Hunted By All The Dinosaurs! - The Isle

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hey what's that oh hello everybody and welcome back to the aisle it has been long overdue and I cannot wait to get back into this we're on the development build and if you were site for today's episode like until next time bye but I am here playing this one because I was told by Tandy to actually get on this one because apparently there's way way more other stuff so whoo like kinda those looks great it's a little bit different it's like leant down a little bit more or it's about seemed to be but this there's a couple that you dinosaurs added and I think my favorite has been added which is one reasons why I'm playing this pelvis hatchling and Paris oh sorry Triceratops idol well that's a bit different the male has a different graced oh let's go to the male OPH oh hello ooh spooky I cannot remember how to control this is a new map as well so everything is so good okay what does it look like yeah you can't really see that - well it's rainy and we're you know I had resolved by ourselves at night in the jungle we need to find some man some other herbivores and try to form some sort of herd instinct and you know parasols and hurting and less chance of being killed with his loads of other ones Oh at least we can attack you best beware of the power and the wacky laps how come we are limping oh sorry gee were faint limping oh okay do we trick it hold on oh oh oh god no I'm broadcasting without being broadcast stay quiet you fool you'll die okay just because you know if I die I'm alright because there doesn't seem to be anything here let's test the broadcast so first we got the broadcast a nice long call okay - is like friendly right like I could see that being friendly 3 is aggressive is it or is it danger oh that low trumpeting yeah that has to be Dane threatening and this must be danger yeah I could see these all working that's good hopefully a t-rex I mean I don't know this mouth I could be lying in wait of an ambush oh oh hold on oh that I see a loss of Raptor it's so it's a theropod something oh is an Oscar Raptor oh god is there anything else coming well why here are your running where's that where's that coming from oh my god did it oh oh it's a super virus yeah you're a fish eater right yeah you wouldn't eat me that's like along with you that is actually scared of me he's like yeah this is cool water metallic we don't hide these down names though we got over this I'm more like a drastic world falling Kingdom like realism server so I'm probably gonna get told off if I don't run away from that so I should probably like scream danger oh no danger Udo oh yeah it's become day yes oh look how beautiful I am I'm so shiny Oh Thea what weather well since I don't know this place as old how do I eat I think it's II wasn't it but do I eat trees or do I eat bushes or is it the specialized blue and red plants that were like last time I played this hey what's that I didn't expect the attack to come from the oddysey to me yeah well this is really much I could do there was they maybe this part of the landscape will yield better results I can't wait to see this in the day and I'm not eaten by freaking gigas ah you never know what you're gonna bump into in this game dear let's hope they have another crocodile since I last played Oh Oh my bad you have to hold it yes I was like dumping it there we go yum yum Yum's oh that's really cool okay my bad power is not glitchy it is me yeah he's swimming oh yes look at those front like forearms oh my god that pathetic I love the power so goofy-looking let's have a look see the one issue I have I will admit the one issue I have with oh yeah he's uh he's definitely down there somewhere name the one issue I have when it comes to the Isle is the fact that it's became a really hard game to get into because every survey you see now it's like join our discord or else you'll be kicked Belarus it's pretty much like the people that player of really hardcore there's nothing wrong with I love that it's just for me who doesn't have all the time the world's to like or any time in the world to just play games or play certain games joining discord and everything like that is I don't know when I think about playing the aisle it's not easy anymore it's not like it used to be where I would just jump on every boo everybody will be playing now it's like there's so many dead servers servers are only active for like a couple of hours or something I don't know and I told you is disco that's probably me problem this would be a great place to broadcast yay okay this carnivals over there you know I think a parasol would go towards the carnivores yes Oh toast Oh God oh Jesus oh no oh no not good not good not good not good not good okay okay let's let's turn around oh my god no you don't get away rah there's only one of you [Music] Oh No what's making that noise bad toast go die I'm a male if I was a female I might run away but I'm a male brewing with testosterone oh damn it no be bloody grass oh this is very good a fainter limp there you go there you go he thinks I'm I'm doing poorly I have I do a flee damage though oh no I'm gonna be picked on by all the carnivores oh this is a terrible life to be a parrot oh go away [Music] assistance should still try to threaten goodnight [Music] it's like he's not play by the rules as soon as I stop bleeding I'm gonna go after or good I mean I don't know I think I had but from a barrack and pretty much crippled a car no stop it would you please leave me alone I'll threaten you yeah that's right you'd be aware of my low grumble luck he knows he knows he just has to keep me moving Oh God oh no no Yuto he's clever this is now a corner would really act yeah yeah oh my god I'm gonna die yeah this is horrible you made you made how many you get up thought I would like no camo oh hello help somebody another power oh can I not headbutt anymore I think he missed me there though yes there's another power he'll to my location oh the collars getting desperate now oh no are you boogie er look at him look at him he doesn't know that he doesn't think I've seen you laqad oh oh yeah yeah now I've seen your boat oh no no no I don't stand much of a chance do I take it take it oh Jesus my only chance was like to maybe get a hit on one of them yeah I'm gonna die I'm bleeding out pretty bad yes oh come on that was a hit surely that was a fight Oh God oh the life of a bar yes that was a walk help anybody anybody oh god this is horrendous you guys are cruel you guys oh god oh that's a lot of blood on the screen oh I may as well just lie down I think that would be more realism yeah just go for the kill yeah just finish me just finish me one final little danger squeak from the parasol before a bites the dust [Music] you know this grimace that was that was actually loads of fun to sort of play out how a parasol would have acted oh it's nice to see a t-rex there whoa whoa what is this nonsense [Music] no authorized persons allowed a bit thick no authorized persons on how to beyond this point well have you had a look at me I ain't know a person let me in I mean I mean they must know I'm a person oh oh these raindrops like falling on me Potter the sword the parasol okay well whatever this thing is ooh satellites oh no wait that was that was a Velociraptor from Jurassic Park sound effect there it is again oh there's a spine oh and another Raptor oh god oh god you see there's a certain adrenaline rush you get from seeing big carnivores as a herbivore instead of feeling like I was gonna get it like blue jump on me there I know we're doing gossip world falling Kingdom and Spinosaurus was a big engine hybrid I'm just kind of like discovering the map as well you got a big watering hole over there or should we go yeah should we I think we should let's not go to what the way of the raft is cool shall we oh look at it so walking with dinosaurs it looks so good a little bit yeah we're definitely going this way I ain't hanging around about to become some sort of t-rex popsicle tree no way Jose what would be great is if we like I sorta had a time when everybody could play as a power and we were like migrating that would be so good everyone plays as a parent as a couple of carnivores even just from an aesthetic point of view this environment looks absolutely gorgeous still one of the most beautiful - or games on the market at the moment is the aisle and has been for a long time actually but now we're getting to us to growth evolution so who knows [Music] [Music] and here we are look at this place paradise digits Ickes oh we've got a steak oh hey buddy oh my god thud stay go looks like the lost world steak it looks so good oh my god I wouldn't cut out there closer look at it and because I'm you go I've got a herding instinct I'm gonna make my way towards that and Stegosaurus where are they best friends but I'm gonna hang around his vicinity for protection you see I've been off this game for so long that I really don't think anybody thinks I play it anymore I don't think anybody's gonna like oh wait a minute oh no what is that over there is that a t-rex that's a Giga oh god oh god yeah yeah that's what the hell is he doing here Oh Jorgie choice 200k just having a good time yep this is paradise you turned around but he couldn't quite that oh oh oh he's threatening him already yeah but that Giga is wanting to get to me though like he's not gonna take on the stego he's gonna want to run past a stego and get to me because I'm the easy meal so what I'm gonna do is yeah walk away sorry mr. Sager I apologize Oh God yeah I don't do that Giga we go for this tango yeah he's comfy yeah he's gonna stomp up he's gonna stop up yeah he's running yeah I did the right thing there because the stego can't protect me that'd be really good so I basically just got to get as close to the water as possible you've hit steak it's just waiting for it to get around good closely yeah he knows what he's doing he's going in the water I like how he holds his tail is a tail quite high up that's the stego I know and love the only thing is even if he's a carnival my name comes up unless I'm hiding is now right okay I've just got a I've just got to kind of go for it I've got to kind of sprint and hide in the woods so I'm gonna go I'm gonna lie down here and I'm quite quite low hopefully you can't see me I'm behind a tree well I should have done is went to the left and back down again because he's gonna keep on coming up don't find me don't find me don't follow me well this has been an adventure isn't it the power is like no I hate it oh this food I kind of need that even though there's a Giga around oh this fruit over this way screw it I'm gonna go this way I did hear a peridot oh god I got tartan it's oh oh look I hate the bush well the leaves are gone oh that's great then rather it disappear hold on I see something I think that might be a hadrosaur it is it's a shunt okay he's across the lake I would imagine you'd be fine with me and let's see what happens oh I like his stunt used to like spread his legs quite wide just a friendly : City uh yeah he's friendly awesome its heat look how glorious we are in front of the water right where do we go eat oh my god I'm as big as a shat like my positions just alike look up have a look around Matt have the maid shunt smaller we we kind of need to stick to the the trees though because if we don't they're easily spotted by carnivores just like wait why are you running from Oh each's yes yeah go demolishing that tree bush yes yeah I thought I was coming okay you know what I'm gonna yeah I'm gonna except there you go there's the group invite all right all right I'll lie down as well oh and then I'll lie down in front in the way that would make me fall down the mountain but whatever who cares I've never seen you on this server yeah no you're right I haven't played the island ages you wouldn't see me on any server how do I know you're not faking like a lot of people do though because they're always gonna be YouTube imposters yes they will well honestly there's gonna be no way I can prove it to you until the videos of my friends eat cool i'ma make sure to watch my whatcha watching YouTube video uh I'm very good at this walking business are you he's always arrested there's something else hollering as well but I'm pretty sure that's a herbivore parasol makes noises like a bass ooh sort of like a bassoon good old Kelly microwave for the parasol brings its front legs up like whoa okay well he says it's risky but he seems to be okay oh yes food I'm gonna get the first my main mine Farah I'm the shadowy yum-yum-yum I have no idea what that means whoa look the sunlight it's coming just like being back in England we could be in the Scottish Highlands I'll have a quick look ahead to see there's any carnivores and we're walking in silence now because there was there was definitely a carnivore nearby so we're kind of not wanting to give away our positions already start to reason why I'm not chatting or doing anything definite was something here yeah I'm I'm the fastest I don't really have too much to worry about blessing but I don't want in to lose all this progress though the only thing is I can hear more carnivores the closer we get to it Oh usually plenty of corpses well as long as it's not my corpse I'll be happy things are about to get insane guys hit the bell icon and please give me all of your monies it's all God run run run run run run run run you big fools run run run run run run run [Music] Oh God is good for me Cory oh no oh god why am i running to and even know this place oh god oh god yeah please Oh God run just run run straight just go go go go I got still gonna treat for like ages [Music] run a freaking carnivore years oh oh god there's loads of them oh Jesus okay anything else hello golly are you doing oh god now I gotta keep running I gotta keep running cuz he's gonna he's gonna sprint towards me oh god just run just go just go just go just go just go oh come on friggin tree and rocks no no doctor yes I clicked it twice but I do not want to be spotted there's a load of carnivores oh he's lost oh okay well find the rex family no he's not he's chasing you he's going after you my friend he's like he's with him but kind of not at the same time yeah he's running after me sorry buddy but I am miles away I shall see you later bye bye yeah I think he lost me he saw me like all the way up on the cliff and was like yeah I'm not gonna chase him even that hey you made it I did I made it back I'm alive as long as he's not like right on top of you waiting for me to come back Oh had a squawk of a little pistachio gnat oh yeah you found the rexes uh-huh there's also a Gigot like right there it could be exactly the same one who's been chasing me all this time god this guy what's he like I'm gonna stick to the trees here cuz like these right next to a dead carcass what's this thing what what's this right Vegeta but Jesus died go away oh god oh god the pond lose I bet he was working with the pretty part it was over I knew as soon as I kick ass or meat you go straight for me oh well there you go guys - beam me play the aisle is a freakin para and dying all the time leave down below huge boy did leave like and Adonis would you like me to try out cuz but even though I got eaten and that was actually loads of fun so rejoin it well hey I didn't even know when to hide until next time I'll see you later oh boy oh boy
Channel: TheGamingBeaver
Views: 1,096,692
Rating: 4.9308858 out of 5
Keywords: The isle, giganotosaurus, spinosaurus, spino hypo, spino, Hypo Rex, hypo cargo, hypo Utah, hypo raptor, hypo Giga, hypo, Utahraptor, unlocked, acrocanthosaurus, Update, acro, utah, raptor, dinosaurs, jurassic park, world, jurassic world, allosaurus, t.rex attack, carnivores, herbivores, team, herd, hunting, attack, pack, fight, battle agamingbeaver, thegamingbeaver, therizinosaurus, carnotaurus, dryosaurus, lost world, quetzalcoatlus, suchomimus
Id: 7BxJgNYOs-w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 23sec (1403 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 10 2018
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