REAL Life 40 Year Old Virgin Tries Using Klondike Bar to Get A Kiss (CREEPY)

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so someone told me about this dude skipper the real 40 year old virgin and i was like man that's not like the movie it cannot be that bad uh then i looked at him and it was way worse let's say i buy you a con a klondike bar and it's like super tasty would you kiss a guy for a klondike bar okay this is a little cringe so what how long since your last relationship over a year ago you had like a two to five year relationship didn't you oh my god fives yeah who wants it who wants a hug or a kiss it's all about the five right [Music] oh my god the cringe is turning me into a southern person [Music] as far as i know this dude is on a kissing rampage trying to give all the girls the smoochies and wuchis that he wants to and he does not care how he gets it so i am here to say skip it stop you better stop stealing kisses from woman you'd know damn well that's prank invasions job [Music] and i think that dude has been deceased for a very long time what's up guys it's me leo and uh i don't know if you've noticed i can't fully open my mouth properly yes i still look a little bit like a chipmunk just a little quick update on me this is my first video post wisdom teeth removal to any of you who have been on my instagram you would have seen that i actually also got cvs the same day and that has been a nightmare to recover from so i'm still pretty low energy and i cannot fully move my mouth but at the same time i can't just sit there and do nothing what am i gonna do fondle my ass cheeks for seven days on the bed that's not fun before we start the video i just want to quickly apologize if some of the words are a little slurred but i also really do miss you guys so i could not film so bear with me if you can uh while you're at it smash that subscribe button i'm not asking i'm telling you you know why because look at my face i'm doing this for you if you want to know like more of the behind the scenes personal stuff then do follow me at 16 or underscore if you want to you can i was just sitting there being bored trying to do this the whole time and then like another fever dream i discovered skipper the 40 year old virgin now i just want to go on record and say there is nothing wrong with being a virgin at any age the problem is that he wants to get laid you know how people are like oh that's that's marriage material right there well this is some sort of like cloth that is not applicable to the situation he's not he's made of the wrong material it's not marriage material as i was watching this dude he reminded me so much of another ball figured man you know who i'm talking about big ed himself and the worst part of this comparison is that big ed is at least still on a reality show the video that i'm talking about today is on skippy's personal channel this is his real life so let's take a look step one when getting ready for a date clean out the car um i deliver pizzas in it so i've gotta make sure that uh it's clean and free of uh pizza smell well actually the first step one to a real date should be not to film it skippy films his dates and the women don't seem to know until they get in the car skippy used to be on a show called the virgin diaries and he isn't on it anymore i don't know if he wants to be a reality television star or something but honestly especially with the first date i really don't think you should be filming someone stop filming the first dates that way you could get to know the person and if they have a good repertoire with you maybe they'll be more open on the second one so i've gotta make sure that uh it's clean and free of uh pizza smell pizza smell smell pizza smell why does this look like a image from a [ __ ] crime documentary scott jessup also known as skippy was a domino's pizza delivery man most of his toppings were mozzarella cheese but today his topping was death okay so uh i'm skippy um her name is deanna hello diana uh i'm gonna hand you the um am i going this way and we're going for the matter which way got them jelly hands he's really nervous for the day he's like hi nice to meet you my name's skippy sorry can you just shake it please uh for starters let's go with how did we meet i don't really remember i don't really let's make up a story we were at utah lake that's what it was swimming yeah cause i'm i'm known to go places and take off my shirt well i was swimming i also want to make it clear that this dude is clearly trying he's putting himself out there and there's nothing wrong with getting rejected you shouldn't ever feel bad for trying but it's the way that he goes about it that turns his chances from this into this so he's got that first part right he's getting them to say yes to the date but he's working his way into the friend zone it's like when you message a friend and they're like five minutes away then you message them 10 minutes later and they're like oh i'm 15 minutes away it's like how did you get further away in more time how did you do that shark attack yes well i saw a fin yeah and and i got scared and i didn't know what to do red norman you get that do you even get that joke greg norman is the golfer who is uh called the shark anyways yeah okay skippy you don't need to tell me who greg nobel is i know exactly who that is okay so don't worry i know all about golf and golfers name two golfers tiger woods hi girl forrest i don't know i am shining on your fight here oh it's okay i think uh of the two of us you're the one that people would want to see because i'm i'm known to go places and take off my shirt well i was swimming i think confidence is another thing that's underrated when going on dates and uh you get it misconstrued with cockiness confidence is just being okay with who you are when you do things like yeah you know i'm not good looking or why would anybody want to see me without my shirt like then when you're on the date the girl is like yeah if you don't even like yourself why would i like you i'm not saying that you should be like i'm the hottest [ __ ] in the world i'm just saying you should be okay with who you are because there's nothing wrong with it then skippy plays a quick game of fast facts you probably should play turn the camera off and talk to her like a human but hey whatever game works for you buddy fast facts about you you are utah uh do you care if i ask you what year you graduate or a lady never tells her age never mind uh fast fact number three you drive but what kind of car mazda do you get a sense that it's a boy or a girl i think most monsters are boys have you ever asked that on a first date you and this fine ass woman sitting down and you look at her and you're like you look so beautiful but something has been on my mind is your car a boy or a girl huh i need to know is that exhaust pipe a vagina or a dick what is it alice i am dead [ __ ] serious is your car's belly button in any or an audi does your car have any piercings does your car like spare ribs or is it a vegetarian does your car have gas or just constipation no but seriously what kind of petrol does it take what an obscure question to ask skippy really needs to have better questioning on that first date what was the street you grew up on wait are you getting credit card information are you trying to break into my credit card these are those questions they asked what is it like i just made that up what is your porn star name oh my god what is wrong with you man okay alice uh one more question what is your porn star name no i'm i'm serious i'm serious alice alice alice seriously i need to know the stuff i'm going to write down cinnabuns the street that you grew up on and you're right is that how you do porn star names the street that you used to live on and your favorite color so my porn star name is black havana oh that actually that doesn't sound bad do you know who childish gambino is he's a musician uh he's an actor named lover but he goes by uh the rap his uh rap name is childish gambino dude skippy you don't need to tell me who chinese gambler is bro i know exactly who that is i know who this this is danny glover's father the way he got his rap name was he went to the wu-tang clan generator name generator did you ever think you were going to see the whitest mormon from utah talk about childish gambino and how he got his name i've got to give skippy some bowler points right here i have no idea why he can't just initiate a normal conversation it went from porn star name to her rap name but uh childish gambino is the name that donald glover put into a wu-tang uh name generator and that's what came up let me put my name in there and see what happens okay cool my name is stylist violent i prefer stylish violin actually but okay we're doing it right now pause we put in my name and it came up with what 62nd and jesus 62nd jesus that sounds like the first time skippy has sex is what his wife will say 60 seconds jesus well wu-tang never lies anyway on their first date skippy decides that he's going to take diana uh to a comedy show which is pretty good let's uh say what it is we're gonna go do we are going to a comedy show comedy show if you ever saw whose line is it anyways guys a guy named jeff b davis my personal uh favorite thing that he's been in was his groups oh my god i mean it's really nice that i'm learning the whole history of whose line is it anyway that is something that i've definitely i was on my bucket list now it's on my [ __ ] list but you know what i'm gonna put down skippy let her talk i'm gonna share some unwarranted advice with you skippy one thing that i've learned the hard way is that you have to pay attention i think listening is a very underrated skill in life because a lot of people pretend to listen but they don't really hear what the [ __ ] is coming out of other people's mouths i know you guys are on a date but don't you think it would benefit you to listen to what she likes in case you go on a second one you'll know maybe talk about yourself less especially on a first date so i've got some uh fun gifts for them they're all getting a skippy whistle a uh no sex for you bracelet skippy stickers stop self-promoting stop what the hell did you just say a skippy whistle anti-sex bracelet have you heard about the anti-sex necklace they used to have in the 2000s it's called a puka shell necklace as soon as you put it on you become a virgin again a little skippy pack in there skippy is my friend i love skippy hey thanks to skippy i didn't get whistle oh no sense for you bracelet some skippy uh some skippy stickers why do you have gifts like that why did you call them skippy gifts stop being self-promotional big ed does that and it never works let's see what do you want to be when you grow up happy hi alice thank you so much for agreeing to sit down again what would you like to be when you grow up even though you're already 35. oh happy well that trip has sale what do you prefer what stuff or footstuff yeah alice alice ah i'm gonna put down butt stuff yeah lean in the skippy because i carry skippy whistles in my car that's the only thing getting blown in that car sorry i had to say it but really come on why do you have whistle in your car you only keep things in your car to prepare for stuff that's going to happen that's why we have spare tires in your car because maybe one day you'll have a flat tire and you'll need to change it you don't keep things in your car that don't need to be in your car i don't keep a watermelon in my car in case i'm like whoa it's 2 30 already time for a watermelon i don't do that that's not a thing on a first date you're telling a woman that that you have one in your car i'm writing that down i'm not saying that it's bad to have an r whistle i'm just saying you're hanging it off the dashboard off your car as if people need to blow into that woman that get into your car shouldn't feel the need to even have to use that as an option what now i want you to remember this next part because it'll come up at the end of the video and i hope you invested enough to watch till the end skippy goes on this rant about a klondike bar and if you're not american a klondike bar is a piece of trash wrapped in some garbage and they tried to pawn it off as ice cream it tastes like someone hurt you and i don't know why people eat that thing but they seem to like it skippy finds out that diana has never had a klondike bar and for some reason skippy thinks that if he holds a klondike bar and presents it to a girl that hasn't tasted a klondike bar she will do something for a klondike bar what's the wildest thing you would do for a conduct bar climb into a fountain it's up to you because we're buying her a klondike bar tonight so you can already see how scummy this dude is becoming before they even get to the show baby my name's skippy but i need you to talk a bit slower you tell me everything you do for a klondike bar and i'ma do that [ __ ] to you i'm skippy one of the sexiest [ __ ] in the planet hey what would you do for clown nightbot tell me the sexiest thing you do for a conduct ball please but if it's delicious then yeah what wouldn't you do for a contact bar yeah lip oh my god and in skippy's mind he's like i can turn this woman into a personal hooker of mine if i give her a klondike bar what is wrong with you and you don't even have to see his head processing it because he does this when he's thinking what what can a woman do for a klondike bar he just wants to give people the kissies let's say i buy you a con a klondike bar and it's like super tasty would you kiss a guy for a klondike bar i'm sorry let's drop the [ __ ] pretenses i didn't know he was actually gonna just say it in the car this is so awkward i'm surprised deanna didn't say that oh her profession is that she's a stuntman and then jump out the car and take her chances on the freeway i don't know i haven't had one so i can't [Music] as the story progresses but this is the moment when he had the idea of oh a klondike bar equals a kiss and it just never leaves his mind from this point and as the date goes on skippy seems to get more desperate and i don't i care i feel like james corden yeah you [ __ ] look like james corden too i'm sorry sorry seriously this is like high school musical except it's only the teachers thing so they couldn't film the whose line is it anyway show this is them after the show and this is the second video where he films the second part of his date and gets progressively worse it starts off with skippy's famous yeah rampage he now follows me on instagram yeah yeah i follow him my instagram friends yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah [Music] yeah insta friends yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah this man's mind is so focused on getting the kissy whissies from the girls that he is not even processing what she's saying she could be telling him anything she could be like my grandma died he'd be like yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah skippy i'm serious she just died grandma klondike bar what would you do for one that's free association baby kiss me i'll uh follow you back like i don't do that no you just did it because this is definitely different i think i speak for most guys that when uh an attractive girl says follow me i'll follow you back you go yeah absolutely absolutely kind of thing no no i you don't speak for most guys and you certainly don't speak for me i think 90 of the time if you follow back that hot girl who wanted you to follow them uh you're going to end up on catfish with neve campbell because it's a 36 year old taiwanese man trying to get your money i'm telling you right now next year skippy's going to be on catfish being like oh man i met this hot hot latina girl and i got freaked out because i sent her a dick pic and she sent me one back i was like whoa up so here's another dating tip for anybody out there who needs to know probably not the best thing to talk about your exes or bring up other people's exes on the first date uh i wouldn't recommend it unless you're a pro at conversation i don't know when was the last uh how long since your last relationship over a year ago how long is the longest relationship you you had like a a two to five year relationship didn't you something like that yeah yeah nice hey alice thank you so much for listening on the phone to me cry for eight hours and agreeing to the second date i just wanted to know why did your ex cheat on you then leave you for your best friend are you crying tears of joy and just to follow up how big was your ex's penis and will i be scared to show you mine alice alice she's going the opposite way wow it's not first date conversation you know just like you wouldn't talk about marriage on the first date don't scare people stop i think i've had technically three girlfriends my entire life kind of thing and i've made out with i want to say i think it's 49 is the main out was 49 girls yeah i would like ask girls on dates and uh if they would kiss i was like oh yeah i like doing this okay well how about don't tell people that okay those are some big numbers skippy those are some frat boy numbers or some fat boy numbers i don't know which one it is [ __ ] i don't know if i want to make out 49 goals i'd rather make out with one really good goal 49 times but all right whatever stop bragging though don't brag to your date about how many other women that you've been kissing up on i'm not saying don't be open but you're bragging about it to your date yeah my name's skippy i had three girlfriends 49 makeout sessions and zero sex you do the math that's mormon baby skippy and deanna proceed to get drinks and he thinks this is the perfect opportunity to take out his personalized skippy gifts and show it to her i said to her i have a thank you gift for you and i hinted i could give it to you on a date if we went on one and she's like oh i'm busy but i still wanted to give her the gift and so her last name is watson and so i thought it would be funny to call her wonder watson in the text and so i've got a wonder woman oh nice nice nice nice my friend's last name is wang i call him king wong sometimes because he looks like a [ __ ] gorilla what stupid-ass stretch is that her name is wanda watson and i thought that was like wonder woman her name is celeste so i got one of these stepbrother pornos because it's incest i mean you know what i'm talking about i got a justice league meaning i'm superhero pajamas thank you for going on a date with me yet but what is she going to grade three tomorrow why you get her these weird gifts bro why you don't just get her the gift that all skippy dates need to go home so anyway after drinks they decide to go home and skippy realizes that he hasn't been kissed yet and she hasn't really made her move on him and he gets desperate so sometimes uh people ask me like hey skippy are you still a virgin nobody can ask you that nobody asks you that the only person that asks you that is family members when they're drunk give me you still a virgin yes grandpa yes i am stop ridiculing me your name is not skippy your name is scott scott is a dope name skippy not as cool i'm sorry skippy but i don't see that many girls going to bed with you being like oh skippy give it to me skippy your last name i think is jessup it's on your channel i didn't look it up so you could call yourself scotty j bro stop with the skippy are you the title of the video oh yeah are you tonight big secret i'm yeah we didn't have sex oh did you ever you were there we didn't have sex earlier you were you were conscious for the whole day right that hulked my cheeks so bad i forgot that i had surgery he's causing me physical and mental anguish at this point skippy stop making jokes about roofing people i shouldn't normally have to ask this but can you uh let people know i didn't roofie you once not even once tonight oh my god he actually said it what the hell the difference between you and r kelly is one of you all can sing on a scale of one to ten uh how do you think the date went good on a scale of one to ten it went good so at three then cause that's the thing we need to talk about if a girl wanted to do things with you if a girl was into you she would do them right there's no secret to like unlocking a specific part in a girl's brain where she's like i don't like you at all oh now you are sexy if she was into you she'd be into you do you think another date is uh a possibility of this let the comments decide okay first okay but there's no way that people like me enough for them to they're all the comments are gonna say don't do it all the comments are gonna tell you not to do it so um skippy she said let the comments decide let them decide open the door let her go home date over right wrong you're gonna watch a man grovel now i i think we should uh if we're nothing else okay we'll let the comments decide well my answer to you is yes i would love to go on a date with you if you're asking and if you're not i definitely will be asking uh for a second but we'll see comments something like that but she didn't ask that's so vague and unspecific but uh i love it that's that's good um fives yeah who wants it who wants a hug or a kiss it's all about the five right this man is so passive aggressive let the comments decide that's so so vague and so stupid i love it i love it i suppose you're gonna go into your house and just take the gifts that i gave you and not give me anything back i love that i love that that is so great and we didn't we never had klondike bars we didn't son of a gun blew that one there are so many reasons to have a second date this is the cringiest [ __ ] i think i've ever seen in my life he like diverted that somehow back into the second date she was talking about something completely unrelated he was like yeah so many reasons to have another date again she could have been talking about anything you know there's a global warming crisis going on yeah yeah it's certainly hot you know it'd be harder you on a second date you know what sucks bill cosby yeah bill cosby sucks you know what sucks even more you on a second date note to self as i'm sitting here with her shut up well if you know you need to shut up why don't you have you ever had a friend who's like i'm constipated and then just walked off and did nothing about it it's like bro do something about it don't tell me i don't care i can't help you with that you need to do that and that's the end that's the end stand i adore you adios oh i adore you this is the second super villain original story that we've had we've had big ed getting friend zoned and now we have skippy turning into a villain because he hasn't got kissed and you know what villain he is the dude from the incredibles that's the same dude so yeah i assume all of you guys are in a cringe coma at this point in time but you need to wake up remember i told you about that klondike bar moment and i said at the end of the video um it was gonna matter the time has come skippy has not forgotten that a klondike bar in his mind would somehow get diana to kiss him so he invites her to come to his house after work because he's getting that kiss one way or another so uh i just got done with work and i uh swung by uh to pick up some groceries after work you should maybe swing by the shower and change your clothes okay just like that skippy you have now made the worst domino's ad in history this dude works at domino's if you aggravate him on the wrong day he's gonna turn that domino's pizza into a destructo disc and people are going to start running out their store uh these are klondike bars you don't have to if you don't want to this is a surprise visit yeah no i gave her zero notice in fact i spent the majority of the day uh sending her messages saying i don't get why you don't like me it's because you do [ __ ] like that we're not in high school anymore we don't need these answers nobody deserves closure nobody owes anybody anything if a girl doesn't like you she doesn't skippy i hate to be a broken record but as my friends have told me there's plenty of fish in the sea to which i always reply what the [ __ ] are we talking about fish for i said i broke up with my ex i don't want to eat to which they say it's a metaphor you idiot and i'm like can i have sex with that nope but i guess i could with my ex so i guess we're in the same boat oh is that why we're going fishing for some new fish in the sea that makes sense that's why i don't have friends so like i know that we're gonna be friends for forever i just have a crush on you and i cannot get her to reply back in any form whatsoever of do you even like me a little bit back which is probably a pretty good indication that she doesn't dude skippy she's right there what why are you talking about her like she's not right there what y'all skip still pretends like she's not there he sits on the step and pretends like she doesn't exist dude when you put that domino shirt on just because you're invisible to women it doesn't mean they're invisible to you as a peace offering for um having messaged her like four times today do you like me check yes or no uh that i would bring by the klondike bar how does that work if she said no the first time what more is there do you like me she takes no are you sure no you sure and i don't know if you saw diana during this but she didn't say four she mimed 400 and at this point i don't even think that's an exaggeration i'll believe it oh you're having one too right oh yeah i'm i'm definitely uh i'm just uh oh yeah i like how you didn't even pretend with that one oh you're having one too yeah i'm fat what am i having one this is a six pack i'm having five you're having one i'm fat baby so then is the worst part of the video skippy realizes that she's not gonna kiss him this artificially flavored vanilla light ice cream in a milk chocolate he's doing that thing from the start of the video again she doesn't want this to happen so skippy starts doing the kissing war chart that he normally does and deanna does not seem to care then he does this indiana what would you do for a klondike bar our milk and cream there's no real seal on it it's not a real dairy product that was the first decision that was the first kiss we've ever shared and even then it would help force because it was dude because you pretty much forced yourself on people and you shouldn't do that don't force yourself on people yeah i pre-wrote it you didn't even see that did you that's how much i hate this pot you can't do that people have boundaries if they don't want to be touched don't touch them if they don't want to be kissed don't kiss them it's not just goals it's guys too just respect people's boundaries if they say no they mean no it's a very slimy moment for skippy like skippy ignored everything to get what he wanted in this video and that's the shitty part of it he called deanna there and she didn't even know why she was coming over he messaged her all day saying why don't you like me he then messaged her saying check if you really like me she still came over being a good friend he gave out klondike bar and when she didn't want to kiss him he moved in and took it anyway skippy you gotta rethink that one there is one more part of the video and it happens to be the worst of all can we try it for real all right guys we did it can we try it for real let me revisit the skippy stop chart and tell you what you need to do you need to stop filming your first dates bro stop uh you need to talk less and listen more stop self promo just stop it like every date a r whistle don't put that in your car don't bring up ex relationships on the first date who are you jesus stop bragging about how many people you made out with who are you jesus what the hell didn't i just say that change your name like i said scotty j great name and the last thing don't force yourself on people self-explanatory don't do it skippy wants to get married but he doesn't want to get married to just anyone because marriage is this crazy sanction i get it skippy i feel that way too but i kind of feel bad and i hope you find that partner of your dreams that's why i had this thought two minutes ago why don't i sing you a wedding song i know you're not married right now and i don't even know who it's to but we'll leave that pot open [Music] hi everybody it's me i'm the wedding sanger today um i'm gonna sing a special song for skippy or scotty j this is one of my favorite songs ever it's a karaoke version made famous by this dude called leandro ridley what's leanne rhymes sorry about that song is called how do i live how do i live just quick fact i actually looked up the meaning of the song it is not about a serial killer i don't know why i decided to sing when i can't even move my mouth it hurts so much thank you so much for watching this video um that is me for the day i think i'm just gonna take painkillers and pass the hell out uh i really appreciate you guys so much for watching this video i had a lot of fun doing it love you big babies okay fluffs take it away oh you dunk me in the water and my penis ain't coming back wait do you still go to [Music] and if church ever go how do i ever
Channel: sixteenleo
Views: 659,310
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: skippy the virgin cringe, skippy aba and preach, skippy jamari, skippy jamari interview, jamari skippy h3h3, skippy virgin, skippy cringe, skippy date, skippy awkward, skippy funny, sixteenleo, comedy, family friendly, cringe, commentary, satire
Id: FgiX0sBVvVE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 9sec (1869 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 17 2021
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