What if GOKU Was EVIL? (Full Story)

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foreign [Music] welcome back to a brand new video alright elephant in the room time what if Goku was evil you're probably wondering how would that even work so I will start off by saying yeah the title is true but the actual way of Goku being evil is more so the focus here really this is going to be a scenario about Goku or I guess Kakarot in this case joining the crane school being found by them so honestly the scenario should just be called what if Goku is found by the crane school but let's be honest here I know if I called it that not as many people would be interested and to be fair too this is only going to be like one part of the series the rest of it is going to be focused on him being evil this first part will be focused on that aspect to him being found by the Korean school though you'll see what I mean as the series goes on or if it does continue because we'll set a light goal of 4 500 likes if we hit that then I'll continue the series into a full story anyways let's begin so this isn't really too hard to do Kakarot is sent to earth like normal really the only change we're making here is that he's not found by Grandpa Goa instead he's found by the Korean School Master shun will be the one to find him and he probably wouldn't know what to do seeing this kid honestly his first thought probably wouldn't need me to raise him but he'll take the kid and figure out what to do and as he does watch over Kakarot for a bit he comes to see how Rowdy this child is and surprisingly strong too and it's strange because he also has a tail he has no idea of what this kid is but he arrived here in some sort of space pod has a tail and seems way stronger than an average human baby could this be an alien of sorts Shen is curious it ends up keeping Kakarot there and at some point when kakron's old enough to speak Shen learns his name because Kakarot would remember it he actually remembers to say an upright at least the little parts of it that were there I mean most of his time was spent in that incubation chamber but he does have memories of his parents Planet Vegeta and he knows he's the same so this kid actually is an alien that explains why he's so strong he could definitely be a fine Warrior one of the strongest on Earth if not the strongest a fine addition to the Korean school years and years pass Shen raises kakron teaching him basically how to live as an Earthling but also teaching him the fundamentals of fighting it seems like it comes natural to this kid he still has that same Rowdy saying though and the Korean school isn't the best of influences so he's definitely not growing up pure of heart on top of the fact that he hasn't hit his head his say in nature is actually being kind of enhanced by this experience obviously he's not going to just go around destroying everything he's becoming a little bit more civilized but good no he's not becoming good and that's where the idea of the scenario comes from him being raised here actually would mean kakarot's gonna grow up to be pretty evil not like super villains here I want to take over the world type people actually maybe that he's just growing up under very bad influences and he retains to say in nature while doing so and he does grow a lot stronger too instead of being abandoned in the woods at some point he does turn to a great up on accident but there's people there to stop him specifically another student of the crane school Ted shinhan it's pretty tough but at some point he's able to figure out that the tail is a weak spot I mean they learned of this already so he decides to attack that tail cutting it off and inadvertently making Kakarot D transform alright well at least that's solved that would have been really disastrous if he was led to just Rampage so this other I mean also there's chat to there too but mainly to shinhan he kind of becomes a rival to Kakarot he's a bit older and a bit more practiced but kakarot's also very smart too he's an excellent fighter and he's just naturally stronger than any of the humans here but these two actually work pretty well off each other these three students spend a lot of time training together growing a lot stronger especially with cockroach growing exponentially stronger and now that's not to say that Goku wasn't training in all those years that he spent alone living out in the woods was actually a pretty good experience for him but here he's getting a more refined version of training he's actually part of the school learning martial arts not to mention he was learning it earlier on too so at some point his natural growth is insane would just make him incredibly powerful at least compared to the earthlings here this huge Head Start would probably mean he's about in the hundreds range for a power level right now which isn't too impressive by Saiyan standards but by Earthling standards he's the strongest thing here at one point though the pilaf gang is trying to gather the dragon balls and without anyone really there to stop them they actually do get them wishing to rule the world and while I do get the wish well it doesn't really stop the others from intervening people do try and take power from the peel off gang and honestly I don't even know how the Swiss should work taking over the world does that mean everyone's just going to listen to them or whatever I wouldn't think so and the crane school will definitely have something to say about this they're not going to listen to these these whatever these are like they don't know what the hell peel off is and then one of them is a talking dog so like they're not gonna listen to the shoe mine's at least a human but they're not listening to this thing so one day they just go up and take over kakaron can shinhan actually just kill the peel off game it's pretty easy 10 probably could have done it himself too and cack right there is just kind of Overkill and now we're actually entering the Dragon Ball arcs at some point there's a tournament um you could probably guess the outcome like kakarot's there he wins it's not too hard to see that and obviously he's not working under roshi so he's not going to get that important lesson that he's infallible plus the fact that he's not a good guy to begin with here so this just boosts his ego even further time passes and then there's another tournament once again Kakarot wins and it's funny because both times he intention on her finalists so the crane school's still on top roshi would still be trading Krillin but even though Krillin is pretty strong he's nothing here compared to them they keep embarrassing the turtle School Amy's are just completely destroyed it the crane school is clearly above them now oh yeah and after this 22nd World Tournament there's no King Piccolo Arc the pilaf gang isn't there and they wouldn't have revived Kim Piccolo so it's just another tournament but you're probably wondering what happened with the red ribbon Army you kind of skipped over it didn't you well no they just don't act they saw what happened with the pilaf game apparently they gathered the dragon balls and took over Earth and then got completely destroyed by this crane school so the Red Ribbon Army's gonna wait a bit I mean red would probably want the Dragon Balls just to make himself taller still but they realize it's probably a bad idea to seek them out because they don't know if the crane school will attack them just like the pilaf game so the Red Ribbon Army did nothing but that doesn't mean they're completely out of the story because the Red Ribbon Army still exists by this point they're normally just destroyed so they're still here and planning other things keep that in mind for later people far and wide start going to the crane school and the school continues to grow its ranks and the crane school isn't as bad here because they're not going to really want to seek revenge for Tao's death since he didn't die here although that's another big factor here Tao is involved and he'd probably even train alongside people in the created school at kakron ten shinha he is clearly not a good guy either and he's gonna definitely have some influence on his brother in the school and like I've kind of alluded to before the school isn't necessarily evil it's more so just very misguided it could be pretty easily seen in the fact that for the original story they had those bad emotions in general wanting to seek out revenge and kill people for the death of Tau so innately they probably don't have much goodness inside them so the school is kind of like a chaotic organization not looking to take over the world or whatever just there teaching people martial arts for less noble reasons in comparison to somewhere like the turtle school and this is what allows Kakarot to remain himself retaining a say in nature actually growing up somewhat evil and with all these things that he's doing these torments that he's winning the pilaf gangly destroyed this makes him go further down a more evil pack the ego's getting to his head and he remembers to say in past he can wipe out this planet if he needs honestly he doesn't really see a reason to he knows that's kind of what Saiyans do but he was sent here mainly to survive and people are kind of scared of kak Rod they tread lightly around him they know if they do something to anger him well he's not gonna hesitate to kill them and he could definitely do that with ease the crane school is just glad to be allies with him they're kind of on his good side if you could even call it a good side but at some point point he doesn't really need the crane school anymore he's learned all that he needs from it and he's so far above everyone else that he's not really growing too much stronger with them but he doesn't really have anywhere else to go there's nowhere else on this planet to train or whatever at least for a person at his level obviously there is the lookout as an option but Kakarot definitely would not be welcome up there if he even knows about it by this point so for the time being he is going to stay with the crane school but he doesn't really care much otherwise once he finds an out from this planet he's leaving he's losing his connections with them feeling more and more secluded his immense strength it's leaving him alienated in the most literal sense of the word too he is an alien tashid on and chaotzu his Rivals they're really the closest connections that he has and they're not even that close to him they even recognize that kakra is going down a dark path wondering what they could do to actually save him or at least stop him in the process but kakra does remain with the crane school beginning to do more and more intense training on his own he will spar with 10 occasionally but even that does nothing for him and he's just starting to get bored he needs a way off this planet there still is his old space pot but he's not sure if that's even gonna work anymore one day he goes to it just trying to mess around with the controls or whatever he doesn't actually know how to control it because they're just set in a pre-guided course here and there's something in there there's a scouter of course he doesn't know what it is but he has vague memories of Bardock wearing one so he puts it on and immediately he just tries messing around with it seeing what it does this must be some sort of communication device he was sent here with it for a reason now yeah I know he probably won't be sent with one because that might put him on frieza's map but consider this me taking a liberty here it's not really too crazy to assume that maybe there was a scouter on there that Bardock didn't realize was there it's realistically something that would probably come standard on most of these ships maybe just a loose end that Bardock forgot about and it's not necessarily a bad thing either it doesn't mean freeze is immediately gonna find him it's just now that he has this Frieza could potentially find him and no one in the Frieza Force really notices this scouter just randomly turns on out of nowhere but doesn't catch anyone's eye except for a few people Vegeta right to Napa are out in space eradicating another planet and they notice another scouter comes online in the middle of nowhere now normally they don't really care about this but Raditz feels like it's important for some reason the area where it is that planet where has heard about that planet before but it jogs his memory that random scouter that destroying their Network it's on that planet that Kakarot was sent to they completely forgot about him and immediately they try and communicate with Kakarot with Raditz being the one to speak kakarot's amazed he's speaking with someone out there and apparently it's another Satan and once he says his name he's actually kind of happy this is his way to get off the planet the person on the other end it's Raditz he didn't even realize any other Saiyans were out there he asked what the hell happened he knows he was set here to survive but why what went on and Raditz explains Planet Vegeta was destroyed the new Kakarot was set away to some random planet called Earth or whatever but they just kind of forgot about him honestly and they honestly didn't know if he lived or died or whatever but this is a confirmation he is out there and they can get him off that planet and better yet he could join them of course Raditz can't say this over the scouter but they could use him against Frieza another Saiyan in their ranks Vegeta and nap are definitely up for this too of course they expect cat cry to be kind of weak he is a low-class warrior and his rat as his brother but it wouldn't hurt to have an extra Saiyan with them so the Saiyans head out towards Earth and you could already see this scenario is already getting pretty crazy it's nice to have fun once in a while and go away from the work-rounded things they don't really know what to expect from kakron will he be weak having been raised on this planet will he be strong what will his mindset be like how has he been influenced by the earthlings if at all and how much does it say in nature drive him well they're gonna find out soon enough after more time passes three space pods land on Earth of course this is huge news for everybody it's an alien invasion of sorts but the Satan's don't actually cause Havoc immediately they don't really have a reason to just level this planet and destroy it I mean they could for fun but really they're just here for kak Rod and there's no resistance kakrat was the one who wanted to join them they're able to find him and Raditz is pretty impressed to see his brother he just went through his growth spurt and he looks exactly like Bardock did although he's wearing kind of a weird outfit they ask him what he's been doing here for nearly the past two decades this is around the time of the 23rd World Tournament minded the Saiyans have arrived much earlier but Kakarot explains what's happened to it he did retain his memories and he was trying to look for way off the plan so he went back to his space pod which is still left in the middle of nowhere and that's where he found this the scouter it's perfect timing too because he's not seeing any more gains on this planet he's not growing any stronger that's what he's pursuing strength this whole time here he's just been training growing strong but he could tell this planet isn't doing him anymore favors he's above everyone else here the strongest thing and is completely infallible at least that's what he thinks and as a Saiyan he's naturally inclined to fight but he can't have fun here anymore he's lost all desire to really be here honestly and he was surprised to see that the other Saiyans were still around especially with one of them being his brother out of curiosity Vegeta checks a scouter to read kakarot's power level he's even weaker than rats his power is only about 1200 right now which by earthwick standards is huge but yeah for Saiyan standard it's not too impressive I mean Vegeta kind of expected that it's normal to see that in a low-class warrior he's surprised that the earthlings were even able to train him like that but he comments imagining what it would have been like if Kakarot had a proper trainer you know growing up at 10 times gravity like a planet Vegeta or actually going to war like these Saints getting him at zenkai Boost no attack Rock could have potentially been a lot stronger and Vegeta recognizes his potential had he not been inhibited by how peaceful Earth is it actually is kind of impressive that Kakarot grew this strong they'll definitely whip him into shape they take care of a space helping fix it up and guiding it to another place Kakarot is officially part of their crew now and soon enough will be part of their plan to defeat Frieza but for now they still need to lay low come up with a plan to defeat Frieza too but this is gonna be fun for kakron he's about to go on his first mission he leaves her ready to go pillage some random Planet as of now Frieza doesn't really know of Kakarot but he could tell something is going on that random scouter came online not too long ago and now in that same place where it happened the three Saiyans went there and he's wondering why he'll let them go out on their mission but then he wants them to return back here he wants to see what they've been up to the Saiyans go out eradicating another planet for Frieza and they tell Frieza he's gonna love the present that they bring back to it it seems another Warrior has joined the Frieza Force but really another Warrior has joined the sales and Frieza is completely unaware of it not only is Kakarot mentally and emotionally abandoned Earth by this point but now he's physically abandoned no longer having any connections to that although he still does Don McGee of the crane school honestly he's not too fond of a Saiyan Armor but this he'll fight in it just as a memory of his former life being in the crane school wasn't all bad I did let him grow into the warrior he is today but he's going to grow much stronger he's glad to see that stronger people are out there and now he has a new goal surpass these Saints grow stronger than Vegeta even he wants to be number one again the one stronger than everyone else this is the beginning of a new life for Kakarot immediately the Saiyans take Kakarot on a mission they're going to conquer a planet and they're going to be able to sell it for a pretty penny with this extra say in helping them it's actually pretty easy Frieza already knows they have someone that joined their team but he's still not aware that is to say it although he's impressed he gets word from Vegeta that they're able to get a nice Planet secured that new team member muster really helped he wants to meet the supposed Ally of the Saints and the Saiyans have to oblige it's not like they could just hide him from Frieza so immediately after slaughtering this planet Kakarot has taken two Frieza to meet him and he's actually a bit taken aback at first another Saiyan was alive well he doesn't seem too strong I mean he's actually the weakest of these Saiyans right now although very close to Raditz that's actually how they found him too it's radice's brother but as Frieza thinks about it he realized that this is good it's another saying that he can keep track of before the Saiyan was just out there with Frieza not even knowing that he existed but now Frieza has all these four Saiyans under his control and he assumes that the last of them it's not like there could be any others out there right either way this is good Frieza gets an extra strong Soldier and he gets to keep track of all the Saiyans meaning there's no surprises in the future hopefully Saiyans are sent on more missions with this extra soldier who does it feels safe actually sending them out to Stronger plans the Saiyans encounter more Fierce battles fiercer than the ones they counted before but this is great it's exactly what Kakarot wanted it's ways for him to grow stronger and the Saiyans easily pick up on how Fierce Kakarot is that's good he isn't soft when they first arrived on Earth they kind of thought that it would have made him soft but no he actually seems fiercer than them with a battle spirit that's burning very bright the Saiyans continue their Conquest going around more and more planets slaughtering them for money going up the ranks in the Frieza Force tip and freeze is pretty pleased with them although his concern still does remain what if these Saiyans are trying to overthrow him maybe they're far too weak at the moment but he knows that they probably will want to rebel at some point if they get too strong and he'll be sure to handle that if that ever happens which it probably won't so are the Saints actually thinking about that well of course they are it's actually pretty funny because right after Kakarot met Frieza he decided that he wants to overthrow him take his throne and of course that's what the rest of the Saiyans want too as they continue their conquest and training in general Kakarot is growing far stronger with his great motivation and all it takes him further he even surpasses rats at some point with a cack right now setting his sights on surpassing Napa but he tries to convince them don't go for Frieza just yet it seems a little too risky right now and not to mention if they got rid of Frieza right now things are going to disarray they could really ensure their Victory here I mean maybe collectively at some point soon they will be able to overthrow Frieza but that doesn't mean that you should do it at the first moment they get they really should wait until they're strong enough to ensure that they can keep the Army under control because who knows what if one stay over their Frieza sometimes to overthrow that it's better to keep freeze around for stability right now he's a pretty effective ruler and he'll grow the Army much further and kakarot's mind if they let Frieza flourish a bit that's just better for them because he's doing all the work they'll inherit a much stronger Army this way and a much more loyal one too especially if they're going to be stronger once they take over and the Saiyans do agree this is a pretty Sound Idea they honestly just want to defeat Frieza in his army but katakro's idea is actually pretty good take over the entire Army for themselves and wait let Frieza do all the work the sayings are starting to take a light into kakron they like this personality of his and freeze is taking a liking to him too he makes note of the Saiyan's performance he's doing very well slaughtering all these plans they're locating very valuable ones and Kakarot seems to be leading the charge even though he's the weakest of them well not anymore actually freeze is able to note his massive growth now he's the third strongest of the Saints not very impressive but in that short time he was able to get ahead of Raditz and is slowly engine closer to Napa tip Frieza sees his potential he's growing very strong very quickly and he's very efficient at destroying planets taking them and selling them and Frieza also remembers too having all these Saiyans together might be a bad idea he knows they probably would want to rebel at some point so it might be better to separate one of them Kakarot seems to make them a lot more proactive and that's good for Kakarot but Frieza doesn't like the idea of more proactive Saiyans so he decides he's gonna do a little experiment he tells the group kakron's not going to be with them anymore at least for the time being Frieza tells them to consider this a shadowing program I mean Kakarot should have gotten some more formal training with the army of course Kakarot is very effective but Frieza explains this as Kakarot needing more formal introduction to the forces so he's going to Shadow some more seasoned soldiers he tells kakron Kakarot will be Shadow into the Ginyu Force at least temporarily they're much stronger than the Saiyans and the other three recognize how big of a deal this is why is he being sent with the guiney force of all people they know Frieza wants to separate kakrot but that's an interesting group to send him with maybe this will make him more loyal to the freezer Force who knows though so Kakarot is sent to be an honorary member of the guinea force and immediately the gaming Force isn't really like him they try and get him to do the poses try and get him to wear the armor but Kakarot doesn't really want to he wants to remain in his current clothing I mean honestly the armor isn't that big of a deal for him it's more so the fact that he doesn't want to do the stupid poses right before he Slaughters an entire planet the gaming force is incredibly offended by this but under freeze orders they do have to keep this guy around so while they don't really like him they don't really have a choice either all right well again you lets us slide for now just because Kakarot was appointed here directly by Frieza himself and you know what he isn't really a real member of the Ginyu Force so it shouldn't matter that he doesn't have cohesion with them either they just need to deal with him for the time being and then they'll send them off to somewhere else kakrat actually thinks that this might be good he's gonna get more Intel in a lot of the stronger fighters in the Frieza Force because apparently the guinea force is actually one of the stronger groups they're basically their own mercenary group that works alongside Frieza and he'll learn more about them and how they operate getting a better look into their tactics frieza's tactics and most importantly gauging their strength he knows what frieza's trying to do it's pretty clear but he's actually going to use that for himself it's going to work on his favor if anything but there is one thing that Frieza is successful at by doing this he separates Kakarot from the Saiyans kakrat hasn't really formed too much of a camaraderie with the Saints he's been with them and he's been slaughtering planets with them too but it's not like he has a real connection with them by severing that tie pretty early on it makes it a lot easier for Kakarot to feel less connected with the Saiyans feeling us have a loyalty to them who's to say he can't do more of these things on his own and Hell who's to say he could even trust the Saints he was judging the group for being a lower class say he felt that he and rad it's kind of lagged behind it's clear that Vegeta and Napa looked down upon them but it's not like Raditz really like Kakarot either because the second that Raditz was surpassed he was more passive aggressive towards his younger brother it's a very competitive group and this means that Kakarot isn't really too connected The Ginyu Force goes on a mission one day this is one of many that kakarot's bid on with them but this time they arrive on a strange Planet the one that they're trying to sell seems to be Barren at this point which is weird when they got here before at least when they were gathering Intel on it there was a bunch of life but now it seems the planet is dead just a rock floating on space and they're unsure as to why they can't really sense any strong Powers here but in the distance they noticed something on the other side of the planet something that they didn't actually see in space there's something poking out over the horizon is that a mountain there wasn't a Giant Mountain like that there before maybe it's a volcano of sorts something that popped up and just erupted destroying everything but as they get closer they realize that's not that it's a tree it looks like a giant tree and as they get closer suddenly a couple of strong Warriors come their way the genu force is immediately alert and even though these Fighters are decently strong compared to the Ginyu Force they're nothing it's a small crew and collectively they're not even stronger than the guinea Force two guinea Force members alone could probably defeat them they asked these soldiers who they are and they introduce themselves as the crusher Corps loyal to turless turless who the hell is that the guinea Force asks what that tree is and the crusher core isn't really giving up too much info so they just killed him well it seems like the guinea Force needs to turn back this planet seems to be a lost cause they can't sell for anything now whoever that Army was that they just destroyed they must have been responsible and since this planet is worthless now it's not worth their time to stick around and figure out why it's this way now but that was pretty interesting hearing that name turlis he definitely might be someone to look out for as the Ginyu Force heads back to their ships didn't you scouter goes off there's another Power lurking about did they miss one of the soldiers a couple blasts are launched from behind they're not quick enough to react golo and jacer hit and these blasts are powerful enough to actually kill him this sends the rest of the members into a frenzy with Kakarot wonder what's going on too they were defeated that quickly there's no way kakra stands a chance here they look around frantically trying to see where the blast came from and then a figure pops in Over the Horizon holding a fruit in his hand and the silhouette of him as he draws closer The Ginyu Force is just speechless especially Kakarot why does he look like that he looks exactly like Kakarot the man stares on the remaining Guinea Force but his eyes fixate on Kakarot too and he notices Kakarot doesn't look scared the two are glaring at each other I mean at first Kakarot was kind of surprised but now this man could tell kakarot's thinking of something he doesn't know who this person is but he could tell for some reason there's a Saiyan in the ginu force and kakarov's thinking the same thing this guy he's clearly a Saiyan and then it hits him it's perilous it sounds like a Saiyan name this must be turless that guy that they were talking about he introduced himself to the group a bit disappointed that they defeated his crew oh well he doesn't really need them anymore anyways he tells the giddy Force they made a pretty bad mistake though because now they're clearly against him he will give them one last chance though if they want to join and help on his Conquest feel free the three remaining getting force members strike a pose they're not gonna back down bird or lunges towards turless but his immense speed isn't enough to counter it somehow turless is faster than him raccoon then charges in two trying to help but with one attack Turles is able to kill birder and just as quickly as he does that he launches another attack at raccoon killing him too genu charges it trying to launch a body change but Turles is quick enough to avoid it and guinea looks around frantically he disappeared he feels a sharp pain in his chest as turles's hand punctures through it from behind Ginyu falls down to the ground with Turles launching a bunch of blasts to make sure he's eradicated completely and then turless turns over to that other Saiyan that was there he lifts up a single finger launching a blast at kakarot's face his scouter blows up but otherwise he's uninjured he begins talking with kakron he must be thinking of the same thing that's why he didn't attack and yeah kakra thinks that Turles think of the same thing too they're thinking of becoming allies with each other titles can tell Kakarot didn't really fit in with the guinea force and he says he wasn't supposed to be there in the first place he was with other savings and they were aiming to take power from Frieza but now kakarot's Intrigue how did this saying get so strong he's clearly another low-class Warrior that's why they look the same and turnless comments has he ever heard of the Tree of Might well that's one of them over there he planted one on this planet and sadly was only able to produce one fruit but it was more than enough to get him strong enough to defeat the Ginyu Force Tree of Might no kakro's never heard of it but he's definitely intrigued is that how Turles got so strong tearless Chuckles he's got a lot to show KHAK Rod he does seem a little bit weak now in comparison but Turlock sticks out of hand join him they'll grow stronger than anyone else Kakarot hesitates for a moment he was working with the Saiyans to take over frieza's Army and Turles could already tell what he's thinking he's thinking about those other Saiyans while there's no need from what Kakarot told him two of them were higher class warriors with one of them being the prince too they definitely don't care for Kakarot he's a low-class Saiyan and Kakarot knows this for a fact and also there's his brother another fellow low-class Warrior but Kakarot has no connections with him and if anything the two aren't really too fond of each other anymore either would it be really that bad if Kakarot just left them could he even trust them too like what if they took over frieza's Army and then Vegeta's in power doesn't Kakarot want that power less says together they could rule the universe they'll share the power equally they're very similar already two low-class Warriors looking to grow stronger why not do it together it would be much more effective plus careless does need some new allies and what better Ally than another low-class say especially one who looks exactly like him kakarot's hesitation ends he sticks his hand out shaking turleses this is the beginning of something new now kakron is still wary of it and turla says too they don't really know each other they just know that they're Satan's both looking for the same things but they feel that together they could do something special Kakarot has seen turtle's strength and he wants that for himself and Turles was completely genuine he does want to team up with Kakarot the second that he saw kakron he knew that he should Takara has great Intel in the freezer force that he can use great Intel on other planets that he can go to the plant trees of money and together who knows how strong they'll get Turles welcomes kakron into the crusher core and now we see the introduction of Kakarot the crusher it was perfect too Kakarot basically faked his death here with the rest of the guinea Force dying frizz is not going to question the fact that Kakarot must have died too but Frieza is curious who was strong enough to kill the Ginyu Force and why on this planet he doesn't kakarot's dead which is great but he's going to want to look into this he needs to know who did this they may potentially be a threat to him and even if they might potentially be a threat it doesn't necessarily mean that this person is a threat right now freeze is going to stop this before it gets back while also still being concerned about the Saiyans but at least one of them is seemingly dealt with Vegeta Napa and radish are just as flabbergasted kakarot's dead well he was kind of weak they don't really need him anyways they'll just continue with their normal plan on Earth the red Urban Army continues growing they start working on a new project to take over the world maybe even more with them not being interrupted at all they have so much free time to do this and all the great resources they need they don't need to worry about some kid coming around destroying everything which they probably wouldn't have even expected in the first place but here that didn't even happen it's not just that either the crane school begins growing more influential with the members of it still staying part of it growing stronger as time goes on but the Red Ribbon Army is the most important it's getting more power by the day although we're not going to be touching upon them fully in this part we'll see more of that later on just keep it in mind the Red Ribbon Army and the Korean School are still growing but more importantly what's happening out in space especially with cockrod and other Saiyans well as for Vegeta nap and Raditz they wonder if Kakarot will return they honestly think he's dead so does Frieza he gets word that the guinea force was killed presumably including Kakarot as well if they died against whatever threat they faced well there's no way Kakarot would have lived either he was weaker than them and it still is obviously pretty concerning not that he cares about losing those Fighters but he's mostly wondering who is strong enough to do that while he doesn't care about the fighters that he lost he cares that there could be someone strong out there definitely not as strong as him there's no way but still it is worth noting I mean the guinea force is particularly strong especially compared to his forces and if someone wiped them out that effortlessly well the rest of his army is at risk too but saying they're thinking the same thing as well of course they don't care about the Ginyu Force and honestly they're not too attached to Kakarot but they still wonder who would have been strong enough to kill him and it doesn't come as a big surprise luckily they're gonna get an answer pretty soon because Frieza decides to send them out to find out whoever did this Vegeta Raditz Napa are paired up with zarbonatoria they're pretty strong and they could probably come and figure this out Frieza wants them to find out where this all went down and scope it out to try and figure out what's going on it's basically a suicide mission because again if the guinea Force died these people will die too but for now they're mostly Gathering Intel and it's not like they'll counter any threat well maybe this group heads out going to the planet where there was last contact with beginning force and once they arrived they immediately find something very strange on the planet there's a giant tree the planet just seems dead like it's one thing for them to stumble across a planet with no inhabitants but this planet looks like all the energy has been drained from it somehow if that's even possible it's basically a rock floating out in space with a tree on it and that tree is actually dying too obviously it's no normal tree either it's massive it can be seen from space even going through the atmosphere this is unnatural and they relay the information back to Frieza what the hell is this and is it a clue as to how the Ginyu Force died while the Frieza Force tries to figure out what's been going on Kakarot on Turtles continue going around space being very environmentally friendly and planting trees everywhere of course some of the planets don't bear very good fruits a lot of the planets they find are small and Barren without much life on them although any fruit is fruit also Turtles is kind of bummed because now he has to split the fruit with Kakarot so whenever a tree only has one of them they're gonna have to cut it in half but it's fine he expected this and the two of them are growing very powerful especially Kakarot turless sees that he has a lot of catching up to do but tells Kakarot not to worry soon enough they'll be dominating the universe together and this is all very surprising to Kakarot this plan is actually working he's eating a few fruits so far and he already feels noticeably stronger of course some have less of an effect than others but at points they probably would find pretty big planets with a lot of energy a lot of light for the Tree of Might to drain from it and kakarot's really enjoying this too this is what he was meant for not only has he grown stronger but he's grown around conquering planets he's actually really glad that he joined Turles he's having a lot of fun with this and the two of them are probably gonna even Spar from time to time just to test out each of their powers which is more training which means they're even gonna grow stronger beyond that the crusher Duo is flourishing even though Turles no longer has this Crusher core it doesn't matter him and Kakarot is more than enough kakarot's more effective than all of them combined he's surprised he didn't think of this in the first place well of course he didn't know if kakarat's existence but he suspected that other Saiyans would be out there somewhere and he's glad he recruited him especially with the fact that Kakarot is a low-class warrior he knows the plate that Turles had and if they do encounter those Elite Saiyans and Raditz I guess they'll definitely be able to overcome them if they're saying try to revolt and that does stick in kakarot's mind he wonders what's gonna happen when they encounter the Saiyans again because there's no way the Frieza Force isn't going to inspect this they will be found eventually and they will have to meet the Saiyans Turles seems set on killing them and even if they could join it wouldn't really be ideal because they have to split so many fruits amongst themselves and turtles definitely wouldn't want to trust Vegeta or Napa they're already Elite Warriors that have looked down to the low-class Warriors for so long maybe rabbits could join but that would be tricky he probably is loyal to the other two possibly even jealous of caprod as frieza's group continues inspecting things they're able to find more planets with trees on them which leads down a direct path they can figure out where turless and Kakarot were heading obviously they don't know that's where trellis and Kakarot were heading or that it was even them all they know is that they're tracking down some villain that keeps planting trees and destroying planets some of them are even frieza's planets which really pisses them off but as they continue going on this path eventually they catch up to the two of them they locate another ship in space landing on a planet nearby a pretty large one that's also owned by frieza's Army turless knows that there's a ship following them and Kakarot can immediately tell that must be the Saiyans but he also sends his two other powers on the ship maybe it's zarbon and the Doria that's Theory at least but he tells Turtles get ready for this to get ugly if it's not just the Saiyans well they're here to kill him and Taylor says it's fine they won't be able to kill him they land on the planet and immediately after Zara about the Doria ship lands as well they step off the ship on guard and commanding whoever is on the other ship to step off too they say this is an order and they will fire upon the ship if they don't step out very calmly someone steps off Vegeta nappen right as his stomach drop it's another Saiyan and he looks exactly like Kakarot but they can tell it's not Kakarot zombart and adori are amused by this it was another Saiyan was he the one responsible for killing the guinea force and turless smiles yeah that was him this does piss Vegeta Napa in radissoff too because he ended up killing Kakarot as well Vegeta shouts what scum he betrayed the Saiyans as well it's one thing to kill the Ginyu Force but why would he turn on another Saiyan and tearless Chuckles he didn't another person steps off the ship leaving everyone speechless it's Kakarot he's alive and why is he with this other saying Zara brought in the door you're pissed off Kakarot betrayed them he definitely wasn't kidnapped by turless that could have been a possibility but there's no way that happened he joined willingly that's what they're seeing so he assisted in the death of the Ginyu Force zarbona the Dory don't hesitate they know these two are the enemies so zarbon immediately transforms into Doria Powers up too tsarbon rushes in with Turles simply piercing a hand through his chest Kakarot sweeps his arm to the side cutting the doria's head clean off whoa they knew they were strong but they didn't intend to kill these two right away Turtle says it's kind of a shame he didn't want a fight to go down but there's still the Saiyans here and Turles turns to kakron what are they supposed to do now kakar could tell this is a test a test of his loyalty he knows he has two options here either kill the Saiyans like turless wanted or joined the Saiyans and turn against turless but Turles knows deep down Kakarot wants to revolt against the seconds Kakarot doesn't like them he's like him not just in looks but everything and he shares the same sentiment Vegeta and Napa are Elite scum even though Kakarot probably didn't experience it in his life he knows about the history of how the elite Saiyans looked down to the low-class Warriors and he's seen it with Raditz too and even though it wasn't huge he did kind of feel that way himself he knew Vegeta and Napa viewed him as lesser and Kakarot does hesitate for a moment but before he could even do anything Vegeta shouts at him immediately assuming the worst he curses it all saying they never should have taken Kakarot it he's another low-class scum they don't need him if he would betray them this easily why should they trust him Vegeta can already tell kakarot's made his mind up the fact that they joined Turles in the first place Turles wouldn't have kept kakron around if he knew he wouldn't be loyal that's evidence enough for Vegeta Kakarot is turning against them it's not just the freezer Force it's them too these low-class scum that's been holding them back they shouldn't have taken him in and this reveals to kakaron everything that he needed to know Kakarot was a bit hesitant but this confirms it it shows everything he needs and turless is elated to hear this Outburst from Vegeta he's gritting throughout the entire speech and he could send to kakarot's power Rising he's getting angry he puts a hand on kakarot's shoulder he could tell kakarot's mad and he mentions he knows Kakarot wants to do this he knows he's contemplating it he has been this whole time that's why he joined Turles in the first place why not make it happen and Kakarot knots this is what he needed it confirms what side he's on Kakarot disappears from everyone's sight and then Radisson Vegeta here Napa scream they turn over Kakarot moves so quickly and they can see his fist making contact with Napa's a gun a direct and Powerful hit once again moving quickly Kakarot Maneuvers around Napa then kicking him in the back of the head knocking him clean into the ground he places his two hands together charging a very similar attack to one of turles's and turless Chuckles a kill driver very impressive as the fiery attack charges Kakarot looks down menacingly at Napa launching it with no remorse his nap is completely wiped out Vegeta is obviously distracted by this but then turless tries to fight fighting very casually and using very little of his power there's no way this is happening Turtles can't be the strong he's a low-class Saiyan but he is and Turles is really enjoying this seeing that look on Vegeta's face that frustration that fear this is what turtles would live for who cares if Vegeta is an elite Saiyan born to be the prince or that doesn't matter he's the prince of nothing and his title is meaningless but Kakarot steps in he tells toast to let him handle this and Turles is surprised to hear this but yeah he obliges this is actually better it'll only confirm that Kakarot wants to kill Vegeta and there'll be another contest of his loyalty although he's a bit bummed that kakron's having all the fun but he sets aside and watches Vegeta angrily looks at kakra taunting him do it already he knows he wants to the two running towards each other clashing creating a powerful shock wave the entire time Raditz is watching all this not sure what to think the two begin fighting and Kakarot surprised he doesn't need that much power for this he fights someone casually not as casually as turless but he's not using all of his power hell he's not even using half of it and it's just making Vegeta angry and angrier how is this possible it has to have something to do with those trees why are they going around planting them of course caprock's not going to say anything but he continues fighting Vegeta and Vegeta taunts him even more what a weekly he had to use that to grow stronger not to mention he has no clue why Turles trusts kakarock first he left the crane school on Earth and now he leaves the Saiyans here Kakarot has a record of betraying people but Kakarot retorts Vegeta didn't trust him regardless he could have either stayed with the Saiyans and been oppressed by them or he could join turless unlock his full potential go around the universe getting stronger have an ally whom he can depend on Vegeta jumps up in the air charging a Gallop gun he tells Kakarot if this is what he wants then so be it but this will also be his death with Caprock comedy looking up towards it then pointing a finger quietly he says the danpa launching a beam that pierces right through Vegeta's Gallery without effort it cuts right through the attack then hitting Vegeta head on piercing through him as well Vegeta falls down from the sky hitting the ground lifeless and turless smiles good on Kakarot for doing that but there's still one more Saiyan left he's glad to see kakarot's resolve but how far will that really go now Kakarot has to kill rats but he's gone rat has left somewhere he must have escaped what a coward Turtle says they'll find him eventually and kill him next and Kakarot agrees but he's actually not too sure it's not because radisson's brother I mean that is part of the reason but that's not why Kakarot is hesitant about this it's mainly the fact that Turles wanted to revolt against the elite Saiyans Radice isn't dead he's another low-class Warrior he was also the one that took Kakarot in he shared their same plate it was kind of a stroke of luck that he escaped this gives Kakarot more time to think Vegeta and Napa they had to go but Raditz he's not sure although if Raditz is gone Raditz will probably try to attack them too seeing how they turn against the Saiyans if Raditz ever encounters them again he'll probably want to fight Kakarot can't know for sure though but this sticks in the back of his mind and turless knows this will affect Cat Rock they'll deal with it later on and honestly he doesn't care too much about this he can see why capar would have second thoughts about Raditz anyways but he reminds Kakarot Raditz stands for the same thing that Vegeta and Napa stood for even if he is a low-class warrior just consider that for their next meeting this all makes Kakarot uneasy but more importantly now they need to fight Frieza well not immediately but Turlock says that their next option he grabs a fruit from the Tree of Might that he just planted and tells kakar to prepare Frieza definitely will retaliate soon he tosses part of the fruit to Kakarot who takes the bite out of him he feels the power coursing through him once again just as he felt many times before but this time it's different they have a new goal now and Kakarot just did something huge how will the encounter with Frieza go though Frieza is monitoring the whole situation and of course it wouldn't come to any surprise that the Saiyans died against whatever this threat was all right he kind of expected that same with zarbon and adoria if these people were strong enough to kill the Ginyu Force it only makes sense that they would be strong enough to kill these Fighters as well but this does give Frieza some valuable Insight he knows who's behind it it's Kakarot and some other say named turless this infuriates me to no end he knew the Saiyan's going to be trusted one of them rebelled against him he was suspicious of that Kakarot from the beginning but what's worse kakarot's not the only one to worry about there's another Saiyan one that freeze I never knew of before all this bad news get to him at once first one of his soldiers betrays him incredibly annoying but not too unexpected then he finds out there's another Saiyan now if that was unexpected and it's obviously a glaring issue but the worst part of it all these Saiyans are strong somehow now the Saiyans are powerful warriors that's the whole reason he had them as part of his army in the first place but these two are supposed to be low-class Warriors and somehow they're able to kill the Ginyu Force actually only one of them was needed to kill the kidney Force because before Kakarot joined it was just turless fighting and frieza's so confused as to what's going on here does it have something to do with those trees I mean that's how they found these two in the first place it seems whatever fruit comes off that tree actually grants him this power and that gets Frieza interested so of course he wants to kill these two Saiyans but more so he wants to figure out what that tree is how to plant his own tree of mine and get fruit from it if that actually made them so strong maybe it can make him even stronger too of course his power is already great as is but why would he turn on the opportunity for more power besides wanting to get rid of these thorns in his side he wants to pursue this new goal it seems It's probably gonna be very worthwhile to go after these two Saiyans speaking of them they're going to continue doing exactly what they've been doing planting more trees of Might growing stronger and continuing their conquest and and they start doing something else that annoys freeze a lot sometimes it's accidental but sometimes on purpose they start planting trees on freezes planets you know the ones that he already owns and makes money off of yeah they completely decimate them by planting trees there now some of it is because they just need to plant trees somewhere with these planets producing very good fruits but some of them they don't even really need to plant trees on some are just small planets that won't really give them much power but by doing this they're spitting in frieza's face they're taunting him directly and Frieza knows that's what they're doing too now it could just be a coincidence that they're picking up the speed but that's exactly what's happening they're picking up the pace and they know freezes on their Trail so why not have fun taunt them a bit and the message has been received Frieza can tell what they're trying to say they're trying to say they're better than him they're not scared of him but he'll make them scared he'll make them regret that they ever did this not only that but he'll get that power for himself the Fraser Force's full attention is turned towards these two saves they are the biggest threat to the Frieza Force right now after all not only in terms of their strength but the fact that they're trying to take territory from Frieza too that really pisses them off because that that's a lot harder to keep track of and once it's gone it's gone and the longer he waits the stronger they get the more territory they take the more planets they destroy the closer they get to ruling the universe taking that power from Frieza and Frieza decides to take into his own hands one day they're able to get Intel on planet that's being pillaged and as before a tree is even planted perfect Frieza wastes no time immediately heading out he doesn't even take a ship there that would take too long he Powers up going into his second form there's one way to get there faster than a normal ship flying there himself he rockets off trying to get to the planet as quickly as possible and with his immense speed it doesn't take too long to get there Kakarot and turtles can sense of power getting closer and Kakarot Emily knows who it is it's Frieza just as turtle is expected too he makes a crash landing nearby forming a giant craters he jumps up at it Terrace is a late and so is kakra they could see it right and freeze his face he's Furious Furious beyond belief kakarovs never seen him like this he's usually so calm and collected always trying to act formal and as if he's above everybody else but here they see some cracks in his facade this is the first time Frieza is facing something that annoys him this much a true threat to him and his Empire something that he has to handle himself and something that he will probably struggle against and he smirks too once he sees them although he surprised Kakarot doesn't have any more visceral reaction to seeing his second form but Kakarot doesn't really care there's always been rumors that Frieza could transform and given his power kakarot's not really terrified really he's still being cocky after all this well Frieza decides to waste no time exchanging any more words he just fights them right away and they oblige they're not going to turn this down they knew this was going to have to happen eventually and it's better to get it over with he tells them it's pointless no matter how many fruits they get it's not gonna work they're not gonna be able to get strong enough to face someone like him his strength it comes from him being a mutant this power is an innate ability of his for them it's artificial they have to get it through some external means not only is it pathetic in frieza's eyes but also it's not too concerning to him these Saiyans know they're weak that's why they're pursuing these other means but Turlock says it's actually the opposite it took struggle to get here sure now it's a lot easier but before as low-class Warriors they were naturally disadvantaged why wouldn't they take this opportunity not to mention both of them had to struggle before and how dare Frieza implied they didn't have to he's responsible for the destruction of the Saiyan race after all there's nothing pathetic about this it's just smart a way to obtain power quickly and efficiently a way to spread their influence and on top of all that it's a way to prove themselves against Frieza get Vengeance against him kill him take over his Empire take all of his influence that's what Turles wants and now it's kind of what Kakarot wants too it's exciting the prospect of ruling the universe like this with this sort of power imagine how much stronger they can get once they defeat Frieza as Saiyans their strength is Limitless but Frieza retorts his is Limitless as well he turned into his third form still fighting the two of them and surprised to see that it's not doing much his second form was actually weak against them and his third form is actually able to somewhat match the two of them together which gets him a little bit more confident and makes them a little less confident now the two of them together are able to overpower him still but the fact that he's this strong alone well it's concerning because what if this isn't his full power they just need to buy their time for now the tree that they just planted will Sprout some fruits but time is not on their side and Frieza realized this he wants to end this quickly he knows if he leaves these pests around any longer they'll just get stronger and be more of a threat to him he doesn't want to have fun making their death slow and painful but at the same time he knows he can't wait too long for that so he goes into his final four and now frieza's power is finally above theirs just as he thought and he has a lot of fun doing this even in his final form he's not using his full power still only at 50 but it's more than what he needs it's enough to worry he's not over exerting himself but also enough to where he can't have fun he could torture them make them truly pay for what they've done these transgressions against him he will not let them slide death is too Swift for them they need something worse single-handedly Frieza is able to fight off the two Saiyans not just that but he's able to heavily injure them enjoying it all the while making it a point that he's gonna make this slow and now he's getting a little bit too cocky yeah before he did want to end it quick but seeing this Advantage he's not gonna let it go to waste he needs to have his fun and they need to pay for what they've done too and even though they're overpowered there still is one advantage they outnumber Frieza even if it is just by one person no matter how fast or strong Frieza is they still are two people and yeah he can fight two people at once effectively but if those two people try to split up it's gonna be hard for him to get two of them at once and that's exactly what they do they realize they're being back into a corner heavily injured they can't fight Frieza especially when he's this strong If Only They had a few more fruits hell even one fruit might be enough if they can get a fruit from this planet that should be what they need this planet is relatively large and has a lot of energy within it and they can tell getting a fruit even if it's just one and they split it in half they'll feel refreshed and powered they'll beat Frieza once more turless places his trust in Kakarot he hopes this is the right choice but he jumps in front of Frieza taking the full force of his attacks he's the stronger of the two still and although it doesn't mean you're stronger than Frieza it means he'll fare better at holding them up and that gives Kakarot a little bit of an opening just a little opening but it's enough for him to go escape and this is why trellis is trusting he's hoping that Kakarot isn't just going to be a coward and abandoned him Kakarot definitely does have that option he could just leave right now he could also get the fruit and use it for himself but turless knows that he and kakaran have a common goal and he knows that kakra thinks the same too the two are so similar and have worked together long enough for this trust to be here and kakra does exactly what Turles needed once more reconfirming that they could trust each other Kakarot is able to grab a fruit from the tree and instead of leaving we're just taking the fruit for himself he even splits it in half eating one piece for himself quickly rushing over to Turles to give him the other Kakarot then attacks Frieza as Turles eats his half of the fruit he thanks kakra no he can rely on it and Frieza realized what just happened he fell right into their trap tarless was a distraction the two of them begin powering up showcasing even more strength than before and Frieza looks around frantically there was only one fruit from the tree and it was a pretty good one once again dining on the fruit of the Tree of Might has helped and they undergo somewhat of an evolution not a complete Evolution but they begin changing a few more fruits and they'll actually reach what they need but even now they're starting to Showcase some changes Anonymous red Aura surrounds them it's overwhelming but Frieza isn't deterred by it he tries to attack them again but now his power is not enough they've kept the scales now individually Frieza might stand a chance against one of them but with both together they actually do overpower Frieza at least as he is next Frieza then showcases his full strength he hates that he has to use this knowing that his other powers weren't sufficient enough he actually has to use his full strength it's sickening but you know what whatever it takes to kill these Saiyans he needs to make sure they're done with and Frieza going full power actually makes everything even but the Saiyans can tell freeze is getting sloppy he's injured from the previous fights the Saiyans are injured too but the Tree of Might actually help them they feel replenished their power restored and actually the slower battle works against Frieza since it's close to being even it just prolongs it even more giving more time for Frieza to lose focus get angrier getting sloppier with his attacks too taking more damage prolonging the inevitable and what is the inevitable here well it's frieza's death the two Saiyans jump up high in the air back to back they begin charging energy the reddish Aura grows larger swirling together into a purplish Aura each of them throw their hands behind their back charging one more key and then swinging their arms forward a combined Calamity Blaster Frieza tries to counter it himself and very short beam struggles ensues but as Kakarot and turtles put more power into it it eclipses frieza's own blast hitting the emperor head on and slowly disintegrating him a massive explosion of Suits knocking the two say instead and what they see in the aftermath is just a crater a divot left behind by the attack leading out into space the planet is scarred by it they almost hit the core of the planet and actually they could see very far down if the Blaster aimed a little bit closer it would have blown up the planet so thankfully they avoided that but now the planet is just completely destroyed not only from the Tree of Might but also this attack not that it really matters it's just good that they didn't accidentally blow up the planet in the process which would have meant they died too so hey a stroke of luck there the two Saiyans retreat no longer having a reason to be on this planet soon enough of course King cold would hear about frieza's death by now Turles and Kakarot are long gone but it won't be hard to find them they weren't necessarily keeping a low profile before and now with Frieza dead they have even lesser reason to keep a low profile as far as they're concerned these two are the rulers of the universe now this is the Neo Crusher core or more simply the crusher Duo King cold eventually does try and locate them which they actually did expect he has the entire Frieza force with him or at least what remains of it and they do something pretty interesting they don't attack the other soldiers I mean they could easily kill the rest of the army if they needed but they just simply tank all the attacks launched towards them and it's not just because they're trying to display confidence or their strength well at least not towards King cold they're displaying their strength towards the Frieza force of course the main reason is they want to keep those soldiers alive and they tell it's the King Cole to flat out why would they kill these soldiers that's their new Army King Cold's confused he has no clue what they mean but they explain with Frieza gone someone's gonna need to take over for his army and it's not going to be king cold they regret to inform him but now they're gonna lead the Frieza force or the crusher Force I guess this angers can call to no end he tries to fight the two of them but by now they've gotten even more fruits within their system and they're pursuing a higher power a few more fruits and they should be good and hey if they were able to defeat Frieza before they definitely would have been able to defeat King Cole Too and especially now that they're even stronger than that first encounter King cold lunges in but with a single attack kakron steps in front of turless disintegrating King cold within full view of the Frieza force of course turless Chuckles impressive the style of that execution he then turns to the Army projecting his voice hopefully they heard everything that was discussed just now and saw it just went down they weren't bluffing Turtles and Kakarot are their new commanders of course they welcome them to rebel and try to kill them but after watching how effortlessly they killed King cold and remembering the fact that these two killed Frieza yeah they're not going to turn against turless or kakaron so the two Saiyans have accomplished their goals their conquest of planets continues they've grown stronger planted more trees they killed Frieza they killed King Cole and now they've taken over that arm but still their work isn't done no if anything procuring this Army is only just the beginning of their work they do have to remember after all this is just this galaxy likely there's other factions in the Galaxy that they're gonna have to deal with and there's definitely some other factions within the universe as a whole that they'll have to deal with they're just gonna be more efficient now otherwise it's business as usual their Conquest won't stop it's just gonna speed up their influence will grow alongside their power but with such great strength now who will they face in the future that could even contend with them now with the brand new Crusher core an entire Army actually finding planets to take over is actually pretty simple now they can just spread their resources far and wide they don't need to be at these plans exactly they could just have soldiers go there clear out everything basically like they did on the Frieza and then they go to the planet themselves planting another Tree of Might continuously they're growing stronger but there is a bit of an issue they've kind of already gotten rid of most of the planets in this area there is one section of the Galaxy that kakarot's waiting to go to acting like there's nothing there it's Earth and he's basically able to keep Turtles away from me kakarot's not too sure what he wants to do about that yet something is holding him back but besides that planet they've basically gotten all the worthwhile ones so far and Turles is wondering they've already taken the energy from all the planets so is there a way to actually take it from the stars now that's going to be kind of impossible maybe they're just gonna have to expand their Horizons they have their researchers working on trying to figure out ways to steal energy from stars but in the meantime they are gonna have to go to different galaxies which is a win-win because they will find more planets and they're spreading their influence possibly even getting a stronger Army along the way but even with that there's kind of an issue too alongside it it could be because the fruits they have are pretty weak but their noticing diminishing gains from the fruits they need more actual fighting experience so who knows once they venture out into other galaxies maybe they will get this they need more planets more fruits and they need more fighting but Frieza was really the last threat here the only person who could actually hope to face them and they defeated him so now what there's nobody here here in this galaxy maybe other ones have some strong people but they aren't actively seeking these people yeah it would be great to fight others but also that means more conflict for their army the two train with each other sparring from time to time but that's really it it's not like they could kill each other and fight to the death so they're not even going all out in their battles except on rare occasions when they have time to heal afterwards but they're both getting kind of bored they need something different a change in Pace besides giving them something to do and not making them bored anymore it's necessary to grow stronger as they're expanding their Outreach the neocros record begins taking over more planets in other galaxies they do meet Little Resistance but their army is strong enough to actually take over but one day one of their armies faces more resistance than usual okay that's not too unexpected but still it's worthwhile to check out they did lose some soldiers and that could mean that this planet is potentially really strong which means more energy from them and that means it's a top priority they didn't even get any word back from their shoulders they were just immediately eradicated by some Force but it's kind of strange because once they get to this planet there's no one there there's no civilizations that rule the planet or whatever it's just empty it's like somebody was already there and pillaged it but that makes no sense if this planet's uninhabited and it's already pillaged who did that because their army shirt didn't someone killed their army at least that faction of it maybe this planet actually isn't strong and kakra tells Turles there is another explanation maybe there's another faction going out there someone strong like them that's taking over planets as well maybe they stepped into somebody else's territory turla's Grims this is exactly what he wanted another faction just like the Frieza force is probably out there in this galaxy they can defeat that faction growing stronger and getting a nice battle out of it and not to mention once they defeat that faction if they do exist that means they get all that factions resources as well Turles tells Kakarot this is exactly what they needed he's excited and out Kakarot kind of is too this is gonna be great finally a real battle well maybe their Crusher core was a little bit weaker so who knows this faction that they counter might not even be that strong but still it's at least something to do now and while they're discussing this the get word from Recon soldiers in their army apparently they've located these people so they do exist that theory turn out to be true there's some sort of ship flying through space and it seems that there's five high power levels on there's no army with them and it's a relatively small ship it must be a really small faction then unless this is only part of it careless and kakrat Emily depart this planet trying to chase whatever crew this is it eventually leads them into another planet possibly that other crew's base of operations their scouters show no other power levels there and from what they can sense they only sense those five people they land far away trying to be covert and then sneaking up on wherever this faction went to they're in Uncharted Territory so they could be facing anything they're going to be a little bit careful here as they make their way to where that other faction landed suddenly a key blast flies right towards Turles quickly he flings his hand out in front of him countering it with his own blast and then another blast hits him from behind one hits cack Rod as well and now they can sense there's four soldiers around them one in every Direction they're surrounded one of them jumps out attacking Point Blank and they finally see the face of one of the people they were fighting he proclaims that the heraclan will not fall to these two this is their territory these planets are Theirs to pillage interesting the heroclan tarless hasn't heard of that and obviously Kakarot hasn't either it turns out they've stumbled upon a group's space pirates kind of like them but in a different way Kakarot and turless try fighting this guy and then he transforms turning a little bit different three of his allies then step back a 4v2 not really that fair but turless doesn't care he Powers up surrounded by an ominous wreck below and Kakarot does the same they look at each other remembering that they're on the verge of getting some new power this might be what pushes them to that depending on how strong this heraclan actually is but something is weird too they sensed five people before why are there only four attacking one of them then launches strings of energy to its kakarock tying him up and holding him where he is Turtle tries to attack him in free Kakarot but then two other soldiers step in front of them they don't know who these people are or how strong they are and once they again they still don't know what to expect so they're being careful trailers would love to have a good fight but he wants to make this quick not knowing what they're capable of what if they could all transform like that other guy I mean these we don't seem as strong as him maybe so turless has a new goal in mind he has to kill them one by one before they can transform if they could transform first he turns to kogu the one who transformed if he's the stronger one well turtles will make sure to kill him first now he's showing off his full strength a 1v1 will suffice he charges a powerful blast knocking zanyam Beto away he lenders towards bujin to try and free kakaron and of course kogu tries to defend version and this is all diversion as soon as he's attacked perlison turns around quickly piercing a hand through kogi and with another Swift motion the charges a quick attack to kill bujin with zenyam Beto recuperate London towards Turles but now with Kakarot freed he jumps into the fight powering up even more fighting both of them at once perilous breathes a sigh of relief he watches his Kakarot prepares to kill the other two but then another blast comes out of nowhere kakarot's barely able to jump out of the way in time and the blast almost hits the other two as well they look up on a nearby Cliff they see another person standing there one who they haven't seen before but they could tell just by how he looks that he's definitely the boss of these guys and he seems pretty angered two of his people are already dead not only that but these two people whoever they are they're trying to take over his territory trying to take what they already pillaged of course the two factions can't co-exist but bojack's not worried he introduces himself saying that whatever army they have the heraclan will definitely take it over once he kills these two turleson introduced himself with Kakarot doing the same and turtles commends him for their effort excited for a new battle but he also tells them this will be pretty Swift Terrace and Kakarot power up lunging towards Bossier and he does something really unexpected he grabs Beto and zanya flinging them towards Turles and Kakarot doing that to his own soldiers what the hell I mean they're not necessarily the most compassionate but still the two of them don't throw each other around like objects to distract other Fighters but whatever taros and Kakarot each kill those two with one attack and Bojack knew they wouldn't stand a chance he'd just use that as a distraction once the smoke from their blasts dissipate Turtles and Kakarot see Bojack standing there looking different oh crap he transformed just like the other guy okay well they killed that other guy relatively easily so maybe this guy won't be that strong and very quickly they found out that assumption is very wrong the two lunge up Bojack and Unison and he's able to actually guard against both their attacks effortlessly blocking a punch from each of them the two began attacking more rapidly each with a fluria punches and kicks that Bojack guards against he then grabs both of their arms slamming them into the ground and then picking them up by their heads he holds them out in front of him starting to even Crush their heads in the nick of time Kakarot charges a key blast with his feet launching it towards bojack's face just to get away from his grip and with all his might he tries to attack Bowie Jack's other arm to free turless Bojack doesn't take too much damage from this but it does anger him getting a key blast right in his eyes they'll pay for that he'll make their death even slower careless tries to charge energy while Bojack simply sticks out of hand charging his own blast and launching it towards Turles Turles quickly tries to counter with his own blast with a blast that's not even fully charged yet and he's barely able to survive from this but the blast knocks him far away as Bojack runs towards kakra kakron cars with both arms and Bojack punches him knocking Kakarot far back his arms are shaking he felt that attack through his whole body quickly he tries to charge more energy his red Aura grows fiercer and fiercer but nothing works Bojack simply grabs him slamming into the ground once more with Kakarot firmly planted at the ground Bojack jumps up into the sky following back down and stepping right on cockroach's chest he jumps up again bubble and cat got further and further into the ground he's bloody and beaten and Bojack lifts him up from the crater that he made like he promised he's gonna make kakarot's death slow he holds Kakarot in front of him using him as a punching bag each punch hurts more than the last and kakra could feel something within it something boiling up but was actually just about ready to finish it he swings his arm behind him preparing to throw Kakarot into the sky then fling him upwards Kakarot is barely conscious but he sees on the ground below a bright light is coming towards him Bojack launches a final attack ready to take kakarada the kakarov's Red Orb goes future infusion and just as the attack's about to hit an explosion occurs it seems that bojack's attack dissipates at first he thinks it just exploded any smirks thinking that he killed Kakarot but when the blast dissipates he sees that red Aura again that same one that Kakarot had it's there and it's bigger than before Rome fiercer and fiercer he could feel the heat from it down here and Far Away Turtles can see the same thing he rushes back to the battle wondering what this says slowly the Kakarot descends from the sky looking a little different than before and bojack's Confused his hair it's a lot longer it's Aura is fiercer he's bulked up considerably but other than that he looks kind of the same Bojack chocolates is that a transformation his hair grew longer like what is that and kakar doesn't even realize what happened but this is his evil Saiyan form or feasting on all those fruits from the Tree of Might he unlocked this unwittingly and this battle is what pushed him over the edge and this is what him and turtles were looking for they knew it was in there they just needed something to unlock it a catalyst for it Bojack tries to attack Kakarot again but his attack does nothing capron's actually able to block it grabbing bojack's Fist and twisting it he breaks bojack's arm and Bojack screams in pain that's power it's unlike anything that he's seen before how did Kakarot get this strong whatever Bojack will kill him he already beat him enough Bojack jumps far back then charging another attack this will be his final one this will kill God and then he'll deal with that other person he launches a full power blast towards captain and turless watches from far away he doesn't know what's going on but he knows that kakarot's not going to survive that the blast is moving at insane speeds with insane power and Kakarot simply sticks a single hand out even with the immense speed of the blast he stops IT adjust the force of it hitting his hand alone creates a massive shock wave and Kakarot looks down at it holding the blast in his hand slowly the color of it morphs chaining into a reddish glow like one of kakarot's own attacks simply he flings it right back towards Bojack with more speed than before with more power than before Bojack can't even react in time and guard against it it's a gruesome sight as it cuts right through him destroying most of his body and leaving only a couple scraps behind the blast Queens often stays and then explodes the entire Sky turns red as Turles and finally makes his way back to kakrod that ominous glow of azure and the ominous Glow In The Sky he only sees its silhouette of Kakarot but it's terrifying and also thrilling at the same time and just from sending his power alone you can see that Kakarot did it he begins laughing finally this is what they needed and now he knows what he's aiming for Kakarot sore then dissipates as he falls to the ground unconscious returning back to his normal self he still did take a lot of damage after all and after transforming and using all that power he is pretty tapped out but this is exactly what they needed this battle got them what they wanted and now their Conquest in this new Galaxy begins as well as the rest of space but turless is a bit worried about something as he takes Kakarot and they leave the planet together he thinks to himself cockroaching too far ahead of him I mean he could trust Kakarot by now but the words of Vegeta echo in his head can he really trust Kakarot hopefully he can I mean there's been some disagreement so far but it's nothing too huge but now with Kakarot actually being the stronger one Turtles can't pretend that he isn't even a little bit concerned it should work out fine though it's worked out so far and Carlos just needs to get stronger too before they leave he plants another Tree of Might here getting some fruit from that as well growing a little bit stronger once he unlocks that form he'll be ahead of Kakarot again he's glad to have Kakarot as a partner but also at the same time he kind of does want to be the strongest not only for reassurance but just out of Pride as well with the planet now scorched from the battle and scarred by the Tree of Might Carlos carries Kakarot back to their ship as they depart Kakarot eventually does regain Consciousness vaguely remembering the battle and he's elated beyond belief that power he needs to access that again he needs to use it own it even further this is the true power of the Tree of Might all those fruits that they've eaten and tells Turtles he expects to see him with the same form too this is what they were aiming for and this reassures at least for now he and kakar are still in good terms even though Kakarot clearly knows he's the stronger one at the moment but will that end up changing in the future well at least for the moment everything's okay let's hope it stays that way Kakarot enjoys this new power he's number one here not just above turless but everybody else for that matter of course this isn't the end he's going to grow even stronger than this this is only the beginning in his eyes he enjoys this and he's still working alongside Turles not just going on their normal Conquest but trying to help him unlock this form as well if turless gets it it'll only push Kakarot to grow even stronger because he'll have a training partner that will be as strong as him and it'll make him want to fight for that number one spot but their Conquest is slowing they have grown so strong by now with all these fruits but they actually do need to train more getting the fruits is not as effective as it once was and Turles is trying to think of a plan some way for them to grow stronger and stronger but he still isn't sure about Kakarot can he trust Kakarot with all this power well it's pushing turless as well not just kakron and after some more fruits and some training Turtles can feel that power overflowing unlike Kakarot he doesn't need a catalyst here because there's just so much power that he can't contain it anymore finally after all this time he's able to power up showcasing his own evil Saiyan Point looking very similar to kakron which makes sense because they can't already look the same from the get-go they are both low-class Warriors after all and now that Turles finally has this power kakar asks him to do something that he's been waiting for they need to have an all-out battle just to test their abilities and grow stronger in the process enteros accepts this Turles goes to one of the planets they destroyed since it'll be the perfect fighting ground it's completely Barren now except for the giant tree there not that they'd care about collateral damage anyways but this is a big planet and it lets them have an open space for fighting no one else is going to get in the way the two assume a Battle Stance and Kakarot chuckled telling Turtles he hopes he can use his full power right from the start they're not gonna Pace themselves here they're going all out right from the beginning Kakarot screams and his Roar Bellows do the entire planet a fiery red or surrounds him and Turles follows suit the two power up to their maximum and evil safe they stare each other down briefly and then the battle begins the rest of the Neo Crusher core are watching from space this is also a good message to show them who the leaders are they already know that Turles and Kakarot were very strong but this only shows that they're even stronger than they thought instilling fear within them but also giving them some entertainment at the same time although it's not too entertaining after a certain point because Turles and Cockroach are just moving so quickly that they can't even see it some soldiers even try using old scouters to see their power levels but they just explode they can't process how strong these two Saiyans are now the planet is scorched the two battle every time they Clash a shock wave of energy leaves a massive crater behind sending debris flying into space all that could be seen from space is flashes of red light and that's every time the two Saiyans Clash Trails of light from where they traveled surround the entire planet and very quickly the planet is scarred even further by this battle even the tree that was left behind is completely scorched by this combusting into basically a giant wildfire that explosions start occurring the two start using Ki blast but there's an issue here they're so powerful by now that if they keep fighting this planet is gonna be destroyed and they're both gonna die so at the last moment they end up having to retreat calling the battle off but this battle did show them something pretty interesting but only by a slight amount turless is catching up and quick the two are glad to have the battle both are a little bit beaten up too it was fun to use either full powerful ones engage their strength not just for themselves but the other person that they're with they each have an idea of how strong they are and this gets Kakarot even more motivated he begins working more on his own he needs to keep that number one spot he needs more strength he needs to get this in any way possible and turless notices too but he's also kind of in the same boat he sees how close he is to Kakarot and knows that he could overthrow him once again he starts doing the same working more for himself also trying to get stronger in whatever way he can think of the two are growing less trusting of each other and they're less for power and each of them thinks maybe it's better to get rid of the other while they can Kakarot was a means to an end for turless at first but turless did grow to trust him although that trust has diminished maybe Vegeta was right maybe he shouldn't have taken cack right into his crew and Kakarot thinks he might be better off on his own but he knows that if he's not attached to turless turless will probably hunt him down and kill him not to mention he'd be leaving this entire Army he wants that influence as well and he can sense that Turles is probably trying to move against him it takes a while months and months pass but the two begin noticing this more and more they're becoming coming farther apart it's not like they were friends in the first place but they were comrades and they were trusting of each other a little bit at least but the two of them are corrupted by their strength and this pursuit of more strength is only corrupting them even further it was only a matter of time before this became apparent the two only work for themselves not for others they never really were allies I mean remember how Turles met Capron in the first place he wiped out the entire Ginyu Force and pushed kakron to his idea of trying to kill Vegeta and nap as well as Raditz who got away of course Kakarot wasn't too fond of the Saiyans or the Ginyu Force but that was a much more stable crew in his eyes he could have stayed with it he didn't really have a choice but to join Turles had he not Turtles probably would have killed him even though he did join on his own accord he thinks back on it imagine a case where he weren't willing to join turless he would be dead by now this falling out eventually leads to a power struggle with each of them trying to take over the Neo Crusher Corps and another battle ensues although this time it's a battle to the death it's not just an all-out battle that's a sparring match this is a death match the two of them are trying to kill each other turless tells Kakarot he shouldn't have gotten so greedy they could have avoid to this that could have been a great crew and Kakarot responds what did Turles want him to be a subordinate forever Kakarot wasn't going to inhibit his growth just for turles's gain and he questions it why would turbos wanted to be subordinate anyways does he not trust Kakarot and Turtle says he doesn't he hasn't for a while that trust has been diminishing but kakarak knows that this is deeper than that taros was jealous and fearful of kakarot's power and Kakarot mentions this he knows that Turles wants it for himself he wants to be the Undisputed number one again and Kakarot says that era is over the two find another abandoned plan to fight on and this time they don't care if the plan is going to explode whoever dies dies even it means both of them are gonna die they're each fighting for themselves and nobody else this battle is even more violent and explosive than the last one not only have they grown stronger since then but now of course they're trying to kill each other too so there's that element added on to it the two showcase their maximum strength and Kakarot yells out at Turles why couldn't Turlock let him grow stronger why did Turles want him to be a subordinate and Tara says he's seen how kakra acted with others once kakarak got the power turless didn't know what he was going to be capable of with it maybe he was going to take over the crusher Corps maybe he was going to try to kill Turles he didn't know but unfortunately this was a self-fulfilling prophecy and it just shows that the distrust went deeper than they thought they both distrusted each other from the get-go and never even realized it and each thought the other was going to make a move against him really that wasn't going to happen they each contributed to that and neither of them realized the two could have been a good clue but now this falling out has to occur it's too late and they're each In Too Deep the two are bloodied and beaten Kakarot disappears from turlock's sight and he senses a flare-up of energy looking up into the sky kak Rod immediately moved up there launching it to downput towards Turles perilous counters with his own blast as kakro then launches a second to donpo with both murdered together and growing into one powerful beam and Turles is shocked it's the first time he's seen Kakarot use that move in a while not that it really matters it's just another beam that he could fight but he's been so used to using the moves that Turles had the ground erupts below turless a giant storm from Kakarot he's never seen this before Kakarot follows up by randomly launching a ton of blasts that's Vegeta's technique and he's actually kind of overwhelming turless turless countered with his own sudden storm countering every key Blast from Kakarot but Kakarot disappears once more and now he's right in front of turless Kakarot lifts a single hand up in the air charging purple electricity between point blank he launches a shining Friday turless is barely able to counter a tie charging a Calamity Blaster to try and counter it but he has a plan a way to end this quickly the two beams explode as they connect and Turles jumps back quickly in his hands he charges a kill driver but instead of launch against a Kakarot he lunges it right into the core of the planet itself and then rushes towards his ship the ground shakes kakrat loses balance but he floats up seeing what Turles did what a coward he blew up the planet that's how he's going to retreat the two of them are bloodied and beaten both on their last legs out of energy but this was the most decisive move for turless it's the only way to finish this at the very least it lets him Escape but at best he might be able to kill Kakarot with it by the time Kakarot realized what's happening troll has already made it to the other side of the planet getting the ship into parting and now Kaka needs to get into hits but plants exploding at a quick rate he barely has any energy left even D transforming and going into his base form Turtles is able to make it back to the crusher core while Kakarot is Left To Die on this planet thankfully he is able to get onto his ship barely being able to escape and he has to completely avoid the crusher core because if he goes anywhere near them they could simply shoot down a ship leaving him with a dying space trellis is already safe probably on the Mother Ship but Kaka right now he could be taken down by a single measly blast why not just destroys his ship he steers clear of them drifting off into space as he loses Consciousness he wakes up in the middle of nowhere and his ship tells him that he's far away from that planet that they were just at so what's he supposed to do now careless is still at the crusher core so he has them and Kakarot is just abandoned the thing is too they might be able to track his ship he disables any trapping that he could find them the ship that he's using is one that he's been using for a while and wasn't actually made by The Crusher Corps so that's at least a start it seems like he is undercover and his ship he finds a scouter looking around trying to find any planets nearby well he could go to earth going back there might work but he doesn't really know if that'll be beneficial for him it would be a good place to lay low but Kakarot needs to act now even though he wants to lay low he still needs to do something in the meantime he needs to grow stronger Earth he wasn't growing strong there he can't go back at least not yet I mean maybe he could try and pursue those dragon balls but he's not sure what's happened on Earth since maybe it's completely in disarray but that reminds him the Dragon Balls maybe they exist somewhere else too Earth is a little out of the ways right now so even that it might not be feasible and that's if the dragon balls are active maybe they were used recently or maybe something happened to them he doesn't want to take that risk he needs to know for sure that he can get them so instead he decides to track down someone who he knows he could probably work with his scouter still has the contact on there and he doesn't think it's going to work but he tries it he starts a call with rats this is the one person he might be able to connect with again and maybe he can make things right just as I mentioned before Catherine didn't really have a choice with turless yeah he did willingly go with him and he did like it but there was no other option if he decided he didn't want to go with Turles that would have been the end of the story foreign would have died right then and there and it's a long shot but he hopes this works and surprisingly Raditz does pick up still having a scouter he's both surprised and angered to hear from cafron and kakron explains what happened he knows how betrayal feels and while he wants to be number one he's not used to working alone the rider says he can't trust Kakarot he betrayed the Saiyans but Kakarot explains everything too and he mentions there's a reason he didn't try and go after Raditz only Vegeta and Napa and Raditz considers this for a moment he never thought of it that way he knew that he was spared whether that be accidentally or purposefully and it seems it was purposeful Turtles and Kakarot could have killed the rat it's much easier than they killed Vegeta at Napa and actually getting rid of Vegeta and apple was good for Reddit he's off on his own now not being mocked and ridiculed by them but he's in a similar situation to the one Kakarot was in when he first met thurles he doesn't have a choice here if he says no to Kakarot who knows what if Kakarot will track him down and probably kill him he's not gonna be able to defend himself against kak Rod so he either says no and risks that or he says yes and joins up with Catherine and even then that's risky Kakarot wants to team up with him find someone to help him defeat Turles and Caprock can show him new powers that he's never had before the two don't bond that well but they have something that everyone else doesn't they're related by blood that still holds them together the two low-class Warriors and their brothers not that Saiyans hold their family very highly or anything but that at least ties them together more than Kakarot was a turless or with Vegeta and Napa for that matter they're both low-class Saiyans that were used as a means to an end and Raditz reluctantly accepted working with kakrot after some explaining and some disgusting Turles is a common enemy after all even though Gratis doesn't like working with Kakarot maybe he can learn to like it he's actually with another crew now though and that's the issue and Kakarot surprised what cruise he with they killed the hair Clan and Kaka remembers a similar group called The Heaters or something but they're very weak and never got in the way of the crusher core there's also some rumor floating around that Frieza has an estranged brother but Raditz says not him either and that at least puts Kakarot to mind at ease because he doesn't know if that rumor is true or not alright so what faction is he with Ben and radisson's Kakarot has he ever heard of the namekians of course he has but what does that have to do with anything is he on Planet Namek or something well not quite he's working with a namekian actually someone who considers himself a super namekian trying to seek more power as a guy by the name of Lord sluck caklatt's never heard of him before but whatever if he's strong maybe the crews can work together and that's the thing raddat says Kakarot probably isn't stronger than Lord's luck and Kakarot laughs at this notion he backs to death there's no way an Imaging could be that strong and he can tell just by the way rad is explaining everything this isn't an ideal setup for him he doesn't want to work under Lord Slug this invite to Kakarot it's a way for them to rise up against this crew rad is only joined basically to have steady job and a way to survive and it's weird to think that a namekian is that strong that he keeps a say in a press like that does it mean radish is just really weak or is Lord Slug actually very strong because Raditz definitely has grown stronger since then there's no way he hasn't at least in caparott's mind he thinks so but they're gonna see for themselves Kakarot flies over to raditz's meeting up with his brother again after a while and it's really weird when you and just to make sure there's no suspicion Raditz does need to introduce him to Lord Slug although Lord slug's not here at the moment he doesn't exactly know where slug went but apparently it's something important so they get in contact with Lord Slug and he sees Capron on video another Saiyan radisson's brother that could be a very good addition to his crew he assumes he's probably around the same strength of his Raditz so he accepts it he doesn't see Kakarot as a threat and if anything that'll help Raditz be much more efficient he's already a fine soldier in his crew but any improvements are welcome and slug gets off the call very quickly it was a very brief meeting and Kakarot doesn't really know why rad is a little confused too he doesn't know what slug is up to but it's probably something that they're not going to benefit from especially with him being so unfazed by Kakarot joining the crew maybe it's something they have to be concerned about where is he and Radice tells kakrath this now that they're in person they could discuss and just like Kakarot thought they could overthrow Lord Slug together and not only that their girl's strong enough to overthrow turless finally killing him for good but riots is still unsure he tells Kakarot he's grown much stronger since their last encounter he's working to become a Super Saiyan his power has increased dramatically but he still doesn't have this form yet if it even is a form or whatever and that's very interesting the cat cry he tells rats he's discovered something interesting it definitely isn't Super Saiyan it's something else some sort of weird mutation they got from eating fruit from the Tree of money and that's actually good news because he does have some seeds left from the Tree of mind he Powers up showing off evil sand to rats and radishes jaw drops at same time Turles is out there plotting his next move maybe they need to move on to the planet what if there was a way to plant the Tree of Might on stars or something it's outlandish but it could be possible anything is with him he doesn't know what kakroft's up to but he knows it's probably not good and he'll get ahead of that anyway possible he'll absorb the power of stars for himself now moving up maybe even galaxies next maybe the universe it's Limitless and turless is hyped up Raditz is Amazed by the power of evil Saiyan he can't believe what he's seeing the strength that his brother has Raditz thought his strength is impressive but no it pales in comparison to this and kakarot's Confused Radice isn't strong as him but his full power was still pretty impressive and rata says no that wasn't his full power he has a form Beyond his base form but it's still nothing compared to whatever Kakarot has wait he has a new form and radish mentions remember how he told Kakarot he was trying to pursue Super Saiyan yeah of course but he doesn't actually have that yet does he Raditz wanted to keep this a secret he didn't want slug to know about this and it didn't know if he wanted Kakarot to know about it either but it's kind of pointless now because kakarot's stronger than him regardless a pillar of golden key surrounds him as he Powers up Raditz shouts and a flash of light appears Rod stands there looking not too much different from before except now his hair is golden and float and his eyes are bluish green this is what he believes to be the Super Saiyan form and kakarot's amazed it's pretty strong of course not as strong as this form but Raditz is a Super Saiyan that legend that they heard about for so long erratus mentioned he worked towards this form for a while and is glad that he finally hasn't he wasn't sure if it would be enough to overthrow slug but now he's seeing kakarot's power he thinks that it should be enough but he kind of wants that power as well he doesn't know if he'll be able to obtain it but he does want and more importantly he sees Kakarot spared him for a reason he could have killed rabbits so easily hell even right now he could have killed him and seeing this immense power in Kakarot got radish to realize Kakarot has no malicious intent towards rabbits he was kind of hesitant before to meet his brother as morbidism sounds he feels comfortable now knowing that Kakarot could have killed him so easily but decided not to and the fact that he's alive now shows that he probably can trust kakra if there were malicious intent here he'd be dead even in Super Saiyan and even though Radice is interested in kakarot's form Kakarot also wants to learn that form Super Saiyan it's pretty potent of course it's weaker than what he has now but imagine if someone with the evil Saiyan form like him had the power of a Super Saiyan a Super Saiyan buffed by the power over the fruits of the Tree of Might it could be interesting it could even be far stronger than what he has in that but it's all theoretical and Kakarot has an idea why not try to intercept Lord's luck wherever he is they can't track a ship but maybe catwalk tried to hone in on his energy and he tries it takes a lot of focus especially because Lord Slug isn't at his full power right just yet and vaguely very vaguely he sends him far away not knowing the direction in which he's heading so what's Lord Slug actually up to he's on his own right now he's in the pursuit with the dragon but there's a little bit of an issue he already found a set of dragon balls on another planet a while ago wishing for Eternal youth it was one of the many planets that had a meki and Refugee that made Dragon Balls although he ended up having to destroy that planet and he couldn't use that set of Dragon Balls again for one he could go to Namek but he doesn't think that would be a good idea he's strong he knows he's strong and he probably could beat all the namekians but it's a problem it's not a definite getting overconfident can mean the death of him here and even though Namek is passive he knows there are plenty of strong Warriors there I mean look at himself namekians can grow powerful so he's not going to mess with that planet there's also another planet called Earth but as far as Lord Slug knows there might even be strong people there too he needs to go to a planet where maybe there's a nameki in there but there's definitely no other people there too he knows that namekians long ago spread amongst a bunch of Planets For example Earth and he knows that there's maybe some namekians on planets that don't have too many other inhabitants either which is what he's been researching he's trying to figure out where there may be others and he did that by trying to find planets that have dragon balls on them he found one planet that had energy that seemed to be that of the dragon balls and this planet doesn't seem too strong as far as he knows apparently long ago it said happiness are wiped out and replaced with a more passive population his attitude planet called Planet cereal he has basically his own version of a Dragon Ball radar which is how he found this planet and it seems that there's only two Dragon Balls here too makes a job a lot easier he'll go there get the two dragon balls and immediately make his wish and he could work very quickly he won't even need to kill anyone here I mean that can come later but they pose no threat to him he has no need to make his presence known just now he can go in and do this covertly it's very strange though because he expected seven dragon balls but whatever back where Kakarot and Raditz are they decide to try and Chase downward slug they have no clue of what he's up to because he wouldn't even tell them and they realize it's probably something that's going to work against them hence why slug wasn't even worried about Kakarot joining Raditz and Raditz wonders could he be going after the Dragon Balls it's something that he mentioned before and Capron actually doesn't know about them too they were on Earth as well so he's heading to Earth isn't he but from what he could tell slug isn't heading in that direction what he senses is not anywhere nearer but as he's focusing and trying to sense Lord slug's power he also notices something else out in space a very familiar power turless growing stronger than ever before that's another threat that he has to worry about but that could wait for later right now he needs to defeat Slug and prevent him from becoming a threat and who knows Lord's slug might lead them to another set of Dragon Balls which could work in their favor Kakarot has no idea of what turtles is up to but he's not going to make himself worried about it first though if he's Slug and then they'll focus on strength Raditz comments on this too he really needs to learn to sense key like that the fact that cockroach sense power levels that far away is amazing but also concerning because he must have done something to really piss off turless if he's that strong that it can be sensed over here either way though they go out and try to find Lord sluck Slug lands on planet cereal and just like he thought there's not too many strong people here actually it doesn't seem like there's any at all he saw one spaceship nearby but he was able to remain undercover one that seemed to have four pretty high level signatures on it a little bit concerning but as long as he works quickly he'll be fine he finds the first Dragon Ball very easily his ship lands right near it which is how he planned it he then starts Sprint hunting going to where he could find the second dragon ball he can make it across the planet pretty quickly he could use his ship too but he's worried about being noticed this way he could do it covert and he won't be noticed by those other powers out in space But as he Sprints through the mountains to the Dragon Ball something grazes his shoulder and he stops in his tracks it's a key blast he looks over into the forest on a mountain nearby in the trees he sees rapid flashes of light he's being attacked by someone but who and how are they powerful enough to actually hurt him not that this hurts but still left a flesh wound instead of fighting he keeps going towards the Dragon Ball and he's able to make it there and as quick as he can he tries to summon the dragon it takes a few tries because he's not too sure what he's supposed to say to get the dragon to come out and he runs through a few different phrases but eventually it works and he senses a power getting closer and closer to him as quickly as he can he tries to make his wish but there's pressure on him he doesn't know what wish to make and he has to think quickly he could grow stronger or become immortal those are the two he had in mind but immortality won't help him in this fight it just means he can't die here the power draws closer and closer slug as Toronto then disappears a man stands there confronting slug he points at him aiming his finger like a gun but as he aims his expression then turns to one of shock he sees the sky whoever he is he got the dragon balls and he's a namekian and on top of that he's grown stronger and slugs intrigued this guy seems strong he doesn't seem like the population here who is he both are equally bewildered and they learn of each other's identities Lord sluck granola and suddenly a ship descends from above if that one that slugs since before those four powers seem pretty strong but he's not too worried now and with a single blast he completely decimates the ship that was the heaters and granola watches on disbelief with one shot he killed all four of them this guy's strong really strong granola lunges into attack but slug is able to defend against it pretty easily wow this power of hits it's amazing the dragon really did wonders unlocking his full potential wait that's what he wished for and he tells granola there's no way he's going to be defeated now he could have gone to the immortality route but with this wish he's so much stronger than anybody else but this isn't his full power there's something else dormant something within him that he hasn't even tried to use yet but he fights granola in his base form completely overpowering the civilian enjoying it even he could enter this battle quickly but decides he does want to test out his powers first he tells granola he could have lived if he didn't try to attack Lord's luck how disrespectful of him and now Lord Slug is going to deal out some punishment his back begins gloat a symbol appears on it the ground erupts below him and slug grows considerably in size bulking up at being surrounded by a fierce orange aura granola doesn't even try to attack he just slowly steps back paralyzed with fear oatmeal comments on this too the height that his powers ascending to it's astonishing granola watches on with desperation as all of Lord slug's vital points disappear from his vision there's nothing he could attack he doesn't know how to actually fight this guy Lord slucks wipes his hand cutting through the aura in front of him and the Flames dissipate standing there is Lord's luck bulked up not looking too much different than before unlike someone like Piccolo this form doesn't change his face too much because it already kind of looked like that not that granola has any frame of reference the biggest change that he sees is that he's now orange Lord Slug has just transformed this is orange slug he launches towards granola granola can't move out of the way in time but something stops slunk he stops himself before he lands a punch on granola he looks up he can sense two people coming your body great and then he realizes who it is it's Raditz and that new Saiyan that just joined their crew apparently another ship lands Grinnell is incredibly frustrated all these Invaders on this planet and he doesn't even know who these guys are until he sees them step off the ship realizing their Saiyans this is the worst possible outcome that granola could experience gorilla's anger to see them but they don't know why he's so angered not that they concern themselves with granola he tries to attack them but rad simply goes Super Saiyan counter on granola's attacks as Kakarot steps up to the Lord's luck slug new radish for betrayal what a weekly he knew that when he was making this move that rabbit would try to do something to ensure his safety too and this makes kakar realize something it clicks with him finally something so similar between him and rabbits Raditz is another similar scenario just like how Kakarot and Turles were struggling trying to get stronger than the other slug was now trying to keep his spot as number one and radiss was trying to contest that rad has tried to hide the fact that he had Super Saiyan but slug actually knew and that's why he sought off the dragon balls he wanted in shirts he wanted to make sure that no one would assert power from him it's just like what happened with terrorist and Kakarot kakra has no frame of reference where this guy's power besides what he sensed before but he can tell he's definitely much stronger than he should be and slug's not worried even if he has to fight two Saiyans in the Cerulean whatever his powers more than enough even if radiss is a Super Saiyan even if his brothers are super saiyan but Kakarot kind of laughs at this he's not Super Saiyan he's something completely different a familiar red ore encapsulates him as he transforms into evil safe Raditz continues blocking granola's attacks try to get him to join them and granola says he doesn't need help but rat says they're not here to help they're not here out of some good will or whatever they're here to just kill Slug and if this guy wants to stay alive as well as keeping his Planet intact it would be smart to join the say and do it as much as granola hates it this guy's right these Saiyan seem to pose no threat otherwise Raditz would have killed him already he has to put his pride aside and fight alongside them but he can't do much his power's not enough to fight against slug but oatmeal interjects there is one thing that they could try with the power of the Saiyans plus granola and oatmeal's assistance in finding vital points maybe they can make this fight a lot quicker kakron and slug clash and Raditz says whatever he has to help well do it Radisson flies in jumping into the battle thankfully he already does have experience fighting with Kakarot even though it was from a while ago so he needs to kind of relearn it as well as Kakarot relearning to sync up with his brother but it doesn't take too long for them to get the hang of things and slugs dumbfounded they're matching him in power the two of them together even with this new form this power granted to him by taranbo it's not enough granola fires a laser with deadly Precision hitting Slug and a vital point that he can now see it does no damage but it marks the spot for Raditz and Kakarot to do damage a Raditz tells Kakarot to strike there which he does slug feels the pain from it swinging at Kakarot with a powerful punch that drives him into the ground he then swipes an arm over at Raditz knocking him far away first he'll kill Kakarot he's the real issue but then another laser hits him it does no damage he doesn't even notice him but Kakarot does he kicks a leg up right into the slug's stomach knocking the point that granola marked for him this is actually working slug interlocks his hands lifting up in the air slamming them down to the ground trying to hit Catherine Kakarot grabs them trying to push his arms back upwards but slug is powerful and he begins growing inside not just bulking up in terms of muscle but growing actually in size growing taller larger he's becoming too heavy now putting more Force downwards on kakaron but with him becoming larger he becomes a larger Target and his vital points they're easier to Mark granola than fire is a flurry of blasts they're not doing anything to Slug and slug wonders why he's even bothering to attack but after all his vital points are marked by granola cack runs able to hit them with deadly precision and radus flies back in due to the same and then slug realized what's happening that's so brilliant he must have an ability to locate weak points or whatever he remembers hearing about the civilians in his research and he knew they were wiped out so long ago but there must have been this guy left still he didn't even realize granola is one of them so he's gonna need to kill that guy first he turns his attention over to granola opening his mouth and charging a beat grenola then Fires at his chin which does nothing it's not even a vital point but it's saviles to kakaron rabbits attack here together the two brothers deliver an uppercut the beam explodes and slugs mouth and rapidly grenola begins marking more vital points and as quickly as they can Radisson Kakarot attack them each brother draws a hand upwards with purple electricity forming in their hands they lunge their hand forward each launcher can shine Friday together it's aimed right at Lord slug's head another vital Point marked by granola and this attack hits with deadly Precision penetrating right through as a clean head shop slug falls down to the ground shrinking turning back to his normal green color as he slumps over now dead kakron and rats power down exhausted and granola's kind of at ease now that threat's gone and the heaters are gone he's not fond that the Saiyans are here but he's glad they helped against whatever this threat was maybe they're strong enough to defeat Frieza too oh that's kind of funny Kakarot says he actually did that as well as some other Saiyans wait what he he killed Frieza and other Saiyans yeah and that happened kind of a while ago too they say granola has some cool Powers but now they're gonna leave again they're not here trying to help they just want to get rid of Slug and granola's just left speechless these two definitely aren't standard Saiyans at least the ones that he's heard of they're not good guys but they seem to have no knowledge of what the Saiyan says to the surelians as kakron rats go on their ship girl then remember something running up to the two of them takarot killed Frieza but did he kill rest of frieza's family too yeah King Cold's dead okay that kind of puts granola's mind at ease but what about his brother his his brother what they've heard rumors of it but they say it's just a rumor right Frieza doesn't actually have a brother does he granola heard it straight from the heaters he does and he seems to be stronger than Frieza too but he keeps to himself which is why he's never really shown around here Kakarot and rats look at each other looks like they're gonna have a fun little detour before fighting turless they gotta tie up all loose ends after all they look back at granola nodding while smiling this will be fun their ship door closes as they're shipped to parts and granola watches the two of them fly out into space not knowing what to think of the two of them but hey even though they're definitely not good guys at least cooler in the Saiyans will probably try to kill each other let's go over to Earth First the Red Ribbon Army's team of scientists notice something strange a solar system very far away it goes dark it's like the star just mysteriously disappeared as the Army's been growing stronger and stronger their Tech has been advancing too allowing them to study things like this they are aware of aliens after all too I want to figure out what's going on there but how is this possible a star just disappears news makes way around Earth the crane school hears of it of course too ten shinhan now leaves the crane school and it's under much better guidance he's grown distaste of all the red ribbon Army but they co-exist although Ten's worried about something else now too yeah the Riverbend Army's there but his main concern is Kakarot he still doesn't know what happened there where did he go what's he doing right now and does it have something to do with the star to somehow disappearing I mean people wonder why he's worried over it who knows it could be a black hole or something but Ken doesn't think so he knows kakras out there in space and he knows Kakarot could probably grow very powerful did he just blow up a star or something well Ten's right kak rock kinda does have something to do with it but also at the same time not really the Neo Crusher core is growing stronger and stronger Gathering all the resources can and using great resource from the scientists that were already part of it as well as new scientists that have been recruited they've all been working on one project and turless is finally able to do what he wanted he could harness the energy from Stars growing with the Tree of Might on them instead of just regular planets this is the next step that he needs away from to increase his power even further who cares about getting trees of mites on planets that's so outdated now he wants to do this and use it to pursue a new evil Saiyan form the second eats one of the fruits from one of these Stars he realized the great increase in power that he has it's tough to control at first and it actually hurts to use this form just because there's so much power overflowing for me but he'll gain control of it and eat more of these fruits he doesn't even know what this form really is yet but he has a name from it an infernal Saiyan an evil Saiyan with the power of stars instead of fruits made from planets with a literal Inferno burning inside of him but he still needs to control his power and we'll see that later on let's go back to kakra and see what he and Radice are up to after leaving Planet cereal they're trying to plan their next move they need a search for cooler where could he be how could he be undercover for so long Raditz wondered if it's really a good idea to seek him out there's no reason to poke cooler with sick just let sleeping dogs lie if he exists out there so what he hasn't interfered with them yet but at the same time Kakarot is concerned what if he will soon if coolers anything like Frieza even half as bad as him they need to get rid of him they can't let him be out there he's going to be a wild card for all they know he already knows about frieza's death and his preempt to attack them or maybe he doesn't care about frieza's death they don't know for sure because they know nothing about the guy Kakarot said he and turless always thought he was a rumor and Ratta says that his Saiyan crew thought the same Vegeta and Napa would mention it in passing but it didn't seem like they even knew anything about him either Lord Slug even shared the same opinion the writers does remember Vegeta seemed pretty adamant that cooler existed the stories they've all heard are very conflicted maybe cooler did exist and just died somehow or maybe he does exist and is still out there but where can they search well they don't really have to go far they go back to the same planet where slugs base of operations was Radisson Takara now own this planet alone this is where they'll live it's nice to have a permanent home for a lack of better work this is going to be where they stay from now on an entire planet dedicated to them with all the resources they need healing training facilities supplies everything they can use some of the resources they have here maybe some research that Lord Slug had or any type of Recon devices hell they could even seek out the Dragon Ball somewhere else and try to use them to find cooler but they're going to stick with these methods first sure enough though cooler is out there and he hears of all this he hears of sans running he's been hearing stories of this for so long the crusher Court Vegeta and his crew Kakarot whoever that is all these names are being thrown around and he has no idea of what they're up to he gets Intel later on that the freezer Force has been dissolved it's only a matter of time before this happened honestly he knew this would occur his brother was too short-sighted and too weak in comparison to him and obviously cooler thinks maybe he could take over that crew eh they're a bunch of weaklings especially now that he gets worth of Satan's running it interesting it must be a Super Saiyan he doesn't care about that actual crew but rather the person running it he doesn't have much information either from what he hears there's two Saiyans out there Kakarot and turless or something like that one of them is apparently running this group and with so many Saiyans out there especially the potential for them being Super Saiyans he might need a trink and he might need to attack as well months pass kakron rats continue their research while radus also pursues evil save although it's tough they do need to be low-key about this there's not too many planets near them to plant trees but they will plant some thankfully Cafe does have some seeds left over for that and they're able to get rad at some fruits but if their power gets too strong they'll definitely be noticed by The Crusher core they'll have to find ways to mask their power somehow or at least keep it in check cash also does work for super saiyan it could be unique eventually he does get it and like he thought it's weaker than Evil saying but whatever it's probably gonna be good to have who knows maybe he could do something pretty interesting with his form as well as Evil saying but for the time being he's not really going to focus on that but their fears are realized even though they're trying to keep their power under check one day somebody does find them and it's not the crusher core they see a spaceship nearby it kinda looks like one that the Frieza force would use for I guess the Neo Crusher core now since it's them kakarot's about to shoot it down the radiss tells him to wait if a ship randomly disappears they'll definitely know that someone's here maybe they're still undercook and that ship actually does head towards the planet and they could send some decently strong powers on it that's weird they don't know any of the neo-crusher core soldiers that are that strong in comparison to them Soldier or nothing but still there's some pretty strong powers and one that's particularly noticeable three Warriors step off the ship striking a pose introducing themselves as Cooler's armored Squadron wait cooler so this isn't turless's crew and this confirms that cooler does exist he's found them they ask where cooler is and the Squadron says they don't even know that the Squadron will deal with these two satans the brothers look at each other and burst out into laughter they each stick out a finger launching a flurry of lasers at the feet of the armored Squadron they ask again where's cooler and they sense another power on the ship oh they know where he is slowly someone else steps off with a casual swipe of his arm the Raditz wipes out the armor Squadron leaving a trail of flames where they once worked and through those Flames someone steps out a silhouette looking eerily similar to Frieza and they see two beams of light pierced through the fight a laser is launched at each of them the Flames dissipate as cooler steps through with his eyes glowed he's not too surprised that they wiped out his armor Squadron that easily but it didn't surprise him to see that they survived his attack and we're able to casually knock it away cooler says it looks like he took a little detour or had some wrong information he was looking for the Neo Crusher core apparently it's being run by two Saiyans and Kakarot says Cooler's information is way outdated interesting it seems those monkeys had a falling out but who are these two Saiyan brothers who are apparently part of frieza's crew well even if he had to take the Steed tour it doesn't matter he'll kill these two and then go out to the Neil Crusher Corps killing turless he must be the real strong Saiyan out here cooler only came to these two because he sensed their power which is still pretty high for a Saiyan but not high enough to concern him rabbit smirks cooler feared the power of a Super Saiyan didn't he and cooler perks up when hearing this not scared he's just intrigued to hear this so super saiyan is real rata sticks a fist out in front of him and charges key as he Powers up transforming into his super setting for a brief moment cooler is intrigued by the power but as he sends it further he then Smiles a Super Saiyan it's definitely powerful but not as powerful as he expected especially compared to him he sticks out a hand and beckons rattus towards him how about a nice fight between the two of them as Raditz launches in he showcases even more power and Cooler's taken aback that wasn't his full strength at first ryz is able to get some good hits it Cooler's base form isn't nearly enough to fight a Super Saiyan he underestimated the power of rats and Kakarot watches on pretty calmly this seems like it's Cooler's final form I mean it looks like what Frieza had and if this is the extent of his power rabbits will definitely be able to handle him but something changes mid-battle an ominous key starts surrounding cooler Radice delivers a punch but cooler sticks an arm out blocking it without any effort as his arm bulks up with his other arms unfollowing a suit cooler laughs his eyes turn a piercing red color and his body starts morphing he sees what's happening now they thought that was his final form not even close he screams as he Powers up looking at the two Saiyans and telling him you should feel honored you're the first and soon to be the last to witness My ultimate transformation a mask then covers his face as cooler shows off his true friend Raditz punches cooler again hitting him right in the chest but cooler looks down at the Fist and is just completely unfazed well then ready to kneel he grabs her out of his arm swing him around a minute he flings around us away about to collide a kakarapa rata stops himself midair and kakrost seats he's probably gonna have to jump in too he Powers up going into Super Soul two Super Saiyan how amusing the two fight cooler together and he's surprisingly powerful being able to fend off two Super Saiyans at once especially with kagra being so much stronger than Raditz even in Super Saiyan alone they wonder how cooler is the strong and remain undercover for so long he's much stronger than Frieza ever was and cooler says they shouldn't compare him to Frieza he's much more different than his brother he laughs they thought they could defeat him because they defeated Frieza before and Kakarot tells him that's true it was him and turless that did so that makes cooler laugh even more Raditz wasn't even involved in that why would he think he's strong enough to defeat cooler than he doesn't know the full details of the fight or whatever but he doesn't care the point is a Super Saiyan isn't strong enough to face him the Kaka says he's not using his full power either cooler truly seems dangerous so there's no point messing with him anymore cooler points a finger at both rabbits and cataron launching a death beam from each a fiery Aura surrounds Kakarot he lenders vote the death beam coming in his direction is then slapped away hitting the other death beam they explode midair before they could hit rabbits and cooler perks up once more what's this his ores change is this another evolution of Super Saiyan well not complete Kakarot fully Powers up showing off evil safe he and turless never even really came up with a name for this form but he tells cooler this is his true full power and the two star exchanging blows pretty equally actually but as the Fight Continues Kakarot begins getting the upper hand and Kakarot tells cooler he's impressed his brother wouldn't have been able to fight a single Super Saiyan let alone 2 at once but this power of His Super Saiyan pales in comparison to him and he starts Landing some good hits on cool damaging him but cockroach ass mid battle how is he so much stronger than Frieza and why did he never utilize that power cooler says he can never associate with his or can cold for that matter and as they could see that clearly benefited him Cooler's been out enjoying life still being able to conquer whatever he wants and being stronger than his brother and even without that final form they noted that he's stronger than Frieza and cooler says the Gap in power wasn't always that big he reveals something interesting unlike his brother he actually trained a lot his brother was some sort of mutant he never trained a day in his life but if he did he would have grown exponentially powerful and as for cooler he has some great potential too not to the extent of his brother but good enough and ever since he heard about the Saiyan he's been trained for a few years now actually oh so that kind of explains his power but for him to be this strong just by training on his own something doesn't add up here why is he only attacking now and cooler is confused by this question what do they think he's an idiot why would he attack early on yeah he might have been able to win then but this way he assures Victory wait what does he mean by that he's losing right now even though he's fully transformed Kakarot still has a clear upper hand there's no way that cougar can win here and cooler sees with Catherine oh that's why he's confused he thinks cooler is at his full power wait this is it his full power but he said he had a form Beyond frieza's attack Rock continues attacking even bringing cooler to his knees coolers on the ground seemingly beaten but he looks up at kakron as Kakarot charges a beam in his face he stares down Kakarot as he rises upwards grabbing kakarot's hand and trying to crush it cooler lifts his other arm up it seems he miscommunicated with them this is a form Beyond his brother's butt it's not the last form he has beyond that his training has been quite fruitful he lifts up two fingers on his other hand two forms he has two more forms than his brother this was only one of them Kakarot jerks his hand back he starts to feel being crushed by Cooler but is able to escape his grip in time lightning starts striking everywhere around him and Cockroach realizes it's now or never he looks at rats attack use all of his power do whatever he can rabbit starts launching a flurry of Ki blast while Capron also charges his own attacks smoke is thrown up all around them with an ominous glow surrounding cooler he seems completely unfazed by their attacks all that does he is his eyes piercing in the room as Lightning continue striking around them all the smoke around cooler completely dissipates being flung Away by his powerful Aura and all the attacks from the same Brothers as doesn't even seem like they're hurting him anymore actually it doesn't even seem like they're hitting him at all the sky turns dark and all they see is cooler silhouette with his eyes shifting from a reddish color to a bluish color piercing through the darkness the eyes disappear but they see it for a brief moment illuminated by his Aura they're stunned with fear where did he go but behind them they hear a menacing voice and they turn around still stunned I'm not sure excited like my brother I will be sure to exterminate every last one of them in a rare moment kakron's concerned fearful actually cooler tells them he decided on a color that he felt would be pretty intimidating the color of this form it's quite fitting it's the absence of light like the void of space briefly illuminated by the fierce lightning storms they get a glimpse of Cooler's new form as cooler introduced it to that this is black cooler kakron radish look around them dumbfounded they can't find Hulu they could sense him but they can't see him everything has gone dark it's like him transforming it absorbed all the light from around them they can only see brief flashes of him illuminated by lightning storms generated by him powering up and there's one other Telltale sign his eyes glowing in the darkness his Aura it's completely different too it's not a light Aura Illuminating things it's like a black hole it absorbs light negating it and even through the darkness cooler can see the looks of Terror on their face briefly seeing them illuminated as well just the effect he was going for and he explains his brother never took their gift of power seriously he did especially with Frieza being some sort of mutant he has no idea why Frieza didn't utilize that power of course cooler is still strong with great potential but he explains his potential is never as great as his brother however he's more than made up for it and now he'll kill those same Saiyans that were able to kill Frieza or at least one of them in all honesty he's glad that Frieza is gone but frankly he hates these Saiyans even more for killing him he wanted to do that himself if anything and he just hates those Saiyans regardless cool Cooler's not standing too far away from them he lifts a hand up compacts it into a fist and then punches a blast of compressed air pierces through the darkness hitting Raditz and knocking them far away with enough power to even knock him out of Super Saiyan Kakarot stunt he didn't even touch rabbits and with one shot he was able to defeat him it wasn't even a key blast either it was just air he launched Air at Raditz and defeated him Kakarot assumes a Battle Stance he's never felt this type of concern before of course he knows Raditz is weaker than him also using a weaker former than what he has but still what the hell is this for him to defeat a Super Saiyan that easily and as kakarot's processing all this two blue streaks of light pass by there's only indication that cooler just flew past him besides the massive Shockwave that follows cracking the ground below him the ground breaks below kakron and he starts falling downwards key Blaster launched from above but they're not hitting Kakarot they're hitting around him digging deeper into the core of the planet coolers trying to send him right down to there destroying the planet along with Kakarot kakarot's able to jump up through the tunnel propelling himself off the side eyes of it desperately trying to dodge the key blast as he does so but as he ascends further up one of them does hit it and it's painful it's a very casual Blast from cooler but it still damages him a lot sending him further downwards cooler stops for a brief moment lifting up a finger he charges a supernova but instead of it being Orange it's a dark blue color actually looting the area in an ominous blue light allowing Kakarot to clearly see cooler up above he launches it downwards and Kakarot doesn't know what to do he can't jump up to the hole because then he jumped right into the Supernova if he goes downwards he's going right to the core of the planet which will either kill him or destroy the planet instantly on a whim he launches a massive key blast to his side flying through the cross of the planet tunneling through and launching himself out far away and he watches from a distance as the Supernova goes further down at an angle thankfully not hitting the planet directly but once again blue streaks a light passing with no effort cooler moves so quickly that he essentially teleported over here Kakarot feels a devastating punch to his back all the wind is knocked out of him he coughs up blood and he almost loses his transformation but he still stay days fight where the hell is Raditz and then far away he could see there's a single golden ore in the darkness launching over Raditz is jumping back into the bath injured but still relatively okay the two start attacking cooler both at once and with one finger he blocks both of their attacks and then lifting up another hand flicking rabbits in the head knocking them far away once more the disrespect he needs Kakarot right in the stomach once again knocking the wind out of him dealing even more damage he'll deal with that weaker Saiyan later for now he's gonna kill Kakarot and kakarot's hopeless to fight against it with every hit he takes there's more damage more pain to deal with he's trying to fight through it but it's just simply too much at this point Kakarot D transforms out of evil say now in his base form and cooler laughs he finds it hilarious that they say and saw that could beat him it seems he came here at the perfect time sure if he met them a little while later and they had more time to prepare maybe they would have been able to defeat him but cooler is very glad he stumbled upon this planet and if these Saiyans are any indication of the strength of turless he shouldn't have a tough time with that guy either these two are obstacles mere appetizers red this fight is just a fun little Excursion he's solely doing it for the thrill of it and the fact that these two are Saiyans after all he needs to decimate them too Kakarot tries to summon more power trying to transform once more the attacks are so brutal but cooler is actually holding back now that kakarot's in base he doesn't want to accidentally kill him with one punch after all kakar can transform and tank a few more and out of sheer rage and determination he transforms into a Super Saiyan not even realizing it but this isn't enough he knows he's in the form but he needs to come to his evil Saiyan form does he not have enough power to go into it or is he just too injured or is it the fact that he can't focus or all of those things at once he's not even given a chance to charge up even in Super Saiyan cooler is able to completely decimate him it makes essentially no difference it's like he didn't transform at all but kakron continues trying to power up and once again there's some light in the area not much but just a little bit from Kakarot to Aura of Super Saiyan a golden light shines in the darkness but also a red light appears as he tries to power up with the Evil Soul the aura of that form against surrounding him too he needs to transform into it no matter what he needs to push out as much power as possible or else they have no other choice but to fight they can't give up that easily he can overcome these odds and he will overcome these odds and he tells cooler he'll defeat him just like his brother and he'll be the one to defeat Turles as well that's his battle to fight that's his prey not coolers who won't rule this universe attack Rottweiler his Aura flares up even further with cooler holding Kakarot by his hair punching him right in the face but Kakarot has no reaction this time his face is scrunched up with him grimacing not even feeling the pain this time is it the adrenaline or is it something else the oars of Super Saiyan and evil Saiyan mixed together kakarot's eyes they change color turning from the bluish color of Super Saiyan to a piercing red his hair starts growing out but it's not turning black like the normal Evil saying for it's retaining the color of Super Saiyan actually getting a little bit darker if anything kakar screams unleashing one last burst of power this actually knocks cooler back that's impossible okay it must be a fluke he was holding back after all try not to kill Kakarot instantly but that was his biggest mistake here he should have killed him while he had the chance but now it's too late light has returned to the area with kakarot's menacing Aura Illuminating everything orange catcraft doesn't know what type of power he's Unleashed but he has a theory he thanks cooler for pushing him to this level he accidentally mixed the two forms together out of his Sheer Drive to use more power against cooler he was already a Super Saiyan powering up into an evil safe now remember too Kakarot doesn't actually have a name for the form evil safe we could call it something like evil Super Saiyan but that's a little too edgy and Kakarot wouldn't know the name either so let's let Kakarot come up with a name he decides this is a supreme say a level Beyond Super Saiyan but not Super Saiyan 2 something that he doesn't even know of he feels as a fitting name and is still using the power of a Super Saiyan after all still giving it a similar name like Supreme he thinks that's a good idea the tubing clashing and now they're actually even cooler can't believe it how did he get this strong this quickly and Kakarot simply tells cooler he always had the strength within it he just didn't know what the next step of power was for him but now he's finally found that the Supreme seat this was a level that he didn't even know existed but he should have realized it before Evil saying Super Saiyan there were two completely separate forms and now he's utilizing the power of both at once a Super Saiyan empowered by the fruit of the tree of mind and he tells cooler yeah his new form may be powerful and it may be flashy or I guess the opposite of flashy because it doesn't illuminate light but the point is it's no matter kakarot's form and kakarot's thrilled to have this power but at the same time he's elated to have this cooler ass kakar why he looks so cocky he hasn't won yet but he has a stupid smirk on his face and Kakarot says it doesn't because of that it's just that this fight is gonna say in a blood pumping of course his objective here is to kill cooler defeat him once and for all but at the same time he can't help but have fun with this battle Cooler's power is astounding and now that kakron's able to finally match it utilizing a brand new power on top of that this fight makes him incredibly happy and this only discuss cooler even more these primitive Saiyans their minds are only on fighting if anything he's doing the universe a favor by reading it of them once more he loves the hand up behind him charging another Supernova this one more massive than the last Kakarot launches a value key blasts at it but it just gets absorbed by the attack and the attack starts condensing into something else the light produced from it the key that kakarot's launching at it it's they gave it this thing it's absorbing light just like coolers form this isn't a supernova anymore this is a black hole A fitting name the attack shrinks further and further but the power doesn't shrink both are named after the remains of a destroyed star but this one it's far more powerful a fitting name for an attack collapsing in and itself Kakarot closes his eyes breathing in and then he starts charging up energy cooler brings the black hole in front of gust of wind are generated around the area things are being sucked into it this isn't just a flashy name it's acting like a literal black hole cooler condenses it in front of him bring his two hands together crushing it in between them charging it with even more energy the planet is collapsing around them and using all the strength cooler pushes the attack forward cooler laughs maniacally Kakarot launches an attack at it but it's just absorbed by the black hole he doesn't know what to do he can't destroy this attack and it'll probably destroy the plant killing them out in space not too far away Raditz wakes up he senses everything going on what is this power that kakarot's utilizing and he looks up into the sky seeing nothing all light is being absorbed by the black hope and rats could feel himself being pulled in by it he doesn't know what to do but on a whim he takes the last bit of energy he has granting at the crackling Kakarot suddenly feels empowered it's rats letting him some more energy and Kakarot has a single idea of what to do here he doesn't try to counter this attack instead he Maneuvers around it launching in towards cooler at the highest speed that he can he fakes out cool with a punch and of course cooler Dodges him but quickly Kakarot charges up all the energy he can shifting into his fist and just as cooler Dodges his fake punch kakarak then swings around hitting cooler directly with an actual punch charged with all of his key and it pierces right through Cooler's chest of course it's not enough to kill cooler and he laughs coughing up blood as he does so his race can survive much worse but with another hand Kakarot then launches a blast of Kia cooler except it flies right past it into the black hole the black hole grows larger and larger with the planets coming more to it thankfully they're basically in the atmosphere at this point not too close to the surface but if it grows any larger the planet's gonna collapse in on it and Kakarot tells cooler he's not surprised that he could survive that but can he survive his own attack cooler then feels a hand on his tail Kakarot grabs it swing cooler around as fast as possible he tries his best and cooler towards the black hole launching cooler towards his own attack and to seal the deal attack Rock charges one final key blast putting all of his energy into it this pushes cooler further and further into the attack but cooler laughs as he flies towards it he doesn't realize what's happening he tells Capron it's only going to make the attack even stronger but then he realizes he's hurtling right towards his own attack and kakarot's empowering it cooler tries to stop himself mid-air but it's already too late the beam of energy and kakra hits him head-on a supreme kill driver that pushes cooler into his own attack with a black hole than absorbent kakarot's key although the force of this actually pushes the black hole back it grows is larger and larger but not too massive flying out far into space beyond the speed of light cooler is torn apart by his own attack and there's no explosion remaining from it as coolers literally torn to shreds he just becomes part of it with a black hole flying farther and farther out hopefully with a dying suit enough but the planet's already taken too much damage and kakaron Powers down radiss is amazed to see this cat crossed out two levels ahead not just evil Saiyan but Supreme saying although they can't stick around here much longer it's a shame this planet was a nice little base of operations but they're gonna need somewhere else now as the planet continues to collapse the two of them are able to escape just in the nick attack now it's time for them to find terrilless first they'll use the healing pots and once Raditz gets his form they'll move out an attack who knows what Turles is up to but kakarot's confident whatever this power is the power of a supreme Saiyan he feels like Turles won't be able to counter it at all of course he has no idea of what Turles is up to at this point completely unaware that Turles has unlocked a new form of his own an evolution of evil safe but an evil solution that occurred much differently than what Kakarot did he didn't combine it with another form he just evolved it far beyond where it was by using the same principles that got him that form in the first place except utilizing the power of stars he's a mates the brilliant scientists Were Somehow able to plant a tree on a star creating a plant that's able to survive in those conditions Carlos continues consuming more stars literally consuming their energy eating the fruits generated by then he does have to pace himself though he can't fully control the power yet and he needs to make sure he can't do so before he eats more stars but he could tell he's close to controlling this form and with this great power it's now time for him to find Kakarot and it's good timing too far away he sent an amazing battle going on he didn't know who was involved but he sensed three energies one of whom being Kakarot one of them being a weaker one that seemed like it could be a Saiyan and then one of them being someone he didn't even recognize and he knew whatever the result of that fight he'd probably have to fight whoever remains and it seems that kakara was able to win and turless Chuckles to himself looks like he's gonna get to see Kakarot again very soon kakron and rats continue going around to other planets there's not too many planets left in this area but there are a few that allow Kakarot to plant some trees getting some fruits of the Tree of Might for rabbits and at long last Raditz is able to access the evil Saiyan form or you see a movie can't his Aura changes but he looks pretty much the same maybe his hair grows a little bit longer but he doesn't really look too much different attack rot dies have laughed from this and rats has a bit embarrassed but he could tell the powers there so whatever he doesn't matter what he looks like actually this is better he was handsome to begin with but it doesn't matter how he looks what matters is the power behind it and now they feel confident to go and find turlights although Radice does want to get that Supreme Saiyan form but he knows it's going to take a while if it took that long for Kakarot to do it especially with how powerful his evil Saiyan 4 was to begin with it's going to take a little bit longer for rad so it's best not to focus on that for now they outnumber tearless and most importantly they should overpower him there's no way he acts as a supreme Saiyan too right I mean he doesn't know about Super Saiyan and yeah they're right but he's got something else the Neo Crusher core keeps expanding not only obtaining more soldiers but finding more stars to plant trees of maidon the issue is this process takes a lot longer than it did for planets I mean just consider the scale of the Stars it takes a lot longer for the trees to actually drain the energy from them and another thing is these aren't any normal trees rather than being easy to plant like the other trees of Mite these are genetically engineered seeds that are somehow able to survive on stars and it takes a lot longer for them to be planted and a lot longer for them to actually grow fully but the payoff is huge and turtles is loving it also in the meantime he could spend that extra free time trying to train with this form trying to gain more control of it it's not like you should be overloading himself with these fruits after all he needs to Pace until he gets full control in this form which eventually he does get some of that and while the Army is expanding finding more soldiers too Turtles actually finds one who could be particularly valuable but the Army is a secondary Focus firm right now at the moment he's focused on finding those other two sayings after sending their battle with cooler he definitely needs to do something about it thankfully he has all the resources he needs and he knows they probably still have some scouters which might make it easy to locate and communicate with them it doesn't take too long with a crew of Engineers trying to figure out how to actually contact these other scouters they're able to track them down eventually basically hacking into them so they can receive the messages from Turtles of course kakron rats don't really wear these anymore but they still do have them on the side and radus notices one day his old scouters going off who could even be contacting him that was only used with the Frieza Force but kakara knows exactly who it is it's Gotta Be careless he did take over the Frieza Force after all and knowing their resources it shouldn't have been too hard to track down those scouters kakar actually destroyed his but rats completely forgot about his since he didn't really wear it too much but whatever hindsight is 20 20 and what's important now is to figure out who's actually calling and just as they expected Thomas is on the other end he tells them let's settle this here and now he'll do it alone he's not going to use his army for this he just used him to track these two down he didn't even think to track their scouters until he sensed their power that's what actually tipped him off and he tells the two of them they don't really have a choice he knows where they are so he's offering them to come here either they can head to where he is or he could just come there and destroy everything they're going to meet in battle eventually moratis tells they're not stupid and Taylor says he knows that which is why he knows they'll take this offer and come there right now if they're worried about him somehow having other people come here to Ambush him that's not the case he could do this all on his own he doesn't need anybody else's help if he did honestly that would be a huge blow to his pride and if he ends up losing here then so be it he wasn't fit to command the universe anyways but he knows he is which is why he's so confident in this and kakra tests this too even though he doesn't necessarily trust turless he does know for a fact that Turles wouldn't do this alone this isn't a trap this must be a legitimate invitation to a battle and he does know where they are after all he would have come here already and destroyed them if that's what he really wanted this at least makes for a more fair fight more enjoyable for each side and whoever wins they'll feel a pride of legitimately winning a battle so the two Saiyans head out not really knowing what else to do here they don't have a choice either way and they arrive on a deserted Planet one with a Tree of Might on it but that tree is long dead and of course perilous is there alone just like he said he greets the two glad to see them and to finally see Raditz again too he surprised rabbits even showed up considering how he reach treated against Turtles and Kakarot last time and Kakarot simply asked what's turles's angle here he sensed their power right he knows how strong they are now and terrorist explains what he's been up to as well they're not the only ones with the new power and Kakarot asks what is he a Super Saiyan or something Turtles laughs at this this Super Saiyan doesn't exist to which radus responds by showing off Super Saiyan oh well it does exist but doesn't seem too interesting in all honesty especially compared to evil Saiyan and his new power but he tells kakron that power he sends wasn't just super saiyan he wants to see what form kakarot's got in if it's any similar to his at all he sense that he will say an energy within and he says there's no point in hiding from him so Kakarot transforms showing off Supreme Saiyan turlo says that's impressive definitely different from the power that he has you see he has been planting more trees of might actually not on planets anymore and kakras Confused where's he been planning them then well let's just say he has a very brilliant armor at least in terms of the scientist being able to genetically engineer new seeds seeds that are able to survive the condition of stars mechanically planted on there chakra doesn't believe what he's hearing so he's been eating the power of stars Radice immediately Powers up upon hearing this knowing they can't hold anything back right away they need to go all out and Turles relay is what he said before just like he thought they're smart well they showed him their power so he'll show his off too a ring of red energy forms around him slowly coalescing into turless first he goes into his evil Saiyan form but something we're going to change with him his hair it flows more violently than before his tail and his eyes later as his hair continues changing it doesn't just change color like a Super Saiyan or something it changes its state of being his hair looks like fire freely moving just like fire and then there's a brilliant flash of light just like that of a star the planet cracks blood of feet what is he doing and turtles laughs telling them not to work the planet explodes with the three Saiyans being flung out into space on random rocks from the planet floating about Radisson Kakarot had talking to each other but they can't they're in the vacuum of space and then they hear turless in their heads he tells them an interesting tidbit he found this on an accident are they surprised if they're surviving out here Well turns out with the power of an evil saiyan it seems they could actually survive in the vacuum of space that's not too surprising they've evolved far beyond a sane's limit so it's nowhere that this is possible as well he discovered this on accident while eating fruits from Stars I mean he could survive the power of a star and actually survive on the surface of one which showed him that he could actually survive in the vacuum of space too being able to breathe out there kakron radish wish they knew that before and Turles tells them that's why he was able to ascend Beyond them he's able to recognize all the different pieces of this form what it allows them to do the ability to Grants him which allows him to go beyond its limits he knows far more than they do and he's far stronger than they are he launches towards the two of them with turless turning to an orange streak of light they each feel powerful punch in each of their guts at their launch across the solar system this power they can't believe it Raditz has flung into a nearby mood with the mood exploding at impact as Kakarot tries to stop himself out in the vacuum this is unlike any other battle he's been in before he's never fought in the vacuum of space it's such a wide open area and it's so easy to lose track of things if you can't sense somebody's power but it's not easy to lose track of Turles they can see him glowing brilliantly in the vacuum with the power of stars flowing through it like I said I want to have a little bit more fun with this one new forms they're completely fair game Kakarot tries launching back in towards turlis with turless effortlessly dodging every attack Kakarot can't sense it or hear it but he sees something flying behind him he jumps out of the way as all pieces of that exploding moon fly right towards Turles with Raditz flinging each of them towards him as a distraction he flies back over to Caprock trying to communicate mentally he doesn't really know how to do so but he figures it out looks like they're gonna have to talk like this from now they see a brilliant glow not too far away as Turles completely melts all those pieces from the Moon they hear his voice in their heads again this is becoming fun he Powers up fully launching in towards kakra grabbing him with the two of them then hurtling right towards the nearby star rattus tries to follow he's not quick enough Turles is too fast for him Kakarot struggles to move but he picks up a hand launching a blast Point blanket turtles's face as they hurdle right towards the star with the two of them landing on the surface of it the gravity here is insane and the heat too but with these forms they can handle it but it does make the battle tougher Raditz flies in too feeling the effects more so than them damn it even with the great powers of an evil Saiyan he's still behind them he can't do anything to help he can still move but he's a lot slower than before with the gravity and he watches hopelessly turless is beating up Kakarot and Radice needs to do something quick he doesn't know if he can even help here but then he sees something he sees why Turles brought Kakarot here in the distance he sees what looks like a giant structure and it becomes clear to him through the Flames of the star's surface he can kind of make out the image of a tree this is way too crazy for him he tries to fly over to that it's massive even more so than the Trees of Might that they've seen before it's insane there's a huge mechanical structure around him and the tree looks like no normal tree either so this is how they're able to get them to work but he knows what turtles is trying to do he's here in case he needs another fruit from this and as Radice flies over he's hit by a blast from Perlis launching him right into the tree but the force of this actually shaking it as Turles flies over so he sees radice's figure out his plan it's not like he could do anything about it though and after the tree shakes from this Collision a giant fruit drops from above well relative to the tree it's pretty small but compared to the normal fruits that he's seen it's massive it's like the size of a watermelon Turtles is about to catch it as it falls but then kakra hits him right in the face coming back into the back try those fumbles to try and grab it but he drops the fruit due to kakarov's distraction quickly he launches a blast hit knock him a fruit far away he'll get it later he just can't let Raditz get to it as he flies back in towards Raditz but with Kakarot grabbing turtles's leg trying to pull him back he tells Turles focus on this fight let them settle to score Turtles is infuriated and he's far above kakron so he tries to get away as quick as possible and he looks back to sea radus is gone it's tough but he's flying away trying to find where that fruit went he saw where the blast flew at least the general direction and he sees a divot left into the star's surface everything is so bright around here too this makes it even tougher to see thankfully from being as powerful as they are their eyes aren't just completely melted from being on this star but still it's not something that they can Overlook and Raditz can vaguely make something out a dark red object on the surface being flung around by all the flames it's the fruit but he knows if he gets it he'll show us the location of turtles too so he flies over to its general direction but not right towards it and Turles then launches over quicker than rats can register he looks around too but can't find it and he sweep his arm at rats in the nick of time radish tries to adjust himself just to the perfect angle he knows he can't avoid an attack from turless but he does know what he can do use it to his Advantage Turtles doesn't know where the fruit is but Radice does he possesses himself to take the hit making it look like he's naturally flying over to where the fruit was thanks to where turless knocked him and the attack is painful but RADS coordinated this he's knocked right towards the fruit and in one swift motion he reaches out to grab for it and turless sees but it's already too late quickly Radice takes a giant bite of it trying to eat a whole with a massive blast then coming from above his turless knocks him out of the way disintegrating the rest of the fruit too Kakarot flies in too trying to distract turless once more and then sensing a huge increase in rabbit's power they can barely see it because the star is already flaming but a huge Pillar of Fire shoots up nearby and it's not natural from the star something else and Kakarot Smiles telling Turles It's Over Now Turles is furious but whatever he'll finish off Kakarot right now he doesn't need to enjoy this any longer it doesn't matter if rather has obtained the same power as long as he can kill Kakarot he'll overcome Raditz as well Kakarot tries to launch a point blank kill driver with turbos launching the same his overpowers cockroach but Kakarot tries to push it back as much as he can and a blast comes in from his side knocking both the kill drivers out of the way and he sees standing there as rabbits he can't control his power he can't contain it at all but he's using the same form as church and of course it's not on his level he only ate one whole fruit while trellis has been going around eating parts of many fruits he paced himself too Raditz didn't hear maybe radish will just blow up from not being able to contain all this energy being destroyed by the very power he's trying to possess and radus is fighting through it trying to utilize the power but he doesn't try to resist it he lets it overflow out of him it's the only way he can survive without trouble and he has the perfect place to channel it into he needs to get rid of his power quickly too before he dies from it quickly he launches a full power shine Friday at Turles but it's much stronger than he ever expected his power is completely unrestained right now and turless blocks against the attack taking some significant damage from it too and he sees what right is to do it he's trying to mitigate the effects of it by using all the power at once letting it overflow out of him he's not trying to contain it at all instead he's letting the power do what it's trying to do Escape radius's body in any way possible Raditz continue to launch these supercharged attacks at Turles launching it at full speed with nothing in between he needs to continuously expel this energy if he wants to survive here and Kakarot watches on nearby he can't believe it seeing radish this strong and that form it's amazing Radice has actually surpassed him and he's actually kind of happy to see that he looks over at the tree there's no other fruits on there that would have been useful for him to get this too but as he looks over at the tree he also sees something else nearby there's a ship floating far out in space kakra can barely make it out but he does see it it's floating right over the tree and it sees a brilliant Green Glow coming from it what the hell is that as Charles is fighting Raditz he tells Raditz is no use that power is going to run out eventually when that I'm controlling it there's a few outcomes for this battle 1. radice's power runs out and Turles regains his advantage since he's actually controlling his power and that way turless wins Raditz says he'll simply just not let that happen but Turlock says he's forgetting another thing Turles has a whole army with him and he has some contingency plays a radiss laughs at Turles what he's gonna try to retreat or something that's the thing that he made fun of Raditz for and Turtle says he did have this contingency plan and he didn't really want to use it but it's still better to have it just in case he's not too pleased by this either it's like you said before if he loses here then so be it it kind of irks him but at the same time it's expected that his army would look out for him he should have killed him quicker but instead he was enjoying his time pummeling Kakarot had he not wasted any time he would have prevented radish from getting that fruit he let the battle get into his head and because of that mistake he's glad he had his contingency plan Raditz looks up then seeing that same Green Glow that Kakarot see Kakarot flies over trying to grab Raditz telling them they need to go and turless looks up laughing he jumps up out into space too saying his goodbyes to everyone he'll see see them again very soon maybe he shouldn't have done a 2V1 maybe it should have been a 2v2 to make things more balanced kakron Raditz have no clue of what he's talking about but they fly off what is Turles implying that he has some sort of Ally with him that could have helped here the green glow hits the star as it starts rumbling attack Runner try to fly as quickly as possible they can't even go back to their ship because that got destroyed with the planet they actually have no clue where they're heading right now they just fly Adam to the vacuum of space Raditz expels all of his power trying to use it to fly as fast as possible trying to get Kakarot to let go of him and instead of grabbing onto Kakarot and dragging him behind a cowra gets a glimpse of the stars as exploding and right behind it he can see Turtles flying up to his ship with the ship narrowly escaped he's getting too far away right now he can't make out any individual figures but he could sense somebody else's power it's just like they thought Turles isn't alone he does have some sort of Ally and his energy it feels like that of a Saiyan but that makes no sense what other Saiyan is out there and as they fly off into space they vaguely hear Turles in their head once more turless apologize for being so rude next time he'll be sure to introduce him to his new friend Broly the star fully collapses with each side being able to barely escape the two brothers fly randomly out in space they feel like they're kind of screwed because once their stamina runs dry their forms will disappear and they'll just die in the vacuum of space Radice is still trying to expel all this extra power he has too much of it and it's making him feel antsy he's very anxious about it and Kakarot tells rats it's nice that they got close to killing turless that means it's possible also that new form of his is awesome the rides continues flying dragon Kakarot behind him as he does so kind of annoying for cat crop but whatever this is the only way they're going to survive out here they stop on random planets to see if they have some sort of atmosphere through trial and error they do eventually find one some even have life forms on it but nothing intelligent at least that means they have food and a place to stay it's not the most ideal situation but now they can actually rest somewhere being able to briefly remain on these planets that they find Radice is still concerned about his new power and he's still overflowing with it it's like he's hyped up on caffeine almost he's so energized he doesn't even sleep well at least not at first but he's starting to feel a little bit better and this gets them to truly realize how much power was in that form the fact that it took him this long to even drain a fraction of it his body couldn't handle all the power if he kept it inside though he definitely would have died so it's good that it turned out this way at least and now that they finally have some sort of time to rest or at least Kakarot could rest they have some time to discuss too who the hell was that with turless definitely someone stronger consensus full power but he could briefly sense his power when he blew up that star the fact that it only took a fraction of his power to do that it shows that he's probably on their level too obviously Kakarot was too far to see but if that guy was being serious he'd be way less casual about it and Kakarot would be able to sense it within his energy so potentially another Saiyan huh well that doesn't matter Kakarot laughs to himself no matter what they'll get Radice to utilize that power and together they'll crush the crusher core including turless and his new friend Broly Kakarot and radish have their own paths now with Kakarot utilizing Supreme Saiyan still as Raditz tries to learn this new power of infernal sin it seems Kakarot actually is a true Ally now it's amazing it's his brother of course this isn't a traditional Alliance it's not like they're working for good these two are pretty bad people look at the title of the scenario after all but maybe they're not as bad as they think maybe with this Bond forming between them there's something changing within them as well slowly but surely they're not the same people they once were evident with the fact that kakarot's actually now in good terms with his brother instead of abandoning him like he did before with turless when he first turned on the Saints for now they could recharge a little bit more and then fly through space trying to find some other planet well mainly Kaka needs to recharge he just needs to get some extra power so we can keep utilizing that form so he could breathe out in space as for Raditz he still has excess energy it's fine for him and radiss asks where are they supposed to go next Kakarot has no idea they don't really know how to navigate throughout space except kakra does have an idea what if they try to send to power somewhere and go towards that ideally someone Familiar of course there's not too many Powers they could sense out in space vaguely very far away they can sense turless alright so go in the opposite direction Capron spends time focusing hours actually he can't sense anything out there but at one point he picks up on something and it's a power that's familiar actually something that he hasn't sensed in a while he hatches a play an amazing idea actually he turns to rat remember those dragon balls that Lord Slug got Raditz remembers are they going to use those nope they're probably guarded by granola by now if anything and he's an ally who could be useful for later besides Kakarot can't even sense granola so he can't even travel there if he wanted but there's another place that he's sensing right now and energy from an old friend that out he tells rabbits that planet that he found Kakarot on before Earth it also has dragon balls and this is what they'll do they'll go to Earth get the dragon balls there and they can wish for whatever they want rabbits like this plan sure they can go there but Katherine knows how to get there well not necessarily but briefly he just sends tensionon's energy flare-up he must be training or something they just gotta wait for it to flare up again and then they can just fly in that general direction it'll grow stronger as they grow closer the two of them eventually sense it again traveling over to Earth thankfully they move pretty quickly in space the power radus has allows me to travel across galaxies within a few days that's how far they've gotten by now and by continuing their method of Planet hopping they're able to survive along the way with food eventually arriving in a very familiar solar system they land on a small cold plant for the time being and in the distance they could see a star the same Sun that kakarak grew up under and Kakarot says is that power once more Earth is that way the two of them power up leaping from this planet and radus is glad he thought that was the planet that they meant to land on and kaparot laughs Raditz is calling Pluto a planet with this one powerful leap they jump across the entire solar system descending in on Earth Kakarot Powers down breathing in the air here for once they're on a normal habitable planet but something strange he looks around this planet isn't as peaceful as it once was it looks like it's war-torn at least the area that he landed in and Kakarot sends his two Powers nearby two very familiar Powers 10 in chaot suit they fly over also sends a kakron they can't believe their eyes so it actually isn't and his brother too Kakarot doesn't know what to say and Ten's angered actually why'd he leave what's he here for he remembers the terms in which Kakarot left and all this time he's actually sensed kakarot's power out in space as well as hearing those stories on the news about stars and whatever disappeared 10 things Kakarot here to destroy their solar system the same way that he did with others and he and shouts who jump in to try and fight kakron takarot tells him he could explain effortlessly dodging all their attacks and defeating them pretty easily as well he tells him to calm the hell down that's not what he's here for and that wasn't even his fault he gives him a brief rundown of what's happened out in space but more importantly he wants to know what's happened here 10 apologize for losing his cool it's been so long since he seemed Kakarot and so much has changed here that he didn't know if he could even trust Kakarot being here and it's not much but one thing that brings trust to 10 is the fact that Kakarot still wearing his crane school clothes it's nothing huge but the fact that Kakarot still has Earthly clothes like that it shows that he still has somewhat of a connection to Earth in his past he hasn't completely abandoned it 10 Stars explain it he tells kakron he remembers the red weapon Army right yeah of course what happened with them tense has this a long story the red ribbonari continued to expand further obtaining Dragon Balls which were used by by Commander red for his game and he used them to just throw a little bit taller this pissed off black who ended up killing it viewing red is incompetent and this led to some infighting between the army with some who were loyal to Red using the name Red Ribbon Army going against black who now reads the black ribbonar mercenary Tau was hired as a mercenary for this war and he roped his brother in who then roped in the crane school 10 ended up defecting with chaotsu he didn't want to be a mercenary he signed up to be a martial artist they didn't have too much of a choice either Shen didn't like it too much but he was helping his brother and 10 wanted to put a stop to this defeating both of the armies he thought it would be possible making the neocrine school formed by him and chatsu with remains of their old rivals the turtle School two more people fly over wearing orange Keys 10 introduced them to kakarov this is Yamcha and Krillin who are both a little bit worried to meet these two sensing their great powers and kakarot's not too concerned by this so the Red Ribbon Army is dragon balls he turns to Raditz they could just defeat the Red Ribbon Army and get the dragon balls that way although he doesn't sound loud that he wants to drag him up Bay tells 10. they'll defeat the Army on their own and says it isn't easy sure their soldiers aren't really an issue but their Androids are wait Androids yep one side has Androids created by Dr gero or at least they did have that there's actually one of his relatives Dr Hato on the other side who made more Androids Dro had a mix of Androids some were robots some were cyborgs and even one was himself on the other side there was an army of clones Gammas this war got out of control eventually leading to a war between Androids the first few weren't that bad but the Androids grew stronger as the war raged on gero's first breakthrough was Android 13. and he continued making more from there while on the other side it'll continue making more Gammas growing stronger and stronger but they eventually reigned Victorious with an endless Army of Gammas they won and now the Earth is overrun with them they may have had good intentions with making the Androids at first they were heroic but it's not like he's the only scientist in the Army others were able to take his blueprints working with them and creating a Mindless Army of drones gamma's working for their own game detecting these great Powers some of the Gammas fly over kakron Raditz can't send their energy but Capra launches a beam of one of them instantly eradicating it the neocrine school members look on Amaze they defeated one that quickly and kakron Chuckles this shouldn't be too tough he turns to rabbits they know what to do now both power up in a Super Saiyan oh yeah he'll explain this later to 10. more and more Gammas come their way as kakron Raditz easily fight through the army they probably don't even need Super Saiyan for this but as more the Army comes out they just continue to wipe out more of the Gammas the neocrine school watches on not believing their eyes curl remembers that Ted had a really strong friend that he mentioned before but he didn't know he was this powerful 10 actually kind of wanted to see kak Rod out seeing if he could help with this war but he didn't know how that would be possible he didn't know if Catherine would actually help here but look how quickly he's doing this within minutes kakron and radiss destroy the entire Army of Gammas it has a little bit extra they go to the bases of the black and the Red Ribbon armies eliminating them as well Kakarot and Raditz turned back telling time that's done with and now they can look for the dragon balls but then they realize crap the tech used to track the dragon balls are probably in those bases somewhere so they're gonna have to go look through the rubble Ted and the others don't know what to say but then they feel a giant rumbling and Kakarot senses a strange power with Radice feeling it too it's an amalgamation of power he extends the energies of the humans as well as himself and Raditz wait what is this Ted has no clue either in the distance they see a giant figure looming over with glowing eyes looking over at them the shadow jump up in the air jumping in front of the sun blocking out of the light as it lands nearby it's a giant red monster ten of the others back up they have never seen this before they have no clue what it is maybe it's some sort of contingency plan or something some monster that the Army made they don't know what this Android is but it's Cell Max through covert operations plans from draw were stolen by the black ribbon Army meant to be used against him apparently he wanted to make some sort of Android named cell but nothing ever came out of that at least not for the Red Ribbon Army the black ribbon army they started a new project Cell Max made with DNA data stolen from gero as well as blueprint stolen from it reverse engineered by haydo and yes he was a contingency plan being fully brainwashed too he's actually intelligent here but kakron and rat has note something interesting they hence their power within this Android but have no clue why they don't know the reasoning behind this nor does anyone else they both power back up into Super Saiyan and Cell Max actually stumbles backwards confused by this they asked tell Max who he is if he could even respond nervously he laughs tell them who he is and what he was created for and why they can't defeat him he has their DNA data from them and every other strong fighter here but kakron inquires when did he get this data well it was from the last time kakron and Raditz are both here really now Kakarot smirks well looks like he missed out on a lot of stuff 10 and the others are terrified but Kakarot tells him not to worry this thing is probably not as strong as they think it's impressive he looks cool he probably could grow strong if given the proper data but kakron rats are here for the Dragon Balls this thing's gonna stand in their way the two launched up in the air ready to fight together and they hold back only using Super Saiyan celmax is actually kind of a challenge for them in this form but they get a gauge of his power and celmax is worried he didn't know they can get this strong but it's still fine he could defeat them until he learns that this isn't even close to their final form this isn't even a fraction of their power at this point each of them power up their golden auras turn red as their hair grows out turning from Golden to Black the two transform into evil Saiyan and effortlessly they end up defeating selmaics who then proceeds to explode almost killing everybody there but kakron rats actually defend them because they still have a few questions for these guys inadvertently they saved her and Ted thanks Kakarot for his help not knowing that he'd actually do that the kakra says it was nothing but then asked since they saved Earth he kind of wants tend to do him a favor does he know anything about the dragon balls and tens taken aback by this why is he asking about that and this makes him concerned again why did kakaron and ratus want the Dragon Balls Kakarot says honestly he's not sure yet but once they come up with a wish they're going to use that to defeat turless and 10 doesn't fully believe this but whatever he tells camera what he knows the dragon balls are gone and this isn't a lot he tells khakar that Shenron and the dragon balls were destroyed he doesn't say how though but 10 knows 10 eventually found Kami and started training under him and Kami ended up deactivating the Dragon Balls knowing they'd be used for evil again and because they weren't actually the cause of this war before he didn't want either the armies getting them because he knew they probably would be able to technically they're not gone permanently because Kami could recreate them but 10 doesn't tell Kakarot everything about Kami he implies that the dragon balls are permanently gone Kakarot curses it well looks like they got to a dead end but maybe they could at least stay here for a bit this is a habitable planet and it actually has normal food that they could eat so it could be better than what they've been doing he thanks Kakarot for the help but Kakarot says he was only really here for the dragon balls in all honesty but 10 tells cockroach that's not true kakrat wonders what he means by this but 10 explained he probably did want to help deep down this was his home after all and he probably knew to come here takarot had a briefly mentioned before that there were other dragon balls out there he could have gone to any other planet but he decided to come here maybe he actually did one maybe his heart led him back here because it was part of him and Kakarot tells Ted to get real they just inadvertently saved her it wasn't intentional but Krillin then steps up he doesn't know kakron but from what he can tell he did save Earth he could have taken the opportunity and take it over if he wanted if he truly was fully evil and chatsu steps in two they knew kakra before he wasn't always like that he just went down a darker path but something tells ten that that path ended a long time ago maybe takarot's a bit annoyed and embarrassed to hear this and he angrily looks away looking up to the sky 10 steps up to it he was once going down a bad path as well but look what happened to it under these unique circumstances he ended up turning into a pretty good person and even though kakarov's life went way differently than his he did go through something similar takarot may not want to admit it maybe it's a say inside of him telling him other things but 10 could tell some of Earth did rub off on him just like it rubbed off on him and shouts Kakarot grunts but then Chuckles maybe 10 is right he did watch cap Rock grow after all and even amidst his Conquest Kakarot considers his actions he didn't even look at it this way for but all the people he's faced they've been evils net evils for the universe and even though he destroyed them for selfish reasons he still was helping out inadvertently and his whole path so far he's accidentally been doing that maybe something's changing within it and he doesn't even realize the same goes for Raditz as well if they were truly fully evil like Turles for example they'd be going around continuously mindlessly destroying things which they definitely were doing before Kakarot was going around planting trees of Might everywhere and Raditz was going around being a normal Saiyan kakro's actions don't fully show it yet but 10 could see there's some sort of Humane side within it and maybe it'll come to light soon right now of course it's buried deep within there but he's not as concerned about Kakarot as he was when he first landed here again you can see now Kakarot hasn't fully been corrupted and maybe he could turn over a new Leaf just like ten and chaotsu did the humans leave the two brothers alone and Krillin notes something strange he tells 10 for some reason he feels like he should know kakaron better he doesn't know why because he's never met this dude before but still and the amcha has 10. does he really trust them being here and 10 reminds everybody he and shoutsu they were with Kakarot growing up and training on the crane school they knew he was going on a dark path but something's changed about him tan doesn't know why or how but all that matters is it's there but now he wonders what are the two want to wish for and are they actually going to use the Dragon Balls for good that might actually be the true Judgment of their character what kind of wish they make attack run rabbits decide they're just gonna stay here while they figure things out they have no clue of where else to go or what to do in the time being obviously their main goal is to defeat thurles but how are they supposed to even do that Raditz has this amazing power but has no way to control that so that's kind of his main focus for now and as for Kakarot well he has Supreme Saiyan and he doesn't really need to practice with that too much but he needs to figure out some other ways to grow stronger a way for them to defeat Turles in a Surefire way but most importantly they just need somewhere to stay they have no base of operations now so this is the best they got hey at least this place has real food though and it's kind of Off the Grid not entirely though they couldn't even live here permanently but they don't really feel right about using earth like at least kakra doesn't it's gonna draw too much attention to this planet and they don't really deserve it like kakarot's a bad guy but he's not evil for the sake of being evil and he does still have some connection to Earth just like tension on noted in the last part deep down it's because Kakarot actually has someone of a soft spot for it while there on Earth let's actually go out into space grip it we're gonna rewind a bit too back to when the battle ended between turless Kakarot and rats as Turles boards the ship and leaves he watches honestly sees a streak of light fly across the universe that streak of light being kakron and Radice to party Broly asks if they should chase after those two but Turlock says it's not really worth it right now he wants to be strong enough to defeat them with his own strength it's part of his pride the two worked well at keeping the fruit of the tree of mine away from him he almost won there although he kind of scolds roller for blowing up that star that was a pretty big one and he was gonna get a lot of power from that fruit from the tree Broly apologizes but turless isn't really too pissed off about it they could find more I mean there's a whole universe of them it's just they take longer than normal fruits and that one would have been particularly strong look at what it did with rats tarless has been pacing himself with the fruits after all and besides the fact that it took a long time for that one to grow it's been a while since he's had a few but he's not just relying on that for his power he does train in the meantime too that's part of the reason Broly's there one of the strongest people in his army but also his greatest training partner Broly has some insane latent potential with his army constantly surveying the universe trying to find strong planets they ended up finding vompa detecting Broly's power of course the planet was pretty useless but Charles was surprised to see two Saiyans on here paragus and Broly definitely aren't too fond of the Saiyans but Turles says they don't need to work his goal is to actually eliminate two other Saiyans right now and he explains everything that's happened convincing them to join his ranks I mean they don't really have a choice either way at least paragus doesn't it's not like he could fight back against turless maybe Broly would have tried to fight back but it definitely wouldn't have been a smart option Turles ended up utilizing Broly's power using him as a training partner as of now Broly is pretty powerful but Turles is able to tame it seeing Broly utilizing wrathful during training but not really going beyond that infernal Saiyan is way too much for Broly to handle even with his immense strength and turless wonders one day maybe once Broly troll this power at least Broly could actually have one of the fruits of the Tree of Might from the stars and it would have a very significant effect on it but Charles could also see Broly's not really a terrible guy paragus is using him for his own gain and so is turless and as far as Broly is concerned those other two Saiyans are evil anyways again he and Paris don't really have a choice here unless they want to do something very risky and try and defeat Turles somehow some time passes Radisson kakar are laying low so Turtles can't even really sense their power at most he'll sense Raditz powering up into infernal Saiyan sometimes but they're so far away now that it's not really that accurate and it's so few and far in between that unless they're actively looking for it they don't really feel it and that's just turless the rest of his army they have to rely on scouters and stuff but turn this into something pretty interesting nearby he sees a spaceship not too far away one day and he sends us a pretty strong power on it interesting what's this he didn't think there was any other strong people in the universe comparable to him at least and all of a sudden those powers on that spaceship they disappear and Turles then sentences it near him they're on they're on his shame wait what as he's looking out he can see that spaceship landing on a nearby Moon and turtles commands his army to land this ship as well as he turns around a pink demonic looking man is standing there he launches a blast of Turles fling him right onto the back of the space Turtles Powers up in the nick of time into evil say surviving out here in the vacuum telekinetically he drags the man out of the ship as well with the ship struggling to stabilize itself landing on that Moon as well little do they know that other spaceship that just land on that moon it's bobbity's ship and he has boo with him turless will be the perfect way to draw out some power for boot and the best part is Perlis knows nothing about it if they were quickly enough too the Supreme Kai will never notice they're worried about him intervening and stopping with somehow but Bobby thinks since they're doing this on a whim and can get in and out with the energy this could be a successful Endeavor some of babidi's guards jump out of the ship as well including quipi and Yakov meanwhile as turtle is a ship lands Broly and some other soldiers for the crusher course step off easily fending off against Bobby's Small Army as Broly then tries to board the ship well Bobby has to be a little bit more careful but he can at least stall them for the time being especially with people like with Broly having no idea of how to fight yakkan either and on top of that they'll gain energy from Broly too he looks into his crystal ball up out in space he could even possess somebody here but he doesn't even really need to look at the power he's gaining just from turlos and Deborah fighting Deborah thinks he's able to contend fairly well with Turles at first until turla stops playing around he doesn't even transform into infernal Saiyan he just uses Evil saying and with the full power of this he's able to defeat Deborah pretty quickly not kill the boy with him he needs to get some info first asking who he is and how to even get on the ship and Deborah can already tell their plan is going very smoothly and it's good that Turles doesn't kill him so he decides to stall of it giving Turles a background on who he is and why they're here not revealing Buddha just saying that he's here at the request of Bobby a magician whom Turles has no hope of defeat a magician and he's that strong really of course the boar is bluffing and he continues speaking until Bobby eventually teleports him back down to the ship with Turles then looking down at that Moon nearby Something Fishy is going on here he'll find that Deborah guy again and killed him instantly it doesn't matter what realm he rules over or who he's working for Turles will win here as a way to intimidate them he Powers them go along into an infernal safe oh bobbity didn't even expect this perfect Turles launched down to the planet clown grew the rest of bobbity soldiers including yakat who Broly was actually having a tough time fighting due to him absorbing the light around bully he's kind of bummed about this because he just figured out how to defeat the guy but whatever he asked Turles what's going on and he says he really has no clue and Broly says it's the same down here they don't know what's going on but Turlock sends his Deborah's energy and his hand he charges a small blast lunging it right down at the bottom of the ship opening up all the floors creating a tunnel right down to the bottom and through it he can see Deborah and Bobby he and Broly jumped out with them being teleported into the demon realm or something like that more of Bobby's tricks him they have no clue what's going on and the boar is ready to fight lunging in a Broly maybe you can kill this guy first but before he could even hit Broly Broly then Powers up going to his raffle form and a one attack he punches right through Deborah's chest killing him oh okay Bobby's watching all this and he kind of expected the board to die here but it doesn't matter both of them are giving so much energy off right now and Deborah was kind of expendable look at Broly giving off that energy from wrath and turless he didn't expect him to transform to his full power right away but it's perfect they've already gathered so much energy from them and bobbity only needs a little bit more some of the neocrusher core soldiers then enter with Turles telling them to split up and find Bobby he already disappeared but they don't listen to him instead they're being possessed by Bobby right now he could try and possess Broly or turless but it would be a little bit too tough and he's not sure if he wants to wrist back so why is he getting these soldiers to follow his orders Turles has no clue of what's happening at first but then one of the soldiers is able to stab turless taking just a fraction of energy from him and Bobby quickly teleports that Soldier away knowing he's about to die instantly from turles's attack and as swiftly as possible Bobby tries to take this energy giving it to boom and he's astounded at how much there is whoa immediately it gets booed to 100 giving all the energy he needs Bobby teleported himself in the egg outside already with Turles and Broly angrily launching up mercilessly destroying any of the modern soldiers along the way and now turos is fuming and then he sees Bobby up there standing next to the egg laughing Turtles draws his hands together quickly charging a kill driver launching it right after losing but just before it hits the egg explodes with boo then jumping in and turles's attack being nullify and Bobby thanks explaining what happened he just came here to get energy from them in order to revive Boo and Charlie's consents moves energy it's powerful but not too crazy he's shocked at first but then he Chuckles he thanks Bobby too because of this he might actually have a fun battle but Bobby's got the wrong idea if he thinks Boo's gonna kill him he and Broly descend downwards now calmer than before Carlos is still and suddenly disappears out of sight before anyone could even react Bobby then explodes with Turles quickly moving and appearing right behind Bobby using just a fraction of his power to kill him alright now that he's out of the way and there's no more of his tricks they could fight this Majin Buu or whatever he's called in front of boo is Broly and behind him is turless the two launch it at full power boost sticks both hands out trying to catch them and it's tough he struggles holding them back at first but the two continue launching forward pushing each side of boo into him the two then collide with boo being crushed in between they think that'll kill him but they could see immediately that he just regenerates from it he's a malleable guy and this has no effect on him okay this shouldn't be too bad they just need to destroy him completely some other way do so much damage that he can't regenerate from it at all boo gives off an evil grin ready to fight them oh yeah this part's not about kakrada riots this is a turless part for this part he's the main character surprise the battle between these two Saiyans and boo continues and Buu's kind of pissing turtles off he's not too tough of an opponent to fight but it's the fact that he continues regenerating it seems like he's not getting tired out at all alright how about this he grabs on taboo fling him out in space he tells bro he's gonna have to set this one out this Moon definitely doesn't have enough space for them to battle but he says he could use Bully's help charge an attack launch one up there turtles will keep an opening for him and together the two can combine their powers defeating this monster Turtles launched out into space meeting boo where he threw and Broly looks up easily seeing Turles as light as he battles bu out in the vacuum with space bully Powers up surrounded by a fierce win or he tries to summon his anger someone that Turles has been trying to get him to control he knows he might go berserk but it doesn't matter turtles will be able to stop him in case he does he Powers up into wrath first then begins charging energy in his hands coalescing all of his power together terrorist fights by own space enjoying this too for once another opponent that he could fight out in the vacuum he loves battling out in space but on top of that boot was actually able to keep up with his power someone especially with how much booze regenerate and amidst the fight Turtles tries to ask questions about him who he is who created him what is he of course Buu has no comprehensive answer but Turles has a way to actually do this seeing that boo could be split into pieces and whatnot Krause then reaches out grabbing boo ripping off a small chunk of him coding it in his own key just so he doesn't get reattached to Boo or regenerate somehow this kind of does piss boo off but Carlos says he'll be sure to study this stashing it away making sure that boo can't get to it and he can sense Broly's power Broly runs around the planet trying to keep up with the battle and suddenly Turtles grabs onto boom holding him tight as they fly outwards into space well Turles then looping around picking up speed as he launched him right towards the moon he flings boo downward then launching his own attack following Boo and as Buu is launched towards the planet Broly launches his own attack out into space with the two attacks colliding heading through right in the middle blue is completely and utterly destroyed by this combo where Turles then Landing back on the planet it thanking Broly seeing that he's lost control just like he expected and then knocking rolling out and booze not regenerate he's been completely destroyed although there's that one piece that Turles got the one that he separated from boo making sure it wouldn't get back to him this is the last remaining chunk of boot but it can't regenerate it's coded held together by Turtles Fierce key and it's a very small piece of him too and turtles looks down at it he had an idea what if he can get his army all the scientists there what if they could study this make their own boot try and reverse engineer him or something maybe make one of his own and not just that the one that's first period of this one this one was kind of an idiot theirs they can make one far stronger one that possibly even takes notes from himself or Broly that piece of boo levitates in front of him coded by Turtles is burning key prevented from regenerating this could actually work and even better not only could they recreate boo but what if what if we could benefit Turles to them by studying this power he can attain it for himself use it somehow he's not too sure but his mind is racing all these thoughts running through his head the brilliant scientist and his crew could definitely figure something out and in the meantime time he'll focus on getting Broly control his power he's another very valuable weapon and a great training partner and now we head back to Earth kakaron Raditz actually do sense all this out into space they weren't actively looking for it but with how long it was going on and the fact that Turtles was powered up fully they could actually sense it ten can feel it too he felt that key before very vaguely and as he tries to focus he can kind of sense it but it's so far away that they could barely feel it Krillin asked what the hell that is and kakra explains that's turless the guy they told him about that others saying that they just thought it doesn't seem like he's grown too much stronger but who is he fighting out there I think since Broly's power too very faintly but still sensing it and Kakarot turns into humans those are the people that they need to defeat that's why they're seeking out more power seeking out the Dragon Balls 10 is still not too sure to feel about this but again they don't have the Dragon Balls Kami didn't remake them yet but if kakra does end up using them finding them somewhere else or even here they're all kind of concerned about the result things die down for the time being no giant red ribbon monsters no ancient artificial life forms no more stars blowing up being absorbed by trees none of that at least for a few weeks as kakron radish trained together on Earth one day then see a large pillar of light land before them and as it dissipates two people are standing there they have no clue of who they are the one that looks like a purple cat asked are either of them Saiyans oh great another person looking to eradicate sails Kakarot steps in yeah who's asking and the man introduced himself Lord beerus the God of destruction of universe 7. what Lord beerus that's that's the guy that Vegeta was telling him about a long time ago Raditz heard some stories about him and Kakarot vaguely did remember hearing about him but doesn't know too much since he was around Vegeta a lot less than rats but Raditz definitely knows and now the two of them are terrified well what is he looking for why does he want Saiyans and beerus asked them do they know anything about the Super Saiyan God the the Super Saiyan what they have no clue how to respond or why beerus is here how'd he even find them but beerus says something Disturbed him asleep some fight going on he doesn't know if they were involved but he does know that there's a couple other sayings that exist out there three of them that are far away off owning some Harmony or whatever and then two of them that are here but these guys actually seemed a little bit stronger collectively at least and beers did kind of want to check out this planet too because of the food on it but he says if they know nothing about it he could just simply destroy them finding those other three Saiyans and seeing if they know anything so we ask again what do they know about the Super Saiyan God Raditz and kakra have no idea how to react they're terrified of beerus but at the same time if there's some new Super Saiyan form out there that they don't know of they want to learn they don't want Turles and Broly getting that they need to do whatever they can whatever they could find in their power to actually obtain this so they asked beerus what does he know about this form well that's why he came here he knew nothing about it he wants to see what they know all he knows that he has some sort of rival that's supposed to awaken soon and that rival is gonna be a Super Saiyan God well they don't know anything about a Super Saiyan God but they have their own forms maybe one of them is that form and knowing that they probably shouldn't mess with beerus they're not gonna play around here right from the get-go they want to show off their full power kak Rock goes into Supreme Satan while radish Transformers infernal safe he's actually the stronger of the two gaining a little bit more control over this form that he had before although it still is kind of tough to maintain consider how far he jumped into this form and how much power it holds while turless he kind of eased himself into it and beerus is actually surprised he wasn't aware these two could transform that much no wonder Kakarot was able to defeat Frieza and according to wheeze apparently cooler too kakra says he's fought more than just them they weren't even the strongest battles he's faced and beerus is somewhat impressed but he's not going to be fully impressed until he actually gets to fight them first he'll fight the one with shiny orange hair then the one with a fiery hair Kakarot agrees telling beerus to witness the power of her Supreme say a battle between the two ensues but it's not really fair to call it a battle beers are dodging every single attack no matter how quickly Kakarot tries to fight and I'll Raditz waits for his turn some of the humans show up too sending them powering up immediately they're mortified mainly Krillin and Yamcha they see Kakarot fighting some purple alien and then another guy standing nearby too and it seems like Kakarot definitely isn't winning and they can't even sense that guy's power radus tells them they have this under control briefly explaining who they are a God of destruction that just makes things worse that makes it even more terrifying Kakarot is then launched back down to the surface crashing in the dirt nearby as Radisson Powers up kakra stands back up saying he's not done but Raditz tells him not pissed off beers they don't know what he's capable of he just wants to do exactly what beerus says so with infernal Satan he launches it and even though he's stronger it's still surprisingly the same result but amidst raditz's fight Kakarot flies upwards he asks beerus can they fight him together and not on this planet they're kind of limited by fighting here because they don't want to blow it up on accident wait can they survive in space interesting he didn't realize Saiyans were capable of that well not any normal Saints and they clearly aren't normal Saints they actually prefer fighting out there anyways it gives them way more room to maneuver unless things get in their way the three fly out into space and before following them we stand turns with other humans are they looking to contend against Lord beerus as well nervously they all back off not wanting to fight him at all but 10 steps up and ask what is beerus here for he's looking for his next rival the Super Saiyan God as the 2V1 happened in space beer still has no effort at all fighting them he tells them for Mortals they are decently strong definitely not on his level though but he sees they have potential potential to be way stronger if this Super Saiyan God even does exist he wonders if it's a person or a form and after seeing these two transform and apparently the fact that these aren't their only forms he begins to think it might be the latter Super Saiyan God is a form possibly something they can get and that's it that's what they could wish for wait wish what do they mean by that well they were seeking out the dragon balls and they wanted to wish for something to help defeat Turles but they didn't know what to wish for at the same time they didn't want to just have power granted to them either they were probably gonna wish for like immortality or something but this actually makes it way more fun if they could find the dragon balls and wish for a way to actually learn how to get Super Saiyan God not necessarily have a handed to them just a way for them to get it they want to get the knowledge and obtain it for themselves but there's no Dragon Balls here on Earth well we says that there are a few other sets of Dragon Balls there's Namek Planet cereal and of course the super dragon balls but the latter seems like a little bit too much for what they're asking for and Kakarot perks up yeah cereal they actually wanted to go back there they've seen the power that those Dragon Balls can grant they just don't know how to find the planet otherwise they would have flown there themselves evenly says that's not a problem especially because beerus likes this idea well if it's gonna get him the Super Saiyan God then so be it he'll take them wherever they meet quickly they fly back after Earth telling the humans are going to leave very quick they'll be back soon tent tells them to be careful they don't know what they're dealing with and kakra says he's not concerned beerus doesn't seem that awful he's terrifying but it seems like they're on his good side for now and who knows maybe they'll come back with even more power than before well 10 hopes they're right they've actually had a pretty good time training with the Saiyans here growing stronger from it too and 10 did consider asking comedy to make a new set of Dragon Balls just to ask for the Super Saiyan God to appease beerus but this is a better way this is the least risky option for Earth letting kakron and rabbits go find the dragon balls on their own somewhere out in space and that'll be a true test of how much they've changed what they decide to wish were out there they can prevent a wish down here but not out in space at Planet cereal attack on Riders fly back up into space to meet whis and beerus again chaotsu asks is he really sure about this well 10 says there's not really anything else they could do and Krillin is fairly optimistic those two don't seem too terrible Yamcha agrees and 10 says he's actually pretty surprised after that time they spent with them it's kinda know weird Kakarot definitely isn't the same person as before but not in a bad way it seems like he's actually better he was so misguided back then and he definitely is still misguided now and it's not just from what he saw on Earth it's from what he heard from kakron rats too the stories they mentioned they were both out in a conquest before and now they're mainly just seeking power and 10 Smiles if they were in that Conquest well they'd pretty much all be dead by now Earth would be under their Rule and there's nothing they could do about it the others are terrified of how casually he says this button says it's the truth Kakarot definitely has changed beerus and whis take the two Saiyans to Planet cereal and it doesn't really take too long they arrive on the planet and just as they do granola jumps out ready to attack the two new people there he can't sense their energy but he saw that giant pillar of light from far away when they landed and he looks at them but he sees nowhere to hit them no vital points he thinks these are Invaders and he's ready to put down his life to fight against them more people seeking out the dragon balls but then kakron and Raditz step out he drops his guard standing there nervously and the second Kakarot sees granola with his guard up he flips at telling granola to stop don't try and attack he doesn't want to piss off beers or and granola's surprise obviously doesn't know cap Rider Raditz too well but last time he saw them they weren't nearly this freaked out especially when facing Lord's slump and especially once he hears beerus's title got a destruction he realized this is something he shouldn't mess with Kakarot tells granola they're just here for the dragon balls and he doesn't know what to think of this but beerus explains himself he's looking for a rival a Super Saiyan God of sorts and those dragon balls are the key to helping him find that granola doesn't even know what to say he's terrified but Radice reassures him they're not here for anything malicious they just want to get some knowledge from the dragon and leave immediately after and obviously granola doesn't even know if they're telling the truth he barely knows the two of them but at the same time it's not like he could really do anything and if he does decide to attack them right now and lash out against them well he's dead either way he saw a brief glimpse of their power when they landed here and that's just the two Saiyans not beerus or whis the fact that he's still alive is proof enough reluctantly he agrees leading them to minaido and monado says he doesn't really like this idea but they might have no choice and before they make the wish manado does warn them whatever they wish for may have consequences Toronto is a very powerful Dragon but if the wish is too powerful he could take something away from them a bargain of source weird they wonder what Lord Slug gave up not that it matters though he's dead anyways but they'll keep this in mind the dragon is summoned and Toronto is immediately terrified when he sees beerus beerus has not to work just grant the stupid way takarot asks how can they obtain the Super Saiyan God for him and since beers is here Toronto's a little leaning and gives him a few options for one he could grant them the form of course he might have to compress their lifespan for it he also says they can perform a ritual for the Super Saiyan God explaining that they'll need four more Saiyans to do so and they're gonna have to be righteous Saiyans too not only do they not have enough Saiyans but they definitely don't have any righteous ones but there is a third option they could obtain it on their own by getting access to God he somehow and training to harness that but how are they supposed to get Godly key Toronto says it'll take a lot of time but there is something he can do Infuse them with Godly King but there is a condition though he'll lead someone to Grant it to them this way it'll give them a jump start and even though they would rather train for it on their own they don't know if that'll even work and beerus wants to see this form now so he tells him to go with this wish and even though that first wish is enticing to beerus he can't go with that what if their lives are compressed too much and the Super Saiyan God dies shortly after being born it tells Toronto he'll Grant a small amount of his Godly key and if the dragon can Infuse that key within them then so be it in his hands he creates a small orb of energy but the Envy containing the score of his massive it's a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of beerus's power but is still a significant amount and it's pure Godly King Toronto nervously accepts this and he confirms the wish with the two Saiyans kakron and Radisson Creek but before the wish is made granola interrupts he sees an opportunity here he apologized to beerus but he asked he wants to be granted God the key too I mean I was surprised by this why what does he need that for does he still want that stupid Revenge that he's after I mean Frieza and cooler are dead anyways but canola says it's not that he needs to be able to protect this planet after seeing how powerful these two have gotten and that last encounter with Lord Slug granola thinks he might not be able to protect this planet if it comes to it and besides he knows there's others out there he sense Turles and Broly he knows there's still people out there trying to dominate the universe he needs to protect stem somehow and beerus is curious is he even strong to begin with and kakron Raz actually vouched for him surprisingly a while back they fought together they saw granola's power he's strong and could potentially grow even stronger Raditz remembers too the ceruleans have some pretty unique abilities hearing about the time the Saiyans invaded this planet but only having vague knowledge of it granola says this is true and this actually makes beerus pretty curious Well normally he wouldn't be this gracious but they are intruding on his planet after all and really he should destroy granola right now for even stepping up to them but the potential of another strong rival beerus isn't really going to turn that down especially if kakron rabbits her vouching for it if these mortals are saying that other Mortal is strong by mortal standards well sure why not go for it consider this compensation for using Toronto as well the wish is granted with the power being split amongst the three God key is infused into Kakarot Raditz and granola and at first the three don't really feel much of a change but they try tapping into The Godly key there's an immense reserve of power in there their base alone is incredibly powerful compared to where it was before and that was just a small amount of beerus's key divided amongst three of them and minato's amazed too he can't even sense the power but still he's just glad that granola wasn't wishing for that just so he can get revenge on somebody but granola assures monitor it's fine well now that they have this Godly key they need to train for the Super Saiyan God they know it exists at least it's a formula to work towards so beer says they're going to come to his Planet no ifs ands or butts he's gonna whip them into shape because they decided to take this route too he's already a bit annoyed that they didn't just ask where the format is but he knew it wasn't necessarily an ideal witch and while he's at it he turns to granola too he's not too sure how strong a Cerulean can grow we says they have some pretty strong potential they were formidable opponents for Saiyans a long time ago too and look how strong these Saints have grown although whis doesn't really have a clue because granola is really the only civilian left and beyond that he's the strongest to ever have existed so it will be kind of a gamble beerus says since he did want to intrude on the wish he's gonna have to come to their Planet Too at first he's shocked to hear this but he obliges this will actually be good print what's the point of getting this key if you can't learn to hone it he needs to grow as a Cerulean somehow especially seeing all these threats out there if Turles ever were to come to his planet and attack around Raditz went around to help him he's gonna need a way to defend against himself he says goodbye to naido as he heads off with the two other Saints jackrin rats are pretty surprised that it turned out this way too this is great it's another training partner for them and yeah granola wasn't near their level of power before but he was still pretty strong for a random mortal that they found out in space they even laugh at this look at them they're already calling other people Mortals they just were Mortals a few minutes ago and now everyone has a new task learning to control Godly key control is not too sure will take him but beerus jokes around maybe there's a super Cerulean God too and he nervously laughs but then he's terrified because he realizes beerus probably thinks he has Transformations Beyond his current state right now he doesn't know if they even exist and he has no clue how to tell beerus about this oh crap way to get himself into months passes they start training on this planet and the entire time beerus wonders what about those other Saiyans out there these two they seem pretty adamant for beers to not seek out those other two Saints and he has squeeze can he look into them a bit and we says he could definitely do so as seems they didn't want beers to seek him out because they had some sort of Grudge between them maybe kakron and rabbits didn't want the other Saiyan the Super Saiyan God power they wanted it for themselves and beerus says that kind of does make sense but after hearing about how strong those other two are well they're around the level of kakron and rats apparently that one Saiyan Broly doesn't really know how to control his power with we showing beerus to fight against Majin Buu but beerus is curious seeing turless fight against spoon he seems quite strong he has the same form that ratat has and can actually control it better but at the same time he sees turless is too much of a loose kin and Louise is surprised that beerus says this beerus is kind of a loose cannon too beerus tells him to shut up he's saying that because he's not sure what turtles would even do with that power not that he's scared of it tarots will still be far below him even if he became a Super Saiyan God but long term he plans for these two Saiyans to become his Rivals and not just that potentially becoming the next God of destruction and who knows if Turles were a god obstruction he'd take his job way too seriously possible destroying everything just for the fun of him wheeze butts in again doesn't beerus do the same as well beerus tells him to shut up again he's just cranky from waking up from his nap and even if he does destroy things at random at some points it's not anything in comparison to what he thinks Turles would do with that power the whole universe would be gone Universe 7 wouldn't exist anymore hell you might even find a way to drain the power from the universe itself see against his first start of the planets and is now up to stars but either way it's not too important to think of for now he has his two Rivals and that's all he needs especially because after these few months they've all made progress growing significantly stronger but one day there's a breakthrough kakron Raditz look at beerus they've done it they've obtained the form Super Saiyan God and beers can't believe what he's hearing well what are they waiting for show him already he's waited so long for this hair's already pissed off that he couldn't find it immediately but now they have no reason to hold it from them any longer and the two stand alongside each other they're surrounded by a fiery Aura and gorilla watches on a maze they're vital points they're completely gone their key has changed significantly even compared to that Godly key they just had beforehand and it's not an explosive transformation like they have with their other forms they're simply coded by the ore and calmly the aura dissipates with the two saying standing there now with red hair looking Slimmer and younger with a Divine Keys surrounding them and beerus says this is definitely it this is the power of Super Saiyan God the two standing immediately ready to test it out and beerus has elated finally his weight is over beerus looks on and off a maze at the sight of a Super Saiyan God two of them in fact deep down he knows that they still won't be enough to challenge him so instead why not another 2V1 he invites them both to fight him both at once he wants to see the true power of the Super Saiyan God doom and a battle between them ensues everyone's moving so quickly Louise watches on impressed at his two students with controlla watching on a maze thankfully he is a god-level fighter and to keep track of this especially with the fact that he has great eyesight but he can't imagine anyone else trying to watch this fight it's happening so quickly their sheer speed power everything he could sense it it makes him really wonder if he has a God form too that he can access these Saiyans have a ton of Transformations but for him he hasn't achieved much there is one power up he's gain though he's awoke in his second eye having two red eyes now he's empowered by that in his Godly key but he wonders if he can get a true Godly form like those two beerus Raditz and Kakarot Dash around the planet high above the surface with beerus and going every second of it this power is greater than he expected he sees that they're not on his level not just yet but they have the potential to get there and they're Amazed by the power too but at the same time underwhelmed they felt like they could be on beerus's level once they attain this form but it seems not but beerus tells them don't get so down on themselves this is just the first step just look at what these Saiyans have achieved before he's seen their other forms those previous forms like super saiyan or kakarot's evil Saiyan form those acted like stepping stones of sorts the first part of their journey into other forms and if they were able to improve those forms building upon them maybe they could do the same with Super Saiyan God the three of them land with beerus impressed he tells them their next step is to improve Super Saiyan God in any way possible they're on the right path but still their power needs to be a little bit higher to contend with him well a lot higher and also he tells them it needs to be a lot higher if they want to contend with turless they have no clue about how strong he is right now but beer says whis has been keeping tabs on him turless isn't just sitting around twiddling his thumbs he may be unlocking his own new power suit kakron Raditz are amazed to hear this so so is granola he started to hear a bit more about turtles from the two other sites and naturally granola was going to be against him Turtles is an evil Saiyan a true evil Saiyan unlike these two who are not nearly as bad as him anymore but it's not just that his role right now he's on a conquest for power he's directly absorbing the energy from planets and stars too taking it all for himself but more importantly he has direct control over frieza's arm it's under a different name but it still is the Frieza Force granola is definitely glad that Frieza and cooler are dead but what's the point if somebody's gonna take his place and granola's eyes Turtles is just a new Frieza more of a reason to have a grudge against turless as well back at the Neo Crusher Corps tarless is preparing something immense from that piece of boo that he had they were trying to make a new boot one that only answers to turless he wants to use Buu as a weapon but at the same time he's not really involved with that project he's still going around planning more trees of Mines mostly he's eating fruits from planets he still has to Pace himself with stars after all but now his body is fully adapted he has no need to pay himself with fruits and planets he's growing immensely Stronger by the day but he is seeing diminishing gains from the fruits but one day an idea comes to it an idea regarding boo instead of using him as a soldier there may be a better way to utilize Boo's power he actually is a perfect idea immediately going over to his army we enter a brief time skip Kakarot Raditz and granola continue training on beerus's planet and they've grown significantly but at a certain point they feel like they've gained more than enough power this should be enough to defeat Turles no matter how strong he's grown by now and beerus questions if they're truly ready for it well if they want to go they can he'll let them leave for now but he does warn them if they don't come back alive he'll just take Turles as his next Super Saiyan God rifle so the pressure's on whis offers to take them but they decline they're going to travel the old-fashioned way using a spaceship so they could spend the time traveling to plan also they don't want beerus or whis to meet turless too they still have no clue about how those two will react and if they'll take a like into turless or not so that's partially the reason they take granola spacing and the three can clearly sense its energy it's so powerful even when he's not at his full strength they can sense it all the way across the universe and they basically just use that to guide them they spend the time on the ship resting getting ready for a massive battle but on their way over to Turles they pass by a very strange solar system Kakarot looks out into space and tells Raditz to come look too there's a couple of planets and Ryder says he sees nothing abnormal about them but Kakarot says to look closer all of them have some sort of Giant mountain on it and not just the mountain no it's like sticking out into space it's almost as if another planet is attached to them the strangest part is it definitely does not look natural and the fact that it's multiple planets around here but the weirdest part of all is the star nearby there seems to be some sort of massive structure around it or at least one in the process of being built maybe this has something to do with turless a new plan of his or something some new technology that he has alarms start going off in the ship and gorilla tries to Pilot it away they ask him what's going on and he says they're under attack some things latched onto the ship and they're being pulled into a nearby Planet what the hell is happening here the ships aren't spinning out of control and then crashes the three are relatively uninjured and they jump out of the remains of the ship they have no clue about what happened but it was clear really deliberate they're on one of those nearby planets one that had that giant mass on it something then reaches out of the ground trying to grab onto their legs they jump up floating high above wondering what the hell's going on but then they see something sticking out of the ground nearby and it starts building itself up into something else a massive wires appears forming together with a bunch of metal and I see a humanoid standing there the man rises up floating in front of them as well kakron and radisson's jaws drop and granola doesn't know who he's looking at but he has somewhat of an idea the two brothers can't believe it is that cooler and granola turns them wait if that's cooler then what the hell happened he thought they killed cooler and they say they weren't lying they did Kill cooler this looks like him but looks like he's made out of metal or something this cooler look-alike Smiles he introduces himself this is a new incarnation of cooler metal cooler Kakarot almost fully destroyed cooler although there were some bits and pieces left thankfully he was found by the big Getty star with the tube merging and ever since then he's been amassing even more power first taking over moons then planets and now an entire solar system creating a Dyson Sphere around the star to use it as power and using the materials from all the nearby planets to grow even further and he's glad he found them telling them he was in the process of seeking turlos out too he tried looking for these Saiyans but the only Power he could detect was turles's which explains why they're on the same course this is one of the systems he's infected so far everybody lands on the surface and Kakarot probably proclaims he might be stronger maybe a lot stronger but they tell cooler he could definitely not contend with what they are now Kakarot transformed going into Supreme Satan and he smiles it's going to be kind of funny this will be the second time he'll use this form to kill cooler and rad is probably proclaims no matter how strong he is now there's no way you can contend with gods and cooler surprised to hear this but smiles maybe they're a little too confident in their own strength he disappears from Sudden fighting kakron and kakarot's actually impressed his power is keeping up with Supreme Saiyan but it's fine he has stronger forms and Raditz and granola are there too but kakar looks down at the surface a few more coolers pop up with them starting to fight Raditz and granola wait there's more than one the cooler were fighting Kakarot laughs he can make as many as he needs he tells them they'll also make perfect batteries for what he has in mind he had the bigetty star before but now he's looking for bigger things now he's aiming to make a big Getty Galaxy of sorts taking over multiple solar systems for himself using it to amass immense amounts of strength and not only will they be perfect batteries for him but at the same time he can enact his revenge finally getting rid of the two of them if he can make infinite copies of himself they're gonna need to reserve their power so attack rat transforms but doesn't use his full power going into Super Saiyan God and radus used this cue to do the same with granola fully powering up as well he tries to focus these are machines so finding vital points may be different from when he finds them in actual living people but he still probably can there has to be some sort of weak point somewhere and he looks around the metal coolers do have weak points but every time one of them is destroyed it just regenerates learning from them but granola realizes he's looking in the wrong place oatmeal tells him these are just copies they need to look for the source of the copies and granola starts starting his eyes around and up in space he sees some faintly very far away that might be the source of it a satellite flying around the solar system one that seems to be the source of all these he jumps up in the air looking at the two brothers he says they need to buy him some time cacker on the rad is tell him they got him but wait he's gonna go up out in space alone and granola says he'll be fine technically he hasn't really been confirmed to be able to breathe in space or not but he did have that one fight on that asteroid before so I'm gonna go with that and say he can't he flies out into space and one of the metal cooler tries to stop him but kakaron Rod is protected they tell cooler his fight is with them and he laughs their friend is smart for escaping they're not gonna be so lucky he'll let that Cerulean go and he could probably find him later too and attack run rats go with this idea yeah he's just retreating but they're not they're gonna stay here to fight and cooler is fine with this he wants to kill them anyways that's what's important right now more clones of metal cooler pop up individually they can't really contend against these Super Saiyan Gods but collectively they're starting to push the two of them back the brothers are still holding back some of their power but they realize they're gonna have to possibly use a little bit more thankfully though they have just the thing for this wire shoot up from the plant below trying to drag the two brothers down to use them as batteries a swarm of metal coolers flies toward them as well Kakarot looks over at his brother it's now or never and Radice agrees they'll use their full power The Ore of a Super Saiyan God encapsulates them but the aura starts morphing becoming a bluish greenish color kakarot's hair grows out with his eyes slightly morphing too and as for rabbits his hair becomes less like hair and more like fire a bluish green flame they fully power up and just from their auras alone all the metal coolers around them right now are destroyed and they fully unleash their shrink the entire planet collapses from this alone and the two are left out in space two beacons of light that granola can see from far away this is the power of a Super Saiyan God combined with their ultimate forms supreme god Kakarot and infernal God Rags but the fight's not over yet an army of coolers comes from other planets too and they're more than ready they Barrel through the entire Army of them jumping around from planet to planet fighting the waves of them as they come along this is amazing they're having a ton of fun doing this too it's a great test for their power and such as throw throwing battle too they never thought they'd be able to fight this many people at once it's awesome they go to one of the nearby planets the largest one in the system trying to coax all the metal coolers to get as far away from granola as possible granola flies out into space getting closer and closer to that satellite but as he gets closer he is not what he thought he was he assumed it was a moot being taken over by the bigetty star kind of like those planets but no this is a purely artificial Mass it's just a giant body of metal and as he gets closer he sees something Illuminating from the other side it's where the weak point is he could feel it wires start shooting out of the body of metal and he's barely able to dodge it but then he sees the other side of it and he has no clue of what he's looking at it's it's a face he sees two eyes on this massive Moon and it turns towards a planet where Kakarot and rabbits are they see an ominous red glow in the sky and then they hear someone talking with them telepathically it's granola he tells him to jump off the planet now as they look closer at the glow they can kind of make out what looks like Cooler's face a massive laser is launched down to the planet with the two brothers barely being able to dodge they jump out of either side by the laser trying to fly around it converging at that Moon where they find granola so this is the source of all that but they realize too if they're gonna defeat cooler they're gonna need to get rid of his materials too thankfully it doesn't seem like any of these planets are inhabited their best idea is to just destroy all those planets nearby the two start launching blast powerful ones that have no key control behind them just to destroy the planets and that giant Moon starts to morph turning into a giant metal cooler the scale of it is insane broken Nola can clearly see where the weak point is he can find the chip the AI That's directing it all it's within the head the same spot where they see an actual piece of cooler one of his eyes part of his face if they could aim for that and destroy it maybe they can get rid of this madness that's where the core is the brothers try and use their power once more glowing brilliantly out in space more metal coolers will spawn from the giant one and they look at granola he tells them not to worry about him he'll be able to keep up he's coded by a fiery Aura too tapping into all his godly power he's still aiming for a form of his own but for now he can at least utilize the godly power with his double red-eyed form the three all launch up avoiding the waves of metal coolers on the way tearing through that the massive eyes launched more lasers down at them with the trio being barely able to dodge it granola goes in front of them directing them towards where the weak point is he tells them they probably only have one shot at this summon all their power coalesced into one point the three of them all start charging key in their fist this is their only chance at this granola looks back at them seeing if they're ready and they not he charges up and then flies right upwards sticking a fist out coated in a key the two brothers follow behind in the lot with the two then appearing on each side of granola they rapidly Rush towards the head with their three fists right next to each other more coolers start to try and swarm them but before they can get close they get disintegrated and they make their way up to the top their fists connect all at once penetrating right through the head granola guides them too as they head right into the core they find themselves in a massive open area only illuminated by their key it's inside land but they see right in the middle the core with one last charge they burst right through it coming out of the other side of the head too and quickly they turn around trying to all launch a massive blast at once the giant cooler lets out a metallic shriek death in by the vacuum of space it starts collapsing and the three of them use all their energy for that attack but they're gonna need a little bit more energy just to escape Radice tells them fly now he launches off in the opposite direction with the other two following him and the giant mass starts collapsing massive rays of energy are shot out from it as the core explodes thankfully they're able to safely escape and defeat metal cooling but now they're a bit annoyed they are so close to Turtles and they used all their energy to fight cooler well at least it was a good way to test out their power but it seems they're gonna need to heal up once more damn it that would have been perfect whis then appears nearby he was watching the entire time and realized that they're gonna need a ride back maybe this time they won't turn down his Transportation yeah yeah they should have just listened to him whis grabs them taking them back to beerus's planet where they can be restored and thankfully this bot turtle is just enough time his army begins finishing the project after all this time it's finally complete Turtles didn't even know what exactly just happened now but he sends the battle out in space and he definitely felt Radice and kakarot's energy too they might be making their moves soon and this is perfect timing he now has a new power of his own a way that he's going to be able to defeat them one of the scientists from his army hands him a fruit it looks strange different from the other ones it's pinkish in color it was grown from a seed taken from a nearby star and it was planted within that piece of Majin Buu absorbing all the power from that they're able to genetically engineer this a fruit not only with the power from a star but from Majin but it kind of looks disgusting but Turtles doesn't care he takes a bite out of it and it feels a sensation he's never felt before this is unlike anything he's had his eyes wide the power of Majin Buu consumes him it feels magic coursing through him a new type of energy instead of using Majin Buu's power as a weapon he decided why not use Majin Buu's power for himself Infuse it within him and this was his master plan now Begins the birth of Majin Turles after gaining this brand new power turles's Conquest continues he's waiting for them he can't sense their energy anymore he doesn't know where they've gone but he just assumed they're in hiding somehow and even when he tries to use high-powered scouters to try and Scout everything Across the Universe he can't sense Kakarot or his friends but one day someone attacks the neo-crusher corps on one of their planets a spaceship lands soldiers immediately surround it but for some reason they just all fall to the ground seemingly like they had their life drained out of them an old decrepit goat man steps off the ship this place will have just enough power for him especially that one person he sends turless if he could steal turless's power surely he'll be unstoppable this is Moro the planet the original plan to eat it before Turtles when he gets word of an intruder Turles and Broly head down seeing this man standing there tarless and moro's eyes connect and Moro wastes no time he lifts a hand a plume of lava shoots out of the ground a perfect distraction as more jumps through it then grabbing onto Turtles he holds Turles up but Turles kicks him in the stomach knocking mower back and it's strange Moore should have been able to steal his energy just now but he couldn't he grabs a nearby Soldier telekinetically pulling the soldier towards him as he drains the energy out of him and turtles can see and sense all this happening wait is this another magic user and Moro confirms he's the greatest magician of them all and turless laughs he's not so sure about that but this is interesting imagine if you took this guy's power somehow Broly gets ready to attack too but Turlock says he's gonna need to sit this one out Turtles can already tell this guy could steal people's energy and Turles tells more that's his job all these planets under his Conquest all these places that he's been to that energy belongs to him the two Clash and Moore's absorption still doesn't work against turless and Turtle sets more room in a little secret that little technique has probably would have been helpful but little does Moro know he has the power of Majin Buu inside of it all that magic and he could feel Moro trying to steal his power but he was able to resist Majin Buu and Moro could feel that power in him part of that power of the Grand Supreme Kai as well he doesn't even have time to question what's happening since he's pretty much no match for turless even in his base form without being able to take any energy Moro can't grow any stronger and he's defeated right away Turtles would have loved to take his power but he's not so sure how to yet from having the abilities of Majin Buu he could feel that he could absorb people but he's just not sure how to utilize his powers yet he has them within him he just doesn't know how to access it had Moro arrived a few weeks later maybe Turtles would have a hang of it but he couldn't have this guy waiting around absorbing all his soldiers while he tries to learn this technique another ship lands nearby the soldiers get ready to attack it but they see the Insignia on the side it's the galactic Patrol and just one person steps off and turtles Chuckles does the lack of Patrol think they could stop the Neo Crusher core especially with just one person but the man speaks he was just here to find more but it seems Turles has already solved that issue but Maris also has a second mode of being here it's good that Moore was gone because now the others won't have to worry about it he's acting kind of as a beacon for whis and as he waits there a pillar of light appears nearby we centers in with kakrot rabbits and granola also beerus is there too just because he kind of wanted to watch the fight first hand Rhys covertly thanks Mayors for keeping tulis in one spot and Turles has no clue what's going on but beerus introduces himself he's the God of destruction of this universe and these are his students or we students for that matter he's heard this guy's been causing a lot of trouble for them and now they're gonna have their final encounter internal success is pretty humorous he's heard of the God of destruction but if anything he's the new God of destruction here bears doesn't take too kindly to this all that power is getting to his head making him too cocky normally he'd erase someone on the spot for saying something that bold but he has to leave turless for these three he does have a wager with Turles though beat these seconds then beat him and maybe Turtles can be considered a God of destruction by then the group's surprised to hear this but we says he's just trying to rioterless up the fight is necessary for the brothers and acts as a test for the three beerus wants nothing held back for them so he wants to make Turles go in as strong as possible using his full strength Turles then turns to the others smiling he's glad to finally see them again Kakarot his old partner Raditz that weakling that escaped a while ago and the Cerulean who he doesn't really know seems they have a new friend but he tells them a topless they won't be able to contend with him for now and kakra simply says Turles is pathetic he keeps relying on all these other ways to get power he's not even himself anymore he's been spending all this time consuming power from stars and planets the little has he realized that power has consumed him it's not the other way around sure he and ratus took some shortcuts with her Godly heat and right I just had to eat that fruit during the last battle but it was out of necessity they've gained their strength through their own ways through hard work they've obtained rightfully and they know how to utilize it properly turless doesn't care as long as he reigns Supreme it doesn't matter how he gains the power it's just a means to an end and that end justifies the means they don't realize how strong he's grown both empowered influenced and he wonders how would have things been if he and Kakarot actually stuck together well he knows Kappa I probably would have made a move against him but if they actually remain as colleagues the crusher Duo it doesn't matter now though he already has a new partner he calls on Broly glad to finally formally introduce him to the others this is Broly his newest partner and his strongest Soldier a say is stronger than anyone else can imagine well stronger than anyone besides Turles of course and Turles reaches on his back there's a pouch there and he pulls something out it's a fruit one from one of the nearby Stars he tosses it to Broly he's been waiting for Broly to try this and now is the perfect opportunity he trusts Broly could handle him especially with turles's new power Broly holds the fruit looking down a little bit nervous and turlesson sticks a hand out of him coating him in some weird in case that fruit doesn't take effect right away this will allow him to survive out in space he knows they're gonna take the battle there immediately and beers turns back to the group remember what he said before if they don't win this he may as well take Turtles as his new rival and Kakarot Chuckles that's not gonna happen the five all Ascend up with whisen beerus following nearby acting as Spectators the group can immediately tell though something's weird about that Broly guy not just his power just his demeanor he doesn't act like any of them have in the past at least the Saiyans he seems so different thurles turns to Broly commanding him eat the fruit now and Broly doesn't really want to he doesn't know how it's gonna affect him but he doesn't really have a choice here reluctantly he takes a bite of the fruit as eyes wide his power soars far beyond where it was before a red Aura encapsulates him but that aura it shifts to a greenish color he screams as he Powers him growing massively in size the group can't believe it what is the strength this can't just be from the fruit alone Broly has Unleashed his full power and then some feel healed by the fruits and this leaves Broly in an easily corruptable State Turles decides to test something out trying to cast a spell on bone trying to possess him somehow Broly is unrestrained but with turles's magic he could restrain bowling controlling get that power under his command they have no clue what Turles is doing they've never seen him try something like this Broly launches him towards them the first to fight wait turless isn't gonna get involved he tells him there's no need Broly will defeat them first the group all powers up granola goes into his double red eye full while the brothers go into Super Saiyan God and this is what happened cool turtles can tell now this is why he sends them briefly and their powers disappeared it was this form for some reason he can't feel the energy from and Broly's strength is immeasurable but with three of them fighting him at once they feel they have a shot at Victory here they have excellent control over their Godly Powers too and even though Broly's being controlled by turless he's still a little bit of a loose cannon he has a specific Target in the mind but he's fighting sloppily this is one of his first true battles the first time he's unleashing his full power as well not to mention the power of the fruit of the tree of money it's only natural that he won't be able to handle it immediately tearless watches on confident he had a feeling that Broly probably wouldn't be able to defeat it it doesn't really matter though he already has a backup plan as the fight goes on he starts trying to morph himself trying to practice with boost power he's only had a little bit of practice with us before and he was hoping he'd have a little bit more time and then he sees he's able to do it his hand it turns to goo be able to stretch it out make it to whatever shape he wants he purposely was using Broly first as basically an appetizer for them but really it's a way to buy him just a little bit more time with his pal as Broly continues fighting he slowly is losing energy it's just like what Rod has experienced before the power of the fruit is too much to handle even with a body like brolies his energy is depleting fast although his full power form is still there still strong but they can actually see the energy leaking out of bully besides just that green ore around him there's a fiery ore one that was pretty large before but is shrinking with every second that passes it's a flame burning out and they could use it as an indicator to see how much power bully has left the three are able to defeat broke knocking him unconscious as he floats out there in space with turlo surprise damn he just needed a few more minutes and surprisingly they don't kill Broly immediately well Kakarot decides not to and rad is a surprise yes why but kakron says there's no point it would be cowardly to kill him while he's in a state like this and also there's something strange about him he was being controlled by Turtles he wonders if maybe maybe he could be spammed it was very apparent that he didn't want to be there and rad is a surprise the old Kakarot he knew probably would have just killed Broly on site but he's giving this other say in a second chance although Caprock plays it off as him just not wanting to kill Broly while he's unconscious Turles then flies up grabbing bull it seems this is working in his favor and he says they're going to regret that they have no clue what he means what regret not killing Broly he's not gonna do anything he's unconscious and turla says it's not because of that he tries his hardest trying to use all his power as he holds Broly his arm against morphing turning into a pink slime that wraps around bully their jaws drop what the hell is this and turless begins more laughing this is his true Soul power this is what he's been working towards all this time Anonymous or around him as the pink slime surrounds bull there's a brilliant flash of light and then they see turtles standing there bullies nowhere to be seen but turless looks completely different with this form he can summon all of his power and utilize Broly's for himself having absorbed him he looks at them triumphantly this is the birth of true Majin turless the three Fighters attack him all at once using their Godly Powers but their attacks are doing nothing against turless he just tanks them standing there like he took nothing for damage and Kakarot reiter is what he said before he was speaking figuratively before saying that the power consumed hurless but he was more right than he thought it actually has consumed him this isn't even turless anymore turless is Kakarot with a powerful punch then grab it onto him he loves to take kakarot's power for himself they know to not get close to him now and they don't actually know it but thankfully for them Turtles can't really use his power too easily so hopefully they're safe from absorption but it looks like now they can't hold anything back Raditz and Kakarot power up show him off their new Strength infernal God Raditz and supreme god Kakarot and turless face twists into a grip yes show case their full power this is gonna be amazing no matter what they do they won't be able to defeat it granola tries locating any vital points he can find on turless and he can see some but they keep shifting around changing and he notices something interesting too one specific weak point that isn't changing he wonders what will happen if he strikes that but he's gonna need a little bit more speed he has Godly key but he doesn't have the same Godly Powers with the other two have if he doesn't awaken his power now he's never going to because they'll die the three will start fighting turlas with Gorilla having a bit of a tough time keeping up cataract launches in being the first to clash with him the Shockwave from it destroys the nearby planet's not even caring that so many of his soldiers just die rather stashes around behind turless hitting him from the other side careless turns around looking at Raditz too he tells him it's time to turn it up a notch he launches upwards turning into a brilliant streak of light as the three following they start clashing all around the solar system it's pretty buried given the fact that Turles actually destroyed most of these planets with their tree of mud and every time they Clash they destroy more of the solar system causing the star to collapse too they're moving at brilliant speeds as Turles tries to fend the three of them off and everything is shaking beers and we Swatch on nearby and beers is a bit nervous and whis asks why he looks so anxious all of a sudden but beerus says it's not because he thinks they're going to lose it's because he thinks they're using too much power they're going to destroy the universe at this rate at one point Kakarot able to hit Turles with a full power blast and disintegrates a part of him but Turles is able to slowly regenerate from it this comes as a surprise to them although it's not terrible there's a weakness to this his regeneration was so slow he still doesn't have a full control and Turles is amazed that he even has this regeneration but there is another issue with it too when he regenerates he gets a Zen gun feeling empowered from this attack they need to destroy him all at once they can't have any pieces of them left that regeneration could be an issue if he grows any stronger from it that's what they need to watch out for the battle starts speeding up they Dash around the Galaxy going out to the vacuum of space between galaxies too every time there's a clash between turlos and one of the three Fighters it creates a brilliant explosion with everyone moving so quickly that it leaves streaks of light Across the Universe Kakarot tells ratus to buy him some time and he acknowledges he goes in close to turless fighting him one-on-one with granola jumping in two to assist him he stretches his arms out and in each hand he charges a key blast he slowly brings his arms together condensing it a Godly kill driver a brilliant ring of energy forms around him too is a condenses he charges all his energy into it and then launches it right at terms the attack has launched at immense speed but just in the nick of time Turtles is able to get rats and granola often launching his own blast right back at it the attacks Collide exploding and it's like everything shatters around them beers and Wheats are watching on they see a portal generated from that oh crap they might have just broken reality the four Fighters I'll find them somewhere weird another dimension Turles doesn't even question he launches right back in at that clashing once again each time they exchange blows the dimension shatters more around him turtle is his Capron on the face with a punch the dimensional shackles they see beerus and it looks like Kakarot but he's wearing some different outfits and he's in Super Saiyan God the two of them are fighting before they even have time to question it Raditz have surlist again another Shadow they see Broly fighting some Saiyan with blue hairless strikes Radisson retaliation another shatter and Turles can wreck Majin Buu he looks different though and he's fighting some Saiyan that has an outfit similar to kakarot's but not quite boo is screaming breaking reality too granola strikes turless Kakarot tells him to stop a moment they have no clue what's going on they keep going through different realities they see Kakarot with pink hair fighting Vegeta of all people they see some Dragon looking dude fighting a guy with red hair and a tail a Saiyan maybe they don't know another clap once again Kakarot Raditz and what looks like their father this is getting too crazy for them then they see turless in a different outfit fighting a turless that has a tail and fur and stuff they need to focus on their fight but at the same time they need to get back maybe if they just keep attacking they'll break reality back to where it was before Turtles tackles kakra and they go through multiple Dimensions just from this alone Radisson granola try to follow but they can't they weren't brought with those two turtles and kakrat are alone in their own universe and there's a man floating out there in space near them he turns around shocked it's cooler and is that Goku he's looking at why does he have that color hair he's never seen that before and that outfit this is too much for them to handle back in the that other dimension Raditz and granola are there alone they try and clash with each other seeing if they can break reality on their own they didn't realize how strong they've gotten but they try it and it works the two of them are each sent to a different place Raditz recognize where he ends up he's on Earth it looks like and granola's there too but he doesn't recognize the place and he can't find Raditz anywhere they inadvertently made things worse separating each other in different dimensions radis looks around trying to sense anyone he can and his power must have set up some alarms because immediately somebody comes up nearby it's Kakarot and he greets rabbits surprises he rathers back in his Saiyan Armor Raditz has no clue what he's talking about are these realities each a place where things went differently they've seen so many weird things and then someone else flies up the Raditz can't believe what he see it is that him another radish lands nearby he looks over at kakron or who the main radish thinks is Catherine they might have another Vegeta black on the raids meanwhile in granola's dimension he's facing a similar predicament he found Kakarot again for some reason going by the name Goku and then he sees himself in a completely different get him where the hell are they what even is this kakron throws are about to kill you their fight but that cooler that was there with them he decides he wants to join it too deciding to help cap Heron and Katherine wasn't concerned about cooler until he transformed showing off some weird Platinum looking for is this metal cooler again apparently he's on kakarot's side so he's not really gonna question beerus and Reese are still there in the main universe whis is looking through his staff he can't find them it's just like beerus thought they broke reality but in a much different way than he expected at least this universe is fine but he wonders if they're gonna make it back Turtles looks at kakrat in the alternate version of cooler his theory is that they became so powerful that they were breaking through Dimensions this isn't their universe that's not the cooler that they know and Kakarot can actually kind of tell this that Ki doesn't feel like cooler and coolers has the same thing that key doesn't feel like Goku's kakra has no clue of who Goku is and he has no clue of how cool there's alive when they just killed him this kind of bubs cooler out they killed him in another universe and here he was thinking they're all friends in every Universe how's Goku going to do him like that well he talks it up to this being some multiversal thing but it's much more than that they're not just in a different Universe they're in a different dimension a different continuity or events happen completely differently and it's not just these two either cooler prepares to fight alongside kakron an odd combo this may not be Goku but in his eyes it's close enough let's go over to Raditz now or actually the two raditzes Radice is in a pretty weird continuity well at least in his eyes here kakron apparently hit his head as a kid growing up on Earth and turning to some guy named doke Raditz eventually tried to retrieve him and nearly died in a fight against his brother but now lives here and is pretty close with the goke to distinguishes too our radius will simply be called Raditz and the other one will be called Survivor rabbits because that's the series he's from from what survivor Raditz understands they're apparently fighting and broke through Dimensions they didn't even realize that was possible and Goku has an idea what if they're able to create a collision strong enough to have that happen again it could Propel radish through Dimensions once more the thing is they were fighting out in space not worried about destroying anything around them which is why they accidentally broke stuff Survivor Raditz and Goku never encounter this because most of their fights took place on planets that they weren't trying to blow up so they had to exercise a lot of key control for that well rad is telling he gets the concept of that but still that's gonna be an issue because if they need a closer strong enough to break Dimensions again won't that blow up this planet too not to mention that other rat is gonna have to be pretty strong isn't he Survivor Raditz laughs at this he tells his alternate self go on show him what power he has and Raditz goes into his infernal God form that is absurd they didn't realize a form like that existed radish tries to explain it it's a Godly version of a form attained from the fruit of the Tree of Might grown on a star Survivor riots and Goku have no idea of what that means but it does sound pretty cool so Survivor right is decides to show his own power so if this rabbit knows about Godly key and stuff he must know beerus right well of course that's how he got this power Survivor rad says he went down a very different path for beerus coded by purple Flames showcase an ultra Eagle he says Goku has his own unique form too but Alter Ego should be more than enough to help you and radus is amazed to see himself so strong in this other continuity well that's expected from himself and the two are ready to clash it could be pretty fun meanwhile granola was facing a pretty similar predicament he ended up on this planet Earth a place that he's heard about from Kakarot and Raditz apparently both he and Kakarot were sent here as a kid because kakarot's father of all people sent them here this is all news to him when I don't never mentioned Bardock still even after seeing Kakarot and argan oil has no idea of how the other granola ended up here which we'll just refer to as Earth granola because that's also the scenario from they eventually come to the same conclusion of the two radices try and recreate that Clash expel enough energy to break Dimension and said granola back to where he came from that or use the dragon balls but I have no clue if they'll be powerful enough for them but granola has a weird issue he feels like he doesn't have enough power to actually accomplish that he's been lagging behind the others and he wasn't the one to cause that dimensional break in the first place an earth girl was surprised to hear this well he should be pretty strong at least I mean he's trained with Godly he and all and surely by this point he has super Cerulean super what super surely and what Earth granola shows off this for Argan Oil had no idea he could even transform this comes as a shock to Earth granola and Goku and Goku steps in don't the other Saiyans have a Super Saiyan at least well yeah they do apparently but they don't really use that form anymore so that's strange granola never got a form for himself and surely he doesn't have Ultra Instinct either and that goes completely over his head he doesn't know what that is either so both Goku and Earth granola show that off a griddle looks on dumbfounded he has multiple Transformations and it's something that like Luis has he's completely lost physically and mentally here Earth granola says his ultimate self could obtain this power he could after all obviously it's not going to happen quickly though but maybe granola and Goku can just Clash together and that'll be enough to send granola back to where he belongs yeah that could work but granola's kind of annoyed at his weakness seeing how strong he's grown in other timelines and how strong everyone else is around him hell even in this timeline kakarot's still strong even though he went to Earth and like hit his head and forgot who he was and whatever and apparently he and Kakarot are brothers in this universe too strange but makes sense because they grew up together here apparently but more so granola's focused on the fact that he feels weak now Goku and Earth can only begin their battle and in another dimension Ultra ego Survivor rabbits faces infernal God rats those who are at least having fun now let's go back to kakra hay and cooler begin fighting together and it's weird getting used to fighting alongside cooler his fighting style is so different not to mention he has some like robot thing installing him the big Getty star he calls him holy crap wait that's the thing that they just blew up cooler says it sounds like he was a pretty bad guy in that other universe and kakara says yeah he was I mean he absorbed an entire solar system and tried to kill them with it and you know what cooler respects that that sounds pretty awesome although he assures kakra he's not gonna do that here and that's the weirdest part to kathrock the fact that cooler is good here the guy that died twice against him the guy that literally came back from the dead just to try to kill him albeit on intentionally and Kohler says he faced an evil version of his future self before so this cooler is actually the anomaly the good one all coolers are supposed to be evil apparently but this one vows to help Kakarot no matter who he is whether he's Goku Kakarot anything that's one of his greatest Rivals and allies one of his closest friends even if he's not from this timeline and more importantly they're facing some evil sight they need to eliminate this threat regardless turless is restrained by the powers of the big Getty star with cooler controlling all stuff around him grabbing nearby asteroids and liquefying them using it to hold turless and preventing him from attacking materials is able to break free any comments on this aside from what he's hearing kakarot's pretty pathetic in this universe he's some good guy living on Earth friends with cooler of all people and cooler doesn't take too kind any of us an insult against him and one of his friends as this battle continues they suddenly feel Rumble which is weird because they're out in the vacuum of space there's a massive explosion nearby someone broke reality again and attack Rock can't believe it's Raditz radish jump through the portal and behind it Kakarot sees that there's another radish with purple hair and then kakarot's also there too wearing like an orange outfit or whatever Survivor Raditz and Goku looked at the portal too so that's how Goku turns out if he doesn't hit his head wow weird Survivor rattus lights up a cigar and gives himself a thumbs up defeat that turless bastard whoever the hell he is the portal then closes and radiss thanks himself so rad is found cowcrow which is good but Cooler's here for some reason and Cat promises he's a good guy here apparently but now they need to find granola where'd he go and cooler says there's no time to question that just fight this guy and Turles actually agrees too obviously because he doesn't care who lives and dies and now Turtles is really losing ground not only is he fighting Kakarot but he's fighting against cooler and Raditz too and this version of cooler is really strong too careless has no frame of reference for the other cooler but his mind is blown his Majin Powers aren't able to keep up with this and then he realizes something strange too his Majin Powers give him regenerative abilities but he doesn't have a complete grasp on them it's like when he tried to absorb Broly before it was tough to get in control of him he's able to regenerate from minor injuries but it actually takes a little bit of time to do so and a good amount of stamina too had this battle happen a little later maybe he would have had a full grasp on him but he's not going to give up obviously but once more they feel that same rumbling another crack nearby kakron rats are elated that must be granola they see a blur of light fly to the portal and behind it they see Kakarot wearing that same orange outfit again with granola wearing a different outfit too both of whom have white hair now that alternate version of kakron and granola have a confused look on their face by that Earth version of granola smiles and then the portal closes Kakarot rabbits look around and eventually they do see it granola's there but he looks different from before both of his eyes are red like normal and he's surrounded by an intense Godly Aura but notably his hair is a different color it's an orangish color with help from his alternate self and tapping into his anger he was able to summon some of his latent power finally Awakening a new form that'll help him in this battle he's still not in kakron and raditz's level this is his first time unlocking a new form after all too but it's a good stepping stone and they're glad to see him powered up now although he's not too happy to see cooler cooler really hates how he's being judged by everybody he tells him just focus on that evil dude and granola says not only is he stronger but he knows exactly how to defeat Turles now he tried to do this before but didn't have the power of speed to do so he tells the other to hold turless offering and they do exactly that cooler tries to restrain him again while kakron and Raditz they try and use their powers to hold him in place binding him with their key Turles desperately tries to break free as grenola charges up granola then appearing right in front of turless striking him right in a vital point the power of this does two things one it breaks Dimensions again hopefully it sends them back home and two the striker moves Broly from turless freeing him from the absorption as the four of them are all sucked into the portal cathart looks back at cooler and laughs thanking him for helping in the fight wondering if you'll ever see that cooler again the portal closes and cougars left there just dumbfounded he never even realized that was possible but he Powers down and smiles good luck Goku Kakarot whoever he is and now we follow the four Fighters back to where they came from they're back in their main Dimension actually beers and whis are still standing there and beerus's jaw drops they're back he can't believe it and Kakarot looks over asking if that's really them and beer says they're in the right place what the hell happened and is granola in a new form he watches granola and rats hold off turless with Broly floating there unconscious well they'll explain later but he asked beerus and whis get that Broly guy out of here he's gonna die in the vacuum space kakara has something in mind for him later turtle is fumed he's losing now he doesn't have Broly's power anymore he can't regenerate himself as efficiently as he thought and his deep Fighters are overwhelming him one even grew stronger his rage is fuel again his key Burns even more intense than before and Aura swirls around his fist as he charges a powerful attack he could still win here he knows it first that's really he tries with all his might to liquefy himself again surprise him able to stretch an arm out wrapping it around Raditz and fooling her away and his key charge up in the other fist he launches towards Grinnell hitting him Square in the face transferring all the energy through that punch knocking him completely unconscious and godilla sent barreling into a nearby planet and as Kakarot rushes back over tiller starts facing rats he tries again to stretch his arm out trying to wrap it around rabbits maybe he could absorb him but his Kakarot flies in he launches a blast to slice turtles's arm off freeing radish from there and Turles desperately tries to regenerate their arm while he tries to fend off the two brothers with unarmed and that ends up working his armor generates and he does so in a way so it launches towards rabbits regenerating as he lunges it forward to punch him Square in the face too Raditz is bloody and beaten but he's not gonna give it up everyone's running out of energy and it took a lot out of radish trying to break dimensions on his own fighting with that Ultra ego version of himself it was worth it because it got him back here but at the same time he he was a little bit injured from it and worn out and that gives Turles an opening to knock Raditz out too as he plunges towards the planet below attack on table of land and blow and turless with Turles striking at the same time the clash of the two Nazis with them back as they weekly Rush towards each other once more kakar delivers a punch and Taylor tries to catch it wrestling with Turles then delivering a powerful duck he got kakarak good but Kakarot then needs him in the stone and kakar wraps his arms around turless barreling down towards that nearby planet with granola and Raditz he flings Turles down into the ground generating a massive crater Kakarot levitates there Breathing heavily and he Rockets downwards once more Turtles tries to stand up in the crater defending against Kakarot as it barrels down towards him the two are now brawl no key blast just a melee battle turless even D transforms going to his normal evil Saiyan form Kakarot D transforms he's gone for this too and turless Chuckles this brings him back the two of a fist fight beating each other down even more and more both can barely stand bloodied and beaten turless coughs up blood trying to prop himself up again he weakly smiles and Chuckles kakron drops into his base form turless does too Turtles toast it's time they finish this Kakarot smiles and the two weekly run towards each other cocking their fists back ready to attack each other but at the very last moment Kakarot feels a burst of energy his hair grows out once more that evil sayonor reappears had Turtle seats not too far away behind Kakarot there's a blooded and beaten rat standing up who just launched a ball of his energy towards kakron letting his brother the last of his power radus wishes kakra good luck as he falls to the ground unconscious once more Kakarot lands the final strike an uppercut right to turles's gut and with the last of his power he launches a key blast through it too tearing the holder turns Turtles his eyes wide he looks down shaking as he falls to the ground but also weekly smiling once more Kakarot Powers down again and the two collapse at the ground attack that week he tries to prop himself up crawling over towards terrorists careless is desperately trying to regenerate himself but he can't he's too weak he has no control over the Regeneration to do so either pateros looks over at kakra after this long they finally did it they finally had an all-out battle and they finally settled the score he tells kaklan surprisingly he's actually pretty proud of it a low-class warrior coming this far Turtles hates to admit it but Kakarot sought out power purely to referred after they parted weights and still managed to grow powerful without the same shortcuts that Turles took the crusher Duo could have been so strong if they stuck together but each of them chose this battle careless made his own bed and he'll lie it Takara lifts himself up standing with barely able to keep himself upright as he looks down at Curtis he doesn't even know what to say here but Turles tells Capron he accepts his fate This Is A Warrior's death he went out doing what he loved fight fighting an opponent that was made to battle him like this they were destined to me destined to have this battle and this outcome was destined and kakron watches his turless struggles to regenerate that area that would blow out of him careless tells kakra he's truly changed he resents it but he says they're both Prime examples of the say and race regardless with a smile on his face turless tells kakrot well done telling him to carry that Pride with him and slowly his eyes shut and Terrace dies with that same smile on his face Kakarot looks down feeling conflicted about the whole thing they did it they finally won he can't even believe him he falls backwards sitting down and he just sits there next to turles's lifeless body he hears nothing but wit there's Dead Silence but here's the ground crunching nearby Raditz barely able to stand is walking over and his eyes wided he did it Kakarot tells rabbits it's weird after this encounter with turless it makes him reminisce it's not like he regrets not being in the crusher Duo it just makes him realize all the alliances he started and lost he's glad to have held onto this one with Radice at least and glad to be here with him but at the same time it makes Kakarot realize what little he has left they were working towards this goal of power and this goal of feeding turless but what now where do they go from here someone else walks over it's granola and Smiles he's glad to have found them and even happier to see the turless is defeated beer is in Wasteland nearby with an unconscious pool and beerus immediately starts berating them they're lucky they didn't destroy anything but at the same time he congratulates them well done that was actually a pretty fun fight to watch but granola and rat is a surprise that Broly's still there and Kakarot says there is no point in killing me it's like he said before and who knows maybe he could be another rival a successor to Turles but someone who isn't like turless they don't know yet they might be risky but kakar thinks it'll be worth it they prepare to leave and Catherine looks over at Turles one last time he has a smile he died doing what he liked even who was obviously bad he had a purpose in life and he fulfilled it and cackerel immense what are his goals now will he be able to find that same sort of Solas that Turles found and as they leave radus looks to beerus and ask about that power that he saw apparently another version of him had purple hair with some form called Alter Ego he's never heard of a name but it sounded like a destroyer's power yeah and then granola mentions too an ultimate version of him had Ultra Instinct okay that name beerus actually does know of but he had Ultra Instinct granola and he didn't realize granola had that in him same for Cochran not to mention rat is apparently having his own power the power of a destroyer interesting he'll definitely keep that in mind and now everybody actually does have new goals Broly ends up on beerus's planet too he's hostile at first but they could tell he's a strong Saint and it would be a waste to just kill him like that and he was obviously only with turless because he didn't really have another choice but Katherine really wants to see what he's made of a fellow Saiyan like that someone who even beerus is interested and due to his power but now everyone's in a new chapter of their lives granola wants to aim for that Ultra Instinct thing ratatwan's Ultra ego Broly wants to well just fit in here in general it has for Kakarot he surprisingly leaves beerus's Planet going to Earth to seek answers he knows exactly who to talk to his old friend ten shinham the crane school guided him to where he was and he found his own answers so maybe if Kaka consults him he'll find something for himself look at him he has friends he's respected he's found a purpose in life and he feels content with himself ideologically Kakarot can't really say he has any of those besides the friends Punk but when he arrives early Ten's glad to see him again but he's wearing a completely new outfit similar to the one that Krillin and Yamcha had it's orange while Kaka was gone they started a new martial arts school the Neo total School led by him with roshi providing guidance and Krillin shout to and Yamcha also being teachers too those other humans come over as well wondering why kakarot's back and he tells him everything and they can barely wrap their minds around it Kaka remembers back to when he was in the Korean school it was a bad influence on him but he still felt like he belonged there he had a purpose training with Gods is great but maybe he'll belong here just like he did before his past conquests are over his search for Power can continue but he really got it to defeat Turles so where does he go for now seeking that power would still be fun but maybe he needs to seek something else those other two kakrats he saw through those other dimensions they seemed content somehow granted he only saw them for a few seconds but still intense Smiles hearing this welcoming Kakarot back he knows exactly how to help it's kind of overwhelming though a Godly being like him being here on Earth but here on Earth there's more to training than just raw strength and Tan's excited Kakarot no longer is going to go down that bad path that he saw as a kid he's clearly going on a better path now he's definitely changed sure he still has the same crass battle crazy saying that he was before but more nuanced Earth really did mold him in a way and 10 says he should join the neo-turtle school it really could help and you know what kakar thinks that actually might be a good idea he didn't plan on staying here for a bit but he didn't even realize this is how much Everything's changed Tana might actually be his master but first he's gonna need a new outfit those crane school clothes are outdated and kakarot's definitely not gonna wear Saiyan Armor anytime soon kakar takes some time to change and walks out a new outfit Krillin compliments him saying the outfit suits him it's almost like it was made for him in a way and 10 agrees he can barely recognize kakron but at the same time he feels like this is how he should see Catherine and Cockroach looks at himself in a mirror nearby he smiles he feels comforted for once he barely recognized himself but for some reason this looks right and he's more than ready for whatever life brings him next and here we end the story what'd you guys think about this part and the story as a whole I know it's been a long one and a crazy one so thank you for sticking through it with me if you like this video be sure to drop a like And subscribe especially if you want to see more like this anyways thanks for watching thanks for supporting the scenario and I'll see you all in my next video
Channel: Salad Saiyan
Views: 338,035
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dbs, dbz, dbz what if, discussion, dragon ball, dragon ball super, dragon ball z, explain, explained, meme, q&a, question, saiyan, salad, salad saiyan, salad snake, scenario, theory, what if, what-if, super, arc, saga, kakarot, goku, bardock, tien, tenshinhan, crane, raised, found, school, raditz, train, trained, tail, evil, turles, black, zenkai, tournament, might, tullece, crusher, corps, ssj, sdbh, dbh, granolah, broly, majin, buu, beerus, whis, ssg, god, ki, multiverse, dimension, gogeta, vegito, fusion, lssj, cooler, turned, good
Id: S-lqQTqQnlE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 231min 55sec (13915 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 10 2023
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