15 Men vs 5 Women is Cringe - Jubilee React #4

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hey new setup continues very epic isn't that right that girl say it today we're checking out 15 men compete for five women that says a lot about society and you goddamn know it you got damn know it there's something about guys competing for women that it's just absolute cringe what's up gamers today I have a very very very very special announcement are you ready for this it's something we've been working on for quite a while it's the arcade blast for baby what this arcade blaster basically it's a controller for your phone and it turns you just attach it like that turn it on and it connects instantly basically and you're ready to game it takes mobile gaming to the next level something that's never been done before because basically where you aim like this you'll aim in the game who would have thought mobile gaming was immersive it makes you a better player it gives you an advantage but it's also just a really fun and unique way of playing I really didn't have a blast when I played this there's a ton of games for it modern combat 5 was really fun all right we're playing modern combat fight look at this so cool just looking around but the best part about this is shooting bad guys oh I can scrape away so easy moving sideways with your thumb we look easy look around easy helping bold guys easy don't call yourself a gamer unless you have an arcade blaster what's that you play mobile games that's cringe bro what's that you have an arcade blaster you're in okay we're cool we're cool okay we're cool shadow gun was really fun I'm playing shadow gun war games this time we're playing online as you can see clearly she thinks too many buttons everyone knows more buttons better gamer all right my first time playing Dan this is so cool I love just looking around Mike you don't think so look at my precision look at knees look at that aim bro ah behind me mobile gaming actually fun what I even had fun playing fortnight with it now obviously the blaster has a ton of games so it has to have fortnight I know the kids like it I mean this is kind of cool even fortnight it's cool with the arcade blaster I'll say it I didn't think I would say it oh you're welcome fortnight I played two hours with ninja no kills first time I have Bethel glanced hi epic oh sorry I can't say that but this will basically turn you into a pro if you're doing mobile gaming these buttons are super nifty and they make you strafe left and right so you can just use your thumb for easy maneuver while you're aiming it vibrates when you shoot so it feels immersive and and fun it has a ton of buttons I think it's safe to say there's no shortage of them you even have a joystick as well for extra precision and you can adjust it as much as you like Android iPhone it fits at all it's such a fun product I'm really happy I'm working with our kid with it's been really cool to see this come to life so if you want one of these please support it on IndieGoGo the campaign is live now check it out order yours now and I'll see you gamers in-game with the arcade blaster don't call yourself a gamer unless you have one of these thanks for supporting the project link in the description let's get on with the video oh my god I forgot to mention it also works with PC games you can play with doom eternal how cool is that sorry let's say check it out when guys do like a quick ways to hit on a woman what do you do you do pickup line I'm gonna say this honestly complete honestly never done a pick-up line I don't need to do pickup line ok and neither should you I never understand the women like pickup lines they like it you like this I don't understand this became a write about a pickup lines I just find it so cringy a girl should like boy for who he is not what he say something to think about anyway 15 men compete for five women let's freakin do this prepare for some cringe I actually used to live out of us oh wow it's already going you know a woman is interested if she's making that face definitely that guy is gonna win for sure if you ever see a woman is that's a sign of submission of a woman she wants you just go for it rather than just adhering to the social structures enemies of society oh okay the average dating app has three times more than men than women what that is so unfair everyone talked about different gap there's different gap that no one talked about dating gap let's imagine my head nice well done Jubilee I see what you're doing here alright so we have two cameras set up we should place one in front of them and the other one where should we place the other one in front of the women well play camera guy like there's no need for that him with a fish what the frickin is wrong what's wrong with the guy in a fish look at them they think it's hilarious oh my god they they're acting like that's the funniest thing they've ever seen yeah because they're just compensating this is a small peepee joke and you know it you know it really you think that's funny okay I don't see you pose him I mean it's parents you know this is what guys are competing for it this is what they don't know this this is this [Music] hey I already know this guy and this guy are gonna win for no reason at all alright so we have two other two out of five the winners hi I'm amber I'm 22 years old I collect pressed pennies 51 cents is the way to my heart that's sweet I'm Mackenzie I'm 21 years old and a million people have seen me make out with a boy online what alright I guess that's another video I'm a full time destination wedding photographer and I'm a yoga instructor next one boring country Pennsylvania literally Mennonite and Amish children at my house hi my name is Victoria I'm 26 years old I'm a social-media influencer no next I don't like social media influencers my name is Jackie I'm 19 I like to spend my free time at the gym I've recently got into that wow that's so interesting well you see this is what guys are competing for so you can say anything about yourself what makes you stand out I like I go to the gym now I bet that's that's it that's all I have why am I so mean I'm joking of course I'm sure they caught out all the things that they said that was actually interesting and just left the really uninteresting parts all right so what happens now Jesus Christ calm down dude the hell it's not a fever oh so they pick interesting what I'm not gonna get one you see what I mean do you see what I mean women like this shoot him he needs to be shot not with real bullets of course Jubilees arey oh my god this is actually a good idea Jubilee if you're watching you should have liked paintball guns just ready as soon as this cringe just blast them that was so good oh my god he look he looks just like for tonight's treatment what's his name face Jarvis he looks just like phase Jarvis this is her first time dating three guys at once in a white void between 1 and 13 6 7 what was she hoping to get out of it all right so I need to pick a partner what can I ask them favorite number favorite number what would they say like a number she doesn't like she's just got alright you go you're right 13 who said 13 come here September I'll forget the day I got a wedding I have family from like small-town person we're like Myerstown have you heard of that yeah that's not part I'm actually a like an independent filmmaker oh my God he's identical to face Jarvis stand-up comedians I've made you laugh about four times so far oh yeah yeah yeah yeah I'm counting how many times oh that's the moment you realize like what you just did on on YouTube it's [ __ ] cringe well done to carry my emotional baggage Jubilate please you need to do something kill him kill it now obviously never wish violence on anyone not okay but kallab story or something that's like oh hey I did this for me I once accidentally during a cult it was an accident it was an accident but I did join yo what it was an accident are we just gonna go past that come on Jarvis you can do it I'm in between blue and green is this how you guys pick your partner's favorite color a favorite number kind of grade school level is this who said blue blue Uranus I'm all about me I got injured and the resulted oh my god this guy it's literally me this guy's like this join a cult can I just leave oh no no no you just organically aligned okay we just organically aligned I feel for women when I see this this is how guys interact with you gosh now I understand I understand women then I get it awful yeah that's that smooth but tall guy sure mood he set it up like a trap do you like piano I'm a pianist boom he's won it already this guy tries to up him I play that what do you say what do you play I play the cowboy I played a cowboy Kelbo the [ __ ] use of cowbo that's a dog you play a dog bro Kelbo what's a cow ball am i stupid yes what is cowbell what about the fourth guy does he play an instrument the fourth guy that didn't play an instrument he's out he doesn't play an instrument hey if you're if you're a guy in your single the most effective thing ever just pick an instrument literally any instrument you can play the [ __ ] cowboy that's all you need whether you call it God or the universe oh it's still just love in my connection oh my god she actually doing her hair and stuff god I'm probably going to lemonade it's okay guys guys handling rejection okay I mean there's so many different options like I don't know why I choose yeah because I wanna [ __ ] like I could not give lesson like what a hero God blessing God blessing oh it's all good it's all good I swear guys fear rejection more than anything in the world it's all good so are you sort of a free-spirited so nomadic oh my god he's so annoying what's your favorite type of body of water the ocean why what's your favorite type of body of water this is this is what you need to know I don't even know what my chest favorite type of body water is Oh God and I met I can't all right I gotta ask her I cannot be married to someone without knowing their favorite type of body of water alright I know favorite color I know favorite number I don't know her favorite type of body oh my god what's the price we made it this far alright what's your favorite type of body of water question mark please reply C question mark maybe lake all right that's fine I'm more of an ocean guy I thought you'd kind of cringe I don't know I don't what's gonna happen from here but she's you have waves they come in come out gets affected by a lot of things just making up a lot of stuff so these guys don't have time to talk with national you fare well please guys I'm Chinese in Filipino so chew up you know you know I think I guess Chinese man was recorded okay alright nevermind a nothing never working out it was kind of hard so I mean yeah I was never fat oh and so one day I just went with one of my friends to the gym and I was just like let's do this wow she's so interesting so like one day I was like not fit and just like I decided to go to the gym and I was like I'm in the gym now and then like I did the gym stuff and I yeah this is what guys are competing for this is the trophy I'm beaming I'm sorry I'm sorry it's just a joke oh my god take a deep breath why is she pretending like she's not just gonna pick the tall guy god I hope she picks the guy in the left they practically look the same just cover their faces oh my god they are the same please and they're equally annoying - this is great power couple what dirty play the cowboy did you not hear that [Music] badda-bing will you marry me no sobbing yeah guess some guys can't handle rejection respect respect hold on hold on I didn't notice this I didn't notice this okay that's the guy that you play the instrument point proving I know it pick up an instrument next time [ __ ] in my home addict journey oh my soup yeah I'm very susceptible to peer pressure so whatever you say is it's probably gonna work if one day you need to sleep for the Chinese next year I will be there ah all right I just like flowing and listening to my intuition on my calendar going whatever I should pick me because I can cook whatever you'd like for me to cook like this guy doesn't play cello so what's good about you this guy doesn't play the cello it's so fine oh okay okay okay okay please please pick then please pick talk to you so much now you know you I've talked to your nuts so I don't ever want to talk to you again standing there and like who's gonna pick you why are they picking you it's probably just based off of initial attraction like you don't really know anything about each other right away I mean just being next to a pretty girl is like hot I like making me smile now what if I made the wrong choice I appreciate that Wow Wow what the hell the sweet victory of a man huh feels good doesn't it I mean I'd be open to it um that's not a yes by the way that's definitely not a yes you picked him I'm looking for somebody to work out with yeah I mean honestly I just don't like working out with just like other people so maybe her only personality the only think we know about her she doesn't want to do within God bro I don't like working out with other people too but maybe you could just like alright fine we can work out a couple times together that's some way as a first date or something god damn who almost messed up that handshake that was almost trench vote boji that's his name it's gone phenomenal it's always an excellent day my friend it was more so just some drugs is this guy self watching to bring out my experiences of similarities that I see in her I just wanted her to know about it it was just like yeah it's cool though the tall guy said imma like this full talked himself into elimination the tall guy said nothing cuz he's tall I'm tall toes that's why I'm angry so stop all the hate on the long haired dude I'm tired of liking them bruh whatever drugs the long-haired guy was on I don't want to do them hey thanks for the like I realized it's not the drugs this dude is just super these comments have no chill I love it 56,000 Mike's back I was annoying and you all know who I'm talking hey if you're watching this annoying guy at least you have long hair a link at least you have that the long blonde haired guy and Aryan would be the most annoying couple that's kind of wanted them to hook up to be honest that would be [ __ ] funny they deserve each other alright gamers hope you enjoyed this episode subscribe if you want more episodes check out to jewbilee subscribe and smash like and all that stuff edgar you want to say something look edgar knows when I'm doing the outro that's when he wakes that this dog is so dumb but for some reason he can tell like when I'm done with the video so you're not so dumb are you look at him yeah we're done we're gonna you feed me now you okay and that's it for me for now see you tomorrow gamers hey Dora hey hey hey hey hey you know what big peepees do they play PewDiePie's pixel ings of course pixel ings is a creature collecting game I'm the primary shareholder over a bazillion players have downloaded and it's got a perfect score it's safe to say it's the most popular game of all time 55 pixel aims it's awesome deal with it deal with it [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 10,467,309
Rating: 4.9635086 out of 5
Keywords: SATIRE
Id: n2sGrYEM8Ec
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 6sec (1326 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 24 2020
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