The Life Of Izuku Midoriya (UPDATED)

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foreign [Music] [Applause] the life of izaku midoriya my hero Academia izakumadoria also known as Deku is the main protagonist of the my hero Academia Manga and Anime series even though izuku was born quirkless he manages to catch the attention of the legendary hero almight due to his innate heroism and a strong sense of justice and has since become his close pupil as well as a student in class 1a at UA High School all might passed on his Quirk to izaku making him the ninth holder of one for all welcome to the amagi your hub for all things movies and TV from Naruto to the Harry Potter we go through all your favorites and favorites you have yet to discover before we begin we publish a new video every day so be sure to subscribe to our Channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos YouTube's been unsubscribing users from channels lately so if you're a fan of us please do us a favor and double check to see if you're still subscribed it only takes a second and it helps us a ton here at amagi and with that out of the way let's get into the video background as a child iziku greatly admired Heroes and dreamed of being a hero like his Idol Almighty once he got his Quirk however by the time children his age manifested their powers isaku still showed no signs of developing any special abilities due to that his mother took him to a doctor from whom he received the terrible news that he has two joints in his pinky toe which meant he would never have a quirk later on izuku kept watching videos of all might that night on his computer and tearfully asked his mother if he could still become a hero she hugged him and apologized words that izaku would remember as not what he wanted to hear because they made him feel inadequate to those with quirks even so izaku still kept aiming to be a hero and to get into UA High School this ambition led him to be constantly bullied and ridiculed by his childhood friend katsuki bakugou and his classmates who believed it was impossible for someone without a quirk to ever become a hero despite this izaku still considered the two of them to be friends at the time always following him around however things escalated when izaku tried to help katsuki after he fell off a small Bridge into a stream izaku offered a helping hand but katsuki's Pride caused him to take this as an insult he he believed that izuku made him appear as if he needed aid from someone who is beneath him this would strain the relationship between the two for years to come entrance exam Arc izigo is attending class at aldera Junior High while his teacher announces that all students will graduate this year once his teacher announces that izaku is attempting to get into UA as well kotsuki is shocked and Furious he berates izaku and uses his explosion Quirk to scare him claiming that someone whose quirkless can't get into UA and can't do anything at all after class kotsuki takes izaku's hero notebook Burns it and tosses it out the window izugu leaves the classroom to retrieve his notebook and recollects about how he started dreaming about being a hero as well as how he found out about his status as quirkless the same day while walking home a villain fleeing the scene of a crime encounters izaku the villain had apparently escaped all might earlier in the day the villain decided that to avoid detection he should take over izuku's body just as izaku fell into despair all might showed up and saved him stunned iziko asked for an autograph but finds all might left it for him before he could ask the questions he had on his mind in an effort to get all might to stay izaku latched onto all might's leg and hung on while he launched himself into the air after a brief struggle all might agreed with izuku that he would die if he had let go and they soon landed safely on a rooftop where izaku asked if he could become a hero without a quirk telling almight that he always wanted to be a hero and save people suddenly all might's appearance drastically changes to a more skeletal skinny form small might if you will all might reveals to the shocked young man that he was injured in a battle five years ago and can only stay in his hero form for a short period of time he goes on to tell izaku that professionals must always put their lives at stake to save the day and thus cannot openly say whether it's possible to be hero without a quirk as it may not be possible he tells iziku that it's not bad to dream but warns him not to obscure the facts and then leaves devastated at the words of his Idol izaku starts reconsidering his dream of becoming a hero his thoughts are interrupted as he gets near the scene of a villain attack izaku recognizes katsuki as the victim being being possessed by the sludge villain that had attacked him earlier and feels guilty that he might have accidentally let the villain escape from all might's possession izuku having looked at kotsuki's pleading eyes rushes towards the villain attempting to save kotsuki despite being quirkless as the sludge villain prepares to attack izaku all might inspired by the boy's action shows up and defeats the villain before izuku could get hurt the pro Heroes at the scene started berating izuku for his Reckless Behavior kotsuki became so mad that he was nearly saved by izaku that he caught up to him and told him that he wasn't saved by him at all before angrily walking away all might appeared and thanked izaku for reminding him what it means to be a hero and then explain that what he did was what most top heroes did in their younger days this made him tell iziku that he can become a hero as he offered him the chance to become one all might tells izaku he's worthy to inherit his strength and that he has the power to transfer his Quirk to people to izaku shock all might then begins to train him at the tacoba municipal beach park by moving large pieces of garbage around such as trucks large office drawers there various craters and bookshelves he explains izuku has to train his body to be strong enough to withstand the power of His Quirk otherwise it can result in izuku losing limbs after 10 months of intense training the day of the entrance exam arrives at six o'clock in the morning at the last possible second izaku moves the final piece of garbage of the entire Beach all might is amazed as izuku cleaned the whole Beach and commends him as he cuts off a piece of his hair and gives it to izaku who is surprised he has to eat it receiving his first dose a very small piece of one for all however because the entrance exam is so close izaku must hurry to the school without getting used to the power isiku arrives at UA for the entrance exam excited that he'll be able to have a chance at becoming a hero as he runs forward and trips iziku is saved by a girl's Quirk the girl says she's nervous and asks if he is as well to which he replies with a nod later during present Mike's presentation of the exam izuku gets called out by Tanya Eda for his endless mumbling which he considers improper Behavior as the Practical exam is about to start easy who gets intimidated by tenure once again this time for acting suspicious towards the girl he met before Tanya berates izaku which Garners attention from the applicants who Mumble to themselves how easygo resembled a failure for his behavior during the Practical test izaku tries to destroy a one-point robot but finds himself too afraid to even move Yuga aoyama appears and destroys the robot izuku realizes that he's running out of time suddenly a huge zero point robot appears and begins destroying the area izugu tried to run away but then he sees the same girl who helped him before on the ground about to be attacked by the zero point robot seeing her in danger izuku mustered up the courage to fight the robot and for the first time uses one for all and attacks the huge robot with a devastating punch which completely destroys it and saves the life of the girl while shocking everyone else with his feet however izaku's bones immediately break due to having never used it before and he begins falling he tries to use Detroit smash to land safely but before he could activate it the girl whose life izaku saved uses her quark allow him to land safely the Practical test is declared over much to izaku's sadness as he didn't get a single point before he passes out from exhaustion while unconscious iziku is called amazing for taking down the giant robot by his peers who wonder if he was intentionally looking weak with only Tenya noting how izaku selflessly protected the girl luckily for yazuku Recovery girl then heals his heavy injuries almost instantly one week later izaku receives a letter that will determine whether he was accepted into UA or not izaku opens the letter in his room and a screen with all might on it appears he apologizes for not contacting izuku earlier and informs him that he will be working as a teacher at UA almight tells him that he did fine on the written test but that he scored zero points during the Practical test izuku accepted this and prematurely assumed he failed however almight tells him that because of his heroic actions during the Practical test he earned 60 rescue points from teachers meaning he passed and therefore has been accepted into UA much to izaku's Joy and happiness Quirk apprehension test Arc isaku now a student of UA talks with his mother before leaving home to his first day at the school as he arrives at class 1a isaku hopes not to see either katsuki or Tenya again as he enters the classroom he finds his fears realized as he Witnesses both katsuki and Tenya arguing with each other much to his frustration Tanya approaches izuku apologizing for his treatment and congratulates him on his feet during the entrance exam right after ochako arrives at the classroom with her cheerfulness embarrassing izuku while observing the scene katsi recollects about a skirmish he had with izuku about the results of the UA entrance exam with the latter managing to show courage against his longtime bully after being threatened this is followed by the homeroom teacher Shota izawa coming into the classroom and explaining to the students about The Quirk apprehension tests that they must go through Shota further explains that whoever gets last place in the test will be expelled from UA High putting massive pressure on izaku the students are tested on the power and use of their quirks through several exercises under shoto's observation but because of his lack of control over one for all all isaku is unable to use it in most of the trials which leads him to performing below the standards set by his classmates when the time comes for the ball pitch trial iziku left with no choice tries to throw a ball as far as he can using one for all but Chota stops him by erasing The Quirk izaku recognizes him by his goggles and Powers as the hero Eraserhead Chota tells the student that with a quirk like one for all izaku will be nothing but a burden by putting himself in danger several times and that if he doesn't find a way to prevent one for all from massively crippling his own body iziku's future as a hero will be put in Jeopardy Shota then allows isaku a second chance for the pitch trial keeping shota's words in mind izaku Powers up only the end of one of his fingers and launches the ball at a considerable distance he shocks his class with his display as he tells his teacher he's still standing as Shota is impressed with his feet iziku because of his broken finger underperforms through the remaining tests eventually getting last place however after showing the results of the test Shoto reveals that he lied about the expelling in order to motivate the students to give their all calling it a logical ruse much to izaku shock while Shota is leaving he sees all might who tells Shota that he knows that he was actually planning to expel last place from UA all my Ben concludes that Shota sees the same potential in izuku that all might sees Shota shrugs off all might's words and says that the chance of izaku becoming a Great Hero is higher than zero and that he doesn't see anything more than that claiming to expel izuku if he sees his chance ever fall below that Mark at the end of the day isaku is joined by ochako and Tenya with the newly formed Trio walking back home together where ochaka tells izuku that his insulting nickname of Deku given by katsuki sounds like the Japanese word for you can do it causing him to adopt the nickname titenu's surprise izuku explained his views of his name has just changed battle trial Arc as the hero class starts Alma tells his students to wear their hero costumes and head to ground beta izaku reminisces about the time he had to order costume of his own it turned out that izaku's mother had made the costume herself by hand after looking through some of her son's annotations feeling guilt for previously not believing that iziku would become a hero and promising to always cheer for him from now on wearing said costume proudly izugu stepped into the training field iziku gets teamed up with ochako and is tasked to stop a team composed of katsuki and Tanya from blowing up a fake nuclear bomb they successfully infiltrate the building and look around the corners to see if anyone was coming where katsuki ambushes them isku manages save ochako from katsuki's attack but half of his mask is burned off in the process as katsuki is about to attack him again izuku intercepts him grabs his right arm and throws him to the ground knowing that he would use his right arm to attack iziku tells the surprise katsuki that he memorized his moves as the same notebookotsky blew up in threw away in the past contained notes of Heroes he's analyzed which includes him he isku announces that he's no longer the Deku who was a loser but the Deku whose Vibe is never giving up much to katsuki's Fury izigo tells otako to go on ahead while he fights katsuki who tries to attack him again having predicted that izaku evades and manages to grab kotsuki's leg with the capture tapes but katsuki breaks free using an explosion knowing that he's at a disadvantage izaku retreats in order to think of a plan and contacts ochako to learn about her location for the strategy eventually katsuki finds him and attacks iziko with a greatly empowered explosion move provided from his grenad gear bracers izuku survives and calls katsuki insane for doing that izaku decides to use his Quirk and informs ochako to grab onto something instead of hitting katsuki isuku aims his Detroit smash into the ceiling destroying the ground of every floor above them including the one ochako and tenure are on but iziku is forced to take the full brunt of kotsuki's explosion izuku is then taken away on a stretcher to have his wound attended to by recovery girl after spending most of the day having his wounds healed izaku Returns His classroom as he enters izuku is commended by many of his classmates for his performance during the battle trial ochako asks him if he's alright to which he replies that he's fine isaku then asks her where katsuki is although many of his classmates try to stop him izaku goes to find kotsuki after isiku finds him leaving school kotsuki accuses him of coming to gloat izuku instead tells him his secret that he obtained his Quirk from someone else in order to convince him that he had not been deceiving him but the latter doesn't believe him and swore to defeat him usj Arc isaku is confronted by a reporter from the media asking him questions about all might but isuku makes an excuse to escape from the reporter in Clash Shota izawa makes a remark about izaku's performance in the battle trial and encourages him to work harder afterwards isaku is elected as class president after the class votes much to his shock in the lunchroom izaku is unsure if he's the right one for the task but Tanya assures izuku that he is as he voted for him as they continue talking the siren goes off and everyone begins evacuating after Tenya stops the chaotic evacuation izaku returns to class where he decides to step down as class president and give the position to Tenya deeming him more worthy of the position than him which is well received by everyone izaku changes into his gym clothes since his hero costume was tattered during his battle with katsi in the battle trial in preparation for the rescue trial on the way to the usj suyu Compares izaku's Quirk to almights which worries him although aishiro kirishima dismisses suyu's claim since izaku's Quirk hurts him unlike all might squirk izaku then watches as the rest of class 1a make fun of katsuki which contrasts to their time in junior high they soon arrive at the usj and listen to 13 speech suddenly actual villains soon attack the usj which shocks izuku Shota goes to hold off the villains though isuku tried to warn him that he couldn't but is amazed to see his teacher hold his own against the villains Tenya then gets his attention by telling him to evacuate with his class however he's suddenly warped Away by kurugiri to the flood area of the unforeseen simulation joint sent to the Shipwreck Zone izuku falls in the water where he's about to be attacked by a shark-like villain who prepares to devour him but tsuyu saves him and throws him onto a boat along with minoru izigo thanks her for saving him isku then wonders about the villain's goals and then decides that their goal now is to fight iziku says that tsuyu is teleported along with him in manoru minera to an area the flood zone that allows her to be at full strength thanks to her frog Quirk and then deduces that the villains don't know what their quirks are he then says that although the villains beat them in sheer numbers and experience the one advantage they do have is the element of prize izaku concocts a plan to defeat the villains and escape and after telling tsuyu and minoro iziku uses Delaware smash on the water while minoru throws his sticky substance the spread out water converges in the center along with minoru's sticky balls with the villains being pulled in causing all of the villains in the water to be stuck together by minoru's Quirk izuku then escapes with minoru and tsuyu with tsuyu saying that he was impressive after that izuka rambles that could have been dangerous tuyu Cuts him off and he says that their priority is to call for help that they can take the water slide to the exit but after remembering that Shota is at the Central Plaza fighting a large group of villains izaku decides that they should head to the Central Plaza and try to be of some assistance to Shota however after reaching the Central Plaza izuku is horrified to see shota's condition after he's defeated by a monstrous villain isaku is surprised to hear tomoro shigaraki announced that they're retreating and wonders why they came for nothing however this train of thought is quickly interrupted as tomorrow attempts to disintegrate tsuyu but Shota uses his last bit of strength to nullify tomra's Quirk saving his student iziku then uses the opening in an attempt to save suyu by attacking tomora he uses one of his smashes on him but this time izaku doesn't suffer from recoil however the attack was intercepted by nomu who isn't phased as izuku realizes nomu is the secret weapon against almight nomu grabs izaku's arm but tsuyu wraps her tongue around him suddenly all might appear as much to izuku's happiness izuku is then rescued by all might along with minoru suyu and Chota almight tells the students to take Shota to safety while he faces the villain after seeing all might in a bad position iziku decides to help him but he's nearly warped by kurigiri however katsuki's attack stops him izuku is then joined by Shoto and they hold down kurugiri until nomu attacks them to save the villain however all might protects katsuki even though kurugiri was freed isku then watches the battle between all might and nomu and worries for him as he's the only person who knows about the latter's time limit after noma's defeat tomura and kodagiri attempt to finish off all might but isuku intervenes their attempt by running in front of all might to protect him izaku's intervention and gives the heroes enough time to reach the usj forcing tomra and kurugiri to stop their attempt after tomorrow and kuragiri Retreat because of the arriving Heroes and 13's attack izuku is seen on the ground crying as he was unable to do anything to help however almight tells him that isn't the case because if izuku didn't intervene he would have been dead and he thanks iziku for saving his life afterwards izuku is taken to UA's infirmary to have his injuries attended to UA sports festival Arc the next day izuku listens to shota's announcement about the UA sports festival after the discussion all might arrives asking izuku to have lunch with him in the resting room izuku tells almight that he's adjusting to his Quirk which pleases all might all might asks izuku to show the world at the sports festival that he's the next generation's all might however izaku's unsure if he's up to the task all might assures izuku that he's not forcing him and asks him to remember his feelings during his training at the beach park during the two weeks before the sports festival izaku trains himself on the day of the sports festival while class 1a prepares Shoto Todoroki approaches izuku telling him that he's stronger than him and will defeat him izaku admits that Shoto is indeed stronger but since everyone's giving it their all isaku will also give everything he's got he then walks out to the sports festival with his head up high stating to himself that all might can retire once the obstacle course race begins izaku manages to get through the narrow gate while avoiding shoto's ice izaku sees that there is robots in front of him and decides that Now's the Time to put his head to use no longer shaking in fear on like the UA entrance exam iziku grabs a metal plate and severs a robot's head with it using the robot's momentum iziko passes the fall but soon sees that he's far behind isiku gets on the metal plate and blasts himself towards the lead using the landmines he had collected in the lead izuku sees katsuki and shotar on his tail using the two as balance izaku slams the plate on more land binds this launches him once more and blows Dust In Their Eyes stunning them taking advantage of this izaku runs ahead and crosses the Finish Line in first place which allows him to advance to the second event of the sports festival which is the Cavalry battle isuku then finds out that he's worth 10 million points in the Cavalry battle because you know he got first place in the racecourse which horrifies him as he's now the prime target because of his value izuku has trouble finding teammates but then ochako decides to team up with him which makes him happy izugu then tries to team up with Tenya as he has great Synergy with ochaka's Quirk but he politely declines much to izuku's disappointment Mei hatsume decides to team up with izuku I see he's building his Harem as she would be recognized for being on his team due to his rank isiku decides on his final team member and chooses fumikage tokoyami the event begins and izaku's team is attacked by team tetsutetsu and team hagakure but thanks to May's gadgets and fumikage's Dark Shadow they managed to thwart their attacks the team takes to the air but they're suddenly attacked by kotsuki fumikage uses a dark shadow to block kotsuki's attack and the team lands on the ground izaku says that they should have an easier time now but takes those words back when they're confronted by Shoto and his team izuku and shoto's team battle with neither team having the advantage in a surprise twist Tanya uses his recipro burst allowing Shoto to take his 10 million headband in an instant shocking izuku isku becomes distressed but thanks to otaku's encouragement iziko remembers that his teammates Fates are in his hands and decides to attack Shoto with one for all as a symbol of their Unity izaku uses one for all to blow wind pressure at choto which distracts Shoto and allows izaku to take a headband however izaku took the wrong headband and his team fights Shoto seen for the last 10 sec the event ends and izaku becomes depressed fumikage reveals that he took a 615 Point headband during izuku scuffle with Shoto which allows his team to move on to the last event with izaku crying in happiness after the lunch break begins izaku is seen with Shoto in private in a hallway with Izu asking what it is that he wanted to talk about Shoto asks whether izuku is an illegitimate child of all mine or not but izugu states that it's not the case Shoto then tells izuko about him shoto's story leaves izuku shocked and speechless although their goals are different with his goal being trifling compared to shotos izuku says that he can't let down the people who have helped him get this far and declares that he will defeat Shoto the final event is a tournament event and izuku's opponent in the first round is hitoshi shinso when hitoshi approaches iziku mashirao ojiro warns izuku not to respond to his provocations before the first fight begins all might goes to see izaku and advises him to smile in the face of anxiety and fear a confident izugu steps out of the ring to confront hitoshi after hitoshi calls mashidao an idiot for throwing away the opportunity to participate in the tournament the fight begins and izaku who's angered by hitoshi's insults charges at him while yelling that he not insult mashiro but then suddenly and mysteriously stops moving izaku finds himself to be completely immobile hitoshi tells him that he's lucky to have been blessed with heroic work hitoshi orders him to turn around and walk out of bounds izaku under the effects of hitoshi's brainwashing Quirk obey hitoshi's command and slowly starts walking towards the edge of the Ring still conscious izuku tries to stop himself but finds that his brain feels like it's full of fog and his body is moving on its own as izuku is just about to step out of bounds he sees a vision of eight shadowy figures which causes iziku to attack himself with one for all allowing him to break free of hitoshi's control after a brief struggle iziku throws hitoshi over his shoulder and rings out hitoshi causing izuku to move on to the second round before leaving hitoshi warns izuku to be weary of him isuku then heads to recovery girl's infirmary to have his wound attended to after his wounds are fixed izaku tells all Mighty about the shadowy figures he saw all might hypothesizes that the shadowy figures he saw were the imprints of people who had beared the one for all Quirk all might advises izuku to go and watch the next match izaku along with Tenya go to their seats in the stadium to watch the match isuku watches a match and becomes worried when ochako gets hit by katsuki's explosions after ochako collapses and is declared the loser of the match izuku expresses sadness izuku leaves his seat and walks away along the way he encounters katsuki and congratulates him on winning his match iziku visits ochako to see if she's alright wanting to be by herself izuku leaves the room and walks to his next match suddenly izaku runs into Endeavor Endeavor tells izaku to give Shoto a good matchup before Endeavor leaves isaku states that he's not all might and Shoto is not Endeavor the match begins and iziku prepares to charge izuku manages to barely hold off shoto's ice attacks with one for all's wind pressure but breaks two of his right hands fingers as a result however Shoto is still able to close in on izugu several times after seeing easy injuries Shoto decides to end the match and sends a wave of ice but izaku sends a blast of wind pressure against shoto's ice with his broken right hand destroying the ice isiku knows of shoto's limit and berates Shoto for only using half of his power to win while everyone else is giving it their all izuku clenches his broken right hand and orders Shoto to face him man to man an enraged Shoto runs towards izuku to face him head-on but shoto's frostbite affects him allowing isiku to hit Shoto with a one for all enhanced punch knocking Shoto down onto the floor and slightly injuring him however izuku is hit by shoto's ice in the process of punching him Shoto manages to get back up and launches another wave of ice but isuku uses one for all's one pressure to shatter the ice with ease izuku once again berates Shoto for using only half of his power and mock shoto's disowning goal is hit Shoto again after Shoto gets back up iziku tells Shoto that the Firepower he has is his power and not his father's Shoto moved by izaku's words activates his Firepower and states the izuku that he too will become a hero causing izuku to crack a smile happy to see his opponent finally giving it his all like himself izaku and Shoto power up for one final Clash izaku's wind pressure and shoto's heat blast creates a huge Shockwave after the Smoke Clears Shoto is still in the ring but izuku is out of the ring izaku's Grievous injuries makes him fall to the ground thus isku is eliminated from the tournament event inside recovery girls room izaku asks all might for his forgiveness since all he wanted to do was help Shoto overcome his misery almight tells izuku that his match was simply an unfortunate outcome but Praises izuku for helping Shoto with his problem izaku leaves recovery girl's room with all might and they walk down the corridor izugu admits to all might that someone else is better deserving a one for all than him however all might reveals that he too was quirkless surprising he's all might encourages izuku by saying that only he can truly shine with one for all izuku watches the final match between katsuki and Shoto during the match izuku yells at choto to keep fighting after the fight izuku watches the closing ceremony of UA's sports festival Tenya told him about what happened to his brother and that he has to leave the sports festival yizuku wishes for Tenya to be safe after the sports festival is finished the next day at his home during breakfast Isco and his mother talk to each other with izuku saying that she almost had a rougher time than she did isiku's mother is happy about isaku's Quirk although she's a bit uneasy about its risky recoil but nevertheless will keep cheering izuku on izuku decides that he must find a way to control one for all properly izaku's mother asks if he wants to watch a recording of the UA sports festival to which izaku replies that he will later on versus hero killer Arc two days after the sports festival izaku's on a train to UA while on the train some of the passengers recognized him from the sports festival acknowledging his prowess at UAE 10 years running and passes by izuku telling him that they should be at least 10 minutes earlier for school after arriving inside isaku sees Tenya and remembers that recently his older brother tensei had been seriously injured by a villain named sane izaku tries to talk to Tenya but he tells izuku that he doesn't have to be worried about his older brother as he'll be fine and apologizes for causing him unnecessary concern in class during the hero informatics period class 1a must decide on hero names easy who thinks of using names similar to all might's name but he wants to be more original and eventually picks a perfect name iziku Reveals His hero name to be Deku after class 1a is finished formulating their hero names izaku is given a list of 40 workplaces he can choose from so that he can train from one of them after the class period all might meets izuku and tells him of a nomination from a person called Gran Torino the friend of all might's predecessor all might advises izuku to choose gran turino for his workplace training as he'll be able to advise izuku on one for all's usage thus izaku decides to go to Gran Torino for his training Izu arrives at Gran Torino's address and enters his apartment however izugu finds Gran Torino to seemingly be a foolish old man and prepares to leave disappointed suddenly Gran Torino jumps towards the door and reveals he was merely putting up an act as he tells izaku that he can't stand to see how izaku uses his Quirk and tells him that if he wants to learn more about one for all then he should stay and put his hero costume on seeing the man's real Persona izaku Compares it to all mites and realizes he's indeed the latter's teacher he accepts the man's offer to train he and Gran Torino have a mock battle but izaku is not able to keep up with Gran Torino's speed after the mock battle finishes Gran Torino gives a hint about izaku's problem with one for all that he thinks it's special izuku Ponders about Gran Torino's hint and realizes that quirks are simply body functions with one for all being no different during the night on his first day izuku steps out of Gran Torino's apartment and goes to an alley in order to test out one for all by thinking of it as a simple body function izaku continues his practicing until morning at breakfast isiku Ponders why he still can't gain control over one for all after a new microwave arrives and izaku fails to cook the taiyaki properly izuku realizes his next problem that he's only been using one for all in one section of his body and not letting it flow throughout his body isiku activates one for all throughout his body and asks Gran Torino to test him izuku battles Gran Torino while one for all flows throughout his body this time izuku is able to keep up with Gran Torino but Gran Torino decides to get serious and Strikes izuku after the battle the elderly hero notes to himself that isuku has dramatically changed in such a short span of time and compliments izuku for being able to graze him and a cut is shown on Gran Torino's face even though he was using his own power earnestly Gran Torino tells izuku that he must get used to using one for all throughout his body and informs him that he'll continue training after breakfast after breakfast izaku continues his training with Gran Torino Gran Torino declares that he'll move on to phase two workplace experience isigu cleans himself up and puts on his hero costume izuku and Gran Torino leave the apartment and Gran Torino and izaku leave for a train to Shinjuku on the train Gran Torino tells izuku that they'll be fighting villains since they appear at night suddenly the train experiences an emergency stop and a Pro Hero Comes crashing into the train much to izaku's and Gran Torino shock immediately afterward a creature that looks similar to nomu appears izigu tries to take action but Gran Torino orders izaku to stay put Gran Torino jumps from his seat and slams himself into the nomu-like creature smashing the creature and himself out of the train and into the air above hosu izuku goes to check on Gran Torino but sees that a part of hosu has been set Ablaze izuku wonders what's transpiring and starts to worry about tenya's safety izuku exits the train and starts running towards hosu in hosu isku Witnesses the battle between the pro Heroes and the two nomolite creatures izuku is surprised that tenu is not at the Battle and starts pondering he quickly figures out that Tenya came to hosu to find and hunt down the hero killer stain he leaves the apartment and searches for Tenya and manages to find Tenya in an alley where he's on the ground injured and stains about to kill him izuku activates one for all throughout his body dash is at great speed and punches stain in the face preventing the hero killer from finishing off Tenya isuku announces his arrival and declares that he came to save Tenya he asks Tenya if he can move but Tanya tells him that he's immobilized staying Praises izuku for his efforts and then threatens him izaku decides that he must protect Tenya and the injury Pro Hero Tanya tries that swayed izuku from fighting his battle iziku puts on a brave face and says that getting involved in other people's business is one of the principal qualities of Hiro he activates one for all full cowl and briefly fights stain izaku's enhanced speed manages to allow him to avoid stain's powerful strikes and attacks stain from above with 5 Detroit smash however izaku's move doesn't do anything and stain immobilizes easy crew with his Quirk staying impressed with izaku's actions decides to spare izaku but prepares to kill both Tenya and the Pro Hero native izuku yells at stain to stop but to no avail suddenly two columns of Fire and Ice attack stain but he manages to avoid the attack in the nick of time Shoto reveals himself and tells izaku that he texted him more information than usual and came running izuku watches shoto's battle with stain he warned Shoto to not let stain get his blood stain jumps into the air and prepares to stab Shoto with his Katana izuku realizes that he can move and activates one for all full cowl again izaku using enhanced jumping speed appears before stain and grabs him attempting to throw him onto the ground the hero Killer retaliates by knocking izuku away with his elbow causing izuku to fall onto the ground Izu and Shoto team up izuku attacks but stain easily strikes izaku licks his blood and immobilizes him as Shoto and tenure battles stain izuku is able to move again izugu and Tenya team up and attack stain with her enhanced punch and kicks respectively stain makes one last-ditch attempt to kill Tenya but chotto attacks stain with his fire causing him to lose Consciousness isiku Tenya and Shoto removes stain's weapons the three along with the injured Pro Hero leave the alley with stain and Tow Gran Torino appears and berates him for not following his orders Tenya apologizes to izuku although izuku admits that he should have been more of a friend suddenly the winged nomu appears and grabs izaku stain awakens frees himself and kills the winged nomu as well as saves izaku izaku is shocked at stain's actions after Endeavor arrives iziku tries to break away from stain stain's bandaged mask falls off and Reveals His True face shocking izuku Stan walks forward and declares that the only one who is allowed to kill him is all might unleashing a bloody malefic Aura in the process izuku becomes terrified and unable to move due to the fear after stain loses Consciousness for the last time izgu along with Shoto and Tanya are taken to the hosu general hospital to have their wounds treated the next day at hosu General Hospital the chief of jorsu police Kenji suragame appears to talk to them Kenji tells izukusho to antenya that the hero killer is undergoing treatment surigami states that they must be punished along with their mentors for not being with them however suragamai tells them that the event that transpired with stain will be be covered up due to a limited amount of witnesses Kenji states that izaku along with Shoto and Tenya have a promising future and thanks them for the heroic actions soon Tanya tells isaku that his left hand will not work properly and has decided not to get surgery because he wants his injury to remind him of his mistake at hosu at the end of the week workplace training comes to an end outside Gran Torino's apartment is a good thanks Gran Torino for looking after him he's who praises Gran Torino for his training as it's allowed him to become stronger Gran Torino advises izuku to maintain his control and composure when using one for all and to not go over the five percent limit before leaving izuku tells Gran Torino his hero name making Gran Torino smile class 1a has foundational hero studies next almight says that their lesson will be a Rescue Training race through playing Ground gamma an industrial site with many densely packed Lanes which makes it look like a labyrinth izaku along with mashirao Tenya Mina and Hanta are the first group that will be racing each other to reach all might the race begins with izuku activating one for all full cowl five percent and begins leaping and running through the site with ease while outpacing the others to get the lead all might and a majority of class 1a are greatly surprised and Amazed by izaku's extraordinary movements and better control of his Quirk since they previously counted izuku out izaku focuses on keeping calm and his power level steady however his foot slips from small pipe and he falls into a painful face plan after Hunter wins isaku remarks that he's still has much to learn and that he'll have to remember to take more care of where he jumps to all might approaches iziku and is impressed with him he asks izaku to meet with him so that he can tell him about one for all's history after isuku meets with all might in the break room all might reveals that izaku's one for all Quirk was not stolen by stain which is because one for all can only be passed on when the user wishes it all might tells izuku about one for all's origin originally a man who was quirkless was given a power storing Quirk by his evil older brother whose Quirk stole and passed on quirks unbeknownst to the older brother the younger brother had a quirk which could transfer thus the younger brother's transfer Quirk and the power storing Quirk mutated and became one for all however the younger brother couldn't defeat his older brother and passed on one for all onto successors until it was strong enough to defeat his evil older brother eventually one for all was passed on to almight and he used it to defeat the evil older brother however the evil older brother has returned thus isaku will face him in battle when the time comes izaku says that whatever task Alma gives him he will accomplish no matter what as long as almight is by his side all my thanks izuku back in class Shoto reveals that class 1a will be going to a forest lodge during summer break final exams Arc in the lunchroom izakutenya Shoto chako suyu and toru hogakure eat at a table discussing how they'll perform in the end of the term test back in class ezeku reveals the content of the exercise tests of the class much to denki and Mina's happiness before katsuki berates them about being excited that they have no control over their powers during the next three days all students study hard to pass the written exam then they prepare to face the bots in the Practical exam but principal nezu reveals that class 1a will be fighting against UA teachers in their exercise test Shota says that izuku and katsuki will be paired together much to their shock Izu and katsuki become more surprised to learn that they'll be facing against all might in combat for their exercise tests all might tells the duo to cooperate together in order to defeat him izuku and katsuki have two options of winning and passing the test exercise they must either handcuff him or one of them Must Escape From the battlefield izuku notes that this will test their fight or flight decision skills all might puts on super compact weighted bracelets to give himself a handicap the test exercise begins however katsuki and easy who aren't able to agree on a plan of action and start arguing suddenly all might throws a punch which devastates the area izugun katsuki are in which causes izuku to fall down izaku is shocked at the level of all my strength even though he knows that all might is handicapped and severely weakened to begin with kotsuki attacks all might but is not able to inflict any damage on him after blowing katsuki away all might turns his attention to izaku isku activates one for all full cowl and attempts to escape but jumps into kotsuki all mate imprisoned to izuku on a guard rail and punches katsuki in the stomach greatly injuring him and sent him flying backward all might prepares to finish off kotsuki katsuki tries to move but to no avail suddenly izaku activates one for all full cowl again and breaks free of the guardrail he then punches katsuki out of the way and the two escape from all mine while escaping izuku convinces katsuki to work with him by reminding him that he never gives up on winning all my chases after izaku and katsuki which then katsuki appears from behind and attacks all might with an explosion which distracts all might however one of katsuki's grenade bracers is missing suddenly izuku appears behind all might with kotsuki's missing grenade bracers equipped on him kotsuki yells at izugu to commence his attack izuku aims the grenade bracer at all might and releases the trigger in immense explosion blasts at all night at point-blank range after the explosions finished izaku and katsuki dashed towards the exit suddenly all might appears before the two asking katsuki what he plans to do after that shocking izuku and katsuki before the young Heroes can react all might disables the duo with his strength izaku tries activating one for all full cowl but all might stops him and throws him onto the ground almight decides to finish off both of them suddenly kotsuki gets up and launches a big explosion against all might which distracts the symbol of peace katsuki decides to distract all might long enough for izuku to escape as katsuki blocks off all might izuku successfully activates one for all full Cal and begins his Escape while all might smashes kotsuki onto the ground seeing katsuki in trouble izaku rushes back to help and punches all might in the face then drags katsuki with him izuku passes through the Escape gate along with the unconscious katsuki until which allows isku and katsuki to pass the Practical test after they both passed the exam all mate carries them to recovery girls tent to be healed back at UA in class izaku tries to help those who failed the Practical exam relax by telling them that something will happen that will still allow them to go to the forest lodge Shota arrives at class and announces that everyone passed the written exam and will go with all of the class to the forest lodge which will be a boot camp but those who failed the Practical exam will receive very hard extra lessons the class sees that there are many items on the list that they don't have toru suggests that class 1a go shopping together in order to get the items they need for the boot camp the next day most of class 1a except katsuki and Shoto go to the kiashi ward shopping mall a shopping center that caters for all needs most of class 1a splits up to go and buy their specific needs leaving ochako in izuku alone izuku asks ochako what she plans on buying and tells her that he plans on buying heavy wrist weights ochaku says that she requires bug repellent however she begins blushing as soon as she looks at izuku the blushing ochako runs off on her own shouting bug repellent leaving isku confused and worried as he thought that ochaka was referring to him as a bug suddenly a hooded man asked izaku for his autograph after recognizing him from the UA sports festival the hooded man admires izuku for surviving against stain and living to tell the tale however after hearing him talk about the usj iziku slowly realizes that the hooded man is a villain he had already met prior to the encounter with stain the hooded Man reveals himself to be in fact tomuro shigaraki however this time he doesn't have his signature hand on his face izuku and tomura sit in a plaza where tomora explains to izuku that he hates many things however what he truly despises above all is the hero killer stain when izaku asks homura that stain was one of them tomorrow reveals that stain was never a part of the league of villains to begin with and that the media and Society merely speculated that stain was a part of the league tomorrow asks izuku what the difference is between him and stain isuku answers tomer's question by telling tomoro that Stane and him were inspired by almight and started their Journeys thanks to him iziku says that stain didn't destroy because he wanted to he destroyed in order to try and change the world for the better according to his ideals while he doesn't agree with stain's methods izaku respects stain for living according to his ideals and never giving up on them tomorrow feels exhilarated as he now understands why stain and isiku irritate him it's because of all might tomora also understands why he hates the current society as well because they're all living happily and grinning like all mine and with that tombra thanks izuku for chatting with him suddenly ochako appears and wonders who izaku's talking to tomuro lets go of izuku and begins leaving warning izuku to not give Chase disappearing into the crowd tomorrow tells izuku to take care of himself because the next time they meet he will kill him ochako calls the police after the police force closed down the mall now Masa sukachi takes izuku to the police station to be questioned by him about tomura and their conversation although the information izuku provides is nothing new now Masa thanks him for the information and Praises ezeku for being level-headed during his confrontation with tomora as well as keeping collateral damage to a minimum while waiting for his mother izuku meets with all might and asks him if there were people he couldn't save to which all might replies yes almight says that the symbol of peace is hope for Heroes and a deterrent for villains izaku's mother arrives crying about what transpired and izaku tries to calm her down my hero Academia two Heroes after a special training exercise with several members of class 1a all might receives a message from his former partner's daughter Melissa Shield inviting him to I Island for the special Expo event to reunite with her father David Shield all might runs into isaku on his way home and asks him to be his plus one to accompany him to I Island which he excitingly accepts while on the plane izuku calls out to a daydreaming all might as he wants him to check out the view of eye Island from up in the sky on their plane almight chose to invite izaku because their bond with one for all is thicker than blood after the plane lands at the airport izaku sees all might shift into his muscular form and he explains that he must maintain this form the entire time to keep his weakness a secret all might double checks everything including if izuku got permission to bring his hero costume along as they pass through immigration all might asks izuku what he knows about the island and isn't surprised when izuku's modern habit starts I island is an artificial moving Island built for scientists to research quirks the pair tore the island before a young woman appears and shows familiarity with all might seeing their talk izaku nearly mistakes her for the friend all might mentioned until all might introduces izaku to Melissa's Shield they arrive at a laboratory where izaku is amazed to see all might's friend and Melissa's Father David Shield David then has everyone leave while he and all might talk asking Melissa to show isaku around the Expo walking together izuku and Melissa continue getting to know each other they go through the eye Expo where they notice many pro Heroes including godzillo all invited to the event by sponsors everyone on the island is also invited to a reception party at the end of the night Melissa asks izuko if he's attending and he confirms it realizing why all might made him pack formal clothing to her Joy izaku is taken by Melissa to the Pavilion where she shows him several different inventions out on display izuku hears Melissa State she's a third year student at I Island Academy studying to be a scientist in the same way izuku is becoming a hero they share the same goal of becoming like the people they admire isaku learns the rest of class 1a is also on the island too they just can't attend the Expo until it's open to the public the following day just then the group hear an explosion and go check it out which turns out to be part of the villain attack attraction where they find ajiro and katsuki fighting villain Bots kotsuki goads izaku to take on the villain attack challenge which he reluctantly accepts managing to score second place behind kotsuki using full cowl at five percent Melissa notices that izaku's power is very similar to all mites though he's limiting his power the group is then surprised by the arrival of Shoto Todoroki who steals first place ignoring kotsuki's complaints forcing the rest of the boys to try and intervene afterwards Melissa provides invitations for denki and Menorah to join them at the after party as they all prepare to go together with Melissa inviting izuku to go to their Lab First Melissa gives izaku an old support item she invented that was inspired by almight calling it full Gauntlet equipping it to izaku's right hand she says she could tell from his scars and performance that his Quirk is too much for his body to handle and that that device will greatly increase the amount of power he can exert she asks him to become a Great Hero that can protect people Ezekiel and Melissa soon go to meet up at the central tower outside the reception hall with the rest of the group in their formal attire still waiting for katsuki and ajiro who unbeknownst to them have gotten lost suddenly they discovered themselves locked up by the security system with their cell phones losing signal and no access to the elevators knowing all mites in the party they quickly head up to the third floor above the reception hall to find out what's going on once there they find all might and many other Pro Heroes tied up while being watched over by villains iziku manages to get all might's attention and using kyoka's Quirk they learn the situation A group of villains led by Wolfram have taken control of the island security system holding everyone on the island hostage and that they've taken David and his assistant Samuel with them tenu suggests that since they still can't legally fight villains they should try to escape with the rest of the group discussing about what the best course of action would be iziku stands firm that he wants to save everyone and that they can do it without fighting with Melissa saying that if they can try to get to the top floor of the tower they can reset the security system and release everyone reinvigorated everyone decides to work together to execute the plan izugu tries to tell Melissa to stay behind but she refuses because she's the only one who can disable the security system and wants to help save everyone just as much as izuku they relay the message to all might who mostly disapproves but agrees that true heroes must act in situations like these having faith in them after heading up over 50 floors a poor decision from minoru leads the villains to learn about the students as Wolfram sends his men to cut them off and neutralize them the group ends up in the plant Factory where they hide when they notice the elevator carrying the villains makes their way there at this same moment ajiro and katsuki appear unaware of what's going on leading to a confrontation between the two and the villains Shoto stays behind to assist in the fight using his court to create an ice pillar that raises the others to the next floor after passing a hundred floors they realize the secure resistance has lessened and believed that the villains are trying to lead them somewhere once on 130th floor they're faced with dozens of security Bots they attempt to destroy them with denki's Quirk but when that fails izaku utilizes the full Gauntlet for the first time pushing the Bots back with a 30 one for all smash the group is ambushed by more security drones while in the server room Melissa warns them that they can't afford to damage the room so the group once again splits up to try and hold off the drones with izuku Melissa and ochako heading forward the the three reached the wind power generation system where ochako uses her Quirk to float izaku and Melissa to the emergency exit at the top of the tower just as she's about to be attacked by more robots she's saved by katsuki Shoto and ajiro who repelled the robots katsuki and choto helped readjust the wind turbines in air allowing izuku and Melissa to get back on course which izuku achieves by using a full power Detroit smash after recovering the two are attacked by one of wolfram's mercenaries who attacks Melissa and is then quickly disposed of by izuku the two are shocked to not only find David and Sam in the vault by themselves but also overhear them working with the villains leading to a confrontation a tearful Melissa de Mancino why her father did this which he admits is because his device one with the power to amplify quirks was taken and locked away by the Island's sponsors and that Sam provided him with the idea to hire fake villains to use as a distraction to steal it back he further explains that he knows that all might's Quirk is disappearing and that he wants to give it to him so that he can continue being the symbol of Peace Melissa angrily tells David about everything their friends did to save everyone and everyone who got hurt in the process confusing David Wolfram then makes his dramatic appearance revealing that they themselves being fake villains was all just a ruse is who goes to try and attack but he's quickly restrained by wolfram's metal manipulation Quirk Sam betrays David and gives the device to Wolfram claiming that David turned his back on him only to in turn be betrayed by Wolfram who's about to shoot to kill Sam only to be saved by David who jumps in the way of it Wolfram grabs David telling him he'll use him to keep Mass producing the device Melissa pleads with them to let him go and before they can kill her izuku escapes and fights back forcing Wolfram to flee izugu tells Melissa he'll save David while she disables the security system releasing everyone from their binds and shutting down the drones izaku catches up to Wolfram as he plans to escape in a helicopter Wolfram taunts izaku asking if he's there to rescue a criminal with isaku crying out that he's there to rescue the professor he grabbed a hold of the helicopter attempting to take off trying to rescue David but is attacked by a barrage of metal pillars that eventually slam him back onto the ground he cries out about letting the villains Escape but all might soon returns telling him to keep smiling greatly leaping into the air with great force that results in the helicopter losing turbulence all might rescues David as the two plus izuku and Melissa reunite Wolfram uses David's Quirk amplification device to exponentially boost his power transforming the tower's roof into a scrap metal hell before all might can be crushed under a torrent of scrap metal izuku appears breaking the iron prison apart and saving his mentor as they thank each other all might asks izuku to Aid him in this final battle iziku arms his full cowl and places his faith in Melissa's full Gauntlet as the two race into the heat of battle rushing past an endless iron assault from their foe as Melissa and the rest of the students cheer on the Heroes all made and izuku go beyond their limits the Breakthrough wolfram's last-ditch effort with double Detroit smash finishing the villain off with twice the full might of one for all as the scrap metal hell disintegrates into dust Wolfram is defeated the Quirk amplification device is destroyed and David sees a proud izaku reminding him of all might in his youth realizing there's still hope for the Next Generation then proceeds to meet with the rest of his class and take part in the Expo proper for eventually looking off into the City and thinking about the future as they prepare to leave Forest training camp Arc the first semester of UA ends and some rake begins on the day of training camp class 1a boards a bus that'll take him to the forest lodge destination an hour later class 1a's bus stops for restroom break however class 1a notes that class 1B is not at the rest stop suddenly two females wearing cat-like costumes and a small boy appear before they could speak izuku excitedly introduces the females as a professional hero team the wild wild pussycants Mandalay explains to class 1a that they have three hours to Traverse to their base Pixie bob uses their Quirk to send class 1a down to the force they encounter a dirt Beast izuku along with Shoto Tenya and katsuki mobilize and destroy the dirt Beast after this class 1a begins traversing the Beast Forest the class arrives at the facility at 5 20 PM Pixie bob admits that she thought they would take longer to get to the facility Pixie bob commends izuku Tenya Shoto and katsuki for taking quick action against one of her Earth beasts and concludes that they have experienced action against villains ezeku then asks about the boy Kota and wonders if one of them is his mother Mandalay explains to izaku that Kota is her nephew and asks him to say hello to class 1a izaku introduces himself to Kota suddenly Kota punches izuku in the crotch and begins walking away the class fetches their luggage from the bus puts it in the rooms and heads to the dining hall to have dinner they finish eating dinner and head to the hot springs for a bath after Kota begins falling izuku catches him using one for all full cowl Isco brings the unconscious Kota to the cabin's office who had passed out from the fear of falling in the office Mandalay thanks izuku for being there to help him izaku's surprised that Kota has a jaded view on Heroes Mandalay explains that there are people in the world who don't like Heroes and if Kota had a normal upbringing then he would have grown up to idolize Heroes as well Pixie bob arrives and tells izaku that kota's parents who are Mandalay's cousins were once Heroes Pixie bob tells isiku about kota's history and after hearing it iziku is reminded of his encounter with tomra and his similar resentments towards Heroes the next day at 5 30 a.m class 1a are outside the trading Camp cabin Shota greets his students and tells them they'll undergo reinforcement training to strengthen and upgrade their quirks which will allow class 1a to obtain their temporary life instances izuku's training consists of intensive stretching under the supervision of tiger one of the Pussycats when class 1B arrives at the training area tiger asks that all strength type quirks train at his boot camp and to demonstrate how his training will be tiger asks izaku to attack him izuku uses 5 Detroit smash but tiger easily evades izaku's moves and punches isko back and notes that his muscle fibers haven't yet teared later at 4pm izaku makes his own Curry and while walking back to his class izaku follows kota's Footprints and finds him he offers the curry to Kota after surmising that he didn't have anything to eat Kota harshly tells izuku that he doesn't want any of his food or company Kota expresses his contempt for the current Society of heroes and villains he who tries cheering up Koto with a story about someone born without a quirk and couldn't accept the reality explaining the moral that it hurt to reject reality enraged Kota orders izuku to leave and starts threatening him izuku then walks away the next day which is the third day of the lodge trip it's the afternoon and class 1a along with class 1B are undergoing their Quirk strengthening training Pixie bob informs the students that tonight they'll be playing a game a test of Courage that evening both classes cook themselves dinner during the test of Courage later that night spinner and Kenji appear in front of the Pussycats and the remainder of class 1a they attack and knock out pixie bomb the Pussycats prepare to take action while izuku realizes that Kota is alone and defenseless Mandalay tells the class 1a students to leave and orders Tenya to take the lead as tenure leads his classmates away izaku tells Tenya to go on ahead as he informs Mandalay about the villain's objective at the cliff iziko appears in time to save Kota from muscular's Attack izaku concludes that no one can help since his phone got broken in attack and the location he's fighting in his secret with no other choice izaku activates one for all full cowl and prepares to fight the villain who's revealed to be the one that murdered kota's parents izaku prepares to fight muscular while protecting Kota the battle between izuku and the villain begins however izaku is taken by surprise by muscular's empowered speed causing izuku to be smashed into the rocky wall the villain attacks again but izuku uses his one for all full cows and hand speed to evade in the nick of time muscular kicks izuku into the rocky wall again izaku lies on the ground injured and is shocked at the Incredible strength and speed of the villain's Quirk he uses an enhanced one for all punch but it does nothing he's then knocked back muscular considers izaku an inferior version of him he torments izuku for thinking that he can save the world with his hollow strength mocking izuku for being unable to back his words up and laughs at the injured izuku before the villain can attack Kota izaku jumps at muscular using one for all full cowl telling him that he's the one at fault izaku analyzes is the villain speed and notices that it surpasses his own and the only slight chance of Victory is to close their speed gaps izaku punches muscular with his broken arm trapping it between the villain's muscle fibers with no other choice izuku decides to unleash his quirk's full power izuku uses one for all 100 against the villain which blasts muscular with great force into the Cliffside and also partially destroys the cliff due to the great impact Kota is sent flying away but izaku manages to grab kota's shirt with his mouth and drags him back into the cliff after apologizing izaku decides that they should quickly Escape while the villain is incapacitated however muscular used his muscle augmentation to reduce the impact of izaku's one for all 100 smash although izaku's attack did injure the villain izuku orders Kota to grab onto him he uses one for all full cowl to jump and run away from the villain iziku manages to avoid muscular's first attack but barely avoids the villain's second strike which sends iziku and Kota tumbling to the cliff again the heavily injured Izu thinks that getting back to the facility where Shota could erase the villain's Quirk is a good plan but starts to doubt the plan due to muscular speed surpassing his own izaku quickly forgets about the plan considering the grave circumstances he's in and decides that he has no choice but to defeat muscular izaku tells Kota to run back to the facility as fast as he can the second he clashes with the villain he uses 100 Detroit smash against muscular which keeps him at Bay isaku orders Kota to escape while he still can but muscular considers izaku's struggle to be in vain the villain begins overpowering izuku's attacks and begins pushing him into the ground while demanding blood and death izuku is barely able to hold back muscular strength and is shoved into the ground by muscular suddenly Kota blasts water at the villain demanding that he stop however the villain says that he'll kill Kota after he's done with izuku furious izuku refuses to let the villain kill Kota and begins pushing back the villain eventually pushing the villain off him izaku uses one million percent Delaware Detroit smash against muscular a powerful smack with Incredible force that smashes muscular into the cliff muscular becomes incapacitated due to the great force of izaku's attack and izaku Roars with Triumph after defeating muscular izaku takes Kota to safety while running through the force izaku finds Shota and asks him to protect Kota izuku eventually finds Mandalay who's battling spinner he activates one for all full cowl and shatter Spinner's sword with a leg lunge izuku tells Mandalay that Kota is safe and one of the villain's goals is targeting katsuki as izaku Sprints to the forest Kenji tries to stop him only to be interrupted by Spinner's knife spinner then clarifies that the list belongs to tomorrow shigaraki and tells magnet that izuku was the person that stained saw fit to save thus being a man worthy of the title of a true hero izigo runs to the forest trying to find katsuki out of nowhere a giant shadowclaw is about to attack izuku however izaku is saved by mezzo he explains to izuku the situation and as a a result fumikage has lost control over his Quirk izuku and mezzo turned their attention to fumikage struggling against a rampaging Dark Shadow fumikage pleads both of them to run away from him otherwise they'll die ezeku and mezzo are unable to fight back against the power of the rampaging Dark Shadow seeing that their situation is dire mezzo asks izuku to decide whether to rescue kotsuki by himself or rescue fumukage with him izuku apologizes to mezzo because he can't make that decision and says that he has a plan mezzo and izugo arrive to where katsuki and Shoto are along with Zark's shadow in Pursuit with mezzo asking one of them to make life before he can explain further MoonFish senses mezzo and izuku's presence and sends one of his teeth to attack them the rampaging Dark Shadow uses its enormous claw to crush MoonFish destroying moonfish's teeth and knocking him out Shoto and katsuki are surprised at what happened izugu's plan was to lure the rampaging Dark Shadow to their location by creating decoys from mezzo's replicant arms which worked after the rampaging Dark Shadow f effortlessly defeats MoonFish katsuki and Shoto managed to get close to fumikage and use their quirks which calms down Dark Shadow Dark Shadow reduces in size and retracts back into fumikage allowing him to return to normal after he apologizes izaku tells him that their top priority is to protect katsuki who is the target of the villains the bakugou escort Squad consisting of mezzo Shoto izuku and fumikage begin escorting a begrudging katsuki back to the facility the bakugou escort team traveled to the facility and come across ochako and tsuyu who were fighting Kimiko toga seeing so many adversaries himiko decides to leave but before that notices a battered izaku and falls in love with him mezzo Shoto and izuku turn around only to find that fumikage and katsuki are missing suddenly a masked villain known as Mr compress appears on a tree branch and reveals that he used his magic to take katsuki by turning him into a marble the masked magician-like villain states that the heroes don't deserve someone of kotsuki's caliber and notes that katsuki will shine even brighter on the villain's side Mr compress also reveals that he captured fumikage due to his great power much to izaku's anger Mr compress begins escaping izuku refuses to give up and hatches a plan to save fumikage and katsuki that involves them flying towards Mr compress the three fly Mr compress at high speed and reach him machako deactivates her Quirk causing them to land on Mr compress and smash him into the ground at the villain's Rendezvous Point izuku Shoto and mezzo see that they're right in front of Dobby himiko and twice Dobby launches his Flames which hits izuku and injures his arm himiko decides to fight and attacks izaku Meza smacks hemiko off izuku while Shoto deals with twice when Mr compress finds that his pockets are empty mezzo reveals that he took the marbles that fumikage and katsuki were in from Mr compress much to izuku's happiness as isiko and Shoto prepare to back up mezzo kurogiri arrives and blocks their path Mr compress reveals that the real marbles are in his mouth causing iziko to chase after Mr compress suddenly Mr compress is hit by yuga's Naval laser causing him to spit out the marbles iziko mezzo and choto rushed to grab the marbles although izugu starts succumbing to his injuries which causes him to fall to the ground mezzo grabs the marble containing fumikage thus saving him Mr compress deactivates his Quirk which frees fumikage and katsuki Dobby and Mr compress begin teleporting away along with kotsuki before teleporting with the villains while izaku desperately tries running to save him katsuki tells izuku to stay away Dabi Mr compress and the captured kotsuki successfully teleport away izuku howls in grief due to being unable to save kotsuki two days later at a hospital near the training camp izuku is recovering from his Grievous injuries as a result of his battle with muscular class 1a arrived to see izaku Tenya informs him about toru kyoka and Momo's conditions not withstand kotsuki all 16 of them are here izaku is depressed about his failure to save katsuki and the fact that his Quirk amounted to nothing when he needed it the most however aishiro states that this time they can save him the previous day he and Shoto overheard Momo talking to all might about the tracking device she put on nomu Tanya deduces that ajiro wants Momo to create another device so that class 1a can track down and rescue kotsuki themselves Tanya demands that they need to allow the pro Heroes to handle the situation he and ajiro argue and the latter encourages ezeku to go through with the plan as it will allow him to reach and save katsuki izuku gives Tanya a pleading look but Tenya is hesitant as he knows fully well about the consequences they will face Hideout radar the group wants to save katsuki but most of Class A are against the plan a doctor enters and asks class 1a to leave so that he can speak to izaku privately as class 1a leaves the room ajiro tells izaku that they talked with Momo yesterday and have decided that they'll rescue kotsuki tonight inviting him to join them after aishiro leaves the doctor informs him that although his arms are healed his ligaments are deteriorating and should he gain the same injury twice he'll never move his arms again the doctor tells izuku that he's being discharged and hands ezeko a letter from Kota later that night in front of the hospital iziko arrived to see aishiro and Shoto along with Momo however tenure arrives who's angry that they're about to repeat the same mistakes he made at hosu City Shoto and ajiro is sure Tenya the rescue will be covert while Momo says that she'll ensure that there's no combat involved izaku tells Tenya that he must save kotsuki the group boards a train to a place called kamino Yokohama at Kami award izaku along with Shoto aishiro momentena puts on disguises to make infiltration easier as well as prevent the league of villains from recognizes them the disguise group exit the clothing shop and iziku sees a video clip of the public apology issued by UA after watching the clip izaku sees that yuei are being treated like criminals and that the mood of the people watching has become heavy against UA izuku along with ajiro Shoto momontenya continued towards the place that Momo's tracking device is detecting after waiting for a while near the place Moma notes that the villains have made no movements and states the possibility of katsian not being in the place while tenure reminds them that if he sees any combat then he won't hesitate to stop them ezeku thanks Tenya and starts thinking about their options in true Midori of fashion according to aishiro and Momo after Momo Tenya Shoto ajiro and izuku prepared to infiltrate the supposed League of villains Hideout izuku along with the group go to the back of The Hideout and see a window izaku stands on shoto's shoulders to see what's inside after ajiro sees the inside with his night vision goggles he hands him over to izuku izaku looks inside and sees that there are no moves confirming that The Hideout is actually a warehouse suddenly Mount lady destroys the front of the warehouse which shocks izuku seeing that the pro hero's best genus tiger gang Orca and mount lady are at the warehouse iziku and the group assume that all might is with katsuki as they speak ezeko and the group decide to head home suddenly a mysterious man appears to face the heroes and with a simple but powerful attack he defeats the heroes destroying the entire Warehouse along with the surrounding area being significantly damaged the man's Aura above them utterly terrifies izuku ajiro and Shoto izuku starts to realize who the man above them is since almight told him about all for one kotsuki has been teleported near the man which catches izuku's attention iziko prepares to move but Tanya stops him all might arrives and faces all for one iziku knows that they're in a crisis and there's no openings to rescue kotsky due to all for one's presence and kotsuki being outnumbered by the Vanguard action Squad suddenly izuku comes up with an idea isuku says that the plan will not involve fighting and that it'll enable them to rescue kotsuki and Escape however the entire plan rests on ishiro because katsuki will respond to him due to the Friendship they've built during their time at UA izuku aishiro and Tenya break through a nearby wall Shoto creates a large ice ramp for them to scale and they launch themselves high above the battlefield all for one sees the trio and attempts to attack them but all might intervenes by punching him katsuki sees the trio while ajiro yells at kotsuki to take his hand tomorrow tries to take katsuki but katsuki uses his explosion to launch himself towards izuku Tenya and ajiro Kati grabs aishiro's hand and they make to the air Kenji and Spinner launched Mr compress into the air but Mount lady intercepts them allowing izaku along with aishiro Tenya and the rescued kotsuki to get away izuku ishiro Tenya and katsuki land on the ground far from the battlefield and begin escaping iziko and his group along with kotsuki safely Escape into the crowd iziko sees all might battling all for one on the broadcast screen and screams at him to win after all my defeats all for one izuku celebrates after the battle all my points of the camera and delivers a message You're Next the citizens watching take all might's message as a warning to all villains out there causing the citizens to praise all might and start celebrating again however izaku knows what almight's message truly meant that his time as symbol of peace has come to an end and he izuku is the next successor izaku now realizes that all might's time has truly come to an end and starts crying izuku along with ajiro tenyankotsuki meet up with Shoto and Momo they take katsuki to a police station for safety afterwards isiku says goodbye and heads home later that evening izuku receives a message from all might he runs out of his home and heads towards all might's location at the Taco Bell Municipal Beach Park iziku goes to all might however all my greets izuku with a Texas smash as a part of his golden almight reveals to izuku that he can no longer use one for all and demonstrates this by entering his hero form only to exit it in a split second afterwards all might informs izaku that he's retiring as a hero since he's in a state where he can't fight anymore all might scold's isakov are never doing what he's told and for his recklessness in rescuing kotsuki however almight is glad that his recklessness didn't get him injured this time and is proud of easy crew for that all might hugs izaku and apologizes for not being a proper Mentor towards him but from now on he'll Focus solely on izuku's development and training izaku now fully understands that the age of all might has come to an end toshinori visits and enters the midoriya household with izuku and his mother flabbergasted that the number one hero has entered their abode after the three sit down at the table toshinori asks inko for her permission to send izuku to the UA dorms however she's against it much to izaku's shocked since they agreed that he can be relocated to UA's dormitories she explains that she's worried about her son since his Quirk damages him rather than helps him and is deeply concerned about her son's future as a Pro Hero after witnessing all might's brutal battle inko states that she has no confidence in UA and is unable to entrust her son to them izaku tries to convince his mother that his injuries are a result of his inability to control his Quirk but inko replies that regardless it's still the responsibility of UA to take care of their students which they haven't done inko understands that she's being a strict parent but the safety of her child is her number one priority and she's fine with izuku continuing to become a hero since it's his dream as long as he's in a safe environment which is why she wants to send izuku to another school although he understands his mother izuku wants to continue his dream at UA since that's where toshinori became a hero iziko runs out of the room while toshinori understands izuku's frustration that it must be painful not being able to study at the same place as Idol went to izaku returned to the room with a letter in his hand the letter is a thank you from Kota izaku tells his mother that at the training camp he saved a boy who hated quirks and heroes from a villain iziko declares that even if he can't stay at UA he'll still keep dreaming to become a hero toshinori is shocked that izaku is willing to continue his dream even though it's not at the same place as his Idol toshinori transforms into his hero form and kneels before izuku and inko bowing his head much to their shock as all might he apologizes the inko for his negligence as izaku's teacher and understands that she's worried about the bloody path of a hero all might asks Ingo to allow him to walk together with izuku down his path so that he doesn't have a bloody future all might promises that he'll nurture and protect izuko even at the cost of his own life inko is shocked that all might's resolve causing her to fall to her knees inco states that all she wants is iziku to be happy and tells almight that he should never trade his life away for someone else's sake inco tells all might to continue living and that as long as he can protect and nurture iziku she'll reconsider her decision to not send izaku to live at UA all might pledges to protect and nurture izaku while izugu tells his mother that he'll not worry her outside toshinori complements izuku's mother telling izaku she reminds him of his master toshinori leaves and tells izuku that he'll see him at UA provisional hero licensed exam mark following kotsuki's rescue in the retirement of all might nezu transformed UA into a boarding school in order to protect the students the heights Alliance was built in just three days Shota isawa meets with his students outside of a building he states that they must start preparing to get provisional hero licenses like they had planned to during the training camp then Shota scold the isaku Tenya Momo asiro and Shoto he knows that they were present at the site of katsuki bakugo's rescue and took it upon themselves to rescue him he furthermore says he would have expelled everyone but katsuki Toto and Kyoko from the school if it weren't for all might sudden retirement Shota advises the group that went to save kotsky to go through the proper procedures next time which will also restore the trust between them the girls talk the guys into a refreshingly lively competition to see whose dorm is the best among the rest and will be crowned the room King to izuku's horror he tries to stop the girls but they invade his room and notice it's filled to the brim with all might merch and posters ochako calling it an otaku room the next day class 1a begins their school Life Anew in class 1a's room Shota izawa mentions that their first objective will be earning the provisional hero licenses to prepare for the provincial hero license exam class 1a students will create at least two signature super moves that they'll use in combat with his help and that of cementos ectoplasm and midnight he also recommends them to upgrade their hero costumes while all class 1a begins training isaku mundoria is puzzled and confused as to what his special move should be one of ectoplasm's Clone scolds izuku for daydreaming izuku tells the ectoplasm clone that he hasn't thought of any special moves because he must keep in mind not to try and break his arms in the process the ectoplasm clone advises izuku to focus on developing his Quirk instead almight arrives wanting to see class 1a developing their special moves since it's his job as a teacher to oversee the training of his students all might approaches him and gives easygo advice he's still trying to imitate him which confuses izuku before izuku can question further all might goes to help ajiro kirishma all might is teaching izugu to think independently following the recommendations of Shota izugu heads to the development studio for a costume upgrade iziku Waits outside the door as ochako and Tanya appear before they can greet each other an explosion from the development Studio sends iziku flying back as the Smoke Clears power loader scolds the person responsible for the explosion the person responsible for the explosion is none other than Mei hatsume who's landed on top of izuku Mei recognizes iziku from the UA Sports Festival May apologizes for the explosion she caused and she asks the class when a trio for their names since she forgot them iziku ochako and Tenya remind me of their names izuku asks for a costume upgrade which catches May's attention parallota reminds me that he's fine with her working on the development Studio but mustn't cause chaos otherwise he'll ban her power loader turns its attention to izugu ochako and Tenya and invites them into the development Studio powerloader explains to the trio about hero costume upgrades isiku asks power loader if there's something he can do to reduce the stress in his arm ligaments parallel replies that minor tinkering to his hero costume will make it possible suddenly Mei inspects izuku's body and makes him wear a powered exoskeleton much to izaku's discomfort iziku suddenly realizes that his way of thinking has been wrong people who invent are not bound by conventional thinking and in order to improve himself he must think outside of the box like May four days later at gym gamma in the midst of training all my shows up and Chota tells him that class 1a is progressing nicely minora comments on the change of izuku's costume causing izuku to reply that he received arm support to lessen the stress on his arms when katsuki tests out his new special move called AP shot on a rock a move that creates an explosion beam the AP shot is successfully executed and penetrates a rock but causes the rock to begin Falling Towards all might suddenly izuku appears and destroys the rock with a kick all might is impressed that izuku figured out his advice on his own iziku has realized that just because he's the new successor of one for all doesn't mean that he has to inherit the style of his predecessor taking May's words into consideration and Tanya's help izuku has decided to forego all might's punching fighting style and redevelop his own fighting style the technique izuku used to destroy the rock is called one for all full cowl shoot style a technique that's an application of izuku's new kick base fighting style the class then headed to talk about National Stadium while there isuku sees some of class 1a are nervous but Shota encourages them to do their best so that they can pass this exam and further their goal in becoming Heroes other participants of the exam recognize the students with Berets the people standing in front of class 1a are students from the famous shikatsu high school soon they all enter the stadium inside tacoba National Stadium a worker from the hero Public Safety commission explains that the first part of the exam involves thinning out the amount of people who can succeed by playing a game where people put three Targets on their body and are given six balls to throw at the other examinee's targets those whose targets have been hit are disqualified participants need to eliminate two students move on to the next phase of the exam the room in which the students are in unfold to reveal the arena in which there are varying environments to battle in on the preliminary round Battlefield iziku warns his classmates that the other students may know of their quirks from watching the UA sports festival and decides that class 1a should work together to pass the preliminary round however kotsuki and Shoto go off on their own and Asia on denki decide to follow kotsuki the rest of class 1a follow iziku who explains that working together is better because the other schools know their quirks and fighting styles the preliminary round of the provisional hero license exam begins and as izuku predicted dozens of examiners from other schools approached them and are eager to take them out one of them shindo sees izuku again and remarks that his court breaks his body every time he uses it shindo and many other examinees begin throwing balls at class 1a however thanks to their training and costume upgrades class 1a students managed to avoid being hit by the balls yoshindo realizes that class 1a has gotten stronger and tells his fellow classmates that he'll shatter their solid defense and use his vibrate Quirk on the ground unleashing a powerful earthquake that completely shatters the ground and causes members of class 1a to disperse iziku escapes from the debris caused by Yo's attack and notices that katsubutsu has managed to split up class 1a he contemplates that katsubutu Academy have done their homework on analyzing their quirks and besides that class 1a must team up together in order to combat katsubutu Academy's strong teamwork despite a disadvantage of being alone iziku can't help but feel excited by the idea of facing off against stronger students suddenly izuku was taken by surprise when Kami from shiketsu suddenly tags one of his weak points with a ball Kami scolds izaku for zoning out in the middle of battle however she finds it weird that she can still smile after being put at a disadvantage and finds it to be cool iziko focuses and prepares for combat Kami claims she's targeted izaku because she has a lot of intel on him and she wanted to face a UA student before they got eliminated iziku says that Kami talks too much and mauls over the possibility of ketubutsu students finding both of them Kami throws a rock follows up with one of her balls at izuku but he evades and when he moves to counter-attack he is surprised because kami's disappeared she reappears behind him and tries to tag another one of its targets with a ball he Dodges but she disappears again Kimi Gets behind izugu and pins him down before revealing that disappearing isn't part of her Quirk it's just one of her skills he breaks free from her hold before he can counter attack students from katsubutu arrive to Ambush izaku and Kami izuku Dodges their incoming attacks and then ochako appears and offers her help katsubutu students attack her and she trips off a cliff izugu manages to catch a taco and uses a powerful kick to destroy their footing then he runs away with her in his arms the katsubutu students lose their track izuku and ochako hide behind some Rubble she tries to tag another one of his weak points and izaku slaps away her ball he reveals he knows she's probably from shiketsu because otaku would have used her Quirk to save herself earlier also he knows that the rylochako would never jump into danger recklessly without a plan Kami reveals herself and asks that izuku tell her more about himself but before she can attack him again Hanta and the real ochako arrive and force Kami to retreat haunted tries to go after her but isuku advises against it because kami's targets aren't showing up on her naked body and he reasons that there's no point in chasing after her izuku tells them that they need to move quickly because 30 people have already passed the exam iziku otako and Hanta talk about their situation and how rival students are starting to split up iziko tells them that he'll act as a decoy while they keep from him and try to immobilize as many examinees as possible all of them prepare to enact their plan izuku activates one for all full cow shoot style and dashes past the group of examinees being chased by them Hunter catches up to him and asks him to carry them both into the air when they reach a safe height above the ground ochako releases debris attached to tape that traps the pursuers by sticking them to the ground izuku Hunter and ochako place their balls on six examinees and pass the first phase they head to the Winner's waiting room and run into kotsuki aishiro and denki who have also passed the exam while their classmates celebrate their success katsuki asks izuku if he passed to which izuku tells katsuki that he did izigo finds it awkward to be speaking to katsuki since it's the first time since the kamino incident but katsuki even compliments his Quirk and says he expected nothing less with his borrowed power this surprises izuku class 1a celebrates all of its students passing the first phase yokuminumera directs everyone's attention to the screen and they all watch as the arena is turned into a disaster Zone he announces is the next and Final Phase of the exam will involve rescue operations meta explains that they have to rescue professionals from the help us company who have trained to act as Citizens in need of rescuing while waiting for the second exam to start isaku and Tanya Ida realize that the second exam is modeled after the kamino incident Tenya says that there were many casualties while their group was focused on rescuing kotsuki the second exam starts and izaku notices a boy crying and injured who screams that his grandpa had been crushed iziku finds that to be terrible much to the crying child's annoyance the boy who is revealed to be one of the helpless company workers who's grading them yells at izuku and says he's lost points for not comforting the victim first the boy explains that they need to help repair the situation so it goes smoothly when emergency responders arrive saying something like this is bad won't Comfort the injured ijiku realizes this is why all might always smiles and knowing the Test's true purpose is good tries Again by smiling and using kind words to reassure him which works izugu tells ochako and Tenya that he'll take the child to the first aid station but will return for them 10 minutes later most of the students appear to be doing well yokumito Mera comments that the test will include more adversity suddenly gang Orca and his men interrupt rescue operations and abruptly bust into the arena using a large explosion the students taking the exam are tasked with juggling rescue operations alongside suppressing the villain presence yoshindo rushes past easy commodoria and tells him to help to evacuate the first aid station while he holds the villains back although yo manages to keep them back with his Quirk gang Orca surprise attacks him using his orcanist Quirk to paralyze him with an ultrasonic wave attack then Shoto and inasa arrive and they both attack gang Orca and his group at the same time mashirao returns to the battlefield and informs izuku all the injured have been evacuated and reinforcements will arrive in no time soon after students appear to face the sidekicks gang Orca blasts apart the spiral with powerful sonic waves but iziku swoops in and delivers him a powerful kick gang orc is able to block it but the armor on his forearm cracks before they can continue fighting yokuminum announces that the last people from the huc are rescued and the exam suddenly ends the provisional hero license exam has come to an end yokumito meta presents the results to all the students with a list of names of those who managed to pass class 1a look on the screen to check for their names everyone in class 1a has passed except for katsuki bakugou and Shoto Todoroki outside isaku's holding his provisional hero license in his hands izuku cries tears of joy which causes ochako to question his tears easygo replies that the provisional hero license the proof of his growth is in his hands and is happy that the help he has received along the way hasn't been in vain izuku plans to immediately show his license to his mother and all might while ochako agrees with him after passing his provisional hero license exam isaku sends almight a message of a picture of his license he is very happy but is called on by katsuki who tells them they need to talk about his Quirk which makes him nervous izaku goes with him to ground beta the site of the battle trial where he and izuku fought for the first time katsuki remembers the time where izugu was a quirkless good for nothing and then suddenly out of thin air he manifested a quirk and by some miracle he was accepted into UA and even received his provisional hero license where kotsuki failed izugu tells katsi that he got it for performing well but katsuki orders him to keep quiet and let him finish when katsuki states he had been putting the pieces together izuku was fully aware as to what kotsuki has discovered his worries are confirmed as katsuki states that he received his Quirk from almight since he witnessed all for one's ability to steal quirks and bestow them onto others as well as figuring out that all might is an acquaintance of all for one katsuki hypothesized that all might also has some form of Court transference because he's become weaker ever since coming to UA and meeting with izaku seeing that izuku is not denying anything katsi knows that he's right about isuku gaining all might's Quirk his secret out isuku Simply asks kotsky how knowing the truth about his Quirk is going to help him katsuki knows that he and izuku have always looked up to Almighty and seeing the person who he thought was a pebble on the side of the road being acknowledged by the person he looks up to is why izaku is going to fight him here and now isaku questions the reason as kotsuki States it's in order to gauge his talent and to vent out his anger after the kamino incident believing that all might's retirement was his fault izugu will not attack katsuki attacks him first and demands he fight back reluctantly izuku agrees as he wanted to see if his new fighting style would work against kotsuki izuku is overwhelmed by kotsuki which causes easy crew to increase one for all full cow at a percent which allows him to fight equally for the time being despite izaku's increase in power and technique he still ends up losing takatsuki after the battle he's berated for his loss by kotsuki who questions how he lost if he's the world's strongest power toshinori appears and reveals his relationship with iziku and one for all katsuki then promised to keep the secret between the three of them and vows to surpass izaku with his Quirk as izaku makes the same vow they're then taken in by Shota who scolds them for having a fight on school grounds because he defended himself in the fight he's given three days of punishment while katsuki is given a longer time for initiating it during their house arrest Shota states that they'll be cleaning the dormitory common space day and night and they must write a written statement of regret Shota tells them that if their injuries don't heal they must go to the infirmary and they must not dare think about relying on recovery girl having criticized them enough Shota tells them to go to bed Shia hasakai Arc the next morning all classes resume and the rest of class 1a learns of izaku and katsuki's bout they tease the boys about it before leaving as they were leaving katsi gives izuku a few pointers on his new technique and tells him the flaw in his new fighting style in the evening as isiku leaves to take the trash out he overhears some of class 1a talking about hisashi's new grammar lessons and the hero worked studies mentioned by Shota isiku feels that he's been left in the dark due to his three-day house arrest iziko asks tanyaita about it but Tanya refuses to answer his question due to his misbehavior and being unable to relay information to him izuku goes to the garbage dump and is stressed that he's been left behind as he walks to the garbage dump Ezio sees a face on the wall who tells him the garbage dump Direction the face disappears as izuku is left confused suddenly the face appears on the ground and comments on isuku being one of the livelier first years the face pops around the ground in izuku's vicinity to which isuku asks what he is the face tells izaku that he'll know about him soon enough and encourages him to keep his spirits up three days later he's released from his punishment and wants to eagerly catch up as his classmates are surprised but Amazed by his determination Shota izawa introduces class 1a to the people who teach him about the hero internships third year students who rang among the top of all UA students known as The Big Three mirio togata Tamaki yamajiki and nejirehado iziko realizes that mirio is the one he saw on his way to the garbage dump the personalities of three students leave class 1a confused who get even more confused when Meteo togata challenges them all to a fight mirio tells class 1a to attack him whenever and wherever they want isiku volunteers to fight mirio and the class are further impressed with him he attacks him but he's taken by surprise when mirio's clothes suddenly fall off his body he rushes to get his pants back on and izuku kicks him in the head isaku's foot faces clean through mirio's head and the former confirms miro's Quirk allows him to pass through things using a combination of his Quirk and technique mirio defeats half of class 1a within a few minutes mirio turns his attention to the close range combatants of class 1a izigo tells the class that he analyzed that whatever mirio does he'll use a direct attack and during that moment they should counter-attack mirio charges and he begins submerging into the ground suddenly mirio appears behind izaku who correctly predicts miro's tactics and delivers a swift kick to the Head mirio faces through izuku's body and uses his super move called Blinder touch eyeball Crush mirio looks like he intends to poke izuku's eye to which izuku closes his eyes in actuality Miro fakes poking izuku's eye by phasing his finger to act as a diversion instead mirio hits izugu in the stomach with izaku defeated mirio proceeds to subdue the rest of class 1a hitting the rest of the class 1a in their stomachs as well and defeating them while class 1a recovers mirio talks about his Quirk permeation and advises class 1a to participate in the hero work studies as it'll help them improve their career to be heroes following mirio's advice Ezekiel reaches out to Gran Torino for work study opportunities Gran Torino has to refuse because he's busy working with the police and recommends him all might's former sidekick sir night eye isigu goes to all might in the staff room and asks him to introduce him to Sir Knight eye for our hero work study all might refuses to help izuku for several reasons much to his surprise izugu tells almight that if he's under the guidance of night eye it'll serve as a strong point of comparison to him and he must become stronger than anyone else all might doesn't dislike izuku's determination but he still won't be getting an introduction not from him so he later asks mirio if isuko is fit to work under night eye mirio replies that there's no problem and considers Deku fit mirio takes easy good to Sir Knight eyes office and tells him he must make sir laugh to be accepted iziku messes up his first impression but gains her Knight eyes interests sir Knight eye claims he doesn't know how izuku can be useful and asks how he can make an impact on society as almight has he challenges izuku to take the stamp from him within three minutes he is unimpressed with almight's decision to pass on one for all to izuku he even tells the young student that he's unworthy and that mirio should have been the one to inherit one for all izuku refuses her Night Eyes words and fights on Sir tells him that he can't Prevail over his foresight the challenge ends and despite his efforts Deku fails to snatch the Sam from Sir night eye however he is impressed with izuku's Focus as he fights without ruining the all might memorabilia posted across the office sir Knight eye decides to employ izuku confused izuku says that he failed sir Knight eye replies that he never said he wouldn't employ the student if he failed he claims he had planned on taking on izuku only to see if he's really worthy of being the inheritor of one for all and initially plans to put izugu through many hardships izuku accepts The Challenge and day one of the work study begins immediately izaku learns of cernite eye's investigation of the Shia saikai and their leader overhaul while on patrol izugo and mirio togata bump into Arie who is being chased by Kai Kai apologizes to izuku for his daughter's Behavior because she gets carried away with her fun and games Mario tells izuku that he forgot to put his mask on as Mario apologizes to Kai izuku is aggravated by his mistake of letting Kai know that he and mirio know each other which will make sir night eye's job more difficult isuku acts innocuously to correct his mistake while mirio identifies Kai as a member of the Shia saikai due to his mask to which Kai States not to pay heed to his mask as he simply dislikes start Kai mentions that he's never seen the two of them before and wonders if they're rookies due to their youth mirio replies that they are indeed rookies Kai asks Mario of the hero office he's affiliated with and Mario replies that they're still students participating in field training mirio and izaku prepared to leave but Arie tells izuku not to as she starts shedding tears izugu tells Kai that his daughter is frightened by something to which Kai replies that he scolded her however izuku is not convinced since Arie is clutching onto him tightly and suspects there's more than meets the eye Ichigo asks about the bandages which overhaul replies that Arie falls down a lot but izuku is still unconvinced as she's completely frightened and finds the situation to be unnatural izaku breaks the ice and asks overhaul what he's doing to the girl Kai gives in and tells the heroes to follow him as his situation with his daughter is an embarrassing topic Kai mirio and izuku holding Erie follow Kai into the alley Kai comments that his daughter defies him all the time and finds understanding children to be quite difficult especially when it comes to considering the kind of person they want to become izuku and mirio See Kai removing his glove and has killer intent suddenly Arie runs to her father causing Kai to stop removing his glove Kai apologizes to izuku and Mario for Aries tantrum and thanks them for listening to his worries Kai Wishes the hero's good luck as he leaves with Arie Mario stops isiku from going after area while commenting that Kai used his killer intent mirio asks izuku to respect sir night eye's orders because chasing Kai too far will make him harder to catch izaku and mirio meet up with sir Knight eye and bubble girl virio apologizes for messing up but sir Knight eye refutes his apology and says it was his error since he should have been watching them from the start mirio tells sir Knight eye that they gained new information overall has a daughter named Arie izuku mentions that Arie was extremely frightened and crying for help iziku wishes he should have helped her at that moment but sir night I reprimands him by saying that he shouldn't act rashly because he would have failed and is not special enough that he can save anyone he wants sir knightai teaches him that he must first study and analyze the situation in order to predict the enemy's movements and goals and states that the World Isn't So lenient that izuku can save Erie with good intention with his lesson finished sir night I tells izuku to return to his office for today isaku's first day of internship ends in a Flash but leaves an unpleasant truth in his mouth it's the beginning of the week izuku can't focus in classes because the latest Revelations sir Knight eye being all might's former sidekick Muriel being the one who should have inherited one for all and Aries situation unable to keep going like this easygo goes out in search of all might to ask him questions and finds him outside of UA jogging izuku asks him why he didn't tell him anything about Sir night eye and how he knew about one for all and that Mario was supposed to be the one who should have inherited one for all all might states that there was no need to tell him everything to which izaku yells that there was and demands to know the whole truth almight decides to tell isaku the truth but he mustn't regret it to which izaku replies that he won't all might starts telling him that sir Knight I was a sidekick for years but six years ago after his fight against all for one they dissolved their partnership because of the differences in their values night eye warning him back then to stop continuing his hero duties due to his Grievous injuries and look for successor he refused because that would generate a period of fear and Chaos sir Knight eye states that he'll stop supporting him if he doesn't and the reason is because he predicted with his Quirk that in six to seven years he'll have a gruesome death at the hands of a villain if he continues being a hero after their argument they went their separate ways nezu recommended mirio togata but he ended up meaning izuku before he met mirio all might didn't want to tell izuku all of this since he was a fan and apologizes iziku is shocked and distraught with the truth all might told him Not only was he never meant to be all my successor but also that all might will inevitably die this year or during the next all might continues and tells him that when he met him he considered him the perfect candidate to inherit the one for all he physical and social Nori of Night Eyes foresight can be changed however toshinori's answer crushes izuku's hopes there is a margin of error in his estimation but nothing can change the future he sees in his foresight toshinari tells izuku that after he had accepted his inevitable death with ease and because the goal was in sight he ran full speed towards it toshinori reveals that the goal was his final confrontation with all for one at kamino and that he planned on dying there however izaku was there a timid quirkless boy who day after day Rose to meet his expectations izaku's determination and his mother's encouragement gave him the will to twist night eye's prediction and try to stay alive to see the boy grow into a hero worthy of being the symbol of peace emotional iziko agrees to fight fate alongside his master izuku asks all might to get sir night eye to use foresight on him again but all might still can't face him after all this time a few days later izuku along with ochako tsuyu ajiro and the big three are heading out at sir night eye's office and see that many heroes are gathered surprisingly shoton Grand enterino have also gathered thanks to the information all the heroes provided him with sir Knight eye was able to make substantial progress with his investigation of an organization named Shia saikai after sir night eye and his Sidekicks explained the situation regarding the organization and its relationship with drug trafficking fat gum intervenes he explains that he aishiro and Tamaki were involved the other day in a battle against a thug in which Tamaki was shot with a bullet that contained a drug that can damage the Quirk Factor the one that allows a person to use his powers fat gum follows up by explaining that thanks to aishiro's actions protecting Tamaki they were able to obtain a bullet with the content still inside fat gum explains that after examining it they discovered that inside the bullet were human blood and cells which disturbs everyone sir knightai states that Kai's Quirk and The Quirk destroying bullet are related he explains that Kai has a daughter that had no birth certificate and details about her are unknown a frustrated izuku and Muriel lament their failure in attempting to rescue Arie and condemn themselves for thinking that they'll be the best heroes both stand up and declare that this time they will definitely rescue Arie sir knightai states that their objective will be to save Kai's daughter with the meaning over izugo and mirio explained to their classmates what occurred between them and Kai their Crest fallen for being unable to save Arie when she was right in their hands Chota spots his class 1a students and talks to them about originally suspending their internships since the league of villains are involved before they start protesting Shota comments to izuku that he still hasn't restored his trust in him yet however Shota believes that if he stops izuku he'll simply jump back in again Shota gives izuku permission to take part in Aries rescue operation and signifies his decision by fist bumping izaku's chest to give izuku encouragement Shoto tells him that while he held Erie he gave her some hope and tells iziku to keep moving forward to which a delightful izugu replies he will two days later late at night all of them received messages from Sir night eye informing them that they finally know where Airy is and calls everyone to another conference to prepare for the impending rescue operation hours later everyone gathers together at sir Knight eyes agency and he reveals that Aries being kept in the main Hideout underground the sidekicks of Sir Night Eyes state that they have a time frame of when they'll be home and they got a warrant from the police so all they need to do is get in there these good news makes mirio recover part of his energetic personality and tries to encourage Deku which pleases him and the classmates both the next morning at 8am in front of the police station Heroes partaking in the rescue operation have been given detailed information about the Shia his saikai everyone is ready and the operation is set in motion at 8 30 am the rescue Force are outside the Shia saikai headquarters and commence the operation suddenly they're attacked by arikia katsukame who sent some police force members flying but izugu and Shoto are quick to react and save them ryoku's group decide to take care of the Shia saikai member while the rest enter the Mansion the heroes are defeating and arresting the subordinates who try to stop them until they reach a room that connects to the underground roots that the Yakuza used to escape sir night ice group heads down towards the basement but are surprised to find a dead end after izaku and Asia will break through Joy irinaka general manager of the Shia saikai and known as mimic uses his Quirk mimicry to twist the hallway and closes off the basement's entrance Mario decides to go on ahead and phases through the walls while mimic causes the floor to open up beneath the heroes who fall down into a separate section of the building where they meet three members of the Shia saikai leaving Tamaki behind to take care of the Yakuza the group continues to advance along the underground route sir knightai's group is having trouble nursing the basement due to mimics interference mimic uses his Quirk to close everything in an attempt to crush sir Knight eyes group Shota isao is annoyed that he can't see mimic's real body suddenly the space opens up izugu charges forward but Shota stops him isaku and show to find himself separated from Sir Knight eyes group sir Knight eye and a group of Police Force officers are concealed in one space izuku and shot on another and rock lock in his own space Rock lock is attacked by himakotoga and hearing his cry Deku destroys the wall that separates them izuku and Shota see Rock lock on the ground and another rock lock near him Rock lock tells them that an imposter appeared and tried to attack him Shota goes to check on the Imposter and quickly realizes that it was a trap he quickly uses his Erasure on the other Rock lock when he was ready to stab Deku revealing that he's actually himiko in Disguise Shota uses his capturing weapon but himiko quickly avoids being captured stabbing Shota in the back in the process fortunately the wound isn't serious but himiko manages to escape Shoto berates himself for being careless and not thinking that there would not be casualties and is surprised that tomorrow shigaraki and his League of villains would side with Kai chisaki Joy ininaka's angry yells are heard by Shota and Deku and the latter manages to discern mimic's location iziku activates one for all full cowl and smashes the ceiling revealing the real mimic Shota immediately uses his Erasure to disable Joy's mimicry and Sir Knight eye throws his hyper density seals into mimic's face which knocks him out having dealt with and defeated Joy iranaka the heroes and police force decide on their next course of action Rock lock tells them to leave the league of villains to the police force while sir night I izaku and Chota go on ahead to rescue Eddie everyone agrees with his plan with mimic defeated the underground Labyrinth can no longer be modified three run to where Meteo overhaul and eriar since mirio went ahead of the group to stop Kai and was fighting Kai to protect Erie izuku suddenly bursts through the wall once the three arrive at the place Deku delivers a one for all full cowl punch to Kai's arm while Shota yells at her night eye to secure Arie and held mirio while he and Deku face Kai the leader of the Shia saikai tries using his Quirk but to no avail ashota has disabled it with his Erasure cornered with nowhere to run a distressed Kai yells at chronostasis Shota notices something approaching them and pushes izuku aside having lost his patience for the constant interference of the heroes Kai uses his power to attract Shin nemoto towards him and uses his overhaul to merge with the subordinate having fused Kai feels relieved izuku analyzes the situation sir Knight eyes protecting Mario and Arie Shota has disappeared and the transformed Kai has been healed Kai mocks Murio for wasting his time trying to become a hero as it's been all for nod now that he's lost his Quirk and he could have avoided this tragic fate had he simply not got involved izuku and Sir night eye are surprised that mirios lost his Quirk Kai charges forward while izuko appears above and throws a column of rock at Kai who destroys it with ease and counters by reconstructing The Broken Pieces into sharp Stones however izuku's iron Souls protect him from the sharp edges and he proceeds to smash Kai's constructed sharp stones into pieces seeing izuku's simple battle style Kai isn't impressed so suddenly Kai is hit by one of Sir Knight eye's hyper density seals but manages to block it sir knightai orders izuku to protect mirio and Arie while he handles Kai isuku reaches mireo and Arie and sees that they're fine izugu smashes open the wall which reveals the path he along with Shota and Sir night I took to get here he decides that they should put distance away between themselves and Kai Arie apologizes while mirio looks back to see sir Knight eye during the battle between sir Knight ayankai sir Knight eyes saw into his future amidst the scene of his likely defeat sir Knight I held onto a sliver of hope that Arie would be saved the boy's safe and Kai defeated as well as imprisoned Kai goes past the impaled sir night eye and chases after izuku izuku is horrified at sir night eye's terrible condition as Kai launches Rock spikes at izuku izuku Stomps on the ground using his enhanced might preventing Kai from reconstructing the ground Kai sees through izaku's plan but is surprised that izuku is displaying greater strength than a few minutes ago the reason for isaku's enhanced strength might be because he activated one for all 20 even though it's making him feel great while declaring that he will bend the future iziku fights overhaul intensely and is narrowly able to avoid overhaul and tries to deal a blow so devastating that the villain won't be able to recover from it aim to be one blow to the top of the head Deku unleashes Manchester smash however deku's powerful ax kick narrowly misses overhaul claims that compared to lemelion and night eye izuku is easy to predict izuku tries jumping out of Harm's Way but is hit by chisaki's Spike attacks overall he uses his Quirk to fix the damage he received iziku is barely standing up due to having been impaled by a small Stone piece in his arm wanting to end this fight a mouth appears on chisaki's hand and using Sheen nemoto's Quirk asks Arie if she wanted all this Arie runs back to chisaki and replies to him that she never wanted any of this Ashok the izuku Tells Arie that she needs to stay with mirio jizaki asks Arie if she thinks izuku can overcome the situation by himself array truthfully reveals that iziku is not capable of doing so chisaki then asks her what she must do to resolve the situation to which Arie replies that she must return to him and in exchange chisaki must fix everything back to normal chisage reads that only she must be hurt since it'll be easier on everyone else shisaki tansiesuku by telling him that his hopes in Mario had been dashed and that his actions the rescue area was a cruel choice to do to Erie and because of that he's unwanted isiku gets up and yells that even though it's none of his business Arie was crying and no one will have to die because he'll save her suddenly the ceiling begins collapsing and ryuku uravati and fropi come dropping in falling down into the Shia saikis underground where they land in the middle of the battle between izuku and chisaki Kai is annoyed with everything being ruined and seeing the whole an opportunity of Escape prepares his Escape by reconstructing a large and long Rock pillar to take him to the surface izaku refuses to let Kai get away izaku tries to chase after Kai Ares Quirk begins activating which causes Kai and shin namoto to split apart returning Kai and shin to normal chisaki desperately tries to retrieve Arie but filled with utter determination izuku unconsciously activates one for all 100 and prepares to attack Kai with a kick while Kai launches reconstructed Stone pillars at izaku surprisingly izuku's body despite using one for all 100 along with all of his injuries have been healed izaku realizes that his healed body is thanks to Aries Quirk ability suddenly izuku begins feeling the immense recoil of one from all one hundred percent after fuse with rikya the newly fused Kai appears looking similar to a stone dragon from the dragon's maw Kai appears and reveals that Erie can rewind humans and depending on how she controls it calling her Quirk a curse and warns isaku that holding on to Aries dangerous which is why he's demanding that izuku return Arie to him because only with his Quirk can he stop Ares cursed Quirk izuku vehemently refuses to hand Airy back and will hold on to her no matter what having experienced Aries Quirk izuku sees that the moment his legs broke Erie reverted them back to normal before he could experience any pain and thinks that Aries Quirk is a kind gentle Quirk contrary to Kai's thoughts understanding that Aries Quirk reverts any pain and Grievous damage back to normal at blinding speed izaku decides that he doesn't need to hold back since all major recoil and damage accumulated by his Quirk will be continuously reverted and healed thanks to Aries Quirk therefore not needing to worry about turning into nothingness izuku charges towards Kai and starts pummeling Kai's mantra's Stone body shattering it as Kai's unable to counter-attack izaku reaches Kai's own body and pummels away these are cool questions that if he can't save one little girl in front of him then he can never become a hero that saves everyone wachako and Sir Knight eye have reached the surface and bear witness the izuku and Kai's battle izuku midoriya has delivered a massive one for all full cow 100 enhanced punch takai which defeats him as he lands on the ground izaku asks Arie if she's fine suddenly Aries Quirk starts going out of control Kai Wills himself back into Consciousness and attempts to attack izaku with his stone hand in a last-ditch effort to get back Arie however Aries Quirk spreads near Kai which causes his fusion with rikya katakame to become undone returning Kai back to normal ochako uraraka apprehends the defeated Kai Yuko tatsuma returns to the surface with Tamaki mirio Shota and tsuyu and asks for a report on the situation butchako explains that they've called an ambulance for sir night eye and that izigo has defeated Kai but his power is spiraling out of control in reality it's Aries Quirk that's causing iziku immense pain tsuyu lifts the injured so that he can see izaku Shota thinking that he's erasing izuku's Quirk disables Aries Quirk Aryan izuku fall unconscious as their quirks are deactivated outside izuku hands over Erie to the paramedics telling them that she has a fever ever since she lost Consciousness before heading into an ambulance sir Knight eye is surprised at the future he saw has turned out differently sir Knight eye tells izaku that he really did twist the future izuku rushes The sir night eye and tells him that almight said that he's alive and is ashamed to look at him in the eye iziko asks her night eye to hang on long enough for him to see all might again sir Knight eye closes his eyes replying to izaku that many Heroes were injured to save one girl and although he finds the situation difficult to be pleased with thanks izuku ryoku also takes a moment to thank izuku for his incredible bravery at 9 15 am the pro Heroes rescue operation to save Arie has been completed in the hospital the doctor is surprised that izuku barely has any injuries but in those moments he was worried about others Shoto appears and calms him while walking through the hallway Shota apologizes to him for not being with him during the critical moments of the battle before going on to explain the conditions of the other Heroes although with different severity no one has life-threatening injuries and they'll recover with time however Shota explains that Aries still hasn't woken up also she's currently in quarantine because her Quirk is too dangerous and she can't control it properly so he tells izaku that they can't rely on Aries Quirk they meet all might Night Eyes Sidekicks and Recovery girl and a surgeon gives them the bad news the wounds that sir Night Eyes suffered during the fight against Kai proved to be too serious and unfortunately there's nothing they can do everyone goes to Sir Knight eyes room and soon Muriel togata joins them izugu begs her night eye to live as Sir Knight eye claims that he doesn't blame all might and only wanted him to be happy and is fine with all might fighting against fate sir night eye has wanted to change almight's future where he was murdered but he couldn't find any answers however izaku showed him away sir night eye hypothesizes that everyone's wishes for a better future change the outcome all might and izuku grieve as Sir Knight eye is satisfied with his changed view of the future never being certain in his last moment sir night I says goodbye to everyone thanks to have met almight and Deku sir Knight is away peacefully after telling everyone to keep smiling as Society needs smiles and laughs to bring about a brighter future izuku Murio and all might can't stop crying next day at the hospital iziku learns of the news that the league of villains attacked the Shia his saikai transport Shota tells him not to feel responsible and explains that all students other than mirio are to return to school Erie will also remain behind despite izaku's misgivings about leaving her isko leaves to visit mirio who's spinning his legs with cheerful energy despite everything that's occurred recalling all my Tabit of this iziko feels tremendous guilt for allowing night eye to die and for allowing mirio to lose his abilities he knows that mirio did more than anyone during the raid and believes that if he had one for all mirio could have saved his master izaku goes as far as to propose that mirio could take isaku's Quirk indicating how easygo believes that mirio is truly the worthier candidate for one for all like night I had said to his surprise mirio turns it down he replies that he would refuse isiku's offer telling izaku that by accepting his quirk izuku would suffer hardship although he doesn't understand why izuku feels dejected he reminds him that he's the hero and says that he has faith that Erie might Master her Quirk to restore his and believes in the words of night eye of being a hero mirio claims he's fine and urges izaku to smile and continue on with a strong heart mirio's optimism convinces izuku to accept the reality tells mirio that he'll be waiting for him to return to UA while he's taking a temporary leave of absence after being discharged isuku meets ajiro at the doors of the hospital then the police appear to ask them to accompany them to the station to answer some questions about the Chia saikai raid remedial course Arc izuku aishiro suyochako returned to the heights Alliance when they finally arrived the entirety of class 1a greet them glad they're all right checking to make sure they're doing okay physically and mentally after their mission Tanya Eda tries to calm down the class and asks them to be sensitive towards their feelings after everything they went through izaku thanks him for thinking about their feelings but ensures him he's fine with the beginning of October isaku ochako ajiro and suyu were given permission to go to Sir Knight eye's funeral along with the big three all might and Shota every regained Consciousness even though her psychological state was still unstable meaning izaku and the others were still forbidden to see her face to face back in class 1a after a mathematics class with ectoplasm isaku ochako and Tanya prepare to go to eat lunch however aoyama suddenly approaches izuku at that moment and puts a block of cheese in his mouth surprising him izaku then States how his recent Behavior left a strong impact on him commenting that aoyama was a man that he could never read later that night izuku writes some notes before going to sleep late as aoyama stares at him through his window Yuga watches a sleeping go from the window before doing something outside and leaving the area turns out izaku was aware of this and becomes scared by yuga's strange Behavior as he sees the latter left him a message and cheese to say he knows something about izaku while he's scared by its state izaku meets up with his friends though internally notes he couldn't sleep with yuga's strange Behavior keeping him up before the latter casually greets him to his fear in class he notes that he's not really talked to Yuga much and wonders about him as the attitude he's shown in contrast as flamboyant and Lively Persona during training izaku ignores aishiro's request to train together since he wants to do so alone katsuki questions him on whether he's made any improvements in his Quirk but izuku states he hasn't kotsuki berates him for his lack of initiative as he brings up isaku's promise to surpass him before he leaves izuku is then called out by Yuga who shows him a new move he's created though it causes him severe stomach problems seeing his State easily asks the instructor for permission to take Yugo away for him to recuperate before he asks him what he meant in his message Yuga explains that he's aware of izuku not being accustomed to his Quirk as the latter Wonder if he found out his secret however Yuka reveals that he went through a similar experience as he details his childhood of having to wear a belt to prevent his powers from leaking out and how he noticed it was similar to isiku's initial lack of control of his before they both overcame it he then tells iziku that he's not alone in hardships as it's better to face them together or they won't Excel hearing those words izuku realizes that yuga's actions weren't meant to scare him but to encourage him as he smiles and thanks him for the support before Yuga suffers from another stomachache after this isaku and Yuga become a good friend with some of the class noting on their frequent interactions UA School Festival Arc at UA High School class 1a chooses to make abandoned dance performance for the school Festival the Lively Mina begins to show off her dance moves while her classmates including izuku are stunned by her skill izaku's shown holding and presumably skimming through his notebook while observing Mina's movements carefully mumbling various facts on the subject himself he later looks up rather solemnly and states that he should try it out Mina responds by calling izuku over to teach him a move named two stepping as a surprised and awkward-looking isaku goes to join her after everyone's in their seat Shota announces that the school Festival is taking place soon and the class is visibly amused since Class A also has to participate Shota orders them to pick out a program to perform at the festival izaku suggests a hero quiz but his classmates also have their own ideas and they don't reach an agreement at night because he needs extra classes to recover the lost hours due to work studies he can't participate in the meeting of his colleagues at Heights Alliance who reach an agreement that the performance will be a musical one still izuku likes the idea the next day izaku is excused by Shota to visit Arie explaining to to the class that the request to visit was exclusively for izaku and mirio once the two are in the room izaku apologizes for not seeing her earlier while mirio offers her a fruit basket after setting it aside Arie tells izaku that while she was being saved she never knew his name izuku quickly States his full and hero name tacking alongside that she could refer to him as Deku as it was shorter and easier to pronounce Arie then begins to blame herself for the severe injuries everyone involves sustained however she's unaware the sir night I passed away Aries guilty that mirio lost his Quirk because of her but Mario tells Arie that she isn't to blame and everyone is glad that she's safe which Comforts Arie suddenly izuku has an idea and asks Shota if every can come to the school Festival Mario explains to Erie that the school Festival is an occasion that UA High School hosts where there will be lots of events on display where people can enjoy themselves while tasting delicious foods such as candied apples which catches Aries attention as Shota calls nezu to get his approval izugo asks Arie about his idea everyone should get to know the people who saved her and agrees to go to the school Festival Murio comic adds on that he could take her on a supervised date to which Ezekiel responds by curiously asking him what he meant izuku and all might are situated in the break room conversing about the festival almight then asks izuku why he wanted to meet up at such a busy time and izaku starts telling him about his recent internship stating that he can only muster up about 20 of his strength if he was under duress he then monologues about how if Arie weren't there his movements would have been too predictable and he would have been immobilized immediately izuku reveals that against long-range attacks he's useless all might reacts by telling him he should have long range attacks as well while iziku is flustered and instantly puts himself down the scene then switches over to a forested area of the school grounds where all might begins to teach him by having him Bring Out full cowl izaku's stance allows him to unleash it attack where he is positioned and he unleashes a monstrous burst of wind known as shoot style all might congratulates him and asks him to rethink through his journey izaku looks back on his six major steps he has accomplished almight states that once izaku's maximum limit had passed 15 percent he had wanted to tell him that he was not always bringing out 100 isko realized that he can't move long at 20 so at the moment of impact that is when he should briefly release an amount close to his limit izuku continues dance practice with the dancing team for the school Festival he confuses Mina's instructions and has to be corrected a week later Mina tells izako he's being switched over to the staging team from the dancing team to help maneuver Yuga during his part of the presentation he's selected since he and Yuga have been getting along as of late realizing he'll still be able to perform he accepts the change in position later on he and all might are out training in the forest before May hatsume appears while following one of her gadgets that all might caught izuku is noticed by May who tells him the item that he requested is similar to one of her inventions and is customizing it for his use to which he thanks her as Mei leaves izuku explains to almight that he requested an item to help him with his new move all might Surprises izuku by revealing that he once had support items but since it wasn't effective to him he chose to fight relying on his own body early next morning izugu's training when may appears to tell him his new gloves she had designed for him to use would shoot Style with are complete and gives them to him isiku was practicing to get used to the gloves until he is almost out of time at 8 30 izaku hurries back to UA after buying everything he needed on the way back however he runs into the disguised Duo of gentle criminal and La Brava gentle criminal mentions golden tips imperialty which izuku remembers as the team Momo served to everyone the day before from that conversation the disguised gentle criminal realizes that izuku is a UA student and after noticing that he made a blunder for talking too long he and La Brava try to leave however he's too late as izuku recognizes gentle criminal as the criminal from the videos he saw with ochako and deduces that he's trying to do something at UA so he begs him not to attack the festival gentle uses gently rebound on izuku which blasts him across the street as he comments on his dislike for using violin to solve his problems as gento and mobrava attempt to make their escape iziku charges at them gentle turns around and uses his Quirk on the ground and izuku gets caught by gentle's gently trampoline and is shot into the air gentle criminal waves Fair farewell to izaku while he and the Brava bounce away in the air in midair after clearing his head of all doubts and focusing the one for all power to 20 in his fingers izaku strikes gentle with Delaware smash Air Force without giving him time to recover from the attack izuku charges gentle and smashes him into a construction building gentle tries to convince izuku to let him continue with his plan because all he wants is to infiltrate the festival not harm anyone but izaku refuses because his actions would cause the cancellation of the festival for which everyone has worked so hard on and with which he tries to make Aries smile with izuku charges out of fleeing gentle until the latter starts bouncing around izuku with great speed by turning the construction beams around him into elastic izuku shoots gentle another Air Blast but the villain uses his Quirk to make the attack rebound hitting Deku himself then to distract izuku gentle uses his Quirk to make one of the seal beams fall forcing izaku to jump in the way of the steel beam to catch it to keep it from crashing a bystander Underneath Him gentle uses his Quirk and turns a Crane's hook into elastic to slingshot himself in labrava out of the construction site and fly towards UA using his enhanced strength to lift up the beam with one hand izaku fires another Delaware smash Air Force from far distance at gentle and Brava gentle Dodges izuku's attack and notes his tenacity using his Quirk gentle labravalent safely in the forest area that surrounds the school but izuku appears above them ready to shoot another Air Blast gentle raises an elastic invisible barrier to protect himself in the Brava from the attack but it doesn't occur instead izaku uses the same aerial trampolines gentle created to get behind him and aims precisely to shoot out his barriers to ricochet's attack right at gentle without giving him time to react izuku manages to pin them down on the ground unfortunately La Brava uses her Quirk to Grant gentle enough strength to throw Deku off them gentle crates several aerial elastic barriers and jumps from them all over the vicinity before charging at izuku on the ground izuku fires four Delaware smash Air Forces at once striking gentle in the leg gentle loses his balance in midair and using this opportunity izugu sneaks up on him and ends up taking down gentle with a Saint Louis smash physical apprehends gentle and admits that out of all the battles he's fought the one with him has been the toughest so far izika watches as labrava returns to the area and sees that he's been defeated by izuku as gentle orders her to run away a flabbergasted La Brava instead demands izuku to let gentle go and while hitting izaku yells that gentle poured his heart and soul into their UA infiltration plan and that she's unable to live without him gentle muscles up the remaining strength given to him by labrava's Quirk and pushes izuku off and into the air using his Quirk to bounce izuku away izuku midoriya has landed outside the forest he rushes back having understood what gentle wanted to do once he arrives he sees that gentle has surrendered to the teachers and he lies to them with the intention that labrava will be given a lesser sentence iziku decides to play along when he's asked about what's happened saying he and gentle had a small disagreement but that everything's fine now ectoplasm warns izaku that all might is worried about him and there's less than an hour left for class 1a's performances heart thankfully he arrives at 9 50 am and you got aoyama who was waiting for him at the entrance gives him his suit for the performance the clock turns 10 class 1a's live dance performance Begins the curtains open up and as the cloud begins cheering izaku's with his classmates and waves to the crowd much to Aries happiness who Smiles in return the music performance starts and class 1a manages to pump up the audience with their singing and dancing isaku performs in the dance and is able to see area at the show the show ends with Applause and a great Ovation from the audience after the performance izuku is reprimanded by all might for having forgotten his cell phone toshinari is well aware of the situation from hound dog and ectoplasm then izuku is scolded by hound dog although he Praises izuku for not getting injured and for preventing the festival from being canceled he'd scolds him for being out of line since he failed to contact any heroes in the vicinity and reminds him that he's not the only hero out there protecting the piece izaku acknowledges his fault which satisfies the teacher who sends izugu flying towards the festival telling him to have fun iziku enjoys the rest of the festival together with his friends and Arie until finally every breathing ends and Erie must return to the hospital Pro Hero Arc as November comes to a close izaku ochako suyu and ajiro are informed by Shota izawa that ERI will be taken in by the school Shota States that's because she doesn't have anyone who can take care of her and he's the only one who can prevent her Quirk from going out of control again izaku listened to mirio explained the growth of her horn and States Hill also helps Shota monitor her and welcomes class 1a to visit her once in a while since they'll all be busy then shoda tells his students to return to their dormitories as they'll have visitors afterwards izuku and his class meet the Pussycats again when they visit UA izaku is happy to see Kota again he thanks him for the letter by stating he treasured it Mandalay points out the new shoes Kota has to izuku which look exactly like izuku shoes later at UA dorms izuku and his classmates watch a television report of a nomu attack in the city and are horrified as it shows Endeavor being overwhelmed by Hood's attack a word izaku looks to Shoto who walks into the room to watch the scene of his injured father laying defeated iziku continues to watch as Endeavor battles the nomu and sustains more injuries before launching a counter-attack is a good then seasoned ever take down the nomu and stand proud before watching as a relieved Shoto fell to his knees not long after izaku is exhausted from training and falls asleep he experiences a dream where he sees the previous users of one for all more clearly than he had before izuku sees a flashback of all for one and his brother the first user of one for all izuku notices that apart from him only seven successors of one for all are beside him when there should be eight izuku gets a glimpse into the past during the chaotic time when quirks were first appearing he recognizes all for one's voice and turns to see all for one and his brother arguing about society's current state of affairs brought upon by the Admin of quirks iziko understands that he's watching The Rise the power of all for one the Defiance of his younger brother towards him and the series of events that led to the creation one for all much to izuku's shock it's revealed that the first user had intentionally shared his memory with him when the first user interacts with him iziku realizes that he's experiencing something all might had told him was impossible the brother notes he wanted to show izaku more but izuku's current level won't permit it though he assures izaku that he's not alone and the latter wakes up izuku is found on the floor by Yuga aoyama who finds the room a mess and izaku with a glowing arm joint training Arc following his dream isaku is questioned by Yuga on the state of his room but he excuses it and goes on a jog unable to fall back asleep after his dream he recalls the last part of his dream when all for one's brother reached out to touch his hand and all of the past users of one for all were looking directly at him he later meets all might in UA's nap room izaku tells him about his dream almight tells izuku that he also experienced similar Visions his master told him that their vestigial remnants of the prior generations of one for all rather than the usual simple dreams he also tells iziku that she taught him the impossibility of the prior Generations communicating with him which likely makes izaku the first user of one for all to experience this phenomenon however all might recalls the discussion with his master where she told him that even if she dies they'll meet again within one for all izuku asks all might about what all for one's brother meant by The Singularity almight tells izuku that he truly doesn't understand what happened that well and they should search for answers together izuku and all my soon encounter Shota and hitoshi leaving the neighboring room izuku excitedly greets hitoshi mentioning that he saw him with Shota before hitoshi's izuku and confirms his memory Shota tells izuku to get ready as they have a busy day izuku and the rest of class 1a group up at Ground gamma from the final exams he speaks with Katsuya on his costume changes and starts to theorize on why he made the changes he did putting kotsuki into a rage mash it out comments on izuku's costume bringing up the glove upgrade that may made for him before UA School Festival isku then Witnesses the arrival of class 1B with NATO claiming that the momentum is now moving to their side izugu then hears Shota and sakichiro tell the two classes they'll have a special guest hitoshi shinso who's trying to transfer to the hero course izuku and mashirao react to seeing hitoshi commenting on his prototype costume noting his mask and the capturing weapon he's wearing Yuga talks with mashirao that when someone responds to hitoshi they're brainwashed by his Quirk but minoro remembers that Deku was able to break free iziku replies that at that time it was just the fluke at chota's urging hitoshi introduces himself to the class he tells everyone that his goal is to become a Great Hero who can help people with his Quirk and while he looks at izuku he finishes his speech by saying that he isn't here to make friends despite his words izaku is eager to face him then class 1a and 1B draws lots to determine their teams izugu teams up with ochako Mina and minoru his team will face monama's team in round five hitoshi draws his own Lots being placed into class 1a's team in the first round and class 1b's team in the fifth which means he'll face izuku again the first round's about to start and izaku is eager to see how much hitoshi has improved since the last time izuku watches the first round which confronts suey's team against ibotta's team the match ends with victory for class 1a where hitoshi had the relevant role after seeing this considering that he'll face him in the fifth round izuku gets tougher with his team to start battle planning and come up with some countermeasures after the second round where Momo's team faces kendo's Team all might appears behind izaku so he can have a word with him and the two move to acquired her Corner almight asks izuku if he's felt anything weird since his dream about the previous users of one for all izugu replies that he hasn't and Omi tells him that he'll ask Gran Torino if nanochimuro ever mentioned anything about him having similar Visions all might tells izuku to be careful in his match against Satoshi asitoshi seems to be a piece of the puzzle as far as his Visions are concerned suddenly katsuki appears behind isaku scaring him katsuki asks about what izuku and all might were just talking about reminding the two that he's also in on their secret they tell katsuki that one for all managed to activate on its own when izuku had his dream which surprises katsuki finally fifth round comes the two teams head towards their respective starting points with a full cowled izaku leaping forward while ochako Mina and minoru walk on discussing their plan ochako Amina gloomily believed that they're at a heavy disadvantage as all of them have more physical quirks and are therefore vulnerable to class 1b's long-range attacks izuku appears to cheer them up upon arriving at their checkpoint izuku signals his teammates to move aside as he prepares the lorat 1b's members into attacking him activating his full cowl power-up izaku searches the area while remaining cautious around his surroundings suddenly a flying oil barrel flies straight into izuku's Direction with the latter realizing that Reiko is using her Poltergeist Court to attack him as he braces himself for the attack izuku hears ochako screaming and turns around only to find a smug NATO monama to reveal himself from the Shadows of the battlefield NATO admits that he has to be on full guard since he's aware of izuku's outstanding fighting technique izuku might be attempting to provoke him NATO then starts questioning izuku about his strategy and taunts the latter for not staying with his team for cooperation purposes NATO comments that his team must have ambushed 1A with the help of hitoshi's powers even to the point of sadistically taunting katsuki in his involvement for ending all might's career as number one hero this prompts an enraged ezeku to charge at NATO preparing to unleash a concentrated Delaware smash just when he's going to shoot izaku's arm once again glows as all for one goes berserk and he shoots out black energy tendrils unable to control the New Sensation izuku orders for everyone to take cover while he struggles in pain but otako clings the izuku and has hitoshi uses brainwashing to save him from being absorbed into the black energy created by one for all hitoshi removes his mask and asks izuku if he can have a proper rematch hearing this izuku confirms the offer and allows himself to fall under hitoshi's spell once again the mysterious black power disappears as he loses consciousness and his powers deactivate while unconscious he finds himself in an unknown area and hears a loud voice calling him revealed to be one of the former users of one for all a bald man wearing goggles and a black jacket with a silver belt the user tells izaku that although his Quirk has finally manifested he's using it in a wrong way izaku is told that he needs to stop activating his power with such idle thoughts the man then encourages izuku to try harder to control the Quirk the previous one for all wielder continues the lecture he was giving izuku he tells him not to give up and then proceeds to inform him that the black tendrils he was emitting earlier in the match were actually the manifestation of the previous one for all wielder's Quirk black whip the reason it suddenly appeared is because izuku was thinking about how he wanted to capture NATO monama fitting the nature of the Quirk perfectly and so causing it to appear he says that this core has started expanding and growing larger and that the same is also happening to one for all itself the predecessor also says that its strength has also increased due to the power of one for all and after he tells izuku to do his best and that all the predecessors are there with him and supporting him he vanishes ochako immediately shakes izaku to wake him from the brainwashing ochako calms izugu down as they float in midair izaku expresses shock and concern for her injuries and what had transpired NATO takes advantage of their guard being down and ambushes isaku from behind while floating on an enlarged metal nut attempting to touch him and copy his Quirk he manages to knock isuku over and ochaku tries to subdue him using gunhead martial arts Reiko arrives in time and saves NATO by using flying projectiles to distract his attacker ochako Dodges as everyone from both teams joined The Fray the once technical battle turning into an all-out brawl hitoshi sends his capturing weapon flying oroshako but izuku darts out in front of her and grabs it ready to face Satoshi once again despite izaku's chaotic Outburst all of the students are still eager to win the fight isaku explained to ochako that he can't use his Quirk after what happened earlier saying he'll have to rely on her powers to Aid him against Satoshi NATO throws a projectile at Izu and ochako but the latter deflects it with her wrist guard as NATO touches izaku and therefore copies his Quirk he attempts to activate one for all but it doesn't appear to work allowing your choco to jump in and swiftly pin him down hitoshi realizes his teammates been caught and calls out to him reading his binding cloth to support NATO but izuku uses otaku's Court to float up to his position above the battlefield distracting him from his captured teammate they both start grappling and Hitachi reminds izaku of their last bout and izugu knows hitoshi is too big of a threat not to neutralize now hitoshi claims he's not the same as before and tries to bring the pipes down and izaku the same way he did in round one izaku recalls the short time he spent in one for all after falling under hitoshi's brainwashing he spoke to a former one for all user and was told to use his new Quirk black whip by keeping his heart under control this man reminded izuku of all might and that gives him enough heart to focus and use the black tendrils to suspend the pipes in the air hitoshi is surprised by this new development and asks if izaku was only faking being in pain before izaku suddenly gets some painful physical backlash for using black whip realizing his body isn't ready for its power yet and he must Master One for All first to avoid another outburst izuku adjusts full cow to eight percent izugu spins off a wall to completely evade hitoshi's capturing weapon izaku pins down hitoshi reminding his team of the claim for a victory that he made before the match began class 1a's team manages to turn the battle around midnight reveals that class 1a won the battle overall and the winners celebrate their Victory leaving the losing class to lament over their loss before adjourning shotok questions izuku about the new move he used with everyone else interested too izuku claims that he isn't sure what it was describing how his power overflowed and saying that he didn't know why the tendril suddenly appeared he thanks hitoshi and ochako for saving him Mina also adds that ochako did latch herself onto izaku's body to prevent him from losing control both izuku and ochako began to blush rapidly in embarrassment however hitoshi reveals that he didn't save izuku out of benevolence nor uchaku's orders but only because he wanted to fight his old rival and win a satisfying Victory asitoshi admits that he acted on his own desires Shota proceeds to scold his pupil much to the shock of izuku and ochako Shoto points out that everyone in the hero course trained hard to become hero and they can't help others if they don't have the will to act on their their own commending hitoshi for demonstrating the demeanor of a real hero isaku follows on by praising the hero and training on his skills throughout the exercise mentioning how his new equipment gave him an upper hand in taking down opponents with no ease iziko also feels like he hasn't made himself reliable just yet later he has a conversation with all might and katsuki about the black whip katsuki asks almight how he knew about using previous Wilder's quirks but all might admits that he knows nothing then he asks izgu if there was a trigger that caused black whip to manifest but the latter denies and wonders if there could have been some sort of external Catalyst kotsky theorizes that maybe this turn of events has anything to do for all for one isiku and katsuki engage in a sparring match at Jim gamma to activate the black whip ability but nothing happens so all might stops the fight and Izu and katsuki returned to their dormitories where the students of class 1a mingle with the students of class 1B once there Shoto stops the converts with him by asking izuku if he has two quirks like him and if he was still hiding his power during their fight at the sports festival izaku hardly replies that the black tendrils might be an extension of his original Quirk and he wasn't holding back against him Shoto believes him the next day Erie izuku mirio and NATO are standing outside the teaching staff dormitories Shota wants NATO to copy Ares rewind Quirk and izuku and mirio are with her because he doesn't want to leave Ariel alone with NATO as his eccentric personality might be bad for her mental health Shota explains samirio and izuku that as Arie doesn't understand how to properly use her power he hoped that NATO's copy Quirk would help her and make it easier for her to learn it as well every feels sad and apologizes for causing everyone trouble saying that everyone would be better off if she didn't have her ability but izigo reminds her that it was her power that saved him stating that what she said is not true at all he explains that what power is worth is all about how it's used comparing it to how a knife is dangerous initially but when used right can make all kinds of food and saying that her power is an amazing one these words encourage Arie and she says that she'll try her best after all internally izuku promises himself that he'll Master One for All my hero Academia Heroes Rising during fall the hero Public Safety commission devises the hero work recommendation project to help train the new generation of Heroes due to all might's retirement weeks go by and shortly after winter begins after the hero interview training class 1a is sent to nabo Island a remote place in southern Japan the pro Heroes who protected the island are about to retire so the students will take care of the place performing duties as real heroes acting like their own hero office until the arrival of new Pro Heroes because Nabu island is quite isolated from the rest of the country and therefore Far From Any villain activity there hasn't been a notable incident since the last 30 years for this reason their work on the island basically involves mostly minor Deeds ochako gets a call from a little girl who lost his brother somewhere on the island and calls across the room and asks if anyone can help or find the lost kid izuku and kyoka volunteer to help the three searched the island and find the little boy named katsumashimano at a nearby park his older sister mahuro Shimano suddenly appears and scolds izuku for taking so long to find them revealing that she was timing ezeku and the others on their rival to their location after the two kids leave which are confused by The Exchange but izaku doesn't mind about being scolded by the child he's just happy the little boy is with his sister later on that night izaku is practicing his kicks to keep training with one for all coming back from his Patrol katsuki finds izaku training and tells him to hurry and master his Quirk they're interrupted by katama who tells them a villain has appeared in the castle ruins katsuki and izuku rushed over to where katsuma said the villain is located katsuki arrives on the scene first to confront the giant mantis villain but quickly realizes it's nothing but an illusion created by maharo's Quirk katsuki angrily scolds mahuro and katsuma for having faked the villain attack before izuku restrains him while the two kids run away the next day izuku comes across katsum again who apologizes for his sister's prank last night after katsuma leaves a neighbor informs isku the kid's mother died and The Villages watches after them while their father's away working by Sunset katsuma meets back with mahro at the same park where he met izuku and is about to tell his sister about becoming a hero when nine and his gang invades the island maharo calls the agency to tell katsuki about the villain attack he doesn't believe her at first but izuku hears the exchange just before izuku can answer back the phone service is cut off after Chimera destroyed the communications Tower izuko immediately runs off to help the kids and the rest of the classmates soon realize the situation and organize the face the villains Ezekiel arrives at the Island's Port finding it completely destroyed he tries to communicate it to his friends but discovers that his cell phone doesn't work concerned by katsuma and mahuro isuku recalls the previous conversation with the neighbor and thereby deduces where the children must live isiko arrives in time to the place and rescues the kids from nine using his Quirk to escape through a forest area and get the kids to safety izugu tells them to run away while he faces nine in the forest area during the fight isaku discovers that nine is not only the owner of several quirks but also has the ability to steal them just like all for one thanks to this nine overwhelms izaku in the fight and tries to seal izuku's one for all but when he fails 9 decides to dispose of izuku maharo and katsuma try to help ezeku but he orders them to flee before nine gets rid of izuku maharo creates a giant illusion of the young hero and gets kotsuki's attention katsuki arrives and works with izuku to defeat the villain but his weather manipulation Quirk strikes both students with a powerful lightning defeating them before losing Consciousness easily who realizes that 9 suffers from an illness if he abuses the use of his quirks too much rendering him unable to fight slice arrives to take nine away and signals to her fellow villains to retreat at the same time izugu katsuki and the kids are rescued by other students later on that night class 1a regroups and shelters everyone to treat the wound and feed the hungry izugu and katsi are both unconscious and the doctors can only use their quirks to close their wounds but they can't treat them any further katsuma arrives and helps the clinic by using his Cell Activation to heal both izuku and katsuki they try to figure out what the villains are after and katima reveals nine is trying to steal his Quirk he offers to surrender to nine to save everyone but izuku appears and stops him telling katsuma he has an amazing Quirk that he should never give up the whole class unanimously agrees to fight the villains and protect everyone on the island izuku devises a plan of action for the class by relocating all the civilians to mount shiroyama in the smaller Island where the ancient Castle is located it can hold all of the residents in the large cave safely this way the villains only have one route to get the katsuma and everyone has an Escape Route if needed the next morning nine and his crew arrive at the entrance to the island they fall into class 1a's trap and are forced to split up by Yuga and Momo's ultimate moves and as planned the students take turn attacking him to force him to use his quirks as much as possible despite their attempts to stop him nine gradually defeats the students until it's izaku and katsuki's turn to face him as the villain is about to defeat him he reaches his limit and starts to reel in pain from his illness izugu and katsi sees the opportunity but 9 activates his life support to take a heavy dose of empowering drug and goes beyond his limit summoning a massive lightning strike that seemingly vaporized izaku and katsuki the remaining students tried to apprehend nine but the villain easily defeats them and catches katsuma and maharo up he holds maharo hostage and threatens the killer of katsuma doesn't surrender his Quirk katsumo runs towards nine to save her but nine tosses mahora to the side and tries to seal katsuma's Quirk before he can do it izuku and katsuki Enter The Fray to save the children izaku kicks 9's face and the force of the blow throws the villain several meters away from katsuma then he apologizes to the little boy for the delay and Praises him for his bravery as the kids flee to safety izuku and katsuki proceed to fight nine izuku and Katie gained the advantage after nine is reaching his limits of using his multiple quirks and overwhelms him with a combination of Detroit Smash and explosion on the verge of defeat 9 uses the entire empowering drug in his life support system which amplifies all his quirks to the maximum and proceeds to decimate izuku and katsuki with his bullet laser and uses his Hydra to start crushing them to death with the entire class down and wounded izuku makes the desperate risk he transfers one for all takotsuki Breaking the grip from nine infuriated nine attempts to kill them by summoning another massive Firestorm on the island destroying much of the Island's infrastructure katsuki reaches one for all full cow 100 and together with izaku they use Detroit smash to stop the storm nine is just shocked by what he had just witnessed still he refuses to give up on fulfilling his dreams and engages izuku and katsuki in intense combat releasing all his quirks at maximum power after a lengthy fight izuku and katsuki finally managed to defeat 9 once and for all using the explosion Quirk combined with St Louis smash at 100 effectively ending the threat both Heroes pass out as isuku loses Consciousness he thanks one for all for everything as its last Embers are extinguished inside him after class 1a emerged Victorious over the threat the military and a large number of Heroes arrive on Nabu Island rescuing the civilians medically treating class 1a and putting the villains into custody all might recovers the barely conscious izuku and the unconscious katsuki he cradles izaku in his arms and says he did well as izugu asks if kotsuki is okay izuku then starts crying as he apologizes to all might for giving one for all takotsuki because he had no other choice to protect the people of the island before losing Consciousness all might forgives izaku saying he's Brave and deserving a one for all and then miraculously isuku's body glows with the power of one for all coursing through his veins once more almight says it's a miracle but perhaps the predecessors will did for izuku to hold this power all might takes both boys to be healed later they're healed by recovery girl and katsuma for the next two weeks class 1a continues to say on Nabu Island to help repair the Damage Done by nine and his villains until the public safety Commission suspends the program and orders them to be sent home with the island being repaired by the military in the heroes class 1a boards a ferry to leave izuku had a conversation with katsuki who suffered Amnesia where he doesn't remember using one for all katsuma and mahura who are reunited with her father say their goodbyes class 1a for protecting them and saving the island katsuma promises the izuku that he'll get strong enough to be enrolled in UA High School in the future Endeavor agency Arc Mexico is shocked by katsuki's rough and harsh attitude during an interview along with Shoto when the interview staff had cut him out of the interview izaku comments that katsuki's behavior wasn't very all-mitish which makes katsuki angry and orders him to shut up later izugu checks on The Daily News and hears about the DACA City incident that happened nine days ago despite having fewer casualties the destruction was greater than that of the kamino Yokohama incident the mentality of society regarding Heroes is changing and when they were once very critical towards Heroes now they're showing them greater support in response to this change in Attitude Mount ladies invited to UA to give class 1a hero interview training lessons one by one the students participate in a simulated interview and when it's easygo's turn to be interviewed he gets so nervous that his body turns all stiff and can't help but stutter mountlady decides to stop izaku's stuttering by mentioning that many of his moves are Throwbacks to all mites with this izuku excitedly goes on to talk about his dedication to following all my steps but midnight questions him about his newly developed black whip Quirk iziku decides to demonstrate his Newfound power focusing on his inner her strength as he visualizes what unlocking the ability will be like with enough concentration isiku unleashes a small wisp of his black whip ability even though he's happy and excited about his progress nobody else is impressed days later the hero work recommendation project takes place shortly after they returned from Naboo Island he celebrates Christmas with his companions with the hero work studies about to start he still has no one to do it with later Shoto brings Arie to the heights Alliance to enjoy Christmas with class 1a everyone celebrates Christmas and has fun holding a surprise gift exchange izugu is ecstatic after receiving a Choco's gift while ochako herself smiles and blushes for receiving an all my keychain from izuku when the party's over Shoto approaches izuku and katsuki and offers them a chance to intern at his father's agency with them both accept the offer and talk to all might about it who thinks it's a great idea that both do the second work studies with Endeavor isiku is a bit worried about his training with one for all but all might replies that he doesn't expect that he'll experience more outbursts because he's mastered the image of locking and unlocking for New Year's Eve iziku returns to his apartment to enjoy the holiday with his mother inko on the morning of New Year's Day inco says goodbye to his son izaku and asks him to do his best when izaku Shoto and katsuki meet with Endeavor the current number one hero doesn't hesitate to tell izuku and katsuki that he only accepted them because his son asked him to and he would have preferred Shoto to come alone despite his words iziku thanks him for accepting them as interns recalling the conversation they both had during UA sports festival months ago while walking down the street Endeavor remarks the words that izuku said to him at the sports festival about how Shoto isn't like him suddenly Endeavor runs off saying that he won't be wasting time training others than Shoto telling them that if they want to learn then stay behind them only to be surprised to see them already in their gear ready for action a sonic boom goes off in the city while the boys try to keep up with their new employer isiku notes that endeavor took off before anyone even noticed the commotion which takes more than just speed they found that a villain known as star servant is causing panic with his glass manipulation Court endeavor's intervention forces the villain to flee down an alley and call his minions when they come out at the other end star servants minions are ready to attack the next moment izuku and katsuki take on the minions directly however in an even faster flash Hawks appears and effortlessly dispatches them with his feathers after the villains are arrested Hawks briefly chats with the three interns izuku introduces himself politely Endeavor asks Hawks what he wants to which Hawks deflects the question completely before promoting the Paranormal Liberation front's book seeing how Japan's number two hero recommends the book izuku expresses his desire to read it too and Hawks gives him Shoto and katsuki extra copies that he carried with him once they arrive at Endeavor agency Endeavor asks his trainees what they want to achieve izaku says he wants to be able to control his power and use it with maximum performance Endeavor recall that he has a super strength work that's powerful but self-destructive izgo replies that he found the method to control it enough not to injure himself but recently his Quirk has manifested in a different way and unleashes a small wisp of his black whip Quirk to show to Endeavor he wants to use this new power as a weapon and has been thinking about applying some of the concept of his Air Force on it and to help Endeavor to better understand what he wants isiku gives a very lengthy and detailed explanation of how his Air Force works and what he wants to achieve with his black whip surprisingly Endeavor actually follows what izuku is saying and what he wants after listening to katsuki and Shoto Endeavor starts the work studies he explains that his agency is governed by three fundamentals rescue evacuation and battle with his training they'll make these processes their MO Endeavor ends The Lesson by telling izuku Shoto and katsuki that during the winter break their task is to beat a villain faster than him even if only once during the following days the three students try to surpass endeavor's test but the veteran hero always manages to catch the villains before them Endeavor doesn't hesitate to criticize them telling them in what facets they need to improve during a break Endeavor asks izuku if he's able to Max his output for a second subconsciously he replies that with full cowling he has no problems but with the Air Force he still needs Focus then Endeavor tells izaku to forget about his secondary ability for now and focus only on using Air Force when isuku asks about the parallel processes Endeavor advises him to learn to do two things at once subconsciously and when he succeeds throw in another thing a week later Endeavor brings Shoto izaku and katsuki over to his house for dinner per his daughter's suggestion dinner starts well with izuku praising the food for Yumi cooked but ended up being quite awkward due to the complicated relationship between Endeavor and his children and specifically due to natsua's resentment towards his father and after he finishes he quickly leaves unable to sit near his father although it's clear that endeavor regrets what he did and now tries to do his best for his family it's hard for his children to forgive him izuku tells Shoto that he feels he's getting ready to forgive Endeavor as he feels that if Shoto truly hated him it would be fine to not forgive him fuyami and Shoto tell izugu and katsuki about their older brother Toya and how close he was to natsuo to the point he blames Endeavor for Toya's death although family relationships have improved a lot there are still many wounds to heal Endeavor then comes in and tells the three of them that he'll be taking them to UA high school as the three of them thankful Yumi for the meal fuimi thanks izuku for being shoto's friend while Endeavor chauffeur drives them back to UA Endeavor tells the boys that they'll have to keep going to his agency to continue the training on weekdays and weekends if their schedule allows just then a villain appears in the middle of the road holding natsua as a hostage and calls out Endeavor to come face him Endeavor leaps out of the car to save his son the villain introducing himself as ending is obsessed with Endeavor and wants the hero to kill him ending takes a step back when he sees the interns giving Endeavor an opportunity to attack the off-balance villain however when he sees not to all being held in front of ending Endeavor slows down not wanting to endanger him and allowing the three students to pass him in order to rescue natsuo and defeat the villain disappointed ending threatens to increase the death toll if the flame here doesn't kill him sending several incoming cars into the air as izaku sees all the cars on the road flying in the air he jumps into the air using Delaware smash Air Force while thinking back to what Endeavor said about doing things subconsciously and successfully unleashes black whip saving all the cars while yelling that he won't let any of ending's wishes come true the shocked ending is then defeated by a fire covered punch from Shoto izugu checks to make sure if any of the people were injured and claims to the other two that this was a complete victory for themselves paranormal Liberation War Arc winter break ends and students return from their hero work studies to show their progress with their quirks and skills in the boys changing room ajiro Praises iziku for controlling his other Quirk to which izuku tells him he can only handle it for a moment and that it doesn't have many uses but he considers it strong as the students go outside izuku continues explaining that he needs to let his body adapt to it because it throws off his sense of speed so his brain can't keep up when the students arrive at Ground Alpha they meet with almight who's replacing shotaizawa because he had an emergency to attend to one by one the students battle villain Bots to show off their new skills and super moves they've developed finally izugu katsuki and chotto show off what they learned working for the number one Pro Hero Endeavor at his agency isiku shows off the results of his experience and his improved control over black whip after their exhibition several of the classmates congratulate the three students for the improvements izuku then spots ochako and approaches her thanking her properly for helping him get black whip under control during their joint training battle ochako brushes him off and reveals that his new abilities inspired her to add wires to her costume she she thanks him for helping her get stronger and says that they both helped each other up fist bumping izuku later all might meets izukunkotsky at the teacher's lounge congratulating the two other improvements before placing a notebook on the table that contains all the information he could find about the previous one for all users and their quirks although he reveals he couldn't find anything on the second and third users izuku tells almight he can only manifest black whip for a sec so he can't compete with hauntasero or Shota izawa but considers it a powerful support type Quirk all might asks him if he made contact with the other users to which he says no by checking the information in a notebook they realize that the previous users didn't possess particularly powerful quirks because all for one hunted those who possessed powerful quirks they also checked that they died very young fighting all for one all might informs izuku that the next power to awaken will be float after the two returned to the dorms at night they prepared to help the other students with a hot pot party to energize everyone for the new term as they continue to socialize izuku internally reflects how his life has improved since he entered UA feeling blessed over the next few days izaku trains quirks the months go by until they arrive at the end of March thanks to the police investigation and its spy Hawks the hero Public Safety commission had uncovered the plans of the Paranormal Liberation Front and its allies with this information the commission organized a large force of pro Heroes to take down the villain organization a team of Heroes has the mission of storming the gunga mountain Villa the main headquarters of the Paranormal Liberation Front while another team led by Endeavor will do the same at Jaco General Hospital where the no more created and also because tomorrow shigaraki is located there undergoing an operation to become more powerful finally a third team made up of mainly students and led by Vernon will be in charge of evacuating the residents of the city near the hospital and taking them to a safe place iziku is part of this team when everything is ready Endeavor orders the start of the operation and burn-in signals the student to start evacuating the citizens as izaku and the students Evacuate the citizens Endeavor and his Squad arrive at the secret Laboratories below the hospital after defeating all the gnomus that Dr garaki releases in an attempt to stop them however when the heroes think they've already anyone at that moment tomorrow shigaraki wakes up despite the distance between the two izuku gets a bad feeling that something terrible is coming soon the voice of the first user of one for all whom he hadn't heard from since the joint training battle begins to warn him of tomorrow's Awakening and urges him to stop him when izaku fixes his Gaze on the jakku hospital the building suddenly crumbles to dust then the disintegration begins to spread rapidly reaching in a short time the city itself izaku charges up 45 percent of one for all and unleashes a St Louis smash Air Force at the spreading disintegration to push it back but despite izaku's best efforts it continues with no sign of stopping the students begin to run as fast as possible while evacuating the civilians who were still in the city as best they can izuku himself uses blackwhip to drag an entire Bus full of civilians away from danger the students managed to get everyone to safety before the Decay finally stops after destroying much of the city while fleeing Vernon tried to contact the hospital raid Team without success until shortly after they managed to escape she radios Endeavor which is facing tomora apparently tomorrow is going after something he calls one for all neither Endeavor nor Burnin know what he's talking about but izuku who overhears her knows exactly what's going on isuku tries calling out towards Vernon but she orders the students and civilians to evacuate while he leads a force of Heroes against tomra who for some reason they don't understand is heading to the city izuku knows that Tomer is going after him and his Quirk and in order not to put anyone in danger he decides to get away from there as soon as possible to lead tomora away from the civilians izaku de doses that tomorrow can't see anyone from his location but just in case he finds him he has to move he contacts Endeavor via the private Channel and tells him that he believes tomorrow is looking for him though he doubts he can move him to a place where there's no people Endeavor demands an explanation but izuku assures him that he'll explain later but now he needs to know tomorrow's position because with all the dust up in the air he can't see tomorrow and if there's any way Endeavor can redirect them it never tries to tell them that there's no time for that but right at that moment tomora suddenly changes course heading Southwest and communicates it to izaku izugu thanks him and says he'll buy time for evacuation before hanging up while running izuku tells katsuki that tomra is coming and katsuki retorts that he overheard so he needs to draw him closer isuku then asks why kotsuki is coming with him and katsuki answers that in a situation like this the only one who can make the people understand quickly enough is himself iziko accepts the reason and thanks him tomorrow finally catches up to izuku and katsuki demanding he give one for all to him as he reaches out his hand to grab izuku who experiences the image of death like during the kamino incident seeing both himself and katsuki disintegrating when tomara is about to grab him all of a sudden Gran Torino rushes in and grabs the two of them before flying in the opposite direction he explains he heard everything about tomora and tells izuku that facing him now is a bad idea because his Decay is insanely powerful iziku tries to protest but Gran Torino reminds him that there are other Heroes that can still fight Gran Torino drops izaku and katsuki in a safe place as he explains to izugu that Eraserhead is blocking tomoro's Quirk with his own tomora is not only much stronger and faster than before but also has all for one Quirk and if izaku lost one for all it'll be the worst case scenario while arguing the three watch in shock as the situation worsens even more as a large number of nomu appear attacking the hero Force who came to help in the fight against tomra Gran Torino moves to eraserhead's location to help him against homura as he tells izuku and katsuki to hide however they both disobey the order and charge at tomura izuko manages to arrive in time to tackle the villain before he can kill Shota izawa while he yells that the worst case scenario they could face is losing his teacher the teacher who has been looking after them since day one izugu and katsuki begin to attack tomra but even with their efforts and with Shota canceling his quirks they barely managed to contain him having to receive help from Endeavor izuku is shocked to know that tomoro's physical strength is on par with all mites Endeavor tells iziku and katsuki that they can act without his Direction in this situation but he wants them to support Eraserhead and protect each other tomorrow moves forward hoping to grab izaku and one for all but as he demands this soon and give him one for all he ends up calling him his little brother a statement that leaves both of them confused the heroes continue to attack tomorrow constantly and little by little they begin to overcome him thanks to their teamwork and combination of quirks but tomorrow's will remain strong and continues to battle managing to seriously injure Gran Torino izaku screams in anguish upon witnessing his mentor be pummeled but when he tries to strike him with black whip tomoro rushes past both him and kotsuki as he's aiming for a racer head because his eraser Quirk doesn't allow him to use all his quirks nor his regeneration to heal his wounds he gets stopped by ryukyu who grabs him in her hands as tomorrow realizes he's losing stamina izaku grabs tomorrow with black whip successfully and yells at him that he won't forgive him tomorrow in turn says that he won't forgive anyone too as he elbows izaku right in the cut izuku endures it turning the rage he had toward tomura into strength for his black whip which manages to keep tomra restrained allowing katsuki and Endeavor to charge forward however he notices tomora manages to pierce sudoku's claws with his hand and he's holding Quirk destroying bullets between his fingers and warns the others he immediately uses his new super move 100 Wyoming smash to stop the villain however he's unable to stop tomra from throwing a bullet at a racer head successfully hitting him in his crippled left leg Eraserhead quickly pulls out his knife and cuts his leg off before the drug could spread throughout his body tomorrow doesn't hesitate to praise Eraserhead for doing that but nevertheless he continues to be a problem to him he unleashes shockwaves to break free of izuku and Riku he grabs eraserhead's face at the same time that izuku manages to catch his legs with black whip izuku Yanks him back with black whip at the same time tomorrow is struck by a pillar Vice from Shoto who had decided to follow izuku and katsuki izuku Strikes Tomer on the gut and sends him flying back before going over to his teacher to his horror he sees that he's closed his eyes due to the wound that tomora caused to his face deactivating his Quirk as a result tomura is successfully able to heal himself with a super regeneration and he looks to the hero saying that as much as they delayed it the only fate that awaits them is total Destruction seeing his teacher Shota injured izuku is enraged Rock tells him to run away but izaku refuses to do so tomorrow sets out to destroy them but then his body rips apart although his super regeneration will heal the wound is confused by this as the operation is supposed to have improved his body this makes him ask izuku about today's date upon seeing what happened izuku realizes that tomorrow's body cannot maintain the incredible power of all for one similar to his first experiences with one for all this is due to his capsule being destroyed when he was at 75 percent nevertheless when his regeneration finally kicks in tomora attempts to use his Decay Quirk again to finish off everyone but isuku jumps into the air carrying everyone with black Whip and for the first time activating Nana shimura's Quirk float iziko realizes that only he can prevent tomoro's mass destruction by putting him in mid-air tomra says to izuku that he'll take one for all from him in the sky and send him straight to heaven along with everyone else but izuku yells he won't let him hurt anyone anymore as he pulls tomra closer to him izaku activates one for all at 100 and unleashes devastating attacks against tomra with no intent attention of sparing the villain and not caring that his own body can end up messed up izaku severely injures himself by Smashing 100 of one for all's power into shigaraki over and over again despite the pain he continues his assault on tomora who notes himself that the damage is exceeding his regeneration on the ground the heroes are impressed by the combat but katsuki knows that izuku won't be able to continue fighting soon along with Shoto and Endeavor the three fly into the air as Endeavor tells katsuki to aim for when black whip is completely extended and when he gets up there the two need to get back to the ground or they may get caught up in the fire the conditions are met and when izuku is about to strike tomorrow again katsuki and Shoto launch Endeavor at the villain and Endeavor charges in and holds tomra yelling for izuku to get down as he incinerates tomra with a point-blank prominence burn while being burned alive all for one's Consciousness appears in tomorrow's mind to offer his assistance desperate tomur accepts giving all for one the opportunity to take control of his body from tomurush charred back emerged black shadowy tendrils that impale Endeavor who can't believe he's still alive tomora says something unintelligible before firing the wires at izuku calling him his little brother at that moment without even thinking katsuki pushes izaku out of the way and gets stabbed by the black wires izuku watches in shock as katsi falls to the ground badly injured being grabbed by Shoto tomara mocks the sacrifice of the heroes and especially kotsukis which snaps izaku feeling a strange and painful sensation in his head blinded by rage izaku goes berserk on tomora destroying the tendrils on his way but his anger leaves him open to being touched by his enemy tomura takes the opportunity and puts his hand on izuku's face and proceeds to extract one for all but all does not go as planned as the move brings izaku and his foe into his mindscape izuku finds himself back in the miscovered Wasteland of his dream and in front of him he sees all for one half fused with tomora trying to take control of his body as tomorrow tries to reject him ezeku tries to move towards them but instead trips and falls nanashimura appears and puts her hand on his head saying that he still can't move in his dream but they will do something about it the all-for-one manifestation notices her presence and begins to mock Nana indicating to tomorrow that she's his grandmother during his rant all for one talks about the strange phenomenon of people inheriting an organ donor's personality after a transplant surgery which is why he has memories of the people whose quirks he stole from and why he can see and talk to his brother now thanks to all for one and one for all his quirks Nana tries to talk to her grandson but tomorrow just calmly tells her he despises her too tomorrow's anger causes one for all to start to erode at the same time that he tries to destroy his master's manifestation the eroding stops as all for one realizes his rage is not enough as his younger brother the first user of one for all appears as well and stops the Decay saying to be just as stubborn as himself all for one's brother proclaims he doesn't intend to allow him to harm the boy they've chosen as their new Heir as he and Nana start to push the influence of all for one back in a grand explosion izaku wakes up from the dream as he and tomra fall away from one another in the sky izaku realizes tomorrow failed to steal one for all as all for one tells tomora that the reason why was because his body hasn't fully adapted to his new Quirk he tells him that his body needs to reach Perfection and to retreat while izugu pleads with tomora to stop moving Shoto catches izuku while still holding on to katsuki and his father drops them on the ground with relief that the three of them are still alive however tomorrow is still not defeated nejide and Tanya arrived to help and Shoto asks him to take izuku away from there but he replies he still needs to stay close to Torah because he's still after his Quirk and tells ingenium to help katsuki and Endeavor Escape Shoto nejide confront homura taking advantage of his weakened state to completely defeat him but gigantom machia eventually makes it there to assist his master on his back he carries several lieutenants from the Paranormal Liberation Front including Dobby izaku listens to Dobby's speech who claims that at that moment he's broadcasting to all Japan his relationship with enji as well as many of his dark secrets and several cruel acts committed by Heroes like best genus and twice's Murder by hawks when he's done Dobby is ready to attack with his quest worked but to his surprise and many of those present best genus himself jumps from a plane with several carbon fiber containers and uses his fiber Master Quirk to tie up gigantom machia tomora and the Paranormal lieutenants Dobby manages to free himself using his fire and clashes with his brother Shoto as giganto Makia struggles against best genus swires after receiving an order from a semi-unconscious tomora likewise several of the near high-end nomu receive an order and rush to where they are to attack best genist when he sees them approaching iziku tries to tell himself to move because he knows if anything breaks best genus Focus giganto Makia will break free believing if he uses black Whip and Float his busted limbs won't matter he yells at himself to not be the worthless izuku who can't save anyone and to support best genus all of a sudden mirio arrives using his Quirk to punch away the near High ends approaching best genus leaving izuku shocked izuku asks Murio how he got there he replies that they received a message about the current situation in jaku City from The Villa team so he rushed there at once using his permeation special mode of travel this makes easy remember that the day before the raid mirio had asked Arie to use her rewind Quirk on him so that he could get back his Quirk and help in the incoming battle while Meteo nejire Tenya and katsuki protect best genus from the nomus Shoto continues to fight his older brother in midair Dobby manages to grab him and prepares to use his Quirk at full power to incinerate him completely to make their fathers suffer suddenly black whip separates them the villain looks in confusion as is revealed that izaku shoots his Quirk from his mouth a technique he dubs froppy style after being inspired by his classmate suyu during the training several months ago Dobby unleashes a blast of flames to destroy the black whip yelling that this is a family affair and he shouldn't mess in it izaku replies that it's his business because Shoto is his dear friend and Endeavor is his mentor who made him stronger he agrees that the past can never die but he's seen how much Endeavor wants to become a better person and how he wants to watch that he also Dobby that he isn't Endeavor which seems to help break Endeavor out of his trance just then izaku feels again a painful sensation in his head and notices that giganto Makia is going to break free from best genus fiber fortunately Endeavor reacts and uses every bit of strength to knock the giant back knocking himself out as a result after this izuku loses Consciousness due to tabi's attack after spending a few minutes unconscious a voice inside him wakes him up izaku looks to see Shoto recuperating on the ground much to his relief suddenly he starts feeling another sharp pain emerge within his head just like what had happened when katsuki was injured by tomra and gigantom machia was about to break free from best genius cable he figures that this is dangerous since the Quirk of the fourth one for all user due to being unprepared for it emerging like this his senses start to overload in his head then tomorrow manages to wake up but izuku realizes that all for one's Consciousness has taken control of tomorrow's body using his radio waves to call a large number of near high-end nomus to get him out of there along with a handful of allies everybody tries to stop them but they fail iziku uses black whip froppy style to jump into the air to confront tomorrow all for one all for one tell tells him that they'll meet again once his body is perfected using radio waves to send him flying away as isagu screams out to tomra in the aftermath of the battle izaku along with the other injured heroes are taken to the central hospital to be treated however after several days izuku is the only one to still remain unconscious being watched over by all might while his arms and legs are completely bandaged up in actuality the consciousness of iziku is back in the Vestige world encountering the predecessors of one for all while all might senses him from the outside yoichi reveals to him that over the past couple months one for all's power has grown so exponentially that the users can now more freely communicate with each other after izaku manages to find a way to communicate with the users through his partly manifested mouth he's introduced to hikage shimori the fourth user and the original wielder of danger sense he also learns from him the truth behind his cause of death which almight had scribbled out in his notebook which is that he died of old age he reveals that he had decided to use his turn with one for all to hide out away from the world and all for one training the power for the X User however after 18 years The Quirk started to break his body and that possessing multiple quirks had ate away at his life izaku is shocked and confused by the statement since almight held the power for much longer than anyone however he's soon able to realize the reasoning that the other users also managed to figure out that all might was quirkless the users discovered that when one for all is transferred to a user with an existing Quirk it would result in the contents of the vessel being warped and spilling over eventually resulting in a shorter lifespan and that all might held onto it for 40 years because the Quirk took the place of his previously empty vessel the users and izuku take this information to realize that now especially after the quirks of the other users have emerged one for all can't be transferred to an ordinary person that it was a miracle both all might and izaku two quarkless individuals managed to have the Quirk bestowed to them and that due to the slowly diminishing percentage of quirkless people in the world isaku may end up being the last successor of one for all after this Revelation Nana approaches izaku and asks him if he'll be able to kill tomura shigaraki to his surprise she continues that she and the other users could sense izaku's feelings during the previous encounter with tomra and how he saw him as someone who needed saving yoichi reveals that the will of one for all could be overwritten through a being with strong negative emotions and that all for one purposefully raised Tomah this way to consume him with so much hatred to steal the Quirk Nana proceeds to confirm that tomra is her grandson and became this way due to abandoning his father at a young age feeling guilty for what happened despite knowing the selfishness of placing the burden on izaku she warns him that if tomorrow reaches his potential he'll be unstoppable and that if he looks like someone who needs saving but can't does he have the resolve to stop him iziko reflects on the instance when he connected with Thomas conscious in one for all and how in the deepest parts of his mind he was able to sense Torah as tenko crying he thinks back to all the villains he had faced during the past year noting that he never got the opportunity to learn why they became villains and wonders if things would have turned out differently if he did he knows that despite all the bad tomorrow has done he stands his his ground believing that one for all is a quirk meant to save lives not kill something he learned from almight he states that through all might and the users of one for all that cultivated the power they have saved countless lives and brought hope to so many out there that he believes the power's purpose has changed he admits that while it's still possible he'll have to kill tomorrow he doesn't know what he'll do yet he still wants to try and save that little boy yoichi thanks izuku for his answer comforting the crying Vestige of all might and Nana who apologizes to isaku for testing him and thanking him for sticking to his beliefs while yuichi asks the second and third users to help their successor izaku learns more about hikage and ends quirks in preparation while he was unconscious the media had learned of the name one for all after word spread of several Heroes overhearing endeavor's mention of it during the battle with tomra and with Hawks and best genus learning from Endeavor it had something to do with izaku almight tells the three of them the truth sometime after he awakens Ezekiel writes letters to each of his classmates in 1A revealing the truth behind his Quirk being a power passed down to him by online and that all for one and tomorrow are now after him because of it by the start of what would be his second year in April izaku leaves you a high villain hunt Arc prior to leaving the hospital izaku alongside all might and inco learned from the Central Hospital doctor that despite initially being warned that more extreme injuries would have left him immobilized the situation is different now he explains how in the past the injuries were contained within the body going off like little explosions but this time most of the injuries came from the surface he also adds that thanks to him using black whip to wrap and reinforce his limbs to keep them from shattering as well as the drastic changes to his body since then going from being able to handle 5 to 45 capacity the injuries were nowhere near as severe despite this he still warns him to be careful in the future after the doctor leaves inco asks for an explanation which the two agree to give thus sharing the secret of one for all with her including him being a Target because of it almight tells her that they're making arrangements to protect him at UA but izaku Cuts him off saying that he won't be returning inco becomes increasingly concerned as her son explains that tomorrow can locate him at any time like now and he States his desire not to see anyone else get hurt anymore resolving to stop tomora and all for one before they can reach full strength and that he'll get stronger despite inko unable to properly deal with all the revelations izako reassuringly takes his mother's hand telling her that whenever she thanked him and smiled she made him extremely happy but that's why he has to go to help others promising to return home to her almight then jumps in and declares that he knows he can't stop izaku from going so he offers to join him before checking out iziko visits Gran Torino and gives him Nana's regards which he accepts with a smile he admits he should have tried to finish the job with Tomer himself and advises izako to not be so rigid with his beliefs saying that death can be seen as another form of Salvation handing him his cape as he leaves all might contact's best genist informing him Endeavor and Hawks of izaku's plan to leave UA which they believe would work perfectly for their own plan utilizing izuku as a way to lure out the league of villains and determine thomra's location while they follow suit maintaining a safe distance a newly modified isuku and all might head off for their team up with the top three Heroes surveying a nearly abandoned city danger sense alerts isaku to a nearby threat which he goes to investigate he discovers Grande battling an escaped villain which turns out to be muscular and right before he's killed ezeko as daku saves Gran by blasting muscular away with a smash emerging from a shroud of smoke wearing his hoodie and mask recognizing izuku from their previous encounter muscular joyfully reacts to his reappearance piping himself up for a rematch while Deku looks down on him holding the unconscious Grand muscular jumps toward the bottom of the building to deku's surprise throwing it into the air forcing him to jump away Deku makes his way to the taguchi building where the civilians are held up and all while shrouded in Smoke quickly hands Grand over to turtleneck he reflects over how many buildings have been destroyed but declares to make sure no more damage occurs Deku proceeds to converse with the sixth user one for all and asking if he overdid the use of his Quirk smokescreen and provides him some advice to keep control over it and suggests he try to relax a little and that rather than seeing the user's quirks as ultimate moves to think of them as Tools in his Arsenal to strategically organize a plan Deku proceeds to use float to hover above the city as well as smoke screen to reduce muscular's Vision covering the streets below remembering the tactics from their fight he uses danger sense to dodge muscular's incoming attacks and finally black whip to grab a hold of him and keep him contained on the ground muscular is annoyed at the cheap party tricks while Deku asks him where tomura and all for one are muscular replies that he doesn't know as they just told him to go wild after he was freed and instead proceeds to berate Deku for just talking and using all these gimmicks rather than having a proper Fight daku Continues anyway asking why he rages like this if he has any regrets and if there's any other path he could go towards referring to him as gotoi masuji but muscular simply responds he just wants to indulge in Blood and violence and it's useless to try and sympathize with him hearing muscular's declaration Deku thinks back to his previous thought about how if he truly on stood the villains maybe things would turn out differently and how even if the fight now is inevitable he still wanted to learn at least what makes him tick deep down as muscular breaks free from black Whip and tries to fight back Deku notes how the tendons in his muscle augmentation have started to unravel thanks to his initial battle with Grand and his vibrations and that was the reason he was purposely keeping his distance muscular screams in annoyance as Deku comes at him with a smash to the stomach knocking him out with one punch declaring that this is his full power wrapping him up in Black whip Deku quickly flies away from the city delivering the unconscious muscular to the Dinah police station before again speeding off into the air to the officer's confusion would danger sense calmed down izuku contacts all might and meets up with him in an Alleyway all might inquires about his condition which izaku says he's alright thanks to his new support item that all might ordered from America the mid gauntlets all might reminds him that it's still a prototype and they were made for endurance so they'll reinforce his body but won't be able to handle 100 output so he can't go overboard just as all might receives a phone call from Hawks who's fighting a villain alongside Endeavor and best genus asking about isuku's status he gets another alert from danger sense and once again leaps away off toward the trouble as night falls and it begins to rain Deku comes to the rescue of a large woman with a mutant Quirk under attack by civilians who mistake her for a villain he manages to calm them down and Comforts The Woman by telling her that everyone's scared and that he'll make sure everything goes back to normal after all might arrives on the scene to take the woman to a shelter he gives izuku a box lunch which he happily accepts while observing the city he Converses with daigoro banjo who Compares what's happening now to what it was like during his lifetime izuku mentions that they still have no information regarding the league of villains or tomorrow's location and that unless he can draw out all of one for all's full power he will never be able to stop all the chaos with all the successors now ready with their full support izaku once again prepares to head off trying to get in contact with all might Deku is shocked when his phone is suddenly shot by an unknown assailant from afar with a phone pinned to a nearby building a voice coming from the microphone attached to the bullet directly addresses Deku which he recognizes as an assassin sent by all for one as she tells him to come with her and if he complies he can keep his limbs he quickly realizes set assassin is former pro hero lady Nagant you know named after the sniper rifle Mosin Nagant I only know that from metal gear in incredibly skilled Marksman who's someone that even snipe envied and hawks's Senior at the hero Public Safety commission Deku recalls an earlier conversation with Hawks back before he left Central Hospital where the hero tells him that due to them dismantling all of kudai garaki's facilities during the war all for one and tomra have no way of preserving a dead body so they must capture Deku alive to steal one for all he adds that while he knows he shouldn't have trouble with most run-of-the-mill villains he warns him about lady Nagant and that if he happens to encounter her to run at all costs recovering his broken phone Deku tries to flee but is constantly shot at by lady nagan who using her Quirk rifle transforms her right arm into a right rifle along with using her pink and dark blue hair to create any kind of bullish she requires to blast at him from afar Deku tries to use danger sense as well as black whip to swing across the buildings to avoid the bullets but they continue to curve and chase him as he's forced to try and block them head-on after thinking about how if it wasn't for danger sense he would have been finished by now he's able to deduce the location of Lady Nagant based on where the previous shot came from and decides instead of trying to endure the barrage and escape to confront her directly he heads towards the building she's stationed on zigzagging between the other buildings to stay out of her line of sight until he suddenly caught off guard by a bullet coming at him from behind which he deflects only for another one to graze his stomach he's confused at how she was able to shoot at him from two different angles and temporarily wonders if she has backup until realizing what's really going on all for one gave her another Quirk as she continues to shoot at him from afar Deku realizes that The Closer they get the more intuitively she can shoot which means he won't be able to react fast enough to guard or Dodge without any options he lands and unleashes a smoke screen at full blast filling the city with smoke and reappears to skull Deku for releasing so much because once he emerges he'll be easily exposed to her however Deku tells him that he isn't planning on escaping as n realizes what he's planning to do leading him to advise against it he's backed up by the third user who recognizes that he's attempting to use his Quirk warning him that he hasn't tested it out yet daku tells him that he knows it's too late to properly train but he can't waste this opportunity to stop lady and gone and force her to tell him where all for one and tomura are Deku uses several of his equipment including Gran Torino's Cape his backpack and his mask to act as decoys to distract lady Nagant long enough for him to activate the third user's Quirk fajin releasing all the kinetic energy he built up in his body allowing him to completely blast through a building catching lady Nagant off guard and managing to grab a hold of her arm while he tries to get her to tell him where all for one is she proceeds to use her rifle to punch him off of her allowing her to escape and continue to shoot at him he asks her why she's working for all for one since she used to be a Pro Hero but brushes him off that he just doesn't understand the real truth during the chaos Deku realizes that due to using fajin for the first time his parallel processes are screwed up forcing him to attempt to readjust himself while still avoiding the shots lady Nagant proceeds to explain her history with the hero Public Safety commission to Deku how she believed all she was doing was preserving the fake Society by secretly killing Rogue villains and corrupt Heroes and how she killed the former president after she was threatened for voicing her resignations Deku is shocked by the Revelation since the news was that she had killed a fellow hero in an argument while she continues saying that he's just ignorant that a superpower Society is an illusion and bringing back the status quo will have history repeat itself Deku however admits that while he had been ignorant in the past he started to realize the world isn't all black and white but mostly Shades of Gray and that's exactly why he needs to lend a helping hand as Deku makes his way over to Lady nagant's location using black whip she turns her rifle to a man on the skyscraper above them Kai chisaki who Deku is surprised to suddenly see as well shooting the bullet directly at him lady Nagant plans to use deku's hesitation to catch him off guard however to her surprise he immediately swings himself forward toward Kai using a combination of fajin and one for all at 45 percent to create a sensation of faux 100 one for all becoming faster than the bullet and knocking Kai out of the way after telling Kai they'll talk later Deku uses black whip to realign himself as using one for all at 45 percent fajin danger sense black whip smoke screen and Float all in Rapid succession caused his parallel processes to get screwed up and needed to take a moment to readjust using the last bit of faijin stored up in his leg he utilizes a foe 100 Manchester smash to break lady nagant's rifle before she can start shooting again as she starts to fall Deku grabs a hold of her telling her that he recognized that the shot headed toward Kai was off and that she could have shot him right from the beginning rather than give him a chance to surrender meaning she's not truly on all for one's side he tells her that because she's seen the darkness she can also recognize the light and asks her to join him since he still sees the soul of a hero within her as lady Nagant smiles and starts to tell Deku he's the real deal she suddenly self-destructs causing Deku to scream in fear Hawks soon arrives to catch the unconscious lady Nagant followed by Endeavor to back him up due to still not having enough feathers to fly and carry someone Deku uses black whip to grab a hold of them but can't carry them due to running out of strength he manages to tell them that lady Nagant had received the Quirk from all for one and because of that he believes that the self-destruction was part of a trap he implemented landing on the ground Hawks gets laid in a gun to briefly wake up and inform them of the location she was supposed to deliver Deku to as well as warning them about other criminals all for one hired to go after him Endeavor returns carrying Kai who berates late into God for not fulfilling her promise as he just wants to apologize to his boss hearing his pleas Deku confronts Kai asking if he remembers what he did to Arie as he goes off saying he wishes she was here too Deku tells him he understands he wants to apologize and that if he can direct those feelings toward Arie as well he will honor the deal in lady nagant's place all might arrives as the heroes prepare to fully apprehend lady Nagant and Kai as well as deliver the former to Medical Aid which Hawks also suggests that could do as well all the while he festers up the rage towards all for one sometime later Deku the top three Heroes and the lurkers locate the former creature rejection Clan's hideout in Highbury Woods despite endeavor's pleas not to be Reckless Deku enters only to find it abandoned which Endeavor had anticipated they are then faced with a pre-recorded message from All For One taunting izuku for expecting him not being able to abandon someone like lady Nagant and falling into the Trap he continues on about how Society labels people who don't fit in as villains and that all the fights Ezekiel will have to deal with continue to wear his soul down he concludes revealing that he was the only one he kept thinking about in prison and that he no longer cared about all might stating that it's his turn as The Hideout suddenly explodes shortly after escaping the explosion the pro Heroes regrouped to plan their next move while Deku continues his endless quest to hunt down the villains he's soon attacked by another hired assassin but almost immediately takes him down with ease he quickly leaves the body behind warning all might to be careful in case he's rigged to explode but before he can leap away all might yells at him to stop he tries to hand him another lunchbox however Deku tells him he doesn't need to follow him anymore since he can practically move his body at 100 capacity without injury just like him so he shouldn't worry about him despite all might's attempts to reach out to Deku and tell him to take it easy he's Left Behind as Deku heads off all alone Endeavor attempts to contact the lone Deku informing him that the foreign Heroes should be arriving soon to assist and that he should take his time to rest but he refuses to stop and continues his search for the villains at the same time the previous wielders one for all also try to get Deku not to push himself but he also ignores them as he jumps towards danger he arrives at a mall where he protects a group of civilians from some thugs but after they Retreat a woman cowers over deku's appearance seeing his multiple quirks and believing he's working for all for one he quickly shoots that down as they are nervously relieved running to safety he continues running from location to location whenever he receives a notice from danger sense endlessly fighting villains and protecting civilians caught in the middle with barely any sleep or eating time during his escapades rumors begin to pop up regarding Deku with some believing him to be some kind of nomu and others seeing him helping people although also noting he looks nothing like a hero as his costume becomes more tattered and his black whip more out of control contributing to his monstrous appearance meanwhile in his mind all he can think about is tracking down all for one and the league of villains and doing everything in his power to save everyone also he can once again reunite with those he cares about specifically his classmates so he can spy out with them again in the city deku's exhaustion starts to get to him as he's confronted by the next assassin sent by All For One dictator using his work despot dictator takes control of an army of civilians which he uses to attack Deku he recalls how he was previously defeated by Krust several years ago and that in order to deactivate his Quirk either the victims need to receive a large shock or dictator needs to be taken out however unable to use Air Force properly without his gloves nor black whip being too dangerous the civilian's dogpiled Deku as they apologize for attacking him tearing off his costume he silently understands as he attempts to think of a way to help them but slowly starts to fall unconscious suddenly kotsuki arrives on the scene shooting dictator with an AP shot and informing an outside party that he's found Deku when the rest of class 1a arrive on the scene he asks why they came and the answer that they wanted to help him izaku responds saying he's fine and for them to stay away causing katsuki to mockingly applaud him before asking if he can smile now izaku says that he needs to keep moving if everyone can smile again and demands everyone get out of his way prompting his classmates to fight him Deku tries to use smokescreen to make an escape but katsuki uses his landmine blast to blast away the smoke asking him if he believes that now he's one of the big shots if they're all just a bunch of NPCs to him Koji uses his Quirk to command Birds to Halt Deku yelling that nezu has asked him to come back and stop running away he tries to use black whip to free himself but cellophane uses his tape to grab a hold of it commenting how freaky it looks earphone jack yes I'm using their hero names now then uses her heartbeat while forcing him to jump away as she tells Deku how happy she was back during the cultural Festival tailman then arrives grabbing a hold of Deku with his tornado tail dance telling him that he'll never forget how frustrated he got for him during his fight against Satoshi at the sports festival and they all can't Overlook how ragged he's become fighting alone Deku continues to insist that he'll put everyone in danger and he doesn't want all for one to take them away from him which is why he had to leave tsukiyomi appears next using Dark Shadow to grab onto Deku knocking him into a building sugar man after rescuing earphone jack and tail man yells at him that while he may have a special power they all share the same feelings and to think about what they said or else he won't let him use food coloring for Aries Candy Apples still attached to Dark Shadow Deku is suddenly restricted by a machine created by creaty who says that they've been authorized to use their Quirk to help Endeavor and the other Heroes with the intention to join him in ensuring his safety recognizing it's a machine to put him to sleep Deku breaks free yelling at them to stop wasting her efforts on him charge bolt grabs a hold of him next telling him that even though one for all is important and they may not have any hobbies in common he's still someone he considers a friend so he'll force him to listen tentacle uses his dupler arms covered in insulation tape created by creatine to cover up Deku and charge bolt reminding him of deku's words during the training camp how everyone together can even give Almighty scare tsukiyomi finishes It Off by using Dark Shadow to completely entomb the two with Ragnarok womb reminding him how using dark Shadow's offensive power as defense was his idea as well as charge bolt sends his Electric verification through the containment Deku still manages to break free blasting away from the building fighting back tears he thinks about how he knows everyone is truly worried for him because danger sent hasn't alerted him at all but still continues to shout and insist he's fine he suddenly smacks right into a heaven-piercing ice wall as Shoto looks down on him seeing his broken face telling him to let him share his burden on a building close by froppy appears to be shedding tears and tells him that it's okay to cry when you're scared and that if he wants to remain strong like a comic book superhero they won't let him go at it alone Shoto yells ateku that his current state is part of all for one's plan and could take the opportunity to attack UA so he should consider a backup plan if he hasn't been able to find him to protect the school by letting them all fight alongside him but as all for one's words continue to ring in his head Deku refuses yelling that this is a fight between one for all and all for one and the others can't keep up he breaks free of the ice attempting to flee when grape juice latches onto him using a chain of balls he cries that he never thought his power was what made him awesome and what made him so cool to him was how he led everyone to Victory despite being scared himself Deku however says that that version of him is gone striking grape juice with black whip slamming him into a nearby building Deku prepares to make a Gateway using foe 100 but uravity comes from the sky trying to grab him and tell him the situation is different desperately trying to ignore her words as he Dodges her and blasts into the air nearly escaping his classmates and genium suddenly appears to grab a hold of his hand having been blasted into the air through a combination of nearly everyone putting their abilities together to push him forward Deku demands he let him go but ingenium refuses saying that ingenium is the hero who will grab the hand of a lost child and repeats deku's earlier words to him that giving help that's not asked for is what makes a true hero finally starting to break down Deku tries to break free of ingenium's hand but doesn't have the mental strength to let go just as uravity deactivates her Quirk causing both of them to fall out of the sky thankfully red rides they are able to catch him he then tells Deku that he remembered an old story on the new was about a kid his age that rushed to save a friend from a villain and figured it was him that day he says that being a hero has nothing to do with being special or strong and his behavior from back then is what everyone else is doing now everyone else catches up as Pinkie tells Deku she doesn't want to lose anyone anymore and to return to UA so they can have classes together Decker stands up and says he wants to come back but considers it too dangerous for all of the people already there and he says he can't go back to the way he was before Dynamite walks over to him though and asks if he remembers what he said when he got stabbed by tomra during the war when Deku says he doesn't Dynamite reminds him that he said stop trying to win this on your own and continues telling him that in that moment his body had moved on its own Dynamite admits he looked down on Deku because he was quirkless and therefore he felt he would be far behind but the truth was he always felt he was above him Dynamite tells him that he couldn't accept the way he was which led him to bullying him over the years and trying to prove his superiority but after entering UA he kept losing and he started trying to understand deku's strengths and weaknesses Dynamite tells Deku that even if doesn't change anything he has to speak his current truth he apologizes to him for everything he had done up until now even calling him by his first name Dynamite's words snap Deku to his senses as Dynamite tells him that his choices weren't misguided but he can't handle it by himself anymore if he encounters a hurdle he can rely on his friends to help him and the only way to surpass almight is for everyone to protect UA and the civilians together Deku weakly collapses and apologizes for what he said about everyone not being able to keep up with him which Dynamite accepts as he catches him when izuka wakes up he's greeted by the face of 13 and the front of the massive UA barrier that encompasses the entire surrounding School area 13 informs izugu how most of the civilians have been evacuated to various centers with only the anti-hero Vigilantes and violent pillagers left to deal with though also notes that those numbers have been dwindling due to the anti-hero civilians exhaustions and the pillagers being easy to catch she also thanks izaku for everything he did to help him on his solo Journey being let down by mezzo Honda tells izako about some of the Barry's security features with Toro adding it can even combine to shiketsu high izugu still believes he can't go back and his beliefs seem to be enforced by a group of protesters within the school demanding he not be let in the civilians say they knew he's the rumored boy tomorrow is after and since they were convinced by nezu UA would provide them guaranteed safety allowing what they consider a ticking time bomb in is a horrible idea they said he should go somewhere else and izuku even considers leaving but ochako grabs his hand to stop him from leaving and tells him not to worry despite best genus attempt at reassuring the civilians by informing them of isaku's purpose and their plans their hatred and anxiousness continues to boil over overloading izugu's danger sense suddenly ochiko floats her way above the crowd towards the top of UA where she gives an impassioned plea to let isaku stay she lets them know that he has a special power that can stop the villains but he's also been running himself ragged all by himself begging them to look at him and let him stay as isuku remained speechless through her proclamations katsuki turns to izaku and reminds him that he and the others will step up when he can't handle things things alone antenna tells him that everyone is fighting including ochako causing him to start to tear up ochako concludes Her speech declaring to the crowd that izuku is just the high school kid and that it's up to everyone else to help when the heroes are hurting all her words cause izaku to finally break down an exhaustion and relief collapsing to his knees and crying hysterically Kota and the mutant girl izugu had saved several days earlier rushed their way out of the crowd to comfort him Kota apologizes for being too scared to run but after hearing ochako's words he knew he had to move tearfully telling him not to cry anymore because he's here the girl picks izuku up and tells him that she had been refused by several shelters for being a mutant but she's glad she ended up at UA because it meant getting to see him again as the two give him hug as the civilians look on and see izaku for who he truly is they discuss amongst themselves about what they should be doing and how they must become more than mere Spectators now one of the boys turns to isuku talking about the rumors of a man dressed in rags with multiple quirks who's either a villain or a true hero asks if him staying will give them back all the lies they once had izaku confidently responds that now that everyone's together with him he'll bring it all back the civilians agree to let him stay as they and his classmates escort the tired izugu inside the boys 1A immediately rush isaku to the bath stripping and washing him thoroughly before throwing him in and joining in with him katsuki yells at everyone for poorly scrubbing him before jumping in himself as fumikage states that even after his heartfelt apology he still hasn't changed kotsky however reminds everyone that his goal to become number one hasn't changed which makes everyone his rival still including izuku who he tries to refrain from calling him Deku isiku tells katsi that he doesn't have to force himself and can still call him Deku after the bath isaku learns that ochiko has fallen asleep after her speech as well as some others too with the rest of his classmates drying off in the common room izuku once again apologizes for the trouble he felt he caused and they forgive him while also asking some questions about one for all Shoto tells everyone to leave is gupi so he can rest but isko tells him he feels he can't at least not until he apologizes to all might for pushing him away suddenly all might appears in the dorm and apologizes himself to izuku for not helping him enough despite izaku's protests after all might tells everyone he's gained new information to help them in the fight isaku speaks up and tells him that the food he made for him gave him strength and chalked his hardships to not having him at all now they all will fight for what they love together all might promptly leaves a regroup with the other Heroes as izaku finally passes out on the couch where Shoto covers him up in a blanket UA traitor Arc two days later izuku and the rest of class 1a learn that during this time tomorrow had fought American number one hero star in stripe and while she was killed during the battle with Thomas successfully stealing her Quirk new order thanks to her actions The Quirk acted like a virus within its body destroying several of his quirks and delaying his procedure by about a week all might informs all this to the class telling them that this is now their perfect time to prepare for the inevitable all-out War kotsuki yells at all might that they've already been preparing with the rest of the class revealing that since the war they've continued their training with the wild wild Pussycats all with the intention to fight alongside izuku until tomorrow is defeated izuku says that katsuki and the others agreed to practice with him in order to help Master One for All But katsuki barks back at him just like he usually does claiming that he only wants to test out his new cluster moves on him to his shock the rest of the class each respond with enthusiasm as they all prepare to go out and train with all might looking on proud and satisfied in the courtyards in front of the school class 1a train amongst themselves with izuku and katsuki sparring between each other he asks about how he's starting to learn how to focus on saving sweat for a barrage of explosions around other than one big explosion while izuku also notices Shoto going for a different approach working to make both halves into one the class proceeds to discuss how they'll be able to deal with Thomas and all for one specifically how they have no way of tracking down all for one that they only have half the heroes remaining for the previous battle and that the villains are the ones with the edge on deciding when the battle starts izuku says that it's because of that they need to try and dictate how they enter the fight and then how he's going to rejoin the search soon before being reprimanded by Tenya reminding him that we will be rejoining the search looking around izuku asks if he can go for a quick stroll which Tenya says is okay as relations between the heroes students and the evacuees have grown warmer since ochako's speech izuku goes out into the woods looking for Yuga who had gone missing and who he had noticed was acting weird ever since he came back to school he ends up running into a panicking toru who is also looking for Yuga and overheard a conversation between him and his parents revealing a devastating truth Yuga is the UA traitor it turns out that Yuga was born quirkless and his parents approached all for one who gave him his Naval laser Quirk also putting the family in his dad izuku and toru approached the ayama was telling them he heard the details from toru the parrots tried to feign ignorance while izuku tells Yuga that he noticed how gloomy he's been looking believing something is wrong and came looking for him after hearing those words a tearful Yuga sorrowfully admits to izuku that he was the one who helped the league during both the usj incident and the training camp declaring himself a Despicable villain with the truth revealed yuga's parents attempt to escape with their son while izuku and toru give Chase Yuga tells izuku that after reading his letter and finding out that he too was quickly as he fell into utter despair izuku's dangerous sense goes off as Yuka prepares to fire at him with a naval laser with izuka ready to defend but toru jumps in front and refracts the laser away after toru confronts Yuga about how his actions have affected everyone with the parents trying to rebut izuku uses black whip to restrain all three of them with him telling Yuga for them to put an end to this all now the ayamas are taken to the uaav room where they're interrogated by all my namasa and the police force the UA staff and class 1a who are all devastated by the Betrayal among everyone's reactions kotsuki simply states that it's a small world that he's another one of them that started corkless the parents explain how they know nothing about all for one only carrying out his orders fearing for their lives if they disobeyed while Yuga himself confesses feeling that he is terrible for having the nerve to try and smile with everyone like they were friends after everything he's done especially after seeing izuku another former quirkless person fighting so hard against all for one made him realize how pathetic he was wallowing in his own Despair and that he is just a villain through and through however izuku bluntly retorts asking if that was true then why did he try to save katsuki and fumikage during the training camp as well as asking about his cheese message not realizing that it was a cry for help and that's why he's crying now he continues that he knows of Another Hero who is manipulated by all for one but her soul wasn't crushed only her spirit he states that doing wrong doesn't make you a villain for the rest of your life as he extends his hand to Yuga telling him he can still be a hero namasa dismisses izuku's please reminding him that no matter the circumstances he still conspired with all for one and even then they still aren't sure if he's booby-trapped like lady Nagant was so they can't allow him to talk again until he's examined at Central Hospital he continues to interrogate the ayama parents only for izuku to cut him off reminding them that they have no way of locating off for one this causes his classmates to remember izuku's point about steering the villains to enter the fight realizing Yuga may be the only one able to deceive all for one present Mike asks class 1a why with them being the greatest victims after all this they're so willing to trust him but Tanya simply responds that what happened is in the past and with them being unable to realize how he's been feeling all this time they carry some responsibility so they must reach out to him as friends in order for them to become equals again ijiro also tells Yuga that while he may have thought it was impossible to go against all for one now izuku has finally given him and his parents a chance to break free from him reminding him that they would never blame someone for being quirkless or would hate them for holding back their tears and hiding their pain in secret namasa reminds the class of the ayavas already told them all for one won't believe any lies so they need to keep a level head when izuku is called on by Shoto izawa watching him from a tablet held by President Mike he asks izaku if he has a plan which he says no followed by him addressing namasa taking full responsibility for not recognizing and siding with the rest of the class informing Yuga that he has no intention of expelling him from UA shoda reveals that he has an idea and after the ayama family's ears have been covered he informs class 1a the UA staff and the police force of his plan after the discussion nezu states that it seems possible while namasa has the ayama family escorted back to their HQ telling everyone not to say a word to anyone else about the plan before he leaves izuku shouts out to Yuga with the rest of the class looking on suddenly back at Heights Alliance class 1a takes a breather before getting ready to gear back up as everyone with fire and rage in their eyes over the Betrayal prepares to bring down all for one once and for all izuku and Tenya go to the development studio in order to fix up their hero costumes when izuku is suddenly caught in a very familiar explosion Blast May hatsume emerges from the smoke once again Landing directly on top of izuku as she asks him what he needs all the while his face keeps a Stern expression May asks izuku and Tanya what they need from her with easy lamenting how his danger sense didn't activate Tenya tells May that they came looking for repairs for their hero costumes with her confused why they don't just take them to the item agency May's increasingly nonchalant reactions cause Izu could realize that may has no idea what's going on outside power loader emerges from the explosions inviting these students to see the new setup in the development Studio revealing they are in charge of both developing and controlling the UA barrier izuku hands may his mid Gauntlet asking if she can fix it for him but she immediately says no as due to how damaged it is she'd have to create a new one and they don't have the amount of codeenium required for the compression mechanism she also quickly shuts down Tanya's requests as well as two of her classmates approach them saying that they'll make it Kenya is surprised that may would turn down the offer due to how much she loves making things as izuku looks on to see you're currently working on the evacuation shelter blocks power loader tells him that may was brought on to help strengthen the barrier and she's been busy creating new mechanisms in case of mass evacuation power loader compliments her inventive mind and she responds with how she always needs to try and think up new babies to improve themselves izuku compliments me on how focused and busy she is with her inventions that she had no idea how the outside world was but may responds calling him dense saying that even she is aware of the trouble heroes are facing now and while they aren't Fighters they're also doing everything they can to protect people inventing stuff being how the support course does heroics before izuku can react May throws a pair of Air Force gloves attached to new makeshift gauntlets right at his face saying that she couldn't make an exact copy but it's the best she can do surprising izuku that she did all that with just her left hand she proceeds to throw a new piece of armor for tenure right at his face too exasperating the support students that she did it all so fast she concludes saying for them to tell the rest of the hero students that they'll all win this outside izuku and Tenya meet up with the rest of class 1a and mount lady who reminds them that even after learning what they've dealt with their main objective is tracking down and eliminating the remnants of the villains and they must do it all without haste Mina wonders if Yuga will still take their hand and help them with izuku and shoda replying that they believe he will come back following izuku the class 1a search Squad as assembles and heads out later that night class 1a ended up with nothing and no information about the villain's whereabouts after returning to Heights Alliance izuku laments the lack of any free time given to them due to the number of prisoners still being on the run and the whereabouts of all for one as his class takes a break he thinks about how he hasn't been able to thank ochako properly yet all might along with namasa and nezu burst into the dorm to inform them about their secret finalized plans for the second upcoming War they explained to the class the full extent of their plans that they've been purposefully running themselves around to make all for one who's presumably observing them through search believe they're being exhausted allowing them to catch him off guard and utilize Yuga to choose the location to lure him out class 1a especially izuku reacts in joyousness over yuga's involvement but when asked about how to get around all for one being able to perceive their lies they bring in shoda's next part of the plan hitoshi shinso to the classes further surprise he reveals that he's trained his Quirk to allow himself to be able to make people speak when brainwashed and that they can use this in order to get the ayamas to communicate with all for one without affecting their emotions when asked about what happens after they lure the villains out and if it's possible to deploy all the heroes without being found out all might states that the heroes don't have to be there in advance revealing shoda's next piece to use NATO to copy kurogiri's warp gate they proceed to assign each of the students to different teams to face down the villains with izuku obviously chosen to deal with tomora during their bath after the discussions izuku talks to shodo about his worries for him fighting Dobby but he tells him it's his decision and he needs to face him himself Shoto then shows off his new technique flash fire fist phosphor which gets izuku really excited after he explains how it works Shoto turns to izuku now feeling more confident in affirming the reason why he was born in this family thanking him by repeating the word said to him at the sports festival that it is his power the next day nezu announces to the civilians within UA that tomorrow will make his big move in four days with class 1a giving their thanks to everyone at the entrance and izuku saying he's had more than enough time to clean himself up with them all ready to head back out class 1a each say goodbye to their family members and their friends izuka reunites with his mother inko Kota and Arie One Last Time class 1a reconvenes at the makeshift Fortress dubbed Troy a fortified structure where they can stay after moving in izuku spots ochako reflecting outside and jumps down to see her he thanks ochako for what she did earlier which she simply brushes off before saying she's just watching the city she proceeds to tell him she feels weird as back when she was shouting from the top of the building himiko popped into her head she tries to brush off her feelings by thinking of all the wrong they've done but izuku replies that he understands her having seen a little boy crying inside of tomorrow and that even though there's no way to avoid the battle he can't ignore that side of him Final War Arc izuku stays with class 1a at Troy until he's contacted by Yuga and agrees to meet him at a disclosed location in a parking lot nearby he asks if he's supposed to be detained and Yuga says that his parents lawyer had him released Yuga proceeds to tell yzuku about all for one's true goals to become the Demon Lord of the world after chaos spreads throughout with Japan Fallen the economy is shattered alongside the various villain attacks all over the world facing the most immense crisis since the Great Depression or even the period of the Advent of quirks chaos has already began to spread unchecked izuku declares that he'll never let that happening with Yuga apologizing as all for one finally re-emerges from behind him all for one congratulates Yuga and prepares to attack izuku when Yuga overcomes his greatest fear and betrays against all for one hitting him with his Naval laser izuku deploys smoke screen to cover Yuga telling him how good his performance was that they managed to trick him annoyed and since using search he can tell all the heroes tomorrow faced are miles away all for one uses his warping Quirk to summon an army of villains to overwhelm one for all once and for all however all for one is once again taken aback when he spots kodagiri's warped gate starting to appear behind them with NATO monama appearing from one of them as the rest of the heroes begin emerging from the gates Yuga declares to All For One Japan isn't finished with them and that today is the day where he falls with all the villains in one place all might activates the Troy system as cages emerge from beneath the battlefield trapping all the villains in individual metal containers NATO summoned several more warp gates around the cages as the heroes prepare to shove them all in to split up the villains izuku blasts all the villains with Air Force to push them through the new warp gate however before he can follow katsuki into his warp gate to face tomorrow he suddenly caught off guard by a whip and forcefully dragged into a separate gate to his confusion izuku ended up getting warped to an aquarium on okoto island alongside ochako and tsuyu by himiko using her whip he's confused that his dangerous sense didn't even activate staring down himiko he contacts the UA Flying Fortress where he was supposed to be and asks for a warp gate at his location but Shadow reveals that he and the other Heroes cannot help him due to the new abilities of Tomorrow despite Nido using Erasure on him to keep the villain from using his quirks he tells izuku that he's on his own to find a way back to the mainland before he can leave himiko ambushes him declaring her love and asks izukuna to go he's still surprised that even when she's charging at him his dangerous sense isn't activating wondering how someone like her could get so far in life izuku asks what she wants as himiko tells him to be her boyfriend leading to confused reactions from Hitman ochako izuku freaks out with flabbergasting reactions asking what she's talking about leading himiko to confess that she's felt this way ever since they first met since he was so beaten up and looked exactly like her first crush her face twisting saying she wants to suck his blood and become him himiko asks him what he wants to do with her and izuku responds by saying that he too wanted to become like all might and that he understands her and how fulfilling it feels however he proceeded to say that he could never share the same heart and mind as him or think about hurting the ones he loved enraged himiko attacks him and ochako with her knives and whips with suyu and ochako holding their own against himiko ochako tells izuku to leave now to deal with tomura and to trust them to handle himiko izukunad's in agreement and speeds away using float fajin and his Air Force izuku blasts his way across the ocean however laments that he's still too slow noting that there's nothing for black whip to sling off of so he's unable to use his faux 100 technique he thinks about needing to get faster when the second user of one for all appears telling him to not loses cool he reminds him that his gear can't withstand using one for all at 100 percent asking if he plans on hurting himself before he can even reach the battlefield he then asks if he tried to activate his meta ability which izuka responds yes to he tells him that it's only to be used as a last resort as after melding with one for all it has evolved into a unique power and something that can't be wielded like it used to he tells him to believe in his friends who are all out there for their own reasons and to focus on his own battle as izuku continued to travel across the ocean yoichi senses something and informs him that he has a bad feeling much to his surprise when multiple figures start to appear in the distance these turn out to be American fighter jets planning to escort him back to UA as he uses black whip to sling to the side of the jet the Bravo leader informs him that they were meant to defend the aerial space around UA further saying they've remained in Japan even despite their orders to retreat because their gal decided to wager everything on him having inherited all might's power the fleet proceeds to create a path of jets for izuku to swing off of telling him to go so he can take down the greatest villain once and for all izuku eventually makes the Flying Fortress using black whip to cling onto poles outside waiting for the electromagnetic barrier to be open once it finally is after mirio is able to distract homuro for long enough izuku prepares to slingshot his way in as he and tomara both exchange glances releasing himself right into tomorrow with a smash arriving in the battlefield with a barrier closing izuku apologizes for being late and asks if everyone's okay only to be stunned into silence after witnessing an unconscious kotsuki lying on the ground seeing the other barely conscious Heroes sends izuku into a further induced stress all while tomara mocks him for his tardiness figuring that himiko had something to do with it and asking if he has any excuses or reasons to run away from his responsibilities like everyone else the fear and rage over everyone starts to once again overwhelm izuku's emotions as his quirks begin to spiral out of control unable to move as tulmura begins to make his way over to him to take advantage of his current state mirio reappears to izuku attempting to talk some sense into him he tells him that everyone is still breathing and that edge shot is saving katsuki's life so they need to keep on fighting because they they haven't lost anyone yet thomura claims that it's merely empty talk to avoid facing facts and reality but mirio continues that as Heroes they have to talk the talk in order to turn their ideals into reality remembering back to almight's words of encouragement and daigoro's words to keep his emotions under control izuku calms down and comes to his senses apologizing to mirio he then turns to the villain calling out to all for one and with the one for all vestiges backing him up asks if tomorrow is still there in response tomorrow claims that he no longer exists that tomorrow and all for one have fully merged into a new being with all for one primarily in charge telling the hero that despite whatever he's scheming he won't get his ideal ending however miria retorts back telling izuku that when he spoke harshly to him it caused him to throw a fit as if he were a child and the more he was provoked the more unstable he became figuring he isn't as fully merged as he believes looking at the disembodied faces of the shimura family on his left arm Nana sees kotaro looking at her causing her and izuku to realize he's still in there with all this power tomorrow jumps into the air shaking the entire Fortress charging azuku and angrily declaring that he's taking back one for all his smash erupts through the whole battlefield but izuku was able to stop the attack telling all for one that he's the one who won't get his ideal ending he uses a combination of black Whip and fajin to create the boosted binding combo black chain wrapping it around talmara's arm and sending him flying tomora attempts to try and wrestle the chain off only to be surprised when izuku undoes it himself concentrating to himself the second user tells him to make it quick because once he starts using this Quirk they need to finish him off in five minutes or the world is doomed izuku activates the second user's Quirk gear shift powering his ultimate move transmission where in the blink of an eye he appears under tomora punching him with second gear third gear and finally Top Gear sending him flying upward thanks to the quirk's ability to let the user change the target's speed when touched izuku enables gear shift overdrive turning his 100 power into 120 percent yoichi declares to his brother that today is the day they finally end things as izuku unleashes a fully powered Detroit smash directly into tomorrow's stomach thanks to gear shift's significantly increased power after melding with one for all izuku is able to greatly enhance his speed and unleashes a Detroit smash quintuple at tomorrow revving around the arena too quickly for him to defend the villain tries to predict where his next attack will be but at the last moment izuku shifts into low gear causing tomuro to miss the swing as The Quirk is able to adjust speed while ignoring the laws of inertia tomora attempts to counter but izuku uses danger sense to detect the threat and immediately blocks his vision with smoke screen he then uses float to quickly rise into the air restraining and reeling tomorrow up with black whip preventing to combine the power stored up thanks to the quintuple attack with fajin executing another blast of overdrive with gear shift unleashing the full might of one for all thinking about everyone that had been injured in the battle izuku declaring that he's giving it all he got telling all for one that he won't let him hurt anyone else pounding tomorrow with his ultimate Smash breaking many of his fingers apart as tomorrow's body falls with a gaping hole in his chest yoichi States how one for all and All For One have begun to resonate with each other able to see his brother within he continues that what mirio said is correct that the chorus of the battle and the events that led to this moment have shaken the balance of their melding the second user tells izuku to remember what Nana said and not to take it easy yet as he attempts to recover just then tomorrow screams out and the heroes realize that he still isn't done meanwhile shoda Manuel and NATO were caught off guard by the sudden arrival of kurogiri who teleported himself and present Mike from a warp gate along with another portal containing twice doubles conjured by himiko that began to swarm them the doubles proceeded to attack Manuel and shoda and Dogpile Anita causing him to shut his eyes and undoing Erasure as a result tomorrow unleashes a massive explosion destroying most of the UA Fortress with the power line busted and the electromagnetic barrier barely standing Mandalay then reports in that someone is hacked into their system and that they've lost control of the flight system causing the Fortress to be on the verge of falling to the ground warning them of what will happen if Tamara escapes izuku notices a warp gate beginning to emerge near tomora realizing it's kurogiri and wondering what happened at Central Hospital he also sees after tomorrow's explosion his body has started to molt away as if he were shedding his skin tomorrow then surprisingly addresses izuku asking him what he's going to do if he said he's here now telling him that they aren't going to have a chat at the mall since he's the villain izuku realizes that tomorrow's original Persona has emerged he begins to worry about how he needs to stop yuei from crashing to save everyone inside but also needs to keep an eye on kodogiri so tomorrow won't Escape due to the immense power from using gear shift he finds it harder to breathe as he knows when his cells don't get a moment to rest his body won't get enough oxygen and will be at risk of breaking down the second user reminds me can't fall yet however he continues on that there is a silver lining as thanks to one for all an all-for-one resonating they can see inside each other and they can see that all for one is currently unable to manipulate Tamara's body he tells izuku to do whatever to make his body act as the chain of events leading to this moment will be his power as both izuku and tamura attempt to regain their bearings Thomas words continue to ring through izuku's head as UA continues on a collision course downward towards the city suddenly they're saved when UA is stopped in the air through what Mandalay describes as a trampoline in the air izuku immediately realizes what she's talking about and happily cries out to Gentle the reformed criminal had joined the fight and used his ultimate move gently super lover to prevent yuei from plummeting while La Bravo worked inside the police force to hack back into the systems however tiger warns izuku that tomorrow has started to move again and even though they averted the crash if he touches the ground it'll be all for nothing tomorrow finally gets a handle of things again and prepares to make the first move by touching the ground with his Decay however before he can do so a speeding bullet is suddenly shot out of nowhere and hits tomorrow splitting his right arm off izuku recognizes the shape of the bullet and is greatly surprised to see another former enemy has returned to Aid them Lady nagan Lady Nagant also proceeds to shoot his left arm off as well giving izuku enough time to recover with all for one's control of Tomorrow losing grip he tries to command kodogiri to transport him to his Other Self at ganga but kurogiri begins to stutter failing to comply tomorrow manages to regain complete control of his body revealing that he kept his origin hidden within all for one so that it could fester and reclaim control in defiance of all for one's attempt to absorb him tomorrow decides he doesn't need one for all and that he won't be controlled anymore vowing that his heart will never waver tolmura tells izuku that tomorrow shigaraki and tanko shimura have one and only one hope the destruction of everything that stemmed from the abuse of house he grew up in and will stop at nothing to eradicate everything associated with it which will be the only thing that will save him just then izuku grabs tomorrow and blasted them both off outside of UA as he thinks about how since tomorrow can use his quirks again he can't fight him in the Tomb anymore landing on the ground near the city ruins izuku states that while he won't let him do that he also can't pretend that he didn't see him crying back there as both Arch enemies prepare themselves to fight once again unbeknownst to him or tomorrow the students from the hero Business course were recording their brutal battle from above at the UA flying Sky Fortress as izuku disables his black whip to charge at full speed did you enjoy our video well then be sure to check out these other great videos from the umagi and make sure to subscribe and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos foreign
Channel: The Amagi
Views: 462,803
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Izuku Midoriya, Updated, Izuku, Midoriya, Deku, Quirk, All Might, Shoto, Todoroki, My Hero Academia, MHA, Pro Hero, Rei, Endeavor, Inasa, Eraserhead, Eijiro Kirishima, Eri, Katsuki Bakugo, Fumikage Tokoyami, Denki Kaminari, Dabi, Tamaki Amajiki, Kyoka Jiro, Tsuyu Asui, Momo Yaoyorozu, Hitoshi Shinso, Ochaco Uraraka, anime, manga, death, past, powerful, clip, clips, scene, history, backstory, episode, the amagi, war, battle, show, series, entire, online, full, free, youtube, first, vs, fight, Ochako, Melissa
Id: 7-R3a3Iw7w4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 222min 7sec (13327 seconds)
Published: Sat May 06 2023
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