Can a Pro Speedrunner Spot a Cheated Speedrun?

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don't expect a face cam often but I think it's Justified because we're watching three speed runs today two of which are real verified on the leaderboards but one is faked by my friend nerdy now I've been speedrunning a bit of Minecraft recently the question isn't am I good though the question is can we spot the fake are you ready yes yes I am okay they're doing mapless blue skin they already see the buried treasure okay pretty solid looting nothing like crazy crack but like I'd be happy with that I have a cape is that sust you or is that a sign of something legitimate oh dude I actually don't know what I'm doing how do you tell if a run is fake I should have practiced beforehand wait why is he going to the Shipwreck I guess food wait he made a bucket wait what is he doing sir what are you doing wait why yeah I'll just point this out yeah that uh they got six on here oh I should be paying more attention he needed flint and steel okay okay that makes more sense is this Ravine real I can't see things weren't looking suspicious at all he found his magmarine the two minute Mark but I had a much stronger appreciation for the speedrun moderators okay okay they can Cobble skip yeah they're pretty good from here the speedrunner spotted the Bastion the most important thing though is recognizing which type it is looks like Stables although it's so pixelated I can't tell well this run definitely feels real so far what's making you feel that way the stuff haven't done anything super obvious which is probably not good reasoning because the person faking this round probably isn't trying to be obvious about faking I don't know just like the the subtle things like the way they're looking around it feels like they haven't done this before okay they got pearls so they could just leave no way they get 20 Avi 17 okay Saturdays 17 hobby make you feel like it's less or more legitimate uh I mean you sang that it does seem like it'd be less because I mean if you're if you're faking around why would you get 17 I'll be you know but doesn't nerdy just throwing me off maybe are you a good liar nerdy do you play Among Us no I play I Hey listen I'm an Among Us guy that's all I'll say actually the first round of Among Us I ever played I got an imposter I had no idea what I was doing I somehow won though wow okay maybe yours real manipulating God I swear it was I don't know what was going on that I just love the other guys talking they just murdered each other they're like surely no way the Newbie is it right he's going to this for some Strays okay I'm using fire so that's like a relatively new technique so if you they're using all new techniques maybe that's more likely to be the fake dude there's all of the mobs in the world so 7xx blind maybe I feel like I should be paying closer attention maybe I should be closer to my monitor maybe that'll give me the advantage yeah you think that's gonna help probably not but you know we can help maybe a placebo effect there you go hey it could work I believe okay 740 blind nothing insane it definitely doesn't feel like this person is sandbagging I feel like that's something I should look out for because I feel like if you were to get somebody to fake this run you would get somebody like silver or a Feinberg who's like cracked out the Wazoo and for them they would have to try really hard to be bad it feels like they're not trying to be bad they're pretty good but they're not like silver Feinberg level okay they they made 12 eyes I'd normally make like eight or so just that way um I have the extra pearls I guess in this case it doesn't really matter 300 blind 100 dang go go go go go Zoom oh yeah it would that's smart should have thrown The Pearl see if it was like silver Feinberg they would have thrown the Pearl and then got the wood except I'm assuming you got like one of them to fake their I think that's a good assumption though we're gonna roll with it yo uh nerdy actually can't random question if you were to get somebody to fake a run for you who would it be would it be yeah I just kind of asked this question to everybody I meet these days um I guess my answer would probably be it has to be someone similar in skill level to me right because it can't be someone that goes too fast hmm see it took too long for you to answer for that I don't believe that wait what wait what I don't I don't believe what you're telling me took too long okay well yeah maybe you're on if you would have done that you would have already thought about that and you'd have that answer already in your head oh maybe I don't know what I'm doing man okay so he's gone this is some good strategies thank you thank you oh is he in starter maybe oh two two hits of fall damage it's fine it's fine okay this is probably an important part how are you looking around what spikes are you gonna go for I can't even see numbers he didn't look like he was trying to be confused or was confused it looked like I've seen something I want to go towards it he is a bit lost though I feel like little things like that they wouldn't if you were faking a run would you remember to pretend you lost the direction of it this feels kind of legit the size they're putting on her well I notice I'm commentating a lot on like what they're doing and if it's good or not that's not the point is it fake or not not are they good who cares if they're good they probably do boom good first bed bad oh oh oh nice four bed hit him with the four bed solid solid solid they weren't like shaken I don't know if you can see shaking in a recording though interesting okay scene run number one yeah really so far was that fake real that felt real okay I mean I have nothing to compare it to and I feel like I wasn't paying close enough attention uh okay I'm ready for round two I'm on your side here I I hope you get the answer right thanks it'll be a good little well you know if you're on my side you could tell me the answer just saying I could but what's the fun in that what's up I I'm I'm a little too evil for that unfortunately yeah no that's fair that's fair I guess I guess I'll just have to try and figure it out so we had Mr blue skin now we have Mr whoa what kind of a it's like a meme a meme skin okay I mean they didn't look around at all are you playing this exactly from like when they loaded yes okay no not no no I don't think so no oh okay so a little bit within a second or two okay okay so maybe maybe he saw the Shipwreck it looked like he was beeline towards it how's his looting pretty decent looting he also has the cool cursor where it's like the the Minecraft crosshairs cursor I don't have that maybe I'll get that one day and that'll be a really cool speedrunner I think that is the key that is the key yeah that increases your speed and your crafting rates by like 50 yeah I've heard it's legendary so if I was playing this I would probably reset unless he's seen something that I haven't I mean I guess there's a pool here so he could um dig down at the pool there's a good chance for stuff there he doesn't even craft a gold pick though so definitely not I mean you can still do it with iron it's kind of slow what do you see good sir you should be resetting second try Flint dude oh that was that was quick that was a quick Flint in steel crafting oh he sees a ruined portal okay okay nice he knows his ruined portals I respect the man who knows his room portals am I a man who knows his ruin portals some of the time there's so many okay so he's looking around here if you're faking around you would have had to remember how to do that this person just seems really good you think someone that's skilled like what you're seeing is that something is that something sus or just a note you're making just a note just a note honestly I'm just spewing all of the thoughts I can I have no idea if it's fake or not going for the Enderman play does he get the Pearl he does now there's two oh he's Pearl hanging to the force so there's two ways you could think about this you could say you get the Pearl that's lucky that's fake or by the nature of picking a run from the leaderboards it's gonna be their best run ever so of course it's gonna be someone lucky this is Sebastian I can't even tell I'm seeing pixels I'm not sure if those are gray pixels no that's a tree oh wait that's the Bastion ooh seven Obby okay gold housing route let's go go go he remembers to break these two blocks okay I feel like with bastions it's gonna be very hard to tell if something's faked or not because with Fashions it's the same every single time so regardless if you're faking it or playing it out in a real round it's probably gonna be the exact same oh this is gonna be sick he already hung a pearl that's a huge time save he's gonna zip out of here go go go what are you what are you doing sir get out of there get out of there now he has sodium settings I don't know if that's nobody has sodium settings these days is that like a legal thing uh it it I think it is yeah okay it's just like he's using all of his wood no so like today you could use that and it'd be fine yes yes let's just just get yeah also he's not lowering render distance I feel like if they're doing old strategies I'm more inclined to believe it's real it's like this guy is pretty cracked out the Wazoo but he's not even five render distance I I hear what you're saying hear what you're saying you can remember but maybe around here it could be the other way though maybe whoever faked this just did a really really good job I know right you know what I should have done dude stop using all of your wood though you know what I should have done before I should have faked the run so I know what it's like get in the mindset of what a cheater does yeah yeah yeah you think the blaze rods are like the legs of the blaze you think so I think so it could be the arms they look like pretty similar molecular or I don't know biological the real question is what do they do to keep them floating but maybe I'm just trying to distract you right now um true it's working all I can think about is how do blazes float he's uh checking he's going into a corner of a block you don't need to do that he's done like five things that feel old and I'm not sure if he had somebody fake it if they remember to do all five of these things like maybe one or two are you not getting what wait does he have wood yes he got a he TNT the tree at the beginning oh yeah sorry I just can't see his inventory really well so never mind I've been freaking out that he's been using wood this whole time he has like three stacks never mind I take back everything I've said how is he gonna get to the chords he's deciding to go on this way and I guess one thing I haven't considered is like the degree to which they are faked because it could be fake you've just like ran it once before and so you still have to react to a lot of things not necessarily like a total set scene that'd be a good way to fake it took him a little bit to get to the chords but that doesn't seem super sass uh dude this is so hard 908 uh stronghold hype not even doing preemptive okay okay just sending it yeah another thing it takes a while for a run to get verified so by the nature of the leaderboards they're gonna be older runs so it wouldn't be surprising if you just hold one and he's not doing a ton of strategies okay he's in the end portal sub 10 and enter let's go at this point I feel like I'm not even gonna be able to tell if it's faked or not either because like what do you fake in the end you know a good perch crafting beds is there a sus way to craft oh oh that looks like it's perching Maybe nope just kidding I was lying just kidding again I was double lying okay okay solid finish that's faster than the fastest I've ever finished I need to get around like this man how are you feeling you've seen two of the runs now do you think they're both real you think one of them is maybe a little more sus than the other how would you compare the two so far they both seem fine uh I feel very confused hopefully this one just is like just shouting fake maybe in the chat they'll just type fake and help me out a little bit are you ready yeah as pretty as it'll ever be I feel like I'm gonna lose this little game okay so we have Mr Blue Man we have Pac-Man and we have I was gonna say white man but I don't want to get demonetized or anything um non I was gonna say not black and I was gonna get double demonetized shade shade colored man or woman I'm really backtracking on my calendar dude you're swimming so far what is that a ship I can't tell it's two pixelated they've got the custom blue timer in the top right too that's how you know somebody's into speedrunning I don't even have a custom timer I'm a boring old default person they've got the cool cursor too I'm a big fan of this cool cursor are you a cool cursor person nerdy I like it makes you 50 fast for a speedy Running Oh wait true true I forgot about that anything suspicious so far would you say no I wish oh I like the way he's building or they're building their portal that's smart boom entering sub two this is our fastest enter so far right taking a long time to load in oh but there's a fortress okay he's going Fort first yeah this definitely feels like an older run no changing of render distance again dude this is making me feel like the first run is the most sus it's because it's the newest yeah yeah but like surely if you're faking a run you're gonna try to make it look old right did you get somebody running this do a fake round for you or did you do it I cannot reveal this information I wish I was more cultured in the speed earning Community I feel like new here so I don't even like know like how old ninja brain bot is and when strategies were developed nice confident in the block clutches even though he might be on good Pace dude this is so hard how are you supposed to spot a fake speeder on kudos to the moderators you ever faked a speedrun nerdy all of my all my personal best all fake of course of course I use this I use this as practice so this this whole series was just me just just to practice learning the strats of how to how to how to fake it okay well he's in fire so guaranteed he's not fake right pretty sure that's how it works if you ever get lit on fire in a speedrun 100 guaranteed not fake you learn to hear first folks yeah you've heard it here first nice movement uh-oh never mind not as great movement so he took the fall damage there that cancels out taking fire earlier so he still could be a cheater that's how it works what I learned from the Minecraft Elders it's like too much yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah exactly see you know what's up man seven 747 blind not bad and ocean ocean exposed maybe go go go go go go I really should have done some studying study how nerdy plays how nerdy thinks how he talks yeah this is the Run you've definitely said the least on is it okay okay yeah I don't think that makes it fake though dude this is gonna be a crap shoot you know what's great about this though regardless of what I do I have a 33 chance of getting it right so true I thought he was gonna die in the lava there okay Andrew go go go go go go go go go go 9 30 and enter oh now he's taking the fire damage oh so it's not fake anymore it's not fake anymore he took more fire damage nerdy I have this solved to a t dude how am I supposed to figure this out my gut is telling me the first one is fake but I thought nothing about it was fakeish dude none of these runs feel fake you've gotten good at this nerdy or I'm really bad at this we'll go with you're really good at this though I I like that I like that conclusion yeah it's better for both of us [Music] oh no dude I have no more footage to look at it's ending all right you've seen all three runs this is something I usually offer would you like to look at any footage back yes enter them entering the end portal please entering the end portal indeed indeed good sir like right here is this good uh second end portal other end portal yeah sorry no no I should have said that Frick wait wait wait go back go back come back go back okay pause now slowly go forward slowly go forward I did I do cut these off a little early I will say like I don't include the entire end yeah oh this is a yikes mount for me okay go to run two oh no no it cuts off early too okay at least show me the last round show me the last I'm so sorry I didn't I didn't think this was relevant I'm gonna be honest sorry the one thing I asked um it's it's a very wild hunch it probably doesn't mean much but keep going slowly oh wait wait wait wait go back go back go back yep okay all right going back back up going back okay okay okay pause okay that is what I needed to see Speed Run igtv 13.3 okay interesting interesting interesting interesting so why is this interesting I haven't I haven't found out yet ah I have speedrun version 13.2 okay you know what's interesting about that nerdy what's interesting about that this run was using old techniques yet the newest version of the timer interesting can I can I look at some more spots first though sure yes of course okay okay that's interesting when you're looking for buried Treasures you normally use standard settings and you'd normally have chunk borders open because it's way easier to check for a buried treasures and you only have to press F3 and G to turn it off this person's already increasing the render distance so logically if they're playing why not just press one more button so maybe with the fake run they're like surely they won't think it's fake if we swim for 30 seconds is there do you want to keep watching this do you want to see uh no I feel like I should just guess now I could look at these for hours you know nerdy I was gonna say the first one okay I really was but I feel like I have no real good grasp on which one is fake based off of the mechanics my gut is telling me run one but if the timer thing is real that would be cool that would be cool so I think I would be more upset to not guess the timer I'm gonna send it with three though the the IGT thing and the chunk border thing do we like uh do anything special to like lock in an answer it just feels so quick okay locked in are you ready for the reveal not really can we wait five more seconds sure okay okay okay okay the fake run the odd run out is run number three yes yes let's go totally on it that is so observant that you caught the ICT that I didn't even notice that God thank you thank you oh that makes me feel so good dude the IGG thing was right also make sure you check out nerdy pretty cool guy pretty cool videos thank you bitzel for the epic music I'm jamming out but that's pretty much it for me I'll see you guys later peace foreign
Channel: rekrap1
Views: 448,808
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 26sec (1166 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 13 2023
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