How '365 DAYS' Tries to Pander to Females (and FAILS MISERABLY)

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what are big babies I was fixing my sink that was awkward as hell you said it would be funny ignorant you know it's fine what up big babies it's me sixteen Leo put my home chick flopster iiiii low it is the start of July and I have already seen the worst movie in 2020 it's 365 days it's a Netflix movie and under 65 days is a Polish Italian foam that has took the world seemingly by storm especially in North America it's kind of like the European version of Fifty Shades of Grey and it has absolutely zero plot if you haven't already subscribed become a big baby also while you're at it if you want to please do follow me at sixteen leo underscore on instagram whenever i post a video the first thing i do is put a story up on instagram and that's how people know i usually add everyone's story to mine it's always fun so do follow me there if you want to let's get started 365 days essentially is in the vein of Fifty Shades of Grey or even before that Twilight the film pandas to the female demographics so so in march and i wanted to show you just how much your pandas to them so i made a game i was gonna write it down but then I thought wow I'm just gonna say it why don't I do this this is the water bottle what I'm gonna do is full it every time some dusty a dish is said I will drink that water and I will explain why they're pandering to the female demographic by the end of this video I'm gonna have such good skin and I'm also gonna need to pee so the two main characters are called Massimo and Laura from what Netflix says the plot is a woman falls victim to a dominant mafia boss who imprisons her and gives her one year to fall in love with him I watched the movie from start to finish and stole I don't know what the main character does if you took al pacino out of Scarface and replaced him with Tommy was out he'd probably get 365 days [Music] so the movie opens up on an island I'm already I already hate this so much if come in today for judge solo agency Yogi's for your injuries and that should warn you know father Arjuna appeared on agenda come here familiar on my father who study without fighting I don't know if you can see the father he's like pretty concerned he's like whoa excuse me guys ah my family has never done this so why why do you arrange the meeting this is how the movie starts this mafia boss doesn't know what he's doing we also introduced to Mario who I'm just gonna assume is this guy's uncle Mario doesn't really say much but he always looks really disappointed responsibility' editor Weston Sara too [Applause] definitely the guys still in the air he didn't leave he nobody is gonna try and fire back Mario I'm trying to say about you you when you're playing apex and someone's reviving you and there's clearly there's other people it's like tick now you're just gonna wake me up to get shot down again Mario please just drag me to cover we don't see how he recovers we don't see any of the impacts the scene has on the rest of the movie so it's devoid of everything but it gets better I know what you're thinking I know what you're thinking Leo is that ornery keg laces and I'm like no no no and you're like is that gabriel iglesias I'm like no no no it's Massimo but he's also a single believe it or not they got two for the price of one you remember Attaway general how Jack couldn't dance or sing this is a guy who can't act or sing that's their breeding so love the tonality of our Enrique Iglesias - the vocal ability it's Michelle can you think no I just play a piano he's like but I want you to know and I will let you go we were [ __ ] it let's move it put it in the movie please dude anyone told me what the hell happened here yesterday my question is how did it happen the person who financed was full they put him in the movie that was his reaction he looked at it he's like my question is how did it happen this is America you have this game in America sexual preferences should I continue so we're introduced to the main character Massimo and one of the things that I always like to point out is costume design they always dress him up in a suit and tie and that is supposed to appeal to the female demographic because you will let us see her current boyfriend and his outfit but I'm gonna drink to this so the opening scene also establishes louder and I think she's a businesswoman but I don't know what she does just or Dinoco version okay another nice is enjoy myself this is the introduction to Laura's boyfriend Martin he was just doing work at home probably after a long long day she comes home she's like hey I wanna sex you bro and then he was like Lola your heart is weak I don't want to do it I thought initially I thought he was just like dissing her beautiful small she turns out apparently in this movie she actually has a heart condition nobody knows what it is nobody explains that it doesn't at all impact the phone again the writing of this movie is top tier this shot is basically the I'm coming home to my dead ass beat boyfriend he doesn't have a six-pack he doesn't have abs he doesn't treat me right he doesn't show me the attention I deserve because he's too busy working when they write those books that's what they do not only do they make the bad boy seem so good they also make the current boyfriend you would so bad there's like why did you date him in the first place if he was so trashed what did you see in him look I'm [Music] the next scene we have louder turns 29 as you can see once again the damn clothing gets me this dude he's wearing military cargo shorts I feel like 12 year olds are the only people who still wear that and a singlet to her but a 29 birthday where they're out in a fancy restaurant mm-hmm oh gee the Lamia regatta louder here to read that today is the beautiful birthday of my girlfriend Laura had a bit too much to drink so Martin basically sings happy birthday and Laura calls him a dumbass in front of everyone and as she goes to get a drink guess what happens yes I'm not gonna give you time to guess Massimo appears out of nowhere this movie is also an Italian science fiction movie are you lost baby girl are you lost baby girl who are you appealing to five year olds actual baby go like a little like Rosalina mutton is a sort of round robust rotunda man bold you know he's a bit of a goofball next thing you know you have a literal king disappearing and appearing silhouette of a man wearing a sleek black suit he's got a nice beard he's like are you lost baby girl he's this movie is basically the fantasy away from your boyfriend movie what happens is Martin actually leaves her to go on a trip and he says it's because of her weak heart and she gets annoyed to him and she wanders off on her own and she gets kidnapped yep [Music] are you lost vinegar how do you lost baby girl the baby girl part is just the most who is hearing this and be like oh [ __ ] suck it I didn't know you have our problem I'm about to tell he's so incredible didn't know how believe is true until I saw you at the airport that is how you know the story is going to get amazing even the actor is like what I'm about to tell you is so crazy even I don't believe it I actually read the script five times I even argued with the screenwriter I said this is stupid and he was like no say it so I say it now they don't give me roles anymore in Hollywood and I say to them what accent is this is it French no in that moment I understood what the action is this five years ago my whole life has changed my father died - bullet went through his heart and me my heart stopped I saw you every day I have this image in front of my eyes I was looking for you around the world that's why I'm getting you a chance to fall in love with me no because that made you do it because you will want you must be kidding that's the whole plot of this film his father got shot he got shot when he was dying he envisioned a goal because he imagined her he somehow saw her at the airport he kidnapped her and he's given her 365 days to fall in love this man is so good he is so good at the power of manifesting things that they actually appeal bro why don't you manifest your father back to life what the hell is wrong with you you you literally made a girl appear out of thin air this might be Tony Robbins life story I was looking for a girl then I found her I'm Tony Robinson if you smile if things will come true thing is if she doesn't fall in love with him she can leave I don't know why they want me to root for this guy but I'm rooting for the goal to leave I've got a boyfriend who's going to look for me I've got family friends your boyfriend doesn't deserve you my people have taken your stuff from the room important plot development Martin apparently has been cheating on Laura because if he hadn't been cheating and she just left him after being a faithful boyfriend that would cause some internal conflict and that would mean she's more than a one-dimensional character but hey we're not doing that this is a get out of jail free card essentially this man loves her he searched the world for her he's got all the money everything but not only that her ugly fat boyfriend is also a cheater [Music] to me this movie essentially disrespects the whole female demographic that they don't take them seriously enough to give them a movie with the insight and a little bit of conflict and a climax and a resolution they don't do that they just give them exactly what they want and end up I don't think that challenges the viewer you're really into ours because we need to buy some stuff before with the puzzle depart what what are you talking about I'm not flying anywhere unless is Poland it wasn't an offer it was an order it will be a good year you will accompany me Masi more takes louder on a trip with him to do some gangsta walk I don't know if you've noticed he hasn't done one ounce of walk yet he just had a dream and kidnapped a girl this is like Martin Luther King jr. if he went rabid that's what he's I have a dream and then he just stole someone and ran away if you let people be like whoa might as well talk about the character of Laura while I still can't she's detestable as a person she has no redeeming qualities I don't know what her job is I don't know what the intentions are I don't know what a goals up she seems to get kidnapped he leads Massimo on then she gets annoyed when he tries to do anything the first thing they do is go on like a trip where she shops and she just buys thousands of things [Music] she doesn't seem to care that she's kidnapped it's pandering again basically where you could do endless shopping and your man just sits there or he gets you thing two things I need to pee already and - l'chaim again - a montage of shopping and in gangsta erotic movie get out get out else what I guarantee you is the last time you see it see it on yourself they need help can you help me when John listen you're it can either make it hard the booth was for the next year or take part in an adventure that faith is giving you so then in the middle of this montage Lara remembers oh yeah whoops I'm a kid Navi I forgot about that so she goes to two police officers and then Massimo tons up and they look whoa he owns everyone and everything with the job that he does what does he do Piero key is it good my grandma makes them better [ __ ] you got shell-shocked man kidnapped you and you're dissing me this is the scene in which Massimo describes what he does so what do you actually do business I have few companies hotels clubs restaurants it's it's like a corporation and I'm the CEO the whole is part of a bigger operation the details are useless he's like a part of a big corporation he's a CEO but it's part of a billion corporation but the deep they useless was dangerous didn't someone's dog write this we just put his paws on the thing and started slamming and then as he slammed there like wow that's sort of coherent they didn't even need to give him a job he's like I do dangerous business I own all the club everything the fact is you'd be working even Pablo had a damn job why are you looking at it do you want to touch it I don't understand what the point of the 365 days is because they don't bring up how many days have elapsed there's nothing hinging on the balance of this there's nothing for her to lose she leaves scot free whenever you write a movie you want the main character to have an arc face a problem an obstacle and overcome it there's nothing this guy's already got everything his goal is to get the goal to love him but there's no obstacle stopping them from four love there's lots of butt and boobs [Music] another messy mo bangle messy mo featuring score locks because this is like the brand Dallas tell version of everything let me out open the door [Music] it's once again the Pandaren purposes this is the dominatrix man there she is tied up to the bed watching this man sedusa everybody wants that in life am I being too hard on this movie pun not intended it's the water that's doing it they then go to a club that Massimo owns to do business Laura gets the left alone because you know a rule one of kidnapping give your victims space and she uses the space to seduce another man to get messy Mo's attention [Music] this chain of events makes Massimo so angry that he pulls out two gas in the club there's only one person racing though so the other gap is focused on just some innocent people I'm sorry dude I was just sitting down I don't know why you think that hi I'm part of this she came and started using the pole I've been here with my girlfriend of nine years I don't know you're holding your weapon at me so this was a family-friendly Club I don't know if this is to make him look like a protector he's like I will never let anyone hurt you besides me this is a little swing for that one I was just kidding he actually did murder that guy they then have a fight and go on to the top of the boat and my favorite scene in the movie happens look I'm sorry I didn't think yeah you didn't think you killed him I shot these as I wouldn't have to do it if you didn't just like a horde and put on your little show [Music] again again that is a 10 I'm surprised she didn't do it double backflip somersault into the water Jesus what a dive lady [Music] I'm so grateful that you're alive I can't lose you I don't want him you have tourists [Music] after she gets thrown off a boat Massimo saves up because when things happen her heart kissed so weak and she just sleeps once he wakes up after her baby nap he shows his vulnerable side he just leaves he's like I can't lose you okay bye and then she holds his hand and she's like this is it that's all you need to say spread him baby and she stopped [ __ ] him [ __ ] baby Rhonda anyway Italian Shia LaBeouf is like Rhonda Rhonda we forgot to walk for a month so he leaves her and he's like you go back to Warsaw just chill with your friends we'll catch up with you later so then she meets up with her best friend from the start of the movie that I don't think was in started the movie anyway and they start talking about him once again Katrin to the female demographic by having the female best friend character who agrees and supports you we're almost done with a bottle if I could point you out to a great supporting character it would be the friend and get out throughout the movie Jordan Peele sets him up as the one character with too much sensibility so much so he is the one who makes the save at the end of the phone and that is a great way to portray a supporting character but this goal was not really introduced so she's just randomly coming in for no reason not agrees for him op economy on bronze so transaction to a shiv shankar is phony and sexual fantasy oh man what am I meant to give injections that can't get washed away after some kabocha she explains his characteristics she basically read how the character was written and explained that that is the most abundantly clear pandering I think I've ever seen in my life she said alpha male she said an archetype in the Breakfast Club you know like I'm the nerd busting [Music] another montage but this time it's the best friend montage cuz we have time for this [ __ ] apparently [Music] - another great scene unnecessary to the plot and has no bearing on the final result of the movie Lauda is back at a club somehow Martine sees her he just walks in like she just wasn't missing he's just like Laura this dude has obviously changed he's at a character he's wearing a shirt now that's so much more of an improvement this movie almost almost had a plot line that might have worked he didn't even say that's not true he's like it is true I still love you and instead of her being like damn I've been with you in 10 years instead of saying that she's like I'm gonna puke Laura and Martyn fights clearly the chairs empty but the next shot Massimo appears they're proving my theory that this movie is just one big derivative of Twilight turning into Fifty Shades of Grey turning into polish Fifty Shades of Grey I couldn't even get through that line that's one of the coldest things I've ever seen Martin just sees Massimo and he's like damn this will you [ __ ] I'll see you later bro I don't all right peace I don't I don't know what their relationship I don't know the weights of the situation and I guess that's not important leaving your man for a better man once again a staple Massimo and Lauda then engage in insects this is the moment when she really falls in love with him you know why she rips open Massimo shut and she realizes oh my god he's been shot again apparently in the time that he was gone to do his activities Massimo got shot and managed to heal up in a couple of days that he was gone so not only does he appear and disappear he actually has regeneration abilities what oh what a man he's like I don't need 365 days I love you today and that's how the movie should have ended but unfortunately it's Dolph King going will you marry me yes this movie appeals to every fantasy every fantasy trope that a woman has ever had and again once again I don't mean another thinking person I just mean they just thought like what do women like don't tell me tell me Linda what do women like oh they like marriage ok write that down right there oh sorry story well Toy Story maybe [ __ ] will make in a movie [Music] now they're gone another montage she finally found the perfect man and she wiped him up I'm almost this is I haven't poured one drop down I don't know if it's healthy for us to drink this much water in this short amount of time but since she's getting married Lara then invites Massimo to a wedding so now Massimo meets the parents he already looks like he doesn't want to be there wasn't Massimo one thing I don't want you to tell my parents is what you do for love it because then they might actually know and then I might know Justin blind you glad of you must have a nice to meet you know my mom is asking will Duda for a living I'm a gangster oh he's a gangster and he didn't lie at all this is my favorite reaction of all time I think [Applause] [Music] she had a wedding where there was only one female guest and she threw the bouquet straight to her I'm gonna drink to another [ __ ] trope catching the flowers and then being the next one to get married unfortunately kids we've come to the end of this movie so without further ado the twist ending Lara confesses to her friend that she's pregnant [Music] for trying on the most extra wedding dress I've ever seen in my life as well as also being pregnant by the guy who's a gangsta makes infinite money is possibly a vampire has actually killed for you taking a bullet and survived as well as major ex-boyfriend looked like Diglett from Pokemon Laura calls Massimo to say she misses him and he misses her back great meanwhile Mario gets a call an important one on a crash as long as it takes [Music] this is what they should have fired Mario years ago he just answered the call he's like I see oh they about to kill Laura okay bye the guy on the other end was like hey hey wait wait wait I didn't tell you where I didn't tell you when I didn't tell you why don't you want to know Mario [Music] that's how they in the movie they gunned down louder they should the baby's not coming I guess the best friend just died thank God they don't tell you why they just manufactured conflict out of nothing so they got a bad boy as the lead character who always dresses really well he's tall handsome he has a job that's pretty dangerous so he's kind of a bad boy but he also has a soft vulnerable side he also makes infinite money and can teleport and also I think he's invincible they had the main female protagonist have a deadbeat boyfriend who was pretty ugly and not only was he ugly he also cheated on people so he was a piece of sh he only cared about his job he never put her first the infinite amount of montages of shopping montages and makeover montages and clubbing montages and wedding dress montages how much more bull can you feed a female audience 365 days is an erotic basically fanfiction form that serves no justice to the plot and really honestly takes the audience for dummies it's mass appeal is for females and it has done very well for some reason I can't not admit that and I'm you know all props to them normally when we say movies are bad we think of movies like the room but that movie is so bad it's good and the reason it's like that is because Tommy was the director actor writer and can everything else probably in that film he did it out of love he didn't do it to appeal to a certain demographic he did it because he was into filming that somehow still translated so much so that James Franco eventually picked it up and made the disaster artist which was another great movie this movie on the other hand it had a budget it had a film company a director a writer some actors and it was just just so so cringy and I don't say that would often that's the movie guys I just wanted to say a quick thank you for watching the video it really does mean a lot to me your support is always valued you know if you guys like this then let me know this might be a thing as well cuz I love watching horrible movies until then take care of yourselves I shall see you very soon with the next one and fluff stall this is literally left right and center like it's crazy oh [ __ ] that's hot girl that's hot [Music]
Channel: sixteenleo
Views: 413,223
Rating: 4.9663792 out of 5
Keywords: 365 days, 365 days movie, 365 days film, 365 days netflix, 365 dni, 365 days is horrible, 365 days is weird, 365 days sequel, 365 days songs, 365 days let me explain, 365 days plane, 365 days reaction, 365 days clip, massimo and laura, netflix, the atz show, alex meyers, el james, blanka lipinska, comedy, reaction, commentary, sixteenleo
Id: 5sQlS-pOi9A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 20sec (1880 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 06 2020
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