This Video Made Me Lose Faith in Humanity... ( Cut 1000 to 1 Strangers)

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have you ever met a manatee that was your friend and his name was hugh and then you know he did some crazy and then you lost faith in him so you lost faith in humanity which is what has happened in this video that was a horrible joke but i don't know how to lead into this hello my name is 16 leo everything is backwards in this video oh my god to all the brand new people watching this hello i'm 16 leo i'm such a positive person usually shut up [Laughter] nah i can't even pretend this video that i've seen from cut is one of the worst videos that i've seen it's there's so many things wrong with this video it's greedy it's a little i can't even say half the words i'm gonna have to beep them out you're gonna see what i'm talking about though so like with all one thousand to one videos they get seven people in a room there's maybe one or two decent people and the rest are complete a-holes and this video is the personification of it because it's not high schoolers and it's not seniors it's people in the middle i would have assumed people would give the money to someone who actually needs it instead of try and be selfish but of course i'm wrong because it's a cut video and the only thing cut videos make me want to do is cut my hair did you like it oh it's so good right oh by the way this is sort of on topic sort of off topic but one thing i've realized is i've been on youtube for a year and a month about and i'm still sort of experimenting and coming to terms with which type of videos i'm making what type i want to put out and i realized that i really do like closure so instead of just watching this video alone i found a post interview video of these people and i also found one of the participants ig ama so we'll get to hear their side of the story after watching the video which i think is good closure and i don't think uh many other channels have done that so hopefully you'll enjoy the video before we start though two hundred fifty thousand a quarter for milly big babies that is crazy uh if you wanna hit the subscribe button please do i'm not forcing you but i'm just so happy so thank you so much also i would love it if you guys gave me any ideas so you could follow me at 16 leo underscore on my instagram to give me some stuff there okay seven strangers decide who wins one thousand one thousand to one cut oh my freaking goodness look at that like to dislike ratio 116 000 likes to 325 000 dislikes you know some shit's about to go down so the premise of this video is simple seven people decide who gets one thousand dollars only one person can go home with the money so just like your fourth date with velma you can't split it oh by the way prepare to get a really bad taste in your mouth here are the rules we are going to break it down by rounds the first four you have to decide which person gets voted off and then for the final three people you have to unanimously decide who's the one person who leaves with it yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah [Music] dude what the hell what was that the cameraman was like yeah yeah yeah yeah like he just discovered and and one person gets the money hello sir would you like one pizza yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah that's what happens at cut doesn't it people been inhaling a couple substances before they start filming huh yeah how you guys doing round one is beginning so what's everybody's sign what why is that a thing always honestly do you know how stupid you have to be to make your whole uh youtube username like your star sign who are you no but seriously like how does that have to do with anything what she's going to be like oh sagittarius leave i want to know personal stories uh rehearsal stories so i'm black in america so [ __ ] sucks that's why i deserve a thousand dollars then why don't you come to a place like africa you think it sucks less in africa being colored anywhere is not exactly as good you know what i'm gonna gloss over this now i'm gonna talk about the victim mentality later properly but what a horrible thing to say imagine saying a country sucks and then willingly living in it forever i mean my mom didn't love south africa the reason we left is because it was so violent our house kept getting shot up and stuff it wasn't like she was like oh i hate the violence and stayed in the country she left weird thing to say to open an argument it had nothing to do with anything i'm an immigrant what if everyone who's now black leaves as a form of reparation sorry i was just breathing breathing is part of staying calm i'm trying to stay calm but i cannot reparations huh i'm sorry did you personally walk down somewhere with martin luther king why are you asking these people for reparations they're just normal people just trying to get on they need the money just like everyone else to focus on i don't like you what if we donate the money i know who needs to go because you said to charity so only on a show like cut can you get eliminated for trying to donate money to charity i spend every single day trying to save the world i work on issues of climate change i am a good person i love people who hype themselves up like that i spend every second of my time trying to save the world i just saved as soon as i wake up i'm like and then i just save it huh how oh well climate change what do i do i some i take my bicycle to work because i wouldn't use a car because a car would have carbon emissions so i would never use a car okay and i need new tires and i also need new tires for my car okay so i work on issues of climate change and i need new tires i'm trying to save the world and climate change and [ __ ] but i'm still driving to work because [ __ ] that [ __ ] uh if you're really trying to save the world why don't you bicycle to work oh why don't you carpool to work to reduce your carbon footprint huh i'm no saint either but at least i don't claim to be one i spent my entire day moving today i've spent over 3 200 in rent this month alone god damn where the [ __ ] do you live the castle you need to move to a more cost house liar no here we go i haven't been working since april like seriously my bank account is literally like negative 300 right now um how you became workers comp for six seven months like y'all asking too much questions but that is the truth liar now i'm not gonna you speculate i don't know what kind of injury you have but certainly seem to be laughing and moving pretty normally i don't mean a cold [ __ ] on your situation but i will roast you on your outfit who the [ __ ] wears red played these days that's so stupid like like on you it looks bad but like on a guy it looks so stupid yo the only thing worse than red plane is red played with a hoodie on it i'm 19 years old i'm a full-time student money would really freaking help i just bailed out my parents 10 grand and that was actually what i was supposed to use for my daughter's college fund okay so she gets the money a 19 year old who had to pay 10 000 to bail out her parents from jail and she's a mother trying to offend for her child unless the next few people say something monumental she deserves the money right just human nature human decency would say maybe i need it but definitely she needs it more what if we helped you by connecting you to a mentor that we know yeah i know some people i mean if you give a man a thousand dollars you feed him for a day but you teach a man to make a thousand dollars and you feed him for life for the next several minutes your well-being is your focus well then you should learn how to make a thousand [ __ ] dollars huh because you seem to be on a show trying to win a thousand dollars that you don't have so you clearly haven't learned how to make a thousand dollars so maybe someone should teach you cat i got an idea of how to make a thousand dollars uh start a youtube channel and react to this video off yourself it'll probably go viral at this point i'm not working as well but are you choosing to be unemployed because the jobs that are available don't pay you as much money as you want to make uh no i'm choosing to be unemployed because the jobs i apply for they tell me i'm not qualified for because i'm black i don't see how anyone could say that that's not legal because you're white i'm sorry i'm a person of color nobody would say that outright because they would have a lawsuit on their hands it's just your speculation and opinion at best so again we're seeing a little bit of the victim card being played because it seems like anyone who says just because i'm black i didn't get the job probably has a little bit of that victim mentality i don't see how anyone could say that that's not legal because you're white yeah it happens it happens way too often and let me just clarify it does happen it does happen often and it's by people who won't tell you it's because you're black they'll just give you some other [ __ ] answer that has nothing to do with anything and say we're not going this way or we're not going with you and then it becomes speculation it becomes impossible to say you did this because of my color and i know for a fact that it does happen and you know what the thing is quick tangent i work in entertainment i guess and um i've always believed that an audience doesn't see your color as long as you're good at what you do they'll love it the only people that ever did care was the executives and these hollywood producers who wanted certain people of a certain color to represent others and my theory has and always will be the same it doesn't matter what color you are at the end of the day if you can make that person green that is the only color they're gonna see so they will hire you if you're worth it my brother's getting married in michigan this is already a no you want a thousand dollars to go to michigan okay that's all i have to say damn that was cold she said her brother's getting married and they laughed i feel so bad for her what the hell my only case that i can make is is that you know i work hard i would use the money to you know fix my car because it's had i've had a busted windshield and a busted bumper for a while but it's still operable right yeah for sure it's operable operable oh but it's still upper barber bowl right please can the can the defendant answer the question is it still operable hold on joe joe joe sorry joe you gotta go so round one they eliminated joe because he wanted to pay for his car but not hodon who uh also needs tires for her car weird that they eliminated uh him but all right so things are getting a little bit dicey in round two i know i'm going next so i just want to say something i've heard that i'm white so i can't understand issues or i've never said that i've never said that it's my turn to talk let me talk i think all of us are the girl in the middle right now isla because uh you can see just from her body language she's like [ __ ] this and also while i have a second to talk about isla i just want to say something girl i appreciate you for dressing up on a cut video of all things you really put in the effort look at these other sorry [ __ ] at least you look good doing it okay but damn i feel like cringing into my hoodie as well i hate when people fight about money i've always hated it and i get that not everybody's like that because sometimes you need money but it's not worth fighting off i've never said anything about race and i'm not saying that it's appropriate because you have the privilege to be a white person in america i'm hispanic i'm missing i'm his man i'm his friend i'm his family i'm this man i'm missing boom she's hispanic you're wrong shut up everything you said shut up wrong oh [ __ ] you guys why are you crying eyeless you go home please raise your hand honestly this is why are you still crying yo i hate this dude are you still crying oh bro are your sideburns still [ __ ] ridiculous why don't you put that on the hair that you don't have was so [ __ ] ridiculous i could be mean too people are crying okay can you just let them be sorry but at the same time you are wearing a la costa t-shirt asking for a thousand dollars um and apparently you have a husband who pays all your bills so you shouldn't be here also you're really annoying i don't know if i deserve this oh that's what she said like that's what she said it and you started crying and you were like i don't even know if i deserve this okay well never mind abby look at the stole off the video is this really uh what you wanted cut you wanted this when you when you said a thousand to one and you got three of the most heinous people together in a room and also just to the people of color you guys are so [ __ ] embarrassing i just want to say that right now we're much bigger than this is people you guys ever hear about the crab bucket syndrome it's when a crab tries to get out of the bucket and another crab pulls that one back down so it's when someone pulls you down to their level instead of tries to elevate up so other people aspire to reach their level this is what is happening in this video hoday and shakira and baldilocks are three of the worst people that i've seen and then i'm telling you right now they're not gonna get that far in life with that mentality that's not even a knock on them that's just the truth with that mentality how far can you really go in life i feel so sorry for these two you could have played that baby karma they even got no diapers my baby got no white oh yes because i'm sure that's where you wanted to end up in life in maybe your mid to late twenties on a cut video fighting over a thousand dollars that you don't seem to have because you don't have a job for the last seven months use what you have to get what you want you ready to vote yeah i'm ready how do you guys feel about games of chance i don't trust that like rock paper scissors [Applause] rock paper scissors throwing it out there yeah what a stupid idea to play rock paper scissors for money let's just use race instead to try and get the money how about we walk up to the white board and just write the person that we think should go everybody walk up to it and it's facing the camera and then we'll turn around and show the people who who has the most names on the board oh [ __ ] how are they getting these things she's saying the same [ __ ] every time with different things she's like first can we get a bucket and just put some you know put some names in it and i'll just draw from the bucket this time she's like yo what we need is a white board and some chalk from 1992 and i just write these names on the board no eraser and people just know what i'm talking about next round we gonna get a spaceship and three people go in only two come out damn do i even need to write mine so i think it's a unanimous decision sorry abby nope that's not what unanimous means there's one for hodan over there what are you stupid you don't need a thousand dollars i need it because you're a white woman i'm a black man why don't you take it from three jobs to one that's like saying why don't you get a job i mean i'm in the process of getting a job i would never work three jobs and be stressing myself out like that you think that's a thing someone likes have you heard anybody say they have three jobs and love them do you not understand why people have three jobs maybe you don't maybe it's because your partner babysits you every day anybody who works three jobs is because they have needs that need to be fulfilled there's no other way to get that money and they have to people don't even like walking one job okay it's hard enough oh and for someone playing the race and victim card you sure don't have a lot of empathy for someone who works three jobs you know a lot of people of color have to to get ahead in life having a kid is like that's talk about a guaranteed thing you have the child you have sex to have the child and now the child is here so you have to pay for your child fluffs told me back fluffs hold me back if you ever wanted to participate in a wrestling match with someone you don't know in a cut video well this is the level i have reached i would like to body slam this man onto the canvas and then uh you know do a three count and the referee's like you win and then i get a belt and then i can hold up my pants finally but you had sex you had the kid that's your fault come on have a little more compassion dude that was a very low blow i don't have any more to say about that um i saw you write my name down wrong you voted because you wrote the thing wrong and i'm you just look like you hate me i'm sorry can we really pause i really don't need you to antagonize me why don't you just be quiet do they do they have like wrestling matches where you can like get a gold partner because me and isla over here can take hoedown and uh the baldi locks i i think we could do it what an absolute douchebag this dude didn't actually say anything you can go back you just looked about can you give us a second can we pause i'm sorry can we really pause i really don't need you to antagonize me why don't you just be quiet i have to she said and i quote you just look like you hate me he replied you just assumed about me okay whatever that's all he said he had every right to say you just assumed about me because you are the one but he didn't and she stopped it to say stop antagonizing me guess what you're an antagonist people are going to do that to you because you suck oh you are such an icky person you probably have icky friends and you can have your icky life somewhere else there's good people in the world that really do not need you around raise your hand if you vote for cat [Music] whatever y'all get a job i will do some hair more do some him why don't you grow some [ __ ] hair bro and by the final round the people that are left are the three most detestable people who do you think deserves out of those three none of them yeah we're all black okay come on did you guys make a final decision yeah i'm sorry i'm sorry there's space on the couch what the [ __ ] are they sitting like that for i know this has nothing to do with anything but what even that is wrong because it's a white couch isn't it is that what it is is this what this is about that is weird someone needs to have more space on that couch anyway yeah we picked shakira because they had already decided prior and i said he's leaving the money on the table right so i'll give him some other could use it i just hope you're online i'm not all right so that's what they decided shakira wins the money because of her problem and the fact that she hasn't walked for seven months you even heard the cameraman at the end he's like all right the cameraman did that thing that jay-z did on the story of oj there's a line in the song um and he goes i'm not black i'm oj and then jay-z is like okay this is exactly what the cameraman did he's like all right if you say so i'm excited i'm happy this has been an awful experience this has been nothing but sadness and arguing anyway i'm pretty sure cut saw the video and was like oh this is going to be a [ __ ] storm so they actually filmed a post interview section with uh the people in the video and i wanted to watch that with you they turned the comments section off for the initial video so we couldn't read that but they actually have the comments on for this video so i want to go through that i didn't actually enjoy this experience at all i think it got oddly greedy because we all needed it and it got really kind of like cut through it it got pretty personal is what it got you know i didn't need to say anything about color things about your baby isla didn't use her baby as a crutch because i'm pretty sure she thought that would be uh non-ethical and stuff so why would she say anything about that they did her dirty honestly i felt like everyone was talking about everyone else and it was so hard to get a word out there god it was like who could yell louder i don't know is that something cut should have done like at one point been like can we not can you just can we stop can we talk at once because it was hard to hear everyone with everyone screaming over each other i guess they just left it as it is but it really did hurt some people so that sucks it didn't get contentious around race until chris was talking about how like he can't get hired because he's black you know what i'm gonna be meaning i don't even care not only are you douchebag you're [ __ ] liar too actually ho dan you was the first person to bring it up unwarranted i want to know bank balances i want to know personal uh rehearsal stories so i'm black in america so [ __ ] sucks that's why i deserve a thousand dollars what if everyone who's now black leaves that's a form of reparation i don't know how you can call yourself a good person and sleep at the end of the day but that's up to you and the people that you live with i'm so glad that you have nothing to do with me when he said that i was like oh yeah and then abby came out of nowhere i was like well that that doesn't happen i just felt like she just cut into my soul and i was like you don't get to cut this black person down because that's never happened to you again i think i can easily defend it by saying nobody can outright say because you're black this is why you're not getting the job it seems kind of stupid you have to share this if you don't want but what do you plan to do with the thousand dollars um i plan to pay bills i plan to make sure that i have a roof over my head next month and that um i'm gonna be okay but that's not it though if that was the case you would be going on the prices right every [ __ ] month to try and make rent there's gotta be another way to make a thousand dollars than to be on a cut video you cannot put all your eggs in this basket what happens after the month is over then what because you still don't have the job how are you gonna make the money okay let me read some of the comments because i don't think i'm the only one who thinks this way as a person of color myself i can say that i truly despise chris and hodan yep aila was the youngest contestant yet way more mature than the final three ass has she was and you know why she seems so mature because she's had actual adversity in her life and adversity sort of matures and gives you perspective i like how hodan didn't address her discriminatory comments girl bye girl ba cut why didn't you ask her about it i don't want to see shakira in any more videos hey man you made a thousand dollars and lost a million friends how about that now there is one more video that i wanted to show about isla and uh this is on her instagram she did a ama saying ask me anything about the 1001 shoot and she answered some questions and i just wanted to take a look at that because i think her perspective to me is probably the most important because i resonate with her the most in this video why did joe get bullied you could tell throughout the entire thing that he was very nervous there's literally no other way that i can put this and this is not speculation either it was like mentioned during shooting but essentially it's because he was a straight white male um so some felt that he had literally virtually no struggles whatsoever amazing how you can marginalize someone for being the way they are yeah because you're straight you don't get how other people are and then not see the problem and saying that because you're a certain way and because you have a certain orientation you don't understand other people i cannot believe that they actually mentioned that i feel so bad for joe at the end of the day we have to live with the consequences of our actions whether they appear instantly or years down the line so just make decisions you can live with this video definitely left a really bad taste in my mouth personally i don't like it when people fight over money because i've you know had to grow up dealing with that stuff secondly i don't believe uh using the color of your skin to try and guilt people into giving you money is ethical at all i don't think that's right with that being said that is the video you guys thank you to everyone who's been checking up on me recently i really do appreciate you guys and love you so much and i will see you on the next one very soon until then for me and fluffs fluffs the money the money is very enticing i'll just i'll just put it out there but i i can't do that to my mom is
Channel: sixteenleo
Views: 167,011
Rating: 4.9698162 out of 5
Keywords: 1000 to 1, 1000 to 1 cut, 1000 to 1 millennials, 1000 to 1 high schoolers, 1000 to 1 strangers, 1000 to 1 strangers reaction, 1000 to 1 cringe, 1000 to 1 reaction, reaction, cringe, cut reaction, funny, stupid, sixteenleo, pewdiepie, cody ko
Id: NXXoZ5Hyzvo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 10sec (1450 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 21 2021
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