How I Stole an Entire Mountain

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I am stealing this mountain and rebuilding it block for Block in a cave in Survival Minecraft Let Me Explain 2 months ago the world border expanded and everyone moved 15,000 blocks away but the server broke into two factions caves and cliffs I joined the caves team but as we were settling down we got pranked with 200 blocks of obsidian on our beacons do you know how long that took to mind so I created a 500 block railway from their Mountain to my cave and I'm inviting these two guys to help me steal it okay well there's diamonds right here yeah yeah yeah you don't know what's cool about the Diamonds the secret entrance Chief and tiger didn't know yet but I also invited a double agent from the cliff Society to give us a little Insider info ah well hello you dirty fers hello can you guys hear him I can't hear him difficulties aside I explained the plan we are going to steal the Cliff's entire mountain and and put it [Music] here also I'm not going to put this in do you guys both know who the double agent I have one guess don't who I oh my God now we have a place to build it but I'm not going to stare at a picture for 5 hours just to copy a mountain no no no we use a stick seriously it's this really cool plug-in called light matica and we can use it to make a perfect blueprint we just need to do it without getting caught follow me gentlemen it's going to be quite the long hallway um it's only meant for mine carts to go down quickly um we can't ride any mine carts up oh there's a golden apple in here dib it's all yours Kevin go ahead Kevin why didn't you guys go ahead and drink your invis potions I got a question for Kevin though yeah oh yeah go ahead how long you been a double agent it's more of a question of how long haven't I been a double agent you know what I mean God okay how long haven't you been a double agent you know it's better to ask how long I actually have been it's been a couple weeks when I lack an experience I make up for in gumption and hard work so can you measure Gump Shin all right yeah with a rer anyway okay let's go if it really matters about how the video formats but all right we're here gentlemen no Zeal on sight right so far I think he's on his way back oh actually okay make sure you can take your armor off so we need to decide before he gets back what we're going to steal what part of the mount what about the walls of the Haiku gate cuz then it's like there'll be a big exposed opening I think the walls uh L Qui quiet there's a there's a l it's me oh that okay this is so scuffed okay are you guys following me guys I'm not up there all right yes we made it okay sh that's C that's C hide I'm I'm caught I'm caught I'm really caught I'm really caught that's C he's gone he's gone he's gone he's gone wait he is wait he's fighting mad okay all right while he's fighting mad what mountain are we going to Ste I was thinking this one because it's tall it has good Dimensions we could also go for the horse mountain they did mention the horse one in the video last week so uh oh hold on hold on hold on hold on he's right above we're we're in the middle of a secret operation um where's zel he was in our base oh he's behind you he's behind you I'm leaving all right you need to decide right now okay okay need to decide right now what mountain this one this one okay okay this one okay this one we go for this one you two head back to base meet up with mad um prep the area so we know to fit it and I'm going to get a schematic of this okay you got it okay I'll see you soon as a exercise 104 Commander oh my gosh this is not going according to plan they didn't they didn't even block off the okay okay okay it's fine it's fine oh we are we are home free with the schematic and nothing could oh no no no no no hello guys I've made it back I got the schematic let's go W oh my okay okay come down here Chief everybody come here what happened there m did he try to kill you he wasn't even in voice chat so like I was I was trying to like got this is perfect where did he come from help I'm being chased by Tax Collectors oh my God Chief get in here get in here chief chief chief get get in your run chief chief chief chief this isn't going to end well get in the door get in the door sorry about that that was very unprofessional me I am so sorry I just came off P can I have you guys look at the screen share in the group chat I just made yeah do you guys see this yeah wow cover me cover me here's is there any more invisibility for your boyis it's actually look at my screen share I can't see you wait wait stop I can't see you this is good um here give me a second I need the invisibility potion just um just take a few off into the Blue Mist great great great great yeah just be mysterious nothing to see here got it back work from here I divided us into two teams me and chief would stay in the vault and start building the mountain while Kevin and tiger start dismantling it let's go oh no that's the wrong way sorry we got to go this way mountain is hey reck between you and I does does Kevin kind of remind you of someone yeah Kevin definitely reminds you somebody hey Kev you know which mountain it is uh I yeah yeah okay good cuz I didn't [Music] see oh God I gave Kevin my pick you need a yeah wow I am just so useless today come over here there's there fix I didn't expect two of you to have nothing dude what they have a beacon in their Mountain I guess I should have expected that but it's part of the schematic oh that's cool okay so we're getting a beacon out of this that we got to build I guess we are getting a beacon out of this we have a problem we have a problem what what what what what's the problem what's the problem ZL may have been sneaking around the base and uh he kind of walked up behind me and tiger I'll tell you what happened skills came over there fully visible and then ZL followed him I don't know this this skills character keeps showing up out of nowhere and Z's always following her so I veiled I just jump down I'm way down a hill getting killed by Phantoms okay well tell me ASAP if the if the railway gets discovered we were just talking about how well this was going too yeah it's going well down here guys so I I I'm going to lead z uh away very far away wa I'm going to go back to spawn and get my stuff you're taking him back to True spawn true spawn I'm I'm taking him thousands of blocks you're taking him 15,000 blocks away so hopefully that gives you guys enough time to actually get the whole M okay I think we should all dig this mountain out and then all go back down and the Dig okay okay do you still have the the supplies to make Minecart chests mad no has them all of them oh my God you mean wait who's you mean I mean Kelvin don't worry I'll go get him I mean clevin um um Chief do you have any iron or like uh wood we need supplies for the I I'm on my way mad we we are going to steal this mountain okay yes am I coming with yeah yeah yeah come with we need all the help we can get okay also do you have all those potions in case they show up or are we just going to have to crouch I have one left let me guess he has them I do have all the potions too oh my gosh I'm at half a heart don't fly through the mine cart tunnel guys oh my gosh just just a few just a few minor setbacks guys totally could have been counted for he's in the nether like wrong way okay okay is that you yeah yeah yeah this is me oh okay oh there you are okay okay let's let's freaking let's take this thing down um we need these mine carts oh sorry sorry man sorry chief chief we need to hear we need to hear ASAP Qui literally just I'm I'm traving right now I'm making mine cart chests so we can that we can send oh my God where is skills what does skills doing in front of me I don't know man he just wants to be involved I think skills are you here is he not just we we're doing a heist okay this is the project I was talking about earlier we need to steal this entire mountain when your inventory gets full skills follow me there's Minecart chests in there make a mine cart chest and just send it down the rail okay down the staircase all right I think this is going Fair well now that zel is out of here can't stop us all right oh they're they're halfway guys guys they're halfway we got to go faster faster faster f as long as they don't like use the end portal to like come back quickly we can do this I think having a fantasm guys we got to go quick Bry Bry is struggling oh we got to pick up all the stone drop off your inventory it looks like it's full oh it is no no no on the ground chief I was I was just testing you I got get my pizza I got to get get my pizza okay the the target has disappeared I lost him guys go he's on quickly oh he drowned he drowned is he going to respawn here yeah he's going to isn't he going to respawn here we we've almost he's right there he's right there no kill him go guys he can't knowbody have obsidian can we like chop him an obsidian in there I I don't know just keep killing zel until we finish you be on spawn killing Duty Chief just get him give me a sword of course I don't have a sword guys no he's just got away Chief give me the sword back give me the sword back jeez he comes he's going defend USS defend us oh no attack him oh he's going he's coming on look out man oh it's fine oh no no no oh no no no no no no no get him out of here get him out of here we're so close guys we're so close mad I think we just have to abort the mission that's good enough okay follow me follow me come on go go go is anybody still I'm distracting him please we got skills we got to lose him follow me follow me skills skills in here in here in here my mous stop working my mouse stop working no skills get in the house get in the house skills skills turn around follow me skills quickly okay skills skills skills get in here get in here oh no oh no oh no no no no oh no oh no no oh no oh no skills where are you skills skills leave the stuff follow me drop the stuff follow me okay follow me quick this way this way quick quick quickly quickly get down get down the passage go go go go hop in the mineart hop in the mine cart go go skills go go oh God I'm going I'm going don't worry boys Kevin's here to save the day Kevin Where Have You Been Just keep going skills keep going I can't go any further wait what happened to the minecart chest oh no I'm going to push you we got to go we have to get these mine cart chests to the base I have no idea what's happening just go just trust me skills oh God after the most stressful hour of my life we rebuilt the mountain I sealed up the tunnel and nobody knows who Kevin is all Luc end's finally tied [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: rekrap2
Views: 4,298,513
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rekrap, Minecraft, echocraft
Id: ZATlLRwMttk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 44sec (764 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 21 2022
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