The New Baby! - The Isle

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oh I see me help you see the little helpless baby hello another game even welcome back to the second episode of the spider progression which I don't know how long it's gonna last fault because I don't know who's in the server and if I'm gonna die as soon as I spawn this is the first time I'm spoiling back in so I just want to say that in case I do die there doesn't seem to be anybody here we're lagging oh no no I can't see any players I can move oh by yourself I think whether this is a good thing or a bad thing oh there's something over there I guess now that I'm a team I'm moving on out I'm moving from my childhood place where this is my home I'm going to uni yeah yeah I'm gonna I'm gonna see if this fresher year is gonna be brutal to me a lot of things I wouldn't imagine my Hara could do that anymore since I've got 825 hull however I'm gonna approach this thing carefully yeah those are definitely rocks parents online I actually don't know where I am I I don't know what map this is I'm gonna crouch in case anything does come up me and I'm gonna open up the map and let corner Lake okay so there's a swamp nearby so it is this way and we need to find food oh my good lord whatever find me please take what little pity you have a main duct and spare me oh I don't know if my hunting tacos experience will come in now who would come to corner lake when the swamp nearby and swamp has loads of water I guess I guess my new University is a swamp I can imagine a shot just coming out and just being like yeah no we're not having another one of you Cohen about let's just go I mean what what is that I think I was a spy No aha we found the start of the swamp oh I'm so cool-looking look at me ah look gorgeous I'm growing I mean what am l now point five out of 0.8 so I am I'm over halfway growed oh oh what's that that's a little utahraptor do I want to be weary no he's lagging I can hear a spy no III don't know I don't like the way this like is hello hello oh you rap like I gotta keep crouched cuz I'm a baby is that who is this person oh I like the sound of that oh oh help help listen those are you talk to me or at least its run around in circles oh it's going it's going to go it's going okay run why are you out there through the fullest I need protection yeah I see him I see him yeah over here over here over here mr. Spiner I found them from my adopted new parent yeah please tell me he's friendly and I'm not like a bite-sized snack come up he'll come up he'll come up straight into me mouth I'm a little bit hungry do you have a sandwich like a jam sandwich there's the youth oh oh say close to the Giga and Ananke we have Anki and Giga coming oh my god yes that's the spine oh it used to be I'm coming so who are these guys I'm just tagging along as a little baby Oh what my stamina starts to go it really starts to go doesn't it so is that K boring if there's a donkey and a Giga oh I should have stayed where I was I'm just going backwards I thought I was making progression how big am I now ah look at that I'm getting somewhere oh my god how did that spider get across the river so quick he's on the other side of the pond oh there's the Yankee oh they're running for it okay okay I'm gonna conserve my stamina oh yeah they're chasing it down are they really gonna biscuit like I don't know and I he's quite a quite a prize let's see if we can zoom in oh yeah look at my stamina go okay mixers nothing come behind me okay don't kill the [ __ ] but but IKEA is running pretty darn quick Oh God yeah I think I could probably one shot oh god oh god okay okay I'm gonna do my old way train for it and then it ends and then click the circle on it oh wow oh that actually worked okay oh there's a taco okay well I guess I don't have to kill it yeah if I mean we got an anchor fry we don't need any more food oh we're Oh - I'm part of the crew let's see this [ __ ] oh that's a cool [ __ ] I like it hahaha oh oh hello mr. taco remember when I would chase you and I was almost like a little bit taller than you look at me now look at my greatness so I will never be as big as you guys or is blue spine oh are you a point eight like this one looks like a fully progressed one like he went through the phases like the swamp oh so that's how big I'll be if I if I eat do I get like points because that like continuously eating now I don't as soon as you hit point eight hit progression you need to get two point eight thirds and you'll grow on the spot right so I I can grow big right oh yeah I'll be the belle finest of them all I know the spine oh but you lose forty five hunger per tick I don't know what that means that's fine I don't have a problem with this again so today's quest I think is basically get two point eight slash one so progress okay I'm gonna get some water so I'll be as big as an adult I think I can actually get there there's no glitch anymore I think though there was an update today or at least the day of recording this and I think I think that was fixed ought to shake every time we record this like it starts day and then ends but I guess we get like the full day and night cycle I suppose how come you can eat like facing another direction there we go Oh like I'm kicking up grass now somebody commented in last video I read it but when I was on the sand I was kicking up grass but I'm kicking up grass now I think yeah just just a little bit so don't know if you can see that because YouTube has post processing which really doles down the quality of a video so like it's a bit of a shame but yeah I don't know if you guys can see in 100% quality if it was on Vimeo or another site they don't crush videos at all but unfortunately YouTube does but then when you think about it YouTube gets like a build bajillion videos an hour too bad and thunder isn't here jerk left you me yeah what you mean isn't done anything to me should we be roaring there's a kicker about and I'm sure he's gonna see me and think who is he pray oh there's the taco again hiding somewhere yeah we didn't do anything to the to the kicker she just typed in this code we sound like a bag full of cats what if we do oh you can kos interesting okay this spy was like I'm gonna go in front of Rory you now not to sugarcoat it but you were going to be food if that Anki didn't show up which mean would you be miss my family gonna kill me is that gonna be cannibalized food for coups oh my god I would have you know that was my fear I was gonna log in and I was gonna be killed and and that almost happened yeah no hard feelings though but hey we've got food now ah this is racism Oh God kill the albino yeah is enough feelings not everyone has got safe stomach I'll never be able to lose this bloody ski big jump is that the go I got 3,000 health now alright I don't know Oh every time I grow does my my hunka must go down by like 500 or something Oh God why is my hunger going down it's just dropping and dropping and dropping I ate so much what the hell Oh God I'm gonna go and drink for a second cos oh there he goes pop back in come on I like it was so frustrating because my hunger goes up and then it just goes back down and I can't like if I don't want to know if that's wasting it that's a thing okay we're getting there we're filling up so apparently you've got a weight five seconds after the animation is stopped and then take a bite so now we're on three got an extra 3,000 health on that I don't know how much extra hunger basically all I'm doing is waiting for him to be halfway through his animation and then I took a bite so it'll slowly get there it looks like it was fatal that that ankylosaur showed up burn or else we would have ended up with a very short video what video are you working on currently this this one yeah I don't play games with fun anymore you must realize this whenever I have o rip wipe Y red Oh a little Raptor where is he oh my god we should kill him should kill the little like little Raptor any foods good food right I've lost Raptors do very well to get round everywhere isn't it nobody can seem to get it with this Oh what the hell happened honey he was like running and then all of a sudden first being a dummy oh the other the other spino killed him right and he just ran into it okay so this guy's skin because it looks like the Jurassic Park 3 one people say they don't want his skin because it looks like the t-rex killer skin I mean that's an interesting excuse I can't save ever I mean I wanted to be that skin it's an awesome skin but come on I always like I'm clicking right mouse button as if like I want to slash with my claws hopefully that will come I'm sure well like a you love like a bite and then a right click move but maybe that'll be a tail hater or I don't I don't know I just like look at these I mean that's what a spinosaurus hard it's how it court stuff I'd be so cool to just like if you could grab a bellow or something like a Velociraptor but we are on now six sorry point six six so and apparently one bite from a spy know that these guys have told me can kill a Utahraptor and that's because we do nine hundred damage and then because the way this game is set up you have to take weight class into consideration so I think spy knows weight class four or something like that which means it's the last it's the heaviest and there's only a couple of dinosaurs in there like t-rex like geeker and then there's like weight class three which is like a crow I think oh god I'm point seven I'm point seven is my hunger gonna take a hit a point seven out of point eight and there's something roaring in the distance I don't know what that is and this guy is now an adult but look oh I'm still quite small yeah well you know what thank god this Anka's glitch because it seen me through from 0.5 i think it was two point seven two oh come on it was just you really can't get bet like worse timing than that i was just talking about it damn it oh is like a good one it's gonna stay in forever i keep body is an infinite balls damn it well at least I got 882 right oh I've never seen this before ness starts a hell 100 points zero give food eggs one okay so you can put food in which turns into eggs and then people can hatch okay I love this server they've got a friend coming over who's going trike so that's that that's that's T sorted only I mean before to take away hello at the same time I don't feel like I'm getting the the the player experience that the game really wants me to get although I'm also not gonna complain as long as I get to adults and then I can just mess about and eventually kill myself and what I have a stupid way I see fit while I walk so elegantly in front of this one hmm be jelly of my swag oh my god we have a baby is it it's a different skin color oh it's tiny no it's a little red Robert I'm alive I look like so big Wow the first baby and you are you a tiny AK I can pick you up I can do whatever I want to you you can't say anything he's different skin color though so this oh this oh the Raptor the Raptor I forgot about it again this guy's also confused as to why I'm it's not the parents color oh don't worry we've all been there yeah yeah your parents get around that's for sure and ha I was once a baby such as yourself and now look at you so grown up and handsome yeah well I mean if you news is thank you I've worked very hard on this body Oh God like a spine of the likes baby spy nose I don't know if I like that sound right not natural oh there we go I've got it they're awesome just I don't know how but some where there it is yes it's like I'm like a sniper just trying to like get it right and by now awesome full health and we're about to be point eight then and then we can be adult-sized awesome if I wasn't glitchy oh okay so apparently when I get big like when I get to my point eight and then I clock over to an adult every tick apparently I lose forty five hunger and because there is nothing but a Utah just sort of waiting for me well let's that's Avery does the only food have Co waiting then I think I've been told I'm just wait and look how big I am now yes I'm starting to stand tall with the rest nice awesome oh we see the green Pocky Oh heal it it was the green Pocky oh okay realize no bad Nigel Magikarp nice eyes beaver bit ween it out now yeah nice eyes you can't see them from over there unless they've hacked my webcam Oh God almost point eight moves done at point seven nine come on Oh Oh God there it goes there it goes there goes everything oh wait oh god yep yep yep there we go okay just go point eight and and the hunger is real Oh God there it goes okay well we've got up to 1000 Oh God my look at the lag come on we can beat it beat the lag okay just let me fill up we go to 1257 hunger we are now as big as a baby can get which is point eight we can progress Oh God oh Jesus very lag we can progress to adult however I need to get full twice so I need to have 1500 in front of me and I need to fill up twice so I need to have like 3000 hunger in total the the uterus is just gone the little baby over there is eating her old dead Yankee body or packy body I think it was uh-huh Pachycephalosaurus just a case people don't know I know don't be racist okay so basically the point about right now the parity we have a trike coming but at the same time I don't know if like I I personally run out of recording time so I'm gonna have to end the episode here so next time what needs to happen is I need a lock-in not get killed find a banquet and then I can progress because apparently it takes an hour to get adult and then we could be full we can be a fully grown adult because when you get adult your your hunger increases from 1.5 to 2 point 7 so you you gain like you know 1200 hunger but at the same time you sort of go down halfway so I'm actually gonna have to say goodbye these guys it's been really awesome that they have helped me out I just hope and pray but next time I do this I find just as know like people willing to help out and I've also learned a lot about the games mechanics oh look see look Oh like I'm like a 21 year old I'm almost a night off yeah it's a rejoinder with you guys what I see the progression of this fight Oh leave a like it until next time I'll see you later buh-bye [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: TheGamingBeaver
Views: 1,562,664
Rating: 4.9355044 out of 5
Keywords: The isle, giganotosaurus, spinosaurus, spino hypo, spino, Hypo Rex, hypo cargo, hypo Utah, hypo raptor, hypo Giga, hypo, Utahraptor, unlocked, acrocanthosaurus, Update, acro, utah, raptor, dinosaurs, jurassic park, world, jurassic world, allosaurus, t.rex attack, carnivores, herbivores, team, herd, hunting, attack, pack, fight, battle agamingbeaver, thegamingbeaver, therizinosaurus, carnotaurus, dryosaurus, lost world, quetzalcoatlus, suchomimus
Id: D6xdR_ks6lM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 14sec (1394 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 25 2017
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