1 Minute to build a Redstone IceCream Cone

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this is a three round Redstone build battle one minute five minutes ten minutes I won the first time Civ won the second time this one decides the winner each round we get a prompt I got ice cream cone SIV got Flower Factory we have one minute ready go I haven't even done the Redstone okay 11 seconds four seconds no no no no no no no no no oh that's the time oh okay whoa what are you kidding me you're joking me right don't even look at mine I'm not sure what to say okay I'll show you mine first okay then we'll we'll do yours nope this works oh my word this looks like it was built by a six-year-old all right as you can see here we have an ice cream cone it looks a little deformed and that is on purpose definitely not because I ran out of time you see when you drop an ice cream cone it doesn't stay perfectly intact so we have the wafer right here as the honeycomb blocks and then we have the ice cream itself right here it's bubble gum ice cream it's pretty exotic we have the Sun and this is a simulation so when you step on that pressure plate sun lights up ice cream cone melts foreign it's melting I got the prompt for a flower factory and so you just flipped the lever look at it go oh my oh my how come these ones aren't activating was it yeah the front two only activate once that's interesting hey let's leave the judging to the judge sorry I'm just a curious man first off why are these two only you know firing once right at the beginning well great I think this is great fantastic I think you know your collection system might be a little flawed but I mean you just fixed it right in front of me so that was great yeah all right Rick you got a high mountain to climb yeah yeah yes I do I don't have the right equipment though as you'll soon see melting ice cream cone take a minute what would you do in that situation I decided to use a piston and a redstone lamp so if you step on the pressure plate here the light turns on piston retracts thus melting the ice cream cone by the way this is an ice cream cone uh sorry oh man this right here goes down I see it I could do that again oh I am staring at this like I I don't know if I don't have a texture pack on or something because to be fair there was a block on top of here that's true that is true so you couldn't actually see anything moving yeah I think the right word for this build is I was very flabbergasted while building it listen I like where your mind was at though the creativity that went into this as far as the idea 10 out of 10 just for that alone I mean wow thank you well well I thought of the idea personally that's true round one straight goes to sieve okay uh time for five minutes time for five minutes llama dispenser oh got the timer five minutes on the clock okay I'm ready you're ready let's do it in five four three two one the stall I'm a fool no I have done everything wrong dude what am I doing I haven't done Redstone in so long it works hi I'm so proud of my creation what what did you make well does it at least resemble a llama the snout no it doesn't I think it does these are like the nostrils right and then this is the mouth I thought those were eyes all right your turn to go first just just sit down there and enjoy the view oh okay llama what there he is this is amazing it's not very accurate but no it's not very accurate it was great I was impressed this is my elaborate helmet dispenser okay so what I want you to do is just uh come down here and stand on that pressure plate okay and just stay there so you walk onto it stand there stay there okay I forgot to turn it on step on the pressure plate boom it's pushed up wait where'd the helmet go pretend it worked and so it goes down the water stream right so you're still standing there it gets pushed into that it goes in there and my Hopper is facing the wrong direction it was it was all a lie okay I failed I'll go first this time so the prompt I got for this build was llama actually what was it llama Cannon it was llama dispenser llama dispenser that's what it is so what I did is well you can just sit back and observe get some llamas loaded up and then you can shoot them it does its job it does it really well this is exactly what I would have thought for a moment dispenser yeah 10 out of 10 Again wow I mean was this your idea sip or was this straight Wreck This Is My Idea siv's ideas yeah whatever I build was his idea oh I see and whatever all right so for mine full disclosure uh similar to what we do with Rex it didn't work the first time we did it because there was like a hopper facing the wrong way and stuff okay oh wait it's it's not even turned on I'm sorry I now Stefan all right helmet goes up right is it gonna work no it's it failed uh okay so how it worked it gets pushed over and just spent boom in my wow I have not worn a helmet ever this is great elaborate helmet equipper I would uh yeah it's very excessive I will say it's yeah this one over here went off without a hitch uh it just went straight through did its job you know this guy over here uh obviously like we said I appreciate the disclaimer that there's Redstone difficulties I can appreciate the uh the thought that went into it and it is excessive it didn't work the first time and also this llama is really in my face about the whole situation so we have to go we have to go with wreck for round number okay all righty count us down sir okay three one go oh the most efficient Farm possible what oh inefficient a death vending machine oh and three two one go okay what the heck are you building I made the mistake of looking smiling words oh dude yours looks so clean [Music] chicken goes in there and you summon the tnz bro what does that mean let's just say nothing actually no we better go with yours mine might end in disaster okay look at it it's it's beautiful and I I still think I should be sponsored so here's your your selection right this is this is behind the glass so you can pick what you want right obviously there's nothing in the middle row right now we're we're restocking okay I think I would like to go death by puffer fish first perfect one's down on the bottom work better so if you choose like you know death by zombie okay death by zombie there's a babies that that was just random but you know you get death by zombies by skeleton okay do wither skeletons I want wither skeleton more than anything in the world there you go perfect lava oh there you go it works there we go it worked okay Coolio Coolio okay so before we show mine we're gonna need to take some precautions are we okay just give me like three seconds more than three seconds actually more more than three seconds gotcha one three seconds [Music] okay that's probably wise because I don't want my beautiful machine to be blown up okay yeah we're totally excellent it's totally we're completely saying well bad happen at all okay you said the most inefficient farm that you can think of right so yes inefficient what does that mean that means I actually I don't have any speech planned I was trying to fake it let's just go so this is where this is where your resources are gonna end up right here in this chest that you see okay and what you have to do is you have to start with a whole bunch of Minecart chests so if you want to grab yourself a minecart chest okay then you come over here you place it on the Redstone boom goes into the lava you hear that you got a little tick gold block came out but it doesn't always go in this chest right we're gonna have to do them until that that chest fills up enough to have this signal strength I don't think it's ever going to go in that that Hopper wreck you just have to get like it went up top yeah yeah yeah so it's a super inefficiency you got another one in there you just have to keep doing this until you get a signal strength of at least three but since we don't have that time we just assumed it does then that dispenses one some one single piece you don't have one seed over there you're gonna take this endocyte path over here it drops it into this dispenser and sense that it's supposed to be inefficient we don't even power the dispenser you have to get this you have to pull it out yeah you have to pull out you got to plant it and now you gotta wait but since we don't have time for that I guess we can we can speed it up 10 hours later and then and then once you you grow it you still have to wait for the pumpkin to grow right yeah and there's only one obviously because inefficiency yeah once you have that pumpkin right and it grows yeah and you harvest it then you come over to this section where you uh dispense it into the storage system but as you can see we can't get into the storage system because the chicken is currently on the pressure plate see what you have to do is you have to wait for the chicken to go on the other pressure plate and like always since we don't have time for that we're just going gonna put it in the dispenser right okay and then since it's manual you obviously have to push a button so now when you press this button you'll see that a couple things happen the whole Farm gets broken after one Harvest so all that for nothing exactly wreck told me to build a death vending machine come on over here you press that you get a skeleton oh right zombies it makes obsidian and it it breaks things because plus puffer fish suck so but yeah what what did you see the skeleton go after the pufferfish you may have noticed the giant obsidian wall yeah that's right safety precautions so the prompts I got for my build was the most inefficient Farm ever and since the machine has exploded um I will need to show you a recording and that's it it would have been more immersive if we had civ's voice and uh the TNT explosions but you're just gonna have to imagine all of that TNT exploding I mean listen the fact that we didn't have any of that made it even more inefficient like my even my judgment has to be inefficient because of that I have to say I'm not surprised at your ability to uh to come up with an extremely inefficient Farm just I'll take off another compliment I also feel personally attacked because I thought it was great if I feel bad I would be happy sounds like my log Farm yeah this is great I gotta take another look over here at the death machine just to get fresh in my mind thoughts on both farms uh or builds here I think this one over here does a fantastic job of what it was meant to do it's a death vending machine right and I feel like every one of these things kills you it's got a lot of variety to it and it does a great job it doesn't build in 10 minutes this is this blows my mind um this one over here extremely inefficient like I could not honestly think of a way this could be less efficient in every sense of the word it is it is an efficient Farm it was inefficient to watch it was inefficient uh to get a clip to me to watch to see how you've blown it up already I mean all the presentation was inefficient I I feel like that went the extra mile and I have to say I think honestly I have to give it to the inefficient father yeah so do you think brandy made the right call I gotta think so but I'm a little biased and if you want to see another great video this one's pretty spectacular I had to put sound to my friends video it was hilarious
Channel: rekrap2
Views: 1,935,799
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft 1.16.1 survival, Echocraft, Minecraft let's play, Let's play Minecraft, rekrap2, rekrap, rek
Id: vrJXYBkF5F8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 10sec (790 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 27 2021
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