The Baby Rex Chicks - The Isle

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hello everybody and welcome to the Isle no no no that's that's the wrong logo we need the other logo yeah there you go and let's look up particles dot MOV yeah there ya go oh that's what all the cool kids are doing these days so we're back playing the aisle I've joined I have random server as usual even is it the aisle official dev for there is like 70 odd people here Oh God you know let's just run towards the noises yes so it is like morning I am a baby t-rex cuz you know why I've never played as a frickin t-rex in ages so I think I can hear you TARDIS I don't know I'm pretty gonna die so they've also added a music to this game which is quite interesting oh wow the chasm Oh Triceratops do you think it'll be friendly do you think we can be adopted by Triceratops I don't think there was any rules when I joined here I'm hoping I can join it as a little bobble it'll protect me and supply me with food I'll learn to be a vegetarian or God this is how it starts oh damn I could have killed a baby yeah see there ya go I still remember some controls so the little baby is going over to them to the big one please don't tell me it's not realism right please please have mercy on the little chick no we can make her own line before time okay okay oh it's an Allosaurus oh it's another source hello hello mister Allosaurus Oh are you doing Oh does he realize I'm not a baby allo now oh no that's a friendly Oh that's really not good I can't go lucky with the Allosaurus being friends with me you could easily have killed me I spy with my round eyes a triceratops hiding in a bush like no one good G me what's the Triceratops friendly oh why is nobody friendly on this server have you never played the aisle before oh god where am I Oh what is that I guess I'll go and investigate it are we gonna do a story on thing and then we're gonna have like a mosasaurs appear that would be cool oh it's swimming taking Stan oh something's taking Stan now oh so I'm guessing you can drown woo oh that's cool oh we need like the Lord the Rings sound for that one [Music] I'll hide in the long grass oh oh what's that it's running I don't think it saw me Oh a baby something oh it's a baby it's baby DLO or wizard oh my god please don't see me oh is that another the love thesaurus just stay still don't move oh my god would he kill me that was weird you telling me that he ran all the way over this this way had a look and just went back for no reason is he patrolling this right where he's moved off let's sort of go a little bit further now the chances are he's probably hiding in the grass over here if it is a fully grown Dilophosaurus which I don't think it is because they'll officers would be quite big whoa-ohh was a baby Triceratops I just want to see what this is it was weird the music started playing when I saw the Dilophosaurus for the first time Don Dee has got it cued so that like if something is dangerous and something approaches you then like a music will play or certain audio track I'll play he's basically just doing my work for me that's what is learned you'd be watching my videos go - oh that's good I'll put down it oh I left one footstep all that way impressive Oh oh my god there's no faces on the inside of this building but normals are facing the wrong way oh oh I can't I can't even get in okay that sound like some sort of hadrosaur maybe a power it's been so long since I've played this whoa hello that was a dowser Dilophosaurus right is he making Chum friendly that was really close that was soup all right Oh God there's something else is well here is on the other side of here oh he sounds different to me oh no what'd he eat did he kill him Dilophosaurus oh my god well I guess it's food for me eh [Music] yes lamb nom noms hello I need one more bite oh my god this could be the tale of two lions are we looking for are you a you t-rex you must be 2x if we're talking to each other so you killed the Dilophosaurus up bugger okay I'll follow you then yeah look at this go oh okay oh we are we seeing that as a threat whatever made that call I think it's a triceratops just a couple of lone Wanderers run by you but I'm gonna be thirsty oh god we go go in the way of an Allosaurus [Applause] there's an Allosaurus being very loud keep going this way though yo the aisle needs a battle royale mode am I actually - really well at that I like this place all looks gorgeous oh god also allosaurus where where where where's Allosaurus now I'm gonna go ahead of you cuz if he's behind us you're dead not me what we doing where we goin do you know where you're going cuz I don't look at the LSO's up ahead - baby t-rex chickies I can smell it Oh smells fresh snotty the plains whoo what is that are we going there no no my little anime mom alright fine I'm coming greedy thirsty though Oh what oh another music cue okay you know what let's see let's see what kind of emotion that the developers want to convey with this okay a little lake mystery whoa buildings let's drink from the muddy water how was my growth oh okay five point nine not bad hey drink a lot I think he was in a lot better situation than I was oh my god this is oh wow there's odors even water animation oh my god honestly I'm impressed by the littlest thing but look even now look at that that is some nice texture Oh gorgeous don't get distracted this is how people dive that's how dinosaur stuff oh my god oh it's going dusk okay I'm point six so I have thrown point one within 25 minutes so within an hour no no no maybe two hours I'll be the next day growth if I get that fine either eat still what made that noise he seems to be splitting off that was a bellow and a half oh it's over that way oh okay never mind let's go let's run come here my little app game then the key to survival is sticking together ooh what's that oh that's a baby yeah that's another right that's a low friendly Oh God nighttime sets in I wonder if he's thinking that if I don't eat soon he's gonna eat me I'm wondering if he's also thinking if I'm thinking the same way it's gonna be enough food I've heard like those little pistachios what so atmospheric I can feel it in the hair oh cool this game is I mean we're gonna say one dinosaur game that's constantly being improving it's definitely this one like for the first time I played it when there was all those different color shams different t-rexes like the blue t-rex and all that and it was just like dead bodies everywhere so this sort of experience with music sound effects gorgeous graphics lighting day and night cycles it's changed so much and it's been out for at least been out for about three years now I wonder how long ago it was when I first played this guitar with Little Rock's and this is well this sort of like I love the way they try to capture like animals eyes at night that reflect a lot of light looks gorgeous there's one thing I never used to like was the night cycles even with night vision but this you've got like a field of view it looks really cool know where he's gone he just buggered off oh god oh god what made that noise oh oh Jesus there's a Giga I saw that there there is is it a gig it could be an a low sort of prowling oh I didn't do that are they talking to each other [Music] where are they he's really proud that's been enough time now you can keep on going in the general direction I can smell there's something dead here aha sorry yes I found it with me smellivision Oh God that's neat okay well I don't even think I got to eat the thing before it vanished okay I guess I'll just go look out for food another there's a Dilophosaurus nearby I can coax it out and I can kill it Oh Oh God yeah there's still officers nearby Oh Oh God I'm gonna die I see something AHA yes a little baby girl I was oh that was close Pazhani I was at a person well he gave me what I needed bloody Nora okay now now what we do is like lion wait yes okay I've got yellow health of the bottom so rip medium or at caution if this was what Jurassic not drastic Resident Evil there's also something really big around here as well oh god I gotta get out of here I can see the bright over there there's three of them yeah I'm outta here oh god I'm dead oh god I'm dead please don't tell me they're gonna come over that mountain are they okay I've got a turn I've got to turn away turn away go left they think I'm gonna go straight so I'm gonna go left this way then I don't know which way we go now uh hiding trees hiding trees battle 200 soon as I call it they were like ah we've gotta be they were like keeping an eye on that little pistachios thinking a little Carnaval would go for it oh god they're coming [Music] okay run backwards run backwards from where they came from whoo-hoo they managed to like kind of track me down really well i guessing that's to do with the footprints oh just go just go just go yes yes I think I lost them I just need to find that bloody pistachio nut okay we made it back to the plains oh my god that was so cool oh all right there's only one thing for me really to do and I mean I need water and food so I've just got it I've just got to go oh god are those the three aloes okay thank you Oh God water please right now I need something Oh God oh god the others [Music] Oh fine oh god they're gonna get me no oh god he knows I suck it oh my god oh my god I don't know if we're gonna make it guys [Music] there's nothing I can do I've gotta try and look for food or else I'm gonna die Oh God [Music] oh yeah I'm god I'm bleeding oh Jesus yeah just finish me oh god there's another one well I did really good those who are separate and Alice's that killed me I think there was nothing I could do that was fun this is like god dammit I couldn't even cut up the bigger guys you join it leave a like until next time I'll see you later buh-bye
Channel: TheGamingBeaver
Views: 729,070
Rating: 4.9586802 out of 5
Keywords: baby t.rex, The isle, giganotosaurus, spinosaurus, spino hypo, spino, Hypo Rex, hypo cargo, hypo Utah, hypo raptor, hypo Giga, hypo, Utahraptor, unlocked, acrocanthosaurus, Update, acro, utah, raptor, dinosaurs, jurassic park, world, jurassic world, allosaurus, t.rex attack, carnivores, herbivores, team, herd, hunting, attack, pack, fight, battle agamingbeaver, thegamingbeaver, therizinosaurus, carnotaurus, dryosaurus, lost world, quetzalcoatlus, suchomimus
Id: n795glJds9M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 5sec (1085 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 14 2018
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