The Baby Utahraptor - The Isle

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hello 1 and welcome back to another episode of the Isle where we are playing oh my god oh ok wait why the hell do I have like a ping and stuff in the top-left okay so we are playing as a baby Utahraptor whose walk cycle needs a little bit of work because he's very slippy this is give us a look look at me so let's see the calls so there is literally no difference to be honest you're gonna hear a squeak and probably come running to kill it so I'm going to try and find somebody and even know what their bloody hell I am oh my god I gonna die yeah I'm gonna die cuz I have like no hunger oh God actually if I keep on clicking this it sounds like the floors really squeaky oh I have footsteps I think I may have grown although I kind ine kills and I cannot see I think we're probably going to die oh can I do a Crouch can we do a Crouch run oh my god this is how I'm gonna get around you ready guys go well you can actually crowd Road yeah why does everything he does like half an echo sound effect or even the bite it's like the crazy reverb on that I wonder why that is is there a car no coming after me I think there is oh wait like I could just grow up oh it's okay so now I'm a younger one oh cool so now make these sounds laughs I like how there's still crazy reverb but at least now I could actually move I'm starving though mm-hmm I need somebody to look after me or else I'm not gonna survive too long come on somebody somebody find me well solve this I'm spawning somewhere else no food no wait I'm okay somehow I survived a kick I can't get over to the food oh it's just bother - torn me well I mean this came out Noah please please please guess that lyrics before it goes please don't die of hunger either come on we're so close I can taste the t-rex burger I'm inside the t-rex and I can't eat him damn it maybe fell down the hill maybe his actual body somewhere up here I can do this I could survive I can hear you toss if they could just like find out where he is they can find me and tell me where he is I could survive but I don't know I don't look like I'm in the best of shape ow okay there's even more pain and I am I'm still growing actually oh my god this is so bloody frustrating damn you aisle and being fricking broken well I could eat the tear well maybe I can't like maybe my teeth wouldn't be able to hold on it's up blood no that's a stick I could just if just get a little bit don't let my baby die if just come on we repeat through so much a broken leg anybody help it's like literally Lion King with Mufasa dying except for there's no more faster but there's a big dead t-rex Simba is gonna die this time you wouldn't let Simba die would you oh come on [Music] I've clicked every which way well isn't it like they're all close they just like clumped together I bet any Utah coin I know I haven't got the biggest of voices but bloody hell I'm trying anyone I'll having to resort to chat now I don't want it tough what where what why okay now I need I need food okay I'm following and we're coming boyo you're running really really oh come on please how is that Raptor walking like that that is that is really weird what I'm sorry Lucia oh okay the aisle has changed since I uh since I last played oh you are you over that way we can do it the play the play be Utah will call this sprinkles because I think I am female did I pick P I think I did very low oh yeah okay where are we where are we oh god no I'm coming I'm coming a good yeah over here I'm here the corpse yes Oh beautiful corpses yeah I am eating right I cut my health bar is not filling up palsy okay I'm holding E oh there we go oh Jesus yes it's beautiful I mean all of this I I got near killed by Connor oh okay sorry my bad is there a condo near oh oh yes now I eat to my heart's content it protected by the parents Raptors with great mothering instincts our Babu is coming who's a Babu should I be worried about what a Babu is Prince I'm getting there I'm getting there I'm getting me a growth whoa Jesus well the AI is readable not a idea to occur this way they follow you what has happened to the aisle there's a lot of t-rex's here I mean I am thirsty but I don't know if I want to get caught out by a freaking t-rex beaver come and we come in digit it oh my god there's loads of corpses here what the heck oh okay away up what is why is going on here alright do we have a t-rex serving up dinner you see a [ __ ] serving up other dead Rex's they'll fine come okay hello mr. T Rex Rex just killed the sub woo you're a bigger version of me well do you hold me now okay oh look at that it's so adorable so I have to hold eat a drink me oh look the reflection that looks great beautiful she's nothing like yeah I enjoyed that drink oh are they good don't trouble of me it's real I can't tell which way they're facing it and all of a sudden was just side walk towards you so this is this is our little bike with them why so many dead T Rexes are they just spawning in to have loads of food good food it adds a Goods a good idea suppose there's loads of dead corpses over there too can we swim oh I can't look at me yeah yeah oh I look adorable am I gonna drown because they please don't oh there's a Connor over there I am my sinking yeah oh you very bloody underneath his knee should I have a little bit of the spine Oh lovely neck vertebra gorgeous so then I mean the Isles changed in a way where you're kind of punished for drinking and eating well not really punished you've sort of got a plan and out a bit more you can't just drink and then run and go you've got a you take your time so you've got a really plan out if it's like an area safe oh 0.8 all those that one and then do I become a juvie I wanna hide that guy's mouth I can see it again it was so close to eating me and he just didn't quite get there what an amazing story I should have died from that fall but because of that and because we managed to find those other rafters we've actually survived oh god no oh wow look at all these corpses I love the sound effects as well I like wow yeah there's just so many dead bodies I want to see if I can on the T Rexes toes look how quick I run across the water oh yeah jump in attack I mean I'm a little baby right I'm gonna be having some fun I'm going to enjoy life why is always that baby seem to enjoy life what's he threatening Oh a car no oh there's a whole family of car knows what's friend there you go I have some of that scary in it just making sure we're doing the right thing here look at that head that looks amazing hold on look at those eyes I love this model I love the sound effects ooh do you think that skaros are gonna run over towards if they can't be sure oh-oh-oh their attack the T Rexes are attacking each other oh that's interesting oh well leggo one died and no one will ever understand the T Rexes brain huh oh that's a that's a dryer saw whoo that's cool what's this thing oh that's a car No yeah upside down toast they always said it landed butter first well at the same size now I wonder if he's just like refusing to grow up I say Thank You mr. t-rex there you go there's you thank you you can have a few boughs oh wait there's another one I didn't know there was another one okay he's like what about me it headed it to he's standing guard over me like some amazing heroic Titan God where the Sun shines out his ass huh Oh like a boss I got spring-loaded legs oh I don't know like this games so beautiful go just put the black bars on and just like leave it like that and put some like epic music in the background just have that that's all we need oh they're attacking each other they look like they're doing some weird answer Oh and he's dead yeah that directs does not like any of the other ones do you just automatically aggress oh it's glorious look at that shot I want the first bite I want it is Tonya laughs soon I will speak their language of the Rex oh god this earth just this game looks glorious doesn't it you can't get better at the moment yeah this is the best of looking dinosaur game on the market you know there should be some dinosaur that could imitate other dinosaurs calls that would be cool so alluring in a dryer soar to die just gonna warm up in the last of the sunshine and then as night falls we should be able to become a adult or at least a juvie yes yeah there we go am i juvie now I must be a juvie or might look like I could be an adult though I look like I could be an adult hold on wait where'd the other one go I can go out and hunt by myself now sprinkles has come a long way it must be said from almost assured death to a beautiful grown adult oh look at that oh that is glorious Oh a tell you what my hunger goes down really quick though I got some of that and you yeah you just like I don't even need to commentate you could just look at this and it's just oh just so good actually I know we could easy check if we need to grow because if we've still got a growth then obviously we aren't fully grown but I don't know I think we kind of look fully grown nope we are not fully grown just yet yeah we need to grow again so he must be a juvie whoa right flying over the crest whoa okay guys in a rare and stunning turn of events for a caiman Beaver Isle video ever I'm actually not gonna kill myself we haven't fully grown yet but this is gonna be the end of this episode if you do want to see the continuation of sprinkles didn't see what she's like when we get older and what other things we come across leave a like and until next time maybe I'll come back to it a blob line
Channel: TheGamingBeaver
Views: 889,695
Rating: 4.9610071 out of 5
Keywords: baby raptor, baby utah, baby, The isle, giganotosaurus, spinosaurus, spino hypo, spino, Hypo Rex, hypo cargo, hypo Utah, hypo raptor, hypo Giga, hypo, Utahraptor, unlocked, acrocanthosaurus, Update, acro, utah, raptor, dinosaurs, jurassic park, world, jurassic world, allosaurus, t.rex attack, carnivores, herbivores, team, herd, hunting, attack, pack, fight, battle agamingbeaver, thegamingbeaver, therizinosaurus, carnotaurus, dryosaurus, lost world, quetzalcoatlus, suchomimus
Id: MblDSp7UhdQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 40sec (940 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 10 2017
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