Big Ed Tries to EXPOSE Rose LIVE! - Part 4 FINAL

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Is no one gonna talk about the fact that the video isn't available in the US

Please do reply to me why is this video blocked in the US

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Classic_Desperado_ πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 14 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Can somebody record it and post it on the subreddit page

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Nosizweeee πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 15 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Where are the comments? I need to see what people think

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Lose_faith πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 14 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Can’t see it at all

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Bear0nAcid πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 14 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

This video isn’t available in my country. Why is it still country locked after 2 days? Is the video critical of my country, or is Pewds just not making it fully available?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/RGQTKrampus πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 14 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I'm so confused... In US too and this is just strange

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/jennie500713 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 16 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Still blocked. Does it need to be reuploaded or is this a YouTube issue?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/AWildBakerAppears πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 16 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Where can I watch this? It still doesn’t work.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Pikajeww πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 17 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] guys I can't believe I have to make another video I said I wasn't going to make I become one of these youtubers now guys I said I was gonna make another video but something epic you Jobs have it's something I think happened Big Ed and roasts finally talked it out and it is like a hair of my mom I got that's that your hair boom ed Andros first of all we're gonna play this clip latest from TLC we're big and apologizes to his daughter this is actually very important clip for context later on in the video so let's flip and watch it so what's up well you're right yeah it just kind of blew up on my face I tried to warn you so for context here Big Ed is 54 his daughter is 29 and the girl he was dating Rhodes I ever wanted to marry even is 23 I had to do it I had to follow through you know I was upset that her old enough to be her dad and I was like what are you doing 23 oh she says what do you have in common with her what actually I want to think about that what what do they have in common what does Big Ed and Rose have in common the has to be I can't think of anything I can't think of a single thing maybe the height they're almost the same height she's a little taller cuz you were blowing me off and essentially saying a few like I don't I'm just gonna do whatever I was selfish and I'm sorry one thing that I definitely wanted you to know is that you were and are and have always been the love of my life ah and we have such a great foundation and I mean to be fair ed must have really liked Rose if he's willing to cut jeopardize his relationship with his daughter just to meet up with this young girl cross continent right everyone question his motives but I still just makes him a national anyways I'm like dumbass I'm a human funny dumbass so they make that so great that's so great however however however OMA gross and Big Ed are talking and it happened and it's beautiful oh my god I can't wait for this it's so good explosive no Nick ed nice one whoever reapply to this you were in the Philippines you guys were able to communicate well Rose why do you feel like you need a translator now cuz she man she mad as hell [Applause] she man she mad as hell that's the feeling oh you're angry you're angry right now Oh Eddie it is scared look at him run a facial recognition on that side 100% terrified you should be I'm not sure but how does that make you feel to hear Rose say that I'm confused okay look at ed sippin on that vows water he's sipping on that vod's living the high life and I said nice immediately when I got back from the Philippines we facetimed a little bit but then the last time was I think rosemary wasn't it around Valentine's Day what Valentine's Day they secretly hooked up question mark I doubt it what happened on Valentine's Day special I didn't oh oh no one believes him where are these the council the council have spoken we do not believe a word single word that big ad is a summary reached out to me Rose is that true yeah is that true Rose know what I believe Rose okay but that's big I did sound like a lie no Rose is that true he's the first to message me okay I can show you the messages I haven't he has the receipt she reached out to me and I asked it's because I don't want to be a rude I replied to him want to be rude that's why she was answering messages from Edie she reached out to me she was so angry with me why did she reach out to me on February 9th does that look like she's frustrated or she's angry at me you see this photo here does I have proof that I look angry to you oh you reached out to me you wanted to start a relationship again and wanted me back and wanted a present for Valentine's Day they said phase have discussed again the classic she needs to copy writing for Valentine's Day you wanted me to come and see you and I was ready Shawn I was ready I miss Rose I love rose I was ready to give up everything my daughter I was ready to give up my daughter I had already repaired that relationship with Tiffany but I had feelings for once and I was ready to take that what so he had this we did the clip we just saw he's repairing the relationship but now he's saying that after that he was prepared to give up his relationship with his daughter again what the hell Edie T says but then I go on your Facebook and I see a picture of you what is this what is this what is this look at ed with all these evidence look at this evidence it refutable evidence what is this this is this M photo look angry to you huh you and your girlfriend what and you had told me that you don't have a girlfriend and I can show you the text it's right here what is this road why is this so funny what is this route please tell me what this is he came prick he had them ready relationship with even zooming in on the text ex question mark yes that is a girl whoa girl since we are you now in a relationship with a woman [Music] catch this after the next commercial Brenda's kidding all right the tech oh wow they really did it yeah are you Broce huh are you dating her why do they sell obtain about it they're broken up who cares right what's the big deal you broke up with Edie you started a relationship with the woman yes so ed did you know that rose was bisexual I did I had no idea they look like very you know pretty sick well there's the ED with more receipts why is this so funny I don't get it look at these funny photos huh look at these funny photos explain these all right she reached out to me because she had broken up with her girlfriend and wanted me back everyone in a present for Valentine's Day I want to know what Rose is saying can I just have the translator just tell me what is she saying right now translate is like I don't know I don't understand I'd wanted to get back together and that he was asking for a second chance no good why oh then you say that already it's just I'm confused about the timeline here now let's bring in Ed's daughter Tiffany who has been listening into the house she has been listening the whole time she's been old I'm she heard a Tiffany party I guess um so you heard your dad say he was willing to give you up to have this relation oh that's the face of a man who no he AFT up god damn it ed I try to give him chances main I try but he doesn't learn what are you doing how did that make you feel that I will be honest I was pretty shocked to hear that right now that when she reached out to him again that he was willing to jeopardize my relationship again and she found out lime this is crazy Oh I mean I'm his only daughter and he's willing to you okay you're not making that face anymore are you Eddie huh you're not making that I guess I messed up face Jesus Christ is our relationship again for love which I want I want to see him with somebody and not alone but I mean I can't support it I mean there's such a huge age gap there but they don't have very much in common I would argue nothing in common I would say that I think this but then again you don't have to have things in common for a relationship to work Tiffany I didn't mean I didn't mean it like that yeah how do you how do you mean it that it yeah we heard you dumbass a million years I mean I yeah mr. backpedal going backwards on the back mr. back Beto going backwards again come on Ed stand up for yourself for one stick to what you're saying using you I was put every on the wine and I'm sorry and I hope you know I love you so much yeah you already gave that speech yet huh you remember that haven't happen in the last video we already heard this how many times how many times huh you never learned you never learn you heard that the people that love you eh I cannot stand by Oh tambour I wasn't gonna hit you at Tamborine ashamed this early sorry I was just following my heart I'm an idiot I fell in love love does it makes you do stupid things and it was a mistake now I know it's a mistake and I've learned my lesson I've learned my lesson no you didn't because he already been through this you ain't lunch ba you know nothing you're praying Tiffany so this is your first time talking to Rose right yep Oh I mean Rose why what did you see in my dad I mean did you really love him because he really did love you because he was willing to give me up don't get at home with me please I'm just asking you that's how she talked the whole time but okay do you did you have true feelings for him yes I believe her because to be honest from from what I've seen it mean it didn't really seem like don't get a tone with me someone just snapped I guess she doesn't know what she said right away okay I can tell Rose is very upset I'd like for the translator to tell me what Rose is upset about okay Rose is saying that she feels that it doesn't see or appreciate all the effort that she did for for the relationship and that what effort but Rose is playing that is lying and trying to hide the fact that he wasn't really a good person to her but what about almost all the secrets what about all des secrets and maybe his height which I'm not quite sure how how you can't hide that considering you guys would video chat and Skype but yeah it's impossible to not see someone's height from a video because I am actually 6 feet tall as you all know 611 actually as you can tell because I am on camera right now you can tell my height there's no way for me to hide my height from you guys because I'm on the simple things that you should be honest about as far as past relationships especially when you're wanting him to call him what what was he saying that she really doesn't care about this oh my god and actually asked her to go on video calls on multiple times and even acceptable on sex did you follow with him really really sex video that Rose is talking about we're going here the council is waiting with full anticipation what about the sex videos what about them see I think what matters here is when they happen right if in a relationship using that kind of stuff but I don't think that's that weird when did it happen can you tell me is right I am so confused what please I'm saying it's a lie it's just a lie oh my god it's a lie even even his daughters believe him he's like I kind of want rose dad to come in live from the shower hey come on come on back yet well shower together again come on it seems farad he thought it came on you know was saying that during one call it was asking why are you always sad and Rose was saying well we have a lot of problems here and so ed said well make it now and I will pay you get naked in front of me do it now and I will send you money oh my god how do you make this up how do you come up with these ideas making up stuff that's ridiculous come on Wow okay oh and the council seems to agree with Rose interesting I'm so confused believe let's talk about you know some of the things that you you were accused of no no no brush-off over that I want to know more come on Ed has everything on his phone he has all the logs I need to know he has all the happy faces has all the sad faces he has all the angry faces come on so they show all the clips actually I never saw the myford thing he gave her much really cute toothbrush a cute this your breath is not pretty I love you I love you I love you so first of all I don't think I was wrong in asking alright it's the same answer I don't care when you were asking rose to shave her legs I love the daughter frenching I apologize for asking you to shave your legs but let me explain women in California they laser their legs so I don't know how I feel about this it's obviously very rude and presumptuous that a woman should just change the way you prefer them but I feel like in a relationship if you like certain things about another person I think you have the right to it ask and I expect them to ask me to do the same kind of thing right I wouldn't demand it and I wouldn't be angry if they didn't want to do it I don't have this kind of probably my dad okay cuz she's perfect but I don't think is that crazy I think it's all the things stacked up though he has for this D test yes for shaving likes your breast things and all this stuff it's all came on once at a time and it just comes off more as all you need to change if you're gonna be with me kinda that's not cool obviously we understand what I'm making here they argument okay cool it was something that I wasn't familiar with but I apologize I apologize I did give him a hard time but it did weird me out I'm gonna be totally honest it was weird but I apologize if I hurt you for asking you to do that that was not my intention this is getting way heavier it's not trying to make myself look good and make you look bad I threw my own natural ability I made a fool out of myself huh god damn it's pretty embarrassing to have your personal hygiene per se out in the public see that's the thing yeah I totally get that couldn't he have wait to be out of camera site right they made a whole thing about it I don't understand what she's talking about she's Olli they needs to feel real it's an eye on you and she's queen I understand she's standing up for Rosa but what the is she saying this is not an argument I feel like no woman was ever good enough for big yet he always has to find something wrong with him and also like right after they met he put all these things on her too that is definitely not help either where do you come from you're not part of the council I understand that I know but I have trust issues she wasn't being honest with me I had the right to ask and she has trust issues that's ironic why don't you tell her before you enter that you know what kids yes yes yes it's wrong raising kids in America's you know you have two beautiful daughters they're expensive they cost money do you feel as though like throughout your life you've had a problem with relying information correctly of course I have I'm not saying it's right I'm not saying I'm perfect but another council member speech are you gonna tell me that you genuinely love rose yes I did love her why is rose saying that you used her that's what I want to know that's your prerogative yeah definitely not think this whole thing would blow up in his face it seems like oh I'm meeting this girl I might owe and I get to get famous in the process I don't think it was like going in into one of these things completely he was thinking he could get all of it I can get famous so I can get this oh wait people realize I have a really ugly personality I like to believe that people can change because otherwise what's the point we're just gonna tear each other down constantly over and over and over again even though maybe my hopes are not so high for it but who knows what will happen in the future another episode but I believe for once and for all this is the conclusion of the big Edie and Rose saga thank you for watching the follow up hit like if you enjoyed subscribe for more epic videos become member thank you guys so much it's been great I love that we made a sub community on this channel now really fun stuff thanks for joining and I see you guys next time Hado [Music] energy [Music] Chico exclusively at
Channel: undefined
Views: 10,126,493
Rating: 4.962101 out of 5
Keywords: SATIRE
Id: JHhO5JKofgc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 37sec (1357 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 13 2020
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