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in the world of anime most anime are only lucky enough to have one legendary group in Bleach you have the gote 13. and a common got killed you have night raid and an attack on Titan you have the Scout core but in a few very select anime you get more than one if not many more than one legendary groups one piece has the four Emperors in the seven Warlords Black Clover has the black Bulls in Golden Dawn and Naruto has well a lot see Naruto if anything is a story about groups whether those groups be teams organizations divisions entire armies unions there's a lot of that but the real beauty of Naruto is that these groups do come in these Myriad of sizes in Naruto there is over 25 teams four Man groups and these teams usually subsist of a joanine in three Guinea or at least that's how they start Bernardo also has legendary divisions like the cipher division or the counter-intelligence division or the first through fourth divisions and if you want to go even further beyond that they have the Allied Shinobi forces and now the Shinobi Union that exists in boruto the one we're talking about it the true most legendary combinations of people in Naruto aren't the teams or the unions or the divisions no the true most legendary groupings of people in Naruto aren't the groups groups of people too big to be considered a team but too small to be considered a division people like the konoha 13 the 12 Guardian ninja the seven Swordsmen of the it's the Akatsuki Cara these are the true groups that make Naruto the legendary anime and manga that it is to this day and without these legendary groups Naruto would not be nearly as Infamous as it is today but out of all of these incredibly prominent potent groups who is the strongest what legendary group introduced throughout Naruto and boruto's timeline would come out on top that came down to an all-out Battle Royale between them it may be more importantly than that who are all these legendary groups what are their backstories how do they come together who was in them well today we hope to answer all those questions and more because today we're talking all the groups in Naruto ranked and explained but before we get to ranking or explaining anything guys please for me like this video subscribe to the page hit that nody Bell and if you like the idea of me ranking and explaining groups then boy oh boy are you gonna love my other channel the weeb commander or instead of talking about Naruto and boruto I talk any other anime and if you like the idea of me just talking about anime in general you're gonna love my anime podcast doctors Anonymous that I do every week with Danny modded available on YouTube Spotify and apple podcast so groups in Naruto it's kind of an ambiguous term especially when you consider the fact that there's well over 100 teams in Naruto so let me throw the word group around what do we mean by that well what we're going to be talking about today are groups of people larger than four people because obviously if we talked about groups of people that were four people or less that would include every single team that's ever formed in Naruto's history with things like the a b combo team 7 team 10 team guy you get it and while one day we absolutely will do a video ranking and explaining every single team in Naruto today is not that day outside of that on the higher end we're also not going to be talking about anything that could be categorized as a division the best and clearest example of this would be the first through fourth division of the Shinobi Allied Forces but another thing that I would also consider a division are things like the Ambu and the root groups of 100 or so people who act more as a military force than you know a loose grouping of ninja but we can also make a video breaking and explaining all of the divisions in Naruto you know how we're gonna click bait that one but we'll figure it out so what does that leave us with well the incredibly specific number of a group between five and 20ish people well actually 5 and 13 because the biggest group on this list is 13 people which might seem oddly specific but even after chopping the parameters down by that much we still have eight groups on this list on top of this we're only gonna be talking about relevant and or Canon groups so groups like the eight-man squad the Kakashi and Yamato LED in order to find Sasuke but then thought Sasuke died because they saw daederous self-explosion I'm not gonna add because they never do anything same thing with the lightning group who appeared in Sasuke's shinden book of Sunrise they were a group of Vigilantes that all had Keke genkai that we were introduced to in Sasuke's first light novel actually that might have been his second one I don't know they're not relevant to the story their side characters in a light novel though obviously book of Sunrise did get adapted at the end of Shippuden so they did technically have an anime appearance and that's all the rules which is more than we usually have in a YouTube video but we really had to trim the fat on this one if I included all of the groups larger than four people this list would have been like 25 groups long but instead it's 8 which brings us perfectly to our first entry because coming in at number eight we have the sound Village four listen I know what you're saying Mick you just said they had to be bigger than four people you're already breaking the rule which I would usually say this is my video go cry somewhere else but the sound Village 4 are not the sound Village four sure that's what they call themselves sure they're usually four people but we all know that the sound Village 4 is truly the sound Village 5. and actually calling them the sound Village 5 isn't even technically inaccurate see the sound Village 4 when we're introduced to them are led by Saucon and Uka however prior to sakon and UConn taking over as the leader Kimi Maru was the leader of the sound village 4. now obviously this was before whatever debilitating disease you know debilitated him but when kimimaru was perfectly healthy and being prepared to be orochimaru's perfect sacrifice the next vessel that Orochimaru believed he would be able to live in for longer than three years kimimaru was the leader of the sound Village 4. but even if you don't want to consider kimimaru part of the sound Village 4 suck on an are technically two people they just share a body but they're capable of splitting from each other so if anything it might actually be the sound Village six now the sound Village 4 are orochimaru's Elite bodyguards but they didn't just get this title by being the cutest boy in class we were shown in the anime unfortunately not in the manga so this is kind of a filler moment that Orochimaru would take dozens if not hundreds of prisoners that were young Shinobi and then he would have these young Shinobi battle against each other in massive Battle Royale and the strongest of those Shinobi the ones who won these battle royales were chosen for curse marks and those who survived the curse mark transformation would become one of orochimaru's bodyguards this is one of those moments where the filler should be taking his can as this anime only moment aligns with basically everything that we see from Orochimaru in the manga because we know that after his battle against heroes in orochimar had to find a suitable vessel to switch into so he could use his arms even a little bit and in order to find a suitable vessel that he would be able to stay in until he either got Sasuke or some other perfect vessel Orochimaru had all of his current prisoners battle against each other until there was only one standing at which point he took the body of the last ninja standing assuming that Orochimaru would do something similar to find his Elite bodyguards is not crazy and once all four of the ninjas that comprise the sound Village 4 as we knew it got their curse marks and became orochimaru's bodyguards they were forced to accept kimimaru as their leader that is after kimimaru used the shikatsum yaku to defeat all four of them with relative ease and back in the day when kimara was still healthy enough to be in the fields they were known as the sound Village 5. wasn't until in the anime that the sound Village 5 helped Orochimaru assassinate the Kaze kage that kimimaru fell terminally ill which is once again one of those filler moments which you consider Canon because in the manga we never even really got a specified time when Kimi Maru fell ill he was just sick and honestly so far his bodyguards go the Sand Village 4 were pretty good outside of helping Orochimaru assassinate the Kaze kage and then impersonating the kazekagi's bodyguards during the Kona Hall Crush Arc the sound Village 4 also erected the barrier that kept Orochimaru when he was in cut off from everybody else you know the barrier that some of konoha's true Elites in the Ambu just jumped into but after this battle against Arizona loses his arms and therefore he needs a perfect vessel something that he needs Sasuke for which is where the iteration of the sound Village for that we all love and remember truly comes from the Sasuke retrieval Arc so let's introduce our members of the sound Village 4. they are tayuya sakon and ukan kirimaru and jerobo and most importantly their former and somewhat current leader Kimi Maru at least as it pertains to the Sasuke retrieval arm every single one of the sound Village 4 5 wielded incredibly unique and Powerful techniques with kimimaru wielding his shikatsum yaku the ability to grow bones from his body that were harder than Steve to you who had the ability to cast genjutsu with the flute and also control puppets sakan anukon who had complete control over their molecular structure giving them the ability to seep into other people's bodies or simply form to heads key tomorrow Hood many spider-like abilities ranging from the ability to shoot High Velocity arrows out of his mouth to summoning a massive spider that could give birth to a sack of tiny spiders that would rain down on their enemies and finally jerobo a hulking taijutsu master who also used his Earth release to suck the chakra out of his opponents that is any opponents he managed to catch under his Earth though while each and every single one of the sound Village 5 was incredibly formidable in battle without their curse marks hence how they were able to become orochimaru's Elite bodyguards in the first place with the usage of the curse marks bestowed upon them by Orochimaru they became even more formidable by gaining access to Orochimaru send you to chakra their Jutsu prowess was heightened their range was increased their speed in strength was doubled if not tripled and their chakra pulls became much larger overcome the power of these curse marks choji had to take the tri-colored pills Neji almost died Brock Lee required gara's hell and so on and so forth making the sound Village 5 one of the most intimidating and Powerful groups in the early days of Nars however the sound Village 5 lost pretty handedly I would say and the team they lost to is next up on the list because coming in at number seven we have the Sasuke retrieval team now this was a squad there's a couple of different ways you could look at the Sasuke recovery team you can either look at it as five boys and akamaru who honestly I count I would say it's a six-person team or you can look at it as that six-person team plus the three sand siblings cause here's the thing almost every single person in the Sasuke recovery team lost their 1v1 in fact the only person who won their 1v1 was choji and that's because he took a pill that made him 100 times stronger and should have killed him Kiba was going to lose to suck on an Ukon which makes sense why did we send Kiba to fight the leader Shikamaru was gonna lose to tayuya and Rock Lee who's also an honorary member of the Sasuke recovery team was gonna lose to Kimi Mara if it wasn't for conqueror coming to help Kiba or tamari coming to help Shikamaru or Gara coming to help Rock Lee they were all getting wiped off the map so without considering Rock Lee and the sand siblings on the this team it would be hard to put them above the sound Village five which is why I am officially adding the sand siblings and Rock Lee to the Sasuke recovery team I mean they were helping and if we're being entirely real this entire group was thrown together in a half hour so anybody else joining late should be considered part of the group see the reason that the Sasuke recovery team was the Sasuke recovery team is because in the wake of the konohawk crush our konoha didn't want to seem weak so they increased the workload of all the tuning and Zoning in konoha which sent most of them outside of the village because this Wednesday night it was made aware of the fact that Sasuke had left the village she didn't have the appropriate staff to send for what would be in a ranked Mission and therefore she had to use Shikamaru who was recently promoted to tuning and whatever getting he could find in a half hour which happened to be choji Kiba Naruto and Neji now this group was technically supposed to include Shino but he was away on a mission which was good for Sasuke because if he had gone Sasuke would have come back to the Village there would have been no if ands or buts about it Shino would have won and continued winning until eventually Sasuke was dragged back the man has never lost the fight in Naruto the group was also supposed to include Sakura but chickama returned her away now the goal of this team is to quite obviously retrieve Sasuke however the goal of the sound Village 5 is to stop them from retrieving Sasuke which is why this Arc played out as multiple individual fights all on top of each other because the first person in the sound Village 5 Left Behind was jaroba who managed to imprison the entirety of the Sasuke rescue team in his Earth Dome however after breaking out of the Dome choji stays behind to fight against jaroba and while for a while it appears as though choji is going to win against Robo after he activates his curse mark that kind of goes out the window that is of course until choji begins to eat his tri-colored pills a food supplement passed down through the akamichi clan that allows those who aren't able to use the butterfly mode to access the butterfly mode see these tri-colored pills amp the caloric conversion ability of the akamichi something that requires years of practice for an akamichi klansman however if you haven't had those years of practice you can take these tri-color pills to increase your caloric conversion and once your lower conversion is at a high enough level that is after you take the red colored pill you are able to use the butterfly mode the strongest ability of the akamichi clan the ability that Shoji uses to defeat jeroba and the rest of the arc kind of plays out like this the next person to separate off the group is Neji when he goes to battle against kiromara and this fight also appears as though it's going neji's way as he uses his 128 Palms to destroy thousands of spiders simultaneously in one of the cooler scenes from the OG days of Naruto until once again kitamaru activates the second version of his curse mark which point Negi has to purposely get hit by it Arrow so he can grab the string it's attached to and use his gentle fist on it killing kitamaru the next person to break off from the group is Kiba who battles against sakon and Uconn and just gets beat so badly truly the only thing that Kiba ever does correctly in this battle is have sock on and UConn come into his body and then he stabs himself which also hurts them however it's not until conqueror pulls up and then puts sakhan and UConn in his black maiden and stabs them to death that Kiba is made Victor glorious the same situation happened for Shikamaru who was battling against the likes of toyuya while Shikamaru in the forest had an inherent advantage in this battle because in the forest there were limited Shadows that he could hop his shadow between to you had a kit that was incredibly advantageous against the likes of Shikamaru that is to say that she had one of the best ranged kits in all of Naruto's history see Toyota could play a flute and if you heard this flute song you would get cast into genjuts and not fun genjutsu like the kind of genjutsu or shikamura saw his arm melting and on top of this she was also able to control puppets that could keep her enemies far away from her it wasn't until tomorrow ishikamara's future love interest pulled up that the fight got serious see tamari fortunately also has an incredibly ranged kit being one of the most proficient wind style users in all of Naruto funneling her win style through her fan however even using her three Moon wind blast wasn't enough in the battle against tuya as tamari also had to summon her weasel Summit which is a weasel with a sickle and an eye patch and it's one of my favorite things in all of Naruto and it wasn't until tomorrow summoned one of the strongest summoning animals in all of Naruto as this weasel was able to cut down an entire Forest like that that finally to You Was Defeated Naruto was the last person of the Sasuke retrieval Arc pushing on Beyond The Sound Village 4. that was until of course he was stopped by Kimi Maru who he stood no chance against fortunately however for him though Rock Lee had recovered from his surgery with tsunada and had stole what he believed to be medicine on the way out the door however it was sake because Tsunade might be an alcoholic because of this we were served to one of the most legendary moments in anime Rock Lee's drunken fist however when Rock Lee sobered up he realized he was no match for kiwimaru's almost impregnable defense and as he was about to be killed he was saved by the very person who put him under the scalpel in the first place Gara who proceeds to cover the entire Battlefield in sand and sand burial it but even that isn't enough to kill kimimaru but you know it is Enough To Kill kimimaru plot because asking Maru is about to kill both Gara and Rock Lee simultaneously his heart gives out plot baby undefeated in fact the only person from this sound Village 5 grouping that doesn't die is Sasuke and since Sasuke was actually elected the pseudo-leader of the sound Village 4 in the Sasuke retrieval Arc you could also count him towards the sound Village 5 or 6 or 7 now if you're counting Sasuke but since we're talking about plot Naruto should have won that battle in the final Valley the first time why you ask well he could have just summoned gamabunta but he never does Naruto in the first final Valley fight was much stronger than Sasuke but plot but enough about relevant and cool groups from Naruto's Golden Days let's talk about obscure groups that very few people know about because coming in at number six we have the suicide core or for the man who took time out of his day to open Gmail and angrily email me about saying corpse the suicide corpse think I give a hoot it's my page baby so the suicide core is a group led by Rock Lee and we don't know a huge amount about the core we just know there was at least six members and that every single one of these six members is trained in the eight Gates and that every single one of these members is at least able to open up to the fifth gate see the reason that we know that every single one of these taijutsu masters from konoha is able to open up to the fifth gate is because the formation they create is great and we know that Rock Lee and Mike guy both turn green after activating the fifth gate outside of that all we know about this group is that they were strong enough to be able to kick a meteorite in half well obviously kicking this media right in half wasn't enough because Sasuke had to step in and Destroy one of the halves that was still gonna hit Kono Hall with his Chidori still a group being able to kick a meteorite in half is gonna be a bit higher than the Genny because say what you will about choji on the red pill I don't know if he's pulling this feed off but enough about irrelevant groups let's get back to the true reason that we're watching this video because coming in at number five we have the seven Swordsmen of the Mist now we've seen a lot of different iterations of the seven Swordsmen of the missed throughout Naruto's history and on top of this the fate of the seven Swordsmen of the Mist is different in the anime as it is in the manga however this is one of those moments where we don't take filler as Canon because it contradicts The Source material see the seventh person of the Mist can be broken into two separate generations pre-mite die in post might die see the reason the seven Swordsmen of the Mist are broken up in Dupree in post might die is because might die kills almost all of them he might die for those who don't remember is my guy's father the Eternal Guinea who saved his son from being apprehended by the Seven Swords another Mist by activating the eighth gate and killing a majority of the seven Swordsmen now so far as the manga is concerned might die kills six out of the Seven Swords however so far as the anime is concerned might die only kills four because the anime reintroduces juzo and ryga into the story after the battle against might die but juuzo going on to be killed by yakura and raiga getting his own arc and kind of killing himself but also Naruto kind of kills him like Naruto hits him off a cliff that would kill him but Rika incinerates himself midair with lightning seeing the manga the only person who survived was the wielder of samihada prior to Kisame fuguki who would go on to be killed by Kisame so Kisame could get samihara the seven Swordsmen of the Mist are kind of a revolving door so if we operate under the assumption of the rules of the manga 6 out of seven of the Seven Swords under the Mist die in a battle against might die well my guy is 12 years old and somehow the hidden Miss manages to retain all of the Seven Swords of the Mist maybe fuguki out survived might die and collected all the weapons and brought them back with him but at the end of the day this means that my dad was able to defeat every Seven Swords of the Miss wielder outside of the wielder of samihada which means he defeated the wielder of the blast sword which is essentially a hatchet with infinite explosive seals that whenever you swing explodes into whatever you swing it onto he defeated the wielder of the helmet splitter which was an ax in a mallet used together to break through any defenses he defeated the user of the sewing needle which is an incredibly long sword that pierces through enemies and is connected to a seemingly infinite amount of wire it's commonly used to either lay traps or string up enemies so they can no longer move he also defeated the wielder of the Kiba blades who was Reich and these blades are said to be the sharpest blades on Earth because they're imbued with the lightning Elemental chakra of the user and we know from basically the entirety of Naruto that imbuing a weapon with lightning chakra makes it sharper he was also able to defeat zuzo the wielder of the Executioner blade prior to zabaza and maybe most impressively he was also able to defeat the wielder of the split sword which is the second most powerful sword out of the Seven Swords of the Mist so obviously after this generation of seven Swordsmen of the Mist that were murdered by might die a couple of key players stepped in those beings abaza who took the Executioner blade Kisame who took samihada bongetsuhozuki who took kind of everything but probably use the split sword but considering how many Seven Swords we never saw used again after this generation that died to might die like the blast sword or the helmet splitter it's a possibility that mongetsu kind of just stepped in for all of them and used whatever sword he found necessary we also know the keeper blades were adopted by amayori now the seven Swordsmen of The Mists were hailed to be the strongest Shinobi in the Hidden Mist Village Under the mizukage and their strength was said to be enough to go up against in tighter countries and win which means that might die with the eight Gates could also probably pull that off but after considering what we saw from Mike guy when he was using the eight Gates the fact that even one of them survived this encounter speaks to their strength obviously the one wielder who survived was the wielder of samihada which is by far and away the most powerful out of the seven blades as samihada is a sentient shark blade that leeches chakra from anybody that it cuts and we consider how eighth gate or any of the gates work samihada would kind of be the perfect weapon against it as the eight gates work very similarly to a Jin cloak you expel a massive amount of chakra outside of your body that's why my guy is known as the blue Bull of the Elite now imagine what would have happened if Kisame had had samihada the third time him and my guy had fought Mike I probably would have had to open to the eighth gate then and there after the seven swordson of the Mist we kind of have the seven Swordsmen of the Mist but for the leaf because coming up at number four we have the 12 Guardian ninja the reason that I say that the 12 Guardian ninja are the seven Swordsmen of the Mist Of the Leaf is because the 12 Guardian ninja are hand-picked by the fire daimio to protect him and therefore the fire daimio picks the 12 strongest ninja from all across the land to fire not just the village hidden in the leaf to create this elite team members of this Elite group are shown by the fact that they wear a waste cloth that has the kanji of fire on it while there is only technically two manga Canon members of this group the anime gave a seven as in the anime we were served to an arc that happened two years after Naruto's birth for six members of the 12 Guardians rebelled against the land of fire and more specifically against the hidden leak as they believe that the land of Fire's resources were wasted on the hidden Leaf in its pacifistic ways mostly rallying around the fact that heroes in step down to end the third great Shinobi World War and therefore these disloyal six Guardians tried to destroy konawa and the Hokage however believing it was their responsibility the six loyal Guardians battled against the sixth disloyal Guardians and only to survive Osama in chiriku and even though the 12 Guardians were disbanded after this because well they were down to two the surviving members of the 12 Guardians still had a hefty bounty on their head in the Underworld which is why Cox Zoo wanted to hunt down chirico and awesome as chiriku had a bounty on his head of 30 million in Osama 35 million but I know what you're saying you're saying Mick there's only two surviving people in this group and neither of them were crazy strong but of course just like with the Seven Swords under the Mist I'm talking about them at their strongest when all 12 were alive and cooperating with each other and you'll know if you watch the filler Arc about the 12 Guardians that the disloyal Guardians were trying to use a technique known as Limelight to destroy Kona law which I have multiple times throughout the history of this page told you was one of the strongest jutsus in all of Naruto see lion light is what happens when you have four people stand in all four cardinal directions and release their lightning release simultaneously into a central point to six disloyal Guardians believe with the use of Limelight they would be able to destroy the entirety of kona law and that would only require four of them at times that might buy three for 12 Guardians and you have an incredibly formidable group tie that into the fact that the land of fire is the most populated and biggest country in all of Naruto and the daimio hand-picking 12 of the strongest people from this country should be a bit stronger than seven people from a smaller country on top of this chirico was no joke I mean obviously chirico lost in a battle against Hidan and kakuzu shirikuku's welcoming approach thousand armed murder which is essentially hashirama's true thousand arms Kane on but a lot smaller and technically made out of chakra not what it's one of the coolest abilities in Naruto and Osama could also use this technique though not as well but Asimo was a sarutobi in one of the best taijutsu Masters out there therefore he was incredibly talent in Fire release and also used chakra blades at a very high level of efficiency there's absolutely no way he would have lost the hidon if he had known what hidon's powers were after the 12 Guardians coming in at number three we have arguably the most iconic group maybe in anime history yes that's right we have the legendary stupid brothers just kidding obviously we have the yakovsky what Nick the Akatsuki are the strongest group in Naruto no of course not they're all dead now the Akatsuki like all of the important groups on this list have also been through a huge amount of change obviously they originated as the AME orphan's way to try and reseed power for the hidden rain and also bring peace to the world they started as a group of 20 or so ninjas that would take freelance work in order to pay for their grander goal their grander goal of bolstering their group's power to the level of that of a country so they could use their group's power to push for peace and thus the only named original members of the Akatsuki we know are the AME orphans yahiko nagato and Kona we know that Obito tried to reach out to the AME orphans to allow them to work together however yahiko believed that Obito was trying to use them and therefore rejected his offer however after Hanzo the salamander and danzo decided to kidnap Conan and have nagato kill yahiko nagato kind of lost it and for the first time in his entire life he summoned the ghetto Mazza which he used to kill everybody present he then reached back that to Obito and began to make his own version of the Akatsuki that is after of course killing Hanzo the salamand and this group that nagato created is the truly iconic Akatsuki that we know and love but even the Akatsuki that Nakato created saw a fair amount of change as people like juzo who was hitachi's original teammate were killed by the fourth mizukake maybe if he believed the filler and kakazu had two separate partners that he killed before he got to Hidan who he couldn't kill on top of this we know that Orochimaru after he was driven out of konoha joined the Akatsuki however after failing to take over Itachi's body he left the organization which leaves us with nine members that everybody conventionally agrees to be the Akatsuki and those nine members would be the Zombie Duo he Don in kakuzu the remnants of the AME or fins Conan in the leader of nagato Itachi and his partner Kisame the artist Duo sorcery and daedara and then Toby and his kind of partner white and black zetsu now only three members of nagato zakatsuki make it to Obito zakatsuki which is Obito in white and black zetsu dadera is killed by using his c0 in an attempt to kill Sasuke hidon is buried by Shikamaru Itachi dies in his battle against Sasuke after succumbing to his disease kakuzu is killed by Kakashi but was like definitely killed by Naruto Sami is captured by the leaf but instead of forking over his Secrets decides to devour himself for the shark summons I guess Conan technically survives but she leaves the organization and very stupidly tries to hold on to nagato's Rinnegan instead of just jamming them into Naruto's face and so after a long and Incredibly arduous fight against Obito that she should have won Obito kills her after using and introducing izananki which is one of the worst things that Kishimoto ever introduced nagato got talked no jutsued into killing himself and sorcery gets killed by his grandmother but fortunately for Obito the gang would all get back together eventually that is to say in the fourth correction W World War where they're all brought back using edotense though this doesn't go super well because one of the people they bring back is Itachi who's able to use Koto amatsukami on himself to break himself out of kapito's control and then put Kabuto in izan Nami releasing the entirety of the Akatsuki back to the pure lands where they get to go even though they were evil now obviously the Akatsuki were incredibly powerful datara hailed from the explosion corpse of ewod had his explosion release Keke genkai that he would use to explode his created clay constructs hidon was Immortal and also blessed by Lord Josh Sheen so any damage he did to himself would be inflicted upon whoever's blood he had consumed natachi was a dual Ms wielder with one of the strongest susanos in history kakuzu had the Earth Grudge fear hidden Jutsu that allowed him to stretch his body and reattach severed limbs it also granted him a form of immortality as he could rip out other people's organs and use them to replace his old ones or his broken ones hisame was referred to as the tailless tailed beast said to have the largest trucker pull out of anybody who wasn't a gin Cherokee he was also the wielder of samihada and without samihada forced my guy to open the seventh gate going on on top of the fact that she could turn her body into paper to avoid physical harm was a tactical genius being the true leader of the Hidden Reign for almost a decade nagato was a wielder of two running on the controller of the six pass of pain all of which had one of the abilities of the Rinnegan on top of this nagato himself could control the ghetto Mazo on top of being an Uzumaki and having one of the largest Chalker pools ever thusari was the greatest puppet user of all time and he went so far as the puppetize his own body making him immune to things like poison and fire and most things that would kill a regular human it's largely implied that the only reason that he died in his battle against Sakura ngio is because he wanted to and obviously the Akatsuki who all died in the relative prime of their lives came back stronger as edotensei forms now there's technically other iterations of the Akatsuki like shin Uchiha zakatsuki but that was just shin and his clones so We're Not Gonna count it but since we're talking about iterations of the yakatsuki that brings us to our number two spot on this list Cara sikara is the Akatsuki of boruto and while Cara is definitely less prestigious and less well-known than the Akatsuki one to do with the fact that boruto is less popular than Naruto and two to do with the fact that Kara wasn't all that impressive Cara is absolutely stronger than the Akatsuki sikara has a much less storied history than the Akatsuki and is also smaller however wakara has that the Akatsuki never did is two separate groups as Cara has both inners and outers while inners are what you would consider your standard members of the Akatsuki or standard members of Kara outers are more like supporters people who do the bidding of certain individuals from Cara people like Garo who had a legendary battle against kawaki or ow who used a fire Ninjutsu chain gun to almost kill boruto now while the members of the inners of Kara may be less than that of the Akatsuki the members that are in Kara do some serious heavy hitting see even if we only consider the manga Canon characters of Kara that still leaves us with Delta caution Koji Boro jegan Vic Victor and Co six people who at their weakest are probably stronger than any singular member of the Akatsuki not to mention one of the background characters and probably the most intelligent person in the entirety of Naruto's Universe Amado is also a part of the inners now Cara didn't work as an organization because half of Kara was plotting to destroy Kara that is to say that Amado and his creation caution Koji work now Amino like have already stated is one of the most intelligent people in the entirety of the Naruto universe as Amado has pulled off scientific Feats like cloning Jiraiya and making him a perfect toad sage in caution Koji implanting shinjutsu from shibaio tutsuki's body into Daemon and Ada to make them two of the most powerful people in the universe cyborg so powerful that ishiki demanded that they be shut down because he knew they were stronger than him as well as augmenting the entirety of kawaki's body with Shinobi wear to make him a living weapon not to mention he's also created an army of Deltas who have the ability to transfer their Consciousness from one to each other in these Deltas who are a member of the inners of Kara could hypothetically be highballed to kagia level Naruto in his adults kcm2 form did struggle with taking out Delta in a way that wouldn't kill her now one could argue that if Naruto's family wasn't around that he could have taken out Delta much easier and honestly I would agree with you there but what we do know about Delta is that she has the ability to absorb all Ninjutsu like a wielder of the karma Mark or Palm brine on top of this she can fly is insanely powerful and is able to shoot a laser that's the speed of light and also stops any regeneration that if the likes of Tsunade Sakura or Naruto were hit by it if they got cut in half they wouldn't be able to regenerate and mind you this laser once again travels at light speed Delta alone would probably be more than enough for even the strongest members of the Akatsuki and then you have members like code who's now technically one of the main antagonists boruto code received a white Karma marking from ishiki which gave him all of ishiki's powers but nadishiki's Consciousness and ishiki and or jigan knew that code was so powerful that he forced amido to place limiters on him so code wouldn't surpass his power limiters which mind you have now been removed meaning code is now more power powerful than even jegan was putting him somewhere on the level of ishiki tie that into the fact that code has now separated the ten Tails into a bunch of clones all of which spare his claw marks which he's able to teleport through as code's true ability allows him to create claw marks that he can freely travel between like flying ryzen and you have one of the most powerful yet not so intimidating people in all of Naruto's history outside of code there's other members like Victor who although he was cut down by caution Koji rather easily had his entire body upgraded with scientific ninja tools Victor with the help of these tools was able to go up against the likes of the strongest version of Orochimaru we've ever seen now a lot of this came from Victor's regeneration abilities as he was able to regenerate things like lost limbs or a lost head instantaneously but outside of regenerating lost limbs Victor could also manifest additional arms and he could use his additional arms to weave hand signs while he fought with his other ones as Victor was able to use all five Elemental releases on top of Yin release and while Victor probably couldn't go up against the likes of nagato or Obito or maybe even Itachi he was still a force to be reckoned with the same could be said for Boro the leader of occult in the wielder of lava release Spurs strength was monstrous he was said to be stronger than Delta in fact he was so strong that Cara believed that he would be able to fight off Sasuke if Sasuke came to retrieve Naruto from the sealed coffin and Boro just like Victor also had insane regeneration abilities as he had a Jutsu that would immediately heal his body from any physical damage or any ailment on top of all this Boro had in his body a scientific ninja tool that allowed him to release a Dark Mist now this dark Miss held a fast-acting virus only Boro had the ability to heal but if that wasn't enough Boro technically only had one vital organ and that was a core that he was able to move and so long as you didn't destroy this core which he was able to migrate to different parts of his body Boro could not be killed and even if that core is destroyed his body would enter a rampage mode where he would destroy everything around him and the only thing strong enough to defeat this mode was a boroshiki-powered rasenga and lastly the leader of Kara ji kid also known as what do I need to say about Jake and except for the fact that he battled against adult Naruto and adult Sasuke simultaneously and embarrassed both of them this man flew through Sasuke susano and just snagged him and he didn't just beat them once he beat them twice eventually beating them so bad that he just threw Naruto in a coffin and this was technically his weaker four as after Jake and was killed by kashinkoji he manifested his sheiky through jekin's body using it as a vessel which technically only gave a Shiki a couple of days to live and even after Naruto activated baryon mode and put the beat down of a Lifetime on his Shiki they still technically couldn't defeat him see the only reason that Naruto and the rest of kona was able to defeat Shiki in the first place is because he ran out of time Naruto using baryon mode was able to shave down how much time he had as ishiki however if hypothetically ishiki had infinite time in his body there's nothing kotohock could have done there's nothing anybody could have done he's the strongest person we've seen thus far in the universe but technically him at his strongest was still foiled by the number one group on our list the konoha 13. see well the Kona hot 13 may not actually exist as a formal group as they're usually referred to as the konoha 11. I like to add PSY and Sasuke into the list here and so for me it's the konoha 13. with the konoha 13 being team seven which is Sasuke Sai Naruto and Sakura team 10 also known as Ina shikacho which is choji Ino and Shikamaru Team 5 which is Hinata Shino and Kiba in team guy who for some reason didn't get a number which is Rock Lee Neji and 1010 well obviously all of the kotoha 13 turned into lovely Ninjas for being real they're all being carried by team seven not even all of Team seven the three people carrying the other 10 in the cono 13 are very obviously Sakura Naruto and Sasuke with Sasuke reaching a level of power as an adult where he believed he would be able to battle against kagia and win in a one-on-one and going toe-to-toe with the likes of momushiki and kinshiki simultaneously to a relative stalemate now when it came down to more important battles like the battle against the Sheikh isosuke really stood no chance but he did take a couple of the punches met for Naruto and boruto which allowed them to be useful Sakura is the world's greatest healer and also probably the strongest human on earth her chocolate control is the most precise out of anybody in the universe probably even greater than that of tsunade's and because this she's able to use the hundred heel seal or the byakia seal which allows her to be killed over 100 times in combat and regenerate back from all of them on top of this she is able to summon lady copsio the greatest healing force on Earth and this precise chakra control that she has makes her almost entirely resistant to genjuts however in boruto she is pretty much just like all of the other women in konoha 13 been regulated to being a housewife but at least she's not currently trapped in a Timeless and spaceless sub-dimension called the daikoku 10 because that's what Naruto is doing but then again Naruto after using baryon mode in his battle against ishiki has been relatively useless but at his strongest Naruto was able to completely outmatch somebody who was able to fly through a Susana Naruto was faster stronger had better perception better fighting skills better everything than ishiki while using baryon mode he had easily planetary level defenses considering the fact that he had small planet defenses in kcm2 in baryon mode easily City level attack power considering the fact that he had City level attack power in his Karama mode and was massively faster than light Naruto and baryon mode is technically the strongest person in the universe outside of probably shibai otsutski now outside of these three obviously other ninjas have accomplished things Psy is the head of the Ambu Eno is the head of the cipher corpse he not a technically inherited hamura's last bit of chakram was able to destroy a 10 Saigon with the help of Naruto but when it comes down to it the real reason the konoha 13 are the strongest group in the history of Naruto is those three what do you guys think do you guys agree with my list tell me in the comments below and why you guys are down there please for me like this video subscribe to the page and hit that note when making a list that includes Naruto Naruto is always the top of the list I don't make the laws I just abide by that [Music] [Music]
Channel: NCHammer 23
Views: 160,848
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Naruto, Anime, Manga, Naruto Shippuden, Boruto, Sasuke, Kakashi, Sharingan, Rasengan, Nine-tailed Fox, Shinobi, Jutsu, Hidden Leaf Village, Akatsuki, Ninja War, Naruto vs Sasuke, Naruto vs Pain, Naruto vs Madara, Naruto OST, Naruto Opening, Naruto Ending, Naruto AMV, Naruto Review, Naruto Analysis, Naruto Theories, Naruto Explained, Naruto Characters, Naruto Moments, Naruto Best Fights, Naruto Best Scenes, Naruto Top 10, Naruto Top 5
Id: u0_crlW2w7o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 41sec (2321 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 13 2023
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