Naruto's NEW Sage Mode is BROKEN?!

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so for months now I've been telling everybody in my immediate circle that they should be reading the boruto manga and by and large the response has been don't really want to however every single person who has picked up the boruto manga who was a genuine fan of the Naruto manga or Naruto anime has absolutely fallen in love with it but one of the biggest reasons that people cite me when they tell me they don't want to read the boruto Manga is the fact that it's not about Naruto or Sasuke which I guess I kind of understand I mean obviously you're going to want to read stuff about your favorite characters right and the introduction of an entire new generation of ninjas can be a little bit daunting and thus committing yourself to a manga that's as long as boruto is because boruto is a pretty long manga nowadays 80 Chapters at 40 pages a piece is almost like 250 chapters you're not going to want to give that much time and effort to something that you may not enjoy and well I guarantee you right now if you're not reading the boruto manga if you pick it up you will enjoy it if you're a fan of Naruto using the excuse of Naruto and zase aren't in it simply doesn't work anymore because while Naruto and Sasuke may not currently play a massive role in two blue Vortex there are definitely times that Naruto and Sasuke have played massive roles throughout boruto's timeline like the Miki AR or the isik AR and while both Naruto and Sasuke got nerfed after the ishiki AR and took a back seat so kowaki boruto Sara and mitki could train up and become the main characters we needed them to be it's been recently revealed in chapter 5 of two blue Vortex that they're not going to stay on the sidelines for very long the I've had theory for a couple of months now that Naruto and Sasuke are only being temporarily sidelined kind of like Gojo and the shabuya incident when you create a character that's a walking plot device in any fight they enter into they'll be able to win you have to sideline that character if they're not the main character because so long as that character exists and isn't indisposed in some way the main character of the story is never going to get any plot development and thus Naruto and Sasuke not only needed to lose some power but also needed to be taken out of the story killing Naruto and Sasuke was never an option because that would lead to a lot of lost money thus the second more sensible option was taken and that is put Naruto and Sasuke on the Shelf not before you establish them is no no longer strong enough to defend the world which means that while the main characters get stronger in their absence they will surpass the strength of their previous generation but there's a slight problem here because there's a lot of people out there who want to see Naruto and Sasuke play pivotal roles in boruto in fact I bet you there's tons of people out there who haven't watched all of boruto or read all of boruto who have not only seen Naruto in barion mode versus ishiki but also Naruto in Sasuke versus fused Momos Shiki because when it comes down to it these are some of the more hyped moments in boruto and thus if Naruto and Sasuke's involvement in Key Parts of Naruto was going to make Bor a lot of money why wouldn't you keep doing that voro has set up a somewhat interesting problem here see because while the end goal of the current Arc is to save both Naruto and Sasuke but more notably Sasuke when Sasuke is freed from the tree that he's currently living in he'll still be Irrelevant in the power scheme I mean if he wasn't able to fight against code who got no died by Boro then Sasuke isn't all that important when he's released which is where my line of thinking that if Sasuke is ever going to return to the story in any way that truly matters he's going to need a power up and more likely than not that power up is is going to come from the tree that he's currently locked in as very notably the parts of Sasuke that are trapped in this tree are the renegon that he had destroyed and the hand that got cut off by Naruto like guess cut off is the wrong word blown off and thus while I had no evidence to substantiate my point I believed that if Sasuke was going to be made stronger there's no reason that Naruto shouldn't be made stronger and we've had theories on this channel for a long time that Naruto as an empty vessel was going to become the jurar of the new ten tales and Rises the new Sage of Six Paths we've never necessarily had any evidence to substantiate that claim we do now because while boruto and Naruto are no longer the main characters of the story and to believe their return to Graces will not make them stronger than the main characters of this story like boruto Sara or kaaki I do believe their involvement even if it's simply tangental will be massive for boruto's success and thus the idea of Naro and Sasuke getting a buff after their most recent Nerf has always made sense to me apparently it's starting to make sense to Kishimoto because chapter 5 of two blue Vortex has all but confirmed that at least Naruto is getting stronger but the real question is how and ladies and gentlemen mostly gentlemen I know my demographics I have the answer or at least I have a couple of possible answers but when it comes down to possible answers in boruto I usually have the answer so with no further Ado let's get into Naruto has returned as the strongest but before we get into all that guys today please for me like this video subscribe to the page and hit that noty Bell and if you believe it I make theories for shows that aren't just boruto and Naruto on my other channel the we Commander where I talk all anime that's not named boruto or Naruto if you want to hear me talk about these theories and so much more as it pertains to anime and manga go ahead and follow my anime podcast who talk is anonymous where me and Danny ma break down everything happens in anime this week it's available on YouTube Spotify and apple podcasts just did a big video breaking down everything that happened in Jump Festa and if you want to look like somebody who stays up all night to watch jump Festa guys go ahead and Meander on over into my merch store talkis anonymous. net where you pick up some of the greatest anime t-shirts sweatshirts and sticker packs know to man so oh Naruto you remember that guy right bad haircut dead fox terrible father that one well many would argue that Naruto should play a more pivotal role in boruto's Timeline I believe his role in boruto has been Sublime in the beginning of boruto we get to see that Naruto is still the most powerful person on Earth and when it comes down to defending Earth he's the front lines however as the threats get bigger and better unfortunately Naruto is somebody using Antiquated practices to battle against the utki slowly realizes he's kind of out of his lead and while Naruto never loses because narut to never loses Naruto does have to give up the thing that makes him incredibly powerful Kurama to make sure that he can defend the Earth from the likes of isik but now as it currently stands Naruto is Coralis and without half of his chakra as close to half of Naruto's chakra was destroyed in the barion mode collision and thus Naruto for all intens of purposes probably only about a fourth as powerful as he was pre Baron mode which still probably at the time made him the most powerful person on Earth but not nearly powerful enough to battle against ukis well the most powerful person on Earth outside of Cara but if Naruto is only about a quarter or strong as as he used to be why are we talking about him today I mean Naruto and his current state wouldn't stand a chance against code who boruto looks at as fod so really when it comes down to it Naruto is Irrelevant in the power scheme of boruto and for a while that's kind of what we thought because well we haven't necessarily seen him fight since the Shiki fight because the only time we ever saw him get close to a fight is when boruto and kaaki fought and kowaki supposedly killed boruto which just shattered Naruto which is a really cool moment was very humanizing to Naruto as a character because Naruto is so Shattered by the possible loss of his only son he's unable to fight against code or Kaki however in chapter 52 blue Vortex the four Shinju those being the leader Shinju who's most likely Jan the Sasuke Shinju the Moi Shinju and the bug Shinju were all talking about their possible motivations and what made them unique and what they were kind of identifying is their possible motivations the things that gave them Consciousness was the people that they wanted to consume and it appears as though the Shinju all want to consume the person who was closest to them in their previous life so Moi wants to consume Konohamaru her childhood friend and possible love interest they're probably going to end up together as long as Konohamaru doesn't end up with Hanabi but even if it's not a love interest Moi and Konohamaru are very close the Sasuke Shinju wants to consume s his literal daughter the bug Shinju wants to consume a because A's charm shinjutsu worked on bug so technically bug loves a even though it's a shinjutsu but still there's love there and while these three choices made a fair amount of sense most compelling out of any of the choices that any of the Shinju made was the fact that the leader Shinu wanted to consume Naruto now when the leader Shinu voiced the fact that they wanted to consume Naruto it Perle the other Shinju as just a couple panels prior to this they establish the fact that they as Shinju should eat an utki like kowaki or Boro as they believe as Shinju that turning into a Divine tree is the highest level of evolution and thus when the leader Shinju said I want to consume Naruto everybody was like why he's not notki to which the leader Shinju responds by saying no he's not but I believe he's undergoing a different kind of evolution than he has prior which got people like me Whipped up in a flurry because how has Naruto has been floating in a Timeless dimension for the past 3 years undergoing any kind of evolution I mean fundamentally that just doesn't make a lot of sense it's not like Naruto who can't move is doing training in the daikoku tent like it's the hyperbolic chamber in DBZ Naruto for all intented purposes should be just as strong as the moment that he entered the dauen so is there a possibility that the leader of the Shinji was referring to the fact that Naruto was undergoing an evolution when he was put in the duten or is there something mystical about the duten and Naruto that's somehow making him stronger well that's the answer that I'd like to believe that's somehow because of Naruto's physiology that the da coku 10 is making him stronger well as I see it there's three possibilities and I see two of them to be fairly likely and a third to be less likely but still fun to talk about let start with the least likely answer see this possible answer is predicated on another theory that we already have and that theory mostly revolves around who is the leader Shinju well some people say that the leader Shinju is Swaggy other people like myself tend to believe that this leader of the Shinju is a vestage of Jan's chakra manifested through the T Tales but what does any of that mean let's go over it super quickly essentially it's important to note that in chapter 4 the leader of the Shinju didn't appear until after the ten Tales disappeared and if you remember in chapter 4 the tales that we saw was incredibly emaciated and pinned to the ground with chakra rods these chakra rods suppressed the flow of chakra in the tentals and made it so it wouldn't be able to rebel against Cod who was slicing pieces off of it like it was a ham log to make a deli sandwich however instead of making a deli sandwich code was making claw Grimes this source of CLA grim was freed by the bug Shinju who was the first of the Shinju to show up or possibly freed by the Sasuke or Moi Shinju we really don't know what we do know however is that the tales is freed before the leader Shinju shows up and since it appears as though that the same level of alterations were made to this juvenile tales as were to all of the claw Grimes that were made from it it's possibility that when this tent tailes was freed out from under those choler rods that it underwent a claw Grime transformation see because well a claw Grime that turn into a Shinju needs to bite somebody and steal their chakra and personality and abilities the only reason this is possible is because of alterations done to the claw Grimes by code we're not entirely sure what those alterations are but boruto is talking about them in the early chapters of two blue Vortex and thus so long as a modified claw Grime which is essentially just a 10 tales clone is able to get the chakra of somebody else into their system they're able to manifest a Shinju after creating a tree and thus it's a possibility that the T Tales which is modified just like all the other claw Grimes when freed from the chocar rods was able to undergo a Shinju transformation and the Shinju transformation was able to under go turned it into a Shinju of ishiki or Jan more accurately as Jan for thousands of years used the tent tailes essentially like a battery as any time Jan would need to be stabilized or needed additional chakra he would go to the tentals and sap it of chakra and thus there's a fair amount of possibility that Jan's lingering chakra existed in the tenent tailes and thus the tentals finally being able to have its chakra flow restored by coming out from under the chaker rods and after being Modified by code would be able to undergo the same Transformations as a claw Grime biting into somebody and turning into a tree which means the leader of the Shinju is not only Jan but also technically the tenent tales and like more Tales than anybody else which would explain why it's the leader of the Shinju and thus as the literal manifestation of the tales it would kind of make sense that this leader Shinu would be interested in Naruto or specifically in the consumption of Naruto as Naruto is the only current Living tent tales ginu and thus there's the possibility that by this leader Shinju consuming Naruto it could form into a tals gur but in Reverse in that Naruto in this Essence would serve as the tail beast in the situation and since a perfect gur is stronger than just the tail beast itself the consumption of Naruto would massively Elevate the power of this leader Shinju it's also a possibility that Naruto is a former Tales shinui has tenent tailes chakra lingering in his body and thus by him being consumed it would allow this weakened juvenile tentals to manifest into a true tenent tailes which in essence would look like a higher level of evolution for this leader Shinju and since Evolution appears to to be the most important thing to the Shinju this would kind of make sense though I'm not super in love with this Theory I am really in love with the other two though see the theory that I believe to be genuinely the most possible is that Naruto is undergoing an evolution I mean that is exactly what the leader Shinju said and while that Evolution could have just been the leader Shinju saying that if they combined that would be an evolution I choose to believe that the dauen is somehow supercharging Naruto and I really only see two ways in which that could happen the first and most possible way to me is that Naruto is being super charged with nature energy and after spending 3 years in the da coken completely still Naruto is briming with nature energy but how would this happened it's not like Naruto was sitting there with his hands in his Circle collecting nature energy he was surprised by kaaki it's not like he was in his Sage Mode well let me explain it see Naruto after he loses Kurama in the battle against ishiki goes after boruto and boruto flees The Village to go and fight Co while kowaki goes to fight code boruto goes to get Kaki and so on and so forth you get everybody's leaving the village and Naruto is chasing after all of them but naturally because Naruto is only about a quarter as strong as he used to be Shikamaru his hok's Aid is very worried about him and Naruto says something slightly curious to Shikamaru In This Moment specifically he tells Shikamaru that I'm a much better Sage Than I Used to Be which is interesting because so far as we know we've never seen Naruto training in Sage Mode since he learned it but with Naruto telling Shikamaru this becomes apparent that Naruto ever since the fourth great Shinobi World War has been training in his sage mode but this is slightly perplexing because Naruto is and always has been a perfect Sage and usually when somebody is a perfect something you assume the ceiling can't get much higher especially when you consider the fact that him becoming a perfect Sage wasn't all that hard for him like I get that he had to train hard but boy oh boy did he Master it rather quickly there's also the fact that him becoming a perfect Sage appears to be genetically inevitable as his father was also an easily acquired perfect Sage but Naruto becoming a perfect Sage makes sense I mean you need three things to become a perfect Sage you need a strong body a massive amount of chakra and very precise chakra control Naruto has all three of these things things in Spades and because his chakra pool was so massive and his chakra control so precise Naruto was able to achieve a level of saged Dom that even his master jariah wasn't able to achieve as jiah himself was not a perfect Sage though he was a teacher to two of them but if Naruto mastered saged them so easily back in the day how has he become a better Sage since I mean it's in arguable that Naruto has become stronger as an adult but a lot of that strength appeared to be tied into K as Naruto in battles like his battle against toner has shown us that he's able to do things like separate seate Kama from himself so kurarama can fight as an independent Avatar and this kind of makes sense when you consider the fact that kcm2 was like 12 hours old when Naruto used it against kagia there was a fair amount of room when it came down to Naruto being able to improve with kurarama and thus any additional strength we saw from Naruto as an adult we believed came from Kurama but in the same vein Naruto has also used kurarama to become a better Sage as Naruto taught Kama had a pull a nature energy and meld it with his own chakra to make senjutsu chakra and thus Naruto is able to put Kurama who's usually sitting still inside of him to use as kind of a passive way to be pulling in massive amounts of nature chakra while Naruto is still able to move and in that sense K kind of acted like MPA for jiah and since for a long time there was really no reason for kamaa to move while inside Naruto this was kind of an unlimited source of nature energy it was broken but kurarama is gone and thus any advancements that kurarama gave Naruto in terms of saged them are also gone so any improvements that Naruto has made as a sage can't be tied to kurarama and yet Naruto is telling Shikamaru he's a better Sage so really when it comes down to it I can only Identify two ways in which Naruto would have become a better Sage to the point where he believed that he could console Shikamaru with that fact the first possibility is that Naruto has been training his froggy Kumite and thus by training his froggy Kumite Naruto is able to react and move at a speed thus previously unobtainable for him thing about that is that there's no reason for us to believe that Naruto wouldn't use these upgrades in conjunction with his KCM and in fact we know that Naruto used sage mode in conjunction with his KCM at his highest level of fights that's why he gets the cross pupil as the combination of his Sage Mode sensory abilities in the speed granted to him through KCM allowed him to react and move at the highest possible speed so it' be weird for Naruto trying to console Shikamaru by saying oh don't worry my froggy Kumite and reaction speed has gotten faster because objectively it's gotten slower because now that Naruto no longer has access to KCM sure his reaction time might be pretty quick with froggy Kumite his speed is substantially less and thus while our might be able to react to something he sure as hell wouldn't be able to dodge it and thus when it really comes down to it the only way that I could see Naruto improving as a sage to the point where he felt they would be able to console Shikamaru is if he found a way to passively pull in nature chakra see as we all currently understand Naro isn't great at pulling in nature chakra well at least Naruto's fighting style isn't super great for pulling in nature chakra as Naruto's not like asiama he's in up in-your-face brawler see hashu was able to constantly pull in nature chakra because he stood a top his wooden constructs which allowed him to stand completely still as he weaved his chakra into his wood and thus Naruto in order to make sure that he never ran out of nature chakra often had to use Shadow clones Naruto would leave Shadow clones far away from the battlefield he would be pulling a nature chakra and whenever Naruto needed nature chakra he would dissipate his shadow clones and the nature chakra would shoot right to it and Naruto also had the secondary option of Kurama pulling in the chakra for there's a slight problem with this one by using Shadow clones technically Naruto is at least cutting his choca pool in half and while for a long time that wasn't all that much of an issue it now definitely is there's also the other problem which we talked about like it was a benefit earlier dinaro now has the ability to separate Kurama from him and even kurarama kind of has the ability to separate himself from Naruto as we saw multiple times kurarama having conversations with kowaki while Naruto was asleep and thus Kurama since his gate is wide open is often not inside of Naruto and thus there's no real moments if Naruto is fighting at a high level for Naruto to tell Kurama to sit still and gather chakra and this Naruto had to find a way to replenish his nature chakra that didn't require either Kurama or splitting up his chakra pool and fortunately for Naruto there's a president for this kind of thing happening and specifically that president is joo's Clans K Gen Kai the K Genai that allows Jugo and the rest of his clansmen to pull in nature chakr always something that Kabuto and na Orochimaru are able to do because they were able to isolate that Ken Kai and apply to themselves but joo's Clan may not be the only people who are ever able to pull in nature chakra passively in fact we recently posted a video pontificating about the fact that hashirama might have been tied to joo's Clan as hashirama has a very interesting ability and that ability is his wood release and while a few people have been able to use wood release only hashirama and MAA have ever achieved a level inaccessible to everybody else and the thing that comes along with this level is the ability to animate wood now whether that be a wood gollem a wooden Dragon a thousand armed Canan or an entire Forest growing towards an enemy truly only hashirama and kind of MAA have ever been able to achieve this level which is interesting because both hashirama and MAA share Spirit of sage mode cuz MOA was able to steal hashirama Sage Mode you remember what's interesting about this is that technically hashirama by animating his wood is animating an inanimate object that is to say hashirama is breathing life into nature through his chakra something previously thought only to be accessible to people who train in ryui cave as kabo in his battle against Itachi and Sasuke showed us that he had the ability to create stone golems stone golems that could operate independent of Kabuto's control and thus if we do consider that has as's wooden constructs are able to move on their own that is to say without his control and what hashirama is doing is eerily similar to that of what Kabuto was doing in the reason that's interesting is the fact that joo's Clan K Gen Kai is tied to ryuchi Cave we know this cuz of rochim Maru who was curious about joo's ability to pull in nature energy went back to the source of this K Gen Kai and found that the source was ryui K and thus there's a possibility that hashirama's Sage Mode wasn't even really a sage mode at all rather a much stronger and controllable version of joo's K Gen Kai which would be stronger and more controllable in hashirama's hands because remember he had one of the biggest Chaka pools of all time and thus constantly pulling in nature energy wouldn't fly him into a fury like the rest of joo's Clan on top of this this constant influx of nature chakra that gets converted into senjutsu chakra could explain hashirama's healing Factor as senduu chakra and therefore by extension Sage modes have healing properties and guess who's got a hashirama cell arm none other than Naruto and therefore if Mona is any indicator Naruto should have technically been able to tap in to hashirama's Sage Mode and the abilities that come along with that which is why I've been saying for years that Naruto should technically have wood release especially when you consider the fact that he has yinyang release and Moi with yinyang release was able to figure out wood release which means that the way that Naruto possibly became a better Sage is the ability to passively pull in nature chakra and while Naruto's chakra pool is only about half as big as it was previously that's still a fair amount of chakra and thus there's a possibility in the 3 years that Naruto has spent in the D Goku 10 he's been passively pulling in nature chakra becoming some kind of super sage and here's the thing even if hypothetically Naruto doesn't have the ability to passively pull in nature chakra he's been sitting completely still for 3 years now I know a lot of you are going to say yeah in a Timeless Dimension and technically you're right yes a Timeless Dimension but a Timeless Dimension does not mean that Dimension is devoid of chakra especially since that Dimension is a creation of ishiki dojutsu thus it's fair to assume that a fair amount of chakra is required to keep that dimension diens mening and since all chakra is connected there's really no reason for us to believe that Naruto wouldn't have the ability to absorb chakra even in a Timeless Dimension as he's still alive his cells are still alive his chakra network is still alive he and Hinata just aren't aging which means over the course of the last 3 years Naruto could just be absorbing chakra in a somewhat meditative state which upon Naruto's releas Al could springboard a sage of six Pats level like transformation as 3 years of pulling in nature chakra with Naruto's efficiency would be insane and thus Naruto telling Shikamaru that he's become a better Sage could have actually just been foreshadowing because even though Naruto enters sage mode and runs off for boruto we never see him use any Sage Mode abilities and thus this could have been a wink to the audience that borto was going to become a better sage and the only thing better than a perfect Sage is the sage of Six Paths now while I do technically believe this is the most possible answer for where Naruto's evolution is coming from there is a second Poss possible somewhat but just a little bit less likely answer see because the third possible answer to where Naruto's evolution is coming from is that Naruto is filling with the shiki's energy see this theory is somewhat similar to the last one but replaced nature energy with is shiki's chakra or energy see the taoken while technically being maintained by kaaki currently was created by yiki now there is kind of an age-old argument as to whether or not pocket Dimensions tied to do jutus are created by the people who have those dojutsu or if they always existed and the dojutsu just act as a way to get to those pockets dimensions and if he really wants the technical scientific answer to what that could possibly be I would have to get into a somewhat rather complex conversation around string theory and I don't really want to do that right now so let's just assume that ishiki created the duten and then maintained the daikokuten for thousands of years I mean we know that Jan has been alive for at least 2,000 years and yiki has most likely been alive for thousands of years previous to Jan which means that the D coken is a dimension that's been maintained and controlled by ishiki for thousands of years therefore there's a fair amount of chance that the dauten is brimming with is shiki's chakra as if we're assuming that ishiki created the dauten there was probably a fair amount of chakra involved and keeping it around though we're not really entirely sure on that but I know what a lot of you are saying but Nick isik is dead and yes he is but so is hakuro and Hamra and both of them had enough chakra to be able to reach across dimensions and give chakra to living people as HRA was able to give chakra to Hinata homo was able to give chakra to Naruto and Sasuke and so one could say well yeah of course homo could do dude he's a sage of Six Paths Hammer wasn't and he was only half otuki and thus it's not crazy to assume that one of the strongest ukis we've ever seen probably still has some chakra kicking around even post death especially if you're sitting in a dimension of his own creation and thus Naruto now as either an empty vessel or possibly somebody who can passively pull in energy is filling with is shiki's chakra and thus Naruto instead of brimming over with nature energy is brimming over with utki chakra specifically ishik and this is why the leader Shinju possibly created by the tent tales with the remnants of ishiki chakra still in its body would be so interested in Naruto as it's a possibility that if the leader Shinju was able to consume Naruto who's now essentially a power bank of ishiki chakra that once again ishiki would be essentially reborn as we would have the utki DNA from the T Tales meeting a massive source of ish shiki's chakra which would serve pretty nicely as the return of whatab boro's strongest villains it would make a lot more sense narrative wise as to why the leadership Shinju wants to eat Naruto the leader Shinju just wanted to eat Naruto because he's now a super Sage while it does make sense he's in his spoton plot wise but what do you guys think what do you believe will be Naruto's next Evolution tell me in the comments below and while you guys are down there please for me like this video subscribe to the page and hit that noty Bell I wonder what the ex exuse for not reading boruto will be when Naruto literally comes back as the next Sage of six PS [Music] [Music] see
Channel: NCHammer 23
Views: 231,705
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Naruto, Anime, Manga, Naruto Shippuden, Boruto, Sasuke, Kakashi, Sharingan, Rasengan, Nine-tailed Fox, Shinobi, Jutsu, Hidden Leaf Village, Akatsuki, Ninja War, Naruto vs Sasuke, Naruto vs Pain, Naruto vs Madara, Naruto OST, Naruto Opening, Naruto Ending, Naruto AMV, Naruto Review, Naruto Analysis, Naruto Theories, Naruto Explained, Naruto Characters, Naruto Moments, Naruto Best Fights, Naruto Best Scenes, Naruto Top 10, Naruto Top 5
Id: k3coKom-xGI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 42sec (1542 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 21 2023
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