and Khalifa were continuously trying to surpass each other it seems the tensions between the two have mellowed out and now they're just each focused on being stronger than the other Goku isn't Vegeta's main focus here it's actually those other two Saiyans and that doesn't mean Goku is going to lose sight of anything either he has his own rival Piccolo since he is around Piccolo more here than he is with Vegeta and Piccolo was the strongest of the group still and Goku's glad to see that Vegeta ascended Super Saiyan because he's not the only one to do so actually before he did it Gohan was able to do so not only unlocking Super Saiyan but eventually going Beyond unlocking the power of Super Saiyan 2 and Piccolo is glad to see everybody catching up mainly because he kind of had an unfair advantage against them you know fusing with an entire planet at all he still does remain ahead when Vegeta returns to earth he mentions something that he heard from the galactic Patrol they're tracking down some known pirate Vegeta was wondering if they were referring to hit but no hit actually isn't classified as such he's just an assassin this guy actually goes around not only as an assassin but also steals stuff mainly for a group called The Heaters which have just been recently eliminated they don't know what happened with it and it's kind of good for the patrol because that's one less thing to worry about but at the same time who killed them who is strong enough to do that and what was the purpose for it they did think it might be hid but he wouldn't really have had a motive to do that and they wander if it's one of the other people that they work with some guy named granola that Vegeta has no clue about apparently he is powerful though and he originates from a planet called cereal which for some reason stuck with Vegeta he can't really remember why but he knows he's heard of the planet before he's just trying to think of what it could be why did that stick out to him anyways though Kappa did want Vegeta to mention this to everyone mainly because he's heading towards the Earth it looks like that's also another reason Vegeta came back he wanted to warn everybody well Goku invites it if there's another threat coming towards Earth that actually might be fun to fight against he wonders what kind of foe they're gonna face if he even is a foe Kaba Khalifa and Jocko arrive on the planet as well right before they expect this other ship to arrive after a few days it seems the time has come they could finally sense that energy getting closer and closer to the planet he's definitely suppressed but even so they could tell this guy is pretty strong and as his energy gets closer and closer to the planet Goku Vegeta Kaba Khalifa Piccolo and Gohan will prepare for the encounter granola was gonna try a sneak attack but he can immediately tell that they're expecting him here he sees the group waiting staring at his ship well that'll make this battle a little bit more interesting at least although he did kind of want to make it quick he simply jumps off the ship Landing in front of them so it looks like these are all Saiyans here although interestingly enough one of the people in the groups in the Mecca and one of those Saiyans actually looks to be a kid Cava simply steps up and asks why he's here letting him know they are ready to fight if he does pose a threat they don't know his motive for being here but it's probably not a good mode granola doesn't even respond cabbage just simply collapses to the ground granola didn't even move at all they don't know what happened and how it happened so quickly and barely able to speak Cabo warns them somehow in that moment he was able to attack cabba and it was a precise blow that was able to do enough damage to do this to him but the question is how did he move so quickly Goku pulls cab out of the way giving him a send to be as the rest of the Saiyans transform ready for a battle and at first this catches granola off guard Saiyans can transform well it doesn't matter to him because he's the strongest in the universe after all this should take all of them into account as well although it doesn't seem like he could suppress his power any longer so he charges all of his key as well ready for the battle and Khalifa Thompson asking him if he's scared he doesn't realize who he's messing with and granola assures them he does know who he's fighting these Saiyans are the exact reason he came here and Vegeta questions this he acts like he's seeking out Saiyans purposefully and granola says that's their answer as he launches into attack with Vegeta Khalifa and Piccolo fighting at first and Piccolo's confused he should be strong enough to defeat a foe like this but how is he this powerful granola is so much stronger than him this power it almost seems unnatural Kappa gets back up and thanks Coke he's still not sure how that happened and Gohan says he couldn't see any movement either Goku says the same like they've dealt with fast opponents before but they should have been able to register that that wasn't just normal fast movement that was something else it's almost like what they saw with hit but that doesn't make sense there's no way that he'd have the same abilities campus is from what they know granola and hit both did work for the heaters he doesn't know if they work together because they don't have that much data and he wonders if he somehow learned those abilities from hit but that seems kind of far-fetched and Goku says it doesn't matter they figure their way around that once and they could do that again as the three of them all power up into Super Saiyan 2 joining another battle and now Grinnell is kind of in trouble he's facing a 6v1 and despite his strength some of these Fighters are incredibly powerful they're all actually around the same level but granola assures them he will get revenge from the Saiyans did to his tribe and then it hits Vegeta that's why he's here that's why Planet cereal sound is so familiar so this is some Revenge where the Saiyans did so many years ago he hates to break it to granola but he came all this way for nothing they're the last surviving Saiyans and none of them had anything to do with this but granola says he doesn't care they were complicit in it Planet cereal was once a larger planet with the two universes merging there actually were more ceruleans but it didn't really matter because the Saiyans eliminated every single Cerulean that they could find with granola being the only Survivor and capitize talking with granola he's not the only one who's been wronged by the Saiyans he has been too and he is a Saiyan not all Saiyans are the same there's two separate tribes of them but granola doesn't care again he is complicit in this even if he is from a different tribe of Saiyans why is he teaming up with these others that are from the same tribe that eliminated him if anything that makes him granola's enemy too but granola is getting more and more frustrated as the fight goes on despite wishing for all this power nothing's working he didn't expect to face this many people at once and even with his advantage and strength and abilities it still isn't good enough besides he's not that great at timeskip yet he's been trying to use it more and more just to work with it he feels anger boiling up beside him his frustrations growing he tries to summon as much power as possible and then feels a strange change there's a flash in his left eye as then it appears red too his power hasn't changed much but they do notice this made a battle and this provides a much greater Focus especially against so many foes like this it's going to be a lot easier to hit their vital points first he goes for Vegeta the supposed Prince knocking him down with a single blow Khalifa then rushes into attack and the same thing happens he's able to guard against the other attacks in the deck of time then striking her with one blow that knocks her down and with those two out temporarily this means it's a 4v1 this is much more manageable he then performs a Time skip with Kappa barely being able to defend knowing it's about to happen but he aims for Goku who only Dodges by chance trying to predict its next movements he blocks grenola's next attack with Gohan then attack him from behind but then it's almost like granola's in two places at once he then appears behind Gohan knocking him away with a blast but doesn't even seem like he moved from where he was attacking Goku from and Goku says he knows granola's secret somehow he got the same time ability as his hit and he commends Goku good job of figuring it out but it's far too late to actually counter it now and once more he activates it and it seems to be an even more powerful time skip than what hit had even though granola doesn't have a great control on it all the Saiyans are suddenly suspended in air trapped in a Time cage of sorts he only had enough time to get some of the people in the group Gohan and Piccolo are the only ones left behind the two he doesn't think are too much of a threat to him since one is a kid and one is a normal namekian not to mention he probably has the least of a gripe with these two that kid's probably completely unaware of why he's here and Piccolo's not a Saiyan so why would he be involved and this gives Piccolo a realization as well as a chance to ask something why does he have a gripe with these Sands after so long they aren't responsible and he also realized that since granola left them behind he's not some completely merciless killer he definitely has some sort of motive for being here he's just misguided otherwise Piccolo wouldn't even have a chance to speak with him right now and maybe he can get through while Cava couldn't but granola says they already know his reasoning the Saiyans destroyed his entire tribe he knows Frieza also ordered them to do so but they're all the same in his eyes but Gohan asks why come after them none of them were involved now the only ones were even alive were kids at that time and they weren't on that planet apparently but granola knows what Saiyans are like it's in their nature to be destructive like this besides getting Vengeance he wants to make sure he doesn't have to deal with them again and Piccolo points out how granola mentioned Frieza does he not realize who these Saiyans are they rebelled against Frieza they help defeat him they actually worked with hit to defeat him and granola didn't even realize that these are his allies not that that makes it any better but that explains how it knows them but they work together to defeat Frieza not just that they went against Frost Army too although Frieza was the one responsible for killing it pickle tells granola he can relate he saw his whole planet get destroyed by that Army not only did he see that but he has the memories of everyone who was on that plane at least the ones who survived it if he was into him he's witnessed the horrors of frieza's army from hundreds of perspectives the namekians went through something very similar not too long ago and he tries to reason with granola his judgment is clouded and while granola does hear Piccolo out for a bit he says he's thinking perfectly clearly and he immediately goes back to attacking them and Piccolo can tell he's definitely conflicted now his words did have some effect and Piccolo notes that he left those two out of the time cage for a reason it wasn't just because of who they are it's because he underestimated their strength too ALS granola in on a secret Piccolo is the strongest of the group and as of the Saiyans Gohan's actually the strongest Saiyan despite his age Gohan a pickle of fully power up starting to fight know trying to hold him off a little bit longer seeing if they can help break the others out of whatever that time cage is and thankfully this means granola's losing focus that other Saiyans are all injured having been hit in their vital points but he's losing his grasp on the time cage and they're able to Break Free Falling Back To The Ground watching us Gohan and piccolor on the offensive and right before Grinnell is about to strike the two of them somebody appears right in front of him catching both his hands and granola jumps back immediately recognizing who it is it has arrived on the seat he tells everyone this wasn't his fight to get involved in but he decided he wanted to do everyone a favor and also he recognized granola might be a threat to him too but he couldn't face him alone this at least is a better way to fight him and Goku's surprised to see hit here especially surprised to see that he wants to team up with them and hit Chuckles a bit telling Goku to relax he's not here to team up he just realized they have a common enemy and saw an opportunity to strike they're probably wondering how he got these Powers too and it spills the beans about everything and Piccolo can't believe it he wished for this power he didn't realize that was possible from the dragon balls and Piccolo realized that also might be a reason why he didn't go after him granola underestimated Piccolo and recognized that he wasn't a Saiyan but also another reason he might have spared him at first well it could be because he knows another meccian on his Planet explaining how he got the dragon balls in the first place and Piccolo sees his duty here he almost got through to granola and stopped him before he's got to be the one to do it here again and granola says it doesn't matter if he tells them everything his power has grown even more since hidden counter hit and besides his time skip is better too and it really begs to differ he didn't seem to have too great of control in it sure or maybe he could time skip a little bit longer but does he not realize that hit grows a lot as he fights too pure progress has allowed him to increase his time skip as well and granola asked if he can match a fifth of a second and hit says yeah he actually thinks he can this catches granola off guard but he decides to test it anyways the two time skip at the same time fighting in between time escapes and no one can even process the fight they just see the two of them warping In and Out of Time disappearing and reappearing in random spots almost like they're phasing in and out of reality they each skip time to attack the other first but instead they're just matching each other's speeds and now that hits even the playing field he recognized grinnell's weakness he doesn't know how to use all his powers he's not practiced enough with it it has more experience and not only that granola has taken some damage from this battle he was in a 6v1 after all the two keep warping in and out of time I set then focuses all his power on something that garnologist used trapping him in a Time cage as well focusing all of his energy on it not letting granola go granola floats there lagging in time almost and it tells everyone to attack nap this is the chance to stop him Vegeta Khalifa and caval launch out any thought Goku and go on hesitate but then Piccolo yells out telling him to stop first of all Goku says he doesn't feel right attacking him like this it's a dirty tactic and it's unfair and Piccolo says that's not the reason he told him to stop he walks up to granola who's still being held there by hit and hit glares at Piccolo trying to tell him to finish it too Piccolo tells him there's no need he could tell granola's conflicted ever since he spoke to him before not to mention he's clearly defeated here he should recognize that they could kill him at any moment now and even if he does escape this technique somehow they could do it again it's a 7v1 now with someone who could actually control time on their side and then Kappa surprisingly tries talking with him too it's like he told granola before he knows what the Saiyans did he wasn't one of them he wasn't even part of that tribe not to mention Goku over there he was raised here on Earth he had no knowledge of the Saiyan until a few years ago and then Gohan he's a kid cab is actually part of the galactic Patrol helping stop people like Frieza and it's got a surprise granola but Khalifa's part of it too and Vegeta is an honorary member and it's just like Piccolo mentioned before they work to stop Frieza and frost trying to write the wrongs from the past and it can attest to it too being responsible for killing king cold and helping to kill Frieza and Goku says he could see it too he could tell granola is not a bad guy it's like Piccolo was saying he's misguided he's not a merciless killer and he shouldn't try to be like that the desire for Revenge clouded his judgment it's not worth risking his life over this and hit Holden anymore letting go of granola as he falls to the ground he stands back up and it looks like he's about to attack too and Piccolo reminds her Nola he doesn't blame him for hitting with Saiyans he knows how the Saiyans were before or granola needs to know these aren't those Saiyans most of them aren't even aware of what happened the one who would be is actually trying to reform if anything although Vegeta hates to admit it besides his gripe should be with Frieza and frost anyways oh we're dead now granola then drops his guard powering down not really knowing what to do and he has Kappa so it's a lack of Patrol here to arrest him and gavis has actually no they were here to help defend against him they didn't know why he was coming to Earth but they thought it was for a bad reason if anything Kappa thinks that it's great that he eliminated the heaters assuming that he was the one responsible for it with Kappa also learning that he was basically held captured by the heaters and did all this to survive he was in a pretty terrible situation so even though he was working with the heaters it wasn't really by his own will and besides he got rid of them so he kind of did them a favor not to mention it would be pretty hard to lock up granola anyways even if he wanted to but that's not why he's here we're all doesn't even really know what to say but he's heard them out he doesn't apologize either he simply jumps up and then flies back away to his ship stopping mid-air to look back at them just contemplating for a bit as he then flies off Vegeta and cauliflower are ready to chase him but Goku and Kappa are able to stop the two and Gohan commence Piccolo amazed that Piccolo just talks it out with that guy and Piccolo's kind of embarrassed but then Chuckles a bit he thinks Gohan it's because of him that he could see the good in people like that Gohan and Goku did give him a chance after all so why not pay it forward and it kind of just stands there awkwardly as Goku thanks him for the help glad to finally see hit again and heads actually surprised that they let granola go in the first place he could have actually stopped granola before but it would have probably led to his own death if he tried and Goku reminds hit he also let granola go too maybe Goku's rubbing off ahead a bit and it says he doubts it but smiles with everyone going their separate ways again but little did they know their Pats will cross once more an evil threat is lurking about the megaverse one that the kais know all too well about shin and fua have been scouring the universe it's a little bit tough to find what they're looking for but they know it's out there and their terrified about it shin has mentioned this to fua a long time ago with him learning about the history of universe 7 before the two verses collided there was a monster that attacked Shin with him being the last survivor the grand supreme kind and the other Supreme Kai are all gone thanks to a threat known as Majin Buu the embodiment of universe 7's evil and with the two Universe colliding this poses an issue that might have not been as obvious at first with their hands full sure there were a lot of other issues at hand but a completely crossed Shin's mind while boo isn't active right now if he ever were to become active again you'll be a much bigger issue than before he's the embodiment of universe 7's evil but now there's a larger megaverse that may take a potentially be even more powerful thinking the embodiment of evil from both universes they need to stop him before he awakens they need to find out where he is and try and seal him away for good because they know Bobby is out there somewhere with him being apparently active again Majin Buu would have been a threat regardless but now he has a potential to be an even bigger threat than before and the two guys are going to do everything in their power to stop him as I mentioned before the two guys in the scenario aren't being incompetent they're actually doing their job the whole reason the scenario started in the first place is because well incompetence and they want to avoid that even though last time it was the fault of beerus and Champa but they know this universe needs to be on its best behavior and especially because the two gods of Destruction aren't doing too much they kind of need to pick up the slack it's not only that but they also have to learn everything about the other universe as well which is how fua heard about Buu in the first place and while they can't confirm it just yet it's exactly as they assumed Buu is still sealed away but he's actually a lot stronger than before powered by the inherent evil in both universes combined a formidable foe was waiting on the horizon let's shift over to the lack of Patrol cab and cauliflower at the headquarters one day when one of their colleagues gives them some news this is the strongest patrolman in the force Maris he's always been kind of odd but they know he's reliable he's worked his way up in the ranks pretty quickly and he's been doing a great job and seems very knowledgeable somehow he has some news about a terrifying thread they're not sure how he knows but he tells them what's going on he wants them to head to Earth immediately he knows it sounds suspicious but he has Intel about some threat arriving there warning them about Majin Buu the patrol already has some knowledge of him also knowing that the grand supreme Kai is part of him and Boo's Revival could spell some trouble partially because it could affect one of the other presenters there but mainly because Buu is a huge threat in general the Mayors knows that Bobby's heading towards Earth with so much energy there to exploit Bobby thinks that this planet is best bad at Reviving The Majin he asks Kaba Khalifa and Jocko to go to Earth with him which is strange that he's going but they trust his judgment they recognize he isn't what he seems either but they can't put their finger on why Khalifa is specially suspicious of him this guy acts really weird and Kawa assures that he's trustworthy but he kinda does agree they know virtually nothing about him but he's a good patrolman and he's been reliable they just can't pinpoint why he's so knowledgeable why he has so much strength and why he's so mysterious on Earth the two Kai's arise they're here earlier than normal and they could tell that Bobby's gonna attack soon they have to try and scour the planets of how finding wherever he is he might already be here and not too long into their search the two of them see a ship Landing nearby one that has kind of a strange presence on board at first I think it might be bobbity but no it's the lack of Patrol the two guys go up to the ship assuming they're here for the same reason mainly because mayor steps off he and the guys make eye contact soundly acknowledging each other the two guys don't know exactly what Maris is but they can kind of assume and they don't say anything about it just sadly acknowledging it with Mayors they introduce themselves to everybody with Kaba and Jaco merely showing respect realizing that these two are Supreme Kai Kali feels a bit out of the loop but they explained and then she's immediately intrigued oh they're here to help against boo they must be really strong and the two do say they're powerful but not as powerful as the threat here on Earth the two guys explain all the info they have on Boo and also touch upon why he's such a big threat including the fact that this isn't just a normal Universe this is amazing to the patrolmen because they've heard of rumors about this pass through the lack Patrol for Generations but hearing it directly from two Supreme Kai that's pretty much all the proof they need it's weird to think that this universe actually isn't normal that explains a lot actually does that explain the differences between the Saiyans and everything there's no time to mull in it now though it is a pretty huge reveal for them and the kai say they'd be glad to educate everyone later on but for now they need to focus on this and kava suggests and listening to more friends to help find Bobby if he's probably here already right now they're gonna need a lot more eyes on the lookout for him and Shin's glad to hear this they're aware that there's some strong fighters on Earth but do these patrolmen actually know them and pretty quickly they're able to get a few people over here Goku Vegeta Gohan and Piccolo the four strongest warriors on Earth they're caught up to speed except for the universe reveal because that's just gonna make more questions for them and Piccolo is very serious about this considering he's the fusion of so many namekians and has a lot of their knowledge too even though kami's not a part of him he still has knowledge of the Kai's here and takes everything they say very seriously but not just that he does know a bit about Boo and Bobby with it having been passed down through namekian Legends he knows Goku and Vegeta are probably excited for a strong fight but urges them don't take this lightly and for that exact same reason he also does know a little bit about the universal merge just not enough and no one else is really going over it at the moment but it is worth mentioning that Piccolo knows a little about it everyone splits up and starts looking they have an entire planet to cover after all but thankfully shin and fua are able to narrow it down to just one area it's still a pretty large area but it should be easier to search here than the entire planet the sense of vague evil presence nearby and everyone goes in groups of two it doesn't take too long before the search actually produces something one of the groups flying together is Goku and Gohan and as they're looking in their respective area Gohan then hears Goku yell out turning back to see him standing there with half his body looking like it's Stone now he points over to where it came from show and Gohan where the enemy is before he fully turns to Stone he doesn't have time to say much but tells Gohan to watch out he had some ability to turn him to Stone from a long range Gohan goes over to Goku trying to see what he can do to reverse this but he can't do anything and he looks over to where Goku is pointing there's a cape man floating there in the air looking down at Gohan he's immediately enraged ready to fight this man but shin and fua then teleport over sensing his power spikes significantly they confirm the threats over here then teleport around to all the others and bring them to this area too but Shin warns Gohan don't use too much energy they can kill the boar and if they do kill Deborah then it'll free Goku from the stone but he can't use too much energy here Shane puts a big emphasis on that Gohan could do whatever he needs just don't go overboard and Gohan's a bit confused by this but he listens he's only gonna need a brief power boost to defeat this guy anyways Gohan then launched them to fight Deborah one want being sure to avoid most of his attacks until he figures out that it's a spit that turns people into stone as the Kai's continue bringing everyone over to this area just so they could look around even further Bobby's got to be around here somewhere and amidst their search cab was able to stumble across what looks to be a ship but before he could yell out about it he then feels a sharp pain in his side somebody stabbed him and he starts to feel weak he falls to the ground losing most of his energy but he doesn't lose all of it before it's completely drained Maris then enters the scene shooting at who he presumes to be bobbity with Bobby then quickly teleporting out of the way Mayors does have to be careful though he can't use his real power he's basically just here as a guide and this gave Bobby a good amount of info first of all he's glad to see that Cabo is strong enough to have that much energy this group should be particularly useful but also that mayor's guy is interesting he's definitely not what he seems but body isn't too sure why he couldn't sense his energy either but he definitely seemed powerful babidi starts monitoring the scene and he watches as Deborah is killed by Gohan pretty quickly in fact this annoys Bobby a bit because he wanted to get a little bit more energy out of that but he still has other options Gohan rushes over to Goku who thankfully is okay now and isn't Stone anymore he updates Goku in the entire situation and Goku is just glad that wasn't permanent or anything he was kind of freaking out when he was turning into a statue as anyone would by now everyone has pinpointed bobbity's ship it's just a matter of infiltrating it now and Bobby realized that this might be a tough situation he didn't expect him to be here that quickly thankfully he did get some energy Deborah's fight with Gohan did lend him some and Kama had a fair amount too but he still needs more he's barely above 60 of the energy that he needs and Bobby has a few other questions who's Maris why are there two Kai's here he doesn't recognize that other one although he does remember a while back he felt some sort of disturbance in the universe he honestly wasn't too sure what happened but he knows the universe isn't the same as it was when he was first active and he could actually tell us something's pretty off with boo he's not too sure why but he has a feeling that what he's unleashing isn't the same thing that Bimini had from before he finishes giving all of kappa's energy to the egg trying to think of what to do next maybe he could try and possess someone else in that group there's got to be someone in that group with enough evil energy to manipulate but as he's thinking the ship starts shaking for some reason he panics thinking it's being destroyed from the outside but he realized that something shaking behind him he looks back at Booz egg and it's rapidly shaking and steam's coming out of it too wait is it hatching already that doesn't make sense he only has about 60 of the energy in there what's happening why is it so unstable but Bobby stands back the entire ship explodes and everyone on the outside sees a giant Hume of smoke the smoke launches up in the air and then forms into a giant Pink blob shin and fuhar are confused too there's no way that could have been enough energy right but Shin thinks this is a result of what they were theorizing before maybe Bobby didn't need that much power because Boo already had some it's just like they thought the two universes merging actually affected this with two universes worth of booze and evil energy combined into one this is what fuels him even while he was sealed he still had more latent energy and the gauge that Bobby had at booze egg didn't reflect that properly and as the smoke forms into boo Shin looks on with Terror this isn't the same boo that he fought before he looks drastically different and the energy it's even more intense than he remembered the group coalesces together and watches boo rise up and shin comments on it he's not as docile as fat boot and he's not as unrestrained as kid Boo this is a brand new boo this is super boo and I can't believe this hurt it's not the boo he remember so it has to be his theory it definitely came true fua tries to keep it quiet until it's got to be because of the two universes merging and no one hears this but Piccolo actually does what do they mean there's a Multiverse and what is this about a multiversal merch there's so much here that's not adding up and it's not just that either there's also that mayor's guy who seems strange he has a lot of questions for these guys but Piccolo keeps it to himself he doesn't want to cause a panic besides he does have the knowledge of the previous namekians too and he's been wanting to find more info out about this because he actually does know a little about it but that's not the main focus here how are they supposed to face boo not just any normal boo either it's a much stronger Majin Buu Goku then notices two Powers approaching they're smaller powers and they're not enemies and then it clicks with him who these powers are it's Goten and Trunks why are they coming here Vegeta then feels a two and realize they need to get those two to leave they're gonna get killed over here Goten and Trunks then fly in saying they sense all this power getting out of control and decided they wanted to help and then they see Majin Buu standing there with Bobbidi Goku and Vegeta try to get them to leave as quickly as possible but it seems like it's too late now because immediately after super boo attacks damn now they have to worry about those two as well and Gohan spends a lot of his time trying to make sure that they don't get in the way not only are they a liability in this fight but he's concerned that they're gonna get hurt although we can't focus too much on that because Gohan is one of the stronger people in the group and he needs to utilize his power here against boo but nothing is working against this boot they have a big group facing him and the group is powerful but this boo is so far beyond the normal boo that it's gonna make it a lot tougher he's intelligent now he has strong magic it is far more powerful than the normal Super Buu even was and it's not just that either this boo is beyond any boo we've seen in the Buu saga kid boo fat boot super boot with any of those people absorbed including buhan this boost surpasses even those ones it's not like the group has a frame of reference either way and the thing is that's this boost strength without anybody absorbed he stops fighting for a bit and then turns his head completely around looking at Bobby bobbity cheers him on trying to motivate boo Booboo then simply turns Bobby into candy then telekinetically bring him over and eating him in one bite he then turns back into the group he says he hopes they then think he was some mindless monster being controlled by babidi no he has complete free thought at all and consider that just a little bit of an example of his power this should be a really fun battle shin and fua try their best to help but they fall back for a bit turning to Maris Shin says he doesn't know exactly who Maris is but he can assume he's related to the angels somehow isn't he his power should be able to help out here but mayor says he's not too sure his power is very limited here if he tries to fight as an angel using any of those abilities he'll be erased from existence he's forbidden from doing that he's essentially here as an observer but he will offer help in the best way that he can making use of all the galactic Patrol tools at his disposal but he's getting concerned too he doesn't think these mortals stand a chance against this guy the kai certainly don't either but he can't protect the Kai's that's not his objective he can't use his powers here he knows that this universe is already under scrutiny anyways and if an angel went rogue and started using his powers that would probably just put it at more risk mainly from Zeno this time but he tries to offer help in whatever other way possible and even though he's preoccupied with the fight Piccolo also picks up on this too easily able to eavesdrop on everything what do they mean he's an angel like he's dead or something what power does he have head in a way that he can't use he has to save these questions for later this boo is a terrifying opponent he wants to have fun and gain more power and he's clearly enjoying himself here thankfully they don't know that they can absorb anyone yet so the first absorption should be pretty easy a piece of himself is split off during the battle too and he doesn't regenerate and it slowly creeps up on the group targeting mayor's at first for some reason boo feels like he's the one that could be the most beneficial here that piece of him jumps up at Maris and at first boo thinks he has him in his grasp but for some reason Mayors is able to move out of the way incredibly quickly acting completely on Instinct and then tell the others to watch out as that pism flies past he's able to shoot it with his Blaster midair and destroy it but that wasn't the only piece of him to fly off there's a piece of him near everybody one of them is able to lash onto Goku's foot two of them almost hit Goten and Trunks but Piccolo is able to jump in the way destroying the two-piece the same at them but there's another nearby one that catches him by surprise and ambushes him the pieces of boost slowly start crawling over them it was surprised I saw it through that trick but it's already too late now Piccolo and a Goku will be part of him he summons those pieces over fully assimilating their power into hits his energy spikes tremendously shin and fua fall through their knees doomed boo was too strong before but now he's gonna have all the abilities all the techniques all the power of these two and they're down two fighters at that as well how could this have happened they've tried to do everything right they tried to correct their mistakes as Kai's trying to be better as Gods but this this was a completely unforeseen event they tried to act as quickly as possible but it seems that it just caused this to happen it was a self-fulfilling prophecy but Maris walks over to the Kai's telling them to not blame themselves this isn't their fault this is simply a symptom of the bigger issue it's something completely out of their control the two universes merging they did everything to him he's glad they're here glad that they're doing their jobs they're acting as a god should but they can't give up just yet but who's power up and transformation completes as he stands there admiring his new body he feels even stronger even smarter than before he already knew he was above everybody too but there's no harm in absorbing some extra power here too it's gonna make the battle a lot more interesting especially because he gets to see the look of Terror on everybody's faces when they realize that their two friends are now gone it could make this battle a lot more interesting as he stands there admiring himself Vegeta Kaba and Khalifa to launch them together but without even moving Buu produces a shock wave that knocks them all back he doesn't even Flinch he doesn't even look in their Direction but then he turns over at them and smiles so now it's time to begin the next stage of the bat everyone tries to attack at once but nothing's working Buu isn't even phased anymore he actually welcomes this it's kind of entertaining he actually tells him to play an entire group attack he'll give them time to all attack at once charging a collective beam together and he'll stand perfectly still for it they can't believe his arrogance but they need to take this opportunity the kai is even join in too and everyone bands together with Vegeta commanding them they are a bit concerned because by destroying boo they're going to be destroying Goku and Piccolo in the process but Vegeta says it's fine they'll leave his name at Dragon Ball to bring everybody back Earth's dragon balls were used to restore Namek after all and they should be thriving with a new set of Dragon Balls by now they still know how to feel about it though especially Gohan they're gonna have to kill Goku and Piccolo but that's if they even can defeat Boo the collective beam is charged and at once everyone fires with all the beans swirling together into one Massive Attack and just as boost said he stayed stands there completely motionless he doesn't even try to defend against it the beam hits him directly and he does feel the pain from it it's a powerful attack but it's barely enough to injure him and the few injuries that it does cause well they're just healed instantly boo thanks them for that now they should realize how screwed they are that Collective attack couldn't do anything against him and that was them at their full power all attacking at once so how do they expect to harm him otherwise no one has ascended Super Saiyan 2 but everyone has grown more powerful but even with that it doesn't mean they're going to do anything against Boo this is a boo who's far stronger than normal who now has Goku and Piccolo's Powers as well and surprisingly enough the next one a step up is Maris he tells everyone he'll hold boo off at least distracting him for a bit and they know he's powerful but what is he gonna do against Buu especially alone they're concerned he'll be killed but mayor says it's fine he won't die here he knows it and boo honestly laughs at the idea alright fine if this guy wants to work as a distraction sure he could do that and Mayors tells him for this to work everyone needs to just Channel their energy into one fighter allowing that person to attack that could exponentially boost their strength properly he's not even too sure if it'll work but it's probably their best bet they decide that Gohan's gonna be the Catalyst he's the strongest Saiyan right now and the strongest one in the group remaining too if he uses their power combined well maybe that could work giving him one strong attack with everyone's energy channels into him that could actually work it's the last thing they can try otherwise they're going to be truly defeated by boo he honestly thinks of it like the technique that Goku mentioned the spear upon he doesn't know how to do the Spirit Bomb but maybe this is a similar principle and even better he could probably try to have it only target booze energy seeing if he can maybe spare Goku and Piccolo within there Goku actually did show him a smaller speaker bomb before he's never really had to utilize the attack but he has shown Gohan in practice Gohan's not gonna know how to do an actual Spirit Bomb but he could use similar principles trying to have him at least just Target that evil energy so even if this isn't a traditional Spirit Bomb it's gonna try and work like one even if it won't be the actual Spirit Bomb it's their best bet various jumps into fight but his attacks don't do much damage but whenever Buu swings at him Maris easily Dodges which surprises boo he shouldn't be that quick none of his attacks are working on him Mayors doesn't defend much and his attacks don't really do anything either he's just dodging all of those attacks somehow and boo can't believe it how is that even possible he even tries to absorb Mayors at one point but he's too quick to do it if Mayors uses full strength here he could easily defeat Buu but he can't do that otherwise he'll be erased but there's nothing against him just dodging attacks all the other angels are able to do it so so he can tip who questions who this guy is he's definitely no normal morph something is strange about him and that's exactly why boo wants his power and his speed meanwhile Gohan's trying to charge an attack everyone starts to blend energy to him and Gohan says he thinks it's working you can feel a ton of energy flowing through him right now it's just kava cauliflower and Vegeta Landing energy to him as well as the Kai's but Goten and Trunks are there they still really do want to help and they have no clue what else to do here so they join it lending what little energy they have to go on it's really the only thing they could do here and once they join in Gohan feels a very weird sensation before he felt a lot of power flowing through him but now there's a different surge of energy the kai is then look visibly confused has Fu off he could sense that and both are astounded a mysterious glow surrounds Gohan and he then Rises up in the air he's not doing it willingly either he doesn't know what's going on they ask the guys what's happening they apparently send something strange and fua turns to the rest of them for some reason he can't really explain why but he sends Godly energy flowing through Gohan it's a type of key that they're not going to be able to sense but the Kai's can as well the other Godly beings but that doesn't make sense to him Gohan shouldn't have that kind of key Gohan floats back down to the ground with that glow around him disappear Gohan feels immensely powerful and it's not the type of power that he's used to but he doesn't know why he tries to create a sphere of energy in his hand channeling all that power into it this must be the Spirit Bomb maybe that's why he feels strange he's never successfully made one so he assumes maybe that's what this is and he turns to the group he thinks he's ready and surprisingly this is very easy to control but as he looks at them they all look visibly terrified they can't sense anything and Gohan's changed he doesn't even realize it either why are they all looking at him like that boo continuously tries to absorb Mayors but nothing's working and the two of them are suddenly distracted during battle both looking over to where Gohan is buses is a weird spike in power and there's no doubt about it this is some sort of Godly key this isn't any mortal key but then he sees Mayors notice it too why could he sense Godly he how does he know about that and where is that Godly he even coming from he demands to know who Maris is asking what's going on here he's not Immortal he's a God in Disguise that has to be it and Boosie's an intense red glow nearby as Gohan walks through the Flames produced by Azora the boo is mortified this power this is not the power of a normal saiyan it feels nothing like what he sends before from the rest of them and for money absorbed Goku he knows that there's no other Saiyan form like this he stumbles back in fear as Gohan calmly walks closer he's not too sure what happened but he could tell he's transformed and as he gets closer to boo boo tries to launch an attack at him a full power blast the rest of the group jumps recover but Gohan simply sticks one handout not just blocking the blast but grabbing it controlling it for himself and then simply flinging it right back at boo mayor's Dodges it instantly and booze hit by his own attack The Cloud of smoke is thrown up and Gohan's disappeared where'd he go and go on Tops on his shoulder boo quickly swings around with a powerful punch but Gohan grabs his fist boo throws another punch Gohan grabs that fist too the two start wrestling but Gohan's not putting in much effort he simply headbutts Boo and charges a strange ball of energy in his hand he's not even concerned about Boo anymore he's more so concerned about accidentally killing Goku or Piccolo and boo can't believe how much has changed there has to be some other way around this except created a piece of himself to behind Gohan and he hasn't noticed yet and boo creeps that piece of him up Gohan's leg but Gohan actually did notice and it's instantly incinerated by Gohan's or he doesn't even look behind him he thanks but without him he wouldn't have awakened this power he still has no clue what it is but he will find out one day he crushes that ball of energy in his hands and simply walks up to boo and then walks right past him placing his hand on Boo's shoulder he truly is an amazing fighter but Gohan Can't Let Him Live any longer Gohan commonly walks back to the group who turns around once more trying to launch in Echo on directly Landing a powerful punch but it does nothing and booze fist starts disintegrating he looks at his other arm and that starts disintegrating too and intense glow surrounds him as Gohan continues walking back towards the group both screams in pain as he slowly disintegrates that evil presence disappears and there's a powerful explosion with nothing left behind but an unconscious Goku and Piccolo the two guys within bow are also left behind as Gohan's attack only destroyed The Evil Within boo they're unconscious for now but the other Kaiser went up to them immediately mayor's watches on disbelief how do how did Mortal get a godly power like that Gohan Powers down still unsure of what even happened there Shin might actually have an idea of what went on here the gods have been trying to take their jobs a lot more seriously which means they're trying to get a lot more knowledge on the universe around them one of the greatest places to go for that knowledge is Planet Namek they've apparently kept a book of Legends with a lot of info in there and shin has read it before and he remembers one time seeing some legend about a Saiyan a righteous Saiyan with the power of the other Saiyans around him who ascended his limits becoming something called a Super Saiyan God or something like that the other three Saiyan's Perico but hearing this a Super Saiyan God that that sound a thing they only know of regular Super Saiyans and they're surprised they didn't hear about from Piccolo before he should have a lot of the namekians knowledge Shin says he probably didn't have the knowledge of that entire book while these two guys they actually do they just didn't know what the ritual was like and it didn't even occur to them to try that but now jog is a memory that explains why Gohan got that Godly he he became a Super Saiyan God Gohan thanks the kais for their help and their knowledge without them they would have been doomed but the guys thank him instead as well as the rest of the group Goku and Piccolo regain Consciousness wondering what happened but it seems everything's okay although Gohan doesn't want to know one thing he walks up to Maris and pulls him aside he wants to know who he really is he saw him he was fighting Boo and Gohan could tell Mary's could sense his energy and Piccolo he's dropping once more because he wants to know too he still remembers the conversation from before he was absorbed but surprisingly Maris actually does reveal his identity at Gohan and he looks over to Piccolo too knowing he's listening but he trusts Piccolo with the sinophone mares explains that he's a god Beyond even the Supreme goddess well he's a trainee but he isn't Immortal he's an angel in disguise he wasn't able to use his full power but he could at least defend himself by dodging he tells Gohan he could have actually eliminated Buu easily although he's not allowed to use his Godly powers only his regular mortal powers he actually offers a train go on with those new Godly Powers he probably needs someone to show him the way of how to use them there's a lot more Gohan should know about Maris and a lot more that he wants to know about Gohan these mortals are really fascinating and it makes him Wonder Too how strong could they truly grow if this one became a God what's next for him and what's possible for the others as well Gohan doesn't know what to think but he actually does accept it he wants to learn more about this too just because this power is actually kind of scary and if he knows more about it then it could put him more at ease it's so crazy too because he was just trying to make a Spirit Bomb and he accidentally became a God and it makes Paris Wonder too what's his brother gonna think about this because he probably has sensed this too he'll probably know that some new God has risen up and more importantly besides his brother he wonders what the God of destruction of this Universal thing too beerus he might have sensed it or you hear from the kais although he thinks beerus is still asleep but isn't too sure but little does he know far away on beerus's planet beerus is actually awake he is a bit groggy though because he woke up a few years earlier than normal he was told the Super Saiyan God would arise on this day he did sense result of energy somewhere near Earth a Godly key that he's never sensed before in this universe of course it pales comparison hits but there's no doubt about it it was some sort of Godly key from some Mortal no less and he does consider going to earth now but you know that could wait he'll sleep in a little longer wheeze is a bit annoyed because he set those alarms for a reason but next time he'll make sure beerus actually stays awake but he decides to look into it too and actually contacts Maris finding out about the Super Saiyan God and he tells Mayors make sure he keeps a close eye on the Super Saiyan God beerus is going to want to see him soon thankfully enough he was already gonna do that anyways the Kai's Return to the Planet glad that this threat was avoided but someone's there waiting for them it's Champa he sends a strange energy coming from Earth it was almost like some new Godly Heroes up and he hears what happened and he hasn't been interested but honestly doesn't care that much he knows beerus is blabbering on about that a while ago he guesses he'll see that Super Saiyan God eventually but he doesn't really care to fight him or become a rival with him or whatever what he's mainly interested is the food on Earth beers could have that Super Saiyan God maybe that'll distract beers from all the food on Earth that's gonna go all the Champa and he's gonna get all the Good Eats before beerus and the guys aren't too surprised even with all the crazy stuff that's happened in this megaverse these two guys of Destruction still act pretty much the same at least one of them is actually awake though slightly unimportant side note because I know somebody will ask shampa has his own Planet still beerus does not live with Champa but all the kais including the ones that just were recently freed from boo they're all in the same sacred World from Universe 7. at least they could live together peacefully unlike beerus and Champa back on Earth some pretty strange things happen they want to try the ritual again and they never actually ask the guys how to do it they just know what some group is saying has to channel their energy into another Saiyan and after some trial and error they're eventually able to get it done on kabba and cauliflower they're the next two to get the Super Saiyan God form Vegeta actually wanted to wait and work for the Super Saiyan God form but in order to keep up it seemed like this is the only way to actually get there Sora luckily he does the ritual as well with Goku following suit they were hoping to get in a more filling way but they kind of cave in cab on collieful though they don't care cauliflower just wants to be the strongest thing ever and Cava just needs to kind of keep her in check the two sedalan Sans actually look a little bit different in the Super Saiyan God form I just now realized after this whole time recording the series the term sadal insane is almost my username which is just a coincidence that's not actually the origin of my name little fun fact aside Goten and Trunks actually wants to form next but Goku and Vegeta agree that they can't turn their seven-year-old kids into literal Gods that's gonna be kind of irresponsible especially when they don't really know much about the power themselves or how to really control it fully which kind of bombs Goten trunks out Maris actually has started to train everyone in the galactic Patrol wondering which of these Super Saiyan Gods is the best he actually now has some jurisdiction over Earth too and Jocko wonders what the hell he did on Earth that causes to happen mayor said he actually did nothing they just found this themselves and Jaco can't tell what's going on but it's terrifying to see all these Saiyans with this great power a power that's so amazing it can't even sense it although they're saying still that no mayor's real identity but Gohan actually does as well as Piccolo who joins them in the training little did they know they have a really good teacher training them right now although he can't really do too much with them yet because otherwise it's gonna easily give up his identity so at some point they move on from training with him not knowing the full extent of his power although Piccolo and Gohan still train with him with paper fully confronting Maris and Piccolo knows that Maris knows that Piccolo knows wow that's confusing but essentially Maris knows that Piccolo knows he's an angel and he has no qualms about training Piccolo either he did want to see more of those super saiyan Gods but Gohan's enough he still is the strongest Saiyan at the group but it will be interesting to see the other two the two Vegeta and Saiyans and the two sejalan Saiyans Gohan's a unique case he's half Earthling half Vegeta and he wonders if the other types of Saiyans will go down different paths he doesn't know how Goku and Vegeta will perform or how Kaba and Khalifa will perform everyone may have their own different forms ahead and as these two stick with Maris beerus eventually does come to Earth waking up a few months later wanting to finally find the Super Saiyan God and he gets more than he Bargains for because he sees four of them and there is another one who occasionally goes with the glac patrol but is also more so focused on a school life because Gohan's still a teenager wow aren't they terrified to have a God here that's so young actually no because they're all gods too and the no Gohan's pure hearted and not only is beer surprised here that that's the first Super Saiyan God but he's more so surprised to see that there's so many other ones here Piccolo and Gohan eventually show up too haven't heard about this God of destruction from neighbors and they know wheeze too so that's an angel as well Maris actually lets them know that that's his older brother not just a trainee like him he's an actual full-on Angel and while beerus is occupied with other Super Saiyan Gods always just silently looks over the rest of them smiling and nodding kind of terrifying Gohan Piccolo and it seems there's an interesting future ahead for this group but thinking about this makes Maris Wonder there's so many differences between all these Saiyans it does make him wonder if there's any more out there because there can't just be these ones that survive and knowing how different the sedalans and vegetasians are he wonders if there ever were any Saiyans that were both of them combined actually like here they have some hybrid Saiyans on Earth but they're all Vegeta and knowing how powerful these hybrid Saiyans are what about any other ones that could have existed there's no way that there's any others out there right well that remains to be seen Piccolo and Gohan continue their training with Maris who actually resides on Earth temporarily it's now under his jurisdiction too and it's great because this way they don't have to leave the planet beerus has no desire to take Piccolo with him and as for Gohan he'd rather just stay here anyways the other Saiyans all go to beerus's Planet though but let's focus on the piccolo Gohan's training for a bit with Maris this is actually really helpful because Gohan could tap more into his Super Saiyan God form and Piccolo gains his own Godly abilities Mayors could tell that Piccolo has some insane hidden potential locked away especially with him being the fusion of well basically an entire planet almost but once he gets access to God the key he might be able to become one of the strongest in the group again if not the strongest he got surpassed because everybody got Super Saiyan God but seeing in a namekian with those Godly Powers could be interesting especially if he might be able to get something for himself his own new form perhaps Mayors thinks the power of every namekia within him can boost him to insane levels one thing does stick in Piccolo's mind during this training with the whole idea of the megaverse thing being confirmed with him he wonders what else has changed in the universe like he knows the history of Namek and a little bit about the Saiyans and what makes them different but there must have been some pretty substantial changes too and they also haven't met the other God of destruction yet they know there's two guys and they met one God of destruction but shamba hasn't shown himself here Piccolo Gohan expects some big arrival and think that maybe they're gonna have to fight him when he comes here but Champa actually doesn't cause any issues he comes to earth eventually and asks them for one thing he wants them to show him where the best places for food are Piccolo doesn't eat food though but as for Gohan he at least can't help shop out and Champa takes a lightning to Gohan let's go back out into space for a bit going over to where hit and granola are they've actually started working together and have grown a lot stronger in the process as mentioned before granola's wish actually gave him a lot of hits abilities including stuff like pure progress allowing him to grow just as quickly as him he actually prefers this method of growing stronger thankfully he barely lost any time of his lifespan and now he's actually growing through hard work but what are they actually up to they actually have a common goal right now and it kinda plays into granola's Revenge but in a better way Frieza and frost Army both exist out there and they've both been trying to revive their respective leaders the thing is they probably would have been successful we probably could have seen Frost or Frieza come back but it's not gonna happen because these two are actively trying to stop those armies first of all one of the planets with the Dragon Ball Z's Planet cereal and of course granola's gonna do everything he can to defend it and that's even if they found out that dragon balls were there of course they know about name and Earth too Edgar Nolan hit stop those forces pretty easily this is basically what they've been doing most of the time they also take jobs for stopping the free freezer Force too because some of them are still out there causing problems even though there's barely any of them out there same with the frost core it's great they earn money they grow stronger granola gets to satisfy his revenge against the Frieza force and it gets to keep the frost core off of him since they kind of hate him now and it still does take a bunch of jobs on his own here and there while granola spends a lot of free time just chilling on cereal the Frieza force is still growing somehow and at one point hit and Grinnell will tail one of their ships in space trying to see where they're headed maybe there's a base somewhere that they don't know about maybe they're about to stop and attack on another planet they won't know for sure until they get to whatever location they're going to but the Frieza force is just drifting aimlessly out of space at least this ship is little do granola and Hypno they're actually looking for strong powers to recruit people for their army specifically to counter hit and granola and they end up arriving at some strange planetoid which granola and hit following close behind the Frieza Four soldiers Descent of the planet after detecting strong power excited to see what they might have found but before they could do anything on the planet griddle and hit descend down hit Skip's time and immediately appears in front of them while we're a little is far away also using time skip to covertly snipe people their teamwork is deadly but they simply just knock everyone unconscious now because they want to get some info later on although they do leave one soldier awake and that soldier's terrified to see hit in front of him so he spills the beans so they didn't even know what this planet was they're actually trying to recruit people that actually makes a lot of sense but what power did they detect here they can't sense anything it's not like there's Dragon Balls here either and this planet is pretty worthless so it's not like they're gonna try to take it over could this planet be a trap or were they actually here to find somebody but nearby granola hears someone yell out at him and then he sends his two strong Powers approaching behind that guy granola turns around and not too far away oatmeal is able to pick something out granola lifts oatmeal off his eye to get a better look and briefly he's stunned in place from shock at what he's seeing and he reacts quickly activating time skip it wonders why he's activating it he skipped a full second ahead just to get the jump on some people and then he calls head over it's also surprising what he sees granola instinctively reacted and tried to knock these people out thinking that they might be threats because right at first glance he could tell that these three were clearly Saiyans an older one with a tail and then two younger ones a guy and a girl both without tails hit then pulls out a communication device trying to contact cabba because he does have his contact now with Galactic Patrol someone else picks up though it's Maris kabba isn't available at the moment it says when cab is available he should bring some of the Saiyans over specifically just the Saiyans on Earth mayor says he can come in there too all the Saiyans are gone right now and he can't really contact them but he can bring Gohan and Piccolo along with him you know what his says that's good enough he knows Piccolo is pretty powerful and so is Gohan and Gohan is one of the Saiyans so maybe he could do something about this granola hit wait around with the three say and still being unconscious well maybe gorillas shouldn't have attacked right away they actually go out into space for a bit too not sure of when they'll wake up and not sure if when Mayors will arrive they orbit around vampa until then with granola monitoring the situation from up above being able to see all the way down to the planet even from Beyond it the three Saiyans eventually wake up looking confused and granola is still unsure of what to do but eventually Maris arrives with Gohan and Piccolo and their ships connect go on a pickle think this is pretty awesome obviously they were at namik before but space travel is just cool in general so why were they called over here granola explains the situation and they can't believe what they're hearing and mayors has a bit concerned too there's more Saiyans out here are they Vegeta or are they said dalan honestly granola couldn't tell he thought they were a Vegeta since they all seem to have tails at one point but he wonders why the other two don't have their tails any honestly kind of panic when he saw them so they all dropped back down to the planet together first with granola and hit countering the other Saiyans go on a pickle and stay behind just listening in with Mayors also doing some talking too that once he gets a better look at them he can immediately tell what's going on they learn the names of these Saiyans paragus Broly and kale but Broly and kale are the interesting ones paragus is just a veget insane one of the ones that's purely from Universe 7 but those two they did have tails at one point and they were forcibly removed but from what Mayors can tell they're hybrids the kind that he was theorizing about the potentially Universe 7 Universe 6 hybrids and it makes him wonder why their tails are gone he tell just by looking at them too they might have some crazy power locked away paragus is honestly pretty confused here he remember seeing granola before but then he disappeared all of them just suddenly collapsed oh yeah grinnell's got to explain that well he says the Frieza 4 showed up and they were all knocked unconscious but they took care of the Frieza Force hit side eyes granola but he couldn't really come up with a better lie he completely forgot that he'd probably have to explain that and may recite some more questions and they find out that yeah Broly and kale are actually rare Universe 6 and 7 hybrids they're pure Saiyans but hybrid in the sense that they're from different universes paragus has a vegetan Saiyan and their mother was a Stalin Saiyan King Vegeta had them set away long ago fearing their explosive latent power many other hybrid Saiyans that exist like that but most died when Frieza killed the Saiyans and never got to reach their full potential it was actually known among some of the Saiyans that some of the tale and tailless hybrids could be like that most were average Saiyans that just Blended in with Society they were all born with a tail and they acted mostly like Vegeta ones but there was always this Theory going around that maybe a hybrid saying like that could be incredibly strong just like the theory behind how Gohan is so strong as a hybrid between earthlings and Saiyans Frieza actually feared some of these Saiyans although they don't know for sure but that is part of the reason why he destroyed Planet Vegeta here paragus is pretty shocked to hear that some of the other Saiyans exist including Vegeta the prince but he holds his tongue for now they need to get off this planet first and then once they find Vegeta they can kill him and I think that these three Saiyans might be allies so they bring Gohan and Piccolo off the ship too and paragraph sees another Saiyan in front of them that one's apparently a hybrid too although not a hybrid between Saiyans a hybrid between Saiyans and earthlings and then there's a namekian here for some reason but paragus is just buying some time for now but seeing another stay in here actually infuriates him and you know there's two spaceships nearby he could just steal one of them if he just kills everybody here he could steal the ship and find Vegeta somehow he just confirms where Vegeta is and they say he lives on Earth which is where they came from that's all paragus needs to know he then turns to Kailyn Broly and commands him to attack confusing everyone there granola and are about to counter but they actually go for Gohan and Piccolo instead and honestly they're not too concerned it's just two sayings versus Gohan Pickler who are incredibly powerful it's not going to be that big of a deal but Mayors actually is a bit concerned and for the potential of these two stains are actually that high this is really an issue go on and pickle or confuses to why they're even fighting but whatever they can't do anything against it immediately kale and Broly show off a lot of power and they're just in base right now it actually kind of throws Gohan off guard he goes in a Super Saiyan right way but that basically just evens the odds while Piccolo shows his full power and bass paragus is briefly shocked to see a Super Saiyan but Kale's fighting Gohan right now and she's actually overpowering him while Broly's fighting Piccolo and overpowering him but amidst the fight just like he feared something snaps within them an intense green over surrounds them they significantly bulk up too at first it's just a simple wrathful form but they're powering up rapidly this is something that paragus has actually seen before firsthand and this is why he wasn't so scared of the Super Saiyan he's actually seen the two of them transformed before and the only reason he's still alive today is because they actually fought each other his children are equal in power and while they did go berserk at one point they stopped each other had only just been one of them he would have died here this planet would have been gone but he wonders how they're going to perform in battle here although he is a bit concerned once they kill all these people will they be able to nullify each other's power like last time only time will tell Gohan immediately Powers up in a Super Saiyan God while Piccolo wrestles Broly and has a stranger surrounding him too hitting granola are about to jump in but then note that something's changing with Piccolo's power and you know Mayors is rethinking this it might be a good test for everybody here especially because Piccolo's never gotten to use this in a real fight Rowley has grown a bit in size in his wrathful form but then Piccolo starts growing too and it's not just him going into his giant form it's him just growing physically from a real transformation a fiery Aura surrounds him creeping up his legs and then eventually his entire body Broly is overpowering him at first but then Piccolo overpowers Broly head-butting him through the Flames of Azora with the aura dissipating around him Piccolo stands there larger looking far more intimidating and most notably Orange He looks to Gohan tells him not to hold back this is definitely gonna get dangerous kale and Broly fully power up with their hair then changing too they change in size and it almost looks like they're growing Super Saiyan but something's different about it they look completely berserk and most notably their hair is green instead of the normal golden yellow color and paragas are glad to see this once again and now he's playing his Escape they'll Kill Everybody here and then he'll guide kale and Broly into fighting each other they'll knock each other unconscious paragus will be safe and then he'll bring them to Earth it's good to kill everyone here because he doesn't want Vegeta knowing that there's more Saiyans coming Piccolo tells Gohan they to swap opponents he wants to see how Gohan performs against Broly now hit jumps at alongside Piccolo with granola alongside the Gohan and Gohan askerno he can see different vital points in them right a granola said he's been looking but their final points are constantly changing he's gonna test something though he briefly time skips trying to hit Broly in one of his vital points just to see how effective it is because maybe they could just take them out by hitting them there but there's kind of an issue with this wild granola is strong he's still pretty far behind Broly and not to mention Broly just seems completely unfazed by it in general which is weird these forms that they're using are actually exclusive to them due to them being a mix of sadalin and Vegeta and Saiyans for the sake of this what if we'll refer to this form just as their berserk form and for both of them it's gonna function just like chaos did but also we're taking elements really here because they started in the wrathful state and they completely skipped the regular Super Saiyan State as well I know I am going off a kind of a tangent but I know people will have questions about this so let's outliana here these two don't not have super saiyan forms they have access to wrathful but not consciously and then with their full power they transform into this berserk state but I mean call it Super Saiyan full power or legendary if you want really makes no difference point is they're berserk and they're really strong their powers constantly growing and their powers maximum working together actually really does help them Gohan and Super Saiyan God is obviously going to be really strong and as for Piccolo he's using the orange form but also with Godly key the other Saiyans don't know it because they're all with beerus but Piccolo's actually surpassed them by now he's even above Gohan he unlocked the orange form in a different way he got it through training he never got that power awakened State and he went right into this basically it wasn't granted to him by Shenron like normal it's the culmation of all his power as a fusion of dynamic someone in the power of the Dragon Clan and the warrior Clan inside of him if this were a one-on-one he could easily beat either of them but the issue is they've already grown in battle and every time they're attacked they grow stronger Piccolo doesn't realize that he should knock him down as quickly as possible but eventually he decides that's probably the best course of action they just need an opening to attack together for Gohan it's a little tougher and for Piccolo since they're facing two of them it's also tough but granola and hit have an idea they've worked together for so long that now they have new ways to utilize their power hit the Tails Piccolo to hold his hand what hold his hand why why why now and granola tells Gohan the same thing what are they doing why are they holding hands and hit explains they worked on their ability and can now control time way better than before their attacks personally won't do anything against Broly and kale but Gohan and Piccolo actually can do something and if all they need is an opening granola and hit can create that they can actually make Gohan and Piccolo time skip with them they have a much better control on time skip too they could do it for up to two seconds now and bring people along with them so even though Piccolo and Gohan can't personally use time skip teaming up with these two actually allows them to do so but in those two seconds they need to act quick they're brought into the time skip quickly granola marks all their vital points shooting at them and with all their strength and speed Piccolo and Gohan attack both kale and Broly at once on the outside paragus has no clue of what's happening but Maris is actually conscious throughout all of them with granola and hit not even knowing that he's watching and after those two seconds are up Broly and kale just suddenly collapsed in front of paragus what happened they were doing so well just a second ago paragus is apprehended by mayors they're not actually arresting him they just want him to come down for now to be fair they've been here alone for decades so maybe they just went a little crazy hit ask Gohan if he's ever seen that form before he is a sane actor also he should know about that but Gohan has no clue of what that was he's a hybrid Saiyan too but now look at them his own rage does make him grow stronger but he's never accessed the power like that and never gone fully berserk like them either are all hybrids prone to this or is it just those type of hybrids and that form they showed what even is that Gohan's actually a bit curious and they all wonder what to do next Gohan does feel a little bit wrong about just leaving them here too and they're obviously not going to kill them that's pretty much off the table for Gohan he knows how those two seem pretty gentle before kale and Broly were pretty reserved until paragus told him to attack so maybe they could bring them back with them and see if they can control that power somehow Piccolo's a little bit unsure about this but Maris actually thinks it's a great idea also because he kind of wants to learn about these Saiyans too being hired between Universe 6 and 7 after all he knows that it's kind of similar to Piccolo's case Piccolo is basically a hybrid between Universe 6 and 7 namekians as well and that explains his insane potential now at least partially who knows what lies ahead for them meanwhile on beerus's planet all the Saiyans are still training together obviously completely unaware of what's happening with the other Saiyans they even get Super Saiyan blue at some point pretty quickly too and of course Champa also visits at some point as well interested to see what's going on by now they all know of the universal merge and they know that there's another ground of Destruction and everything so this isn't too big of a surprise but amongst themselves the Saiyans are curious they wonder if either Saiyan is inherently advantaged the sedalans grow quicker but Goku and Vegeta are prodigies in their own right so they grow pretty quickly as well even as Vegeta didn't say it cab and Goku are actually ahead of the other two due to having more s cells from their peaceful lives which they don't even realize while Khalifa's keeping up because she's a sedalan and a Vegeta is just a prodigy in general they're all pretty much on the same level and wonder where their training will take them next following the encounter on vampa Hayden granola will go back off on their own doing freelance work in such like normal this was an interesting experience and a great test of their new powers and they're also surprised to see how much Piccolo and Gohan have grown it's especially surprising to hit because he knew that Piccolo was the strongest at some point but he'd more so been focused on Goku maybe he needs to keep an eye on the others too as for Broly and kale they end up coming with a galactic Patrol Piccolo and Gohan are going to try and tame their power as for paragus he'll be there too but mainly be under watch He's not going to be arrested or anything they just gotta try and cool him down but Gohan and Piccolo see great potential in Broly and Kale's power wondering what could be done for the two of them for them to train these two are actually not brutal Saiyans they just have uncontrollable anger and that kind of does make them brutal but not consciously of course Piccolo could see that paragus probably misled them somehow and controlled them all their life basically and maybe with some proper teaching they could actually grow from that Gohan offers to train them too besides he had to overcome his own anger and try to control that too try and harness him that power and such he's already kind of been through this and wonders if he could help them with the same sort of experience a few months pass and eventually the other Saiyans do return to Earth by now they of course all have super saiyan blue and beers is pretty pleased with their growth but he does want to see what's been going on here as well mainly coming here because he wants to get some more food he figured out that shop has been coming here for visits once in a while so beers wants to make sure he's not taking all the food for himself or gatekeeping anything Kappa asks if he's really worried about that but beerus says he's never seen a God of destruction Eat Shop is very defensive over his food and so is beerus and beerus wants to make sure he's truly experiencing everything Earth can offer but all the Saiyans are looking forward to continue growing in the realm of gods wondering what new heights they could Ascend next Goku and Kappa follow Louise is training a lot more closely than Vegeta and Khalifa do with we strategies and something like moving automatically whatever that is one thing to note here is that while kabba and caulifl have greater potential than Goku and Vegeta it's not significant enough to make a difference because Goku and Vegeta are Prodigy in their own right here still and their potential isn't going to be as overpowered here either if they grow as quickly as they did in the main story we'd be having a much different discussion right now Goku and Vegeta are also more experienced Fighters this keeps them all around a similar strength I would say cap is the strongest of the group though because he has a nice experience with martial arts maybe not to the level of goke but more so than Vegeta and caulifla and he has that great Saddam saying a potential work for him as well but even though he's the strongest it's not really by much all of them are still pretty similar in terms of power they each have their own advantages working for themselves once they're back on Earth they learn some new Saiyans have been found which is amazing because they weren't aware that any other Saiyans were out there even strangers the fact that they're pure hybrids sadalin and Vegeta Gohan and Piccolo say they are pretty strong but they don't really want them fighting right now because they can't really control their power Goku says it can't be that bad but Gohan says he promises it is that bad and from what Vegeta's hearing he wonders if that means they're Legendary Super Saiyans or something like that the two of them are pretty shy and don't talk much Kalifa kind of takes a like into kale though while Vegeta and Goku are interested in seeing more Broly's power but after hearing about their power cap is really not too sure about either of them though especially being with the lack of Patrol that could cause some issues they're not actually working with the lack Patrol though just basically training there Gohan pickle and Mavis have been keeping an eye on them and it has been a few months since this all happened so they have grown a little bit but they still don't really have too much of a control on their power and that makes Vegeta think a little bit more about it maybe they are actually Legendary Super Saiyans and their unique DNA explains why they are that way especially being fraternal twins which is also pretty rare among Saiyans they're fraternal twins and their pure Saiyan hybrids they probably are the only of their kind to ever exist but for now they're still going to remain with the patrol with Mayors basically keeping a watch over them they live on Earth but they're basically under his jurisdiction same for paragus too because they really want to keep a close eye on him but it hasn't been just that this entire time Gohan and Piccolo haven't traded with Maris as well again and they've made use of something pretty interesting with the galactic Patrol if they have some rule you can go in where you could train for three days in one day of course that's not as crazy as Earth's Time Chamber but still it's obviously a very efficient way to train and now with all that under their belt Gohan and Piccolo do want to see what the other Saiyans have been up to Goku decides he's gonna go first and show it off and then the others tell him to wait as they all transform as well trying to be the first one to show off this power all of them stand there in Super Saiyan blue and go on pretty intrigued he never actually got that since he was working towards something else with Maris and he Chuckles and tells him it's a secret for now since he can't really maintain it too well at the moment but maybe he'll show them some other time for now he's really just stuck with Super Saiyan God and Goku says that's funny he didn't really expect Mayors to be that great of a teacher by now they actually do know his identity of course he doesn't say this right to Maris but he does think whis would be better because whis is also trying to teach them something Beyond Super Saiyan blue but Goku still isn't too sure of what it is is something about moving their body on Instinct alone Vegeta and Khalifa weren't really too interested in it but Kappa and him are training for it that's interesting for Gohan to hear that actually sounds really familiar and he's about to ask Goku more about it but then Piccolo decides to show off his new form the other Saiyans can't believe it either it's been a pretty fun form showcase even though Gohan and piccolor are getting the same training as them it still seems like they're training and of course their latest potential is still pretty effective here it makes sense with Piccolo basically being the fusion of the entire planet of dynamic and they do wonder how that planet's doing all the namekians that died were revived of course although the ones that were fused into Piccolo couldn't be separated obviously and Piccolo does hope to return someday but during this meeting on Earth Jocko then rushes out with Maris and then a communicator that kabba has starts beeping to Jaco says he's glad that everyone's here too the galactic Patrol might need their help and Kappa asks what's going on but Maris explains it's all regarding the lack of Patrol's strongest prisoner his cell has been destroyed and horrifyingly enough they see empty cells around it as well does that mean multiple people have broken out actually no only that strong prisoner escaped the empty cells around him they had husk of the people that were in there before they didn't Escape they were killed their power was drained it's their strongest prisoner Moro that escaped and he was trying to make it pretty quick thanks to Majin Buu's Revival he actually gained a good amount of magic back only temporarily though but he sat on it trying to build up a little bit more energy before his escape and now is the time to do so he worked quickly instead of breaking out into the vacuum of space he broke into the prison getting close enough to other cells around him so he could absorb their energy taking some extra power alongside him I saw thanks to the universal merge especially with the Kai's being freed from boo that allowed a little bit of his power to return just enough room to make this escape and he's not even aware of what happened but as he looks into it he's eventually able to figure out what occurred intro it seems the two universes are one now with all the extra power held by Boo and the Kai's in this Universal merge Moro seal was also stronger and when it was broken he gained a little bit of that residual energy it had to go somewhere after all this could make for a pretty interesting Feast while everyone on Earth hears the news from the black Patrol the Kai's of course all gather together and figure out what to do here this is a really big threat the guys from Universe 6 don't really like how Universe 7 is always causing the issues but they have been made aware of this a while ago they try and figure out what's going on too and they theorize Moro somehow got stronger from the merch not knowing it was indirectly caused by that thanks to boot the Grand Supreme Kai isn't sure how this happened he didn't even realize that that seal had been broken and somehow even more energy returned to him when that seal was broken too this definitely has to be a result of booze Awakening boot was Stronger after all by default too all they know is now they need to do whatever they can to stop him nobody knows but right now he's heading towards new Namek he aims to eat the entire megaverse and take all the power within it the Kai's will need the help of beerus and Champa though the Grand Supreme Kai is a little bit weaker than before thanks to boo and Moro is stronger so his ceiling alone won't even if they combine all the Kai's power together they're not sure if they'll gather enough in time by now Morrow could have already grown exponentially stronger plus shin and fua can't directly fight either anyways because if they die then the god to destruction die and surely Moro would probably know about that that would only play into his plans beerus and shot up are contacted and they think it's best to just erase him although at the same time they don't think he's a big enough threat now to resort to that they are more than confident in their power so if he does grow stronger then they could just definitely race him by then also beerus thinks is a good test for the other Saiyans and he actually has an alternate solution with the kais something that's equally permanent but also will have more advantages as opposed to Simply hakaying him and they're not even aware of it but right now the Saiyans are already on their way to Planet Namek the lack of Patrol already left before the gods started discussing it they're not even aware that the galactic Patrol is going right for them they get all the Saiyans on Earth as well as Piccolo obviously and they even pick up hitting granola along the way Maris is a bit concerned because they're bringing a lot of people there and Moro could just steal all their power but they might have a plan to try and stop him plus they kind of are gonna need that power because by now moro's already made it to newnamic with without having Goku being able to use Instant Transmission they get Dynamic a little bit later and by the time they arrive Morrow has already summoned the Dragon Balls there gaining his youth back Maris wonders why beers and Champa aren't involved he gets why the kais aren't here but why are they not here too they must have some other plan because they could easily stop this and they definitely are taking things more seriously recently because of everything with Zeno ever since the megaversal merged they wanted to do that so he hopes they're taking this seriously too but he's not too sure knowing their history at least haven't heard it from Wisin vados everybody steps off the ship Broly and kale have actually come along too but they watch from the inside not involved in the fight they wish they could have gotten here faster but of course with no Instant Transmission and without knowing where new Namek was it did take a little bit longer even though they made haste but it wasn't nearly quick enough new name is already dead a husk of its former self they see energy emanating off the entire planet too more was taking the last bits of it and not just that the lack of Patrol prisoners are showing up left and right cap and merus got word of this on the way there and cabin College will decide they're going to work to stop them Goku and Vegeta did want to fight Moro at first but cabba warns against him they shouldn't fight him their energy could give Moro a lot of power he would prefer the feast to help against the other prisoners Goku is a bit bummed about it but he understands and Vegeta doesn't know what to think but fine he'll go along with it because Maris is agreeing too but he asks about the other four and Barry says he plans to have them fight more room apparently they have some sort of plan Gohan and Piccolo granola and hit could actually work together against him everyone's still trying to clarify things about him cauliflow is a bit surprised too because she knew about this prisoner but barely did any work at the galactic patrols so she has Kaba why he's such a big deal and Kappa explains a little more they don't know his exact goal it might simply just to be eating everything but he's already briefed him on his abilities for now though to stop the prisoners and cabba hopes that the other group will be able to stop more while knowing his abilities but apparently they have a way to work around it Gohan's group flies across the planet meeting Mora where he is right now and Moro greets them he doesn't know who they are but welcomes them here they're definitely not native to this planet and he wonders why they're here but he won't really question it he assumes they're here to stop him but he says it's far too late but this is good because he has more snacks here now they do seem powerful after all granola slate Powers up and both his eyes turn red as he tries to analyze every little bit of Mora this is good he might have found place where he could strike him he didn't hit startup by attacking actually catching more by surprise pretty quickly he's able to tell that they're doing something with controlling time he tries to take energy from him but is a little bit tough because they're just moving around without him being able to do anything their time Skip by now is even greater and pure progress has made them grow even stronger than before too but now they've evolved their time control even beyond that they've gained some pretty good new abilities and not only could they just time skip now they could actually stop time briefly and this is really helpful for their attacks especially with granola being able to locate vital points within Moro this actually does injure him he's amused they're pretty smart but he's grown stronger throughout the fight he still absorbing some energy left over from this planet and he's gonna take a little bit from them too burgundola says it doesn't matter he and hit together will be able to defeat him especially with the help of Gohan and Piccolo Piccolo decides they might need to pull off their trump card immediately and more wonders with those two are capable of what are they gonna control time as well actually no the two complete the power up not much has changed physically but they're Aura it's pretty intense and he can see their eyes they've slightly changed color and they have a dead gaze within them they look completely emotionless this is the result of their training with Maris this is ultra Instinct domain they don't really have too much of good control on it now but they could transform into it willingly and here it might be good to fight Mora and this group is actually the perfect counter for him granolan hits ability to control time allows them to attack pretty effectively also kind of working against moro's magic and of course Gohan and Piccolo using Ultra Instinct Omen works the same way it did for Goku when he fought Moro using that form Moro has been grown stronger throughout the fight and actually didn't take some energy from granola and hit but he also did take some damage thanks to the vital points being hit but now he's losing pretty badly in fact the four of them are pretty much immune to More's magic now not actually immune but he can't really do too much against them and not just that they work together too but no one hit take Gohan a pickle in a Time skip just like they were doing against Broly and kale before they're able to take them along when they're skipping time or stopping time although the time skipping doesn't really help much because Gohan and piccolor fast enough anyways to even outspeed them their time stop is actually a little bit more effective here and meanwhile the Super Saiyan Blues are actually doing pretty well against the prisoners a cap is pretty happy they're gonna get all these prisoners back to the prison and he thinks that the others are going to be able to defeat Moro the prisoners are powerful because Moro did give them some energy and thankfully right now he's too preoccupied to take their energy as well they're making pretty good progress at defeating the prisoners and it seems like a victory is assured here they're going to defeat Moro and it's all going to work out easily but they do wonder what Gohan's group is up to right now and Moro is actually losing ground pretty quickly in fact but all Moro needs one opening he just needs one small opening and he knows how he could win here and he gets that he unleashes a bunch of energy around him flinging everyone back Gohan and Piccolo Dodge easily but granola and hit they're a little bit more vulnerable and this is a great distraction Mauro uses this then strike granola piercing right through his chest one time Skipper down and he takes all of granola's energy too while he's at it he then flings up lava around all of them but once the lava dissipates he's gone granola's just left there on the ground Bleeding Out Moro is actually flying across the planet now to where the other prisoners are he's mad at himself for getting too cocky there but this will assure his victory the Super Saiyan Blues continue fighting but they're starting to feel weak and start powering down and all the remaining prisoners collapse as well completely being drained of all their energy Goku weekly looks up in the sky and says that Moro is coming for them he then collapses followed by Vegeta and cauliflower with cabin being the last one conscious Moro Simply Smiles at him and thanks him for the energy as he holds a ball of key in front him and eats it kabba collapses to the ground and Moro has one more trump card that he could pull out after all they were using their trump card too so Moro should pull out his trump card as well this will assure Victory and assure that he gets to eat the entire megaverse Gohan's group flies over with hit bringing granola back to the ship Maris does have some senzu beans there Gohan and Piccolo are the only ones that see Moro right now they see him from behind but Moro slowly turns around it looks like he's eating someone and then he transforms completely if grenola and hit were here right now they'd know what's going on same for kabba and cauliflow if they were conscious but it looks like he ate some prisoner and they don't know who it is Moro used this opportunity to eat 7-3 absorbing him and now having all of his powers he admits to them that they almost won there had he not seen that opening they probably would have killed him pretty easily but now this pretty much seals the deal as he then quickly vanishes behind Gohan and Piccolo grabbing him to both their necks fascinating these powers are pretty nice he then stretches his arms out and drives them into the ground below absorbing their energy while he's at it he then turns around see hit and granola are there alongside Maris and he thanks them for making this so easy for him the three of them see the gems on Morrow and realize what happened did he absorbed 7-3 somehow more than stretches his arms again grabbing onto hit and granola they then fall to the ground having their energy drained too and Mayors can't believe what he's watching the galaka patrol ship floats nearby as well with Broly and kale watching through a window and Moro tells Mayors to deliver a message for them when they're stronger come find him he'd love to have another snack and absorb their energy again that's why he left everyone alive here it now might be a good time to test his abilities he then vanishes from sight he doesn't teleport away though it's just everything changes all at once Maris looks around all the prisoners that were once there they're turning to husk now he can't see more or anywhere in that instant he briefly stopped time rapidly moving around and taking the remainder of everyone's energy completely killing the rest of the prisoners around him and takes Mayors II to realize what happened he did that same weird twitch that hit does when he does his time skip but it wasn't just simply that he completely stopped time he must have attacked during that time stop Maris rushes to wake everybody back up glad that they aren't dead but now they really need to work quickly and figure out what to do next Moro might be too strong to defeat at this point and who knows what's gonna happen next how strong can he truly grow and what is his plan Maura was amazed at his current speed he's flying around so quickly and effortlessly although with that much power he is using a lot of energy and is getting a bit hungry he doesn't know that his body is having a hard time maintaining the power too so he's in a weird situation where he wants to eat more but he also doesn't want to overwhelm himself he doesn't have perfect control over its body yet but he will get that going around nearby solar systems absorbing them without any effort they make for such great snacks it's gonna be a nice way to tie them over until everyone else shows up again the entire megaverse will be his next and then the Multiverse itself the best part about all this new power is the fact that he has access to so many different abilities the Regeneration and namekians the intense Godly key of the Saiyans Gohan's Ultra Instinct hitting granola's time warping abilities as well as granola's improved eyesight and that's exactly why the power is so hard for him to maintain at the moment but he has some time to himself he can get better acclimated to this body and have it contain even more power maybe he could even merge with the Multiverse itself rather than simply just eating it it's not out of the question and that's actually what he aimed to do now he causes Havoc around nearby galaxies back on the destroyed Namek everyone is trying to monitor his movements they could sense him even from that far away the amount of energy he's given off is incredible and he's moving so rapidly too vados and whis then appear on the planet next with the Saiyans wondering if they're here to help but obviously they can't fight that's not why they're here they're here to basically help them see what's going on the angels are basically just here to deliver a message the gods are working on a way to stop Moro after all after the whole multiversal merge they do want to take their jobs and seriously and that includes beerus and Champa even though they don't lift a finger too much Luis tells them that the gods are actually doing something here vados then pulls out her staff and projects an image of moral towards the others they watch as he flies around only taking seconds to absorb entire solar systems he's gone mad with power and his hunger's grown out of control too and with everything he eats every Moon every planet every Star every solar system his power is ever increasing and rather than using it to just power himself up he's using this power to fortify his body helping and contain all the other power he's gained well they have an idea of what he's doing and they already kind of knew what he was up to so why are the Angels here anyways Louise tells him to watch closely Morrow continues his Rampage but then stops midair as if he sent us something coming towards him a powerful Aura surrounds him as he Taps into Ultra Instinct this isn't the Folger Instinct either it's just Owen because that's all Gohan but it's enough for him to dodge two attacks as two fast purple beams of light comes towards him loading there on the vacuum of space is beerus and Champa Moore was a bit surprised to actually see them here he didn't expect them to get involved in the fight but this could be interesting imagine if he were to take the powers of God of destruction not just one two of them actually that could be truly amazing and their power must be delicious he's salivating over the thought of how much power they have it's going to be a truly great feast and beerus commends moral for his effort his power is truly astonishing and honestly beerus isn't sure any of The Mortals will be able to defeat him even if they all combine their powers together it seems this magician has grown too powerful but Shabba says they're gonna have to put a stop to it they already had one problem with Zeno and they don't want another besides if more destroys all the planets around them who's gonna have any good food left the only ones who should go around the universe destroying and eating things are them and Laura laughs at this what are they supposed to do then it's like they said he's grown so powerful now that other Mortals can't defeat him he doesn't assume that God's destruction are much higher up but even if they are he should surpass them by now and beerus says he's right but there's two things more we should know about first of all his power is great but his body can't contain the power it's already overflowing out of him and they could tell that Moro is struggling to maintain it his Aura itself is so powerful and is leaking so much key that it illuminates entire galaxies around him as his energy flows out in every direction the aura itself is even dangerous the closer someone gets to Moro the more damage the aura causes just because there's so much energy flowing out at once it's explosive and they don't think that Moro can maintain that power for too long more importantly though they address what Moro said about the gods of Destruction by now he's actually stronger than most gods of Destruction beer says they definitely would have a challenge and it would take at least two or three of them to defeat him which makes the magician smile so they probably can't defeat him either right it's hopeless but shamba says that they were just talking about other gods of Destruction these two they're different they've been training with their angels for hundreds of years now the others have even seen it on beerus's planet ever since the universe emerged they didn't want to get more serious after all beer says they can't blame Morrow for not knowing because the gods never really do fight especially beers and Shop who are so far above the others but they tell him he's gonna get a nice treat before he dies he's gonna see the full Wrath of these twin destroyers something that most people will never get to see in their lives they tell them to consider an honor that they even have to use this power against him they're especially mad that Moro is destroying all their food sources though and beerus doesn't want his Rivals to be destroyed by him either they're going to be fighting with nothing held back not because they want to use their full power but because their anger is basically making them use it their key swells up overwhelming morose his Aura is pushed back destroyed by the raw destructive power from theirs Morrow tries to power up a little bit more too activating his severely and red eyes combining with the power of ultra Instinct as well he tells the two their fools should stand up against him in that brief mode when he stopped time he made sure to take everybody's Powers they're up against an entire arsenal of abilities and he's glad that he's gonna get to fight them they'll make for delicious snacks and a great test for its strength right now his power is so Grand that they won't surpass him no matter how much they Bluff about their powers but there's one thing Moro doesn't address the right his power is going to overflow if he keeps fighting like this he doesn't want to overload himself that energy is too much and he needs to fortify his body even more by fighting that's taking away from that but he has no choice although this would be a great battle because you'll be able to get all their abilities as well the twins vanish from sight then appearing on either side of Moro as he blocks both their attacks at once a punch from beerus and a kick from Champa they begin dashing around the universe flying at such immense speeds that they can only be tracked by whis and vatos and Laura was having a tough time he's desperately trying to dodge their attacks but also trying to attack them as well this Ultra Instinct isn't perfect he can't Dodge every attack especially because he's facing two of them at once and more is at his full power but he could tell they're not right now but granola's eyesight kind of does help he's able to see vital points in beerus and Champa trying his best to strike them but they're so quick it won't work the only way he can do it is by completely stopping time which is something that he can't do in Rapid succession is something that kind of does take a lot of energy at him because he hasn't really experienced this much he briefly stops time only for half a second but at the speeds they're moving that's an immense amount of time and in that Split Second he lands thousands of punches on beerus all aimed at different vital points and at the same time with his other hand he launches thousands of blasts at Champa also aimed at vital points but somehow even in the stop time they're still able to move what the hell is this are they so fast that they even transcend that as time starts flowing normally again Morrow is hit at rapid speeds by both of them his attacks actually did damage them a bit but they also damaged Moro his body's growing more unstable and when he did make contact with beerus beerus's aura actually did hurt him a bit beer says they're not stupid they surrounded themselves with the raw destructive energy and sure some of his attacks made it through but most didn't jump up barely took any damage and even though beerus did take some more that means more took some of his own because he actually made contact Laura desperately tries to survive this is what he'll do next time he'll stop time and he'll be able to grab into one of their necks he'll coat his arm in so much energy that their destructive power won't be able to destroy his arm he'll steal their powers and use it against them this fight is so explosive as leaving permanent scars on the megaverse there's brilliant streaks of light Left Behind from wherever everybody's flying and from when they strike each other and beers and champ are trying to control themselves they need to balance out each other's power one of them alone could actually take on Morrow pretty easily but there's a reason there's two of them here for example if beerus was just fighting alone his Destructor power would be more than enough to get rid of Moro but it would be so explosive that it would probably destroy the Multiverse not just this Mega verse but every other Universe around them they've dealt with us before and now they know how to work around it that's why Champa is there to balance it out with every action beerus takes Champa takes an inverse action this means they are limiting themselves a bit but they're still able to use immense power in this way the universe itself isn't at risk sure there's a couple scars here and there but nothing that can't be fixed later especially for what they have in mind Moro only has one shot at this he charges all of his energy and stops time once more this time extending it to full second and again at the speed they're fighting that's basically an eternity and amidst the time stop he channels all of his power into one hand trying to fortify it and protect it as much as possible his body's already growing unstable and he needs to expel the power somehow but at the same time if he can get access to their powers that'll help him kill them quickly it'll let him survive this encounter and continue onwards he reaches a handout going right through beerus Azora and grabbing his neck or at least if that's the plan beerus's Aura suddenly flares up even more and he turns back looking at Moro did he really think that stopping time would work on people as fast as themselves moro's arm is scorched by beerus's Aura but he grabs on tomorrow's arm completely destroying it and then Morrow feels a hand on his other arm time resumes and then Champa stand both of his arms have been destroyed with beerus simply lifting a finger up then poking the gem on his head cracking it as an overwhelming amount of energy flows out with a geyser key launching Across the Universe from it raising anything in its path moro's body begins morphing unable to contain the power this can't be happening he got too greedy but he didn't expect it to be like this he thought he'd be able to maintain this power but his last sight is the twin brother standing together charging all their power together each with a hand up stretched they tell more that he clearly doesn't know who he's dealing with he shouldn't have underestimated them Laura's horror is completely crushed overwhelmed by the aura of beerus and Champa and it's not just that the ore is erased the power just did not existed now but they do commend him they actually have to go full power here which made the battle much more fun than they expected if he weren't facing the two strongest gods of Destruction he might have won he might have been able to absorb the Multiverse and he definitely would have beat them then but that's not happening here not today not ever because now Moro is going to be gone to permanent with each launching a combined hakai completely erasing the magician leaving nothing left Champa turns to beers and says that was a good battle and beerus is impressed it's been a while since they had to use that strength and it was nice fighting alongside Champa for once he wouldn't have thought that Champa would have gotten to this level but Champa reminds him they're twins of course they're going to be close to each other back on Namek everyone is just watching in disbelief with whis and Bottles happy that it's over looks like their Lords got it done just like they said but Vegeta asked if they could have gotten involved this whole time why'd they wait until now well we says they did want to get involved at first but there was an issue for one they wanted to make sure any damage can be restored namex dragon balls are gone and as for Earth and cereal their dragon balls probably wouldn't have been strong enough so they gathered the super dragon balls while everyone else was fighting more they actually did think The Mortals would have been able to beat him but they didn't realize he had that much power in store the super dragon balls are basically a backup plan they didn't want to fight the Battle For The Mortals off the bat but at a certain point Moro did become their issue so they didn't really have a choice and that's where the two are headed right now they're getting the Super Dragon Balls because they got them in a safe place not only did they have to gather them but they had to make sure they were really far away from Moro especially because by the time they got them Moro had already grown so much stronger imagine how powerful he would have been if he got the Super Dragon Balls whether that meant absorbing them for himself or using a wish from them and yeah they kind of did cause more damage by going this route but it doesn't matter to them because in the end they're able to use the Super Dragon Balls to restore everything healing all the scars that Moro created as well as restoring all the planets and the people that were destroyed but then cabba brings up a pretty good question if they had the super dragon balls and they're that powerful why didn't they ever store the universes why did they keep them merged whis and vados laugh that's little Beyond them but just as I mentioned in the first part it's actually because of Zeno thinking it would be pretty entertaining to see two universes merged into one so they just kept the mega verse as is but this is the first time that the Super Dragon Balls have been used in a long while Champa and beerus then come to Namek too telling The Mortals not to get any ideas they only use it because they didn't really have any other option to restore the universe however while The Mortals won't be using the Super Dragon Balls for themselves this will have consequences it's been so long since they've been used and super Shenron has a pretty noticeable presence also from the aftermath of this Goku is now going to try and replicate Ultra Instinct after having seen it once he basically could probably pull it off he is good at copying things after all and Kappa wants to work with Goku to attain it Vegeta and Khalifa though aren't really too interested they're more so interested in the God of destruction abilities that shot by beers were showing off wondering if the two destroyers will be able to show them that battle was awesome cauliflow's hyped up but really wants to get that power for herself and of course Vegeta is intrigued but everything's back to normal thankfully and hopefully they're not going to encounter a strong enemy like Moro again he was far too power powerful The Mortals had no hope of defeating him and if left unchecked even the Destroyers wouldn't be able to kill him he already has passed most that but thankfully Champa and beerus are much stronger back on Earth one day Piccolo's meditating like normal watching as Gohan is training Broly and Kayla try to get them to control their power they're making some great progress but Gohan says they still have a long way to go although he's glad to how much they're growing they're grateful for this because they've always been kind of scared of their power and Gohan tells him not to worry they'll be able to get a grasp on it soon besides if anything does go wrong they have Gohan and Piccolo here to stop it as Piccolo's meditating he gets even deeper in thought there's so many questions he still has about the megaverse so many things that he hasn't seen before especially after seeing the Super Dragon Balls it makes them Wonder different things about the namekians because there had to be a namekian that created those ones right it could be interesting to look into but as he's meditating he hears voices in his head voices in the meccans that have been long fused into him such as Sao and piranha as well as nail who's the main one at the Forefront there's dozens of voices all from the dragon Clan and the warrior namekians but Nail's voice speaks up if you'd like to learn more about namekian history there is one more thing that he should know about it one thing that may be deep in his memories but something that he'd never thought of has he ever heard the tale of Lord Slug no Piccolo has it he can learn more about zalama later looks like he's gonna have to go to the rest in hammock's history first and remember this is two names not just Universe 7 and that's where the history of universe 6's name it comes in far back there was an old wise yet evil namekian originating from Universe 6. it makes sense that Piccolo didn't know about this at least not until now this didn't have anything to do with the history of his name from universe 7. but Millennia ago before the universal merged this nameka existed he's been searching for the Super Dragon Balls for a while he tried using name extractables trying to gain Unstoppable power the Warriors fought him off banishing him from the planet but his quest for the Super Dragon Ball still continued unbeknownst to the rest of the namekians They Don't Know Much from Beyond that they don't even know if Lord Slug is still alive but with the universal merge it might have been easier for him to gather the super dragon balls if at all possible at the very least they would probably be more planets with the meccians on them which is good because any dragon balls will help you towards his conquest and it turns out slug is still out there over all these years slug has visited various planets trying to extend his life as much as possible and at one point he did get this set of dragon balls from a smaller Planet able to wish for Eternal youth that planet's namekian destroyed the Dragon Balls forcing slug to find another he found another Dragon but it was unable to find the location of the Super Dragon Balls but slug at least his eternal youth now and far more knowledge as never before but after all this time he finally has a way to find them he just needed to locate one of them and that would have let him find the others he would be able to create some sort of device to locate them and that's exactly how this Arc helped him slug has been keeping a close track of the constellations he knows the location of everything in this universe every Star every planet anything that could be super Dragon Ball sized and he notices that seven giant bodies have shifted the super dragon balls are dormant for so long that they Blended in with everything but of course he could see that Super Shadow on a summit he could feel it and he noticed seven suspicious celestial bodies moving around those must be the Super Dragon Balls he just needs to find one of them and even though it's unusable for now he can gather his signature using that to find the rest in another year it takes a bit but he's tracked down one of them and now all he needs to do is wait one year and limited power will be in his hands a whole year passes following the Morlock pretty much everything has gone back to normal thanks to the wish from the super dragon balls all the prisoners were actually brought back by that wish too which beerus and Champa didn't realize when they made it but it doesn't matter because the black Patrol is still around everyone that was freed by Moro was brought back to the prison the prisoners are kind of surprised that more were lost and kind of terrified to see that the lack of troll is linked with the gods of Destruction somehow also the fact that God's destruction exists and aren't just rumors same with the Super Dragon Balls as well but rumors still spread around the prison cab is taunted by two of the inmates one day well one of them because he's the only one who can actually speak normally they did Escape before thanks to moro's wish and they overheard some things from him because they were pretty close to his cell and some of the higher-ups in his temporary group prisoners named botamo and legetta batama wonders if anyone else is going to seek out the super dragon balls now since they're basically confirmed to be real at this point and cabba says they're not gonna get any time soon but botamo says he should be worried about anyone else out in the universe that's looking to get them there's people like Morrow that probably will want to get them eventually if Moro actually did succeed with his plans he probably would have gathered Super Dragon Balls himself too they have heard Tales of other strong people out there villains at the galactic patrols never hunted down mainly due to them being so hard to find and probably not even existing Kappa asks what they're referring to but they say they're not going to tell him besides they're only rumors anyways they spoke too much because they don't really want to give any info to a galactic patrolling but they just tell them to keep his eyes peeled they might have another surprise coming to them soon this does make cabba think a lot about it he never realized that the fact that the Super Dragon Balls were used means that other people might know about them now he regroups with his fellow colleagues too shocko thinks it's nothing to worry about there's no way that anyone's gonna be able to get them even more wasn't able to and Khalifa says if anything they should just get them for themselves just to make sure nobody used them of course but mayor says it's better to leave them alone besides beers and champ are obviously aware of them and if anything were to happen they'd probably be able to intervene they would need someone stronger than those two to come in and get them which is impossible not even Moro surpassed them but Collinsville button and says that one day she probably will surpass them her and Vegeta have been working towards the same power that they have anyways who cares if they could use akai's Kali for can now too and even Kaaba has his own thing now she says those gods of Destruction better watch out the Saiyans aren't something to be underestimated that doesn't even include kale and Broly since those two are getting a better control in their power as well Goku and Vegeta are back alone on beerus's planet for the time being since kabba and cauliflower do have some work to do with the galactic Patrol at the moment the two get ready for a brand new battle Vegeta Powers up into a new purple-haired form this year training has really paid off he now has access to a form that he calls alter ego but Goku Powers up into his own form in response now having some access to ultra Instinct although he has a long way to go with it training with Gohan and whis really helped here of course cabba was involved too he really wishes those two were here right now a battle with four people with their powers would be pretty fun and they're interrupted by something strange the Oracle fish is going on a rampage well as much of a rampage as a fish can go on he's freaking out for some reason saying that there's going to be a mortal surpassing of a Gods rising up soon they're able to silence the Oracle fish and at least think it's nothing but Goku jokes maybe that means they're going to surpass beerus and Champa one day but beerus tells him not to get too cocky sure they might get close but that's probably going to take a couple decades at the very least maybe centuries and as far as he knows that's beyond a Saiyan's lifespan anyways well maybe it's Piccolo or Gohan or something maybe hit or granola but beerus doubts it he doesn't think the Oracle fish is right this time with their immense power there's no way that anyone can surpass them and if that were to happen they would have been aware of that person by now oh well Goku doesn't believe that it's going to happen the Oracle fish has to mean something by that right on Earth Gohan and piccolor are fighting against Broly and kale they have full control over their berserk forms now so it's not really fair to call it berserk anymore Piccolo's combine the awesome techniques of ultra Instinct with his orange form while Gohan simply uses a white-haired Ultra Instinct transformation Piccolo finds it incredible how different their powers are their strength from Ultra Instinct originates from calmness but Broly and Kale's power comes from anger and it seems like it's going to stay that way for a while too he wonders if they'll ever get anything else but Gohan says it's better to just practice the basic at the moment they're not average Saiyans they take a breather after their battle but Piccolo then has a weird expression on his face grabbing onto his head almost as if it's in pain go and ask what's wrong Piccolo closes his eyes he sees a vision again sound piranha and nail appear once more why are there namekians in his mind talking to him again he only sees this during meditation what are they doing they tell Piccolo to Focus warning him of a threat and Piccolo has no clue what they're talking about he hasn't sensed anything but he tries to focus as much as he can trying to sense anything in the entire universe that might be bad this has never happened to him before they've never worn about a threat but as he focuses he does feel some very subtle but it's there an evil presence far away and he can't tell where it is because it's so far but nearby he sends his other familiar powers that key that he senses it's granola something's coming towards his Planet it's a calm day on planet cereal with granola once again enjoying the piece here a ship lands nearby it's hit he just got back from another job he surprised Frost and frieza's army are still out there they're very few and far in between right now but is it made that their influence still lasts to this day but he feels something strange looking up in the sky granola and monado sense it too oatmeal calls out that something's approaching it's a ship and there's only one energy on it granola could feel the ominous key within it is this some new threat and it doesn't seem to be related to Frieza or Frost because the ship looks completely different and this power actually feels strong unlike their random soldiers of course they immediately fly over towards the ship on the front and the back of the ship two ramps opened a man steps to the front and they could instantly tell he's in the meccu Well he kind of expected these two to be here the man doesn't even introduce himself he says give them a choice they could play this easy or they could play this tough give him the dragon balls or he'll have to find them by force the Dragon Balls how does he know about that and why is he here for them well he gave them a chance looks like they're not going to give them up that easily which he kind of expected too he tells him it doesn't matter though either way he'll got the dragon balls from self and then destroy them quickly he Powers up he owes nothing back the entire planet shakes everyone is knocked back and instinctively granola and hit stop time just to observe what's going on but amidst the stop time they see someone that terrifies them this namekian is transformed and his transformation looks it looks like orange Piccolo oh it freaks them out even more is how he moves while time has stopped his eyes Dart towards them and a terrifying grin appears on his face he then slowly turns his body and then is able to fully move around time starts flowing again he says that's a pretty interesting trick but it looks like that's probably part of his Arsenal too and he didn't even realize it he's gone around the entire megaverse getting any set to dragon balls that he can get his hands on quickly and efficiently destroying them after the fact and all these sets of Dragon Balls they've granted him power pretty much everything that he needs but still not enough no set was strong enough to show him where the Super Dragon Balls were and no set was strong enough to give him the same powers that the Super Dragon Balls would be able to give him every random planet that a namekian is on he wants to go to all them make sure that there's no Dragon Balls left and then go get the super dragon balls and he has just three more on his list Planet cereal planet Earth and then finally Planet Namek there won't be any dragon balls opposing him anymore and that day might come sooner rather than later by his own calculations the Super Dragon Ball should almost be ready to return he already has a way to track them down and his main goal will be to gather them as quickly as possible he has the speed power and abilities to get them quickly and getting rid of any other Dragon Balls ensures that nobody will stand in his way he doubts they'd be able to do anything but it's a good plan just in case hidden granola attack Lord's luck together and somehow he's able to use the same time stopping abilities and granola wonders did he make a similar wish to him is that how he got these Powers one of slug's wishes granted him the knowledge of all the strong people in the universe he's made wishes to unlock his potential too and of course he has his eternal Youth and he does tell granola at one point he made same wishes him the wish to be the strongest in the universe although that was about a year ago so things might have changed but it won't matter once he gets his hand on the Super Dragon Balls it'll all be over he just needs to tie up these Loose Ends before he gets them and he holds them off pretty well but amidst their battle they notice the sky turns dark Lord Slug starts blowing too and then the sky returns to normal his power increases once more it was kind of an unnecessary wish but it would be a shame to let a wish go to waste before he destroys the dragon any surprise he didn't notice but when he exited his ship slugs split himself into three with his two clones going to find the two dragon balls they summon taranbo wishing for him to be the strongest in the universe once more and immediately after they killed tirambo too he didn't know if it would work but his clones did seem to be covert enough time then stops once more granola and hit are of course able to move here but slug is faster he moves in front of them it seems instant but it's faster than that what is the speed that he has each of his arms punctured through hidden granola with time resuming just like he thought this new power is pretty great but again doesn't really matter soon enough the Super Dragon Balls will give him even more he tells granola and hit is a shame they won't get to see him once he becomes their new cosmic ruler but at least they were lucky enough to get a glimpse of him and slug then senses something moving nearby oh yeah he almost forgot he casually lifts up a single finger with an incredibly powerful Blast coming out of it granola hears Minato yell out but it's already too late granola weakly turns around watching as Monada was incinerated by the blast he tries using all of his strength to crawl over to minaida but slug tells him it's no use there's nothing left of him slug turns back around and walks toward his ship time briefly stops again and he feels hit grabbing onto his ankle it feels something poke him there he grabs hits arm and crushes it he has a poison needle on him did he really think that would do anything to him he then lifts foot up in the air and then Stomps on him planting him to the ground and knocking him unconscious he lifts up two fingers and forms a small ball in it planting it in the ground well that's all the use that planets here will have for him his ship departs granola makes it over to where Nida once was and he finds nothing there and the planet starts rumbling the ground starts cracking what the hell just happened not long after hit regains Consciousness he's partially healed but he has bandages on him and as he looks around he realizes he's on granola's spaceship he looks out the window and sees the remains of Planet cereal granola's looking out the window completely Frozen still it wants to know what happened and granola can't even say anything that guy he just destroyed it everyone's dead he was lucky enough to have enough strength to crawl back to the ship bringing hit a board there was a single senzu being on there that they got from Goku before he slid it into two and that kind of healed their wounds but they still have a long way to go had it not been for that they would have died they're lucky they even escaped here but monado and all the inhabitants of Planet cereal they're dead the Dragon Balls there are gone too everything is worked to protect it's all gone he clenches his fist he turns to hit granola doesn't care what happens to himself no matter what he's going to kill that guy he's going to find that namekian and he will pay for what he did to think once more he's on the path of Vengeance he never wanted to have this feeling again but it's back and even worse than before but it says he's gonna join this guy is clearly a threat to everyone if he just destroys things randomly who knows what's going to be next and he's gonna get the Super Dragon Balls maybe is that even possible and the fact that he chose today to attack he was laying low until the Super Dragon Balls came back which is why he's going around today and eliminating everything beforehand he's gonna get the super dragon balls and power himself up somehow and by destroying every other set of dragon balls he gets rid of any opposition meaning that one to kill someone they're gonna stay dead for good there's gonna be no way for them to be revived that's why he's destroying everything they need to do whatever they can to help back on earth a new threat has recently awakened a loose end from the Android Saga it's an Android called cell aiming to be perfect and he has the DNA of all these great Fighters here including hit and granola but unluckily for him he's easily defeated by Broly and Kane this is a good first test of their power even in his imperfect State the cell was pretty strong and Gohan and Piccolo are pretty impressed they didn't expect that threat to appear in the first place and the fact that those two defeated him with these it shows that they've really grown especially because the Android probably had all of their powers too imagine if he became perfect how bad would that be but it looks like they don't have to worry about him Earth has been peaceful for a while and there's no way that anyone else is going to come here and attack them well hopefully at least Gohan hears a voice in his head it's Kappa he tells them to all come to the lack Patrol immediately he's heard about some threat from hidden granola and it sounds very serious they need to take action ASAP Piccolo Gohan kale and Broly get on a ship going towards the nearest base and when they get there they see that Goku and Vegeta are there as well hit and granola are going to arrive shortly cabba says some weird things have been going on apparently some namekian attack planet cereal it's destroyed granola had barely made it out of there and apparently this guy might be after the Super Dragon Balls he also mentions the lack of Patrol scientists have detected weird movements in space ever since Moro died they've been extra diligent especially since the prisoners remembered everything so they knew that other people probably knew about the super dragonvale's tip their lead scientist Dr Rhoda actually had noticed in Peculiar things he's their most brilliant mind he's the same one who actually helped save Goku from the heart virus and he's a genius in every aspect he briefs everyone too they've detected strange signatures in space and the weird thing is this has only started happening today planet-sized structures have been moving and it's not normal Planet movement it's something impossible almost like they're being moved by someone who's strong enough to move planets and how there's probably not even a technology that can do that but what's worse is once he noticed this they look into it more the planets give off a strange energy almost similar to the dragon balls on Earth likely they're super Dragon Balls the ones that are about to return to functionality soon and this immediately clicks with Piccolo wait they said it was a namekian do they know the name of him they say they're not sure but canola did mention when the guy left the planet he said something about Lord Slug dominating the universe soon Lord Slug so that must be him apparently he's gonna go after the dragon balls that are left in the universe which means Earth and Namek are at risk the last two planets with dragon balls left Piccolo immediately says they need a split up he'll station himself on Namek while another group will go to Earth hidden granola suddenly arrived too with granola still fuming he wants to take action immediately but Piccolo tell him not to be too rash they do need to act right away but they still need to be cautious broken Nola explodes and tells him that they need to go now and Piccolo says that's the way they were planning to do but he's not surprised that granola is so agitated right now and hit still can't believe what's going on this is Way Beyond to him but he tells Piccolo whatever he needs to defeat Lord Slug he'll help and May it says that it seems that Piccolo knows a little bit about this guy and he explains how he doesn't know but he didn't expect Lord's luck to actually be a threat suit he thought it was just a random tale that the namekians told him and for that reason they decided Piccolo's gonna leave them on what to do Gohan Piccolo Broly kale and granola will go to Namek while Goku Vegeta Kaba Khalifa and hit will go to Earth these groups know how to best fight with each other and each group has a person that can control time although they don't know how much it'll help considering that slug can do the same thing thankfully their ships are pretty quick Earth was already close by and getting Dynamic only takes about an hour or two especially after what happened with Moro they wanted to make sure their ships were fast enough to be any enemy and on both planets right after everybody gets back a ship arrives on each Lord's slug steps off on Namek but Lord Slug also steps off on Earth too somehow the group on namikets communication from Earth slug is here well he's here too on them gorilla mentioned that slug did split himself up before this isn't too surprising and Piccolo says this might be good if he had to split himself up either these two are both half of his power or one's going to be weaker than the other either way that's good that means they should be able to defeat him especially with the amount of people they have in their group he might be individually the strongest in the universe right now but since he's split up it has to fight all these people at once they have a chance here slug grins as he steps off the ship seeing Piccolo there it looks like granola and hit somehow survived meaning all their friends can prepare too but it won't really matter for centuries he searched for the super dragon balls and his journey is not going to end here after everything he's done everything he's sacrificed and all the power he's gained they're not gonna stop him he wonders when he should use namek's Dragon Balls for or Earth for that matter he could just immedly go kill their respective elders but he'd rather use their wishes first maybe he can get immortality although that immortality might be useless especially compared to what the Super Dragon Balls can grant if he ever did become immortal he wants it to be so powerful that he can't even be sealed away with it plain old Dragon Ball immortality is useless but maybe he doesn't even really need that with the amount of power that he has he's basically Immortal already on both planets the two slug simultaneously power up with Piccolo flabbergasted to see his strength he turns orange but he also has some of the aura of ultra Instinct around him so cracks his neck ready for another fight it should be fun to utilize all their abilities against them following his transformation on both planets of course the fighters are going to respond with their own Transformations too Khalifa was actually pretty happy about this it's finally time to show off a new transformation she's been waiting to use this in battle she's the first one to transform taking on a new form with purple hair which it is also kind of jealous because she keeps her eyebrows but for some reason his go away when he uses this whatever though he goes into the same form with both using alter ego and as that happens Goku and Kappa go into Ultra Instinct a fight breaks out on her and quickly they see that there might be a match it also has warned them about his time stopping abilities too and they are able to push luck back but he is incredibly powerful he is the individual strongest in the universe but when he's fighting five people that are pretty close to that title too it's gonna make it a bit tough for him although he has all their abilities and knows all their moves he's attacked me so quick that he basically surpasses time with ease not to mention he can control time to an extent it's almost like he's attacking in the past somehow like his attacks occurred moments before they actually land they can't even be seen they're not even sure how he's capable of doing this the same thing is happening on Namek too where they also have two Powerhouse Fighters and then two ultra Instinct Fighters as well as a Time stopper and as they're fending off Lord Slug the two groups come to realize that the slug on Earth is stronger the one Dynamic is actually weaker so he split himself up in a different way most of the power went to the one on earth and because of that the one Dynamic is actually killed pretty easily with shin and fua teleporting in right after the surprise to see them on the battlefield Piccolo says they should go back immediately because this will put the gods of Destruction at risk but fua had a great idea he's going to teleport all them back to Earth so they can get back there instantly and just to make sure they have extra Firepower they get two pairs of patara earrings from shin and fua they quickly explain what these things are and what they do they tell Broly and kale to bring it back to Earth Piccolo and Gohan will stay here just in case granola decides to say with them too so the kais quickly teleport Broly and kale to Earth then quickly leave it and slug does look a bit concerned he just needs to hold out for a little bit longer he thinks he could accomplish this they were smart for splitting up and he has done some good damage here already he says that 90 of his power I went to the one on earth and 10 went to the one on nanak but now that they have reinforcements it's kind of an issue and they notice when shin and fua teleport in beers and Chapa were there briefly basically acting as bodyguards for the kais slug obviously did notice the Kai's come in and he probably didn't have the idea to go after them too but for some reason he's not even phased by their arrival it's like he doesn't even care that he had the opportunity to just kill them now which kind of concerns beerus and champ why does he still seem so confident he's clearly gonna lose here beerus and Champa even consider fusing themselves they could do that and become incredibly powerful even using Ultra instinct which they definitely have access to by now but at the same time they need to protect these guys that they're linked to and if they do fight alone balancing out their destructive force would be kind of hard they might accidentally destroy everything in the process of fighting maybe even just from existing so they don't want to risk it Sloan continues losing ground on Earth no matter what he does he's being pushed back and taking considerable damage to the point where he can't even regenerate it thanks to Vegeta and kalikal using akais and they land one final attack no one even needs to fuse right now they could just erase slug right on the spot and with a combined effort Lord Slug is defeated Vegeta and college will land a powerful Akai together glad to finally kill him watching as he's erased by it but as he's being erased he smiles a little they fell for it again he's a race before he could say anything else but they're wondering what he means by that Tabitha gets communication from Dr Rhoda with a galactic Patrol he says they've detected the Super Dragon Ball's return it seems they're no longer dormant basically just at the moment they returned but the planets they're all moving together they happen to keeping track of the planets that were supposed to turn into Super Dragon Balls detecting nothing strange near them if they did detect Lord slugs somehow getting near them they would have been able to tell everybody but there was no ship that arrived nothing else and for some reason the planets are moving now somebody or something is pushing them and it's because the Lord's look planned for this in advance with the Super Dragon Balls there's a clone of him Lord slugs put off a small fraction of himself a while ago the two slugs that they were fighting were actually 99 of his full strength there's another Lord's flood clone right there who's at one percent of his power there's no way he could fight anybody else and this is how he remained undetected he was split off months ago and stayed with the super dragon balls he kept his energy low so they couldn't detect it and by living with the super dragon balls he never needed a ship to fly in he was completely undetected this entire time just to be safe he would have loved to get Earth's Dynamics dragon balls but it doesn't seem like it matters now even if those two sets of dragon balls are somehow used at the moment it doesn't matter he already has the Super Dragon Balls ideally he wanted to destroy them but delaying their usage like this is perfectly fine too and he thanks Moro and the gods of Destruction without them he would have had no way of finding the super dragon balls he also could have simply gone after the regular dragon balls after gaining the powers from the super dragon balls but he simply couldn't weight besides it's better to strike preemptively and the conquest was pretty fun he did at least want to feel some sort of challenge before becoming the strongest thing ever and there was definitely a challenge for a bit but of course he still had this to get his victory Super Center on the summoned and immediately Lord Slug makes his wish he wants the greatest amount of power that the Super Dragon Balls can grant to become the strongest in any reality he's gonna get the power of the Dragon God zalama essentially merging with the Super Dragon Balls themselves and with that power he can control the super dragon balls and become the strongest thing ever surpassing even Zeno with ease this Multiverse will be his domain and he could probably move even beyond that the wish is granted and the essence of super Shenron himself merges into Lord's luck with slug powering up immensely the Super Dragon Balls around him are destroyed causing an explosion that's so powerful that the shock destabilizes the entire universe the men between Universe 6 and 7 breaks once again from this everything is shaking it can be felt unnamed on Earth not just that the sacred world of Kai's beerus's Planet all the world hell all of the Realms in Universe 6 beyond that too reaching the other universes as well the other gods of Destruction and Kai's wonder what's happening and even Zeno is alerted from this but just as he and the grand priests are about to look into it they just Disappear Completely being removed from reality alongside Zeno's guards celeb needed to get everyone there out of the way immediately they're realistically the only threat he could have faced but it looks like he was worrying too much because he was even Beyond them it all happened within an instant they didn't even realize what was happening by the time it did happen as for everyone else they're of no concern no other sets of dragon balls are strong enough to hurt him no Mortals are strong enough to hurt him no gods are strong enough to hurt him slug is the strongest thing in reality right now and it's by a huge margin but it can't just be this reality slug needs to assure that he's the strongest in every reality there can't be any threat facing him but this is all part of his plan anyways he's not concerned at all and so long is going to exploit this chaos with all the universes collapsing in on each other it's a good opportunity for him this is his new domain and he wants to see what he truly controls here the boundaries between every Universe collapse every universe is destabilized so long tries to even warp time for himself but runs into a little bit of an issue his body can't fully adjust to this power it's not because it can't contain it it's because he's created a weird Paradox he's messing with time in reality a little too much right now and he sees the problem he needs to become a constant there are Lord slugs and other realities he needs to obtain their power as well there just needs to be won by controlling the realities of the other slugs he risks affecting himself well that's fine with him he needs to purge all the other realities of any threats anyways so taking a pit stop and merging with his other sales isn't too big of an issue this will be his prime reality and he'll become the constant the one slug in any realities and once that happens he'll truly have a full grasp on his power not just raw strength but the ability to overwrite reality itself basically authoring his existence and everyone else's sure right now he's the strongest thing ever he doesn't really need this it's almost too excessive but the power is tantalizing he wants it for himself he wants the ability to overwrite reality to his heart's content this will allow him to grow so much further than he can even imagine right now so he leaves this reality for a bit warping into others just to find the other slugs and just the thought of it makes him excited he'll have the full power of the Super Dragon pulse he could even make his own wishes from the Super Dragon Balls basically having infinite wishes and this will be accomplished soon enough for now we'll just refer to him as Prime Slug because there's going to be other ones coming into this story as he looks through other realities trying to find them and with all these different realities that exist he has two tasks he needs to get rid of all the other slugs by merging with them or simply killing them if they won't merge with him and besides that he needs to do the same with the Super Dragon Balls either absorbing their power or destroying all the super dragon balls in any other reality but by doing this he creates even more destabilization connections are made to other realities any other continuity where Lord Slug exists in it back in Universe 6.5 or whatever this universe is now because all of them are collapsed together beers and Chomp are trying to figure out the best thing that they could do the other God's instruction already on the move even in Universe 11 they've mobilized The Pride Troopers but nobody knows what to do right now of course there's a huge threat but how do they even find Lord Slug and what are they supposed to do against him but the biggest issue is in Universe 6.5 since alternate slugs start appearing here these were sent by Prime Slug just to help him out and now Earth faces a bunch of them some are variance Prime Slug and some are just simply clones of him that he split off they all descend upon earth looks like they're gonna have to use those patara earrings now they just hope this works Goku and Vegeta decide to fuse together and Khalifa's about to view the Kaaba but wonders what would change if he fused with K open dead so they fuse together two new fusions are born naming themselves Vegito and kefla Vegito has all of Goku and Vegeta's Powers meaning he gets swap between Ultra Instinct and Ultra ego but as for kefla she's a raw Powerhouse having all of kale explodes with strength combined with the destructive power of cauliflower's ultra ego Vegeta is the best here in terms of technique but kefla is all about raw power they start defending Earth meanwhile on Namek it doesn't seem like anything is going on there Piccolo Gohan and granola need to get back but the kais can't risk going to Earth right now so they're stuck on Namek what are they supposed to do Piccolo needs to try and formulate some sort of plan as Prime Slug moves through all the realities he comes across some very strange ones things are different that he's not too sure why he assumed it's some kind of butterfly effect maybe one thing changed a while ago and that caused everything to change here for one he notices all these realities they just have normal Universe 7s and it seems like in all those realities he's from Universe 7 surprisingly let's look into one of these realities for a bit in this reality we arrive on Earth in a seemingly normal Universe 7. on this planet there's a man that looks like Goku but he is in Goku he goes by the name Kakarot and he's watching as two people are fighting right now his brother Raditz and his ally granola these two have recently ascended their most powerful forms gang their own respective Ultra forms and they're about to face off with them but they notice a strange tear in reality and they know that's what it is because they've experienced this before a man steps through this tear in reality it's Lord Slug how is he back they killed him so long ago and what does that tear in reality Radice doesn't want to deal with more Multiverse Shenanigans again but it looks like they don't have a choice granola Radisson Kakarot all transform to strange looking forms this surprises slug a bit weird he never saw those at his original reality it seemed like this was a universe where Goku was somehow raised by the crane school never hitting his head and basically being Kakarot his entire life up until now well he isn't sure what happened here but he doesn't really care although I'll put on the top right of the screen if you want to see what scenario this is he focuses all of his power and strangely enough another Lord Slug materializes out of nowhere he came to this reality using the strongest people here as a beacon which is Kakarot Raditz and granola this helped him locate the reality and now he's using his powers to warp time slug is dead in this reality but he pulled him out of the past because even though he's dead here he was never erased his soul still exists the other slug even looks confused too but then Prime Slug grabs onto him forcibly pulling his Essence into himself essentially anemic infusion that he controlled this is an interesting reality he'll definitely have to come back soon and Prime Slug then disappears what the hell was that in another continuity the same exact thing happens this time Prime Slug locates somebody Dynamic and once again it turned out to be Goku or at least an alternate version of him he was also Kakarot in this timeline he was actually raised Dynamic and it seems like a Lord Slug exists in this timeline too strange it looks like Goku constantly comes into contact with Lord slogan these other timelines he goes into another reality surprisingly enough the person he teleports to is Frieza so Frieza is one of the really strong people in this reality the emperor transforms with his body becoming black and silver but before Frieza could even attack him Lord Slug pulls himself out of this reality too this is a Thailand that kind of follows the regular event of the mainline story but where the events of the Lord Slug movie took place and he keeps hopping around different realities where he did exist and there's one reality where there's no Lord Slug but they know what's happening there there's chronoa the Supreme Kai of time and she's there with two different versions of Bardock they notice an instability in reality something that they have experienced before where someone was messing with time and space but this time it's much different the person messing with it is far stronger she wonders if this involves view somehow Bardock suggests that the newly formed time Patrol should get involved but they kind of need to figure out what's going on first let's go back to the main reality in case you didn't get what just happened Lord Slug hop between a few of my what ifs and then some other realities too but while all that was happening and the reality of this story Piccolo finally had formulated a plan he wanted to learn more about the dragon God zalama Lord's love doesn't seem this universe as a threat anymore and he's going to come back eventually to rule it so he won't destroy it so Piccolo wonders is there a way to create his own set of Super Dragon Balls they've gathered all the Mexicans together all the new Warrior namekians and the elders and surprisingly enough and kabito teleported even bringing Kami to Namek too holding all seven of Earth's Dragon Balls this entire time while slug has been causing chaos they feel like they might have come up with a plan Piccolo merging with other namekians worked really well before so maybe they could do that again merge with everyone here have the power of universe 6 and 7 Dynamic but not just the Warriors the dragon clan members too so from what they understand Lord Slug merge with the dragon what if Piccolo was able to do the same this is a last-ditch effort they really have no other option here they might as well put all their cards on the table this is incredibly risky but it's worth a shot Shadowrun and paranga are summoned together and all the namekians gather around Piccolo and Piccolo makes one wish to both the dragons he wishes for the dragons to Grant him all the power they can merge into him this is really a long shot but this will buff pick look significantly and maybe we'll give him the ability to create his own Super Dragon Balls that's really their only shot at winning here a strange glow surrounds the entirety of plan Dynamic the two dragons grant their wishes Gohan granola watch unconsciously a fight on Earth rages on between the slug Army and all of our heroes but Dynamic things are weirdly peaceful every namekian disappears as you do the dragons with light shooting out of them going into Piccolo every namekian both dragons the dragon balls all of them merge into Piccolo both sets of Dragon Ball swirl around the entire planet then implanting themselves into different parts of dynamic almost like seeds being planted for a tree to grow and where Piccolo stands there's a strange pillar of light a giant one in fact taking on the shape of a namekian tree he ascends up into the circular part of it and all the light condenses into him and Piccolo floats there and off this new power that definitely works but he's not sure if this is enough otherwise he just wish the Lord Slug away right now there's still more that needs to be done but they're on the right path and they probably need to get back to Earth too he thanks all the other namekians for their sacrifice but they live on within him and hopefully when this is all over he can return their lives Gohan asks if he feels any different Piccolo says he does trying to summon this brand new power and granola looks on kind of speechless is he even Piccolo anymore he begins morph into something entirely different and on the planets of the Gods of Destruction from every Universe their respective angels are all watching Hope might have arrived and they need to help out that namekian somehow they don't know who this namekian from Universe 6.5 is but they simply refer to him as the namekian Savior Piccolo fully transforms trying to summon this power for the very first time he takes on an odd appearance his size is similar to that of his orange form but there's some clear changes first of all he goes back to being green although a darker green more like what Shenron looks like he grows a tail looking like that of a dragon and in his chest they see the dragon balls or what used to be the Dragon Balls Piccolo has effectively become the new zalama but he needs to surpass that he needs to have power great enough to stop Lord's luck he'll need power greater than the Super Dragon Balls not just in one timeline but all of them but he realizes something a way for him to get power with this newfound strength and his heightened sense of awareness he realizes something slug has been traveling to other realities other timelines he's been trying to merge the alternate versions of himself and maybe it's working he's not too sure because he doesn't know where Prime Slug is at the moment but if that works for him then it should work for Piccolo too as he is now his power might not be enough to fight Lord's luck which is absurd because he's definitely the strongest thing in the universe besides him everything pales in comparison to his power at the moment but it still might not be enough he needs to assure Lord Slug is stopped he tells Gohan and granola they need to regroup with the others and not long after Maris arrives on the planet but it's strange because Namek is completely empty the planet itself is pretty much untouched but there's no people here they're all within Piccolo now Piccolo's gonna chase down Lord's look well they're gonna have to defend this universe in case anyone tries to attack it Piccolo already knows that there's clones of Lord Slug here trying to attack although he's unsure if they're clones alternate version of him or a mix of both either way it's up to them to help the others and defend Earth too Piccolo slowly floats up in the air and then vanishes trying to use his power to warp between realities Gohan and granola wish him luck as Maris then flies them back to Earth amazed at how strong Immortal could grow as Piccolo travels through realities it's kind of tough for him to murder with other piccolos as for Lord Slug he was going to anytime on the slug and they either willingly merged with him or he just forcefully merged them into himself but as for Piccolo it's a little bit different because either the other piccolos are hesitant to merge with him or he's not going to want to forcefully merge them into himself he travels to many different timelines some piccolos do end up joining him but others don't but Piccolo realizes something else that he didn't even notice before as you're looking through different realities and timelines he notices something strange about his reality not too long ago around the time when they were first fighting slug he noticed that there's a lot of timelines that split off and he remembers Lord's Thug was manipulating time while he was fight lighting and not the normal time Skipper time stop he was actually rewinding time basically controlling it to attack in the past somehow Piccolo completely forgot about that but every time Lord Slug traveled into the past he accidentally created an alternate timeline a timeline where events went exactly the same as before and the thing is Slug did this so many times the piccolo has hundreds of timelines to choose from so he splits himself into hundreds going into each of these different timelines he'll have to deal with the mess that he made with the timelines later but for now he could use this in his favor and the best part is the piccolos in these other timelines they're him just from a few hours ago at most and it's strange because there's no Lord Slug in these timelines he just appeared and then disappeared he didn't even realize what he did and they didn't realize that Lord Slug was still around but by splitting himself up he's able to convince all the other piccolos to join him they're basically perfect clones of himself before he did that ritual he's hoping this will work this is all too much for him and he still doesn't know if it's gonna guarantee a win here but still there's only one way to find out this is their last resort back in the main reality Earth is still being swarmed by different copies of slug thankfully with Fighters like alter ego kefla and Ultra instinct vegeto it's pretty easy to fend them off although these fusions don't really last too long at first yeah they're giant powerhouses but the fusions run out pretty much instantly granted with how fast these people fight that still is a lot of time but they also can't just confuse immediately again it doesn't seem like the army of Lord slugs is letting up they're still appearing but at one point they just stop all of them disappear but our fighters on Earth Sense of weird power approaching they can't even explain the sensation of the power it's so strong that it's basically unreadable they have to even stop focusing on the key just trying to feel how powerful this guy is makes their head hurt and they see that he's finally returned it's the prime Norris look the one from this reality he tells them not to worry he's not going to destroy this reality this is the one he hailed from after all he's not just gonna abandon it and he said it's going to be a nice starting point he'll rule every other version of reality from here besides a mega verse of 12 universes emerged together that's a pretty fitting compound for him think of it as a multiverseized castle mayor's arrives back with Gohan and granola and they just stand there in all of the others they can't even try to fight slug it's like their instincts are holding them back from it kabba and Goku even turned on Ultra Instinct but Ultra Instinct doesn't let them attack they know that even approaching him is far too dangerous their body just automatically avoid fighting him as this it is this the end of everything not just their Universe not just their reality but every reality and the craziest part to them is that Lord Slug looks the same he hasn't undergone some amazing change he isn't even in his orange form right now he just looks like Lord Slug the power is just innate he doesn't need a transformation for it reality is his now he can override it to however he wants but he knows something is still lurking about obviously he's not dumb with his great power he's omniscient he's omnipresent he could feel everything and he knows pretty much everything he knows what Piccolo's up to although it was too focused on his own Conquest where he didn't even realize it and any minute now he's gonna show up again there's a brilliant glow of light that same tree-shaped key that Gohan granola saw reappears pretty much out of nowhere and Lord Slug instinctively blocks an attack the group on Earth can't even tell what's happening it happens faster than an instant by the time it's already happened they haven't even processed it yet Piccolo's reappear ready to fight Lord Slug slug says that Piccolo's plan was pretty impressive and May maybe he could have stopped him when he first got the super dragon balls but slugs on a completely different level now his power is incomprehensible he's merged with every other version himself that he could find he's merged with other sets of Super Dragon Balls from other realities he knows Piccolo probably heard what he said even when he was in a different reality but he repeats himself he could rewrite everything he basically authors his own story but Piccolo says despite Lord slug's immense power he doesn't even realize he's still underestimating his opponents the two of them then warp away reappearing in the middle of nothingness and some unknown reality a place where they could fight that's not gonna damage anything Piccolo brought them both here he and slug have the exact same Powers now although obtained in different ways this new version of Piccolo was born specifically to defeat Lord Slug born from slug's own arrogance too but slook wonders why Piccolo's resisting it he tells Piccolo to just bask in the power that they have isn't it amazing slug honestly can't believe seeing someone with just as much power as him and he hopes this enlightens Piccolo these gods have all failed them look what happened to the universe they came from the ignorance of the Gods caused them to merge together they caused this they cause the Lord's Thug to be what he is today and not just that he's seen so many different timelines too no goddess fit to rule in any other Universe the gods of Destruction the Kai's Zeno the Angels no one has been affected slug is Going to Be an Effective ruler besides it's not like anyone can stand up against him anyways now's his chance to make everything right make reality how he sees fit Piccolo must have seen it those Gods all those timelines were things diverge they don't have the dedication the mindset the power to rule like he can but slug does and Piccolo is his equal how is that not enlightened to me yet the fact that they should create their own destiny but the destiny of everyone isn't for Lord's love to decide and slug questions Piccolo then who can decided he's the most powerful thing to ever exist why can't he choose and who's going to tell him not to but Piccolo says it's for neither them to decide they are still Mortals after all and if Lord Slug lived among them like Piccolo did he'd probably see Piccolo's point of view slug laughs this off they're not Mortals anymore they surpassed that long ago even before these wishes were made Piccolo surrounded by the spirit of Limitless namekians that refused within him as slug also gets ready for a battle an unexplainable battle ensues a battle between good and evil the battle between 6 in the universe 7. between past and present and a meccan from long ago and a namekian from the new murdered Universe two different ideals clashing together two equally amazing Powers two beings Limitless in nature at this point it's not even a traditional fight the attacks they exchange are enough to destroy everything the speed at which they're moving this all happens faster than an instant the scale of the battle it goes across many different universes different realities they travel through time and space beyond Dimensions that we can even comprehend slug is trying its best to kill Piccolo but as for Piccolo he's just trying to get a hold of his power and at some point he thinks he has the hang of it he might not be able to kill Lord's look even with the power he has right now he's not sure if that's possible but he can end this albeit in a very non-traditional way not some martial arts not some key blast but simply a snap of his fingers Piccolo can control the power of wishes and not just from any simple Super Dragon Balls he can wish whatever he wants and he resets everything all with the snap of his fingers everyone else doesn't even realize what happened for them no time has passed at all but everything's back to normal anyone who has been killed recently they're revived anything that has been destroyed it's been rebuilt the tears between realities tears between universes they're all mended but one thing is different there is a sacrifice made by Piccolo he uses up all his current power just to create a separate indestructible reality a separate dimension in case with an infinite other dimensions all to seal Lord's slug away in this wish takes all of Piccolo's power and forcefully takes the Lord slug's power too simple Erasure isn't enough the Lord's luck he needs to make sure he never exists never existed Piccolo is overwriting everything that ever happened would slugs sealed away in this pocket Dimension and then erased utterly incomplete not just that every action he took every memory of him at least for that Prime Slug up until the point where he got the super dragon balls and then nothing huh that's weird I swear I added this video but the video was gone I feel like the script was different but I don't know what happened hold on I gotta pull up the script again I think we're on oh we're on part 14. that's really strange I swear I edited a video already but okay all right so where were we super shenrona summoned or he's about to be summoned before he could chant the words to make super shine run up here Lord Slug just starts vaporizing what happened he's dying no this isn't just death he's being completely erased completely wiped out how did he fail what happened to him he doesn't realize what's going on and strangely enough I don't remember writing this into the script but I guess I'll go with it he just disappears after that why did I write that down everything is back to normal to what it once was no one has a clue of what happened although Wheaton bottles pull their stabs and see that something happened with Lord's luck he's gone he's not in this reality anymore any reality he's gone almost like he stopped existing only Piccolo knows what happened he erased Slug and everything from everyone's memories at least from after this point in time by reversing time and rewriting reality he also wonders if his power is gone too it might still be there but he has no way of knowing but he still remembers and it's strange the essence of the near future versions of the namekians that fuse within him they're still in there including the piccolo alternates but at the same time those alternate timelines that Lord's blood created on an accident they're gone they never existed and those namekians never fused into him they're all still here everyone's confused as to how everything got restored as well including Planet cereal where everyone's alive again including monado Piccolo could have actually gone back further he could have made it so Lord Slug never existed not just in this reality but every reality but he didn't like the idea of using time for himself and often reality as he wanted all he wanted was for everything to be restored and for slug to be defeated everyone regroups on Earth and Piccolo is then approached by hitting granola these two have a strange sense it's different from Key they could sense disruptions in time it's inherent to their abilities and they feel like something happened they don't know what happened or how it happened but they feel like it involves Piccolo somehow there's some sort of disruption in time something beyond their comprehension but they're not going to ask any further they could tell that Piccolo doesn't want them to know for a reason but granola also thanks Piccolo he doesn't know what went on but he knows that somehow Piccolo saved everyone and he brought Planet cereal back Kappa asked Mayors if he saw anything and he said he didn't Khalifa says this is her own power and made Vegeta's too that her kais were so strong that they erased Lord's look even though they were a little bit delayed and you know what yeah but you you to theorize that that might be the case she and Vegeta have claimed Victory and they're elated celebrating their great power they didn't realize that rakais were that powerful it looks like Alter Ego is truly Superior we fast forward a bit going back to beerus's Planet things have obviously returned to normal by now every reality is back to how it should be including this one the Saiyans and beers of Planet want to settle the score which Ultra form is truly stronger Ultra instinct or Alter Ego it would have been great to have a Gohan here but you know it's better this way it's a 2v2 it's even Kappa and Goku stand together in Ultra Instinct as cauliflower and Vegeta stand together in Ultra ego on the sideline is Piccolo Broly and kale watching on to see what they can learn from this battle but right before the battle begins there's a strange warp in time one person appears and no one recognizes herbicides beerus it's a short woman dressed as a cop it's a Supreme Kai of time granola and she comes how this is a strange reality Universe 6 and 7 are one weird but this does seem like the place where she's supposed to be and she's here to speak to Piccolo pulling him aside they're not necessarily aware of what happened but they know something happened here and it has to do with Piccolo as well as Lord's bug who's gone everyone trying to ease drop in on the conversation but beerus tells him to get back to their battle this Supreme Kai of time is from another reality one of the ones that slug skipped over or was supposed to skip over before everything got reversed they feel like more threats like this are going to show up they actually fought someone like that in their own timeline named few and in that reality they've been working together to try and stop these threats but they could use a power like Piccolo's on their side they know Piccolo is a good person well at least in this reality he is and he might not have full access to his powers right now but they're still there they're latent and he could reawaken that power albeit maybe pretty slowly the power is both there and isn't there at the same time it's a weird Paradox and she's not even too sure how it happened but she asked Piccolo what he thinks would he like to join the brand new time Patrol and it takes him thinking he reluctantly does accept this though he could help other timelines too now and he kinda does want to get to the bottom of what happened especially if more threats like this might exist he wants to make sure they won't happen he might have gotten rid of Lord Slug but he wants to make sure every reality is safe although he does know two other people that they could recruit one from Universe 7 and one from Universe 6. although both of them live in the same universe at the moment Kuno is probably not gonna like their abilities though the fact that they can control time not too crazy extent though Piccolo thinks that recruiting hit and granola will really help them too he wants to preserve this reality he wants to make sure it remains safe and maybe these two could join along with him but he wonders what this time Patrol is and what kind of threats they're fighting as the three of them are taken to a weird place and they see some strangely familiar faces there too is that Goku actually there's a few people that look like Goku one of them wonders why they keep saying that name another person who's calling him that his name's Kakarot oh yeah Piccolo should have realized there are some other strange timelines out there and it seems like these people are from one of them a reality where Goku's father survived and that whole family actually survived also there's another version of Bardock there too it's a small crew so far but the time Patrol is slowly building up three new members joined the what if time Patrol in case you don't know what I'm talking about it's from another what-if scenario with this new path opening for them and with Universe 6.5 returning to relative peace this is where we end off for now it was weird coming up with an ending for this because I was trying to think if someone could do outside the box and this ending is definitely different from what I've done in other scenarios but I had a lot of fun with it I could have kept this more grounded but I like how this turned out especially ending with three Representatives each from different universes but what did you guys think let me know below as usual be sure to drop a like And subscribe if you haven't already especially if you want to see more videos like this anyways thank you all for watching thanks for supporting the scenario all the way through and I'll see you all in my next video
Channel: Salad Saiyan
Views: 311,075
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dbs, dbz, dbz what if, discussion, dragon ball, dragon ball super, dragon ball z, explain, explained, meme, q&a, question, saiyan, salad, salad saiyan, scenario, theory, what if, what-if, super, arc, saga, champa, beerus, zeno, universe, u6, u7, whis, angel, god, hakaishin, destroyer, goku, vegeta, sadala, raditz, namek, piccolo, cabba, caulifla, frost, freezer, freeza, frieza, king, kai, tail, kami, hit, ssj, android, granolah, ssj2, ssg, merus, moro, ui, ultra, instinct, omen, slug, multiverse, ue, ego, kefla, vegito, vegetto, hakai, black, vadps
Id: rmNmP6s7Ouk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 219min 20sec (13160 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 08 2023
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