This is What Happens When Your Standards Are Waaaay Too High... (Preferences people cant change)

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[Music] ah what's up you brain dead babies i am back after that weird stupid beef that didn't need to happen anyway instead of giving that man any more attention because he doesn't deserve it i thought let's do something completely different let's look at something that i know nothing about dating i don't know why i had to self-roast myself anyway so a while ago someone showed me these videos from jubilee jubilee is the place i found my favorite dude keith but i also found two girls whose dating standards are higher than wiz khalifa so i thought it would be really fun to take a look at that i think it's crazy that most of our dating comes through like apps or phone dating it's not as much in real life i've never dropped to my books and then looked up and been like oh my god it's the love of my life it's usually a crusty old librarian like can you not do that every time you come into the library nothing's changed so yeah today i wanted to ask the age-old question are your dating standards too high anyway i did a little chat for your standards are too low to your standards too high too low being breathes if someone breathes oxygen and that's all the requirement it is to love them you're a very good person but also your standards are too low because the only people below this are necrophiliacs i mean like what and let me tell you right now saying that you're a little better from a necrophiliac or something is not a flex and then we got your stand is a little too high and that's if you're looking for someone who looks like brad clooney which is a fusion between brad pitt and george clooney the alternate version of that would be jennifer lopez and jessica alba jennifer alba and even just thinking about that i want to turn around if you want to know my personal two sexiest people it would be mr bean and jennifer lopez which of course would be jennifer lopez body and mr bean's personalities so you'd be watching like jennifer lopez on mr bean like damn she is sexy as hell and then she just does something and she's like ta-do and you're like whoa but before we start i wanted to give a quick shout out to the sponsor of today's video keeps now if you're not new to the channel then you've probably heard about keeps before but if you aren't you did you know that two out of every three guys experience some form of male pattern baldness by the time they're 35 that's the majority of guys it's concerning isn't it if someone ate two-thirds of my sandwich i would be very concerned keeps offers generic versions of the only two fda approved hair loss products out there and they ship it right to you it's really that simple no annoying in-person doctor visits nothing like that prevention is key keeps treatments can take up to four to six months or more to see results so it's important to act fast the sooner you start using keeps the more hair you'll save the best way to prevent hair loss is to do something about it while you still have hair left and you may have 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leave until there's only a few people left they thought this would go well but they picked two of the most detestable people with standards so insanely high that it's like why you got a hot chick coming on on you on your phone yeah yeah that's true do you feel like it's good to be like forthright about what you're looking for absolutely because if he's a scorpio and you don't want a scorpio it's like why waste your time so already from the first 10 to 20 seconds you can see that she's the last cause but we keep watching the video it's like you can't change your star sign how are you gonna predict when you were born you just came out you're like whoa what the [ __ ] is this real life the only thing you need to know about when i'm born is the year that i'm born in okay [Music] so this is already like a cult basically this is what this looks like did i forget to tell you their messaging instead of talking to one another there's a lot of white going on black pants everybody seems to be in unison i don't like that i wish everybody had their own style and then she'd probably come in and be like oh you look dope you're wearing a led zepplin shirt that's dope okay cool wow you guys uh yeah they also created the group chat which is probably the funniest part of this whole video my favorite dude is rafael bono i don't know if his name is bono but i'm gonna call him bono and he said hello dolly uh i mean angela good stuff he's got mad game and by game i mean not mad game [Music] want to go on a datey date see just just from that i would walk out the studio and the city and just find another city to live in a datey date when i have sexy sex like oh what we do wow look at the innuendo on rafael over there i love to eat dates that is either very innocent or like the most sexual thing ever or both i'm not gonna lie raphael that photo is not doing you any good that is not the best depiction of you should have definitely held the camera a little further back like if you're a scorpio like i'm not even into astrology either well you clearly [ __ ] are if you're gonna talk about horoscopes as a dating preference what i'm not even into eating if you a scorpio go away so that was it that was it if you're born in like november go away and you know what i just had another idea so now there's another line from not stupid to stupid i would say this is one of the stupidest reasons not to date someone and i'm going to put it very high up on the list horoscope call me walter white because i've got a strong case of cancer raphael you need to shut the [ __ ] up bro [Music] what was that chirp what sure sure is that a human reaction or if someone did that in the doctor's office i'd be like sure see that person immediately i definitely do need to date somebody who's like down for vegan food once in a while all the time [ __ ] hell i didn't even know this video had anything to do with that you know what i think i have someone for you he's a beautiful beautiful man i think he's like 30 years old he lives in his chair i think and he likes to gain a lot of popularity by hating on people you might really like him i don't know if he's a scorpio but he definitely stings [Music] look at his face this guy looked like he'd been through [ __ ] shell shock vietnam war and world war ii combined he read that he's like [Music] okay so diet i think diet is somewhere in the middle i don't think it's the worst thing to you know to want someone to share a similar diet but i really don't personally think it's a big deal i think it's neither here nor there honestly really everyone's downing vegan food if anyone's not down to eat vegan food i'm sorry ma'am are you a truck backing up into someone can you just not do that sure sure sure sure sure people are like in the park like what the [ __ ] is that a big bud what is what is that nope it's just angie again chirping away wait do we have swipe on our phones she said if you're not down to have sex in the beach leave uh raphael just hit her back straight away dtf anywhere anytime raf come on raphael how is one man sound desperate clingy and overbearing at the same time and i've never met him raf can you calm down play it cool be like yeah man i like the cool breeze against my nut sack make some beach sex puns like i'll rub your coconuts together come on raph i hope she gets with raph i i would really want to see him talk at the end of this yeah okay when it comes to intimacy and stuff that one is very plausible and i think that's uh important that both people get it right i don't think that's stupid at all i think that's probably one of the more reasonable things that she said so cool really everyone really everyone really everyone i am wait anything do it [Music] yo that's a genuine dude right there he's like listen man i already have crabs and i got crabs one so i'm not doing it again baby this is oval you know i really do love brown eyes like i'm gonna start there i like brown hair and brown eyes fellas if you don't have die see ya sorry not sorry and just like that she raised everyone [Music] this counts this doesn't count i think so oh that was so awkward what the hell he looked at her he was like am i out can you not just make an exception for this one man oh my god woman that's how much you like black hair and brown eyes what this dude might dye his hair one day like get out of my house get the [ __ ] out of my house not i didn't even know your name i was gonna call you martin your name matthew get out of my house i didn't even recognize you when you changed your haircut man when you married me you had black hair now you died you had a blonde and i hate you i hate you i hate the kids i hate everybody oh i'm so sorry martin i didn't know there was a wig and this is halloween i love you again bro somebody told a [ __ ] hilarious joke in the chat bro look at matt fernandez i don't vote matt is really laughing his ass off bro yeah i'd prefer somebody who is not religious [Music] if you're religious please um don't be and excuse yourself um okay well this one is something i don't usually get into personally i do not care i think it's actually cool if someone has a different perspective i guess i'm really in no position to make that judgment call off whether it's important or not so i'm just gonna put that in the middle right there be like domestic partners that's a legal term no marriage no kids honestly no cats either i do want a house with a backyard to grow some strawberries so you don't want to get married you don't want to have kids or cats so just you your man and a dog forever nice you sound like a real catch uh and you know what she did that thing she asked the question and it's gonna backfire she said who wants to get married eventually and everyone who says yes she's gonna be like leave she did them so dirty on this question like i don't get that beyonce song by putting the ring on it who's jazzy who's jazzy and beyonce [Music] and what about kids do you watch teletubbies do you watch sesame street she's like having a stroke every time she talks look i'm not telling people how to live their life and stuff but we were all kids once too they're so adorable and beautiful and innocent i don't know i think it's pretty cool but whatever [Music] oh she said welp you know when people say welp that they mean business you gotta prepare your ass for that beatdown that you're gonna get oh leo have you heard about your crush angela yeah welp [ __ ] i guess she's married huh oh leo remember how i said you won the lotto yesterday welp ah yeah i guess i gotta sell the lamborghini that i bought on credit huh that is the scariest four letters to read in a text ever [Music] joseph haynes was right why do i feel like we about to get the thanos snap because you are [Music] this dude actually [ __ ] rolled out of he actually did it autobots roll out that's that those were all my questions [Music] he seemed like he was sad to win like i just think like i know what i want why not say it to manifest it you're too young and it's like okay cool i have no control over that or like you smoke too much weed it's like well i have control over that but [ __ ] you i'm not gonna i do agree with like knowing what you want and you have to be somewhere in the middle at least with the standards thing i don't think anybody should ever settle for someone i think that you should definitely have your standards up but at the same time you don't understand that there are seven billion people in the world and you cannot possibly predict which one of them you're gonna love it's the most beautiful thing to not know because when you do find it you just have that feeling and there's nothing else like it you'll know i'm telling you how do i know i don't i [ __ ] so sad every day um can i type it because i don't know what it is so what's your number um six four eight six ten five 132 bro yeah type that in your phone call me later bye bye i never seen a dude so reluctant to give a woman his phone number before i do have one more goal to look at with you guys and let's go she's the bee's knees baby she is the actual worst person are you hoping to find a match today yeah yeah you know what i feel like maybe you should treat a first date a little more like an interview you can't answer things with yeah i mean i'm hoping not to continue this pattern of very very bad men well i mean you found them so says more about you than them but anyway so this is tiffany let's just say she has a high opinion about herself oh my god oh my god oh my god did you see who was there it was your boy raphael bono he's back [Music] oh there he is there's my boy raphael bono looking good that's a nice face raph that's exactly the same dp i told you to change it but you didn't let's see how far it gets you that's insulting would anyone not date me uh yeah yeah all right uh taxi i don't even know what a taxi is uber [Music] this guy saw that guy leave he's like yes i also want to break out of shawshank prison i can see that this is trouble i'm gonna see you later all right bye bye i love to dance so i don't like it when i'm with somebody who's a total debbie downer or boring and just kind of stands there and doesn't want to dance i like to party why do i keep finding bad guys huh i like to party yeah as i was saying i keep finding like horrible guys every time i'm on the dance floor like grinding my ass into someone i'm like oh can you please keep it to yourself can you can you keep it in your pants okay just because i like grinding on people doesn't mean i like getting ground on okay oh there's the other problem i drink a lot i like to party and then i like to drink get shit-faced grind up on everybody like a [ __ ] pole and and then i would ideally i would like an accountant or someone who is just very nice who do you think you're going to meet if all you like to do is party and drink do you think you're just going to find a philosopher in between the crowd like oh my god all i see is beats in this club and i wish i could beat time that's the only thing that seems to get the better of me oh yes you like dancing don't you yes as i was saying time time is a man-made construct if we're at a club or bar and you're just the type to not dance and just stand there please go stand somewhere outside of the circle i can see where she's coming from although if my partner didn't dance i wouldn't have a problem with it want someone open-minded but not a freak so you shouldn't be into feet but you know a little choking's a little fun well you know oh so you want them to be open-minded but only to what you like so choking is fine but if this poor dude likes peace then that's a problem he can't can't like feet but if he wants to murder you that's dope yeah don't look at my feet don't stop ew disgusting that's mean [Music] also raphael bono comes in with the timely response i think having sex the same way all of the time will get boring by the third time it happens which leads me to believe one very sad fact that i probably thought was true raphael bono probably has not had much of the sex because he said i think my boy raphael i'm rooting for you you shouldn't have said that in text we should just make a chat for all the things raphael bono should never have said and it would just fill this paper so they need to be i think at least five eleven but i prefer like six feet tall all right so this is the um pivotal thing it's always sad when a girl looks at you and she's like you're so cute but i like people who are tall talk that's always sad to hear because it's like you can't change the height you wear and it doesn't go the opposite way it's not like guys have the option you know sometimes a guy might be stupid enough to be like i don't like your boobs they're too flat or something and then women have that option i guess to get their breasts done men don't have the option to grow in size if a girl looked at me and she's like yeah you're pretty cute but you're not like six foot eight i'd be like bro what do you want me to inject myself with stilts if you have a certain dress style and someone doesn't like that that's more of a preference because you can and do have the ability to change it if suddenly she's like i'm into bikers now then you can start wearing a helmet if you want to have sex with her all i have to say is if a girl tells you to grow in size you should tell that goal to grow in maturity because we're past that stage okay [Music] matt already knows what's up she said i'm five six so she's gonna like guys who are like 10 12 inches taller than her oh no no no stay nice [Music] so just anyone who's an average height is just like out of her radar that's why you're single imagine not dating someone because of how tall they are like they could have the best personality the nicest face everything else but they're not tall enough for you bro this girl's ego must be six foot five or something because that is such a weird thing to say isn't it i think it's stupid i'm gonna put it down as stupid in saying that if you're a girl who's like 6'3 and is like i'd like a guy who's a 6'5 it makes a lot more sense than a girl who's like 5'2 and being like i only date people who are 6'6 and above i um would not want to be with somebody who wants kids within seven years i love kids i've been in on since i was 10 so i'm like a natural around babies and kids well that's not what a kid is you jackass if you're an aunt it means that the kid goes home to their actual parents it doesn't mean you're great with kids it means you're great for the time that the kids are there with them there's a huge difference i want to really just share a love with somebody i think you should be mentally stable as well financially stable because you're going to be responsible for shaping their future i do agree not the seven years specifically i don't know why she needed a specific time frame for that but i definitely do agree that it should be something that you're mentally capable physically capable and monetarily capable of handling [Music] oh this is the stupidest one watch this you know what i have a younger brother and anybody younger than me i just automatically think of my brother so she said that she said that yeah like they could be the hottest person in the room and if they tell me they're even a month younger than me i'm just like oh i just see my brother and it's like if they're even a month younger i'm like ugh they could be like so sexy if they're even a month younger than me i'm like you're like my brother why would i want to have sex with my brother oh my god you were sexy before i knew how old you were they're like in the bed and stuff and she's like how old are you i'm 26. okay me too okay but like what month were you born uh july okay me too but like what day up 24th why why do you keep asking these questions uh 24th me too that's so crazy what time of the day or night were you born i don't know what what does this have to do with anything well like you know if you were born uh before me even like 10 seconds then you're like technically my brother and this is like this is like incest basically they're even a month younger than me i'm just like oh i just see my brother and it's like i would not date my brother you have to specify that huh would would definitely not date my brother i thought about it you know he's not bad honestly um but he's too young for me that's the problem i don't care that he's my brother but he's like too young for me 26 in july i'm 21 raf 20 but my friends say i'm mentally 25 raph i'm not your friend and i say physically you look 38. oh i don't know 20 okay 24 almost 25 25 i'm gonna die alone bye everyone yeah i'ma put ageism as the stupidest thing on this list i put down ageism and then in brackets brother because i think that explanation to go along with the explanation is just as bad like if you just have a preference and you don't like dating people younger or older i wouldn't put that as the most stupid thing i i guess that's your preference but her reasoning behind it is possibly one of the stupidest things i've heard in a long time bro there should be going to date someone who's older than me and then i'm like oh my god you remind me of my grandma and she's like oh i'm 26 so i'm like oh oh no why is anyone younger reminding you of your family member what kind of weird thing is that he's absolutely 100 right he had the right to say that you're going to be single for a long time sounds rude no no it wasn't everything you said in this video was pretty rude he was just responding today i learned that uh my criteria is not i guess easy as i thought it was these are values and things that i don't want to bend and change right now can i recap your criteria to you so your criteria is a guy who dances at a bar with you and is not a downer who chokes you during intimacy but is not into feet at all he also has to be six foot and above but also doesn't want to have kids within the next seven years but also has to be older than you because if he's younger than you then he'll remind you of your brother so that's your criteria what you're looking for is probably a whale because whales are definitely over six foot lots of them are like thousands of years old which i think is older than your brother i think they have great rhythm and they have a lot of sperm but no kids so i used to really beat myself up in my past relationships after they ended because i felt like i wasn't good enough you shouldn't have to bend your values and what you want to please somebody else so that's the final point again that i wanted to make is that of course you should never have to settle for someone but at the same time i think that any normal decent human being will be open to things i think there's a huge difference between having preferences that people can control and preferences that people can't control skin color height eye color not things you can change so if you're looking for certain things like that maybe you deserve a person who's also looking for only those things and i hope that people aren't exactly like her because if this is what dating is like i can you can see why i don't do it so to recap quickly preferences that are not so bad are like intimacy or diet and possibly religion and things that are really stupid uh heights horoscope and ageism when you're relating it to your brother i think the only thing that i've learned today is not to go on jubilee to try and date someone that might be the only lesson i can take from this anyway guys that is the video thank you so much for tuning in to watch i just want to say thank you again for sticking with me through everything and i will see you very soon on the next one all right fluffs what did you think about the situation she ain't gonna do no porno you know what i mean so if i were to see her topless or whatever [Music] cause
Channel: sixteenleo
Views: 229,895
Rating: 4.9151168 out of 5
Keywords: jubilee, dating, dating advice, relationship advice, funny, humor 2021, sixteenleo, dating funny
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 55sec (1615 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 15 2021
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