Most Under Rated Jutsu RANKED and EXPLAINED

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now the beauty of Naruto is that there's so many different characters that have different backstories in different moves and that's the beauty of a well fleshed out power system as you get different Elemental releases in K Genai and K MOA and K TOA the amount of moves that you can have is borderline unlimited and thus over the course of the entirety of Naruto we've been served to over 2,000 Jutsu and while some of those jutsus we've seen hundreds if not thousands of times others we've only seen a couple and this is a real shame considering the fact that some of the jutsus that we only see once or twice are some of the most iconic and lovable jutsus in the entire universe but whether it be because these jutus belong to Side characters or just because these jutus are hard to draw or animate we don't see them often which is a shame because a lot of these jutsus that we see once or twice become a lot of people's favorite jutsus which makes us feel that these jutsus that are used every once in a while are underutilized or undervalued by the Naruto Universe however a Jutsu only being used once or twice throughout the duration of Naruto isn't the only way that a Jutsu might feel undervalued see some jutsus that are used in almost every single episode still feel undervalued everybody seems to be really P about them when they could actually be one of the strongest jutsus in the universe as different jutsus might have different applications that ninjas haven't explored or the sheer mechanics of how relatively simple Jutsu works are actually incredibly complicated and pulling that simple Jitsu off in the first place is a her in task that we're just not talking about regardless of whether or not it's because of underutilization or underere exploration a lot of Jus fall to the relative Wayside and these are the jutsus that I would describe as massively underrated jutsus which have the capacity to be some of the strongest jutus in the Naruto universe but we just don't see enough for jutsus that we do see used in one capacity but could be massively more effective in a separate capacity no matter how you slice it these are jutsus that have more potential than what they were shown to live up to in the Naruto universe and because of that they deserve their time in the sun which is why today we're talking the top 10 underrated jutus in Naruto ranked and explain but before we get to ranking or explaining anything guys please for me like this video subscribe to the page and hit that noty Bell and if you love me ranking and explaining things then you're really going to like my other channel the weeb commander instead of talking about Naruto and Boro I rank and explain things from all of anime and if you like the idea of me talking about all the anime that are out then you're going to love my anime podcast we talk to Anonymous where me and ddy Ma break down everything happened in anime this week it's available on YouTube Spotify and apple podcasts so when somebody tells you think of a Jutsu from Naruto what do you think of it's probably something like Chidori or Rasengan or Shadow clone JSU and that's because those are the jutsus that we see used over and over and over again Mino creates the Rena and teaches it to jiah jiah teaches it to Naruto Naruto well actually doesn't teach it to boruto but boruto learns learns it eventually Kashi creates Chidori which he teaches the Sasuke which he teaches the Sara Orochimaru learns how to stretch his body in uncomfortable ways and kind of imprints that into meky the reason that we see Jutsu used over and over and over again even across Generations is because drawing a bunch of new and original Jutsu is not only mentally taxing but also just kind of difficult having to think about a new unique Jutsu and how it works in the universe for every new fight it's kind of tough and while occasionally characters will use new and interesting jutsus like and Sasuke combining their powers to create a more powerful version of the black flame amatarasu Ras and shuriken that they can toss across an entire Battlefield and light up a bunch of t-tailed clones but the majority of the time we're going to be served to some different variation of Chidori or Rosena because mangakas are historically overworked and coming up with the new judu and the design of it every single week pretty tough when you have to turn in 15 pages and this isn't just a problem in Naruto even universes with incredibly flushed out in awesome Power Systems like Hunter Hunter and jjk are still privy to this kind of thing characters have move sets and usually they stick to said move sets in fact when it comes to variety of moves used in Universe Naruto is actually probably number one however that doesn't mean that Naruto didn't forget some Jutsu along the way the problem with being number one in the amount of variety of moves that you depict in either your manga or anime is that there's going to be some moves that are incredible that can just never be used again and today we're going to be talking about those Jutsu now I've compiled a list of 10 Jutsu that I believe are massively underrated but I believe there's a lot more than 10 juu that are massively underrated in Naruto so I got to do at least one honorable mention so before we get into our top 10 let me do my one honorable mention see people have been yelling at me for a long time to do a ranking and explaining video of all of the summons in Naruto and I will do it one day it's just a herculan task but if you sat me down and told me to rank and explain all of the summons based off my personal enjoyment unfortunately at number one would be a summon that we only see one time and that's because my favorite summon in the entirety of the Naruto universe is tamari summon also known as Kari Kamari is a weasel with a sickle and an eye patch that's sick technically Kari appears four times two times in Cannon the first time being Tamar's battle against touya where she swoops in and saves Shikamaru now there's also a filler arch in part one of Naruto where she summons him and there's also a filler fight in the fourth gr Shinobi World War where she summons it however the other time that we actually see kamatari in Canon it's in shikamaru's first light novel Shikamaru Heen a cloud drifting in silent Darkness but filler or not every single time that katari has graced us with its presence it has been incredible truly if you only want to focus on the times that comari gets summoned in Canon technically only one of those times is animated and that one time was enough see comari when tamari summons him to help in the battle against tuya not only defeats tuya who Minds you as a genjutsu inducing flute giant goblins that you can control and a level two curse mark but also in the process of defeating touya kamatari cuts down an entire Forest not like a couple of trees an entire Forest as far as the eye can see which is why comari was so effective against tuya because they were like oh she's in that general direction kill everything in front of us and comari did it comari pretty much represents the highest level of wind release you can see in Naruto and tamari was summoning it at 13 years old that's insane sure summons like gamabunta and outa could probably destroy an entire Forest if they wanted to but they're also 400 ft tall kamatari is legitimately just the weasel with a sickle also kamatari probably destroyed the forest faster than the likes of gamabunta or outa could so yeah the fact that kamatari only makes one Cannon Monga appearance criminal I love him I want a weasel with an eye patch and a sickle but enough about my favorite summon let's get to the actual top 10 coming in in our number 10 spot I don't want to call it last because this Jutsu is incredible is super beast imitating drawing or is this known more colloquially super beast scroll this is a technique used by Sai and enin SII son and while the Jutsu was used in the anime in the manga a good amount I mean Sai replaces Sasuke for large amount of the manga I don't believe it's talked about enough as one of the most powerful and dangerous jutsus out there mostly because Sai as a character is pretty largely forgot which is why he was in the top three three of underrated characters in Naruto for me see the Jutsu in premise is pretty simple it allows the user to create drawings and animate them that is to say that the user is able to draw whatever they please and with a simple confirmation seal they're able to bring whatever they drew to life and what's ever drawn will act upon the users will now the common misconception here is that this technique is weak I mean all you really need to do is get some Chalker infused ink do a little painting once the painting is done the Beast jumps off the scroll but since these beasts are made of ink one punch is usually enough to destroy them and you're right in that capacity the technique is kind of weak the durability of the monsters created isn't all that high but with the ability lacks in raw strength and durability it makes up for inv versatility see Sai in enen can draw anything Sai is able to do anything from turning words into small animals that can travel to a location explode themselves and confer a message all incredibly discreetly to creating massive birds that can carry Sai on their back and carry him somewhere at high speeds or allow him to battle the air to creating tigers that can launch out of a scroll grab onto somebody and slowly drag them into the scroll sealing them in one of the strongest Fu and jutsus in the entire Naruto Universe Sai can create small black mice that can scout out entire areas and see enemy forces and then come back to him and report to them on everything that they've seen snakes that can enter buildings through tiny cracks soundlessly and Carry Out assassination missions for saigh fish who can swim across entire oceans to deliver a message on the other side of a body of water giant crabs dragons owls anything and while sure the majority of these drwings can be destroyed in one punch Sai can also create tons of drawings and considering the fact that Sai was responsible for sealing some of the strongest ninjas in history when they were brought back during the fourth gr Shinobi World War through edot tensei the strength of things like his tiger ceiling technique are so strong that it doesn't matter who you are if he gets his fangs in you it's over combin that with years of assassination work the ability to draw incredibly quickly in a versatility that allows s to stay off of the battlefield and you have an incredibly dangerous technique and one that I believe doesn't get enough love but with the shift in the tides of people liking saigh more and more as time goes on it's probably my fault cuz he's one of my favorite characters I believe that this technique gets a lot more love than everything else on this list which is why it's sitting at number 10 let's get to the jutsus that nobody talks about because coming in at number nine we have the hiding with camouflage technique it's a stupid name I know but the judu itself is incredibly powerful this technique is kind of a derivative of transparent Escape technique well they're kind of the exact same thing I can't tell which is derived from which we've never actually seen transparent Escape technique used in the manga but we have seen hiding with camouflage used in the manga for those of you who don't know what either of these techniques are they're jutsus that make you invisible now the transparent Escape technique was created by daa so that he could watch women in the bath you know just Dr a things what a horrifying and reality shaking concept that one of the most powerful people in the universe use his Jutsu prowess to essentially commit felonies but since we have seen hiding with camouflage technique used in the manga and therefore in the anime in Canon episodes that's the one we're going to be talking about today see this technique allows a user to control the light around their body which causes their form Shadow and even breath to become invisible to the naked eye however it actually does a little bit more than this it doesn't only make you invisible it also camouflages your scent which makes you almost impossible to see or even detect in fact the only way that somebody's able to detect somebody using the hiding with camouflage technique is by the sounds that they make as regardless of whether or not you can be seen or smelt if you step on a stick you step on a stick on top of this people who use the charangon or the Byakugan can still see you as it's not like you can erase your chakra signature but still the amount of people with a Byakugan or shangan relative to the entire population of the Naruto universe is next to nothing making this one of the greatest reconnaissance stealth or assassination type jutus in the entirety of Naruto and there is one yes that's right one manga Cannon user of this technique much in the same capacity as there's only one manga Cannon user of the transparent Escape technique and Jah never actually even uses it in the manga the only person who ever uses it in the manga is a man by the name of taeki from Ewok one of the ninjas that team Mino had to fight on the mission in the third great Shinobi world war that killed Obito killed opito and mind you the scent of the user is so well masked that Kakashi isn't able to to smell him and Kakashi is said to have a nose better than that of a ninja Hound why this technique isn't taught in the Shinobi Academy I would never know the biggest part about being a ninja is being stealthy well techniques like the substitution jutsu and the transformation Jutsu are obviously important to your standard ninja dumb tasks being invisible would also be hugely helpful and considering the fact that this technique has been made by two separate people in separate Villages for separate purposes it can't be that hard to create oh no we're Team tobirama Deep hidden Cloud territory we need to have somebody stay behind in order to fight off the 20 S-Class ninja who are coming to kill all of us what if we all just scatter and turn invisible for a little while there are so many situations this technique could have just saved the day and yet two people know it but speaking of techniques that only two people know in the manga but many more know in the anime we have our number eight spot the water prison Jutsu now the only two people who have ever been displayed to know how to use this move in Canon are Kisame and Zab which makes sense they're two of the most legendary Seven Swords into the Mist in the mist's history and on top of being incredible kenjutsu Masters they're also incredible at Water release now this is a technique that is subdued chinery Kakashi tenen Nei rocki pretty much anybody who's ever been caught in the water prison Jutsu was there for a good amount of time see the water prison Jutsu can be used one of two ways either the user can draw from water sources around them to create a sphere of heavy water the water is explicitly said to heavy and therefore because the water is heavy it makes it incredibly hard to move in this sphere and also hard to breathe which is weird because regardless of how heavy the water is if you're stuck in a sphere of water you shouldn't be able to breathe however ninjas are weird so apparently you can breathe within a sphere a little bit but you don't even need a nearby water source you can also just expel the water from your mouth to create the water prison Jutsu and since within the confines of this water prison it's not only difficult to breathe but also move most people can escape on their own which means if you catch some body in this technique that's pretty much the fight done now obviously people have been able to break out of this technique heam meat heeden was able to break out of this technique by expelling water out of his body and increasing the volume of the water prison until it was at a level that it couldn't maintain but somebody trying to catch kisam a water prison Jutsu was stupid in the first place then Nei was also able to escape this technique on his own by firing chakra out from all of his ten ketu points simultaneously kind of like creating a pseudo rotation without the rotation but unless the person that you're trying to capture is a master of gentle fist or probably the strongest water Ninjutsu user in the entire universe if you catch somebody in this technique that's it now some will say that this technique is weak because in order to maintain the water prison you have to keep an arm in the water prison the entire time however anybody who's able to use this water prison Jutsu is also able to use water clones and therefore all you have to do to maintain this technique is create a water clone who will keep its arm in the water prison to maintain the water prison and you're good you can run around and you know what you can do while your water clone is maintaining that water prison you can line up your most power powerful Ninjutsu tautu or genjutsu attack on the person who's stuck in a bubble of water they can't leave from or you could just like inject some poison into the water that they're going to be forced to have to inhale so long as there isn't some Scrappy kids turning themselves into demon shurikens you're probably going to be fine and you've probably won the fight and yet we only ever see two people use this technique Kisame and Zabuza and that's just weird because it's a c rank Jutsu not only people from the Mist can use this it's not even a hard water in Jutsu to use but enough about jutsus that everybody could use let's talk about specific family oriented hidden jutsus that only one clan can use because coming in at number 7 we could have just the abame clan as a whole or maybe just parasitic destruction insect technique but I'll try to be more specific so coming in at number seven we have the rinkai cheu and the kai chew now the rinkai chew and the kai chew are two different kinds of bugs that are utilized by the abame family but both are technically bugs available in shino's Arsenal see the r shu is a bug that was originally introduced to belong to tune abame the right-hand man of danzo and it's a nanosized purple bug that creates an incredibly powerful flesh eating toxin so all tone has to do is Manifest his rank Kaiu to his skin and anybody he touches is infected with this toxin that eats away their skin way too fast basically if you're touched by tun's rank kid shoe you will lose whatever he touches as the toxin begins to eat away at flesh and Bone instantaneously now Chino is Tech technically compatible with the ring Kaiu however he didn't really Vibe with the violence of it however he does still technically work with the ring Kaiu see instead of becoming a host of the rinky shoe in a normal sense Shino crossbred tun's rinky shoe with his own bugs giving his bugs the ability to create an antibody to the toxin while also technically being able to create the toxin as well which means in a somewhat roundabout capacity Shino has access to the rink Kaiu as well as having an access to the cure for the Rinku toxin which means in essence sheo has cross spread nanosiz bugs with his regular bugs and given his regular bugs the ability to create a toxin that once it is injected into your body will eat away at it instantaneously until you are nothing and what does he do with that well he fights against tune and wins but after that pretty much nothing which is insane outside of that Chino also has access to a bug known as a KIU which is constantly feeding off his chakra like the rest of the pugs in his body however the kadu needs to be fed an exact amount of chakra and if it's not fed that exact amount of chakra it will consume as much chakra as it can get and grow in size exponentially and instantaneously which means that if hypothetically she know where to inject these bugs into your body and you didn't know how much chakra to feed them which you wouldn't you would explode from the inside because a bug the size of a boulder just appeared in your chest once again incredibly broken it's basically how everybody wanted Ant-Man to defeat Thanos and these are two abilities that can't be absorbed by things like a renon or a Karma mark because their physical matter they're not judu meaning that Sho is pretty much the only person on Earth with a kit that's advantageous against people like the otsi as all he would have to do to permanently an ouis either touch them with the rinkai Shu or get one Ki Shu into them and then bye and yet Shino has been relegated to wearing shutter Shades like his 2012 Kanye and losing in battles to mitsky which is insane when you consider the fact that in Universe he should be one of the most powerful people in existence but another about Jus that entire Clans can use let's talk about jutsus that only one person can use because coming up at number six we have body pathway derangement now technically while soccer can use this move in video games tunat is the only person in the anime and the manga depicted to have mastered this technique and kind of thank God for that see the reason that Tsunade is the only person who's mastered this technique is because it's a highlevel medical Ninjutsu tsuna is a highlevel medical Ninjutsu specialist in order to use the technique tsuna essentially like kilawat transmutes her chakra into an electrical field giving her chakra the properties of electricity however instead of using this technique to increase her offensive or defensive output like the rag or increase her speed like kiloa tunani uses this technique to pour her electrified chakra into somebody's nervous system via physical touch which allows her to rearrange somebody's nervous system making it so any electrical system in their body is misfire and those affected by this technique will have their body do anything other than what their brain is trying to their body to do meaning if you try to move your hand anything but your hand will move and if this move is used against anybody it's pretty much GG's tsuna stated that after getting hit by this technique it's almost impossible to move let alone fight and honestly I tend to agree even if I knew that in order to move my left foot I had to think about moving my right hand I probably couldn't do it definitely not in a capacity in which I could walk or run or throw a punch or fight and what does tuna have to do to pull off this technique touch you but but some techniques don't even require physical touch to pull off like our number five Jutsu on this list Mind Body disturbance Jutsu see if I ask you what the biggest problem with the yamanaka clan is what would you say the fact that they can transfer their body into one maybe two people and then their body goes limp and thus in order for them to truly reach their peak of efficiency they need somebody around to carry their unconscious body which in the grand scope of a place like a war seems like a huge inconvenience well what if I told you that them using their mind transfer Jutsu was made enti nearly irrelevant by another Jutsu that they know see the yamanaka have an ability that doesn't transfer their minds into other people but it's still accomplishes the desired effect and that technique is known as the mindbody disturbance technique where the amanaka clan member is able to send their chakra into somebody else's body to control their nervous system giving them full control over somebody's body and while they may not have control over their thoughts and mind and the Intel in that head they're able to control people's bodies and not just one person multiple people people simultaneously and instead of their body going limp and them needing to be carried somewhere safe they retain full Consciousness meaning that this technique is perfect if a yamanaka member is outnumbered or alone as a yamanaka clan member can use this technique against multiple people to have those people kill each other and the worst part is since their minds aren't being controlled all the people being controlled retain Consciousness so even if they survive they have to live with the confusion and the trauma of having to cut down their teammates kind of like the king or any of the Guard from J Roso being forced to cut down all the civilians as doflamingo took it over and well I understand that yamanaka clan members are actually more useful in the collection of Intel than the taking out of enemies the fact that the amakas have an ability that allows them to cut down entire groups of people without losing their Consciousness and they use it what once maybe twice throughout the duration of the entire manga is mindblowing to me in fact Eno in the manga is never shown using it only her father anoi is shown using it not to mention just like all other yamanaka abilities this technique can be used from a distance which means you could just be standing with your group of Ruffians and then you're being controlled to stab said Ruffians which could sew a massive amount of Discord in a group of people but speaking of killing massive groups of people simultaneously coming in at number four somewhat appropriately we have C4 see when I tell you to think of data's move set what do you think of his C2 Dragon his C1 bird his little spiders his lanky people his C3 mega bomb do you maybe think about his c0 when he fed his own explosive clay to his heart mouth and exploded himself in a massive kilometer wide explosion that killed AA or Manda killed Monda regardless of what you think about most people don't think about dat's C4 and that's because we only ever see dator use his ability once oh wait no that's not true we see him use like a tiny little chibi version in his battle against in noi after he's brought back to life in the fourth great Shinobi World War but we only see him use it at the peak of its power once and unfortunately when he uses it it doesn't really do do all that much see dat C4 technique was created to defeat Itachi one day as dator hated Itachi cuz Itachi was the reason that he got recruited Into the yatsky Now the way that the technique works is that dator expels a ton of explosive clay from his mouth mouth and all of that explosive clay that he essentially throws up forms a massive clone of him however this clone doesn't explode in a traditional sense this clone blows up like a balloon and then pops however when this balloon pops it releases a cloud of Nano bombs which when inhaled dat will explode which will vaporize anything that had the grave Misfortune of inhaling them now this is a terrifying Jutsu so scary that even Obito said it was a fearsome Jutsu because to most people they would see a massive clone of dator made of explosive clay and would think oh that's going to be a really big explosion and then it doesn't explode it pops which leads a lot of people into a false sense of security Now if you didn't have a Byakugan or a shing gun you wouldn't see any of the microzed bombs however because Sasuke sees chakra's color he sees the massive cloud of bombs coming towards him which allows him to Electrify all of the bombs as they run through his system now anybody without a dojutsu that allowed them to see chakra would die to this especially if dat were to set this off in oh I don't know the middle of a village or in the middle of a group of Shinobi who would be thankful for 2 seconds that the massive dataa didn't explode only to turn into Ash so they got snapped Away by Thanos dat just had the explicit Misfortune of using this against Sasuke but I guess in actuality the technique was supposed to be against Itachi who also would have been able to see the cloud but whatever all that really matters this technique is massively underrated and very scary as the level of Destruction that it's able to Output is similar to that of c0 without it costing data's life and for that C4 very appropriately gets the four spot but enough about that pretty F booy let's talk about another pretty F booy because coming in at number three we have demonic mirroring ice crystals demonic mirroring ice crystals is one of the first K Kai that we ever see well I should say that ice release is one of the first Kai that we ever see in demonic mirroring ice crystals is an application of ice release but demonic mirroring ice crystals is the highest level of ice release that we ever get to see from Haku truly his Magnus Opus see this technique is only able to be performed by members of the Yuki Clan as they are the wielders of ice release and this technique even though it showed up in the early days of Naruto is still an incredibly intimidating technique Haku and Zabuza don't get enough credit for actually being legitimately powerful foes see in order to create this technique Haku creates a dome of ice mirrors around an opponent and by simply entering into one of these mirrors haku's reflection is shown in every single one now the wildest part about this technique is that Haku has the ability to travel between these mirrors near instantaneously which is crazy because for all intense purposes it's a space-time Ninjutsu Haku is essentially reverse summoning himself to every single ice mirror that he creates he doesn't have to physically travel from one he teleports which gives Haku the ability to appear to be everywhere all at once and thus anybody with a grave Misfortune of finding themselves in the center of this senbon hell is thus filled with senbon as Haku can jump from Mirror to mirror to mirror tossing sbond constantly and filling you with needles now technically was this the strongest possible application of this mirror Jutsu probably not see we understand that this Jutsu requires a lot of chakra from Haku and therefore he can't do it forever however he doesn't really need forever because even if you get lucky and strike the mirror that Haku happens to be in once that mirror is broken Haku can just jump out one of the mirror fragments into another mirror and even if you can track what mirror Haku is in I'll remind you he can travel near instantaneously which would mean he can probably get to a new mirror faster than you can track and react to now as we know throwable weapons in Naruto really don't do much people get filled with kunai and shuriken and senbon all the time and are completely fine I mean look at Sasuke in the Land of Waves AR however if hypothetically Haku were to throw something more dangerous than a sbond like an explosive tag he could pretty easily wipe out anybody with The Misfortune of Being in his Dome and when we consider the fact that the First Data Book said that Haku travels at light speed between his mirrors a bunch of explosive tags coming at you from light speed in all different directions would be terrifying now obviously the things thrown don't come in at light speed because Naruto with his first gen Cherokee form was able to dodge the S Bond being thrown by Haku but considering the fact that the majority of the send Bond were not dodged if the majority of the S Bond were kunai with explosive seals attached to them fight would have ended differently now we know what you're saying you're saying Nick but Haku can't throw explosive seals in his Dome it'll destroy his mirrors probably not considering the fact that haku's mirrors were able to stand up against Sasuke's Fireball technique in fact pretty much the only thing that we saw that was able to destroy one of haku's mirrors was Naruto in his early jinu State Haku technically wouldn't even have to go so far as using explosive seals he could just dip his sbond in Poison three or four of those bad boys into somebody's back and see you later in premise it's a borderline Unstoppable Jutsu and unless you are a light speed opponent or able to track light speed movement you're going to lose or able to buff your defenses to such a level that sen Bond can't penetrate Well's crazy is that Haku doesn't technically need to make this Dome Haku can just make a mirror next to somebody and teleport himself to it thus in essence his demonic Ice Crystal Mirror Technique is basically flying Ren though on a much smaller scale admittedly but because of that it's vastly underrated viewed as a technique that two genning were able to overcome like those two genning weren't reincarnations of gods but let's move away from techniques known by few to techniques known by all because coming in at number two we have a technique that probably every single ninja in the Naruto Universe knows but for some reason stopped using and that technique would be none other than substitution JSU also known as the body replacement Jutsu this technique is weird see because here's the thing it's kind of common knowledge that everybody in the entire Naruto Universe knows the substitution jutsu but why and how does it work genuinely we never get an explanation but the craziest thing about the substitution jutsu is that you don't have to replace yourself with something like a log it's just a lot of people do that and we know this because the substitution juu isn't always a log and sometimes while it is a log it's a log covered in explosive tags see the way that the substitution technique works at least so far as we know is that right before you're hit you replace your body with something nearby whether it be a rock or a log it just has to be something now the reason that it's important that it is something you replace your body with is because when people punch that something it feels like something it doesn't just poof like a shadow clone and because this people believe that they hit you only to realize that they punched a log or a rock which gives you a temporary window to Counterattack but here's the thing about substitution JSU the speed the foresight in the Jutsu knowledge required to pull it off in the first place is kind of insane so right before you get hit you grab something else use transformation Jutsu on it so fast that the person who's hitting you doesn't even realize that it's not you that's insane and some people go so far as to not only grab things but also Co said things in explosive seals how fast do you have to be to pull that off because there's no way every single ninja is running around with a log on them they have to grab it and that log is always cut so is it sealed are they opening a scroll unsealing a log replacing their body with it using transformation Jutsu on it and then hiding their real body so fast that you can't react to it but what's Wild is that the substitution jutsu appears to be a reflex see the substitution jutsu only works on attacks that are meant to injure every attack meant to restrain or seal we've never seen somebody substitute out of it's only attacks that are meant to injure or MIM or kill that have ever been substituted out of and therefore is the substitution jutsu an innate response to a deadly attack and once again the speed required to pull this off is absolutely insane see because here's the thing you can't plan to use the substitution jutsu if you use transformation Jutsu on a log that log can't move it's not like you're turning the log into a shadow clone you're just just making the log look like you if you could give that log sentience that's a Jutsu we don't yet know and thus the counterargument of oh everybody setting it up before because they know they're going to get hit doesn't work because a log transformed look like you couldn't have gotten that situation in the first place and thus while the substitution JSU was obviously phased out in the later stages of Naruto the fact that it was ever used in the first place is insane but to be able to use this Shu effectively in the first place one would have to know transformation JSU which brings us to our number one entry on this list transformation JSU see I've long stood in the camp that transformation Jutsu is by far in a way the most insane out of all of the jutsus in Naruto and not even just because everybody knows it which is crazy but because of the things that we've seen transformation Jutsu do see in its basis most refined form transformation Jutsu gives somebody the ability to look like somebody else and while there are technically ways to see through a transformation Jutsu like scent or mannerisms or chakra signature but here's the thing the capabilities of the transformation JSU go beyond being being able to turn yourself into any human you want to which is an insane possibility in the first place mind you I mean genuinely all I have to do is familiarize myself with how somebody looks and walks and I can be them that's kind of crazy well obviously transformation JSU is technically still a very difficult JSU even though it's one of the ones required to graduate from the Shinobi Academy there are higher levels of application to it than just turning into somebody else see ninjas outside of being able to transform into somebody else also have the capability to turn into inanimate objects a ninja could turn into a house plant or a fence or a demon shuriken which is insane this means that conservation of mass does not exist in the Naruto universe and that's corroborated multiple times one in the early days of Naruto Naruto turns into a demon shuriken and thus Sasuke throws him and zab's like well Dodge that one but jokes on you it's actually Naruto and while the prospect of turning into a weapon might seem kind of silly some people take it to genuinely the nth degree a great example of this is Monkey King enma who's able to turn into an Adamantite staff see here's the thing about Monkey King andma a flesh in blood monkey turning into an Adamantite staff this means that masters of the transformation technique are able to rearrange their molecular structure which makes sense we literally just talked about a boy turning into a shuriken an Adamantite is the strongest material in Naruto it's the vibranium of the Naruto Universe this is why the uzamaki chains are Adamantite Chains It's the strongest Fu and Jutsu ability could create because it's made using the strongest material on on Earth this is why even Kurama isn't able to break out of these chains because they're basically impossible to break Monkey King enma as an Adam anti staff is so powerful that he's able to block attacks from orochimaru's blade of kusanagi which is said to be able to cut through anything and thus Adamantite is basically impossible to penetrate or breakr and Monkey King enma after undergoing his transformation into an Adamantite staff was also able to use Shadow clone jutu and thus was able to create a cage out of Adamantite staffs that was able to block a deep forc emergence from hashirama which is one of the most powerful jutsus in all of Naruto Baran so not only are ninja is able to turn into inanimate objects but they're also able to restructure their molecular structure to make their bodies incomprehensibly hard and to keep the double and tandas going not only can Monkey King anma make his entire body hard he can also lengthen it indefinitely as Monkey King anma as an Adamantite staff is infinitely extendable that's how hiroin was able to push Kurama out of konowa and thus not only is there no conservation of matter for a ninja undergoing the transformation Jutsu but there's also the complete and total ability to restructure your molecular structure meaning there's technically no limit to what you should be able to turn into using transformation technique which once again is kind of corroborated by the fact that Naruto uses transformation technique on gamabunta and turns him into kurarama so you using transformation technique can just make tailed beasts well they know how to use tailed beast bombs no will they have nine powerful Tails fangs and Claws yeah so the real question becomes why isn't everybody constantly making big animals into tailed beasts and do we even need to use big animals to turn in detailed beasts since we know that conservation of mass isn't a thing why aren't we turning ourselves in detailed beasts Nick there's an upper limit on how much they can change their mask is there if you can go from a flesh and blood monkey to the hardest metal on Earth which is substantially denser and extend yourself indefinitely I don't think there is an upper limit there also doesn't appear to be a lower limit you know who weighs way more than a demon shuriken probably child's Naruto why are we not constantly seeing people change into vastly different inanimate or animate objects oh no you found out I was impersonating one of the ninjas on your team too bad I'm 9 foot tall now see that's the craziest part to me even if we assume that you can't just turn yourself into a 9- foot giant if you know what kisam looks like you could turn yourself into Kisame and sure you don't get his strength or his jutsus but you still have your jutsus and you have his size how do we not see it more often technically what's stopping people from making a susano I mean it is just a chakra construct what's stopping me from turning into a bird and flying to the next country right I mean like think about it for 2 seconds if gamabunta can be Kurama why can't I be a bird sure you have to familiarize yourself with what a bird feels like and how it operates Ates own a bird for a week everybody in Naruto should be Beast Boy just like based off the rules as they've been depicted and the fact that they weren't is probably a good thing but also baffling and I will never shut up about it what do you guys think what are some under utilizer underappreciated Jutsu and Naruto that you think should have got more screen time tell me in the comments below and while you guys are down there please for me like this video subscribe to the page and hit that noty Bell listen Naruto still remembers what Kurama looks like he could just be Kurama for a [Music] [Music] day
Channel: NCHammer 23
Views: 207,334
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Naruto, Anime, Manga, Naruto Shippuden, Boruto, Sasuke, Kakashi, Sharingan, Rasengan, Nine-tailed Fox, Shinobi, Jutsu, Hidden Leaf Village, Akatsuki, Ninja War, Naruto vs Sasuke, Naruto vs Pain, Naruto vs Madara, Naruto OST, Naruto Opening, Naruto Ending, Naruto AMV, Naruto Review, Naruto Analysis, Naruto Theories, Naruto Explained, Naruto Characters, Naruto Moments, Naruto Best Fights, Naruto Best Scenes, Naruto Top 10, Naruto Top 5
Id: hoUliw8iKhM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 18sec (2238 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 10 2023
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