Boruto Is BETTER Than Naruto?! A Complete Manga Recap!

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so would the boruto time skip right around the corner as in the next chapter of the boruto manga is going to be the time skip there has never been a better time to hop on the boruto bandwagon but for those of you who don't read manga boruto's in anime might seem a little intimidating or you might have heard things that dissuade you from trying the anime out as a whole and that's fine there's a lot of bad press out there about how bad the boruto anime is and it's at this point that I'd like to tell you that the boruto anime is not bad so long as you find a boruto filler list which all you have to do is Google boruto filler list and click the first one use it's not complicated and then using that list you find every episode of boruto that is either mixed Canon or straight up manga Cannon and only watch those and if you do that boruto's only 80 or so episodes long you can finish it in a weekend if you're committed and the manga itself is also very good it's only 80 chapters long those chapters are 40 pages so it's closer to 160 but 160 chapters is like I don't know 10 or so hours of reading you could be caught up with boruto taking the long and more arduous route relatively easel however today I want to give you a substantially easier option see I fully understand that there are people who want to get into boruto but feel as though currently they don't have the motivation to put in that kind of work and as somebody who's always sat on the take that any fan coming to the fan base at any time is a good thing today I want to give you a summarization of the boruto manga today I want to speedrun boruto therefore after this video you'll understand the plot lines the characters and the motivations of most of the people in boruto such that you're ready for the time skip essentially it's exactly what we did for Thousand-Year blood War Arc but for boruto which means I'm gonna get yelled at for this video even though I'm just trying to make the fan base a touch more inclusive but if I stopped making videos for fear of being yelled at about them well we wouldn't have a page now I would love to sit back relax and explain the entirety of the boruto anime to you but even I have only seen up until episode 212 and then I skipped about 70 episodes until we got back to the car Arc and nobody wants to hear me summarize chocho's actress Arc So today we're going to be quick efficient and full of facts because because today we're breaking down the boruto manga chapter 1 to chapter 8. small caveat here we will also be touching on some of the light novel content because I believe it's important it's also technically manga Canon now that the light novels are being converted into manga but before we get to summarizing anything guys please for me like this video subscribe to the page and hit that Noti Bell and if you love the concept of me summarizing anime well maybe I'll do it with some other anime on my other channel the weeb commander where I talk about anything that's not Naruto or boruto and if you just like the concept of me talking about anime into a microphone then you're gonna love my podcast who talk is anonymous for me and Danny Moda breakdown everything that happened in anime this week it's available on YouTube Spotify and apple podcasts so boruto even the first episode of the show is half filler and then the next 14 episodes 2 through 15 are anime Canon which is a term you're going to be hearing a lot and Anime Canon is what happens when you try to Rebrand filler see technically what anime Canon stands for is that anything that happens in these anime Canon episodes will actually have consequences down the line in the anime however that hasn't proven to be true at all no anime Canon character has showed up in any manga Canon R can ever had any lasting impact so we're gonna treat anime Canon like what it really is filler now the first technically manga Canon episodes that happened in boruto is episode 18 through 24. this is referred to as the sarada Uchiha Arc now this Arc isn't based off the manga of boruto it's actually based off of a light novel specifically Naruto Gaiden the Seventh Hokage in The Scarlet spring this Arc focuses on the relationship of sarada and her father Sasuke dark opens with sarada and the rest of her classmates being told by Shino who is the leader of their Shinobi Academy class because she knows a teacher now that's a slightly important detail then one week they'll be taking the entrance exam to become a guinea now sarada is jealous of all of her classmates because they are able to train with their father something saurona doesn't have the privilege of doing this kind of sends sarada into a spiral as she begins to question things about her family going so far as to say that Sakura may not actually be her mother to soccer which makes Sakura very mess soccer then proceeds to start destroying things and after painting because she's realized she destroyed her own house sarada realizes that the family photo that they have is fake and that Sakura for some reason put a picture of Sasuke when he was in heavy a terrorist group next to a photo of her but Zara now realizes that the girl next to Sasuke in this photo when he was in heavy was Karine who has glasses just like her meanwhile smash cut to Sasuke who's investigating the fact that there's people running around with Sharingan and wearing the Uchiha Crest sarta then realizes that she has to either find her father or ask Naruto about who her true parents are but Naruto just received a hawk from Sasuke that told him about these little uchihas running around Sasuke just appeared in the hokage's office and they've realized it's almost definitely not nuchiha Survivor but more likely than not one of orochimaru's experiments because you'll know if you watch the end of Shippuden that roach Maru is now in konawat and is allowed to do experiments so logs is nothing usually unethical and as long as it's under the guise of konowa darede who is heading to the hokage's office to talk to Naruto in the first place Eaves drops on this and realizes she's going to tag along on this journey to find these other Uchiha we then get a cut to the little Uchiha who fought Sasuke relaying the information about Sasuke to a man wearing an akotsky cloak who tells this little uchihad that he needs to get revenge against Sasuke for killing his older brother Itachi however as they're on the way to catch up with Naruto Shin the bad guy in the Akatsuki cloak interrupts them and states that they need to come with him but Naruto had realized that sarda and chocho were following him using sage mode and therefore he had turned around to tell them to turn back sarda and chocho don't want to go with he's a strange man with a bunch of eyeballs all over his head wearing in akotsky club however they are not strong enough to fight him back and are quickly subdued until Naruto pulls up chinuchiha is absolutely next to no challenge for Naruto whatsoever and eventually has to retreat Naruto realizes that taking sarada and chocho all the way back to the Village would take too much time and therefore decides you guys are coming with me it's the liberation of this trip that sarada and Naruto become close as Naruto tells sarada that she reminds him as a combination of both of her parents and it's at this point that saurida's admiration for Naruto truly grows to the level we see it currently in the manga this is important because a lot of the motivations of sarada throughout the manga revolve around Naruto it's harder realizing this is going to be her chance to finally meet her father Sasuke is a bad dad sneaks away from the rest of the group when they take a breather to get to the temple where they're supposed to meet Sasuke and she gets to that Temple first zorda is so excited to see her father who she hasn't seen in the first 12 years of her life that she awakes her sharing God now this moment is absolutely massive and also has current manga repercussions as this is the first time that we've ever seen a Sharingan awoken through love keep that in your brain it was always thought to be possible to awake a Sharingan through emotions outside of hatred however it had never happened because we learned from Toby Rama that the Sharingan is awoken through intense feelings in an Uchiha it's just while the Uchiha were caught in the cycle of hatred those intense feelings were usually hatred and In This Moment sarada signifies that the cycle of hatred is over but maybe not for Sasuke because Sasuke is seeing her Sharingan thinks she's one of shin subordinates and attacks her that's right Sasuke didn't recognize his own daughter it's not until Sarah yells out daddy in defense that he stops sarda throws a ton of questions at Sasuke like who was Karine who's my biological mother all of which Sasuke refuses to answer because Sasuke's upset that Naruto would bring children into this this makes sardo upset and she charges out of the temple however it's at this point that Zarda and Naruto Get Closer because Naruto actually goes to comfort Zara telling him that he's partially responsible for the fact that Sasuke is always away from the village because when they had a meeting after the walk to keep an eye on the otsutsuki Sasuke was deemed as the only person who could smash cut back to Shin the guy who's wearing the Akatsuki cloak we get a little look into what's going on with him and we realize that he has an army of little clones of other and they're trying to reform the Akatsuki that's at this point that they begin to move towards the temple where Naruto and Sasuke are meeting we then get served to a battle between the big shinuchiha and a bunch of little shinuchihas in Naruto and Sasuke in which shinuchiha does manage to injure both Naruto and Sasuke though Naruto is more focused on making sure that Zarda and chocho were safe and the only reason they Sasuke got injured is because there was a bunch of blades flying in sword and just when it looks like Shino Chia is about to beat two of the strongest people in the universe Sakura pulls up and beats his ass it's at which point that Sakura and Sasuke begin to apologize to sarada for keeping secrets however they assumed Shin was dead he was not Shin then proceeded to use his monkey kill Sharingan because yes shin has a monkey kill Sharingan to teleport himself and all the little shins back to their base and Sakura gets caught up in this it's at this point that everybody tries to figure out what exactly shenuchihai is so everyone Kicks Down orochimaru's door and Orochimaru reveals that shinuchiya was a previous experiment of his he was a former experiment whose body would accept any foreign tissue that was grafted onto it meaning that any Sharingan that you shoved into his body his body would accept and be able to use and therefore Orochimaru shoved this many Sharingan onto his body as he possibly could and this is actually how danzo shimora's right arm was created while Naruto and Zara and choj are hanging out on orochimaru's Hideout sarada realizes that they have peace of saurida's umbilical cord Zara to ask swagatsu to do a DNA test on it to see of Sakura Karine is her real mother in the DNA test reveals that Karine is in fact a real mother which makes sarda very upset and she activates a sharing gun and lashes out at Naruto for lying to her all this time about her family she also denounces any relation to Sakura and basically says she doesn't need to go save her however after calming down and realizing that soccer is the only parent she's ever had sorry to kind of digresses Naruto Sasuke Sakura and Sara to then go on to beat up all of the shin clones sarada announces that it doesn't matter whether or not Sakura is her biological mother or not she loves her family and she realizes that soccer and Sasuke actually have a good amount of love for each other then later revealed that it was actually Karine who delivered sarada and therefore some of her DNA got on the umbilical cord that's why it Getsu used for the DNA test and that Sakura is very obviously sarada's mother then Sakura sarada and Sasuke all take a cute family photo together and have their first ever family dinner and it's at this point that zarita makes a resolution to become the next Hokage all of which is very important for her character development down the line the next manga Canon Arc is the technical first manga Canon Arc the verse momushiki yard now this is technically everything that happened in the boruto movie however the TV show telling of it is better the arc opens with Konohamaru in the new team seven which is mitsuki sarada in boruto well we all know who sarada and boruto are mitsuki is a clone of Orochimaru that was created to master snake sageman and their leader is konohama even though konohama should be in charge of ineshikacho because that's how it works the arc opens with Team 7 capturing a couple of train robbers and hearing from The Train Robbers that all but one of them have been killed in an abandoned mine so they go to check out this mine and realize there is a white zetsu in there a massive white tattoo which the genie in Konohamaru are able to defeat to this point they realize there's a Blossom from a god Tree in there that was once supplied with chakra and therefore created white zetsu but it no longer has chakra konohama realizes he has to report on this and sends the genian back to report to Kona law they didn't actually defeat the white zetsu had just retreated and therefore the gaming were like we're not leading leaving you here we're gonna help you battle it and eventually they defeat this white zetu but as they head deeper into the cave they see a lot of dead zetsus being incinerated by black flames and to this point the konohama reveals to all of them that Sasuke is on a mission to destroy all remnants of the otsutski clan speaking of Sasuke the next thing we see is him in cocky as ice Dimension as he's looking for remnants of the otsutsuki but Sasuke is being watched in this Dimension by kinshiki in momoshiki and while momoshiki and kinshiki watch over Sasuke oroshiki who is kind of in a weird place of canonosity so we're gonna talk about him goes to the moon to confront toneary who we met in the last and he says that the main branch family of the otutsuki has been watching over toneri for a millennia and therefore they saw the humiliating loss that he was given at the hands of Naruto therefore in order to make up for the humiliating loss or Shiki in prisons toneri for thousands of years meanwhile all this is going on it's himawari's birthday himawari is boruto's little sister Naruto pulls up to himawari's birthday but it's not Naruto it's a shadow clone and Naruto is so exhausted that the shadow clone disappear years while holding himowari's cake he is also not a great father and this makes boruto very upset because he believes that Naruto should be there for himawari and him though admitting that he wants Naruto in his life is something that boruto struggles with currently so boruto storms upstairs and finds Naruto's old battered Orange in blue jacket and tosses it out the window and to this point that somebody rings the doorbell boruto runs down to the door and tries to punch whoever it is assuming that it's Naruto but it's not Naruto it's Sasuke the Sasuke blocks his attack and asks if Naruto is around to which you know to tell Sasuke that he's in his office and therefore Sasuke and boruto head to his office however on the way to the office Sasuke finds Naruto's old jacket after Sasuke has given the status report about momoshiki and kinshiki boruto tries to bust down the door to yell at Naruto but Sasuke stops him which impresses boruto and borto has to become his student to which Sasuke says when he learns the Rasengan he will teach him so boruto goes to the SAR Toby Clan compound and finds Konohamaru and asks him to teach him the Rasengan because konohamru obviously knows it and boruto being genius as he comes from two of the most powerful ninjas in the entire Village figures it out relatively quickly and when boruto goes to show it to Sasuke Sasuke says something that I've heard more times than I would like it's kind of small isn't it which understandably makes boruto a little upset so he throws the Rasengan however it's revealed to us a little bit later that boruto's Rasengan when thrown didn't dissipate it just turned invisible and that's important siboruto accidentally did something that neither Kakashi nor Minato could pull off he boruto's chakra nature alignment is lightning like Sasuke's and when he created his Rasengan he accidentally Incorporated lightning into his rasenga which meant that when his Rasengan was thrown it would become invisible this is something that both Minato and Kakashi attempted and the reason that Kakashi created Chidori is because he couldn't effectively add lightning chakra to his Rasengan in the first place but boruto doesn't know this saboruto goes to a scientist who's creating Shinobi wear the boruto happens about 15 years after the conclusion of the fourth grade Shinobi World War and in those 15 years the Shinobi world modernizes like an insane amount they have Burger stores a train and scientific Shinobi wear and one of the more prominent of the scientists is karasuki who's close to boruto so borto's complaining to him about how his sengan is weak and therefore the scientist is just like okay well then use this ninja wear contraption that allows you to use any Ninjutsu with one side literally all you have to do is move your hand once like Spider-Man and it shoots out a mini roll that creates whatever Ninjutsu you want it's kind of broke at this point that everyone feels as though they're ready for the tuning exams which are right around the corner and it's revealed like just with the original tuning exams there's gonna be ninjas coming from sooner also known as the hidden Sand Village specifically gara's adopted son shinky then we come back to the otsuti so we're currently in kagya's lava Dimension looking for information about where she could have gone and to this point that orishiki pulls up and tells them that she went to Earth and that on Earth they have a bunch of tailed beasts into gin Cherokee it's at this point that the otsutsuki trio pull up on killer bee and kill him that is to say that they compressed him down into chalk repels this happens after killerby turns into kyuki and fires a tailed beast bomb at momoshiki which he absorbs with the Rinnegan in his hand he then amplifies the power of that tailed beast bomb with his other Rinnegan and his other hand and shoots it back which supposedly defeats Killer B it doesn't what happens in actuality is that killer bee uses an ink clone just like he did against Sasuke however in order to do that he does have to leave a part of geeky behind and therefore mamushiki breaks down that part of Yuki into chocolate pills this fight in the fact that killer bee hasn't shown up in boruto since this fight leads a lot of people to believe that he's dead but he actually shows up in the post-credit scene of the movie we then get served to the beginning of the tuning exam which like all other shooting exams has a bunch of different phases there's a written exam there's a practical exam then at the end they ought to fight each other some kids win some kids lose boruto and all the important characters move on and just like that borutos through the first round of the tuning exams we then get the second round of the tuning exam which isn't the forest of death this time around but is instead Capture the Flag shrinky gar's adopted son basically single-handedly defeats the new team five boruto cheats in the exam using his Shinobi Gauntlet in order to use Ninjutsu that he doesn't have access to previously which results in team 7 passing the second round however the entire second round is being televised in 10 10 who's keeping an eye over the proceedings realizes that she didn't see boruto weave any hand and signs to use the jutsus he used to win in the second round however she comes to the conclusion that he just weaved hand signs so fast that she couldn't keep up with it because she's dumb that's mean she didn't know the Shinobi Gauntlet existed but the information that boruto has passed the second round of the tuning Sam's gets to Naruto and he gets hyped about it Naruto goes so far as to applaud boruto for passing the second round which boruto really enjoys because he never really gets positive feedback from Naruto we then get to the third round of the tuning exams which believe it or not is a one-on-one there's a bunch of battles sarada and mitsuki win Porto cheats to beat a kid named eurowee who's completely irrelevant and then in his second round comes up against shikidon who is shikamaru's Son and is incredibly talented and a genius just like his father and even though she could die technically should have won because he catches boruto with his shadow technique Porto uses the kote or the Shinobi Gauntlet to break himself out of it cheating in their battle when he said he wouldn't and it's at this point that he's able to overwhelm shikidai and force him to surrender then a bunch more matches happen mitsuki finds himself up against shinky however mitsuki isn't supposed to use the entirety of his strength because orochimara doesn't want people finding out what he's been doing in the dark and so mitsuki kind of throws his battle against shinky however shinki is incredibly powerful because he has magnetic sand ability but it's Tech quickly the iron sand ability of the third kazakage so mitsuki losing wasn't that suspicious the final battle of the tuning exams is a three-way battle between sarada boruto and shinki into a Porto and Sarah decide to work together to defeat shanky so they can battle it out after defeats sarada boruto put in the corner tries to use his lightning release boruto stream to defeat shinky's iron sand but it doesn't work so boruto uses the ability of Kakashi purple lightning to defeat shanky's iron sand making him the winner of the tuning exam however Naruto had come to watch this final match because his son was in the final match but what Naruto realized at the end of his match is that boruto cheated so Naruto pulls up on boruto grabs him by the wrist and shows everybody that he's been cheating basically embarrassing his son into being a better person Naruto goes so far as to remove boruto's forehead protector basically making him not a guinea at all this leads boruto to screaming at Naruto saying that if he really wanted him to be the greatest injury of all time he would have found time to be with him and it's at this point the katasuki arrives in tells everybody that boruto was his tester for the new Shinobi Gauntlet to this point that boruto realizes he was being used and before anybody can unpack the emotional trauma of their upbringing momoshiki and kinshiki and oroshiki all pull up on the tuning exams Gara and chotro the current mizukage try to battle against orashiki but struggle pretty mightily Naruto tries to use his Shinobi Gauntlet to launch attacks at momoshiki but all of them are absorbed and fired back and it's at this point that Naruto and Sasuke pull up on the battle and begin battling against momoshiki and kinshiki however since both of their children are there they have to focus on protecting them and when momoshiki pulls out a tailed beast bomb that would have destroyed the entire tuning exam area including their children Naruto has to use 100 of his power to deflect the ball Naruto wanted to use the tail beast bomb to counteract momoshiki's tail beast bomb but he realized if he did that everyone around him would probably die so it kind of just takes a tail beast bomb to the face which knocks Naruto out pretty clean and momoshiki kidnaps him Porto then wakes up in a hospital a couple days later surrounded by all of his teammates who also got injured in the debacle borto looks down to see that he's still wearing his Shinobi Gauntlet at which point he tears it off and throws it at this point that Sasuke tells boruto that he's been in a similar situation to him where he's been scorned by everybody he knew however Sasuke can still sense Naruto's chakra and is going to save him with boruto's help sozoska gives borto his old headband and tells him the story behind the mark in it which inspires boruto to be the better version of himself that works hard for the power that he needs borto also puts on Naruto's old jacket momoshiki and kinshiki in some Wasteland Dimension where there's a God trait momoshiki tells Naruto this God tree was created using the chakra of a man who harbored a tailed beast which Naruto realizes is killer bee they never really explain that like how can you build a god tree with one tailed beast and it wasn't even the whole thing however Naruto is tied to this tree and momoshiki is sucking out karama's chakra however Karama has so much chakra that he can't do it at a speed that's even remotely efficient homoshiki tells narja that he's taking this tailed beast chakra so he can turn it into chalk repels which are kind of like Peds for the yotsutsuki essentially they can compress chakra down into small little pills take it and increase their chakra and overall power this is also their secret to immortality over Naruto connects this idea of the chalk repel to the Shinobi Gauntlet in that it's a workaround hard work and as momoshiki and Naruto are having this conversation while momoshiki is ripping Karama out of him the four kage Sasuke and boruto pull up I forgot to mention the four current Kake also went with Sasuke and boruto that would be Gara chojiro darawi and ah anoki's granddaughter oh God what is her name korotsuchi the current tsuchikage so the four Hokage free Naruto from his constraints and go to fight against kinshiki and momoshik and they all hold their own with them which is insane for scaling purposes while a lot of people sit back and they're like oh this is the weakest generation of Hokage the fact that all of these Hokage were able to go toe-to-toe with otsutsuki's insane momoshiki even goes so far as to say that gara's taijutsu is equal to Narutos which makes sense because Gara during the blank period has been training his taijutsu with the seven Heavenly breaths guy like chojiro and courtsuchi literally managed to pin down kinshiki at which point momoshiki is like well this guy is useless because momoshiki is the higher ranking otsutsuki in their Duo and therefore converts kenshiki into edible chakra pills and takes him which turns momoshiki into fused momoshiki which does a lot of fun things for him but the most fun of which is give him a golden Rinnegan in the center of his forehead to this point that fused momoshiki knocks out the four other kage they were used for for a while but not the whole time and it's at this point that Naruto and Sasuke go Toe to Toe with fusma mushikian what is arguably probably Naruto's best fight not to mention that Naruto in this fight throws hands with fused momoshiki in base which is insane in Naruto and Sasuke for all intents and purposes defeat this fused momoshiki however when it looks like momoshiki is down and out katasuki pulls up because apparently he's snuck in the portal and uses the Shinobi Gauntlet in what he believes will be the finishing blow against momoshiki however momoshiki just absorbs all of the Ninjutsu that he threw at him with the Shinobi Gauntlet now he's fine again it's at this point that momushiki uses all of his absorbed Ninjutsu to hold down Naruto Sasuke and boruto hoping to help throws his Rasengan at momushiki but when momushiki sees the Rasengan disappear he decides he doesn't need to focus on boruto anymore however the Rasengan didn't disappear it's just invisible so when momoshiki shifts his attention back to Naruto and Sasuke he gets hit with a rasenga which breaks his holds on Naruto and Sasuke because he was using shikamaru's absorbed Shadow technique and it's at this point the Naruto says that boruto needs to create another rasenka but Naruto gives boruto a ton of his chakra and they make a massive Uzumaki family rasenga there's then a bunch of switching using Heavenly hand power with Sasuke and his six to me Rinnegan and eventually boruto hits momushiki with a massive Rasengan that kills him momoshiki isn't gone because momoshiki before he died was able to grab onto boruto and Mark him with a Karma Mark a common marking for those of you who haven't watched any of my other videos on boruto is a lot like a curse mark from Orochimaru the otutsuki are in a cycle of turning planets into chakrafruits however in order to turn a planet into a chakra fruit you need to bring a 10 tails to that planet and feed that ten Tails a lower ranking otsutsuki in order to make sure that they're not constantly ripping through their own ranks the otitsuki created something known as the karma marking that allows these lower ranking otsutsuki that are being fed to a 10 tails to Mark somebody to upload their Consciousness chakra battle information everything onto that body and then eventually take it over when they die so omobushiki is technically killed by boruto In This Moment since he's now been marked with a Karma marking boruto is slowly but surely uploading all of momoshiki's information into his body so that one day momoshiki can take it back over after momoshiki's defeated borutoko's on an apology tour like a Minecraft Youtuber whose DMS got leaked Gara and shinky talk about what it is to be a Shinobi with a ton of strength and the entire Uzumaki family comes together to celebrate himawari's past birthday and it's at this point that boruto and Naruto fist bump and finally become the father-son duo they've always meant to be the understanding from both of them that they're both on an incredibly important journey in their own right and that they should let each other enjoy those Journeys but find moments to spend together the next manga Cannon Arc is definitely a significantly less important manga Canon Arc because it's the mujina bandits Arc this Arc opens with a new team 7 being given the mission of protecting a wealthy businessman this wealthy businessman is tento however tento is being targeted by the mujin of Bandits a group of Bandits who are after his fortune at some point in time whether escorting tento the mujin abandons managed to kidnap him and demand a ransom it's at this point that team 7 has to come together and get him back and they track the mujin dependence to an underground lair and when they find the secret layer it's revealed that the mujin abandons are actually a part of a much bigger underground Association and that their leader should joji has a grudge against Naruto Team 7 battles against joji in his Elite Bandits and after they defeat them it's revealed that the mujin abandons are actually just a small subsection of the Fabrications and the Fabrications are a large criminal organization that operate in the shadows of the boruto world and are trying to destabilize the ninja they're involved in human trafficking drugs smuggling basically everything illegal we can think of but in the end basically their only goal is to destabilize the Ninja World and take it over however we haven't heard or seen anything from the Fabrications since this so who knows the next manga Canon Arc is the owl Arc this Arc opens with the inners of Kara coming together for a meeting now Cara is essentially boruto's version of the Akatsuki and the inners are basically Akatsuki members it's just there the more prevalent Akatsuki members they also have outers who help Cara but they're not considered like the inside folk so the inners are basically our members of the Akatsuki everybody you need to worry about well the outers are like collaborators all of the inners of Kara have been summoned by their leader jigan who reveals to them that the vessel has been lost now one of the inners of the members of Kara claims that he should be the one to recover The Vessel however Koji as in caution Koji who's actually a genetic clone of Jiraiya created by a scientist by the name of Amado who's also an inner in Cara claims that he can take care of it and all of the inners in Kara agree after the meeting is ended Victor is furious to the other members of Kara mocked him and didn't believe he could take charge in this event however it's this point that kojo reveals himself to Victor and as Victor is startled by this he goes to attack Koji as Koji is the subject of his ire at the current moment and it's at this moment that Victor is struck with a kunai instead of blaze a blaze that is so ferocious that it overcomes his naturally incredibly High regeneration factor and kills him so what are the members of Cara already gone cut to Kono Hall where boruto and Naruto are having a sparring match during the sparring match Naruto reveals that his prosthetic hand that he used to replace the one he blew off in his battle against Sasuke has the ability to absorb Ninjutsu an idea that Naruto got from omushiki's Rinnegan pawns the fact that Naruto's prosthetic hand is a Shinobi tool in Fury it's boruto because he just got yelled at about using one of them Bernardo tells boruto it's not about the tool it's about how you use it leading on the tools as a crutch is a way to avoid hard work to this point that Naruto assigns team 7 to transport katsuki and a new prosthetic limb to a lab on the border of the land of fire and on that very same border of the land of fire Konohamaru is currently on a scouting Mission Konohamaru has stumbled upon crashed blimp which appears to have a person inside of it it's then revealed that this blimp actually belongs to Kara and was crashed because there's a traitor within the midst of Kara we then cut back to team seven and katsuki as they're on their way to the lab to bring the prosthetic lamp however to this point that a character that we're all familiar with shows up ow you know the guy with the Byakugan from the Hidden Mist Village who was able to break yagara out of the genjutsu Obito placed on him that out it's revealed that I was actually one of the patients of kotsuki and that I was actually only alive because of advancements in Shinobi technology as Al is one of the people in the information center that was controlling the fourth grade Shinobi world war that was bombed by the ten Tales however as the train reaches its destination we see out get off and start to talk to Koji a member of Cara and Koji begins to compliment Alwyn his ability to place katsuki under genjutsu that makes kotsuki tell out all the information he knows about Shinobi technology and at this point that Koji tells Al to go to the blimp and kill anybody who's interacted with it once they make it to the lab where the prosthetic was had adding they do a couple of tests with some of the Shinobi tools that are kicking around and boruto begins to warm up the idea of Science and Technology helping Society move forward which is currently very cold on because of the situation that the Shinobi Godly put him in in the first place however one of the last tools they're testing is a chakra wielding blade it's a lightsaber I you not it is a lightsaber powered by chakra however this lightsaber is very inefficient and uses a lot of chakra and therefore katsuki kind of just gives it to boruto however it's at this point that Naruto calls team seven and says that he can't get into contact with Konohamaru who's checking out the Airship wreck and therefore he sends team seven because they were close so kasukiya you not hops in an Iron Man suit and they all head out to the Airship crash however when they get to the Airship it's being patrolled by puppet to essentially have trucker cannons attached to their arms which they quickly defeat using katasuki's Iron Man suit and as they fall back from the assault of the robots they stumble upon a cave for Konohamaru and his teammate mujino are however while they were at the Airship katasuki was able to download the information of the Airship and bring it with him however finds them and since he was supposed to kill anybody who's come into contact with the Airship he pulls out I wish I was kidding a minigun it is a rotating gun that uses the small Scrolls that are in the Shinobi Gauntlet to shoot fire ninjuts it's a minigun then battle against al for a couple of chapters since he's got mini guns and drones and a bunch of other Shinobi wear that make him almost impossible to kill and after boruto defeats how he comes to grips with the fact that Scientific Technology can be helpful and can save lives and also can power those who are unpowered to fight for themselves but at the end of the day nothing beats hard work cow tries to goad boruto into killing him after boruto hits him with a Rasengan that shoots him into a building but borto uses a line of logic that Al had given to him previously where Al had grabbed the screwdriver and almost jammed it into boruto's eye it's at that point that he asked if the screwdriver a tool that could take his eye was actually evil or useful to the overarching theme of the owl vs boruto fight is that I would become unshinobi-like using things like drones and miniguns things with no genuine skill however I'll believe that since Cara saved his life through the power of technology that he owed his life to them and it wasn't until borzo decided to say out that caution Koji shows up see Koji have been watching the battle but Koji didn't want out leaking the information of the Airship out there so Koji pulls up and summons a toad that's about to crush both ow and boruto over ow in his last moment as a Shinobi uses water Ninjutsu to push boruto out of the way bringing him back to his original roots of being a hidden Miss Shinobi but then he like the super gets crushed to death it's at this point that Koji and team 7 begin their combat with Koji placing all of them under a seal that stops them from moving but konohama is able to break out of it it's at this point the Konohamaru and caution Koji clashed their rasan guns together however as konohamu reels back from the explosion it's revealed that he has a toad on him that detonates and begins to incinerate him with the same Flames that had killed Victor for a second there it kind of looked like raps for konohama however it's at this moment that the karma seal that momushiki gave to boruto activates for the first time and absorbs the Flames that were on konohamare which leads Koji to realize that boruto was the one who had been chosen by momosh Koji upon realizing this thanks them for showing him something interesting and Retreat so she's kind of a question mark character that we're not super sure about what his motivations are currently like we get a deeper dive into him in a couple of chapters here but like his current motivations for being like Oh you're the person who mamushiki chose I guess I'll leave you alone we don't currently understand it'll probably become clear like very soon as most people believe that caution Koji is going to be at least peripherally involved in borto's training during the time skip but like I said kind of a question mark after coaching has disappeared everybody draws their attention to a passed out boy did you see everybody believe that this passed out boy was one of the puppets they defeated however when they looked at this boy they realized that he had the same Mark as boruto and just like that ladies and gentlemen kawaki has been introduced which is why the next Arc we're going to be talking about is the kawaki arc kwakiak opens with Team seven observing this unconscious kawaki however as boruto begins to approach kawaki his karma seal begins to hurt and his karma seal hurts because it's resonating with kawakis which also hurts kawaki and wakes him up Milwaukee and the konohan ninja begin to talk about why he's there and what's going on when Garo another inner from Cara appears sagaro have been sent in to keep an eye on Koji because everyone believed he wasn't progressing his mission of closing up the Airship catastrophe fast enough and at this point the kawaki begins to fight against Garo who initially overpowers him until kawaki activates his Karma Market and this activated Karma marking state kawaki is massively stronger than Garo and kills him and he kills him by unleashing a blast wave that easily incinerated Garo and should have easily incinerated team seven however boruto at the last moment accidentally activates his karma marking and absorbs its saving team seven and while kawaki doesn't want to go with Team seven he passes out from the exertion of the fight and at this point the katasuki observes his body and realizes that it's basically a walking Shinobi tool as he's been modified on a microscopic level to be more powerful and the modifications to his body are greater than even the modifications that katasuki did to Naruto's prosthetic R they decided to take kawaki back to konawa because obviously Kara who's a shady organized station are very interested in him however since kawaki was a child and was very clearly heavily abused by Cara they tried to integrate him into regular Society in Kona and therefore they had him move into Naruto's house however kawaki who has been abused by basically every adult in his life ever tries to escape from the situation as he believes that konoho only brought him in so they could interrogate him for information on Kara now kawaki keeps trying to run away from Cornwall until Naruto reveals how powerful he is to kawaki and realizes he's not to be messed with but also Naruto is showing kawaki how powerful he is to show kawaki he can protect himowari is also trying to integrate kawaki into their life by presenting him a vase that she made for him however kawaki breaks the vase which makes boruto very angry at himawari very upset and even though kawaki half-heartedly apologizes to himawari it's not enough after a little while kawaki Reveals His backstory to boruto where he tells boruto that he was the son of an alcoholic who forced kawaki to work all day to get money to pay for his alcohol and when kawaki accidentally dropped his alcohol one day kawaki was sold to jegan who's playing children from all over the world to implant Karma markings on them because karma markings do not work every single time in fact finding somebody suitable for karma marking is very difficult and everybody who's not suitable dies however since kawaki was suitable for the karma marking he was beaten to shape by jegan for years it causes boruto to gain a fair amount of sympathy for kawaki but regardless of the sympathy he holds for kawaki he demands that he fixed the vase that he broke Joaquin instead then decides that he'll just buy himawari a new vase and therefore him and Naruto head out to Eno's flower shop to buy the vase however the mere site of flowers reminds kawaki of Gigan and he begins to have a panic attack now this is actually one of the more subtle yet beautiful moments in the entirety of the Naruto Universe because instead of freaking out or doing anything out of pocket Naruto simply grabs kawaki and holds him while he's having this panic attack and reassures him that everything will be okay and this is actually a call back to the time when Naruto himself had a panic attack and he had no one there to help him but even though kawaki bought a new vase boruto still demanded that he fixed the one that he broke meanwhile all of this is going on Koji is appear to sneak into Kona law which he's able to do because he has the exact same chakra signature as Jiraiya which was registered with the sensory Bureau over Delta another inner of Cara decided that Koji wasn't moving fast enough and therefore Delta also flew into konoha to go kidnap kawaki however since Delta shocker signature wasn't registered with a sensory Bureau they immediately knew she had entered Kona law at which point Delta Naruto entered a battle against each other now Naruto wants to take her in for questioning and therefore he suppresses his power substantially and he's basically beaten Delta to a pulp at this point until she reveals her trump card a laser beam that nullifies all regeneration techniques and Delta realizing that Naruto is substantially stronger than her decided to Target this attack at himawari who was hanging out with her family for the day Naruto then throws his body in front of himawari to make sure that she wouldn't get struck by this laser beam but before Naruto can be struck by this laser beam kawaki throws his body in front of it and considering the fact that this attack is a light speed attack in kawaki reacts to it and travels in front of it before it can land he's fast now this causes kawaki to lose one of his arms and it will never grow back and this makes Naruto really angry so angry he throws the whole let's not killer thing out the window However unfortunately he doesn't kill Delta because Delta's kind of a hive mind Delta is a Consciousness upload that you can put in any single drone we'll talk more about her later but Delta drives a drone version part of herself back to the car Hideout and re-uploads in a new body and tells everybody about how boruto has a Karma Market which surprises everybody and while all this is going on Koji is still collecting information from within konoha about Naruto and kawaki and boruto and he goes on to say that while Naruto's power is terrifying it won't be enough to overcome jigan only the comma can do that and in the aftermath of this battle kawaki is given a prosthetic arm very similar to Naruto's and this prosthetic arm is actually powered through Naruto's chakra meaning that Naruto has to give kawaki a portion of his chakra to power this arm because this act of kindness kawaki begins to open up to people in konwan even asked to learn Ninjutsu and at a certain point he has a conversation with Karama where Karama reveals just how similar Naruto's childhood was to kawakis which makes kawaki even more grateful to Naruto that's gonna be a theme they should keep an eye out however while this emotional building is going on Sasuke is traveling through the dimensions like Sasuke does and it's at this point that he stumbles upon the Kara Hideout and it's at this point that he comes to two shocking realizations one kagya had not come to Earth alone Kaki was actually the lower ranking otutsuki who had come to the planet in notzutsuki duo with the higher ranking otsutsuki ishiki aka jigan the second terrifying realization is that there was a second ten tails and the second relatively immature ten Tales is being kept at the car Hideout what's even more terrifying is that jegan began to siphon out energy out of this ten Tales so he could go get kawaki himself and since ishiki AKA jigin had a comma marking on kawaki was able to forcibly synchronize their karma markings and open a portal to kawak which allowed Jake and to simply just walk right into Kona law and at this point that jigan appears in front of Koji and tells him to stop observing Naruto kawaki and boruto as jigan is well aware that Koji has always been a spy Within inkara the spy who made sure the air vessel crashed and that Jenkin didn't interfere with him because he was curious about his motives you know that informs Naruto about Jenkins presence in Naruto and she can begin to have a one-on-one however it wasn't much of a one-on-one because jigan basically just went on to kick Naruto's ass jegan then goes over to kawaki and Begins the preparation of bringing him back to the Kara Hideout where he scolds kawaki for trying to use the abilities of the Naruto prosthetic arm over his Karma Market telling him that konawa doesn't care about him and they're simply trying to use him to get to Kara which kawaki doesn't believe however Naruto gets up dusts himself off and goes to battle jegan again who finally begins to take him serious however at this point kawaki had completely given himself into the idea of going back with geek and not because he believed that jigan was right that konoha and Naruto hated him because he was afraid that jigan would kill Naruto once again keep that one in here however Naruto didn't want to battle against Jenkin and konwa as he figured it would destroy Kono the teakin goes to teleport Naruto away to a different area but Sasuke kind of stops him and Sasuke manages to join Naruto as they're being portaled away and to this point that Naruto and Sasuke came into combat against jegan and as they tried to use all their fancy moves like manifesting Karama mode and susano jigan basically laughed in their face going so far as to grab Sasuke out of his susano and absorb any rossen gone that Naruto tried to use against it it wasn't until they were already thoroughly damaged that Sasuke realized that jigan's ability is to control the size of matter on a molecular level that doesn't say he can shrink and grow things and therefore he could Pierce you with molecularly sized black rods and have them expand in your body and as Naruto and Sasuke struggled in vain against jegan Naruto realized they were outmatched and so Naruto understanding that Sasuke was their only way to get back to the car Hideout or the dimension they were currently fighting in told Sasuke to retreat using space-time Ninjutsu leaving Naruto behind and Sasuke does this with a heavy heart and it's at this point that Naruto is sealed away in a large coffin however after this we realized that jigan is actually being controlled by ishiki drunk himself down to a miniature size and put himself in the brain of a monk 2000 years ago when kagya had betrayed him and ripped him in half and Sensei Shiki and Jenkin weren't actually perfect together jigan could only use a portion of ishiki's strength so jigan has to go back to the Kara Hideout to rest for a couple of days before he can go retrieve kawaki however Koji realizes that this is his chance as he knows that jegan has now been weakened in that Sasuke by himself has no chance against him however the idea of Naruto being trapped in a dimension with jegan drove kawaki insane the last thing he wanted was Naruto dying for him Waki who was worried about Naruto convinced boruto to synchronize their two Karma seals to create a portal to Naruto's location and much of the Chagrin of Shikamaru they went through it however after traveling through his location they were greeted by Boro another inner of Kara oh I should also mention that mitsuki and sarada went with kawaki and Naruto so team 7 and kawaki begin to battle against Boro however Borah was also Modified by amados so his entire body is Shinobi wear meaning he has an insane regeneration ability that can only be overcome if you destroy enjoy a core which is constantly moving in his body so even though kawaki and boruto try things like a Unison Rasengan where they synchronize their karma markings and hit him with a massive raw sing gun he always regenerates it doesn't tell sarodo who's now effectively become the leader of Team seven uses her sharing gun to identify where the core is and then activates Chidori for the first time we've ever seen her use it practically that she's able to destroy his chord one of the cooler scenes in boruto however the real problem arises when boro's core is destroyed because he loses control over his Shinobi wear body and he's about to explode and kill everybody that is until we see Boro Shiki for the first time see at the moment that Borah is about to explode momushiki takes over boruto's body creates a massive Ross sengon that completely eviscerates Boro and it's in this moment that we realize the true monster residing within boruto we then pop back to Koji whose return to Kara's base intent on killing the weakened Gigan and to this point that it's revealed that Amado is actually the true Trader within Cara as he tells Koji the jegans only recovered 10 percent of his total power and as Koji is getting ready to battle geek and he teleports amido to konawa where Amado just goes I'm a snitch ask me anything you want oh by the way after they killed Boro Naruto's return to konawa Amado reveals to the konohal elite that the goal of Kara is to turn the world into a god tree same old same old Koji and jigan then start their battle however Koji is temporarily overwhelmed by the fact that jigan has an ability called sukuna hikona which allows jigan to control the size of things as well as having a Karma seal that allows him to absorb all Ninjutsu therefore when Koji tries to use his version of Amaterasu on jigan jegan's able to absorb it so it doesn't Scorch him until he's ashes it isn't until kashin Koji is able to summon jegan onto a summoning Circle that Koji begins to get the upper hand see this is an irregular summoning Circle it doesn't summon a dog or a toad or a snake Koji has made a contract with a mountain where Fire Burns perpetually meaning that when he activates the summoning Circle it creates very real fire and since the karma marking can't absorb real things only Ninjutsu there's no way for Jenkins Karma marking to absorb these Flames which means in order to escape these Flames jegan needs to manifest is Shiki that is to say that ishiki needs to turn jigan into a complete vessel and become an otsutski but that's a problem though because jigan is an imperfect vessel which means that he's Shiki will only get a couple of days in this four on top of that once in otsutsuki manifests through one of their karma markings every other Karma marking they have disappears which means that ishiki has been forced to manifest into a form that'll be dead in a couple of days and lost all other chances at reincarnation now this version of the Shiki is much stronger than he was his cheek and therefore he slaps Koji around but before he's able to finish off Koji and Toad comes and Scoops Koji out of there and brings it back to Mount mubuka that's the last time we saw Koji which is why everyone's like oh boruto's gonna train with caution coaching and the time Skip's gonna be a Naruto jirai apparel however unfortunately furishiki I guess if you could say it was unfortunate he was now on a time crunch which means he was on a straight route to konawa and once he showed up in konoha Naruto and Sasuke once again stood up to battle him and once again took a big fat out however the main character of the show steps up boruto steps up to ushiki who's looking for kawaki and uses the power of his karma marking to teleport ishiki away from konolai and after teleporting Shiki to a different dimension boruto Naruto and Sasuke all popped into the dimension to finally defeat ishiki however after entering this Dimension ishiki Blitz boruto picks him up and decides oh you're about 80 done uploading your otsutsuki data as after you receive a Karma marking it takes time for that karamarking to seep the otsutsuki data into your body to make you a full-blooded otutski so both Naruto and Sasuke activate their strongest forms in hopes to Beaty Shiki meanwhile in kotohock kowaki was nervous about the facts that Naruto is now battling an even stronger version of ishiki but Amato assured kawaki that so long as Naruto and Sasuke could hold off his Shiki long enough that his lifespan runs out everything should be okay and as the battle progressed boruto realized that ishiki was actively trying to not kill him and they use that to their Advantage see what they didn't realize at the time that ishiki was hoping to use boruto once he fully utsifies to sacrifice to the 10 tails and create a chakra fruit but all that truly mattered at the moment is that ishiki was actively not trying to kill boruto at which point boruto threatened to kill himself to stop ishiki's plan however is she he immobilizes him so he can't do this now in Naruto and Sasuke realized this is a losing fight Karama steps up and tells Naruto they could use something called baryon mode which is a technique that allows Naruto to massively improve his chakra reflexes power and speed while also reducing somebody's lifespan the way that this mode works is that Karama and Naruto Collide their chakra into each other creating a new form of energy and since this form destroys chakra and all chakra is connected any person you come into contact with while baryon mode is activated you shorten their lifespan and when you're fighting somebody who only has a couple of hours if not a couple of days to live shortening their lifespan is huge so Naruto undergoes this transformation and proceeds to beat the ever living piss I mean this man is throwing combos from other dimensions I mean Eco so far is the call back combos like the combo he used against Sasuke where he kicked him up into the sky and he landed so many blows on ishiki he was able to cut down his lifespan from 20 hours to five minutes however Naruto isn't able to get the job done as Kurama runs out of chakra before Naruto and takes a permanent Slumber first theory is he's not gone but as it currently stands chromatize which means that Naruto is no longer a jinchuriki however the use of Arion mode doesn't kill Naruto it's not like having the tail beast pulled out of you yishiki realizing he's running out of options panics and connects Naruto's chakra signature to the chakra signature in his sheiky's prosthetic arm using this connection he immediately deduces where kawaki is and he teleports kawaki to the battlefield however kawaki immediately hides from mishiki but ishiki threatens to kill Naruto if kowaki doesn't show himself so kawaki steps out and aziziki grabs kwaki and tries to implant a comma mark on him it doesn't work and it's at this point that it's revealed that kawaki had used the one Ninjutsu he learned Shadow clone Jutsu and therefore even though ishiki had placed the karma seal on the shadow clone when the shadow clone disappeared there was no Karma seal placed on anyone and in that moment ishiki dies with no way to reincarnate so he's gone forever however just like the end of the fourth grade Shinobi World War the battle ain't done yet as boruto who was knocked out by an assault from ishiki has now turned into boroshiki and before anybody can realize what's going on boroshiki takes a kunai and stabs it into Sasuke's six Tomei riniga the moment she could realize that now with the Shiki gone and Naruto kuramalus the only people who stood in his way in taking over the world were Sasuke and since kawaki no longer had a Karma seal that could stand up to him the only thing he needed to do was to get rid of the six Tomei Rinnegan which he had now effectively done however since kawaki had gone through the majority of the old suitsification process his entire body was that of an otsutsuki meaning he could be sacrificed to attend tails to create a god tree from omushi and it's this moment that it injured Sasuke and a Karma list kawaki after battle against boroshiki however they realize while battling that if boroshiki absorbs any ninjutsu-based attacks with his karma seal it'll wake board so they force boroshiki into doing this we then get an incredibly touching scene of karama's death as he says goodbye to Naruto since now that Sasuke's six Tomei renig on his on boruto has to create a portal to get everyone back to konawashiki then presents himself as a force ghost to code another inner in Cara and actually one of the only remaining inners in Kara actually the only remaining inner Ankara because Boro is dead amido's a spy koji's kind of dead but also is a spy Goro's dead Delta's technically amido's daughter will get there to Second and Victor got lit on fire by Koji so the only person left is Coke and what's fun about code is that he also has a car marking but his karma marking is in Black it's white which means that code is able to use the abilities of the person who gave him the common marking which was ishiki however he can never manifest into ishiki which is why his karma marking didn't appear when ishiki manifested there was Karma marking on jegan so like I said ishiki is now a force ghost in front of code basically telling code that Kona walk killed him and this upsets code a lot because he reveres the otutsuki as God specifically ishik and so wishiki tells code what he truly needs to do if he wants to become an otusuki is create a chakra fruit and consume it and just like that we have a new antagonist which brings us to the code assault Arc for 56 chapters in ladies and gentlemen we're almost there no I'm not covering Dakota salt Arc is where the anime currently is and there are some sick fights in here highly recommend you watch them and the first thing that code does is our antagonist is he infiltrates boro's cult yes Boro was a cult leader I didn't feel like it was important to cover now the reason that code infiltrates boros cult is because boro's cult was actually guarding two cyborgs two cyborgs created by Ahmed and these cyborgs were created to assist jegan in his conquest of creating a god trip however they were shut down when she can realize they were stronger than him these cyborgs were created using shinjutsu shinjutsu is the progenitor of all Ninjutsu genjutsu and taijutsu it's the Jutsu of the Gods basically with the God we're talking about being shibai otsutsuki the one otsutsuki who's eating enough chakrafruits to ascend to literal godhood amido found his corpse which just happened to be on earth maybe in used pieces of his corpse to impart shinjutsu into these cyborgs in the two cyborgs we know of that have been used creating this process are Ada and Daemon data has an ability called the senegan which is a dojud so that allows her to see everything that's happening on Earth simultaneously and anything that's happened since she was born so anything that's happened on Earth since the day she was born she can access meaning there's quite literally nothing on Earth you can hide from Ada unless you communicate telepathically Daemon on the other hand has a shinjutsu called reflect or any malintent you have towards Daemon gets reflected onto you and from the second you have the intention so the second that you begin to draw out your sword to attack Daemon you are sliced by the same sword the stronger the attack you have intended for Daemon aka the more malice you have for him the stronger the attack reflected on you meaning so long as you are attempting to attack Daemon that feels like an important distinction but we don't know yet you will never hit him outside of the centeregon however Ada also has a different ability a charm ability for anybody upon seeing her fall so head over heels in love with her that they can't attack her the only people with this ability doesn't work on are otsutsuki and possibly those who are in love with other otsutski we're not entirely sure yet all we currently know is that kawaki boruto sumurai and Sarita are immune to this ability now kawaki and boruto are immune to this ability because they are otsutskis and sarada and Sumer are both individually in love with boruto which might be a loophole for getting out of it and Ada kind of hates this ability because Ada has been robbed of natural love anybody that ate a meat is in love with her and therefore she'll never know if they truly love her for her or just her ability which is why Ada wants to find an enotsutsuki roughly her age to date and that's why she's in love with kawaki because she could get into an actual romance with kawaki that wouldn't be dictated by her abilities and while I know you're saying well then what about boruto couldn't she fall in love with boruto for some reason she's not interested I guess because maybe if she was it would basically be a harem anime for boruto like two is fine there is a hero then again I think that makes Black Clover a harem anime however since Ada only needs kawaki she tells code that he can't kill kawaki but he can kill boruto and so code even though kwaki played a very active part nishiki's death is no longer trying to kill kawaki because he's head over heels in love with Ada and he wouldn't do anything to defy her willingly but codes to ask some other things he needs to work through before he can kill boruto and Naruto and Sasuke see the white comma marking made codes so powerful that Amado actually put limiters on him and this was at the destruction of jigan because she could realize that code was gonna be more powerful than him and therefore they decided to Nerf him before he became a problem now the only way to lift these limiters is an iris scanned in a voice recognition from amido because amido builds a backdoor shutdown program into every single cyborg however to get beyond that back door shut down and release himself from his limiters code needs to get Amino so now code has two incredibly powerful cyborgs on his side and the eyes are still set on Kona oh and throughout all this it's revealed that Amado had a daughter 12 years ago but she died and therefore amados trying to recreate his daughter water through Delta and the real reason that amido was so invested in kawaki's karma marking is because he's able to imprint his daughter's personality into kawaki's Karma marking and then kawaki Place one of those Karma markings on a copy of his daughter's physical body Delta and once that personality uploads into the physical body of his daughter Delta he'll get his daughter back at least that's what we currently believe is amido's motivation we're not for sure though Amino is kind of a sketchy character but he's also incredibly smart so we kind of treat him like a rochimaru or hisoka without the pedophilic urges and with that we come to the final Arc before the time skip the omnipotent Zone this Arc encompasses everything that happens between chapter 67 and 80 of boruto during this time period code begins his assault against konowa and he does so by leaving markings all around konoha that he can pop into whenever he wants cicada has a very specific ability and it's all tied into marks that he's able to create with his claws cicada's inability comparable to the Flying rise where he can throw claw marks that he's able to teleport himself to it at any given moment however he can go even further he can make a claw mark on his face and reach his hand into his face to reach the hand out of a certain spot so while it's not technically as fast as flying Rising because code does have to sink into these claw marks it does give him more variability in what it can do than flying right as code is able to Simply send parts of himself certain places so code pulls up on konohal looking for amida and in the process of looking for amido he comes into combat against kawaki he's purposely trying to battle against code so Naruto doesn't get lured into combat as kawaki wants to make sure that Naruto's life is never put in danger again however kawaki so far as we understood in this part of the manga has no Karma Market and with no Karma marking kawaki stands absolutely zero chance against code so as kawaki is getting his butt kicked by code boruto senses his chakra and follows him out to help him against however boruto is trailed by Naruto who now no longer has Kurama but is using sage mode but as kawaki is battling against code something activates inside of him and that's something is a Karma Market I know what you're saying you're saying Nick how does Shiki is dead well ahmeda was actually able to reverse engineer the cover mark looking for a Shiki without it actually being tied to ishiki that is to say that Amado was able to place in the genetics of kawaki akara marking that would manifest when he yearned for power the most and that Karma marking would give him all of the abilities of his previous Karma marking without any chance of reincarnating his Shiki so it operates basically essentially like a white Kara Market however while boruto and kawaki are battling against code and Naruto is basically doing nothing they managed to beat back code however in the process of beating back code boruto was re-taken over by momoshiki and since morushiki is putting Naruto's life in danger this is actually when kawaki awakens his Karma Market and it's at this point that a battle of karma markings breaks out between kawaki and boruto with code pretty much all but being ignored or shaky and kawaki battle it out for a little bit until boruto is able to take control over his body for a couple of seconds at which point he tells kawaki to kill him as he understands the last time the borshiki was out Sasuke lost his eyewaki doesn't hesitate punches a hole in boruto's chest kills him oh my God the main character is dead not for basically as it goes boruto was 82 percent done with his upload of momoshiki's data however if boruto dies momoshiki also dies so momoshiki sacrificed the last 18 of his upload to fix the hole in boruto's chest this guarantees that momoshiki will never be able to reincarnate through boruto's body but also makes boruto a 100 otsutsuki meaning that he can be sacrificed to the tentales to create a god tree if need be meaning that all other otsutski are gonna have their eyes on him after kwaki kills boruto he goes on to battle against KO who proceeds to beat down pretty badly until code Retreats however code's retreat was tactical because he was able to get his hands on amido eventually and since amido didn't want to be tortured most likely to death by code he gives up the code for the limiters meaning that code is now stronger than jegan or even possibly ishiki ever was and on top of that he's also split the ten Tails into a bunch of little ten-tailed soldiers all with his marks on him to build an army to kill the people who killed ishiki specifically konawa however not everything is going code's way because eventually Ada realizes if she wants to be with kawaki she probably shouldn't be with code and So konawa eventually gets into contact with Ada and Daemon and it's like hey if you want kawaki come to konoha don't be on code side and they're like yeah that actually makes a lot of sense and then they go to konawa and now konawa has the cyborgs oh and by the way boruto wakes up from being killed but kawaki's really not happy about that see because kawaki understands it now that ishiki's gone and now that he's probably stronger than code the only person that really genuinely poses a threat to Naruto's life is Boro shaky and kawaki has now kind of gone delusional with love for Naruto and his Resolute in the fact that he needs to destroy all remnants of the otutsuki clan because they're the only thing that threatens Naruto one of the things that's a remnant of the otitsuki clan is Naruto's son boruto so now boruto's alive kawaki's not happy about it and there's two more cyborgs in Kono oh and code somewhere out there with an army of ten Tails clones and as strong as will ever will be so everything's cool for a couple of chapters everybody hangs out with the cyborgs they go shopping sorry and sumere realize they're not affected by Ada's charm shinjutsu and Daemon a punting him mawari realizes that she's the only person in the village powerful enough to give him a good fight that is legitimately the only information we get on it it's like three panels however my current theory is that himawari is most likely a wielder of the tensegon then stuff goes very sideways eventually kawaki gets to a level of delusion about protecting Naruto where he realizes boruto's gotta go not let's live in harmony until you turn into boroshiki and then I end you just boruto's gotta go now so kawaki who's now manifested all of the abilities of ishiki probably to a higher level than ishiki ever used them it's just walking around Kona as the most powerful person probably in the universe outside of shibayotsutsuki but shibaioutsuti has his own Universe shibai got so powerful from eating so many chakra fruits that he gave up his own body and became a Celestial being in the universe of his own because how amida was able to get his body to add shinjutsu to the cyborgs so kawaki is probably the strongest person in the universe and eventually said strongest person in the universe realizes he probably won't be able to kill boruto while Naruto is around so one day he decides to have a sit down with his adoptive mother and his adoptive father and he decides to tell them I'm gonna kill boruto and they're not stoked about that understandably they gave birth to it but kawaki is not there to ask for permission instead he's there to seal them away in the daikoku which is a pocket Dimension that he controls now this is one of the abilities of ishiki it is essentially an empty Universe where kawaki can store anything where space and time don't really exist and at any point you can add things to this universe or take things out so far as we understood ishiki couldn't put people in there but he could put things kawaki can very much put people so after shoving Hinata and Naruto into this little pocket Dimension where time doesn't exist kawaki then begins his mission to kill boruto however word that kawaki just teleported away the Hokage and his wife spreads rather quickly in all of konoha mobilizes to battle against him and just when things are looking bad for kwaki that is he's being held by mitsuki and Shikamaru simultaneously momoshiki takes over boruto's body and breaks kawaki out of the hole telling kawaki you want to kill boruto right well then you can't afford to get caught here see what you need to know is that momoshiki is a professional hater since the moment that he put a Karma marking on boruto he's been telling him that you're gonna lose everything now we're not entirely sure why momushiki is so invested in boruto's downfall but we believe it has something to do with his dojutsu because he has what we like to call in jail God and it's theorized that the Joe God is actually the dojutsu of the otsutsuki god shibai and therefore the jogon is the completed version of aldojutsu that all otsutsuki strive for and so momoshiki wants to take everything from Porto so he can take over his body and thus control the Joga kwaki then breaks away and a defines him with the use of her senrika and when kawaki and a to find each other kawaki confesses that he just wishes that boruto was the nobody and that he was the son of the Hokage and Ada's like I can actually make that happen and she proceeds to quite literally brainwash the entirety of the world into believing that boruto killed Naruto and that kawaki is actually kawaki uzumak and now instead of chasing kawaki everybody's chasing boruto that is for the exception of sarada and sumurang as they are the only two people who understand that boruto is actually the good guy in all of this but in a rare and I mean very rare W moment for Sasuke he stumbles upon sarada who begs him to save boruto but Sasuke had had his memories swapped Sasuke believed that boruto killed Naruto he was confused as to why Florida was so upset about this and he was doubly confused as to why he wanted her to save the murderer of his best friend however Sasuke had a sneaking suspicion that his memories had been altered and he decided to trust his daughter more than his own memories therefore when boruto is quartered by team 10 Sasuke swoops in and saves him while sarada is begging Sasuke to say boruto she awakes her Ms once again through love further confirming that the cycle of hatred amongst the uchihas has been broken however Sasuke is stepping in to save boruto really makes momoshiki Yang as momoshiki is beginning to realize that there's still people in boruto's life who haven't give up on him and all Mama Shiki wants is for boruto to lose everything it's what he's been hypothesizing is going to happen for a long time and so momoshiki demands that boruto let him take over his body and control him forever to which borutos is putting on Sasuke's scarred headband says no I'm him and boom that is the close of chapter 80 and possibly most likely the beginning of the time scale the time skip for boruto and Sasuke will train together for two maybe three years and then we'll be treated to a three-way battle between code kawaki and boruto and possibly shibayotsutsuki maybe himowari because she might be the strongest person in the universe whoa that's what six hours of recording looks like but now upon watching this video you know everything you need to know about boruto before the time skip so if you don't want to watch all 293 episodes or the 80 or so Canon episodes or read the 80 or so Canon chapters of the manga you in probably the course of 45 minutes to an hour I don't know I don't edit basically no everything you need to know about boruto now once again I would like to throw in a little disclaimer here it is absolutely better to read the Manga or to watch the show but if watching this video is what gets you into boruto then well I'm doing my job and if you enjoyed this video guys please for me like this video subscribe to the page hit that Noti Bell and I mean like genuinely do those things I I started filming in the morning at 7pm [Music] [Music]
Channel: NCHammer 23
Views: 735,225
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Naruto, Anime, Manga, Naruto Shippuden, Boruto, Sasuke, Kakashi, Sharingan, Rasengan, Nine-tailed Fox, Shinobi, Jutsu, Hidden Leaf Village, Akatsuki, Ninja War, Naruto vs Sasuke, Naruto vs Pain, Naruto vs Madara, Naruto OST, Naruto Opening, Naruto Ending, Naruto AMV, Naruto Review, Naruto Analysis, Naruto Theories, Naruto Explained, Naruto Characters, Naruto Moments, Naruto Best Fights, Naruto Best Scenes, Naruto Top 10, Naruto Top 5
Id: tpRHrHiX3Pg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 36sec (3876 seconds)
Published: Tue May 09 2023
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