The MOST UNDER RATED Characters in Naruto

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love for characters is a large factor in what drives us to love fictional pieces of work we get attached to some of our favorite characters and what they do in the universe that's being built around them however the longer a story goes on the more characters that need to be introduced and as more characters are introduced other characters kind of unfortunately have to take a step out of the Limelight however sometimes it feels as though characters are introduced to be immediately sidelined which is kind of the way that fiction has to work we can't make every character that's introduced the main character some characters get a couple of pages some characters get a couple of chapters and some characters get a couple dozen of chapters but at the end of the day the more characters that are added the less screen time some characters are gonna get the more characters that are added the less screen time the main character is gonna get that's just the way that an ensemble cast works but the unfortunate reality of having an ensemble cast is that some of us as readers get attached to individual characters who then get forgotten by the story but girl attached to characters that the author very clearly is not that attached to and therefore we simply just get to squeal and excitement every couple of chapters when one of our favorite background characters appears now these characters by their very nature aren't that popular that's why they're not the Mainstay of the mongoro reading or the anime we're watching and thus these characters become underrated characters who in our eyes deserve more screen time and more love and more fights but just never seem to get it in Naruto a show that ran for 700 plus episodes definitely has its fair share of underrated characters and today I want to share with you a list of characters from Naruto that I believe are drastically underrated like downright deviously so and explain to you why I believe these characters are underrated and why I believe they deserve more screen time and love but before we get to ranking or explaining anything guys please for me like this video subscribe to the page and hit that Noti Bell and if you like the idea of me ranking and explaining things you're gonna love my other channel the weeb commander where instead of talking about Naruto and boruto I talk about all of their anime just posted our first ever seven deadly sins video over there so that's something and even like listening to me talk about anime based sins then you're gonna love my podcast you talk who's Anonymous where me and Danny Mana breakdown everything happened in anime this week it's available on YouTube Spotify and apple podcast so there are a lot of characters in Naruto and therefore the reality that some of the characters that I fell in love with were gonna get hit with a little sideline treatment was always probably gonna happen and honestly I'm not the only person affected by this I know tons of people whose favorite characters barely show up in the story at all but just because the character doesn't show up in the story that much does not mean they are underrated chiswi is one of the most beloved characters in all of Naruto and he's in the story for less than one percent of its total run same could be said about Itachi even though he's in substantially more than just sweet he is still one of the most beloved characters in all of Naruto and even though he's barely in it so today we're not talking about screen time more important fights or really anything like that today we're going to be talking about and specifically ranking characters with a large disparity between the amount of love I believe they have and the amount of love I believe they should have which means as we work our way up from ten to one there's 10 characters the disparity between the amount of Love they have and they should have will get larger as we go on meaning our number 10 spot is underrated but that's super underrated while our number one spot is massively underrated and that's basically it now that you understand the rules let's get into the list because coming in at number 10 in our last place spot is Sakura and while it pains me to put Sakura in last place in anything when I'm making a list is actually kind of a good thing for her see there are tons of you that would argue that Sakura doesn't even belong on this list and that's actually why she's in last place Sakura recently came close to winning narutop 99 placing in the top three out of all of the Naruto characters in the world and while some people children speculated that other anime fandoms were voting up Sakura so that the Naruto fandom would have to read a manga about Sakura that absolutely wasn't happening mind you the very fact that that idea was circling around the anime Community proves the point that Sakura still is somehow underrated see Sakura is confirmed to be South America's favorite Naruto character and garnered enough votes worldwide that the two people that podiumed with her out of all Naruto characters were Itachi and Minato and yet the most pervasive talking point that came out of soccer replacing top three is that somehow other anime fandoms were trying to sabotage the Naruto fandom like liking some anime makes you a militarized member of a group trying to tear down the other groups the reason that Sakura comes in at number 10 on this list is because she is widely beloved she gets a lot of love but she also probably Garners the most hate out of anybody in the the Naruto Universe more so than bad guys who actively made it their entire lives to make Naruto Miserable Now obviously this hate all rides on the back of actions that Sakura did as a child like bullying Naruto for not having parents to another orphan in Sasuke being generally useless in the forest of death having the world's worst fight with Eno and the tuning exams and so on and so forth some would argue that Sakura Shenanigans actually even continued into Shippuden with moments like her confessing her fake feelings for Naruto or failing to kill Sasuke at the bridge and a lot of people still holds onto all of these talking points talking about how sakuras the pink trash can but what more cultured weebs have begun to realize is that Sakura doesn't deserve half of the hate she gets obviously as a child she was annoying and useless yes but she was also placed on a team with Indra and ashura's reincarnations being led by probably the strongest joning at The Village at that current time she is the child of a flower shop owner who got placed on a team with two Marine incarnations of gods yeah she doesn't shine nearly as brightly as Naruto or Sasuke or even Kakashi but that's because coming out of the Shinobi Academy all that she had was Shinobi Academy training and you know what Sakura did do during the time skip she picked herself up by her bootstraps after Kakashi mind you completely failed her Kakashi realized that Sakura had probably the best chocolate control he's ever seen in a getting and was like Wow she'd be good against Jutsu and then never taught her any and sent her to kuranai didn't try himself just was like I'm gonna go deal with Sasuke who he lost so what did Sakura do she went out and found somebody who would actually train her and she mastered medical Ninjutsu she found a true application to her chakra control she mastered a technique that Tsunade is the only other person we've ever seen use the strength of a hundred seal and for a while during the war before hagaromo decided to send down from the sky and give Naruto and Sasuke hacks for nothing was relative to Naruto and Sasuke in terms of power in the beginning of the war Arc but even after ninja Sky daddy decided to just send down from whatever Dimension he lives in infinitely siphoning energy from the pure lands and give Naruto and Sasuke hacks for nothing Sakura still fought side by side with them and went into a battle against kagya where she was the only person who wasn't in odsutsuki or using Sage of six past chakra and she helped she sucker punched kagya on the back of hard work in hard work alone but a lot of people know this and that's why Sakura has become a more beloved character in the latter years of Naruto fandom in fact whether or not you enjoy soccer as a character is how I deem whether or not you're worthy to talk to about anything Naruto because I tell you can identify her character development and what she went through and how she was able to accomplish it I don't care about your opinions but a lot of people know this and therefore soccer has been getting her flowers recently no pun intended which is why she's coming in in last place here but enough about soccer I can feel my blood pressure Rising let's move to our number nine spot beaky or for those of you who don't know the names of every single character in Naruto the torture guy as that's pretty much all ibiki is known for see Vicky is something known as a tokubetsujoni or in English a special Joni now inspector joning isn't a higher rank than Joni that's a misconception a special joning is somebody who may not necessarily have all the skills to be considered a joaning across the board however is so singularly skilled at one thing that they set themselves apart from the rest of the tuning and therefore should be considered a Joni kind of like a warrant officer in real life military and what made it biki a special joning is the fact that he is a complete understanding of the human mind which makes him really good at interrogation and torture which is why he's probably the head of konoha's torture and interrogation Force yes konowa has a torture division so why am I placing the torture guy on the list of underrated characters well one his character design was always sick the second we saw him in the tuning exams I was like oh that guy's a badass but two because asmore was revealed about ibiki we learned that oh he was kind of a badass see Vicky is not only a special Jody but he spent the majority of his life in the ombud and he gained such a reputation in the Ambu as an incredible interrogator that Kisame when he was guarding people from his own Cipher division from the Hidden Mist in order to get them back with Village Secrets the second that he saw ibiki he just killed them because he knew if ibiki got his hands on any of these members of the cipher corpse that he would get whatever information he needed that was real life fear from Kisame remind you also possibly could have just tried to fight off the ombu but he had so much respect for the Ambu and ibiki specifically that he decided it would be easier to kill his own men not to mention in the anime we learned how ibiki actually got his scars he was tortured by a man by the name of Al rokusho who was trying to acquire the sword of the Thunder God and ibiki had some information on where it was and so out tortured ibiki for hours however big he just sat there and took it never breaking and it's why he now lives with a massive amount of scars he has today but this man's proclivity for torture and interrogation goes far beyond just his understanding of the human mind it even dragged its way into the Ninjutsu that he controls as we saw in the anime as biki was battling against the animal path he used a couple of different types of summoning techniques where he summoned things like an iron maiden and a torture chamber but here's the thing about how ibiki's summoning techniques work any pain that ibiki inflicts onto people using the summoning techniques is actually reflected upon him as well but because his pain tolerance is so unbelievably high he can just throw people in an iron maiden and they'll squeal before he even really begins to sweat that's badass I just love him he's probably a really bad guy he's probably tortured a lot of people but I just love him and I feel like he deserves more love but enough about people who take people apart let's talk about people who put them back together because coming in at number eight we have shizune is the definition of sidelined needlessly see she's an a is actually Dan tsunade's original lover and actually I guess only love her unless you leave the fan fixed that her and Draya did you know a couple of times cousin wait no nice and therefore after the loss of Dan Tsunade took shisenay under her Wing now unfortunately because Tsunade found another really good Apprentice I'll give you a hint she was number 10 on this list she's in a sidelined as soccer kind of takes all of the shine as it pertains to being associated with Tsunade however I argue that this isn't fair at all because she's an a is one of the most impressive medical Ninjutsu users and overall combatants in all of Naruto on top of this she also served as an aide to Tsunade as the Hokage and to Kakashi and to Naruto she has been aiding the office of the Hokage for like two and a half decades maybe like two decades closer to two decades and honestly she's in a kind of covered for Tsunade for a long time see Tsunade obviously taught she's the name pretty much everything that she knew about medical Ninjutsu and because this when anybody wanted Tsunade to do a surgery over her kind of drinking and gambling period Jason they would actually be the one to do the surgery we know this because when the fourth rykake and am I sought out Tsunade in order to help an injured comrade tonight I was like yeah I'll do the surgery of course and then just had she's in a do it but the thing is that Tsunade could trust shizunae because she was the second greatest medical Ninjutsu user are on Earth but outside of being an incredible medical Ninjutsu specialist who's able to regenerate lost cells yeah she can use the healing resuscitation Rejuvenation technique I'm sorry it's the healing resuscitation regeneration technique which allows her to change somebody's cellular makeup to turn those cells into the necessary cells to fix an injury now a lot of Medics are required to pull off this Jutsu in the first place but she's an a is one of the Medics who can lead this Jutsu but outside of being an incredible medical Ninjutsu specialist she's also a rather dangerous combatant even Jiraiya believed that she would be enough to battle against Kabuto we see her use Shadow clone Jutsu and make 36 clones there was also the person to lead the team that sealed the three Tails after yagora's death but more than anything she's in a focuses all of her attacks around poison she's able to admit poisonous gas from her mouth or use poison covered needles that you can shoot into opponents and mind you the mouth poison she uses is fatal if you even inhale a little with and mind you without her nobody would have figured out how Nakato's black Rod receivers were here she was the first person to figure it out she was also the person who made the connection between the white zetsu and hakoromo cells which is why she was placed in charge of the logistical support in medical division in the fourth great Shinobi World War that's respect but she doesn't get enough respect from you cause why she's at number eight but speaking of people who don't get enough respect we have our number seven spot Yamato now this is a man who's not only disrespected by people outside of the Naruto universe but also inside the Naruto Universe see the problem with Yamato is that unfortunately he came in to replace Kakashi which are big boots to fail and because of this he's constantly compared to Kakashi which is unfair to him because they're completely different people with different backstories even though their backstories do overlap a lot and on top of this he's not nearly as hot as Kakashi which also doesn't work in his favor but Yamato's legit he's a cool character with a cool backstory and cool you unique motivations I mean he was quite literally made in a lab by Orochimaru the only child out of 70 to survive the human experimentation in the earliest stages of Orochimaru becoming a genuinely bad person and after Orchard was driven out of the village Yamato kind of stumbled out of his test tube and was like I can control wood and then he got scooped up by the other worst person in the village donzo and was immediately funneled into the on Boost slash root and since he had wood released donzo got excited about him and basically raised him until eventually Yamato with a code named quinoa became donso's perfect Little Child Soldier who was sent to assassinate here is it where he was foiled by Kakashi who began a long arduous process of unbrainwashing Yamato until eventually he could pull him out of the room and as we peel away the onion of this brainwashing on Yamato we realized that he lives with an immense amount of guilt over all of the other test subjects who he couldn't save from Orochimaru and once Kakashi was finally able to get Yamato out of The Rook Kakashi and him served as Ambu members together and as they spent more time with each other on the Ambu they became really close friends and even after Kakashi was pulled out of the Ambu to go become a joanine Sensei Yamato stayed in the root and acquired the greatest service record out of any Ambu member under the third Hokage meaning the most successful Mission the most people saved the most people probably killed he is one of if not the most successful Ambu member ever not to mention without him Naruto probably would have destroyed the majority of konawa and a lot of other places and definitely wouldn't have got a Mastery over Karama Yamato was able to do effectively what Jiraiya couldn't tame Naruto as after all Yamato is able to suppress a four-tailed version 2 cloak from Naruto in seconds and Yamato is believed to be so important in Naruto's growth that he actually put a seal on hashirama's necklace that Naruto wears that would alert Yamato on his palm of how many tales that Naruto is currently manifesting so Yamato could get to it but on top of being able to suppress the chakra of Naruto Yamato is able to suppress chakra of everybody as he was the person who suppressed Kisame shocker to the point that Kisame had to elect to kill himself so yeah Yamato is legit but is he as legit as our number six entry on this list because coming in at number six we have Shino listen Shino being here is a bit weird because Shino does get a lot of respect and therefore he could have been a lot lower on the list however if you subscribe to the same line of thought that I do and he probably should Shino should get way more love than he even currently is see we've all seen the meme that Shino has technically never lost the fight and that if he went on the Sasuke retrieval Arc Sasuke would have come back which is why Shino had to conveniently be away on a mission when the Sasuke retrieval lock was happening because otherwise the plot wouldn't have moved forward genuinely the meme is correct Shino has never lost a battle until boruto when he battled against mitsuki but even mitsuki knew that Shino had some bugs that would have killed mitsuki that he just didn't use because he was a child and they training like we've all seen Shino have the battle IQ to put bugs in a dude's Palm Air hole so it blows out his elbows it actually in the manga blows off one of his arms we've all seen Chino have an incredibly interesting battle against another abarame member that was reincarnated in the fourth grade Shinobi World War you know his battle against Rooney who mind you was a prodigy in the the Opera Mini Clan was hand-picked to be the right-hand man of donzo I was not only a trained root member but also had access to the ring kaichu nano-sized bugs that are able to crawl across his skin making incredibly corrosive and anybody he touched basically begins to melt away like that and Chino was able to defeat that guy ashina was intelligent enough to actually breed some of his bugs with darune's nano-sized bug so that he could repel the corrosive poison as well as being able to use these bugs to pinch Rune down long enough that he was able to be sealed semantic Chino is the strongest member of the abarame clan by far and what's truly crazy is that Shino could be stronger in fact Shino is compatible with the ring Kaiju he just chooses not to use it but it doesn't mean that Shino doesn't have some insane bugs in his Arsenal like the Ketone shoe that live within shino's body like all his other bugs but have to be fed a certain amount of chakra otherwise they begin to consume as much chakra as possible and grow to the size of Boulders which you know can just flick into a person's body or a 10-tail clone body and since they don't know how much chocolate to feed the ketite shoe they just explode from the inside and here's the thing about Shino the reason that he's actually pretty high up on this list when everybody knows that he's incredibly cool even though the story does forget about him as a character is because the acknowledgments that you give Shido isn't even close to the acknowledgment that I give Shino see I believe that Chino is actually now in boruto more relevant than ever why Nick why is Sheena now probably the most relevant and most important zoning in all of kona well because as we've already established you know is the strongest of the operamic clan and that's important because in boruto we now exist in a universe where chakra based attacks like Ninjutsu and genjutsu are basically useless the biggest and baddest threats in the boruto universe are all otsutski or not only immune to genjutsu but can also absorb and fire back all Ninjutsu and that's bad especially for people like Sasuke and Naruto who are heavily reliant on Ninjutsu but you know who isn't heavily reliant on Ninjutsu Shino abarame you know what can't be absorbed real life things and since the operame essentially replaced their own chakra network with bugs the avarame in more specifically Shino abarami are actually the best people outside of straight taijutsu users to battle against the otsutski in fact one could go so far as to say that the abarami or a straight counter to the otutski as to the usage of things like stealth and insect jamming technique they can confuse the Byakugan of the otsutsuki while nestling their bugs into the skin of the yotzutsuki so they can either implode from the inside or get paralyzed and die like what happened to his sweet or just possibly corrode away if they get some ring Kai chew on them the reason that Shino was high on this list is because I think the Chino is possibly in odsinski Buster and he doesn't get near that amount of love but since we're talking about people with weird bodies let's keep talking about people with weird bodies because coming up at number five we have Conan historically the most disrespected member of the Akatsuki Bar None is a bit like the first lady a president who lost their mind in office so like Calvin coolidge's wife Ronald Reagan's wife without hitting nearly the level of acknowledgment that they deserve they sudo-run everything while the men around them Fade Into Oblivion see Conan is usually relegated to being nagato or yahiko's love interest the side character or The Bodyguard of nagato's True Body but she is so much more than that not only is Conan one of the founding members of the Akatsuki she was also most definitely one of the most intelligent people in the Akatsuki and not to mention without Conan going on a walk one day and finding nagato and saving his life he wouldn't have made it which like once again makes modera's plans so baffling like what if nagato had died in the hidden Reign but after the Aiko's very publicly killed by Hanzo and danzo the new version of the Akatsuki created a civil war in the hidden Reign and they killed Hanzo however what's very often forgotten all of this is that in order to make sure that the village didn't freak out Conan actually assumes hanzo's position like she takes on his appearance and leads the village well nagato is absolutely the leader of the Akatsuki Conan actually led the hidden Reign but this didn't stop her from being an incredibly important member of the Akatsuki as in the anime it was depicted that she was part of the team that recruited hidon in storm 4 it's shown that she is the person who not only defeated sorcery but brought him into the Akatsuki but in the absence of information we gotta take the information we have and in storm 4 she defeated sorcery's third kase kage puppet the thing that could use iron sand and she was able to do this because she had mastered wind water Earth and yang release while also being a sensor type ninja and not to mention that she loved origami so much that she made a technique called Dance of the shikigami which made her body paper which speaks to her intelligence because she just liked something and created a Jutsu that gave her borderline physical immunity as well as fly and turn her body into butterflies so she could travel long distances easily on top of this she was also able to control the density of the paper making it incredibly hard so she could turn her body into shurikens or weapons and this wasn't like a stolen hidden Jutsu like with datera or kakuzu she made this Jutsu and even though she was made of paper she still tanked a flame bullet from jaria with next to no damage and once again to speak to her intelligence it's like Batman level Lacona was able to perfectly deduce what Obito's abilities were and how she could counter them all by running countless simulations of how the battle might unfold and without kishimoto's greatest mistake Izanagi being introduced she would have killed Obito like Conan with prep time is stronger than Obito but the plot necessitated that Obito stay around so obviously reality warping got introduced to the means of Izanagi and yet she is the least talked about least respected member of the Akatsuki by far the leader of the Hidden Reign while the Akatsuki were operating and after nagato's death and basically fought Obito to a standstill that he should have lost how does that not Merit respect but unfortunately a lot of people on this list aren't going to Merit as much respect as they deserve and that is definitely the case for our number four spot on this list conquero conqueror from the moment he was introduced to the story fastly became one of my favorite characters conqueror outside of being incredibly loyal to his two siblings tamari and Gara is also probably the greatest puppet user alive no scratch that is the greatest puppet user alive and obviously can't grow while granny Chio and sorcery were alive was definitely not the greatest puppet user alive I'd argue that has more to do with the fact that conqueror was only like 15 or 16 when they were both alive I would say that a Peak form conqueror probably would stand a relatively good chance against either of them this is because conqueror's always been impressive see the earliest battle we ever saw from conqueror was when he fought against one of orochimar's plants in the tuning exams sarugi and sarugi just like the rest of orochimaru's plants was Far Beyond getting Level and yet conqueror was able to turn saruki's close quarter combat style against him in win the battle pretty handedly not to mention the Cockroach was also able to battle against Shino in Naruto and tie with him which battling against Chino in OG Naruto and tying is a feat only a little while after that conqueror was able to battle against a level 2 curse mark Saucon and Ukon who are the leaders of the sound Village 4 mind you and kill them sure you could say kibo was there but what did Kiva do and maybe more impressively than anything in the fourth grade Shinobi World War conqueror was able to battle against the reincarnations of sorcery and Daedra simultaneously and sealed them both obviously with the help of Psy but still this is even more impressive when you consider the fact that a lot of conqueror's Kit is built around using poison and Edo tense8 bodies aren't affected by poison in fact in the fourth grade Shinobi world's War conqueror said to sasury that his black secret technique has actually surpassed sasuri's Red secret technique and the two secret techniques are the techniques that a puppet user uses to control their puppets and honestly by the time the boruto comes around cockro might be right about that see what a lot of people don't know about conqueror because it's in one of the weirder pieces of Naruto lore is that conquerors achieve something that no other puppet master has ever achieved it's seen the novelization of Naruto the last the movie where Naruto and Hinata finally smooch there's a lot more information than the movie actually provides do we see in the movie that the otsusuki are able to control puppets autonomously and in the novelization of this movie conqueror actually to study these puppets and tries to figure out how the yotsutsuki are able to puppet these puppets without chakra strings or anything which gives Conker the idea of creating chakra threads that are so thin they're imperceptible which makes the puppets that he's controlling appear to be autonomously controlled and because he's made the thread substantially thinner they can now be substantially longer in the Cockroach can be way further from the battlefield than he could have been prior controlling a puppet that seems to be moving on its own guaranteeing conqueror's safety in pretty much perfecting the puppet technique as it was created to protect those who were using it as hidden sand created the puppet technique so there Shinobi Wouldn't Die on the battlefield which makes Cockrell probably the greatest puppet user of all time now that he has things like sorcery's third kazakage puppet and sorcery's actual body his Arsenal is nothing to scoff at and yet conqueror is usually referred to as the third greatest puppet user of all time being below both sorcery and Granny Chio which I think is disrespectful which is why he's number four on this list but some people on this list do deserve a certain level of disrespect and there's no entry on this list or maybe no character in Naruto more deserving of that disrespect and art number three entry danzo Mick what do you mean donzo's underrated well I will admit this is a bit of a unique spot I mean danzo is an incredibly important character basically everything that's ever happened in Naruto is because danzo did something he is unequivocally one of the most if not the most evil person in Naruto's Universe a man with so much vitriol in his heart that he leaked the information about Naruto being the jinchuriki of Karama so the entire Village would come together in their hatred for a baby that's a bad dude but the reason that donzo's on this list isn't because I believe he doesn't get enough credit as a fighter or anything like that it's because he doesn't get enough credit as a villain see when you ask somebody who's your favorite villain from Naruto most of them will say nagato or matara or maybe even Obito if they're weird some of the OG Naruto fans will even go so far back which is cultured but very few and I mean very few people will look you dead in the eye and say donzo now is that maybe because tangzhou is it likable like any of the other characters maybe but since when did villains need to be likable Gonzo is the true manifestation of evil and more than that the true manifestation of how those who are the evilest usually believe they're in the right this is a man who day after day made the wrong decision for the entirety of humanity and every single time believed he was crushing it a man who made Naruto's life a living hell a man who made it a passion of his to abduct talented children and put them into a murder ring called the root a man who orchestrated the Uchiha Massacre a man who created the Akatsuki a man who condoned and worked with Orochimaru as he killed 70 children trying to recreate wood release he is the face of how evil usually believes it's just and that is ah he is the most real-life grounded villain out of any of the villains in Naruto he is the senator who believes putting kids in cages at the border is the right thing to do because their parents tried to sneak into a country to get a better life he is the CEO who believes that his three million dollar yearly Revenue shouldn't be cut into because a couple of people at the bottom of his company want a livable wage he is a union busting Film Studio cutting the tops off of trees so everybody who's striking for fair wages gets to bake in La heat he is the actual true representation of malice in Naruto and how those with malignant intentions can rise to places of power through the complacency of those who are supposed to check them looking at you here resident he is by far and away Naruto's best villain There's No Redemption for donzo there's no danzo apologists and that's the way a villain should be enough with this broken throw thing sure he thought he was doing what was best for the village but everybody who read or watched Naruto knows that he wasn't and that's perfect writing sure you could be like oh you wanted to acquire as much strength as heroes in had because he was always living in Heroes in Shadow but that's not true we all know that's not true he's evil and sometimes the most important thing for a villain to be just why Dan so even though he gets talked about a lot and doesn't get the love he deserves well maybe love is the wrong word but I wish more people thought he was their favorite villain as well but enough about the people whose names you know because coming in at number two we have Alba Yamashiro you don't know who that is do you yeah kinda proves my point Alba is the epitome of success in silence he likey beaky is a special joning and ironically he's a special Joni and for reasons somewhat similar to that of a biki the reason that elbow is considered a special joning is because he has an ability to read other people's thoughts much in the way that a yamanaka clan member has the ability to dive into somebody's brain by making physical contact Alba has that ability however it's revealed that Alba actually doesn't need to make physical contact with a person to dive into their brain unlike the yamanaka who do need to make physical contact Alba simply needs to spend enough time in the vicinity of somebody and understand their General Vibe before he can begin to delve into their brain yeah if you just spend enough time around Alba he can read your mind on top of this Alba also has access to a hidden Jutsu which are Clan specific or Village specific jutsus and it's in technique is secret technique Stone needles which allows Alba to throw kunai with strings attached to them that once they Lodge themselves in an enemy Alba can pump his chakra from the strings into the kunai and into the body of his opponent at which point that opponent becomes paralyzed like Shadow paralysis Jutsu however unlike Shadow prowesses Jutsu after pumping that chakra into somebody's body they are paralyzed and the user can just drop the strings and go attack now obviously Alba tried to use his technique against Kisame who can absorb chakra so it kind of backfired against him but against anybody else this is a lethal Jutsu on top of this during the konohawk crush our Questa Alba use one of the strongest fire release Ninjutsu in existence we saw him use Fire release fire dragon bullet which is actually usually only used by Sarah Toby who are known for their Fire release but if none of that was cool enough Alba also has inability that allows him to summon just a ton of crows he is a technique called scattering thousand crows technique which has him manifesting 1 000 crows that he can control with hand motions to attack his enemies which is not only good for scouting but also good for offensive attacks as getting swarmed by 1 000 crows is not only annoying but dangerous and it allows him to smother a person's field of view and their ability to track chakra allowing other people to sweep in an attack on top of this his intellect is no joke he was the person who identified Kabuto as a fake Ambu member and is the person who cast again Jutsu that put the entire tuning exam Arena to sleep not to mention that Alba and rydo were able to run off kakusu in Hidan after they killed Osama meaning that Alba has fought against the zombie Duo and survive and in the lead up to the fourth grid shnoby worlds War Alba interrogates Kisame which forces Kisame to commit unlived this man has been around for almost the entirety of Naruto's run and yet you don't know his name he's even there in Obito flashbacks when Obito misses the entrance exam for the Shinobi Academy Alba is there all the way to the left he is an integral part of basically everything that happens in codowa and you don't know who he is but how could anybody in Naruto possibly have a bigger disparity in the amount of love that they get and the amount of Love they deserve than a man who's been around for almost the entirety of Naruto with absolutely no name recognition whatsoever and my bias might have a little bit to say about this but I would say that the most underrated character in all of Naruto is very easily Sai Desai is one of my favorite characters in Naruto and is actually why I say konoha 13 and not konawa 12 and I'm basically the only Naruto YouTuber who does that Thai to me is one of the most compelling and interesting characters in all of Naruto Sai was a child very similarly to Yamato adopted into the root at an age of way too young and the side was trained to remove all of his emotions and basically all of his Humanity so he could operate as a human weapon which by the way is symbolized by the fact that his name is Sai which is a weapon now when we're first introduced to Psy he's kind of a traitor sure he's on team seven to replace Sasuke but he's still according to donzo he's moving really sneaky and in the early days of our introduction to sign nobody really liked him because he was a traitor and he was working for Danza one of the most universally unlikable people in anime history however as we get to know Psy we realize that his backstory is tragic see Sai was an orphan who was recruited into the root and even though he was stripped of his humanity and his emotions the one thing that tied him to the Real Worlds and the little bit of humanity left in his chest was his art and it was size art that actually caught the attention of shin an older member of the root who Sai got really close to however unbeknownst to them the final step in The Roots training was to have the two of them kill each other however before they can have their Death Match Shin dies of an illness in size suppresses the memory of shin however even though Psy suppressed the memory of shin he created a picture book where both PSY and Chin would be depicted on opposite ends of the book and in the center they would be depicted holding hands but as Psy suppressed the memory of chin he didn't understand why he had the picture book anymore however he could never bring it upon himself to discard the book and the true beauty of Psy's character is watching him go from this weapon that was forged in the fires of donzo in the route into a human and it happens gradually see side begins is this stiff-lipped emotionless tool that's used to kill thousands of people and through the connections that he makes with people like Eno and Rock Lee and Naruto and Sakura and Kakashi he begins to understand how important bonds are but it takes him a while because he reads he'll get closer to people if he gives them nicknames but gives Sakura the nickname of ugly which he didn't understand would hurt her feelings because he doesn't understand human emotion But as time progresses we see Psy actually acquire human emotion in a size stares upon the relationship that Naruto claims to have with Sasuke he's reminded of his relationship with his brother shin and as you remember Shin for the first time in a lifetime he began ends to give people genuine Smiles but the true manifestations of size coming to the Forefront is when he's battling against sorcery and daedara sorcery and datera are using the reincarnated body of his brother Shin as a living bomb and this is the first time that we see Psy flush with actual human emotions and those emotions are Rage which is immediately followed by sadness as we see Psy grow incredibly sad once his brother was released from this role of a living bomb and is let to go return to the pure land outside of Psy's Journey from being an emotionless tool to a human being Psy also has one of the most interesting kits in Naruto super beast imitation scroll is sick and also without size tiger Shield the majority of the people that were brought back in the fourth grade Shinobi World War couldn't have been sealed he is instrumental to making sure some of the strongest ninjas in history get put back to where they came from not to mention as a man who grew up in the root and was trained to be the perfect assassin sized kenjutsu taijutsu with Ninjutsu is next level Sai was able to easily defeat Kabuto was able to block an attack from Sasuke launched at Naruto and his super beast imitation scroll can be launched with one hand which gives him an advantage over other Ninjutsu users who have to use both I love Psy as a character he's in my top five in Naruto and yet the Naruto fandom seems to largely forget about him calling him diet Sasuke what in reality I think it should be the other way around I think Sasuke should be diet sigh but what makes me happy is that PSY is as beloved by Kishimoto as he is by me isai is one of the very few men from the code of 13 who didn't get a very stupid haircut in boruto on top of that he got hooked up with Eno who is now unequivocally the hottest woman in the konoha 13 in boruto so whether or not you like like him the author of the story likes him and that's good enough for me but what do you guys think who's the most underrated character in Naruto in your opinion tell me in the comments below and why you guys are down there please for me like this video subscribe to the page and hit that Noti Bell first generally I think she squeezed an underrated character I was with someone from him [Music] [Music]
Channel: NCHammer 23
Views: 307,338
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Naruto, Anime, Manga, Naruto Shippuden, Boruto, Sasuke, Kakashi, Sharingan, Rasengan, Nine-tailed Fox, Shinobi, Jutsu, Hidden Leaf Village, Akatsuki, Ninja War, Naruto vs Sasuke, Naruto vs Pain, Naruto vs Madara, Naruto OST, Naruto Opening, Naruto Ending, Naruto AMV, Naruto Review, Naruto Analysis, Naruto Theories, Naruto Explained, Naruto Characters, Naruto Moments, Naruto Best Fights, Naruto Best Scenes, Naruto Top 10, Naruto Top 5
Id: pXthUp8iqxw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 32sec (2372 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 01 2023
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