the Most CRINGEY Pick Up Artist on TIK TOK (cringe warning)

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He ls from Toronto and dated my friend he’s extremely abusive , he stalked and threatened to kill her after their break up and sent inappropriate pictures of her to her family and the cops got involved and she got a restraining order . Literally a scum human being

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/fullmoon890 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 28 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Not Desi, but one of the most infamous ones was an Iranian/Armenian-American guy named Daryush Valizadeh who went by "Roosh V".

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/lord_ujjal πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 28 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Not me thinking pua mean penis makeup artist

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SwanScary πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 28 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

PUA made like one of the stupidest subsets of Youtuber influencers and that's saying something

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SunniLeBeaouf πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 28 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Yeah and it ended pretty badly for him.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Skom42 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 28 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

That guy is cringe, there's a better more normal guy on Simple Pickup

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/damnwhatever2021 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 30 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
so not too far back when i got absolutely wrecked by vegan gains he said something that got to me he said this like do girls look at you do you get any phone numbers or anything are you interested in women but he was right i had no idea what a girl was i looked at my mom and i was like is she an alien i didn't even know what a phone number was i didn't even know what a phone was so i went to my phone and i found someone on tiktok and let me tell you this guy is a dating coach a pickup artist an entrepreneur and he's brown and he's so [ __ ] cringy i swear to god and his name is drunk justin that is his name he decided to put drunk in front of his name drunk justin is a pickup artist from toronto canada and let me just say lately people from canada not been doing well vegan gains the vegan teacher drunk justin j station just to name a few so i went on tick tock just looking for things and ironically i found a brown skinny lanky man and i was like maybe he could help me find my true love justin knows better than me because he has kissed way more goals than i have and i really want to know his rules to success that's why i'm taking it down and i think we should all learn and i think tip one is to dress the pot that's why i'm wearing a nice dress shirt i think it looks great on me did i eyeing it no and i think the other thing he wears is a lot of watches so how you like me now justin i just one-upped you i'm wearing one watch on either hand now i look like a double douchebag before we start the video i would love it if you subscribed as you can see i am a broken human being and if you have any ideas that you want to send to me then do message me at sixteenlyorundusco on instagram and i'd love to hear from you okay drunk justin on tick tock the first video is just to get a sense of who he is we're climbing down the mountain now hand in hand yay i love you best friends best lovers friends oh hi i just got friend jones oh yeah i love your kids you gotta kiss good pregnant yeah can i impregnate you no not yet okay okay so that is the lady killer himself drunk justin and i think i already know rule number one to success straight up harassment two things wrong with that video firstly why are you hiking with a tie what the [ __ ] what are you late for going downhill secondly uh the girlfriend's on you and then you went in for a kiss and then you said you want to impregnate her no the majority of his videos on tick tock are just him talking to uh girls who are drunk and sometimes he even takes advantage of them which i don't like i always hate that they're not fully able to make the right decisions like they are when they're sober what do you think about brown guys i love it i love it awesome okay you want to go come right here okay yeah okay i want to kiss you can i kiss you okay kiss she asked does she like brown guys and she was like i love it i love it i absolutely love it she doesn't even know what the [ __ ] she's talking about he could have been like hey do you like bricks i love it i love i love it now i know what you're thinking what a drunk justin's views on marriage well i have the answer for you ladies and gentle fish well do you have a boyfriend i'm engaged you're engaged well congratulations thank you i'll be honest i feel bad for the guy though marriage is a trap hi fair guy run i was actually engaged about a year ago oh and what happened dumped her oh no why because because she she just wanted to keep having threesomes with me with girls it was really weird i don't know all these married guys just walking around the streets like brah i keep getting bj's and having three ways is crazy i hate marriage you're right justin marriage is a trap only for men apparently damn i'ma write that down marriage is a trap for guys because they only have three ways that's it sounds like a horrible thing and you know you just wouldn't want that more tick tocks would you prefer you know sleeping with a guy of you know lighter skin color like a white male or a darker skin colored individual but really i don't really think of men in color i think of them by their personality yeah i know i think more of like their personality and uh if they can like like do yeah oh okay okay oh yeah yeah got it i'm not sure what exactly his end goal was with that one did he want to get an inebriated goal to admit that maybe possibly she's youtube senses always firstly dude why exactly are you even asking these questions which goal is going to openly come out to you and be like i hate brown people i didn't want to tell anybody but i hate these brown people oh my god you're one of them like what what did you think was gonna happen and secondly i feel like if you ask someone while they're sober you get a way different answer for instance would you potentially be open to dating a brown guy yeah i definitely wouldn't say that i wouldn't i think that's stupid to say that you're just gonna write off a whole race of people just because of the color of their skin like you should be attracted who you're attracted to and like you like their slow personality i couldn't have said it better myself also it was very hard to concentrate on this tick-tock seeing as this man has a color-coded scarf going with the minty palette today aren't we but it's really about who they are do we have sexual attention like if they can make me laugh i i love that nothing like a nice day in australia wearing a mint palette and getting ignored by someone after asking if you have sexual tension that's just a fantastic day justin the only time you're gonna get people to admit that they really do not like brown people specifically is if you go to those uh special people with the hoods on you know what i'm talking about you know what i see justin's value at this point i feel like he's so horny that he would actually try to pick up people in the kkk okay so um people have told me you have a certain preference could you just tell me what that is white with a with a h okay all right i'm gonna get out of here all right bye-bye you guys are you guys look yummy you get a hug i love you you know what if they had a guinness world record for the man who has forced the most hugs upon woman justin would be at the [ __ ] top it's a very fast reaction to be like no i don't really want you to touch me it's a lot easier to be like okay thanks yo i wish canada had like light-skinned sweet teas like you holy [ __ ] because you're yummy you gotta be like no you look you look like skin is this really how you pick up woman because if this is how you pick up woman i want to be put down why are we getting hot dogs i'm coming with you guys i'm i'm pescatarian i swear to god i'm pescatarian swear in my life no i said are you getting hot dogs i don't eat hot dogs pescetarian more like pissed that was it that was a he's just a pest i don't know what to tell you this dude stood on a street corner looking like he sold high-class drugs until he found two people who he thought was light skin and followed them into a hot dog store is that is this how you pick up women really i don't know if i can do this justin i don't know if i'm cut out for this i don't really want to follow people i don't know into stores that i don't like to buy things that i don't want to eat pull me old-fashioned justin but i like girls who like me back [Music] so that was the tick tock drunk justin but he sort of kicks it up a notch on his youtube channel which i discovered yesterday yo guys if you haven't already make sure to get a free copy of my book nuts you can learn how to bust nut whenever you want damn justin i didn't know he was a writer and he brought i can learn or bust or not whenever i want justin more like this just in i can bust a nut whenever i want justin i'ma buy that book you might have made your first sale that isn't your dad i actually couldn't buy it because nobody would sell it but i did find a pdf wow and there is a blurry picture of what looks like a slender man getting blown by a drunk woman while reading a kid's book with pictures in it in this book nut you will learn how to transform your life into a system where you can continuously have sex with multiple women each week and date the type of woman you want you will be able to bust a nut wherever you want without having to do it alone wow that's crazy justin you know what they should do they should use this book as a litmus test like whoever reads the book and is like yeah you know what i like this straight to jail just straight to jail why is the concept so hard to understand if you are a decent person if you have a little bit of charm charisma confidence if you are happy with who you are and you are happy with your life regardless if someone is in it or out of it you'll do fine as you know probably i live in australia at the moment and you know i just need some tips specifically four tips to date australian goals dating life hacks sup guys it's justin with my friend dave from asian twist are you guys already look way too cool i'm gonna need the glasses give me one sec jess wow i fully look like a drug lord from miami i love it so uh dave just talk a little bit about what you do i do interviews so all right so i'll go out and do the stats i'll go interview the girls and i'll find the real stats from what the girls really think he got the stats on woman bro i didn't even know women had stats i need to start asking girls these questions what's your average how many points a game do you score did you get a lot of steals are you getting assists i needed dave from asian twists i didn't even know he existed before now he's out here twisting asians australia's different i've been here for about what two and a half weeks now like there's flies and [ __ ] and all these crazy animals and [ __ ] kangaroos and really i think you're in the wrong place g did you go to the zoo and you're like what is all that [ __ ] that's animals bro that's what happens at the zoo flies goddamn and flies that's just when you stink i don't think that's a product of australia i think that's just you where's some links i don't know australian guys are approaching all the time everything that they can do to get laid they're natural like man they're natural everyone here is a natural no he's right man everyone here is a natural i i just went to a coffee shop the other day played laid funny thing is nobody else was in the coffee shop it was just me but i got laid anyway went to the library laid my books on the table and said can you renew them please then i got laid off work for trying to have sex with a librarian dominoes more like diamond hoes i got laid there hungry jacks well like hungry fafs subway i gave them my foot long kfc we don't mess with kfc okay that's a great place to be like less threatening uh just just uh just simply asking for details and let's hang out or saying hello less threatening dude dave you should have told me i've been more threatening this whole time last time i asked a girl out i was like i'm gonna [ __ ] end you i'm gonna put donuts in your face dave knows dave just knows the guys here are aggressive so if you go and approach a girl and she's with her boyfriend there is a still a slight chance he'll punch you in your face literally last night the dude half my size i'm five foot three dude and this guy's half my size two foot seven what even little people hit the three four foot no two foot seven bro did he try to fight you and he looks at me he's like they're ready to fight you here man it's kind of weird that's that's a leprechaun bro you should have locked him in a pot or something you would have got hella money if you go try to steal someone's girlfriend there's a good chance you're gonna get punched in the face okay okay let me get this straight so if you try to take someone else's goal from them they're not gonna be happy i got i gotta tell you this is probably australia because that's pretty backwards ah i guess i must steal your goal then give her right back because i do not want to get punched okay now that i've learned how to date australian woman i feel great coincidentally all i had to do was be less threatening to get an australian goal i didn't know that was specific to australian woman but all right anyway i thought what i do was look at this dude's most popular video and it's a video called how to bring girls home every day it has 4.5 million views i don't think i have a video that even hit a million yet so i'm i am terribly insecure at this video my name is justin and i'm feeling good it's a good day out it's sunny it's bright and i'm also horny there's 4.5 million views for a dude who within the first 15 seconds was like yo what's up i'm justin i'm horny why is the camera down that low did he was that a reverse dick pic angle this is what you see when you look up at justin you see that face so i'm gonna go chat up other girls i like your style and that is how you get rejected i mean she's cute i i love your style what are you doing right now um i'm using my boyfriend oh that's cool yeah it's really nice to meet you thank you nice to meet you girl has an amazing energy tour right and it hooks but she's visiting her boyfriend once again waste of time i'm screening for logistics that is a waste by touch this is the behavior of a sociopath that this is exactly what it is is that really how you talk to people this is not natural chemistry hello you have a nice clothing oh do you have a boyfriend okay well i didn't like you anything hello do you have time to have sex today okay well i didn't need you i have so many things to do hello hello hello hello okay i'm a busy guy [Music] this man unbuttoned his shirt in the time it took to talk to that woman his shirt was buttoned when he started the video i don't i guess i need to start doing that [ __ ] too literally right now i have some dudes sitting in my condo because uh he said he's coming for a barbecue he likes to throw barbecues on my roof oh you got some dude sitting in your condo trying to barbecue some sausages maybe you should go home and feed that dude what are you doing out in the field justin you guys could barbecue together if you know what i'm talking about i like your hair your nice hair hair and young sail yeah i don't wanna they don't speak english you really put that on video i like your hair i like your hair your hair annyeonghaseyo she doesn't speak english she's she's stupid that's why i said she had nice hair because i didn't want to have sex with her mark don't put this on camera mark i mean you know what sometimes if they make me speak english i don't want to talk to them i don't want to talk to them if they don't speak english that's why i go to places like thailand and singapore to try and pick up chicks i really like women who speak english like even when i was in australia i was dating this australian girl when she would talk just because her accent was just so strong i was just like you know what don't talk not to sound like a dick it's just like my personal preference i like i prefer girls who speak north american english i didn't even know there was a thing but she spoke australian english i guess that wasn't good enough for you you're the real catch i mean like you're like the hugh hefner of nothing when i want to give the girl i like them too i don't want them to be like oh hello daddy i want them to be like oh daddy give it to me right well that was something i didn't need to hear today i don't think you're gonna find either of those two things but and that's how the video ends he just basically strikes out with everyone and nothing happens this video is called hypnotized woman and make them love you [Laughter] this sounds like a [ __ ] lawsuit waiting to happen hey guys justin what's up justin at toronto's pride festival excuse me you're gorgeous i love you you get a hug you're beautiful guys she's beautiful there it is excuse me ah look at this girl's face she's like shell-shocked i don't know if this is normal human interaction and i want to say again i appreciate this man's confidence i really do i think that society deserves to be more confident and we should be able to talk to each other but maybe not touch each other within three seconds of meeting because then you're taking value if you come into offering more good energy like being a higher energy why are you telling me this [ __ ] because people are always going to feel what you're feeling so i see cute girl i walk in and i'm like excuse me i love you you're gorgeous you get a hug you're beautiful i love you and and i vibe with myself so they feel it oh i get it so you just talk to your friend and as soon as you see a girl that's even remotely breathing you try and confess all your love to her and hopefully it works out got it hey jacob how you doing my house is gonna be repossessed in the next two weeks if i don't do something about it i just [ __ ] my pants oh my god you're so beautiful you get a hug i love you so much okay bye bye anyway as i was saying they are going to take my home i'm in debt like what is this you just go on the street hoping for people to love you i don't know i mean like everybody's standards are different when it comes to dating and stuff but i'm really selective with the people that i led into my life i need to trust them first i can't just see someone on the street and be like i love you so much since the moment i met you two seconds ago i have been in love i can't do that i it takes a lot for me to say i love you i don't say it very often unless you're a baby or a dog in which case you just get all my love unless you're a baby or a dog in which case you just get all my life higher that sounds like a shame or something that's not what i meant at all so you come into it like very high energy very hyped up like that and then chill myself out mellow myself out during the interaction i will literally just be like i'm not sure i'm getting this this this sounds very stupid justin i don't know if this is working for me and then like ah but that's how i feel when i watch your videos ah is this going to give me goals justin i'd really want to date someone i love your style you're gorgeous what's your name emma emma i love you marry me oh my god you guys are beautiful i love it oh i don't know man this guy gets rejected more than he gets accepted i can't walk up to every girl and ask if she can marry me i don't if someone says yes then i'm gonna say no justin i don't want to marry her i don't even know her i mean by justin's logic all you have to do is go out onto the street and if you find a goal who is alive then you have to marry her if she says yes that i don't know if i agree with the logic justin i mean i might as well go to the drive-thru at mcdonald's and be like i have a big mac two cheeseburgers and your hand in marriage like i can't do that was there a wet floor sign that i was not aware of did this man just slip for about 20 seconds straight boy my eyes have been sodomized what the [ __ ] did you just do like i'm equal parts impressed and embarrassed at this man like he's so confident that he doesn't give a [ __ ] that he's the most douchey looking dude on the planet like i admire him for not caring but at the same time you don't even have to do this nobody asks you to dance in the middle of a building without a dance floor they play elevator music in an elevator but i'm not like oh this is my floor all right justin i'm willing to give it one more try hit me with what you got zach i'm gonna teach you something right now called the fourth place of communication okay i'm seriously i'm focusing the four pillars of education you've got voice it's one point of communication voice is how loud you talk and it's the way you're turning out excuse me i know i know what a voice is what i know what i didn't think he was gonna actually explain that [ __ ] then you've got body language right it's like or this right hey how's it going right okay body language got it don't do this this is don't bend down if you drop a nickel it's oval then you got facial expressions eye contact smiling right are you speaking to someone are you speaking to them like hey how's it going are you speaking i'm like hey how are you how are you doing probably the first one so i don't scare off people uh normally i'm just like hey what's up but but i could try that hey how are you the last one would be distance from where you approach now get this right check this out excuse me sorry did i scare you uh no okay does that make sense yes i know but continue um bruce hey man how are you right lots of distance when i said hi to that guy so um that being said right it's more comfortable okay okay okay so you want distance hey how are you see now i said that from australia and there is someone in canada that i'm trying to say that to so i gave that a little bit of distance hopefully she hears it by tomorrow right now these four pillars communication is literally what helps you uh warm up anytime you're out trying to meet people be social meet women all right justin let me try this all together then you've got body language right it's like or this hey how's it going okay instead of bending i need to be like this hey how are you how you doing hey how are ya hey i gotta talk louder hey how are you right lots of distance when i said hi to that guy hey how are you this seems so stupid i cannot do this i'm you know what justin i'm sorry i cannot do this this is just it's not me honestly dude i appreciate your confidence and i will concede that you definitely can go out on the streets and talk to people that i probably could never talk to but i guess at the same time i always hope that i meet someone who connects with me in the way that i want to connect with them i don't know justin i guess i don't have what it takes to be a pickup artist damn maybe vegan gains was right i'm never gonna get married married i'm never gonna have kids kids i'm gonna be alone for the rest of my life i wonder what that would look like [Music] you
Channel: sixteenleo
Views: 160,818
Rating: 4.9800692 out of 5
Keywords: cringe, cringey, cringe overload, cringe funny, cringe compilation, pick up artist, pick up artist cringe, pick up artist tik tok, tik tok, commentary, funny, sixteenleo, cody ko
Id: ha1ZUyd2zcM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 16sec (1336 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 27 2021
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