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hey we've got we got ahead of kickers we got ahead of gigas guys guys guys should we probably gotta get a move on like I don't know about you where we surrounded I just holy cow okay there's a lot of giggy's that's okay really we're running are we running no this three kick is alright that's not blood that's footsteps okay oh I'm a gamer today we're playing a VI 'l it is being updated quite a lot there is a new ello Soros skin I'm really not too sure why they decide to change it looks still pretty good they found its sound effects to the clicks now love it - yes still a it shows the old although so model oh I'm sure that will be updated also they've updated we go to herbivores and I think they've updated the Triceratops model if we just have a quick look ah yes awesome that looks oh ok ok guys I actually think this triceratops looks amazing like the model is perfect I wasn't really struck on the old one I don't know it just seemed very paaji even I mean you could make the argument this is still punch it's more like a tapir body but um I like this model I really do it's I feel like this is a big improvement on the other one but we are going to play is kind of well this is a foursome I think it's Pangaea Pangaea - I think it is so no a quick check oh I like you you throw up this got really class size now Wow ok why would I play this in ages what's going on the lighting of this oh it's day hold on it's day I should be playing before it goes dog so there's only two skins for the ala let's pick the green one and we are we are there we are we are loaded in dude I don't know what this was oh my God look how gorgeous this is I think it still has the same coals yeah it does okay all the graphics are just beautiful I mean you do need whose is that mallow it is I'm expecting everybody to be playing as an aloe because it's the newest one that's been up there well let me try and find out where these calls are coming from oh this games so gorgeous I love it that's right coming straight over to a spinal sound so they're hiding in the bush hello oh are we doing this are you gonna try to chase me that's like cool oh you can look under the floor oh there's something over here there we go like how quick we are okay so there is so many dead bodies over here Wow okay that's that's like a CSI Miami except for CSI Pangea that looks awesome there is roaring coming from everywhere so we go down a low dead t-rex another dead although I think a dead shant and another Ted t-rex and something oh oh wait he works with his neck broken backwards beautiful mmm hello mister stego are you doing is he being chased by anybody he is now it's got to go round to the head ah yes I think I got him there get him um no bleed a bloody bleeding oh my god it's not looking good for this Alice oh it has to be said that's just a duck Duck and Cover dude does anybody remember the days of the aisleway you could hide in a perfectly shaped bush no it was another for two seconds yeah well Todd showed me [Music] Oh still got the hobble that's nice big fatty awesome that looks really cool they really put a lot of effort into this game it's awesome what is it again [Music] okay I found my new favorite dinosaur it's this it's the Triceratops I've got to admit Triceratops has never really been my favorite dinosaur but this so badass I love it what about the other cause we've got dangerous a friend oh that's got to be threatened okay yeah this is my new favorite Triceratops as my new favorite let's see if we can let's see what we can last as a Triceratops shall we oh so every time you chart you let out a call oh that's really clever so now you know who's speaking and we're about they are so if I just listen for chance so that prime he's over here somewhere there's no way my big fat body's getting on top or is there what the hell's up what's make that noise oh whoa whoa bad die oh he's dead why is everything a target why is everyone so dumb oh my god I can hear you but like you guys are on top of a cliff I still sound like I'm trailing through a garbage bag pretty rubbish bag look at that strut though I'm gonna do it I'm gonna do don't know how open I'm doing it gonna sound like i'm shifting a mountain no don't mind me just your regular mountain climbing goat Triceratops um coming up or you stay away oh I see a shunt okay I'll make my way over there oh I've been invited okay don't know who that it prime is invited good good good we're stumbled across so much death okay oh no there's more and put wait there's more who's Joe oh my god tails were told of a dinosaur named Joe oh no no no people would never play a dinosaur game yeah I thought so how do you know I'm never entering a fake pic what are you talking about that's me okay he would not have his pic as an avatar the real beaver say then I'm actually genuinely curious what what what do you think I would say I don't even know what I'd say but it would be interesting to see what other people think I'd say because maybe my maybe the the thing I project across the public is very different to our I perceive myself why do you try to be him Lal what's the point he's funnier by people never even said two words it's funny I guess the only way you could tell is if it would be if I could talk I'll impersonate whoever I want to but you know I'll pretend to be on thumb near or something I remember he got really annoyed when somebody impersonate at one time he was like track him down and kill him I just find it funny people would even go to the extent of personally I think if they're doing something bad then maybe yeah who's this stego got a broken leg come over here lots of mommy kisses better just ignore my twitches all right I've got a problem I'm addicted to the green stuff we've got an ALICE oh look at him aah I'm the aggressor I'll tell them all there we go oh it's about us wait is that a lower tier X and we got we got a herd of gigas we're gonna head of gigas guys guys guys should we probably get it again a move on like I don't know about you where we surrounded and I just holy cow okay there's a lot of giggy's that's okay really we're running are we running oh no with this three kickers all right let's not blow that's footsteps okay oh.just but get into a corner get next to a corner so they can't get from behind I hope they're listening to what I said oh they are yes awesome strategical tactical baby here I guess yeah I'd say I'd say corn is probably best yeah I'll get this way there you go box against the wall yeah yeah you thought you could outsmart us oh my god I feel like Disney's dinosaur or something yeah yeah you thought you could get around us but I am far too know as long as we don't break rank or okay I mean I saw how much a stego damage did to an aloe and a Giga I would imagine just as much I guess these guys aren't gonna keep up though maybe I don't know you really gonna really oh just one hit from that stay go stay goes tail that's all it takes okay well well let's take a maybe dead those Tigers do lots of bleed damage course tango although he did do lots of lead damage so I mean I could go in but if I get bitten by a Giga that's a lot of damage so I kind of don't want to what they want to do is run away and lie down yeah and stop the bleed that's what they were unfortunate come right over to like it go in there nabim it's like we're generally cover say look me to the go well this is fun oh he's still bleeding ah suck it yeah it's gonna say just get him no no don't risk yourself always be bit I was gonna say do not risk yourself I got him without being [ __ ] and other tion spit I don't risk yourself he's already like really really dead yeah don't risk it awesome not a single scratch of me and I miss Schade that attack it was awesome yeah take that Commodus you're sad don't actually do anything oh you're looking a bit worse for we're gonna say oh I was gonna say yeah I'm not gonna protect you this finally decides to kill you Thera I don't even care oh god I'd say yeah run away from that tire he might actually talk to you Oh oh yeah that's good do you tell up they're off kind of want to kill that there isn't a source now yeah kill it kill ethera he's gonna say oh he's trying to be friendly he's trying to be this there is gonna retire him though sod him this spot is being friendly nod rather kill you this other guy what's your problem hey you do it really you gonna do this okay fine then oh yeah I was gonna say I like I thought this spider was on our side Jesus I'd I was protecting him from the Theroux little bugger yeah I'm up Leeds going down but I may not survive that spider was an idiot a noob i person say about me though bleed pretty dire damn spy no to be honest I did like just stay in front of a while it bit me constantly so oh I'm dead yes give me chords yeah I know play the map well looks like we're going to carnivore and let's try Utahraptor out for a bit but I was awesome oh that's cool they've given like a new jumping animation looks awesome ah we rather than just like lifting up that looks great hey fish that's a nice water sound effect I like that it's it's not too loud it's quite it's quite faint it's nice yeah it could be anywhere oh I just told them I'm next to a lake filled with their bodies like I could be anywhere well I think this is ruins whoa let's go explode oh that yep I mean oh I've recognized this map it was like a revamped version oh ah the memories come flooding back now it's time to mate meeting of our first ever Raptor Council there we go today's agenda why my head goes through solid walls more so of stars oh there we go feed me we are up two walls well that was simple we need to get out now boy oh there they all are they're coming they're coming guys should we move what I do if you're sitting they might I'm ready to sprint just making sure none of them are coming around to the side get ready to go guys get ready they do sprint we need to go okay okay fine let's go yeah why not did it come now weren't even asked after all that oh no now they're coming now they're comin now look of another coming now they're coming run Oh God Godspeed hallo twisted hear whatever you were called and to the jungle I don't even know where I'm going just running through trees and leaves we have to jump do we have to jump Oh M jeez it was a close one they didn't seem to be interested until oh we have to jump what you mean down here that would be awesome that's how it ended a chase time we yeah we we can wicked land in the water and survive really oh no no no okay we all can you see this is oh my god that's awesome okay that's pretended I still chase this bush oh my god the speed that's awesome please never change that that was great how would be ver react I'm really curious go on and lighten me how would a high arc aren't we all cute adorbs are we the Raptor Park hmm no connection to the servers been lost I must have restarted oh I know rats we need some fanfiction out what would it go on with that pack when they went into the jungle how would they survived with the lightish Prime warm or whatever got a broken leg would be ver of survived and be known as a real beaver find out next time like oh my god it's been an hour and until next time see you later alright
Channel: TheGamingBeaver
Views: 1,495,702
Rating: 4.9266777 out of 5
Keywords: new, The isle, giganotosaurus, spinosaurus, spino hypo, spino, Hypo Rex, hypo cargo, hypo Utah, hypo raptor, hypo Giga, hypo, Utahraptor, unlocked, acrocanthosaurus, Update, acro, utah, raptor, dinosaurs, jurassic park, world, jurassic world, allosaurus, t.rex attack, carnivores, herbivores, team, herd, hunting, attack, pack, fight, battle agamingbeaver, thegamingbeaver, therizinosaurus, carnotaurus, dryosaurus, lost world, quetzalcoatlus, suchomimus
Id: vt985Kn-Pfs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 39sec (1179 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 06 2017
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