The Minecraft Trivia GAME

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our first contestant what is my real percentage I know this one Church creeper oh my God welcome to Hazard a game show that's all about Minecraft trivia and happens to be a bonus episode full disclosure here with those of you who watch my videos you might have seen this already because it's on this channel and this Channel and this channel so sit back keep track of how many you get rights let me know in the comments because if any of you get all of them right I'm gonna be thoroughly upset anyways that's about it enjoy the show our first contestant thank you for having me sir hello hello sir how how are you feeling about this today I'm feeling excited but I'm not gonna lie I got a little bit of butterflies in the stomach oh yeah understandable there's a lot on a stake here man all right next up bring out bransy [Music] what an entrance wow you're my inspiration I love you so much thank you thank you thank you uh and lastly let's bring out lucid oh my gosh you guys are just out doing me with the entrance I was gonna use an ender pearl we have three contestants today and of course we have each category point and we have six categories we have four questions in each category the first person to get the answer right after I finished reading the entire question gets to pick the next category endpoint value Lucid you get to pick the first category oh okay I feel special let's do a Minecraft Veterans for three points for three points what is the first item side note press the press the button when you're uh ringing in I feel like that's pretty self-explained okay first I'm the ultimate judge just make sure you're looking slightly to the left yeah I can't see yeah there you go what is the first item in the creative menu oh where is it [Music] uh subscribe to Civ incorrect anyone else who said dang it dang it what what is the crafting table also Incorrect and you don't have to pose it as a question okay okay you're supposed to do this I mean you can feel free but oh I will the answer is own ah dang I would have guessed there anyways wait so do we only get two guesses remember well it's a certain amount of time yeah we'll get better at it as we go also uh give me one second this is a commercial breaking commercial breakup comes out the pretty sure contestants are supposed to stay in their spot yeah gosh so I it's first break I had to get some water it's fine okay so that one is locked off we've completed it okay since nobody got that answer right Lucid you are the next step pick your category let's do Minecraft Veterans for one point one point I'm ready how many items are in one stack crazy oh four 64. that point goes to Brandy and uh wait wait isn't that a trick question though because there's many types of stacks that's true would you like us today we're talking about a generic stack all right I am the ultimate judge Point goes to Prince next time pick your category uh I will take uh all about Civ for 10 points for 10 points what version did I start playing Minecraft on burnsy one point One beta and you began Minecraft in one point seven also incorrect okay I'll give you a hint we're uh we're talking about like like console versus PC versus you know can we try again I started in Pocket Edition what back when it was called pocket edition whatever [Music] brandsy please select the next category I would love to shocking mobs for five there are four mobs that a player can create with lightning what are those four mops I know this one that was a that was very close um I'm gonna give it to Rick yeah okay okay uh let's see which uh Brown Mooshroom Zombie Pigman and me what uh you said four uh yes yeah five seconds I can't believe I know the last one I'm pretty sure I don't know time's up Randy turn time's up times up times it definitely goes to Brandy yeah charge creeper oh my God how did I not I have a shame I don't know for sure I was like how will the world wreck is it a prank oh my gosh okay I will take the nether for uh three points for three points how did the 1.16 update actually make it harder for speedrunners okay as you can tell I just like buzzing in uh and it added some uh hoglands to the nether which are pretty ruthless to deal with especially if you're doing better frenzy next but it's because they altered the uh what am I saying piglet trading rates gonna they changed the drop rate of blaze rods yeah okay Nether fortresses are harder to find because there it is let's go because they added bastions that made it so each Fortune like each generation is uh harder to get okay so how many points was that three oh yeah that was three I like your category um I'm gonna go for all about plants uh one point all right all about plants for one point this is my time to shine what tool is used to till soil oh instant Lucid oh I'm glad you got that right because if you did it I would be very disappointed dude I thought you said uh-oh at first hey I thought it wasn't supposed to press unless you finished your question he pressed it that's not the way oh well I I'm going by jeopard I've got Jeopardy in the mind so question is there any punishment for getting it wrong because it seems to me like you should always just click as fast as you can and then that's gonna be up to like to detract the points that it was worth if you get it wrong but let's just do that starting now or you just had to bring it up didn't you wreck sorry sorry well I just want to put it on even playing Ground because maybe I have terrible internet and see if isn't getting my input you know that's true that's true there is a bit of lag here there's a whole lot of lag there's a hole our beautiful audience members thank you thank you Lucid select the next category the end three points for three points oh this is the bonus of the day so everyone gets to compete in this one do your best shulker impression Lucid go wow that was impressive brandsley uh okay hold on wait wait not done hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on what in the world is going on right now I'm not sure what I think about that I'm not sure what just happens okay it's my turn yes wreck it's your turn I think I oh wait he he opened the shulker he's a genius that goes to wrecked man how can I turn that down I thought at least one of you were going to shoot soon that's true that probably would have been exactly if I had a potion of like like you know like low gravity maybe I should have teleported well first how many points was that that was worth oh three next category let's do nether for Five Points how many biomes are there in the nether wreck um well you have the normal wastelands you have the blue the red the Soul Sand Valley and the basalt so five not the technical names but I'll give it to you that is correct all right all right I think those names better that's true it's select the next category all about Civ three points what am I majoring in at college Lucid Sound Engineering yes again not the technical name you know what let's just go on all about Civ one point oh that's it one point what is my real first name listen oh you have five seconds I'm done Okay evan it is heaven uh let's go the end one point we had one point what is the most common structure in the end dimension Lucid the in in Crystal Towers incorrect end City and City there you go rock rap select the next category uh let's go the end Five Points in Java there are how many biomes within the main end biome when you say it's a hard one how many biomes are there within the main end biome yeah they're they're like sub biomes okay sub biomes listen I'm gonna guess three uh no can I use a Lifeline like to ask the audience no I said you already did stop it I answer it wrong I'm gonna get negative five yeah yeah yeah okay there are five it uh there's just straight up the end and then there's small end Islands um Mid and Highlands and then the end Barons wow yeah I sacrificed Five Points to learn that I just want to put that out there a worthy cause really oh it's me again uh the nether one point another for one how much obsidian is needed for the smallest nether portal possible I'm gonna give it to wreck because Lucid buzzed in before before I finish speaking oh oh okay okay so let me clarify like that you can make in survival yeah ten ten obsidian yeah 10 obsidian there you go shocking mobs three points how many Mobs Can Fly oh I'll give you I'll give you an extra minute for this one wreck two wait no three well a chicken isn't flying it's gliding so I'm gonna go encourage oh oh what am I doing two also incorrect can I try again what what sure okay wreck three the dragon uh Phantoms and bats also false oh well actually oh I don't even think a lot of mods four no you guys are going way too low okay it's over it's over is it really that many parrot Phantom Vex and wither wow I am so narrow-minded some answers I'm like shocking mobs for one point what mob famously was created on accident frenzy the creeper yeah one point okay Brands he picked the next category uh sorry I can't read I'm gonna go uh shocking mods for 10. oh there's a ten pointer I didn't even know that what happens when a turtle is struck by lightning I met with stunned silence [Music] no Googling that was never clarified no no Googling that's just a blatant cheating what do you mean there's no I never heard that in the rules I just wanted to make sure I'm not gonna risk 10 points on it nope not doing it I don't have 10 points to give the answer which you will be surprised to find out because so was I instead of dropping you know seagrass or whatever it drops a bowl what dude that's awesome then we just burnt alive I'm just gonna start up a shop and you know it's just going to be nobody's gonna nobody's gonna question where they came from select the next category uh all about those plants for three for three what mob can pollinate plants oh that was that was close I think I Gotta Give it to Lucid bees bees correct how many points was that that was three let's get it was Brands my life with my light went off first I think it's gonna look different to all of us just because of the lag that's true too I'm gonna take advantage of that in the replay mode every single question it looks like wreck does it first all right Lucid select the next category let's do um all about those plants four five I seem to be having a pretty good luck with those what food has the best saturation wreck uh golden carrot that is correct for a second I thought I was gonna get it wrong okay so what was that Five Points yeah yes oh I need to eat something real quick no I've got one oh thank you though I'll take another one okay let's go all that sieve uh Five Points well that's it for five what country did I grow up in Lucid oh New Guinea incorrect correct Papua New Guinea there you go oh sorry oops we're getting down to the hard ones now yeah how many points was that worth five oh that yeah that was for five yay I'm back in the hole again uh Minecraft veterans 10 points for 10. how many shulker boxes could you make with 3567 shells and I will allow a calculator with what how many with 3567. uh you can make 17 a three no one thousand seven hundred eighty three Rex says a thousand seven hundred eighty three that is incorrect lucid that's 1 567. wait what did you say rock I I forgot I don't know no I sound like you gave the right answer that's the reason why I'm wondering I'm gonna go with um you know the answer oh wait I have a guess but I don't know if I want to I mean I guess you can go it could be a trip go big or go home I'm ready zero zero is correct trick question too that's the reason why I wasn't gonna answer I was gonna say 1783 and a half okay see I thought that was the trick the the point five but no Minecraft veterans Five Points Minecraft whoops okay Minecraft Veterans for five how many ranged weapons are there what's a weapon damage it does damn though according to the Minecraft Wiki oh according to the Minecraft Wiki like just projectiles the player can throw well snowballs don't do damage we're talking about like tools guys like weapons like swords how many points is this five five yeah when the game becomes more about wearing your options three the Trident the bow and the cross correct ah oh I am so glad I didn't answer I could totally forgot about the crossbow okay let's go nether 10 points what percent chance does a Wither Skelly have of dropping ahead without looting anything loosened one ninth so one slash nine according to the Minecraft Wiki 2.5 chance well Rick select again there's only two left okay the end ten points the end for ten how much HP does the dragon have oh God I am gonna try I like a good question good question what do you mean I don't know whoa hey who pushed my button that's weird guys I tell you what I tell you what this one's hard so I will accept the closest answer each of you give me an answer and I will if we don't get it right then we then we lose our points no no negatives on this 140 hit points Rex is 140 Brandy 139 hit points 141. you guys that's 140. I'm just kidding oh [Laughter] and name all of them friends okay okay are you ready Foods they can use carrots they can use potatoes yes they can use wheat audience uh they can use uh beets um already that wasn't finished um okay I'll buzz in after this okay all right Lucid already did so yeah so yeah it's gonna be carrots bread and um parents bread and potatoes and corrected um let's see I know you can do carrots I know you can do potatoes and I know you can do bread and the other one that you can also do is not a meat um and it's not a stew uh five seconds crap I don't know okay time's up apples okay I realized my mistake if you if you do this twice you you get Negative that but you can regain your points so uh right right right right listen this is the last question I got like six points to my name I gotta go for it uh I'm gonna go with carrots and potatoes and bread and beats correct it's beat you what I did not think that beats was one of them it's because I said wheat instead of bread the first time as soon as he said that I'm like yes dang it I got negative 10 right there you just closed the Gap by 20 right there Brandy hey are you all in the negative no I don't think so but either important gloves though well you all have a chance to redeem yourself for the 20-point question so let's move on to that first a commercial break we're back okay I love that I was looking at lagging for the commercial yeah you want to do something okay um okay 20 point question I feel I feel I feel confident you guys will all get this question correct who's shooting at me look at the trajectory it's not me what is the best Minecraft server in the Multiverse well you all get to answer this one okay it's it's like a crush it says echocraft yeah or anything better Echo Craft is that a question or an answer he was just demonstrating the teeth oh yeah 20 points let's go okay Lucid ends with 27 Brands he ends with 24. what you guys were that high and all Rick didn't he's he's um there's no way I won somebody else count this for me at 30 45 minus six is 39 40 plus 10 50 53 I think well he's blown the competition out of the water ladies should somebody else count that yeah I will check him that's a biased count I don't know if I want to be a part of this anymore I'm glad you guys 53 50 53 I mean he got he got uh he gave me 10 points for counting that by the way so uh that's gonna even out yeah Rick you may uh claim your prize right here enjoy thank you sir thank you Hazard has a new record [Music]
Channel: rekrap2
Views: 1,297,716
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft 1.16.1 survival, Echocraft, Minecraft let's play, Let's play Minecraft, rekrap2, rekrap, rek
Id: sKbKei8mLD8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 3sec (1323 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 11 2021
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