A Dinosaur Family! - Life of a Maiasaura | The isle

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hello pretty I'm Park I just got like a steam message from somebody here's like a part-time Oh No so we are oh wow wait I'm I'm a fully grown there it is so I've now became a fully grown adult I'm hungry apparently and there is like literally nobody on well you could this sixty two comparisons are like a hundred it's about half so yeah I just would say thank you so much for all the support on the previous episodes as of recording this you're the first ones out but that's it and oh my god I do not want to break a leg I'm assuming the Giga hurt has disappeared well they probably haven't to be honest in fact you know what I'm gonna cry now just to make sure I don't break a leg here just in case they are nearby oh it's so sad we lost like everybody weird like a big car no freaking head they vanished well they didn't vanish they entered gigas stomachs so I've got me cup of tea with me and I'm ready for a lone pursuit but I am I'm a fully from Colin oh man oh well we got water down there slow and steady catches the monkey Oh what is that over that ooh is this all in bounds oh my god this is oceans and that's the Avery I want to go the Avery I've never been there before so let's go down to the place that we were all out at one point so many names so many people like lying on the floor naked boob lady oh how could we forget that I wanted to address the situation with the Easler NICTA incident where I got baited into joining a group and then killed by a condom apparently they took that super serious I don't know how how much is that is just because they're really strict on their rules or whether because you know my my video got thousands of views they were like oh god it must address this issue but the guy who did that ended up I think getting burned and my Connor was being stated they even messaged me like Omaha my email looks like well okay so it's really nice of them to do of course I have no like itll against anyone who runs that server it's more of a joke and a meme at this point but the thing was like the condo I had on that was pretty much almost dead anyway like I was still a young one and I was like running out of food so now I'm gonna survive on my own so I'm gonna I'm gonna get all the water I can I'm gonna be my best camel impersonation yeah yeah ah there we go okay and now let's run towards with the gigas world [Music] tiny on the spot I could run the distance look at the horns on me he'd watch me get a bill true don't you love my singing stop and your ears it's ringing please go almost anywhere my leg this is what happens when there's nobody else's been a good suit oh that's it right right the Avery oh I kind of want food though before we go explore and hold on Zeon there you go get a good Tron incredibly treacherous for a dinosaur of my size am I going the right yeah yeah yeah yeah I don't know I like this terrain but I've seen how easy it is for some to break the leg oh you buggy you I knew it I knew this was gonna happen oh it's turning night oh for god's it well I couldn't rest but you know what I may as well keep on going down because least this way I can't break your leg for a second time pretty both me legs as long as they're not spotted by something look at that look at that little falls could I be could it be over already good when you'd break your leg and if you would if you were hungry you wouldn't heal so the soundtrack oh it is the sound of rule that the shadow temple team on the go I'm gonna hey if I click insert would it show me if I go broke yeah does shuffle go broken like a ha so just gotta wait here until it disappears that's cool sorry I got distracted watching a video from the drastic part motor pool and it's a Walmart adver actually and Walmart hired him to what they hey that was a fall explorer so cool there's like notice the Explorer or anybody wow what a weird world God if I was a kid however if I was if I ever was a kid I wonder what I would have made of the aisle I probably would have played this to know it I would I probably would have been a griefer as well I would have been one those toxic kids would know I probably would have been the one who lured me in then killed me oh my god inception I get both of you what the bloody hell are you aha yes yeah oh that was beautiful whoo gimme oh now I'm just gonna get the Oreo no you're not surviving this here we go oh what a true survivor I am beautiful Wow he gave me literally nothing should I wait by the water in case anything comes by there's no real bushes to hide me though cuz nights about to come oh I'm already full should I head off do I leave here you know I've got plenty of food let's go off let's go find somewhere else to go an invite by raise a pig yeah let's go for it [Music] there's a nest in Vice I just died I can't believe you're killed by cutter oh my god never mind never mind this is totes adorbs okay yes someone tell me how to eat because I have no do I manage this look at me run so I go into the nest a managed and take food who is 80 food in there take food that work I think that works what am i hold on I work for instant right I'm I'm on Maya Maya it looks like I'm a Maya or my shunt you can't be round it's not in survival you idiot he doesn't know anything about for God's sake no think about all this information is telling me what I have oh god I need to eat oh wait there's another one incubating oh my god destroy your eye without after to have a choice I didn't realize that it was the nest invite God believe tonight there is an egg in here well I guess this spice is a little isn't it am i okay with being a my for now yeah sure let's see where this goes look at that fit I'm a cute little babes to micro quick me no hungry no more so who do we have we've oh this update there's a baby Triceratops right here oh my god both of us we've got moonlight we've got which is that Kyle oh so that's cool we've got oh we got a Godzilla and we've got we've got I don't animate chick who might be a pokemon trainer well either way these are my new parents and I didn't have any choice in the matter well as long as I can keep on squeaking you're gonna clean me I've rolled the wire around in the dirt let's hope nothing comes to kill us oh I hope so even if it does I hope that it takes me on as a little baby can you imagine like a t-rex trying to look after Maya Oh that'd be so cool oh there's four of us yeah you joy squid squeaks so if I stay still I'll probably see myself growing I can't sniff I can't do anything Oh little babes I can't run though kind of Oh get very father we've got a little herd going on here if the food to please we must venture for Jupiter birth for Hungary's Oh up did I dive what happened did a dive starvation you are not in a group I know softer always and this is Amaya now we're gonna follow this star to find baby cheapest yes yay oops juvie Utahraptor came out of nowhere and killed you and the other baby wow really I did not even see that oh my god yeah I guess I guess I hide in the nest can I lie down I can't okay oh hi done the best did the Utah get away that's the question is trying to hide in some grass well in opportunistic little bugger well I'll tell you what I'll stay silent then basically what you do is Amaya is run away from big paddies eat drink and that's it fantastic so I'm a complete pacifist yay the only thing we should fear is an ambushing Allosaurus pack or something oh okay well or just a t-rex I would assume that that too we are much faster than a kicker or Rex oh really oh my god will like little speedy tanks I'm excited for my life as Amaya and hopefully won't be killed as a baby again I just can't so I've grown again I can't see anything I am literally on the floor okay so apparently did Gojira guy oh look we've got other babies if we want to invite is a suit right he's had four babies in the past all of which have died so either starvation didn't know how to play or like me just before I got killed by a juvenile Utahraptor so I hope to be the success story well little baby Maya family I am female oh that's good that means I can make nests although that I mean I guess that doesn't really help since we're not a carnivore on its gonna spawn food I'm looking forward to this like a different kind of play style oh oh you're over there oh this is razor Pig hello raise a pig shush I'm too big I'm starting to pop out the nest raise a pig I'll have to go away okay that's fine well I'm not gonna record more than three hours that's for sure whoa need food water or food I need actually I'm I'm completely I'm fine for water Oh what was that oh ah Veronica nice to meet you welcome to a little bit Veronica Veronica hey hey come back she's gotta be killed you doing hey hey Veronica are you going to be nice why'd she not be nice this Veronica's reputation precedes her she's so gonna be picked off gay menaced yes you're adorbs you're gonna die out there look I got this thing will that do I click it nothing happens Oh God everything went down now okay that's the first time waters went down there you go you could be my little sister yeah actually we're both sisters I suppose let's get some shoes where does a Maya have to go to get shoes around here or you me volley girls is that it I find that racist take selfies duck face oh my god it's not like a baby Callie hello Oh God Oh there's too many people here oh okay take food take food there we go oh it's only ten left wait why is it just stating again Oh cuz one jumped in that's right was it daytime now oh hello baby dry okay you guys need anything um I think I'd like a drop the tiny bit of water but I'm okay didn't even realize you could become a dry oh oh there it is the color palette it's cooled down the temperature that's right when in Premiere Pro temperature cool look so cool a part of a family actually yo God it's hard to get a good camera angle here oh is that is that the dryer dry oh hello hello family yeah you look so much like a horse now oh god it's not the dry oh hello cutie my new frame Negi giggle this is when I crush it it's so cute [Music] this feels like the happy bit of a movie before everything goes south so you know like like a Land Before Time oh god I thought I saw like a I yeah and a low in the distance was actually just inside of his head before time before and the sharp teeth of arrived and there's a huge earthquake through a littlefoot's playing with like a little frog or something oh god I'm starvin oh it didn't realize this when did this happen they just lose all my food eat Oh God take food take food take all the food oh my god because I can grow now oh I can't grow oh cool I need the rest of the food to the baby has done I can't take it anymore almost out of water wait wait about a little dry old friend go what okay falls in another baby oh this is it my first ever excursion away from the nest you checking where it is okay they call me little dumpling forgot something about oh there he is hello come with us we're gonna find water oh god what made that noise is that us okay that's us oh my god no no this is like seeing a dog in a movie you never got touched the dogs because they usually end up dying or something like that up better but uh snip snip I can smell water my God look at you little Baba oh my god what is that are you a male you must be a male no this is my first day out teach me how to drink beautiful wfg WFT water for God you protect the game of it I'll go back what what's going on I'm gonna hide inside you okay gonna hide here you get underneath the parent what's happening where's wfg means stop speaking in code don't step on me oh my god that's not a view you ever want to see it's gonna cover the camera Oh Veronica she's coming dark read 12 I'm gonna die yeah probably spawned into the wrong time so the male is solve the male's nano a very masculine picture Veronica let's go more food from Veronica's like a little niblet oh this is cruel we're having to leave dark Reed I need food right now or I die well there's nothing that can you're probably gonna die mate cuz even when you become a juvie you've run out of food so looks like I bought into the right time I suppose hopefully not me can i scout - I wanna sniff and use my new nostrils yes follow me follow squeaky's like yes it's this way come on and I know that adult carnot is 52 so maybe an adult I can out speed a card of I don't think so it's not the sound of a carnie if so we gotta go somewhere else where I didn't hear that Malia's haven't developed it oh my god he's coming dark Reed really it's gonna die he's not gonna nano we need you we need the male testosterone to fight off a cola no drink if you need it you probably won't do I need it oh god I need food I'm gonna drop dead yeah focus on look you're an apparent focus on us - oh it's just what happens this is nature it's cruel but you know it works what Veronica let's go can i oh I can attack oh look at me Oh looking ahead but kind of Wow oh my god don't don't hit Veronica actually I'm having loads of fun here guys don't know if it's fun to watch brutto like this struggle or like will we survive another 5 seconds over here thanks for nesting he's really not happy is he he's asking to be killed now he's asking for raise a pig to kill him like speed of the process come on and it just got a watch out for predators that might take advantage of us don't know what food upon Oh almost out the faster we are the better chance of finding food ok so well you guys just run ahead getting kind of scout out the area more how is dark Reed's still alive you just did with me [Music] food food food yes please well I want some oh my god I'm starving Oh that's what we were here this is where we killed the Ceratosaurus oh is that all finally yes oh my god finally we get Veronica over here she's like doc doc Reid's dead he needs like a nest Veronica you know I'll help Veronica over here - is gotta look out for the little sister oh my god this is so cool well make a big head watching out for each other my god why is this making me so happy Papa doesn't say much yeah got a mimicking I've got to eat something as well so kinda hot Shing eat the leaves or is that oh good try oh yes oh my god yeah what if he's a fully grown dry oh I want to keep quiet though I definitely don't want to draw up elytis Oh water oh you're right Veronica nice one thanks for reminding me I forgot about that I was gonna say there's something over there but I think yeah that's not all we think he's found a tree over there actually how is he still alive I can understand why people would play in big groups if this is how you play but at the same time I quite like only being able to chat I think of always voice chat and it would be way too like casual no I made you want to come over here yeah yeah I couldn't like the mystery of making up like the personalities in my head can I hide under the waterfall oh my god I'm thirsty I just drank oh my god remember guys drink your water stay hydrated where did she go oh my god uh no idea I don't think did she get killed she would have been right here right yeah he's finally gone oh my god was it just a dead body we were keeping an eye on oh look a little bitty bush oh oh look so cool just like real Maya's like how the dryers just came now it's just sticking with us it'll take so way after after all this the only baby that seems to survive does me wait what like Cannavaro Oh God
Channel: TheGamingBeaver
Views: 1,371,084
Rating: 4.9447045 out of 5
Keywords: TheGamingBeaver YouTube, TheGamingBeaver YouTube channel, TheGamingBeaver Channel, YouTube TheGamingBeaver, YouTube channel TheGamingBeaver, The isle, giganotosaurus, spinosaurus, spino hypo, spino, Hypo Rex, hypo cargo, hypo raptor, hypo Giga, hypo, Utahraptor, unlocked, acrocanthosaurus, dinosaurs, jurassic park, world, jurassic world, t.rex attack, carnivores, herbivores, herd, fight, thegamingbeaver, carnotaurus, dryosaurus, lost world
Id: i9sgwwWqPYw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 7sec (1447 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 20 2019
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