Family Youtuber Myka Stauffer REHOMES Adopted Son Huxley (For Finding Him Hard to Deal With)

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/MaddyDaBoss000 📅︎︎ Jun 10 2020 🗫︎ replies
hey guys welcome back to my channel today I have a special guest with my husband on board he's really bad looking like he's like nipped people when like he's worried or anxious it's not appropriate to their son huxley we went through the gamut I'm a big softy night I think I would get too attached to a little one from like the day they were born to say ten months and then having to give that data to Britt another which is awesome that happens but for me personally [Music] have you ever bought something and then after a couple days went mmm I don't like this then took him back to the store and returned it and and the guy was like so you can't return these underwear you clearly took a [ __ ] in it you're like well I thought they were diapers and the guy was like they're Calvin Klein's this is that situation a family with biological kids adopts a Chinese son who has autism then after a few years decides to rehome him because it's too hard for them you don't get to return kids not after three years hi I'm 16 Leo I realize I came in hot there but this is a this already got me annoyed if you don't know me here's some things about me I'm brown alright now that you know me subscribe because we're trying to hit a million by the end of 2020 if you haven't already by the way follow me on Instagram by the end of this week hopefully I'll be able to announce the little surprise I have I think it's pretty cool but I'll wait till the end of the week to say it my Instagram is s16 leo underscore you'll find me I'm the guy with the face I just want to say quickly I hope everybody that is watching this is safe please take care of yourselves and thank you for watching long story short they decided one day I'm a Doppler Chinese boy adopt one with autism cuz I want to look like the real hero of the situation the only problem is they dropkick their son into a new home after a couple of years after monetizing the videos about his journey after getting a lot of sponsorships and brand deals I don't think that's how Parenthood walks today I wanted to take a look at the apology video as well as a couple other supplementary things let's take a look at the initial adoption video there has been something that we have been hidin for about a month and we're really just so blessed and so excited to show you guys oh by the way the game today there's no game I'm a grown man okay I'm not a baby I'm not a big fat butt cut baby anymore I can't play these stupid dirty games anymore I decided to become a baby daddy who's the mother you tell me why is she still in the box in case I want to return her nah I'm kidding I would never do that Rosalina sanchez the third that's her name her mom French hi guys and welcome back to my Channel today Jim and I have a very big surprise Oh Jim waived his baby guess what Jim my baby does some crazy to watch seek help man y'all's is like Goku leaving your son's behind we're gonna be adopting a little boy from China a baby boy is that we're going after gender like obviously we would aim for a boy but if something happened and you know what I mean I just have to pray about it and just kind of wait and see what God puts in front of us I'll tell you why I don't like family channels as much as other people instead of praying to God that the adoption goes well they're praying to God that it's a boy to me that kind of already screams selfish who cares what gender the child is the child might even grow up and not want to be the same gender and that would be fine so what does it matter is my question you just want a picture-perfect family I'll tell you what a perfect family is brown guy no mom baby with legs backwards and a chicken down ah sorry yeah that's a perfect family yeah you want to hold your baby I go home my baby hi oh wait I had rebrov up the idea and I didn't expect anything of it and he told me he's like I don't know I really would love to have another biological the next day I brought it up one more time and he paused he really waited and paused Jim was like come on come on Michael please this is the only time I get to use it Michael don't adopt make one with me sorry baby Rosalina Oh wah bonsoir I don't know any French I was on the phone with social workers I was on the phone with agencies I was on the phone with the mean of my girlfriends and my family's friends that have adopted and every time I spoke to someone everyone kept pointing me into one direction they all pointed me to one direction and I was like I thought they broke up no kidding of course they didn't say that but they said please don't adopt and I said no no no this already doesn't sound like the baby's interest is put for the comparison being made is like that of a dog yes maybe you want a dog of certain breed it doesn't walk the same way for a child you can't be like I want a boy he has to be this distance that's so selfish and they kept pointing us to China we initially were really interested in we would prefer a youngster about two or under so that they can be almost similar ages cuz it'll take you know a year and a half to a year to get this kid oh it could even take two years different this baby home ah yes the shipping on this thing was zero because I just went straight to the store and I just bought it but the shipping on your kid off God warned you wani oh you better pay for extradited shipping you better extradite their kid out of he'll a young about 2 or under also you she wants a two-year-old you know when you go and buy clothing you filter that's exactly what she's doing she's like I want a baby boy China - preferably I want one who has a condition so that I can look like the best mom of every mom I want to look like your parenting sucks I could even take two years to bring this baby home and we're very aware of that so we would prefer not to mess up like the linear age at this time man y'all so stupid ass how the [ __ ] else does age walk this age anything other than linear can you do you have babies that are D growing Rosalina how these I don't know what she means but can you see how narcissistic Micah sounding I want kids that are all of the same age group I want a boy I want this that this is not like an item at a store it's a child um there's no way that you can't get a youngster I mean that doesn't make sense most cases for the foster to adopt you'd have to do it several times until you would land a youngster I don't want a boomer okay I don't want a kid who's above four because that'll mess up my linear family dynamic what is that I don't know I heard it in a sitcom once and people laughed and I was like that's funny I want my family to be funny like the Cosby's I'm sorry I meant the honey what's another black the fresh French Prince of bel-air at the Frick The Fresh Prince of bel-air and Jimmy knew immediately in his heart that that wasn't something that he could do he couldn't deal with the Braveheart but I'm a big softy tonight I think I would get too attached to a little one from like the day they were born to say ten months and then having to give that baby up to Jimmy you'll get used to the second child you give away easy the third child you probably lost it already at the grocery store Huxley has autism he's a nonverbal child and he is growing up in terrible circumstance and now he's had someone adopt him and then rehomed again do you know the abandonment issues do you understand when you're five years old and your original parents aren't with you and then you get home and then re-home the mental strain it must take on a little baby you shouldn't have got the kid in the first place it's so so selfish of these two people so in our heart is just something that we really want to be part of our story and to be part of our chapter and we wanted to be part of our story and potable and part of our thing Rosie you can get back on their horse I trust you why is it your story why isn't the story about Huxley so here's the initial stages of two people putting themselves over baby like he said originally we were talking about Uganda and Ethiopia our hearts were really strong there I looked at James and I said well Ethiopia I've had a opium food this is the classic quite savior type beat why don't you just adopt someone from America plenty of people in America who need help then you don't have to wait the one year you could get extradited shipping and that could be a great place for us to adopt after we adopted after we adopt from China because we would we were looking at potentially adopting twice she didn't adopt a one kid and she's like this baby okay so Huxley they got some time in 2017 and 2018 they're getting another baby and they didn't make it they're adopting another one cuz this one went so smoothly for them we're gonna talk to another child and then we can get you pregnant and then we can have like that six child maybe even get you pregnant again in seven I'm just saying this is my plan okay you adopt two I get to do it twice okay I haven't had sex I haven't had sex I still have it how did you even have those four kids then are mine I'm Jim Oh James Oh Jimmy whatever the she calls me I just go by it Rosalina sleeping yeah Jimmy that's right again for you that's hard three years three years who in their right mind would give up a child after three years oh it's you I'm a guy with a baby on me I have nothing to lose nine-year-old boy but when we talk to people they decided be careful adopting a little bit older for like sexual abuse reasons and like messing up the chronological order of every single child can kind of mess up the family dynamic a bit okay I'm gonna take this out for the sake of that bullish that she just said do you know do you guys understand what she just insinuated she talked to some adoptive moms and apparently the older kid could sexually abuse the other kids in the family that is what she's insinuating the other thing she could be saying is that the child might be a victim of sexual abuse and she just doesn't want to get a kid who has been abused either way what she's saying is so disgusting if I was there right now me and Rosalina were tag-team bodyslam her and her husband I take Jimmy Rosalina can take Michael and lo flops oh he's just gonna be the referee one two three do it quick freestyle to newborn but if we wanted to not mess with anyone's spot in the families the spot in the family do I need to say any more but absolute fixation with the fact she needs a perfect family dynamic do you understand that fan the whole definition of family is imperfection the whole reason family exists is that you hate those people but you love them so much that you're willing to stick it out with them a couple years ago went back to South Africa the day after Christmas it took them nine hours to decide whether they wanted to go out or not by the time we went out it was too late we just came back home these are people I love I hate to be around them but I would do anything for them I want to be honest with you fear has just started to rush in like the moment we fully committed to it just like the most random fears came in and I like where's this coming from this is not a real baby this is why I can put it in my shut face down legs up because it's not a real baby if I had a real child you best believe I would be the scariest person on the planet cuz there's no rulebook for parenting there's no one way to do it but I'll tell you how you shouldn't do it separate your biological kids from the ones you adopted which is what you did we're asking to do and he'll follow directions so quickly yes still areas where he's so far behind but that's why I said we're definitely not in a hurry like one of the things he doesn't do and I'm really concerned he doesn't talk sorry sorry sorry cut that cut that out cut that out I promise like that Jim we're gonna rehome him he was rocking the other day and I was like what is this and then I realized it's normal for kids can do that turns out we can't actually see any of the videos that micah has with Huxley because all of the videos are now private if that doesn't scream suspicion I don't know what does Micah used to have a playlist documenting her journey with Huxley it led to many sponsorships and things some of them have now been dropped others have in fact is she monetized his child and that sucks you know I sucks cuz the child's not with her anymore so she kept the money but not the baby [Music] I love him already man look at this bubble the first thing he did as soon as he came out the airport was leave he looked at them he's like oh no I'm busting out of here this little dude can't even talk and he said more without his was than she ever did with them I [Music] don't know how you could adopt this beautiful bundle of joy and be like ah well what it looks like is you adopted you got your YouTube popping and then you kicked him out doctors were actually quoted as telling them this was gonna be a very very tough adoption and he is not an easy child to handle and Michael has said that to me it just goes in one ear out the other yeah I don't really care I don't I don't care I don't care he looks cute and he's two and he's a boy and he's from China so I want it I want it Rosalina is just chilling by the way that's what she does in her spare time just arm workouts she pumps by the way the reason people have found out that Micah had rehomed Huxley wasn't that she told people it was that people went on her Instagram and started noticing a lack of Huxley how fans like wait a minute wait a damn I didn't know if they'd noticed this and then she came out and said ah by the way rehomed him couldn't couldn't figure out what the hell was wrong rehomed him me and James just gonna keep my actual kids from now on oops did I say that on camera yep tiniest hair of milestone is that how you measure things in here I'm Micah stylehaul I measure things in hairs why do you think my husband's both [Music] he was a smiling the whole day like sometimes I'd look at him and he wasn't smiling and I'd be like oh my god what surprised myself there I just cannot have angry sad kids it's just it's really bad for my image I don't know he doesn't even talk oh he's a I'm sorry sorry what I meant to say was I'm reeling the kid what so he didn't smile every minute of the day that's the issue for you are you by the way ten percent of the day what are you measuring this in his kids go through different emotions Michael you don't have to force people to be happy if you're a good caring person they will come around will finally come to the creme de la crap these two eggheads finally wanted to open up about the situation fair warning they will try and cry their way out of this so this is by far the hardest video James and I have ever publicly had to make so one of the things I wanted to bring up was an article from The Insider that actually quoted Micah as saying that Huxley five-year-old kid Huxley wanted to move on to a different family she said Huxley wanted this decision 100% we saw that in family time with other people he constantly chose them and signed and showed tons of emotion to show us and let us know he wanted this Huxley never had a say in this adoption absolutely true and he needed more help and also wanted this and we know that 100% are you kidding me throw a five-year-old under the bus would I ever throw this baby under the bus yes because this fake sorry Rosalina one of the things I wanted to do when I was 5 years old I used to wrestle my uncle my parents like hey yeah yeah how about little little Leo bus the Undertaker Undertaker would legdrop me he was a good kid he was a good kid he put up a good fight so stupid to try and use Huxley as a scapegoat international adoption sometimes there's unknowns and things that are not transparent on file there was a lot more special needs that we aware of in that we were not told I don't think that's true Rosalina I think they would have disclosed everything and you too didn't realize how big of a task it is so yours don't blame anybody else absolutely not we've been trying to crying even at their most vulnerable even after his medical needs he needed more Huxley decided it was his decision medical professionals decided we didn't get all the information from the adoption agency China itself didn't mail the baby till you're after it was too old by the time it got to us why don't you take responsibility for once for once at least that would be some sort of saving grace we hadn't made this video yet it's because we've been trying to protect his privacy well you made a whole playlist on him and used him to get money so I called Bush again all of the problems that he has you guys have him on video telling people how hot it is and how you know he's a challenge don't act like you're trying to be private now all of a sudden no and that's why I like on Instagram and stuff I try to like let you know as little as I could but I couldn't tell you anymore because anything that's called deceit actually I never what's going on legally and if I said something was I gonna mess up things for his future crying on camera chick lack of music chick wearing all white chick blaming other people for your problem checker oniy another YouTube apology yep you I don't want to share with you guys like I know deep down inside that I don't have to say anything like I'm not I don't have to say this but I want to like I want to tell you do I feel like a failure as a mom like 500 percent that's a lot of hiss so when you get like insidious hurtful comments it just like really makes it worse it's not about me at all but it's just like this journey has been the last couple months haven't been like the hardest thing I could imagine going to the loser duping Manya's this woman just said it's not about me immediately she followed it with it's been the hardest two months of my life girl please you have biological Chaura did you give any of them up no you just did an us-and-them system you just alienated ostracized your adopted son I'm not saying you deserve hate comments I'm saying that you deserve all the criticism that you get because this is not okay not okay especially when you publicize it what did you think was gonna happen anything that happened in the home that was hard for Huck's that's not fair for me to put out there publicly that's his privacy adopt sure these things publicly the other day he was just kind of chill and today it's kind of more of a fighting there's a reason care of my kids if you're gonna publicize everything which you said why wouldn't you help out anybody else who wants to and is willing and able to adopt especially someone who has autism why wouldn't you allow them to look at your journey and see for themselves the obstacles that one might face suddenly you want to keep it private you only want to show the good part you only want to get the sponsorships get the money that's a big L from me I smoked him you take him Rosalina I never ever smoked that I would never ever smoke again respect our son's privacy and this is all that we're okay with Shari he's not your son you gave him away I daresay he wasn't ever your son maybe his other family will think of a name other than Huxley and we'll call him that cuz he's not your son at all from the updates we've gotten from the agency and through the adoption agency like they were able to place him and what they felt was literally the perfect match his new mommy has medical professional training and it is a very good fit oh right cuz that's how things work right every time I see a mechanic I automatically get the [ __ ] out my car and I'm like you take it bro you obviously know more about the car than I do that's the weakest excuse I heard in a minute you know something that I think every good parent has that is intangible love it's that simple because love creates compassion caring understanding and a whole host of other things that is needed in raising a good child there is no rulebook for how you raise a kid you went through all that trouble you wanted a kid and as soon as you got it you're like this is hard is there like an easier difficulty I'm not used to playing on normal I like beginner the reason I started my channel is to be positive and to bring people positivity even though we're struggling and that when we talk about hugs it's a huge win for us thank you for everything and we just really appreciate all of your support and kindness but just please respect our privacy Micah ends the video by saying she wanted to bring people together by starting her YouTube channel well my god you've done it you've got people together unanimously to hate on you in all fairness I understand they could have had things that we just don't know about and that's fine but I don't think I can give you the benefit of the doubt after having this child three years before giving it up after having three other biological kids or we're in the process of adopting another kid while having huxley so you wanted to do it again despite knowing how hard it was and you ignored everything that people told I don't have sympathy for you because of all those reasons and I don't think you can take it as hate because it's not I don't know you personally I don't know James personally I'm not character assassinating you I'm saying what you've put out is really really bad at this point there's actually a case going against them the police involved it's getting out of hand and this is YouTube 2020 this is what I'm looking at I definitely can say for myself I went fully off the deep end today this really ought me personally I know how it feels I won't I brought every ten to this so explain it maybe one day I have some medical conditions that are really not ideal and my mom's who she ever opposed the woman for sitting in a hospital all that time with me there if this was the case she should have given me away years ago she didn't it's not even an option in her head usually parents don't even it doesn't even cross their mind and I personally think if you're gonna adopt someone you have to take all that bias out of your mind it's the day that child is here from this day forward your child is your child that isn't whether you are going through the highest of highs or the lowest of lows there is no option to leave okay that's the video guys thank you so much for watching special shout out to all the parents it's a thankless tireless job you paved the way for our generation with yours like that is really so from all the screaming and I shall see you very soon with the name video + speak your piece at least Vegeta when he punk punches trunks in the face he takes that boy out to the pot that's that's more time than Goku spin with Gohan in his whole life you know what I don't want to be dad's sixteen layer anymore bro Selena I am sorry you have been a troublesome to me all you did was put your hands up and you actually bent your legs backward to a position that made you look like you were from The Exorcist I'm scared of you quite frankly I do dude my past just now and you're the one who's supposed to be doing it guess what bro Selena I'm rehoming you yeah [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: sixteenleo
Views: 273,935
Rating: 4.9706731 out of 5
Keywords: myka stauffer huxley, myka stauffer adoption, myka stauffer rehomes son, myka stauffer returns adopted son, teaspill, spill sesh, sl4oan
Id: 0xMxHB8E5Is
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 11sec (1691 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 09 2020
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