The Lost Little Trike - The Isle

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I just want to see what's over the ridge whoa are you freaking serious hello everyone and welcome back to another episode of vio where today I've spawned in on the Isle official dev 3 because unfortunately the server that I made my Allosaurus on which was tapkins something was a Russian server and it is gone like I for the last week I've been trying to get on it and it's never shown up I don't know what what exactly happened I think it was a private server and they did what they wanted to do and it vanished so along with it so did my Allosaurus which sucks so much because we always wanting to do one more episode a final episode as a fully grown adult and just ended somehow the body has lost [Music] it may come back up as long as the server's not wiped and that way we'll be able to plays but for now what I decide to do is the clever thing actually you would be very impressed me I decided to join a very low populated server although it's actually seem to be a few people joining now and I'm playing as a Triceratops I'm playing as a herbivore because I'm assuming herbivores were harder sort of thing to players so if there's less people there's less carnivores so I should be able to get up to a decently sized a triceratops I'm hoping I heard a t-rex roar quite close to me I don't know how like herbivores operate so I'm just gonna like bump into every tree yeah there we go oh so ones that look like that ones it looked like maple leaves okay got it cuz I get a lot of requests to play as as the baby or like herbivores in general so I don't see why I shouldn't to be honest there loads of fun it's just a shame when nobody takes pity on a young herbivore if you're a carnivore nobody's there to be like oh you're cute they're all just gonna kill you it's their baby carnivore they're like nah bless him he thinks he's deadly I know it's night I do not want to be caught out in the open cuz I heard a fully grown t-rex roar not too far away from me and he unless he's really nice chap maybe he's captain teacup and maybe he'll take pity on me chances are they're probably not going to well that's that's me check I've checked my Instagram I've checked my Twitter so it seems like as a herbivore Oh yum yum Yum's um you need to eat a lot but your thirst doesn't go down too much which is actually really good because it's the bodies of water that mean that um you have to coincide with a lot of carnivores so I'm just gonna eat my fill there you go and we're gonna sit back down and now I could play jab Rasik world alive Oh yep there it is okay it has turned sort of day and it also seems like the t-rex it's nearby was nearby me also has it moved away either however I am running out of water so I'm gonna have to find some water around here somewhere if I'm caught out in the open I'm gonna be dead so I'm gonna talk a lot so if I do die well this episode's quite long okay well this forest has served me well oh my god look at me I look like a British bulldog oh god it's horrendous what humans have done to dog breeds isn't it there's a certain name for dogs that have short noses and do you think right every dog breed in existence right now the Chihuahua the Pug the the Bulldog all descended from a wolf it's amazing what selective breeding can do isn't it blasphemy so this is where I hear the t-rex roar come from look over this way but the thing is I honestly don't know where where to go like where where things are where water is more importantly again like I said I really don't want to be caught out just because if a carnivore sees me he can sprint across the map and get to me a progression tree no no who remembers the red plants in the blue plants then were the days when you could level up as a herbivore like super quick oh I see a t-rex oh I see a t-rex oh god thank god he's all the way over there there's also something else over there can you see that it might be dead whatever it is oh my god there's something like 20 people on here and of course is a freaking t-rex next to me and you know if I roll in the opposite direction of the t-rex put some distance between us well I like I'm smelling my footprints that's for sure Oh green come to Papa really water is what's driving me at the moment so I'd rather find water than go for that green tree you know you can get water from eating right that would be better like you can you can definitely get water from leaves I feel like this may be the first time but uh I might die due to thirst usually it's food 0.91 all I need to do is just drink a little bit of water and I could get there I definitely can't get it without drinking water though I can't grow I'm approaching the edge of the map and I couldn't be out of options to get back to water there's gotta be something there be a little patch right right in the corner a little puddle for me I got a bit scared though because I thought that was that was a carnivore or something but I'm almost a hundred percent sure now that is my stomach killing me it looks like time could be over for this little Triceratops see this is the problem unless you know the map you don't know where the water is I mean foods everywhere Oh God yep one more and I think I'm pretty much gone anything god damn it they made him I would like hero water I think I just went away from the water didn't I I was like yep now sod it oh I can hear things oh is it desert t-rex yeah there's like a baby t-rex over there you know what yeah like that was it if I went over there there's just t-rex is everywhere this is the problem people just spawn in as carnivores thing is when things die you can get you get food from them it's just water for me I mean if I go over there that's probably where the water is 100 percent of what is over there but there's just too much blood there's too much blood too little thirst too late I'm close I just want to see what's over the ridge little Gallimimus awesome Wow are you freaking serious yeah he seemed a 100% is he gonna get me is he gonna get me have mercy please I just need some water it's all I want just a little bit oh thank you Oh Lord oh I Love You mr. t-rex oh hello please please no I'm just really thirsty I'm just like look at me I'm almost dead you could see the scars how busy oh thank you thank you so much friendly yes I'll be a pet I'll do anything you want sound like a little goat oh for God's sake after all that this is why you don't play the herb before in the aisle because all the bodies of water are guarded by carnivores by the time you get there you're freaking done yeah and there'll be some people in the cupboard saying well people you should just grab some water than Fran look I didn't even see that t-rex come on me come up to me [Music] there is no chance the only thing I've got to do is like get lucky and find some water that I'm like isn't guarded a little pool that's somewhere and just live by that although that was one of those little poo like bodies of water but it had to t-rexes by it too were the buggers and there's only 21 people on here everybody else is probably gonna be a kind of Horace with I it's so frustrated so my mission now is to find some water that isn't guarded by t-rex's and survive on that already thought about the name for this episode the little trike that couldn't do friendly for my own good is my problem kids just bolted as soon as you started drinking chances are he would have caught up to me in two seconds though giving me false hope this is where I belong in the woods in the outdoors if only I transformed into like a juvie er than impaled that t-rex god damn it well this all goes downhill that must mean there's water down there I best be careful hmm Oh Ceratosaurus Oh God fault it fault Paul Paul hide lie down low whoo Savannah soars no you can't see me right no you can't see me just stay still stay still yes oh there he goes oh no oh good oh good that was lucky that was really like oh god where's it going oh no he's seen me I think he's charging he's gonna charge towards me isn't he I think he's seen me Oh what's he doing what's he doing please don't please don't come on have mercy have a little bit of mercy oh he was not good that Utah okay I'm up damn the girl water yes oh my god lots of it oh that's a safer option I'll stay in these trees go for that but yes I might be able to do it at night oh yeah under the cover of darkness I'll have a few cheeky swigs oh so beautiful oh yes eat the green poufiness okay now all we need to do is just get close to the water and see what the situations like oh god I'm in the open nothing can see me right stick to the trees Oh that was something that sound like a big herbivore just let me get across I want to be on the good Island this is it this we're gonna grow big and strong okay have a quick drink whoa what was that was that lightning striking trees and fire yeah there we go oh this is yes this is paradise I think there's there's lightning striking trees the worst place to be is right next to the tree because if it gets struck by lightning it can literally explode this is a terrifying night please don't yeah if a tree I was told ages ago but we get struck by lightning it can explode and like oh the ball can fire out as if like loads of little knives or maybe big knives God what is route is oh is it like some sort of like volcano I don't even know this map bloody terrifying it might be a geezer of something like that Oh that'd be so cool if they put those in please don't step up on James and blow yourself up well whether or not I'm gonna have to get up and it's still raining so hopefully I don't sit straight ahead yeah there we go that's what I wasn't gonna be it's gonna die of hunger ironically okay well you know what I may as well have some extra water just in case while I can because you never know a carnival might come by and then we won't be able to drink again so into the trees okay okay guys guys guys guys guys that noise means that it's starting to become dawn so what I need to do I'm gonna I'm gonna adopt the tactics of the other bear and I'm just gonna eat as much as I can right now and drink as much as I can and go into hibernation until I'm like a sub-adult or young adult you know what I mean so quickly are you freaking serious you know what you know what it is I actually have enough water and food to get me to a sub-adult and those sounded like adult Utah Raptors so instead of going out and risking being seen and killed when we've gotten so close yet again I'm gonna stay here and wait till I grow and then I'm gonna go out come on I don't want to waste the whole day sat down it'll be night again I've got a record and get good footage damn it what did baby Gollum and missus and squawking everywhere yes point nine eight come on so close [Music] please can I grow one point oh it's starting to get dark again I can't believe I wasted the whole day doing out come on let me grow okay you know what sod it I've got a drink I gotta have something okay right I don't see anything that's good yes yes huge oh my god I'm a foot I might fully grown oh I'm not oh I'm a juvie oh and it is a hot spring rat so I've got to get even bigger than this Oh but now stuff like serrata soros in that aren't a problem yes the trike in the swamp is victorious although I still want to be worried about t-rex's and stuff they could pretty much end me in one hit but now I have power yes I mean my only worry really is ambush but this is a great place for a herbivores to be this is awesome just trudging through you know it kind of reminds me of everybody's groove saurian yeah it does eventually would you look at that guess what it's turning - yeah it's night again God's sake oh yeah that's what I saw so it wasn't lightning striking trees it was just a geezer at this size I would say I'm pretty good at taking on anything all right I would hope so as long as it's not maybe a fully grown Alice or or a fully grown t-rex what is that I guess I love something to drink eh I am on an official dev server so I hope that no dev is like you know what I'm just gonna play as a bloody hypo and kill whoever's here whoa oh it's a power it's not being chased by anything is it para I think the power might have bolted I didn't see it though it was definitely there very mysterious place this because it's so big there's not one like point of focus for everything going on well you know what it is guys I think we're gonna end it here and in the next episode my god it's gonna be way more entertaining I think so I'm gonna lie down in these trees we're definitely go my god it might be a while before we come become a fully grown adult but does it go overtime or are we gonna have to grow into it no because I know definitely like we grow in real time I don't know whether like we sort of form into a adult Triceratops that's kind of a lot of work to do I would assume but yeah anyway guys if you want to see more of this and the rest of the Triceratops life leave a like and until next time I'll see you later buh-bye
Channel: TheGamingBeaver
Views: 906,720
Rating: 4.9551663 out of 5
Keywords: The isle, giganotosaurus, spinosaurus, spino hypo, spino, Hypo Rex, hypo cargo, hypo Utah, hypo raptor, hypo Giga, hypo, Utahraptor, unlocked, acrocanthosaurus, Update, acro, utah, raptor, dinosaurs
Id: 0z4TvZodGuQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 31sec (1231 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 20 2018
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