Time of the Carnotaurus! - Life of a Carnotaurus | The isle

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well hello everybody and welcome to peace of Bermuda I know you've been waiting so long for this game and I thought I'd finally play I've seen so many requests for it so wait wait wait what's up scream oh oh let me get let me let me get this for you guys wait you were wrong we are back in the aisle yes and today were playing as a little poppet toast now there has been some changes as you can tell the UI is actually been kind of changed a playing survival on thorny island I don't know what that is I also don't know how to read the UI so that always helps I have no idea break it up or like it all is that maybe I find an out something that will take me in be good also while I'm here and we're doing this video I want to take a moment to address the elephant or the Triceratops sized elephant in the room that is what happened to my previous playthrough ørestad as a triceratops do you want to know what happened I played it for that Triceratops is an entire life and iced tea hydrate and died nothing happened I never bumped into anybody else and I didn't know where any water was a hit a t-junction I went right and died if I had went left I would have found water so as I died literally because I didn't know where the water was on the map and that was it so that's always good it's been so long since I played this I don't even know God trying to find some food I don't even know like I'm like I feel like am I going towards the edge of the map feel like you're not supposed to go over so maybe I should have went the other way so today's objective I've actually been waiting yes that's probably I need to find like a good server where people won't break repairing this this one has rules it is Isla nikto which a lot of people be like oh my god that's a dumb be ashame well to be honest it's the only server on the aisle um that actually has a decent number of players at the moment so I'm hoping that he won't come through with a group of his friends and kill me like I've heard so many stories about that happening for other people even though it has rules sometimes they just go on killing sprees so hope there would we just call them the Mafia the Mafia hope I don't see the math here spider Buffy we're here to break stop no I've pretty little baby toes oh my god this is Oh what that we just turned in today we just turn in the day now I can oh oh there's my hunger so does that stay there but do I really disappear and I forget what my hunger is oh it's like a tummy I've gotta tell me rumbles I felt it I'm a little bit hungry so I've got to go and find some food so this is a female baby Carnotaurus I can't even tell like how to you is there always is there a way to check somebody got into the parking port the dinosaur skirts oh no that's it what smell is it that no it is definitely not elf elf I've got a compass why is ends oh is that just the way it goes so yes and so I know north and south Oh oh my god this but oh that's kind of handy okay well at least now I have freaking Triceratops and I have this same smell ability I'd be able to live oh it looks like it's quick it's close by God do you ever run when you just like you try to exercise but then you've just eaten something - no that's just a rock okay it was around here now we can play you to drink oh well that's nice of it to say glug glug whoa I don't know don't know if I like it Oh so yeah I didn't start the intro normally everyone who plays the aisle these days who makes video on it have they have to start like super cereal must be a black screen with some ominous music and a dinosaur roll before the logo flies it that's why I should done damn you played Jurassic world evolution oh that's so mainstream as you play the aisle that's independent and it's so deep I do love the alwah I do like it the reason it went through a lot of phases not kind of hard to record as nighttime takes forever and well the smelling actually helps that's helped a lot I want to storm ah oh God is it gonna rain soon I can hear the Sattler clouds thundering over hey I've been here before but hopefully my smelling should really help okay what we got wooo my own fart Oh a group oh that's that face I couldn't trust yes I shall join misters mr. oh my god The Joker cat is a million miles away well then thus does how well I will make my way towards the Joker cat we got water down here shame I can't slow go No woo oops hold on we should click Z right then we got a good little Tron yeah I love the music as well great choice fairy is mysterious yet eerie an unsettling vibe layered throughout this kind of pretty and beautiful landscape we got like lots of puppies like Remembrance Day hey if anything I'll go over there and kill it the the Joker cat if he's a baby - wall trellis the likelihood of him being a baby is very low oh no oh my god we got till office sources and Raptors I'm so scared I can't feel my arms right this is what we do well just be nice and happy and nothing bad will happen to us no no is there is there a button where I can click where I'll roll over onto my belly and surrender that should be a feature see if I was Utahraptor and I always defined a little baby Carnotaurus like myself well it's made that noise it sounded like a herbivore right it was a trumpet like a parrot elders okay best not to go out in the open lots of raptors oh my god it's just like the the Allosaurus life I had before I killed them all the good old days now I'm back to the bottom of the food chain that is a hundred percent of power right okay I'm gonna lie down for a second a bit tired there's a Dilophosaurus those Raptors you tore up ters and somethin else definite power where things are though I was tempted to be a car Ceratosaurus actually I prefer like going as something that's not too Opie Oh God it's definitely Stephanie little tacos around here okay guys let's use our binoculars vision track down something I can hear a lot of them I just don't see him let's go towards them I just need to eat one is it escape oh that's how you check your growth there we go now I remember alright let's see if we can avoid all the big predators and maybe kill something those are go towards joke a cat joke a joke cat invites me to a group of Joker cats hello oh god please don't let Joker cat be a big Utahraptor can feel some Walker with dinosaurs Allosaurus ambush music coming on okay guys you ready go let me go across three two one go go go quickly towards the cat oh well I didn't last long did it please don't let this be a trap I've traveled across the world to come and find you that's impossible oh stop stuff I saw it I think they were Paris oh do you think they'll take me in no when a pirate come to attack a baby Seurat a source you probably wouldn't think it's much of a threat and you would leave it alone because it's too big for me I wouldn't attack the para o is where I can use my sense of smell oh yes aha yes they came which way did it go though it looks like they went they came straight down and then went behind me oh look at me like a true carnival oh the kiddies at the water maybe I should just go there since I'm exhausted yeah and I don't want to be caught in the open when as utah's about oh my god is that Carnotaurus oh I think it is oh wow the chances I think it is a Carnotaurus and it's coming this way or it's a fast one oh goody you're right please be nice hello oh my god you're huge hi look at it oh just look how massive you are [Music] how can you give me food please regurgitate all I be a cool mechanic there were powers that went this way they went up that way have a smell look sniff a Vishnu okay so you're going to attack me after all this now oh my god really really you invited me to a group to kill me and now you're gonna be like oh it's realism because Carnotaurus is were cannibals really really really wow you're very sad person [Laughter] [Music] no about you Wow goddamnit welcome to a doggy service all right let's give that another shot wow what a douche I can't believe that guy he deliberately invited me to join him because he saw my username you see that's why you shouldn't be able to like invite to groups and stuff because if you haven't realism you won't be able to click accept group invite what did I expect a what did I expect not much where's the answer I just stuck open about run all the way over there all the friggin way over there the game yeah what bothered me about that wasn't the fact that he killed me because surakarta Tauruses are cannibals what bothered me was that he he basically lured me in with an invite deliberately to kill me that's what bothered me even if I like I was the same species as him he killed me so no matter what I was who's gonna eat me that's what sucked about that nobody trusts the Joker cut whoa there it is oh and I can hear things as well maybe eat I'll come across somebody who's nice Oh God they didn't see me peri gigas did not see me just think they'll take me in a pair of gigas what happened to the days of like being a friend to the dinosaurs what happened to those okay I could be a Maiasaura Justin they'll see me can I jump actually is that possible as a baby [Laughter] hi I'm just like well I wasted 20 minutes dyin so may as well just go for it please tell me they can't get up here hello where's your the one God is you're the one walking over they enclosing me are they can you get up please don't oh no wait why am I stuck my stuck sniffing oh okay it's it's it's glitched out oh okay [Music] why does he keep there there it is forms please tell me this is this is coming day right no hay recorder when it's light damn it oh please stop it's coming day okay so we're playing at a different server but which one around the aisle fishel dev fall because there we go that oh this is that other server now there's our other map okay this one oh yeah I joined just before it goes night so I have to click that now whoo oh I know cool at night I look awesome oh no you you know what should I try it one more time let's try it one more time I'm gonna trust in you you're Tristan you Jota you've got a nice friendly air gaming picture I'll be a waifu oh my boobs oh my god wow this this is a this is an interesting crew in it oh god ah no no I think I broke my leg didn't see that coming Oh or shall I stop walking on it well it's not covered well is it well what's gonna break my leg I suppose now is not too bad least I've got some food ah forgot about the whole chat thing I guess I could have spoken to that dude I suppose who killed me ah yes finally good grief okay apparently this gig is in the distance so that's gonna be fun but at least now I can run towards him am I the real dealio I am indeed the real T Leo Aries hashtag boom oh you better be I'm just as Tiny as become little baby car no I think it's him as I think there a car no as well can you can only the same species invite each other to a group is that it the moon let's fall in we've only got five days left look at her wood texture oh that's a nice wood texture look at that basis don't ask me how how the eye is reflecting so much light Oh little bit thirsty look at us all we're so cute oh okay that's also good for little chameleons okay okay operation quiet begins what's made that noise something's making a noise are we running now oh god something the noise and they know he's run run run run run oh god there's a lot of calls the world is staring I don't like it oh god are you guys faster than me look the way I'm facing yes okay the for Rex is we just avoided uh-huh oh it was for oh right yes oh my god I can barely see them my god that's why I would be before steam message okay my god I know this is so much better than that worthless server I was on a second ago look at I have to turn down graphics to lower to see them yeah that's so sneaky listen rendered the trees but it'll still render them empty now actually like a true Baba I feel screaming hi great oh that's a lot of water down there I'm but the rexes are there we are going to the next spot okay okay wow these guys are like pros see now that I'm hungry the icon for the food on my stomach is there constantly which makes more sense because if you're hungry you know you're hungry but you'd also be if you're full you know you fold and then if you're full you shouldn't be able to run as fast god that reminds me I remember watching there's some sort of program about The Last Dragon it was like if it really existed and I remember it was like it was eating something and then it got scared off by a bigger dragon so when it was running away it had to like puke OH it's food in order to run run away faster because like it just couldn't keep its food down while running I don't know with real animals do that oh go what I have no idea this is kinda neat the mountain where is he oh can we sniff while walking oh my god you can that's awesome oh there we go oh he's stopping what we something for wow he's huge look at this feel like a high draft hopefully the Rex is kept going over well as long as they didn't catch wind of our scent I'm sure they did this is like so much going on in these videos so cool when you get a good one going can we actually go down there to the huge lake that'd be awesome ok so the T Rexes could be up there up the river so we want to kind of stay down I've never been on this map already so if I have I've never been this far this is cool food I need food nourishment Tora speed or something where is he gonna split up shall we we'll find them first get the liver ah oh we got him who is he oh yes yes thumbs there you go somebody else have some cuz I don't want it I don't eat it all wait you guys okay you sure Oh oh my god yeah yeah yeah go I'll have one more but oh no nevermind he got it that's fine I guess now that were well if I can get to a juvie I should be able to outrun of juvie t-rex definitely I would have thought so I don't know but I don't though look how my school areas oh I can't wait gonna be I'm gonna be that big someday I think I need any more water ok 90.9 4 I've got point 6 left to get at least I don't I don't think I'm thirsty I could have a look oh no I'm just a little bit ok fair enough a little bit of a sniff ah more water I heard him is he not up here but I heard him up here oh is Iggy's around here oh my god did they get him for what rib beaver if you haven't grown yet give me eat I mean yeah sure I guess but I want the other guy to eat as well there you go that'll do Purple's gotta eat some oh wow there's another one where was that do you see it they're just like spawning again Oh Red Bulls gonna hop off oh okay oh I got it oh my god what was that I can always grow ah yes we will become big oh is that it I don't even think I kindnesses almost there almost grown so we have 96 people on this server Oh what was there come on boots gave me like that come on bro yes yes I am beautiful am i a male oh oh my oh the first one I picked mr. bean female I am a male now woo so am I like a sub adult or an adult now I looked like an adult and the car looks like he's changed a little bit the model looks really cool okay good look at it no stop moving your head oh you see one how do you do this that's impressive to the eyes of a hawk I still haven't seen it cause you've got like the graphics and turn down so we couldn't sit up why is he so much quicker than me am I gonna feel like a racecar wait what they said you saw one oh that's an Al oh wait this wait what oh yeah yeah sure oh yes I've never I've met this never be to come up before oh wait what it's a Sarada right yeah I got him Oh place OOP Oh is NLO like a gig or something no it's a cerrado ah ah look at a run only get the kill are you still going on in for the interception Boosh no no yes don't son so bubbly and hot man oh I'll tell you what what can I not drink this I can okay cuz I need a little bit first he's gonna have a lot of meat on wait where'd he go I didn't realize you could do that I thought you needed to wait like 30 seconds to logout no dining war so we can't eat them oh god damn it yeah if I ever get attacked I'll just be like I'll go in the water you won't get anything that's our the first time in ages that I felt like I was running around and I felt like I was unstoppable thank ya as you can't kill me on the road again can we get on the planes good do we see anything what's your Hawk I see apparently you can see everything and it looked like surrounded the way it walked was definitely not a low like oh we could have been on full almost from that Ceratosaurus oh my god right yeah there is a big lake whoa it's everywhere whew could you hide under the waterfall Oh that'd be cool oh well I'm full now on water can I've got to keep my wits about me we see anything eat it to have broke my leg well this starving in your program you like you're probably gonna die oh my god I've been recording for like an hour and a half geez you guys wonder thanks ages we've only really ever just sort of sprung a a kind of an attack on a serratus or us and that's kind of been a really I've just been survived we avoided the T Rexes but I was kind of not proactive in that oh yes food where's food my god this place is huge yeah and we need it oh this is cool oh wow a Ivo piece too has some colossus bones at the bottom of the lake what's a colossus it's funny I'm actually really hungry myself so playing this dinosaur when it's hungry when you're hungry just adds like an extra level of immersion really whoo what are those like a house over there where I could drink here that's weird there's that damn damn tweed we go to it Oh what is that oh yeah it's getting painful oh my god am I gonna die why does it always end this way that's good right that has to be food that sounds like a baby something oh yes what's that noise though it's something being attacked come on over the hill just like Jurassic Predators I guess Cretaceous in this case has he seen it oh yeah is it's a baby t-rex oh he didn't stand a chance it's going down hello buddy whatsoever I beat you there Oh God bleeding I mean hurt hey wait what's up what's making that noise oh please yes I'm gonna live that was close oh there was an adult oh there is there's something over there another gigas Oh be behind you skill
Channel: TheGamingBeaver
Views: 1,820,752
Rating: 4.9043374 out of 5
Keywords: The isle, giganotosaurus, spinosaurus, spino hypo, spino, Hypo Rex, hypo cargo, hypo Utah, hypo raptor, hypo Giga, hypo, Utahraptor, unlocked, acrocanthosaurus, Update, acro, utah, raptor, dinosaurs, jurassic park, world, jurassic world, allosaurus, t.rex attack, carnivores, herbivores, team, herd, hunting, attack, pack, fight, battle agamingbeaver, thegamingbeaver, therizinosaurus, carnotaurus, dryosaurus, lost world, quetzalcoatlus, suchomimus
Id: 9rLtJvDKwDk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 54sec (1794 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 03 2019
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