The Clap Back - Vegan Gains (Exposing His Lies)

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six teen leo really weird name only an australian could come up with something so stupid imagine uh having a conversation with somebody with this haircut what is this jacket what is this jacket what is this jacket what is this jacket what is this jacket what is this jacket you know what he talks he sounds like he's actually mentally disabled what kind of attention do you get like do girls look at you um do you get any phone numbers or anything are you interested in women or people in general [Music] what's up your brain dead babies it's me yolito big stupid head i don't know what he called me and richard hello if you're watching this i decided to get dressed up to do this video for you you strike me as the type of guy to think pink is for girls and blue is for boys so i thought i'd try and rile you up from the start yo okay so this is kind of new to me because it's the first time anybody has ever called me out let alone someone who i didn't even talk about i guess my target is vegan gains since he has a problem with me existing and despite everything that richard said to me i like it i like that he's using his free speech to try and come after me and attack me because it means i get to finally clap back at someone so watching the video that richard did on me it is done with a lot of malice and intent to harm i think he wanted to get me all riled up and thought that somehow words were gonna make me angry sorry let me go back a second and start from the beginning about a week ago i released a video on that vegan teacher where i said her music was not that good and that i was writing a rap song against her [Music] and richard i want you to listen to this very carefully i don't hate veganism i feel like i had to say it at that speed so you could process that i didn't make that video at all to debate veganism in fact the person who sent me the idea was a vegan herself so shortly after i made that video for entertainment purposes vegan gains messaged me on twitter saying i saw your video about that vegan teacher since you are discussing veganism how about debating a vegan face to face i conduct debates live on my youtube channel through discord message me back if you're interested i was not interested so i didn't message back anyway two days later i was just chilling making another video and lo and behold someone on my instagram messaged me calling me a [ __ ] [ __ ] for not debating vegan gains and apparently he will crush me so i was like what exactly is this i went on to his page and there it was a beautiful picture of my fat ugly face on his thumbnail i had never talked to this man in my life before this i didn't know he existed but he seemed to have a vendetta with me and as i watched the video i realized that this was not about veganism he actually started off trying to debate veganism with someone who didn't know anything about it then proceeded to call me ugly mentally ill the r word and said my singing is trash while non-ironically listening to carrots and hummus by the vegan teacher at one point his headphones broke i think his headphones were like really dude so in today's video all i'm going to do is defend myself and even though you guys are brain dead babies i know that you're not gonna post anything bad on his channel so thank you for that while we're on the topic of brain dead babies we're almost at 250 000 brain dead babies but i think we need more vegan gains is at 340 000 subscribers and let me just say it straight up my big goal is to try and get as many subscribers as vegan gains that's been my life goal baby so i'm hoping if you're not a brain dead baby by now that you subscribe and help me get to that beautiful 340 000 gold by the way i'm calling him richard instead of vegan gains because that's his government name also your name is vegan gains i would find it very hard to say without laughing every sentence [Music] richard seemed to get himself suspended on twitter very shortly after trying to fight both me and the fans the back and forth on twitter was uh amazing he started the day by saying as i expected 16 leo's fan base a mentally disabled children debate offer is still open though if he or any of his fans want to debate me on the ethical principles on veganism just send me a dm so far all they've done is mention how he has more subs than me alright richard it seems like you don't know how to math very well but a 340 000 is more than 250 000. i know we're thinking the same thing how on earth world's unfair i guess i in between the tweets he mentioned something that i found hilarious he said idiots are easily entertained just because you have an audience that doesn't mean you're smart funny or interesting it's also not my fault that leo's entire video was nothing but personal attacks i had to respond you're seemed appropriate he then got in a fight with someone else he said if you don't watch my videos then you wouldn't complain about me saying the word and i'm guessing that you won't debate me because you know i'd make you look like a who can do nothing but whine and complain about [ __ ] i just want to remind you this is a 29 or 30 year old man debating people with 10 followers at 3 in the morning in canada weirdly enough richard calling me a mentally disabled child didn't make me report him because i still believe in free speech even though he's using it to hate on me the thing that i did report though because i can't stand by and just let this happen is this next thing that he said a 16 year old fan tried to talk to him and defend me and this is what he had to say to her boo hoo i call someone a name cry about it funny how you don't care about leo making fun of animals getting but me calling him is crossing the line you don't even understand what racism is care to debate me on the topic [ __ ] there's no way in hell you're going to because you know i'd publicly embarrass you and i don't give a [ __ ] [ __ ] if you don't like me humans are nothing but bowling pins that need to be knocked down i only wish i could slowly squeeze the air out of you while watching tears roll down your face until your eyes roll back inside your head okay ted bundy i had to report that you can't do that to anyone let alone a 16 year old girl so if he wants an explanation as to why you can't harass people on the internet through twiddle that would be it bro he asked me to debate several times when i didn't say anything he tried to debate all of my fans which i would call a masturbate and uh because he kept calling them brain dead babies i guess he just wanted to masturbate some brain dead babies for a while [Music] so by the way if you're thinking of doing like five to ten response videos on this don't bother i wrote a quote that might actually help you understand why i won't respond to you never argue with stupid people they will drag you down and win with experience that's by a writer called mark twain i don't know if you've heard of the mark twain prize for writing he's a writer i'm sorry um a book is something with words in it not all books have pictures in them this is a shane dawson book this is why it has pictures but some of them just have words so if you're ever feeling confused and you're like oh i got broccoli head why is he not debating me that's why richard might be a [ __ ] magician as well because he managed to turn a 20 minute video about me into an hour and 30 minutes off a live stream that is some harry houdini [ __ ] honestly i had to sit through the whole hour and 30 minutes oh my god i've never felt so bored in my life bro so i hope you milk those views just like cars richard because this is the last thing you'll get from me unless this video does tremendously well in which case i definitely will do another video about you because i'm such a clout chaser as you like to say so i have only just recently found about a found out about this guy six teen leo really weird name you had a problem reading the word 16 leo you have to take a pause reading one word it's a number and then three letters after it i didn't look at your page and be like well what the [ __ ] is this vaginal grains what just to give you some context richard that's my birthday 16 and leo is my star sign but your name is vegan gains so this guy is australian which isn't a surprise only an australian could come up with something so stupid how dare you richard uh contrary to popular belief i'm actually not australian but you wouldn't know that because that would require you to go on google and search for things other than porn again richard more context for you i was born in apartheid south africa where i grew up people didn't care about diets because a lot of them didn't have food to eat but just on that note australia is a wonderful country and i know why you think that australia sucks because you had beef with isaac butterfield out of old people and he wrecked your [ __ ] but actually it is a beautiful place with the amount of aids these people put in their videos completely dead inside at this point um like what am i even doing what are you doing richard i actually have the decency to look you up and dig into your past and let me tell you i don't know why you came at me when you have more dirt than a [ __ ] botanist i didn't even have to scroll down to google the first top three things were already things you should have never said in your life so at the start of the video he actually does try and debate me on veganism even though the videos for entertainment [Music] uh vegan says don't eat meat haha i'm gonna eat meat okay dude wow very 2008 of you very specific year isn't it is that the uh that everybody ate meat he strikes me as someone who doesn't know what fun is like he's heard of the word and definitely knows that it exists but he's never experienced or seen it before but then he goes off the deep end and starts comparing eating animals to murdering and eating people welcome back to another episode of why are you questioning my diet that intensely today's episode is on that vegan teacher or i don't know dude maybe it's because uh your animals because of your diet um if i was killing and eating people could i just say why are you judging my diet so intensely like you just described murder and cannibalism those are very different things you described a jeffrey dahmer situation right there that's a weird argument isn't it i wasn't talking about a cow eating a cow i was talking about a human eating a cow what a stupid argument bro [Music] richard accused me of being a clout chaser because i accused the vegan teacher of being a cloud chaser you know why because she only responds to people like tommy in it or huge fan bases on youtube but she won't go after people with small fan bases clutches serene let's take a look at this we entitled teen i think this girl was on tick tock oh big ed he is a huge meme i mean that's actually more of a physical comment really but okay um yeah it looks like you cover big news topics dude so i guess you're a clout chaser um what a weak ass argument g um just to defend myself even though i don't need to i did a video not too long ago about a guy called keith from jubilee and in that video i said this is the only video on him there would not be another video on youtube about him i don't think there is a video on this guy i don't think you'll find a video on keith anywhere else on youtube that video has over a hundred thousand views you know what that means richard it means my fan base is that dope i don't know how long you've been on youtube bro but uh yeah one way to get views is by talking about um things that are kind of in public interest uh talking about celebrities or events that are going on and since we're talking about fan bases richard look at your [ __ ] views bro look at them for the amount of subscribers you have they are abysmal your videos on average get about three four thousand views bro i did the math and i'm being generous one percent of three hundred forty thousand is three thousand four hundred i'm giving you that one percent that's how many people watch your videos on a good day you might have two percent the only time you ever get views these days bro is when you come after someone need i remind you that the last two beefs you've had were with isaac butterfield who sits at about 1.7 million subscribers wow about 80 000 views on that isaac butterfield video you even had the gusto to come after critical of all people and that video netted you 136 thousand views and a ton of dislikes at the time critical must have had about four or five million subscribers so i don't think you should be telling me about cloud chasing because those are the only videos of yours in recent times that have got any views and if you want to take it a step further richard i'm more than happy to the video that you actually attacked critical on was about so young don't know if you guys remember but so young is a mukbanger who ate a live octopus among other things and started torturing animals for fun before eating them for some reason richard felt the need to target critical instead of so young and you know what the irony in that situation is richard if you targeted so young in that video i think people would actually have been on your side anyway if you're one of those holier than now people why didn't you come after me because guess what richard i made a video on so young as well the only difference is i must have had about 15 000 subscribers at the time so why didn't you make a video about me since you don't care about cloud chasing richard it seems like the only debating you do is alone in your room with the door closed i don't think anything you're saying holds any weight because you've done all of this yourself anyway after about 10 minutes of realizing that i probably wasn't going to talk about veganism in the video he decided to come after my looks that is the outfit of a 14 year old girl not a 146 year old woman but it comes down to them she looks great she's in shape she she's in shape yes she's the shape of a twig sure she looks good man i better call her husband you seem to be i like really this [ __ ] guy is telling her to like this dude that's me with my dad and my uncle why are you making fun of me by my family what do you not like family or something did you like i don't know film your grandfather dying off a heart attack so you could prove a point about veganism my last q a video you'd know that my grandfather recently died of a heart attack i was planning on showing you guys footage of my grandfather actually having the heart attack but um a bunch of people in my family my mom my grandmother uncles [ __ ] like that they threw a big [ __ ] fit about me showing that footage on youtube you're an idiot bro oh by the way that's him from a few years ago i don't know what happened in the last two years to make him look the way he does now i showed my mom and this is not even a joke she couldn't figure it out she was like who's that then i was like it's the same person and she's like no but like who's that in the other video i'm like that's the same person she just couldn't get it through her head that this guy looks like this now take that for what you will they're perfectly fine with eating foods that cause heart disease and make people actually die of heart attacks but when it comes to actually showing people what happens when they eat these foods that's just too much it's probably one of the most disrespectful things i've ever heard and just by the way dude this was a guy who was older than you and probably had to live a life different to yours so that you could live a more privileged life but you really did choose to try and film your grandfather dying for veganism it's getting hotter and hotter and hotter and hotter and hotter and hotter and hotter and hotter and hotter and hotter and hotter and hotter and harder to see why you have any fans i mean if this is your reasoning richard you know that people die regardless right you understand that you're not immortal you get that right you think that uh being a vegan makes you immortal only richard would use that point as an argument the vegan teacher looks like she's on her last leg of life at this point man and she's not even old oh by the way richard since this is my first beef ever i did actually show my parents what you said to me and i wanted to see their reactions they do not like being on camera but they did pass me some words and this is actually i swear to god what they said my mom said she would like to jewel you i don't know what that means you're gonna lose she's really good at yu-gi-oh and i actually have what my dad said on text so i'm just gonna read it vegans love nature and calmness and respect all animal life forms without reservations where do you fit in with your criticism p brain live up to your values man then he laughed and did a thumbs up then he also said anyway big guy auckland back to level three not sure how long he was talking about the lockdown he's more of a compound sentence type of guy richard you just got roasted by my parents what do you have to say about that [ __ ] i don't care this dude is telling her like oh my god you look gross to that outfit nope didn't say that you actually heard what i said please that is the outfit of a 14 year old girl this dude is telling her like oh my god you look gross to that outfit you just played the video what are you lying three seconds after you play the video what is wrong with you bro how stupid you have to be to do this stuff look at this [ __ ] guy this is an insert oh yeah here's a great one he's he's [ __ ] criticizing someone else's fashion choices and the way they [ __ ] look dude are are you [ __ ] kidding me no i'm not [ __ ] kidding you that's a shot underneath it is pants do you have those can you can you afford those richard oh and just one more thing while we're on the topic of family don't let this man babysit your kids i [ __ ] hate children they literally make me sick when i see babies in a commercial i start to gag and almost throw up and i have to look away and mute it every evil supervillain's kryptonite babies when i see babies in a commercial i start to gag and i have to look away and mute it you could just change the channel are you that stupid bro what is your iq really honestly richard are you so focused on being a vegan that you're actually turning into a [ __ ] vegetable and when i see babies in a stroller especially when they're crying i just want to put my foot through the thing and step on it and tell us nothing but blood and pulp on the pavement so that is uncle richard and yes that is why i don't usually send you there unless you're being really naughty oh what's that i'm holding a fake baby to my ear pretending she's speaking and yet somehow i'm still more sane than richard yeah that seems about right so those are the top five reasons why i'm getting a vasectomy richard you didn't need a vasectomy to not have a baby i don't think anybody in this world wants you to recreate [Music] mid-check-in on fluffs how you feel not eating meat makes you a total asshat then you need some meat bruh you've been eating too many beans your flabber try something other than mexican food you got a lot to say today bro dogs the vegan teacher herself said that it's unethical to have pets yet you have cats and dogs i thought owning a pet was against veganism huh me and you are gonna have a baby so this is our baby her name's lucy and what kind of breed is she she's a wolf dog so the vegan teacher had the nerve to say adopting a child and adopting a pet are the exact same thing adopting an animal is the same as adopting a kid i would like you to name the trade name the trait that is lacking in animals that have lifespan richard lifespan richard if a person adopts a hamster it's not the same as a human you see what i'm saying a rabbit different to a human can you can you make the distinction richard did you watch space jam and think that this is how life was supposed to exist animals are just supposed to talk with humans and play basketball like is it a good idea to adopt an animal when you can't provide a basic humane level of care should animals like get adopted and then neglected and abused in some sort of way no i completely agree with you richard it would be absolutely ridiculous to neglect and harm an animal willingly because of your stupid beliefs but you know what i'm talking about though right so me and jasmine have a very special announcement looks like me and you are gonna have a baby so me and jasmine have a dog is that how you say everything so i've just won the lottery yay for me you wanna add a little enthusiasm so as the story goes richard and his partner got a dog uh the dog's breed is something and a wolf richard do you know what wolves eat it's not plants what kind of breed is she she's a wolf dog she is a vegan god we had around vegan kibble for about a week and a half it might have been that the vegan diet made it worse and she kept losing weight because she kept having diarrhea she couldn't eat anything she couldn't digest anything yeah so as jasmine said the dog had uh diarrhea and was losing weight and stuff and it was because of what they were feeding it anyway that story doesn't have such a sad ending the dog rita actually saw videos on them and then took the dog back so today i just wanted to talk about what happened to my wolf dog lucy she's not living with us anymore she developed really really bad anxiety issues uh it has nothing to do with the whole vegan diet she was doing perfectly fine what happened was jasmine went to the vet and then when she was coming back home she hopped on the subway and on the subway there was a gang of muslim men you can see where this is going it's not because of the diet yeah leave it up to richard to blame it on a gang of muslims oh my god you're so detestable as a human being you have a patreon i actually checked and your goal is three thousand five hundred dollars a month you got three hundred three hundred forty thousand subscribers and you got three hundred dollars a month nobody gives a [ __ ] richard that's because you say stuff like this and they started acting really aggressive and hostile to jasmine and lucy they were yelling some of them were shoving jasmine uh they were talking to each other in like arabic or something how dare you [ __ ] bring race into a situation about your dog are you kidding me lucy got really freaked out right as the doors were about to close jasmine ran out it doesn't sound like it was you know that big of a deal doesn't sound true actually richard you pathological liar that doesn't sound remotely like what happened and i would not ever believe anything you say in your life so i don't believe this [Music] vegan gains keeps trying to debate me richard unlike you there are people on youtube that make others happier when they post life isn't one big argument but you seem to want to make it that ah so let's listen to him talk about debates um i i've also reached out to this guy by the way um i tweeted at him i sent him a direct message on twitter he will not respond to me i tried to offer to debate him and none of these [ __ ] cowardly dishonest pieces of [ __ ] will even debate me oh richard i didn't even say no i just didn't reply and i'm a cowardly dishonest piece of [ __ ] okay why would i want to debate you at this point you already seem to have your mind made up about what i am as a human uh pretty much everyone who knows about me just won't debate me because they know they're gonna lose and be [ __ ] embarrassed but that's the thing nobody knows about you i didn't even know you existed and then i had to research your history and it was the worst thing i've done in a long time even when i try to debate actual [ __ ] phds and medical doctors they avoid me you know why richard and this is genuinely serious nobody wants to waste their [ __ ] time on someone as low as you do you think someone with the qualification as high as that would have any time for someone like you and like at all do you think a doctor who's saving lives would give time to someone who's bringing them down there's no doctorate for sitting in a chair for two hours a day making fun of people and then making about 80 bucks there's no doctorate in that that's called uh nothing i cannot believe that you are such a delusional person that you think anybody would come to your dying channel and want to talk to you willingly for people to come on your channel they'd have to one respect you and well they don't even do that so there's no point saying anything else richard all those people that you call cowards are saving or entertaining people nobody has time for you bro after this video i'm gonna talk about something completely unrelated because i don't have time for you you literally cannot come up with a single [ __ ] argument and um i've challenged you to a debate bro you should challenge your hairline to come back i'm sorry sorry about that but i bet that vegan teacher would be totally fine with debating you live on her channel i bet you wouldn't do it because you know you'd be you know put into a corner where uh you can't make a [ __ ] argument because you're an idiot richard you might be the only person in human existence to debate with a mirror and still lose okay i don't want to waste time on you nor the vegan teacher i just want to have a couple laughs and move on to the next video i don't think it's getting into your cauliflower brain that i don't have a problem at all with veganism we'd just agree for two seconds and then i'd leave to do something better with my time it is very hard to talk to someone who's as closed-minded as you find someone else bro so at this point he's completely done with veganism he just is now personally hating on me he goes to my instagram to start making fun of my face and saying how punchable it is so awkward that's so that is like [ __ ] as awkward as when you say bye to someone and walk the exact yeah uh i'll tell you what's awkward this uh pretty much your entire instagram is awkward dude for context if you haven't watched the video i was saying that walking the same way as someone after you say bye is awkward it had nothing to do with anything i don't know why he figured this was the moment to start lambasting me on but okay see what it like you walk out of the house like this for real hell yes i do bro and i look steezy as [ __ ] while i wear it it's not my fault your wardrobe consists of nothing but t-shirts and tank tops he actually goes outside like this richard at least i'm allowed outside they probably have bars on your door by now what the [ __ ] is on his head ah that's hair richard i knew you wouldn't know what the [ __ ] that was yep some men still have it in their 20s believe it or not it's like some dog took a loose [ __ ] on your head he's one like he's calling someone else awkward i don't know if he actually doesn't know what those are those are braids it's an african thing bro probably shouldn't be saying it's a loose [ __ ] but i don't think that you care at this point so why don't you diss all of africa that's cool imagine uh having a conversation with somebody with this haircut i think that'd be a lot more [ __ ] awkward he says with a pawn stash from 1974 all right bro it's up to you man what is this jacket what is the shitty [ __ ] wears that's called a raincoat so usually when it precipitates from the sky something called rain comes down and if you don't want to get wet wet is what your girlfriend doesn't get richer it comes down and you'd wear a raincoat so that's what that is if you need anything else i'll be here johnny two dollars his face looks like it would be fun to punch i mean i'm sure this guy is walked outside and just out of pure reflex someone has just you know shot their fist out without even thinking about it they do and i do this back and we fist bump but nice thank you for that little hint of violence i love it richard i love it a lot uh this is actually very tame compared to what he used to say so don't get on my bad side make some vegan gains and be nice to animals or i'll kill you so the only use i can see getting out of you is cutting your [ __ ] skin off and turning you into my new [ __ ] wallet so if you think you have the [ __ ] guts come to the [ __ ] toronto veg fest i don't know if that was a joke i honestly don't know if that was a joke i don't think you could take a knife out and be like come to the toronto veg fest what are you gonna cut the carrots off the carrot stems i hope that you stop doing this and threatening people on camera because this is the most childish [ __ ] i've ever seen and you seem to hate children so i guess you hate yourself i never said i liked people i'm a sadist i enjoy hurting people uh when i just beat the ever living [ __ ] out of somebody i get a warm tingly feeling inside like i'm being loved ah richard the only thing you beat is your meat and that is not very vegan off you so the only time he gets that warm tingly feeling of being loved is when he beats people up all right bro i think you need some actual help i'm so surprised i'm actually so stunned that youtube hasn't fully taken his channel down for good because because um people like this exist on youtube and evoke nothing but hate towards other people this is not what youtube stands for youtube's a beautiful platform and how does it taste you ask you know when he talks he sounds like he's actually mentally disabled um like not being mean or something or anything yeah of course i mean like why would you be mean that is you've never said anything mean about me i mean why start now of course bro oh it's all love on both sides yeah yeah like it sounds like he's mentally disabled um i don't know if he has like i don't know suffers from mental retardation or something but where's that haircut he had yeah he he walks out of the house like that yeah the thing i suffer from his confidence richard it's being able to take ridicule from people like you and not give two shits and if i say something back deep down i know it'll hurt in your carrot heart which is why i've been refraining for most of this video because i don't really want to hurt you at all i just wanted to defend myself but when you say stuff like this it makes you sound really stupid not that there's anything wrong to be disabled by the way but i'm not this is called inflection some people talk with more than just a monotone voice richard i know this may surprise you but some people actually upside down frown when they see my videos that's called a smile in a video about veganism you found the time to disrespect the way i speak you feel good about yourself for saying that your fan who said my face is punchable donated a whole two dollars to you if he donated uh two more dollars you'd have four dollars bro it's nice to know that your fans also like bringing people down that's one thing i've realized about youtube is you attract what you are and richard you are nothing so the personal attacks keep on going and i just wanted to show them because instead of watching his hour 30 long video why don't you just watch mine instead so for context in this clip i put a lemon on my head they get free banana phone if they become vegan yay what i get a free your hair looks like [ __ ] lemon phone if i become a blimming head oh look your hair still looks like [ __ ] well ah thanks mom i wanted your hair looks like [ __ ] great point richard i definitely cannot see the [ __ ] parallel to what my hair has to do with me putting a lemon on my head this is just a picture of my face with braids you just don't like braids do you richard you would hate jamaica a lot of people there have braids and they are so laid back and all they do is laugh and have a good time this must be like hell for you bro oh god don't ever go there so uh this guy is calling her unattractive when he looks like this he is criticizing her dress choice and how she looks when he looks like that tell me dude when you go out of the house uh dressed like this with that haircut what kind of attention do you get like do girls look at you um do you get any phone numbers or anything are you interested in women or people in general well would i walk outside do i get phone numb from just wearing clothes what am i [ __ ] jesus who does who do you know someone who does that who just walks outside and goes like here take it take it but she just pulls her panties out she's like take it take oh my god you look so you look so clothed up every time i walk outside richard girls are just giving me numbers eight but you're right richard i'm very ugly nobody likes me can you please help me get a girlfriend i would love one this definitely doesn't come off as projection at all it definitely doesn't sound like you can't do any of the stuff you know what they say richard dress for what you want so i'm gonna wear an astronaut suit and hopefully someone with a big ass will come and sit on my lap rich you seem like you'd be a real lady killer that's why i have the cops on speed dial just in case okay well uh i don't think you're living a subpar life because your skin is darker i think it's because you go out dressed like this uh so just a tip there but nice that's racist nah rich just because i come from apartheid south africa so it actually legitimately did affect me personally as well as my family directly but sure my yellow shirt is making me have a subpar life imagine being so privileged that you're born in the first world country making fun of someone who's born in the third world country about their skin color and not seeing anything wrong with that i think it's because you go out dressed like this uh so just a tip there but richard why would i want a [ __ ] tip from you do you think i want to be in the position you're in you should give me a tip on how to not do everything you did um if i ever want my channel to stall for seven years while making threats and earning more enemies than friends i'll definitely take your advice but i actually like my life so i think i'm okay bro [Music] [Applause] hypocrisy of free speech so if you listen to nothing else in this video richard this is the most important part for you you're a hypocrite and what you do is hypocrisy he's literally saying i'm not in favor of free speech no i'm not literally saying that because for me to literally say that i'd have to and i quote literally say that so no that's not true but continue so if someone uh i don't know wants to say something on a public forum they shouldn't be allowed to if i disagree with it that's literally what he's saying it's like he doesn't see the irony no i didn't actually disagree with anything that she was saying that's why i made such weak debates i still let her talk i used my free speech to talk back and for some reason you did a video on how me doing a video is wrong which is using free speech richard that's why i didn't claim your video i didn't stop but you can make as much money as you want from it it's your right just like it's my right to make this video on you if you want a little more hypocrisy he actually reads the comments section of my videos and find someone who says she is vegan which he should agree with because he's a vegan and that's all he's preaching but then he says this jesus i'm vegan and it's [ __ ] sad that this woman is now technically representing who the [ __ ] is this [ __ ] you're vegan this [ __ ] hasn't even [ __ ] seen her [ __ ] channel so even though they're vegan they still have to agree with everything you say with for them to be right now that's what i call free speech uh sixteen low doesn't talk about pop pop culture he is the pop culture ah it's leo l e o doesn't spell low low spells low can you read or are you just not it's you're not there fully in the head do i call you vegan grogs oh and by the way for a channel that's called vegan gains you haven't gained any [ __ ] subscribers in a long time bro so you might as well change it to vegan stays or vegan losers yeah you know i don't see too many people uh going outside and dressing up like this unironically that's because you don't leave your house that's why if you left your house once in a year you'd probably see people wearing clothes bro there's more places to life than the gym in a toilet [Music] the thing i found just precious about his video is that he does not like my music at all he actually defends her and says my music is bad which is so beautiful to [Music] watch look at his face it looks like he's discovering music for the first time he's like the hell is those huh what is that drum noises is that what you listen to for music two broccoli heads rubbing together you're like hmm [Music] jesus christ that's brutal uh you singing in a doorway with uh some weird-ass clothes with a high-pitched squealy voice i'd say that's a lot more [ __ ] awkward than that vegan teacher dude well that's the coat richard i wouldn't expect you to know anything about fashion i'm talking about the same man who got married to his wife wearing a [ __ ] hoodie that like holy [ __ ] this dude's standing in a doorway like an autistic and i don't know a person who can't even communicate with somebody else do autistic people stand in doorways good for them that means they can get through doors can you not this is my favorite part of the video he says my music's trash and then he has to sit through karis and hummus and you can just see him dying on the inside [Music] maybe she should start uh pitching her voice up like crazy so she sounds like uh chipmunk yeah you're talking about bad shitty tasteless music okay carrot and hummus rap hey do you like my new carrots carrots and hummus yeah no that's pretty good yup no i like carrots and hummus go together like carrots and thomas to make things even worse is headphones break off to that this is literally [ __ ] are you for [ __ ] real see if uh switching to wired might fix that issue even his headphones are like [ __ ] it bro i can't do this maybe she should start uh pitching her voice up like crazy so she sounds like a chipmunk rich you dirty scoundrel that's not pitching my voice up that's called a falsetto i didn't actually pitch my voice up believe it or not people who could sing can go up certain octaves uh you know what that's already too much for you i don't really have time to describe music to someone who doesn't know what music is but i think you should learn there's this great app that you should download called spotify and if you don't like my music the vegan teacher actually made a whole album that nobody listened to since your headphones are broken you might not be able to hear it but that somehow makes her music better so also wouldn't it just be the best best revenge if my music blew up you know what i'm gonna make that my revenge instead of actually getting back at you i'm just gonna get more streams with my [Music] music ah we finally come to the final thoughts okay so basically this video is trash uh he literally did not come up with a single argument and after calling her a karen he cried and whined because she made a song that he felt was offensive i didn't call her a karen because he's offended i called her that because it's her government name you [ __ ] idiot how did you miss that in the video i heard carrots give you better vision not worse what how is every single thing you say wrong yes sir dude debate offers still on the table uh i messaged you on twitter i've even tweeted at you i've done everything i in conclusion i'm not gonna tweet you back because you got suspended i'm not gonna look at your only fans because i value my vision and i will not debate you because honestly richard you are not worth my time so i wanted to conclude this video in a lot of ways i thought about it for days and when i first saw this video about me it was the first time anybody's talked about me and especially in that way because i've never brought anything up about him in my life i was like who is this person that's calling me all these names and on the first day of watching it i was spiteful i was like i'm gonna get you back so hard and then by the second day i did some research on him and i was like oh he does this to a lot of people he's just doing this for views and by the third day i asked myself why why do you have this need to debate people why do you have this need to constantly prove that you're right to people that you don't know on the internet and it hit me and the best way i can explain this is uh like the movie catch me if you can i don't know if you've seen it but it stars leonardo dicaprio and tom hanks tom hanks plays a detective and dicaprio plays a criminal and my favorite scene in the movie is like it takes place on christmas and dicaprio's character calls tom hanks's character to say that you still haven't caught me they're having a back and forth and then tom hanks's character realizes at some point the only reason this dude called him is because he didn't have anywhere else to go or anyone else to call on christmas day you didn't call just to apologize did you what do you mean have no one else to call [Laughter] that's richard because if you really were just about veganism and spreading the peace and love wouldn't you start a podcast with your friends or your wife or do something that uplifts people as opposed to bringing them down it seems to me that you're reaching out to these random people just to have a dialogue because if you don't have that dialogue you have nothing and honestly richard that is sad at first i was angry at you then i was disappointed now i just feel sorry for you and i seriously doubt you're watching this right now taking anything in but think about it bro when lost did you focus on proving yourself right as opposed to proving others wrong and regardless of everything you've said to me at the end of this video i want you to leave with this i wish you the best seriously i don't wish any harm upon you i actually hope that you do really well but in saying that i hope you stop threatening people and i hope you stop preaching and spewing your hate because it's never going to get you anywhere in life it's not how you make friends so with that being said from me and fluffs we genuinely wish you all the best but i'm not giving you any more of my time and if you need a reminder why so unless this video gets millions of views you know the clout chaser that i am i won't be talking about you again so as i said at the end of the video i'd have a little surprise richard since you hate my music so bad i decided to go ahead and do a song for you anyway now you have a song made about you thanks to all the brain dead babies for watching i've been 16 leo i will see you on the next one dear rich i wrote this rap instead of calling heard you got a lot to say and that your channel's stalling i mean i'm so confused using me for tea and views i'm a decent dude why'd you spew all off your skewed views caught you on my gram saying things about my face i lead us up our life for my fashion on my race but all those things you seem to hate are things that i embrace you keep on tripping richard i think you need to tie a lace i'm disappointed that we couldn't have a dialogue sitting on a higher horse i think you got your wires crossed responding to this video won't get me calling back and honestly my homie rich i think you're losing track do i remind you off your past and every single thing you laugh dishing out the blows but you can't seem to take them back fighting with my fans and trying to act like that's a flex but i got the text you said you choked a teen to death i know you got a cause rich but why are you so mad can we coexist without you trying to fight my fans you seem to say my name a lot i think that you're a stan and if you want my autograph don't hesitate to ask you said you hate my music but you love the vegan raps lying on your keyboard rich that's why you type in caps i think you need to take a break and drink a gin and tonic beefing with the vegan without meeting that's ironic with momentum mention mental i just took it i was gentle sentimental man i am but damn it hurt more than my dental went to writing then i realized the meaning of the song has conceited as you seem you need a leo all along and just like catch me if you can you know the scene i'm on about will leo talk to tom on christmas till he figured out he was acting up because he had no one else you see i think i gotta figure it it's you who needed me damn [Music]
Channel: sixteenleo
Views: 1,234,152
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vegan gains, vegan gains penguinz0, vegan gains response, vegan gains video, vegan gains sixteenleo, vegan, gains, vegan teacher, that vegan teacher, response video, video essay, the clap back, sixteenleo
Id: fiA4afUKhjs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 2sec (2822 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 07 2021
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