Lilly Singh = Worst Roaster Ever (with proof)

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lilly singh is the worst roaster of all time and I'm pretty sure I can prove it what's up you big fat babies this means sixteen leo and if you didn't know me I'm running for president of Yugoslavia so subscribe and turn on the notifications this is the worst roast I have ever seen in my life and I have seen some bad roasts usually at the grocery store so to give you a little context here Lilly Singh was invited to participate in a roast of the TNT cost members that's Shaq Kenny honey and Charles and it didn't go well I just want to go on record before we stop this but I actually really do like Lilly Singh you can like someone and also criticize them I mean I think is much better than having yes-men in your life just with that being said this is like a tragic misstep in humanity before we watch the video I wanted to play a little game with you guys so I wrote something down and on it let's pretend that I held that the right way the Lilly Singh checklist so on it we have things she said in the past and for some reason keeps bringing up no matter what so we have white people I understand that for some people the white people honestly speaking I fully get it I'm Brown myself I've had my run-ins and encounters trust me especially in the entertainment you tend to get looked down upon although if you're the skin color and it's tough but it's no reason to bring up white people and constantly make jokes at the expense I just don't get it something hypocritical you may recognize some of these countries were flying over as places immigrants come from to steal your jobs or just the same countries you steal oil from next one we have is bringing up her south for no reason she tends to do that oh you know another thing we could say is humble singing and in the last decade I've gained about 15 million subscribers on my channel growing up I always wanted a talk show but I couldn't get one so I started going out with YouTube and suddenly NBC was like - God okay everyone is staring at me and now we were leaving I remember all right I'm famous yeah we have the obligatory bisexual comment I mean the media has mentioned I'm a bisexual woman of color come on I'm more than just a bisexual woman of color okay someone you may know about a year ago I came out as bisexual Wow I cannot believe how often I've heard her say that I don't get it you know it's great that she's openly bisexual I think that's awesome I'm fully supported don't understand why you have to bring it up every time imagine if I went to a restaurant and I'm like hey I'm a straight guy I'll have a coffee Thanks people would be like what do you know how that sounds for me to be like why bring it up you're a bisexual lily and the last thing we have is a personal favorite of mine degrading comment towards men I don't know why she keeps doing it if she says she's bisexual she should like guys was straight as well and if you ever meet a guy in his 30s who says Bernie's are the new twenties all he's saying is I do cocaine but thermostats were developed in the 1960s based on men's body temperature so if you think your office building is too cold blame the fact that back then women were encouraged to stay home you may have heard that Takashi pled guilty to nine charges earlier this year and recently testified against some of his accomplices in order to reduce his pending jail time ouch Golden Snitch is from a game in Harry Potter and they're the smallest balls in the game guys are always exaggerating women you feel me they're always exaggerating that's why I'm glad I started dating girls now todd phillips the director of the joker has been getting a lot of backlash for the violence depicted in his movie and more recently for whining that comedy is dead thanks to woke culture finally here's a framed copy of the rotten tomato score for your movie school of scoundrels your score is a whopping 26 percent every time I watched that show she constantly hates on guys I don't get it it's like alienating half your audience I'm sure guys would like her if she just didn't constantly throw us under the bus that would be nice so basically we'll check this off as we go along your next roaster is a well known youtuber so you can thank all your dumb ask oh I think this video could be over faster than I thought man Stephanie Haddish really gave it to her she was like it wasn't even a joke at the end and start off as a joke and she was like she started off nice she was like yeah my next guest is uh kids like huh not even grown-ups only kids get her humor she doesn't actually have a significant fan base except kids who don't fully understand what humor really is people like us we had to work our whole lives she's just a lucky piece I hate her and I hope she gets hit by a rock it's Lilly Singh she's you know I'm Indian so she's wearing my cousin's hair right now we're not even a minute into the video Lilly Singh calls Tiffany Haddish out for having straight hair while lily has cornering congratulations you played yourself I was a huge basketball fan growing up because you know as a Canadian my other choice was hockey and if I wanted to watch white people skate I go to any courtroom in America hasn't been one minute yet hasn't been one minute I don't know if she was trying to pander to the audience I'm really not sure what that joke was I don't even get it what does that mean if I wanted to see white people's skates I'd go to a courtroom it's because because they on thin ice because that's not at all the case usually they're on thick ice I don't know what I didn't I didn't think I needed to watch The Da Vinci Code to get your jokes I'm only famous on some small thing called the Internet like Charles you were so convincing as Uncle Fester in the Addams Family and Ernie Johnson you weren't great as this scary ventriloquist dummy in Toy Story 4 no honey look like he's being held hostage and stuff he's just like yep that's a funny joke Lily thank you as far as I know Shaq's never done any acting does that look like a genuine smile to you this is like one of those scenarios where you tell the dryest joke in the world and because there's so many people there you don't want to let your friend down so you just like pretend to laugh he's like you know my cat died the other day and you're like ah so for context I just wanted to show you a Jeff Ross roasting cuz you can tell the difference poor little Shaquille always running out of lunch money at breakfast good one can you see the difference there's two ways to know that you really really made someone laugh the head either goes super far back or they lean over so hard they look like they've been punched in the gut it always looks like they've participated in some form of combat okay when he makes jokes you can hear the booming laughter of the crowd and when Lilly Singh makes jokes you can hear the booming breath of the crowd again I'd like to take you on a quick tangent forgot she was coming I want to be in this oh don't involve me in this wonderful marriage he's like the Ken to her Barbie and by that I mean that she's the only one working that's that's my reaction to all the ha jokes though oh yeah did you just say D wait doesn't walk D way just retired the dude started in 2003 he's probably the third best shooting God of all time only behind Jordan and Kobe rest in peace the dude's nickname was the flash he was probably the best shot blocker for his height of all time in 2006 he had a battle with Dirk Nowitzki in his prime and won he won two more rings with LeBron and Chris Bosh he's a three-time NBA champion and even after he was in his prime his nickname got changed from the flash to Father prime because he kept turning back time to constantly give good performances remember that game-winning buzzer beater he had to beat Golden State when they were in their prime that's D Wade that's his legacy and you just said he doesn't walk the stood has been putting in work longer than you come on don't disrespect he's totally smooth down there come on did I miss something did lowly sing right what does she know what how did she yeah how does she have access to Dwayne Wade's ballsack what what that's too much information Lily the mean streets of 70s Oakland is a black kid named Gary set the joke that's the whole joke she just said his name in a high-output I could do that Lily Lily Lily Lily is that really that's the joke who wrote these jokes that's not on the boy but that's just you just get a cross for that one that a come on his nickname was the glove could you not make one joke about not having protection like I don't know you could call Charles Barkley Gnarls Barkley and not notice that there's so much you can do throw anything Shaq dunked more than a basketball was the doughnuts every time like no meadow here she is can you imagine if someone's in a restaurant eating food and they choke and then someone's like does anybody know CPR mouth-to-mouth resuscitation and Lily's like no but I'm bisexual so I can kiss him all huh I googled it fam here that little after I googled a fam that's that I'm better than you type stuff that's that's the thing guys do you know and they say something and they're proud of it this night Britain young man I hit a three-pointer today that's the same thing is that's the goal version oh that's a nice car for a hobo and you have to like do that thing where you wear your face go sideways I don't actually eat meat because I'm a vegan I googled it fam how many woman Jeff Ross pleasured Wow my Google history is going to be the same because it already is trash the only thing that comes up highlighted is where he performs stand-up comedy for male and female convicts in Brazos that sounds too close to a site that I visit very often it has not its season how can you possibly check how many women Jeff Ross is pleasured using Google what the [ __ ] does that that's such a stupid joke man though he should be called Kenny the JetBlue since he's always been a discount option these are not jokes these are torture methods that they test out on Guantanamo this is just the these are just the scapegoats they're testing it out on and you know it's gonna work I would I would confess secrets I didn't even have if I had to listen to this I won two Teen Choice Awards honey does not give a sh bro honey sitting there like uh I walk for TNT how are you the one bombing what two Teen Choice Awards and she was voted most likely to never have actually been a team the fact that she said to has nothing to do with the joke it's just so it's needless right not only did we do five we actually sing has overachieved in the category of not being funny I just so here's the thing that I wanted to bring up while Lilly Singh was roasting Jeff Ross and I wasn't laughing I had a lot of time to think about why I was like why is Jeff Ross so funny and then it hit me it's because Lilly Singh is pretty she does it for me I like her eyes the nice and brown she's pretty she's really pretty okay well crush okra until she talks a little crush close my little big crush open them up not really and first I thought that was a stupid premise until I watched a segment on Kimmel when Jeff Ross was roasting kids the only way I could stop the bullying was to roast the bully backs his only technique in power against the bullies was to use his roasting skills to bully them so much that they either thought he was cool or left him alone all great comedy comes from a sense of pain if you have a great sense of humor it's very likely that it is deep-rooted self trauma i I don't know her personal life I just don't think Lilly Singh has had as much trauma as Jeff Ross so if you didn't need she didn't actually need to weaponize her comedy my favorite comedian of all time is Richard Pryor and I'll be damned if he doesn't have a tough life also for the record you could be you could be good-looking and funny yes actually you're a [ __ ] I don't really like you and just super brown and you're a poopoo head did I ever tell them that also I don't know about your hairline it's kind of suspect is it almond and you keep croquet croquet croquet like a smile you got cricket smile knows how much the pain is endless the one other thing that I wanted to bring up in the case of Lois thing being the worst roaster alive is the material the funniest roast I have ever seen in my life has jokes that are worse than this it's just that the comedian telling them did it in such a way off the funny way that I was on the floor in tears and that guy's name is Noah McDonald if you haven't heard of Norm Macdonald he is a comedian who was on Saturday Night Live in the early 90s if there's one thing that you need to know about him it's that he is probably your favorite comedians favorite comedian his delivery is so off-kilter that it makes everything funny it's just his it's just his Tambor his voice and the way he says things now I'm bringing up the know MacDonald roast because this was a long time ago it was a roast of a guy called Bob Saget there were a lot of people who were roasting the hell out of Bob Saget and Noah McDonald wanted to do something spectacular Norma Donald didn't write material he actually took a joke book called jokes for retirement parties which was written I believe in the 40s and he just read from the book by Sir John's famous our esteemed roastmaster John well China's reputation for being a bit of a swinger did you know instead of an umbilical cord John was born with a bungee cord now the Bob has a beautiful face like a flower yeah cauliflower no offense but your face looks like a cauliflower as you can see he has wavy hair it's waving goodbye on account he's going bald the joke's was so bad paired with such a good delivery that it made people of my point and my theory is that any joke no matter how badly written it is can be delivered and made to be funny it all comes down to the timing and the way that you say and Lily sings delivery is ah like it is just loud I have a theory people talk loud when they want to act smart right correct so here's the thing they gave Lily sing her own late-night show it's an Indian it's a girl on late-night it's it's amazing but I've seen the show and objectively speaking it's not great again my perspective but I don't think it's that great personal opinion I think that Lilly Singh is much better suited in a place that can have cuts by that I mean YouTube and stuff where you can shift around and if you make a mistake you can definitely edit it out that's really my issue I don't think she walks great life but that being said Lilly Singh you are officially the worst roaster I have seen I'm sorry I didn't mean to do that I still think you're very pretty but a pretty bad rough stuff so I think that's the video I think I just want to thank you so much for taking the time out of your day to watch this it really really means the wall to me I I don't know how to thank you enough honestly if you'd like to subscribe like and comment tell me what you want me to do next and I will do it i'ma just love this baby I'm the president of Yugoslavia not yet if you subscribe to me I will be so thank you again so much for watching take care of yourselves and I shall see you next time okay okay cause you suck you suck and I won't keep saying you're not even really that funny how can you be not funny Angela and you sure sure I'm 40 like little taller than Danny DeVito well they need to be the players but like you're really like totally so I don't like you and all I can be you have torture
Channel: sixteenleo
Views: 501,675
Rating: 4.932477 out of 5
Keywords: lilly singh roast, lilly singh roast nba, lilly singh cringe, lilly singh needs to stop, lilly singh must stop, we have to stop lilly singh, lilly singh, lilly sing vlogs, lilly singh videos, lilly singh parents, lilly singh pewdiepie, lilly singh rant, lilly singh is the worst, lilly singh worst, lilly singh woke af, lilly singh diesil patches, lilly singh inabber, lilly singh james mariot, sixteenleo, commentary, cringe, video, funny
Id: c_xSik7UI6Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 13sec (1273 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 22 2020
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