The Life and Death of Smudge - Life of a Ceratosaurus | The isle

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I love beaver

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/FanMan55555 📅︎︎ Jun 09 2020 🗫︎ replies
as much survived the long night as his broken leg you'd eat lives [Music] hello everybody and welcome back to the long overdue episode of the Isle where we are continuing a playthrough of smug and before we get into this a big shout out to everybody who entered in the fan art competition get shout out in this video this was super hard we had a plethora of submissions on the the discord and I spent a long time so many I had to make like a top 40 I honestly couldn't like narrow it down but for the showcase in particular for shout outs I've made it to 5 I've managed to do that somehow I don't know how first off arrow Soros with this a beautiful wrap to Jesus and smudge toast is a big shadow but I quite like how of Jesus like no son you must wait by a toast oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no you buggy you you want to die son alcohol look at that oh I got him I got him ah yes boy how dare you interrupt my video you will defend but you know what I'll take that maybe he wanted to die either way that was bloomin clothes or something no no no no no oh god okay hold on let me find somewhere safe before we could do the rest of the shoutouts couldn't be now when it came to the the submissions for this there was a huge variety there was some like fantastic art there was some pencil sketches and this a number 4 MZ Oh oh my god it's gorgeous I don't know what else to say about IB amount of time that was put into this I just I could not put it in it had a hat to make it into the the video this is just gorgeous incredibly talented artist at number three comes Allosaurus fragilis of course what I love about this one is just captured how I felt at the time now it's just like oh bloody Idol let me find the baby's got the stegosaurs at the back there the therizinosaurus oh it's beautiful it's amazing I love it I love that one at number two now this Oh oh I love this style this is from Kay on cloud hope I'm saying that right and I think that's the gig of chasing me and smart I love the art style it's beautiful should we start an animated series the misadventures of smudge and V number one spot Oh even just picking from these it was tough to choose what was the best one I had a number one son I loved it I loved the art I love the comedy I love the personality and I love how it just captured everything about how I felt at the time I just love the guy was go to the pier I kill if you don't work I'm assuming that was targeted at me right I'm assuming it wasn't the Triceratops but he said that although thank you again for all those shadows so here are loads of runner-ups and any one of these could have made it into a top ten a top five there was just so many quality submissions in it I didn't know well it took me a while to sort of narrow it down the talent in this is amazing the fact that you spent loads of time on this for you know a Nile video that I have fun making and I hope obviously you guys enjoyed watching it oh god oh god oh god I saw that I'm hoping that he moved off I don't think he did I'm just gonna move I'm just gonna move this is the thing I feel like I could easily like kind of cheat this by or God by just adjusting the brightness and stuff from the TV so the monitor god how old my dreams yeah there were so many submissions there was like some animations as well oh god please I just want to say a big thank you to everybody who took time out of the day to make this amazing funnel you all deserve shoutouts but of course there'll be the whole video so if that was enough competition for you how about we do another one so if you already are on the discord which I'm assuming a lot of you are because you submitted that art on there you have to be 13 or over sorry I forgot to mention that I didn't realize that was a disco thing but we're gonna do a server banner competition so you can design the planet on the discord and have it shown up there for everyone to see so all you need to do is go of course go on the discord there should be a little child on the side like there was with the cerrado competition and submit your submissions under the correct it should be like a discord banner competition or something like that and I can't wait to see what you amazingly talented people come up with and with that out of the way how about we get on top of whatever is going on in here and probably die a couple of hundred times also I want to mention that am i I never expected the responses for us much to be so positive and I wanted to give something back to you so I'm working on a little something would you be a fan of pollution oh no does this music play with us like a big carnival near or something oh god I'm PTSD if that flipping em whoa whoa what was that did you see that oh he's a leaf I was like was that a spider sale whoa I didn't click anything there why'd you bite much dammit stop it see you watch this right and you think oh beaver you should do this and do that you're not playing stay for when you're playing you just sort of react to things you don't think oh well if I run round that ways go run hold on hold on hold on if it thing nearby right would have footsteps if it had walked there's a chance that I'll be able to pick up on its footsteps okay let's do that oh that might be a carcass yeah that's definitely gonna be a carcass in it yeah all right here we go gonna do it came P Vicky probably fake though Oh God oh no oh no how thirst yeah my 7% I'm gonna have to go I'm gonna have to drink I mean I could probably you know lose health and make it through the night your Japan aquarium video was really good oh thank you I quite enjoy doing that Japan air video oh no hold on I want a sniff again honest if again now is that something in the water I know you're gonna do it just let me get my water that'll do that'll do don't get greedy now we got this okay okay you know what let's let's invite cerrado yeah I heard him I saw I assume you're fresh Dubey no I'm close to adult although I shouldn't really be typing to you but here we go that is that is the world I'm living in now I mean I shouldn't really be too worried right cuz I mean if I die it's not like I'm losing too much progress although I am now 95 so it would suck oh is it candy oh it is oh it is things are visible oh god it's not clear enough though I'm getting there Oh mr. Serano source you up there buddy well we made it I think I'm almost an adult in his day I'm on 99% oh oh there's over I just saw that I saw oh no please don't come running over soon as it becomes day wrapped and start calling out oh no I saw him don't worry I got this I got this what if that's the same one that I saw last time ha grow grow Utah we're still not on a good position because we are still growing oh man Oh foods that foods under threat though okay well I'm gonna go over this way and see we hunt down at that go and eat oh oh I see I see no trees in the way this time wait what die well guys if you doesn't want to die then um yum yum yum let's go say Come on eat that corpse ate their carcass don't be fussy now smudge don't know if we want to climb up here though whoa oh my god you're you're here hey buddy look at you little cutie watch it oh my God look at this already and I'm the leader this time me oh you've already invited him oh good call then go get your water when I get hungry I'll eat you on you lucky we found you little one if you're going to eat meal and mom drink from the stagnant infected rule all right let's go get you some food shall we see what's around here I could pass time while I get big is it you've already been bit oh no look at him roll HOD I mean strata sources don't take long to grow so Oh behind you okay guys oh this is this is bad Oh God we're being hunted oh this isn't so good oh there's three of them oh there's three of them this is not good Oh God we're about to get like absolutely raided here whoa you pokey it Oh bleeding not good not good oh good Oh God really not good oh Jesus Oh oh this isn't good at all Jesus oh no don't god I gonna die I'm so dead dammit utah's how did he do that like Vicky and Ali just like pull the right angle off Oh God oh the bleed what's the bleed on 24 bleeds three seconds I'm dead Oh No you've got to sit in the body dude I can't go away I'm gonna die anyway I've got like no health left oh geez oh wait you're the guy is he dead oh yeah yeah [ __ ] good no I think I'm dead I think I'm definitely dead I don't stand a chance no I'm God no just oh for God's sake you babies got me well I'll move away if you let me but I think oh god I think I'm gonna die though yeah they're after me like damn it yeah [Music] gotta keep my angles on me [Music] [Music] whoa oh I got bit oh I got bit Oh God not so good so dead no I got you though oh I'm so gonna die well you know what I put up a valiant effort look I got them they were always I supposed to do I can't do much I think I'm pretty much dead at this point I don't play enough fouls smart you're doing a really good job like you're putting up a fight I'll give you that oh god this is made me dizzy right on the edge of a mountain Oh God I'm doing good though doing good I feel like I'm doing good ah I got him I think whoo I'll be backing off I think they [ __ ] off I think so oh my god smudge you're doing so good you're suffering though okay yeah I'm not bleeding time to go time to go you want to go son I didn't think so buddy ha ha whoa he wants to go this dude I've got stamina for days you don't guys I'm running on adrenaline this is crazy he's like keeping me like coming backwards so that his friends can like come after me but that's what he's doing here Oh God oh that wasn't good are you kidding me the end of the battle is getting closer wait a minute I'm gonna have to try and sit down in a tree but if he discovers that broke my leg that was a as a rookie mistake Oh God Oh God just get into the tree get into the tree please don't see me Oh Lord okay down we go Oh down we go suffering yeah yeah telling me what happened I ain't talking I might survive this yet somehow oh my god I'm shaking guys I don't even have lunch or anything that's probably why it was just a case of bleeding them like I must have a lot of health I'm not even a fully grown adult either I'm an 82% just grown oh my god oh my god oh my god survives much I can't believe I got that broken leg that feeling in my run off after seeing that I was just gonna run and run and run not realizing that I'm an idiot and went off a broke leg hope I'm still healing even though I've got broken like oh that's not oh yeah I am there we go I'm just hurt now five damaged three you dar Raptors of one of them sacrificed themselves I don't know who that was did he get invited back into the group Oh God I cover who sacrifice themselves I am hungry though but if there was more than one of me it's like if I had another at all I might have went for them but no that shows me that I could do this I might be able to take them on but not really I mean it was just their fault but they were bit of an idiot and they got themselves caught on the mountain like I did but I proved to myself to be the actual idiot because I broke my own leg one damage now fantastic hold on a minute I gave him beaver video where he faces off a three versus one in him doesn't die within a minute how does that happen I'm no longer battered and bruised good lord I made out of that I'm almost on full health oh bloody rocks now do I hang around this area and try and kill one of them or any of them or do I go somewhere else yeah if these guys come towards me mr. psoriasis is making a beeline for it look I'm amazed I survived that Jesus smudge hey Nations is she we should probably move though if I've got babies I don't want to be hunting utah's especially there's three of the buggers let's go meet it with demonetized I'm surprised I survived but you know what ain't gonna fruit away my life like that you know what it was I think that mountain saved me the fact that I could have my back up against it I wasn't able to be completely surrounded you almost killed one of those Judas I suppose yeah it was that endure up to Utah wasn't it he was sat down bleeding quite heavily I could have put pressure on him and but I thought I was three against one I wasn't gonna win that yeah you should just burn for though what are you guys yeah maybe better but I think even they decided that that was probably best we didn't they didn't engage anymore not one guy tried to like just keep me bleeding if I was bleeding but I wasn't so I think he was hoping that it's friends would catch him up Wow I think that was my first ever like proper tussle a big leg down here [Music] Oh smudge it did it yeah bloody well did it you survived yeah beating the odds 83% you fought valiantly my friend you gave me the the just enough breathing room to survive there because they had to sit in that body and eat it in order to attack me so I appreciate the sacrifice yeah I'm a fresh a dog that's why I was not wanting to engage them too much but I've learned a little about myself when it comes to utah's I can definitely at least take take them on in some sort of combat or maybe you would scare me off maybe the youth always scare me off he probably could be okay well we're hungry whoo this fog oh it's glorious I love it I bet this isn't that hard to make innit did you just put like an asset in and then boom there you go you've got fog I could be wrong it could be doing a huge disservice to it sorry Dougy oh god it's so pretty with these light rays oh good a little bit and then you guys can have it I'm all right I think as long as I've got I mean how much food do I have 35 that's enough to probably see me through to another taco which we've already heard so dad's good there's nothing else bigger in here we should be all right oh my god it's just so like quiet it's just gonna be so careful well look I still have sperm while drinking that's great we didn't realize that wow I have not had as an intense episode as this in a long time the fact that I had a battle and survived I'm so proud of myself you get it oh nice oh I'm job job job yes you stay back let the adults eat first sometimes it pays to be it be curious oh no he's got something oh there is a carcass oh good this is it the carcass have the scraps we get the livers there he is oh there's something else chasing him kind of running around blessin she's like yes go to Kenneth yeah oh what a beautiful morning I'm slowly growing oh and an Oreo - fantástico yes mine see threat you're threatening for my food buddy no mine I want it look if you're if you're threatening then we can kill you go away God you stink down there we don't need to kill him just chase him off do you monetize you're also done so what Oh 92% grown the biggest I've ever be smudge you're a huge stain now ah oh he's about to say a tree got in your way and then I got stuck on a rock tell you what thank God I became an idol wouldn't have that first you tore up to red didn't spot me well when that first you tore up two spotted me or didn't spot me when I was a youngster the star of the video that could have been it I gotta be the end of me oh so that's a 'very right okay and that's the canyon so oh oh you buggy you little buggers oh my god oh my god Oh badly bleeding badly bleeding oh my god why frickin deal of what they come from what did they decide to attack of course we won you weren't going to win III wouldn't who bit me I might have bitten somebody else as well it was chaos I think they were just hoping they were gonna run in and read by each other and you know what kind of worked meats back on the menu boys maybe just wants to die maybe maybe that's it it's like well I've got an idol and I guess there's only one thing left to do this is just hiding okay what was that about well it's plain enough food to last us a bloody lifetime now how about my butt face so I had a moderator messaged me on discord saying that you might want to be careful because people are trying to hunt you down and I'm just wondering if those two dealers that was the case like you were over there all you do is run straight towards us and you went all the way around over to here is it like a chasm or something in the middle or 98% there we go drift across and even even know what Titan is did you break your leg oh dear oh look how big I am in comparison to you escucho oh I can't even see it like I don't know how you're seeing stuff oh yeah oh never mind this is way better yeah there's definitely something over there this is a spooky place yeah stay down do you monetize what are you doing go on then I will go get water - I'll leaves you monetize that I think he's okay oh so excited for water oh is that a Giga oh dear let's go does it bring back that memories Bieber oh bring back a memory yes of course it does I wanna kill him this time I like are we running into the gigas or or what what's happening god I hate this Oh weaving between trees hey please good job 100% hey I don't resent at all fantastic are we good Oh fantastic time to cut the stand back can't think of a better way to celebrate becoming an adult than running away from from kickers I took you toes on when I was only 70 odd percent now I'm a hundred people heard the gigas and took off cause I did I don't hang around them easy does it easy oh I don't know if the mire can come down here though oh there he is oh really well pretend there's only one surrounded then bow we drove out the bush and attack him - oh my god he got him whoa was it adult what are you oh wait I think it was Jesus am i dead am i died as well oh my god there's death everywhere except for us this is a complete opposite of my video oh god this ain't so bad or be constantly tailed by gigas why why did gigas love smudge so much where where where where's kickers Vegas you can't just say gigas you have to give me a direction a little narrative of the Maya hey he escaped lonely Maya he's having his own little story over there oh they're over there ah ah yep let's go no I'm not risking it we're just gonna keep on trucking [Music] Oh God did you break your legs are you freaking broke your leg your fool come on Oh God look at him bloody wounded soldier think you is went through the wars alright well let's set up a perimeter around him then shall we oh he just killed himself yeah I'm pretty sure you just killed himself oh my god were you stuck breaking your legs oh I just want to see if he did actually kill himself Maura started percent [ __ ] maybe you didn't die how do you not break his leg the rocks are stream sniping I never mind then you obviously ran off there and survived well we've got to keep this guy distracted don't we well you heal your bloody legging for the 15th million time ah look at them he's eating Oreos but I kick his [ __ ] in his pants thinking oh no no I've got this far don't die now Oh a lot of action of twins get in did you just win over those rocks again what have I told you convoy of Sorrows move out [Music] we've all grown up together been through hardships toil and turmoil now here we are whoa look at all the life so not a barren empty wasteland oh oh so template click man cyclic bite no oh no it's good night god dammit to be boring for another half an hour are we gonna get the wheels are there it is lovely oh my god I'm right on the boundary of whatever that shows like if I look here nothing put my camera here Oh glitchy so my right here is the edge of the boundary where you can get the glitch I wanna eat you I wanna eat you no come back wanna catch the chicken let me catch the chicken dancing in the moonlight catch the chicken come here near to wienies I want you right in my mouth that [ __ ] is very light not a chance no chance to the good sketching that no I'm good guys we got get nice here new plan run but by Oh God okay I just oh my god after all but oh oh they break their legs after / they break their flippin legs and then oh I don't believe it I don't believe it okay that was those are the perfect storm for God's Oh nothing was happening we were running over and then okay my mom brings me I'm like ah for God's sake so I'm just I'm thinking oh well nothing's happened right nothing's happened we'll be okay so I start talking to her and then did you all wait dad dad I've ran it what gigas showed up I tried running fell off a cliff broke my leg and then that was it Oh [Music] oh well I survived one bite that's quite interesting I bled out within a second afterwards though try this video that was like three hours is over three hours enjoy this video guys leave a lot until next time I'll see you later oh boy [Music] you
Channel: TheGamingBeaver
Views: 485,131
Rating: 4.9667597 out of 5
Keywords: TheGamingBeaver YouTube, TheGamingBeaver YouTube channel, TheGamingBeaver Channel, YouTube TheGamingBeaver, YouTube channel TheGamingBeaver, Channel TheGamingBeaver, Jurassic World, Jurassic Park, The Isle, Fish Feed Grow, Evolution, Hungry Shark, Mobile Games
Id: Q3Oq8fY8KoU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 50sec (1850 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 06 2020
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