Americas Cheapest Family... - TLC #15

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The money spent for updating your home properly for sale usually nets you much more profit than if you did nothing or went half-ass. This drives me nuts. These people are dumb.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/WingyPilot 📅︎︎ Feb 14 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] ah but first word from our sponsor lord's mobile this is my third collaboration with lord smallmouth but it's also lords mobile's fifth anniversary happy birthday lord mobile happy birthday let me ask you something do you like gaming do you like money download lord's mobile because lords mobile is giving away 50 000 to celebrate their fifth anniversary but they're not just giving away cash to you guys they're also giving away fifty thousand dollars to the make a wish foundation which is an amazing charity i supported it for years and if i do reference it in a rap song that may have already been uploaded or not just know that that was a joke just to record it it is amazing charity it helps kids with different illnesses and sufferings to help them make their dreams come true how do i describe lord's mobile for those who don't know basically if sun tzu was still alive the master strategist of all time the chinese warlord the undefeated master if he was alive today he'd be sitting 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gamers do but you can also spin lucky will to win a thousand dollar cash and merge with autograph spin wheel the epic gamer they both work every download would contribute to the make-a-wish foundation as well so it's for a good cause check it out link it's in the description you guys know what to do thank you lords mobile for sponsoring this video now let's get on with it good morning gamers i got a [ __ ] headache and a nosebleed but let's do this today we're checking out tlc america's cheapest family this isn't america's cheapest family this is america's dumbest life hacks okay i'm looking forward to seeing this now wait wait wait wait the dad is the type of hell no all right let's watch this i'm ready sorry i usually watch them two times being here here we go i'll slow it down for you for your slow brained individuals yeah my brain's so fat no i can see ew in the plate and also the dumb comment from the kid i don't even know where to begin with it breaking that down no you can't those are dirty and you know it look how dirty the brush is i'm melanie o'brien and i'm shawn o'brien and we're america's cheapest family i mean they're not self-proclaimed america's cheapest family you know tlc producers are like all right it would be really cool if you guys call yourself like cheapest family that'd be that'd be insane if you could just like but anyway i'm curious well may well all right do they do they pass the test it rains in the summertime when the kids are playing outside in the pool we can utilize that afterwards to help i'm sorry but that you call that a pool i respect that to help clean our dishes we save money on the water bill we save money on the electric bill i don't get it just reuse the water right when you do the dishes you just put a little bit of water you close the tap and then you use the other and like you don't use that much water that's that's a pretty big house like do they really need to all right whatever shawn and i agree that if we don't have to buy anything new then we won't and we'll make use with what we have that's our lifestyle that's our way i mean yeah that's that's fine oh my god her pan doesn't have a handle on it that is so annoying how do they cook couldn't they just fix that somehow the handles broke off yeah instead of going out and buying brand new pots and pans we didn't fix it what did you do that is a bridge he didn't make that wrench [Laughter] what do you mean he made a wrench you're telling me he can make this wrench but he can't make a handle for his [ __ ] duct tape protects my hands from burning all right oh so he put duct tape on the handle on a bridge and he said look i made you this wrench it's been more than ten years since sean and melanie have made any significant improvements to their home a sacrifice they claim has saved them over 30 thousand dollars this is where we spend most of our time in the living room um as you can see we've got very sparse furniture living room furniture can cost up to 10 20 000 depending on what kind you're buying and ours cost maybe 50 bucks why even have any living room furniture if that's what you're gonna go with what i would rather have an empty room than my room looking like that that's all i'm gonna say sit on the floor floor again come on ours cost maybe 50 bucks a few months ago our shower head broke and sean came up with a great way to fix it what the [ __ ] is that what is that there's no hole what oh let me guess let me guess he put duct tape on around it is that what he did he just made a new one and now we have a brand new shower head this wow wow some people might think our behavior is over the top uh but excuse me you're wasting all the water in the bottle huh you better be reusing that mr and mrs frugal come on for the past several years see they're sitting on the floor anyway they're not even using that dirt pile whatever that is ew moving into a larger space but selling their current home would require them to make renovations they've avoided for the past decade our realtor is going to come over and give us what a guy what a guy that's your realtor okay give us an assessment and evaluate what we need to do before we actually put our house in the market here's the yard how about this empty all the [ __ ] you don't have much anyway our fence is a little piecemealed together so i just replaced the boards as they come leans a little but it's dirty you're gonna have to repaint the fence i mean if not replaced it's uh how much is we looking to replace around 1800 bucks just paint it bro just paint it you don't have oh my god it brings character to the neighborhood and the kickball it brings character to the neighbor is that what you think is that really what you think just paint it just paint it you just have to paint it oh my god this guy's the worst i get i get i understand completely wanting to fix things on your own and not call someone to get in and do it but at least try a little bit man what is this it's in the right place that is so sloppy dude and you know it number one no furniture this won't work you've got to stay to certain stage how no you don't have to stage it just just remove all your crap please well a bean bag an ottoman i mean you've got to have furniture here i love this they tried so long look at that mom's face she's terrified they so you're telling me we haven't had furniture for a decade and now we have to get it before we move out we could have got just fire in a journal along if i if i bought a house i'd rather see it empty than staged with a bunch of tit furniture i've seen houses online that don't have any furniture yes yes not always the majority of them are new well i was so white so what mr realtor huh you got crazy glasses have a thing none of these homes that are selling has carpet like this the stains i i honestly don't feel like a buyer would even put an offer in with carpet like this how nasty is that carpet i want to see it close up please i need to see that carpet yeah i don't get it in uk everyone puts carpet and it's disgusting it's actually disgusting putting my own floor in my place whatever this type show a photo it looks sick hey they're driving volvo base no don't get another carpet they're so ugly here we'd probably be looking at about a four thousand dollar buck what i thought carpe was cheap i thought that was the whole point bro just put in vinyl floor my brother come on it'll look good i'll come over and help you all right do you still have the floor what literally is the cheapest that you could help me out with eighteen hundred to two thousand dollars i mean all right so what i'm really just kind of looking for but you guys have a budget of thirty thousand now right because you saved all that money right two sections uh you know a burnt stain here maybe some you just want to change sections of the carpet yeah is it unheard of to patch up carpet i mean it really is unheard of i've never heard such thing i definitely don't want it to be horrific but is there a way to get something i mean it's not a bad idea right if they're just trying to sell the place and don't want to spend a lot of money you could yeah you could just change parts of it i don't know why he's acting so offended about it it's an ugly ass carpet anyway your carpet sucked dude okay you don't want to buy all the carpet i that would definitely be a first we can take a look okay let's take a look and see what we can work out sure oh you know i've seen all types of customers over the years in our business i've never had anyone ask me for samples all right here's our sample room you guys can take a look around oh my god i'm but but wait wait a minute wait a minute you have to get the same carpet right you can't you're not going to patch it up like you patched up the fence right [Laughter] please tell me you're not oh god i want to find something that matches as best as possible ah yeah that one on top is better see if you can find more like that no no no no you can't do better you have to have the same one if you're pulling this [ __ ] you have to have the same one oh okay they got it i think you got it huh this that no one that one oh this is gonna be the closest we'll make it match uh guys i don't know how about uh how about 20. we'll do 20 okay i appreciate it thank you all right i have a bag well played today the man just saved himself a thousand eight hundred i i don't i don't know why i can't hate on that i think it's when they they try to be frugal with these small things that are just disgusting that's when it kind of bothers me but it remains to be seen how this looks like to be fair advised to replace the carpeting and refurnish their living room before showing their home with the help of their neighbor they're hoping to stage the area for free could borrow your furniture for the open house you know how our living room looks now and you're so close by and you've got such great furniture we just really love to use yours if you don't mind like what are you thinking um yeah i was thinking the couch the nice coffee table that's not even better come on i mean the coffee tables all right i guess all right all right all right oh i'm trusting in you thank you okay um mark's gonna kill me no more you're left got it you can stop for a minute of course rather than hire professionals to replace their entire carpet shawn tacks down their two all right let's see [Applause] okay just keep the [ __ ] stain dude just keep the stain what is that [ __ ] oh god what have you done that is terrible that is terrible oh no it even has the branding thing on it it's a sample it shows the brand on it oh my god why did you totally different color i mean you did it great you did a great job but it just doesn't match right we knew it wasn't 100 match that's not even close to 50. wouldn't it be easier to just yeah just put a coffee table over the stain or something i don't know is that legal when we first walked in i noticed little details oh they noticed the carpet i can't believe it i can't believe they noticed the carpet unbelievable if those are the things that are showing what what are we not seeing yeah people who are different are always going to be called because i'd do it a different way than somebody else you're gonna do this every time you go to the bathroom oh look it's another player he made that plier he created that it's a toilet plunger he made it no we're in texas in dallas we're in a good market there's gonna be somebody out there that's gonna look it and say i like it dude he looks sleepy all the time dude he's so busy doing these diy hacks you're not gonna sell that house or at least you're not gonna get a good offer on it sometimes you have to spend money to make money just sometimes they honestly sound like they're covering up a murder yeah right you go to a carpet store hey can we just replace one section of the carpet it's just red wine he walks around with a piggy bank i'm jordan page and i'm the ultimate cheapskate housewife and remember you need to eat all your cheerios or next time you only get 12. wait oh this is sad the kid doesn't even get milk you can't have cereal like that she rations her kids waffles so she can buy heels and dresses yeah what is happening here jordan has found some of the biggest savings in the bathroom cutting her family's use of toilet paper from 300 rolls a year to only 40. the way to stretch your money is to make everything count see three should we do three okay let's rip one how much do you think daddy should use um four jordan always harps on me for using too much toilet paper hey let's try it oh my god you got a wipe you got a white you got a wife you got a white i don't want to live like they [ __ ] your highlights i'm wiping my ass but she wants to at least try and make that roll go farther my mane just go to [ __ ] starbucks and grab a bunch of totally i don't know i'm going to walk around with a sweaty ass just because you want to get a new top what the [ __ ] is this i am offended by this met jordan no one no one decides how many wipes i have that's a massive [ __ ] house dude hey chris how's it going i was actually wondering if you guys had any leftovers or any food no [ __ ] off [ __ ] it's my food and my toilet you're not getting my toilet paper you understand oh god i i i hate this i don't know why why do i hate this so much it's like you can't know if someone actually needs your help or if they're just trying to save money from you that's what's annoying about this like if someone came to my house and asked hey i i i need some food food do you have anything of course of course but if there's bait it rolls up no no so this is what i like to call an end loaf oh a lot of bread and a lot of people don't like to eat the heels of bread but bubba likes it my kids love it and it's still good so after a while it makes an entire loaf worth doesn't that bread go old what oh dashboard with the car temperature at 160 degrees she's finished baking for free ew look at all the oil that's running on thinking that's led jordan to her newest and perhaps most extreme penny pinching plan i mean yeah that seemed to work what the [ __ ] no no hear me out we could raise a pig and then get a pig out of it you can pay upwards of 350 per dozen for eggs you pay 10 bucks for a chicken six chickens later you're getting a half dozen eggs a day can't you just start growing some vegetables at least not start with the farm i realize this is like a an addiction for these people they're addicted it's not it doesn't become about saving money anymore it's about like yeah i beat the system it's like this uh it's this thing right where they they get this gratification like oh i saved the buck oh that feels good oh nice and then they want to keep doing that and keep doing that and keep doing that and find different ways to do it it just becomes ridiculous and it's like do you even need to save the money at this point you can raise your own animals for a fraction of the cost as it would be to buy an organic so you're gonna kill that pig when he grows up that's just cold man i don't know how i feel about this imagine having kids and then they bring in this new animal and they love it and then you have to make them eat it how are they gonna kill it how are they going to make sure they can does she had god all right maybe they did their research and the pig's okay back at the farm he's doing just fine fatten them up i want chickens [Laughter] [Music] shelter i mean nothing will reach her savings goal in two months the chickens they would be laying half a dozen eggs a day the goats saving 12 bucks a day on a gallon of milk would be pretty awesome are we cut out to be backyard farmers i don't know but the number's out is she is she counting the cost of maintaining these and the time that it will take all right that is cheap skates of america i feel bad i feel bad for the kids not gonna lie thank you for watching this video i'd never feel bad for kids because tomorrow cocomell and diss track be ready profess subscribe epic what just happened sir sir i think we hit bedrock what does that mean it means you can't go any deeper good oh why is that sir there's nothing deeper than me
Channel: PewDiePie
Views: 8,913,879
Rating: 4.9581027 out of 5
Keywords: SATIRE
Id: Pgj3kNI1jDQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 52sec (1312 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 13 2021
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