Big Ed Gets A Sympathy Hookup And Ruins It

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that's a good night is he a good kisser i had to teach him how to kiss big kiss wow who would have thought that that's why that's why his mind so blown because she was like look let me do it all right just stop just you stop not awake thank you i was like i had never had this before in my life she took over because she was just tired of dealing with me not knowing what the heck is going on hello everyone i'm simon toast kittens buff pro we're back with more big head yeah [Applause] thank you what are you doing the last time we looked at big ad he tried to get some smooches and just got straight shut down and it was awesome now uh according to this clip big ed and liz's first kiss hopefully she blows it to him well hey if you've been watching several videos and you haven't subscribed yet please hit the subscribe button really appreciate it helps out a lot leave a like on the video do all that cool stuff get checked out buff pro on buff pro at youtube and twitch let's just let's just let's see the magic oh gosh it's cute it's cute so um hopefully i get to sleep here because there's a sofa okay i don't know what i don't know what's going on or where they are i don't have any contacts they're but they're in a hotel uh and ed's like hopefully i get to sleep in the bed girl you know what i'm saying there's a couch and everything you know [Laughter] surprise for you look at that wow wow what a surprise a single piece of cake that's for ed into the world the wands for her you know he's like really set in the mood you know watching his face and the whole time he's pouring it he's just like it's that mood he's trying to get her in she's over here on the couch she's coming up in the blanket just like protection blanket a safety blanket all right there's no openings there's no openings why don't you do a toast and i do a toast i'm toasting okay i'll go first your sense of humor okay what are we toasting to why are you in here like this is such a great joke this is a prank trying to get along okay that's good cheers thanks what is it what what is that i mean i may not be like i don't know refined enough to know what those black floaty things are in this dream is that ice i don't know edge roofies haven't dissolved yet he mixed up the glasses this and i are having a good time i think we're both jesus okay yes she's over there like is this safe i'm gonna just bottoms up man poor me pour me another glass bruh i think we're both reading the same signs and i'm going for the kiss is he drooling yeah i'm just saying i'm just so nervous around you it just every time he starts talking about how he feels her face is always just like oh god here we go all right let me brace myself okay okay it just took me a while to get used to your your beautiful face but um it took me a while to get used to you still sticking out man just you in general dude you know yeah it took me a while to get used to you [Laughter] burn anyways um burn burn are you guys reading the same songs i don't know man i don't know words of affirmation you know telling all these nice things he's like yeah whatever dude not sure if he's versed in the sign language yeah that was a mess burn anyways um can i kiss you don't make it weird i won't she made it weird oh the whole thing's weird way to be a gentleman there and you know and then she's just like don't make it weird how could it not be yeah like do we have to watch it all right i don't know do we oh he's so happy oh here he comes scooting across ah i don't know what he's like chewing on him what's happening right now oh god what is happening it's more than just a kisses oh yeah get in there and even turn his face towards the camera a little bit to make sure they're filming me like you all see that y'all see them remember that you remember that old video we did of uh the people kissing each other they're the worldly dearly [Applause] that's another video don't worry that was just the intro to it all right watch [Laughter] oh did that just oh it needs a minute he's like oh girl oh don't film that hey this is usually happened you know the kiss so that's out of the way now i can relax now it can be normal no it will be normal yeah so glad they can share this intimate moment with each other with the camera crew there oh their first kiss oh wow it was so natural and not planned at all oh and i feel bad for her because she's like now can you chill out dude yeah can you like can you leave me alone now thank you for being in my life i love it oh oh yeah yeah you want some more he she never like returns any of the things he says no she doesn't amber no ever like thank you for being in my life you know i love it and she's just like [Laughter] your lips really taste good don't make it weird man girl you taste so good you're squeezing that hand holy crap get out of here let's do it let's do it don't you do it twist it when it's been enough don't make it weird well now i knew why she just down that drink you know she knew what's going on i'm so scared of getting my heart broken but i'm starting to feel something from her which i never felt before he never felt it before ever now ever no not even once a person caring about them better a kiss [Laughter] left or right what side do you like technically you're supposed to be closest to the door you're right for protection for protection i'm thinking this yeah yeah there's this you gotta sleep close to the door so if you might bust in then rob in first one more kiss oh she's attacking what happened it's halfway going ain't gonna lie watching her kiss and i was just whoa i'm trying to get a little thirsty okay when he said i'm starting to feel something i'm gonna go for it right or i think something's coming of it and if not i'm gonna be heartbroken is he was he banking on like i thought i thought the same thing yeah like i'll smash tonight all right heartbroken i have never felt this uncomfortable in my existence yeah and i really wiggled towards liz and laughs in her face it calls their faces exactly the same strategy he used with the rose champagne then asked for a kiss ah really wow well he said i have a surprise for you i thought he was going to bring out lingerie toothpaste tv test and look there's another clip here we got we got two clips okay the next one is big ed's big night with liz what mary told me is like that the big ed's just over here bragging about what happened hey pumpkin pumpkin peaches peaches peaches he tasted like a peach last night i'm drinking coffee you're drinking some green stuff yeah girl you taste like pizza last night no i'm saying yeah yeah you know what i'm saying here's your green stuff there's some green stuff grilled p you know i already got pet names they ready they're going all the way it's a full-blown relationship already where was that at this morning he walked out to the lobby looking like that he had to go work out he's obviously obviously sweating a lot when you fix my head fix my hair girl is it brushed uh i don't want it brushed i want more of a natural just pull it back something like that yeah what freaking what is this mayonnaise oh god it's cold i think miracles last night was off the charts um we um so he he snuck out to give this interview yeah yeah he had to go out and give this interview you know didn't get some team come back yeah yeah go ahead yo bro give us a give us the juicy deets and he's like oh shoot you know big okay so yeah i mean we we made love all night how long do you think tonight last for ed well he's easy he's up in the open years you know you know i mean all night probably like it's about 10 o'clock girl that's some passionate love making but yeah oh big and a little led sleepy i don't believe it i don't believe it either i don't believe ain't no way nope even if it did i don't think it happened the way that he said it happened what i think happened is that did his thing over there while he she slept he was like is that peaches still tasting peaches that was great last night by the way both times all night baby two times two times the first time was a little quick with that second time hours man hours liz's body is amazing her body is amazing oh man she tastes like she's gonna send you pics whenever uh episode is over you know yeah like he's out here bragging about talking bros or something oh man i never had anyone take over and make love to me in my life it will go down in big head history as yeah as the event it's going down in big and history she's going down a big head in history for real because he just told everybody who watched the show he never had nobody hop on top like that he opens like that every time he's old you know he needs a laid back listen blew that man's mind he's definitely in love wedding ring is coming soon oh man that's a good night is he a good kisser i had to teach him how to kiss that really makes me believe that last night was just amazing big man can't even kiss you know but oh man that's why that's why his mind so blown because she was like look let me do it all right just stop just you stopped away dang it was like i had never had this before in my life she took over because she was just tired of dealing with me not knowing what the heck's going on you know at first i didn't believe it but as the story's going here i'm starting i'm actually starting to believe it and the story is that just big a big ad is terrible in bed yeah yeah exactly i feel like i have to train him to do a lot of things but we laughed about it he cried i laughed you know it was all good i also appreciate how like she just said yeah we had a good night last night and like made it all very vague yes big ed's like her body's smashing man she was giving her she's jumping up on top from this way and that was like superman it was nice it was trapped in like the seat belts man i'm probably the first person in history to ever to be able to break out of the friend zone and all it took all it took was a tv show ed all it took was all of tlc's money all it took was yeah it was the single life that's all that's that that you did it broke right out of the friend zone you're pioneer a hero to a solid the only one in history you're going down in big ant history too in congratulations you did it uh so and we might as well talk about this now how um i think we're gonna look like a couple wow she just like looks so instantly depressed yes she does we're gonna wake up let her put her makeup on and i gotta look happy when i put my makeup on okay because it's a wedding i need to smile stop bringing me down get back in the friend zone i would like to introduce you as my girlfriend at the wedding and so will you be my girlfriend say no just stop [Music] jesus christ why do i hate ed so much like ed can't just let something be good ever this is why ed is pop this is why ed is popular on the show this is why they brought him back because everybody hates ed but ed thinks everybody likes him yeah yeah that's true you're right you're not wrong there's a reason why people really like these videos that people do reacting to big ed because they just get in there and they can just hate on them like we could probably go into the comments yeah in the comments you tasted like a piece last night i'm calling the police exactly i literally said you out loud when the producer asked if it had sex and he chuckled and said yeah so disgusted right now yeah even even the comments on their own channel hate him yeah really really like i feel as though she couldn't say no for the sake of the show yeah exactly that is what everybody feels that way everybody feels that way that's why everyone's watching it because it's like a train wreck you can't look away from it's not that we have like some hot take about this whole thing it is just the obvious situation and maybe they edited it to look that way but even if they did they're not doing any favors you know yeah they they are aware of how people feel about big head please i gotta say yes you enough money girl literally just called terrible in the sack and said she had to teach him a lot of things yeah big heads over there like patting himself up back like i did it it was amazing last night and she's over there like yeah yeah it was great it was it was great i had to teach him pretty much everything [Laughter] andy's twice my age ah yikes anyway let us know what you think down the comments ah i hate it but i guess i love it at the same time i was gonna say you know it's i honestly can't wait for the crash explosion it's coming it's coming we all know it's coming because what what could be the next step it's got to end in tragedy why is that such a big ad hater i don't want to be a big head hater anyway let us know what you think your native birthday birthday stay tuned to my friends and i love you and tlc did not pay me to say that don't make it weird don't make it weird burn
Channel: CinnamonToastKen
Views: 740,634
Rating: 4.9771948 out of 5
Keywords: cinnamontoastken, satire, funny, react, big ed, 90 Day: The Single Life
Id: ynb0zNYoMVs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 17sec (977 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 27 2021
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