The Lore behind ALL the Halo Reach Armors

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hey guys welcome back the other day I asked you guys if you wanted to see a comprehensive video covering the law behind all of the Spartan armors in Halo Reach and the vote was an overwhelming yes by about 15,000 votes so here we go this is gonna be a long one so if you do find yourself enjoying at any point and please don't hesitate to leave a like and also if you're new around here hit that subscribe button and also maybe if you really enjoy the video consider becoming a member right because we've got so much to cover we're gonna waste no time and jump right into the good stuff and yes I am aware that by saying that we're going to waste no time I am in fact or wasting time so let's start off strong with mr. hyper lethal vector himself Sarma mark 5b mod 5b saw pretty blow usage during the human covenant war with the only known users of it being fred 104 of blue team and of course mobile sex it was designed and produced by private contractors hired by the UNSC and was the first mainline real net armor to incorporate the now iconic energy shielding despite what halo wars might make you believe Mach 4 did not have energy shields special warfare group 3 led by Colonel Holland and commanding mobile team was the only known army group to issue the armor the mark 5 be helmet comes with two optional upgrades the first and the parmitt variant of the base helmet and the second an aparment variant complete with a hardened uplink module used to gather military intelligence on sensitive operations the CQC armor was the first Mione variant designed to enhance the Spartans effectiveness in close quarters combat designed primarily for boarding actions and urban combat as such it has heavy ballistics protection this high field of view and the helmet is almost open-source allowing for custom attachments to be added or removed to adapt to an ever-changing mission scenario it was developed by the very glitch kite stream sistema and was tested in Germany and Korea before being put into service from the mach 4 platform in 2548 and upgraded to fit the MOX five platform in 2551 two of the most common helmet attachments for the CQC platform are the see burn pipes which stands for chemical biological radiological and nuclear which enables operation in these hazardous zones and also an up-armored uplink module combo which is identical in his use case as the Mach 5 B's the shoulder pieces are designed to allow for maximum mobility but at the same time maximum protection in CQC environments ODST is one of the most iconic armors in the history of the UNSC and as search became compatible with my own air systems when it was ported to me on air the helmet gained the ability to integrate with the user's neural interface making its hood much more useful develop my misery armory on Mars the helmet comes with motion sensors and thermal imaging and like other helmets and the Mach 5 platform can be customized an armored command network module can be added grunting higher defenses and connectivity and a/c burn respiration pipes can be added in conjunction with an uplink module for sensitive operations in hazardous zones the shoulders are designed specifically to keep a low profile hence why they conform quite well with the body shape and the chest piece comprised of strong Kevlar contains an inner heating to both keep the user a decent temperature and remain undetected on thermal imaging and the outer layer is entirely heat-resistant so the user isn't cooked alive in his armor when dropping feet first into hell when it comes to armor built to excel in hazardous zones nothing out shyness has op developed by materials group a division of Oni the armor is designed specifically for use in chemically biologically radiologically and nuclear compromised areas although the base helmet doesn't come without it Seba and respiration pipes can be added alongside an external uplink or alternatively an upgraded command network module will fit for more extreme environments all it appears the shoulder pieces do is simply facilitate operations in hazardous zones the EOD or explosives Ordinance Disposal helmet is designed by the damascus testing facility on chi city for with only one goal in mind preventing decapitation it's rumored that the death of Sammy 34 early on in the war sparked the creation of EOD some died that's of the plasma from a jackals plasma pistol breaking the vacuum on a suit and a OD is designed specifically to counter any form of explosive damage like this the helmet is crafted to search that the pressure released from an explosion is channeled around the head as opposed to hitting it head-on if you'll pardon the pun the helmet is typically issued to Spartans working deep behind enemy lines and to aid these operations can be customized with either a command network module or extra armor plating and an uplink module to gather Intel the operator armor is designed for use by Spartans with an own ease beta 5 asymmetrical action group comprised of operators who conduct warfare in a more unconventional manner developed by callebs defense solutions on meridian operator comes as standard with a b5 do optic suite however this can be replaced by either reinforced armor and a blink module or complemented with a side mounted command network module the shoulders are up armored and low-profile perfect for unconventional warfare created in 2535 by materials group grenadiers was inspired by the first mark for helmet prototypes and was initially developed for the Mach 4 platform but was eventually ported over to mark 5 not only was it the testing bed for the now common energy shielding system but it was also the basis for all subsequent armor development programs grenadiers took the core elements of the prototype mark 4 and upgraded them to withstand violent concussive forces and search the pieces in the armor set are relatively bulky the helmet can be merely a armoured or instead can be of armoured with the added bonus of uplink and command network modules George 852 opted for the latter the shoulder pieces as we've already covered are incredibly bulky categorized as blast guard pauldrons and the knee guards cover the entirety of the knee for the utmost joint protection Air Assault as the name implies is developed specifically for airborne operations and was intended as an improvement to the ODSP helmet developed and tested by a Shia armory on reach it was initially designed for the mark for wear it quickly became the standard you helmet of any army airborne units and was eventually ported to mark five where it found a home in the hands of cat B 320 the helmet can be of armoured and have either a standard command network module attached or a CNM with integrated harden a blink the latter supposedly being favored by Pathfinder units the Scout variant was developed secretly by materials group in parallel with the Recon armor with the intention of creating my own air armor with stealth capabilities and no impact on endurance but the two eventually splits off into their own respective Millner variants Scout relies heavily on advanced materials to ensure its stealthiness and was tested by only beta 5 in Perth as you'd expect the helmet is often used on infiltration and reconnaissance missions and is particularly favored by skilled snipers June a 2 6 6 being a perfect example to complement the latter an uplink module and remote sensor package can be added to aid in sniping and to complement the former see burn pipes and a CNM can be attached as the name implies a VA or extra vehicular activity is armor designed for use in zero-gravity scenarios it was inspired by and created using data from the summer deep-space incident of which little is known and its design can be traced all the way back to the 60s developed by materials group a VA is known for its reliability ergonomics and modularity and as such the shoulders although large and armoured are relatively unrestrictive and the helmet can facilitate various upgrades a command network module can be attached or alternatively an up-armored hull can be applied over the visor with a third-generation uplink module however some Spartans have gotten more creative when customizing a VA a male 83 9 of noble team custom edged a skull on the face of the visor what he called death's hat done with his own kukri now although only don't condone defacing UNSC property like this the psychological intimidation factor that it brings to the helmets is undeniable jfo designed by Poveglia kite strewn sistema in germany improves artillery request communication and coordination for Spartans serving in the army the Navy or the Marine Corps and as is typically used on reconnaissance and infiltration missions and also artillery targeting scenarios that require a Spartan be behind enemy lines the helmet can be outfit with either an improved version of the standard uplink module or can be instead of armored the shoulders although relatively small do still offer decent armor originally designed by collaboration between callebs defense solutions and Oni Special Warfare group in Korea commando helmet is designed to have as higher base tactical awareness as possible without the need for attachments originally made for the mark 4 platform it was ported the Mach 5 later in the war thanks to its resounding success due to the helmets high tier tactical hardware and software as the name implies it is typically used by Spartan commandos leading fire teams such as Carter 1859 however the helmet can still be upgraded see burn pipes can be added or instead it can be up armored and its connectivity can be boosted by adding a third generation uplink module the commander's shoulders offer extreme protection but at the cost of mobility simply Perth's mark 5 is iconic and vensim designed by dr. Halsey herself as an almost across-the-board upgrade of Mach 4 it retains what made the previous armor so great while also gaining some game-changing additions energy shields AI integration into the user's neural interface vastly improved hood and more although its most recognizable user was of course chief it was used by a plethora of other Spartan to ism also likely spot in threes as well the helmet can be upgraded with a command network module or can be instead of armored with extra plating both enhancing its abilities but retaining that all too familiar silhouette although the shoulders are pretty simple in shape and design they're incredibly effective they provide enough armor while also not affecting the mobility of the user in any way one of the many offshoots of the e VA armor pilot also took inspiration from SPI mayanna's predecessor and is used primarily by Air Force pilots believe it or not these similarities are no coincidence the design was born from a collaboration between callebs defense solutions who designed a VA and materials group both designed the helmet for engagements in atmospheric and exo-atmospheric conditions as such it comes complete with high field of view and an aerospace oriented tactical software suite incorporated directly into its hurt externally the helmet can be upgraded with a third-generation hardened uplink module and can be up armored with extra plating however there is one more known customization of the pilot helmet haunted now although the camera status of this isn't confirmed I like to think that similar to Emile's skull is an option for Spartans who want to incite maximum psychological distress in their enemies before 3 please make that cannon as noted earlier recon was born during the development of the Scout plasma y'all near is an offshoot of it where Scout granted the use of stealth capabilities using advanced materials recon instead grunt stealth by reducing the user's infrared signature radiation emission and by having as few reflective surfaces as possible the shoulders are in keeping with recons design philosophy their small ensuring a tight silhouette and low profile at all times without sacrificing survivability the helmet can be upgraded with either a regular external uplink module or can be up armored and upgraded with a more advanced third generation module Chiefs standard-issue mark 6 helmet is actually a prototype in reach the upgrades that it has are honestly entirely unknown although it's not confirmed there is a chance that this meal there could in fact be Miya near black a standalone prototype of mark 6 that was used by Black team in the summer of 25 52 now given this timeframe it fits the battle of reach but it's still just a theory and it's not confirmed this mysterious prototype helmet can be outfitted with various additions that were never seen in the final version a command network module and third-generation uplink module can be attached to either side of the helmet or alternatively it can be of armoured while retaining the third gen of link my preferred helmet and hands-down one of my favorite of all time is the Gungan air helmet a uniquely designed piece of armour it fogger is the typical me on air visor and instead opts for a blast visor providing unparalleled facial protection the user sees through a small camera which is the North symbol for Ganga Nair the spear of Odin the helmet is also unique in that it comes fitted with a word three synchronized optimization system which allows seamless connection between the helmet and a Spartan laser as search it's no coincidence that it was developed alongside the m6 Spartan laser as a part of the Gungan air program an offshoot of mio layer designed for you specifically with the laser this uniquely iconic helmet can be improved through either the addition of an uplink module and remote sensor package which is typically favored by snipers and si burn respiration pipes for use in hazardous areas as a part of project Gungan air supplementary compacts yet also strong shoulder pauldrons and knee guards were also designed developed by misery armories on Mars in 25 28 and inspired by an element of hailers brother universe security was originally adopted from one of miss Ria's infiltration prevention series hence the name therefore it sports quite a beefy look with extremely large shoulder pieces and a round yet chunky helmet able to be apart and simultaneously upgraded with an external uplink module or instead optimized with a command network module and C burn pipes for activity in hazardous environments as the name implies the Military Police helmet was designed for use by the UNSC military police it's essentially a fully enclosed version of the Army and Marine Corps soldier helmet and became the primary helmet for only beta 5 security it can be enhanced with either a C burn uplink module and remote sensor package or instead an uplink module command network module and remote sensor package not to be confused with CQC the CQB armor is developed by the very glitch kites trim Systema but overall offers superior traits it prioritizes survivability in close quarters through alternate methods of the dispersal of kinetic energy generated in combat CQB and the CQC were designed alongside each other and tested in Germany and Korea and later CQB would be launched as a successor to CQC for the mod 5 platform and then of course later ported to mark 6 the helmet is built to give its user a high field of view which is perfect for close quarters and can also be upgraded with either of the following an uplink module remote sensor and command network package or an uplink module and of armored plating and to conclude this section on helmets an enigma grd although never released into the wild FIFA 3 plan to release this new helmet with the anniversary map pack after being spotted in a Bungie employees armory this helmet garnered somewhat of a cult following but aside from its inclusion in dull form it's never been seen again we can only hope that it wouldn't again makes an appearance when MCC and reach come to PC the FG para class Milne retains a low profile and maximum maneuverability for its user standing for full Sh'ma Jager slash paratrooper these shoulder pads and knee guards are designed for use by airborne units hence make good coverage and low weight UA or up-armored is the designation for any supplemental armor piece designed primarily to increase protection these come in the form of helmet attachments as we've already covered shoulder pieces chest plates wrist armor and utilities the shoulder pieces have varying levels of protection ranging from light in the case of base security to heavy in the case of the aptly named multi threat pauldrons the chest pieces include counter-assault which features additional abdomen plating ODST as we've already covered base security which is designed with more armor and even more explosives and multi threat featuring counter acid stomach plating with an added explosives belt the wrist pieces are the buckler which offers improved wrist protection and also the bracer which offers improved wrist and forearm protection and finally the armored leg utilities include the NX ra which offers additional reactive yet non explosive armor and the Chobham ceramic composite armor used to reinforce most modern main battle tanks the gym jet shoulders are as you can imagine designed for pilots or jet pack users as search this bought a small aerodynamic look offering minimal armor as the name implies the sniper shoulders are designed for Spartan snipers offering Nats to no protection they allow the user to carry an extra six 14.5 by a hundred and forty four millimeter high-velocity armour-piercing rounds three on either shoulder useful for quick reloads and long missions with lots of targets HP or hardpoint armor a group of three chess pate variation is designed for paratroopers on parachute or parafoil operations the hardpoint halo chest offers increased upper torso armor placed specifically to support high altitude low opening parachutes and foils the parafoil chest as the name implies is designed specifically for use of para files hence the knife and the straps this chest variation can also be used by Spartans with a prosthetic limb the tactical class millionaire is designed for operators on long stay behind enemy lines missions as search the chest plates wrist attachments and utilities in this class offer the necessary support needed when resupply packages aren't an option the chest pieces all offer similar things be tactical lrp give the user 3 tour surmounted mag pouches the tactical recon add 6 storage pouches of various sizes on the torso and the tactical patrol adds a small backpack and they concealing ghillie hood the risk utilities both offer different tactical advantages the attack pod contains the mp5 individual data net terminal used for storing tactical data and the you GPS offers a universal GPS system that works anytime anywhere the thigh utilities have one goal increased survivability the soft case provides the operator with even more storage space and the trauma kit contains a personal first-aid kit for if things happen to get messy when it comes to maximum armor the collar chest pieces excel like no other the collar Grenadier chest was a prototype for early energy shield testing hence the drum locked in the chest breacher provides a more compact design but still with added offensive and defensive capabilities in the form of a face shield and spare shelves and can also be worn by those with prosthetic limbs and the up armored Grenadier plate does just as the name implies it takes the prototype Grenadier body and obamas it with a large neck and head protector in the shape of a collar combine this with the EOD helmet and your head is going nowhere and finally we have the assault me on their accessories within this class the chess pieces offer various webbing configurations fairly reminiscent of modern tack vests the assault Supper adds two straps each loaded with four grenades and there are two more situated below the torso and it's complete with a belt holder further eight this chess variation also supports those with prosthetic limbs which is quite ironic considering its collective explosive yield the assault commando chest offers everything a commando would need in the field extra storage a radio and of course a tactical waste bag and finally consistent with the sapper chest variants the assault breacher wrist attachment holds a bundle layer of six extra eight gauge shotgun shells because let's be honest there's no such thing as too many shotgun shells and so that's it the law behind every single piece of Halo Reach Spartan armor honestly if you're still watching this far in thank you so much if you did enjoy them please do not hesitate to leave a like and also subscribe if you're new this video genuinely took like well over 20 hours to make so honestly like any support down below is greatly appreciated I want to give a huge thank you to van helsing GG and Delta halo control room core because without those two this video would not have been even remotely possible also massive thank you to Joseph Givens for the $100 pledge on patreon my dude I don't even have a $100 tier so thank you so much you're an iconic one and then some and of course a huge thank you to all of my other patrons as well so thank you all so much for watching I really do appreciate it and I really really hope you enjoyed and I'll catch you all in the next one
Channel: HiddenXperia
Views: 1,035,312
Rating: 4.9562192 out of 5
Keywords: halo reach, halo reach armor, halo reach noble team, noble team, emile, kat, jorge, carter, jun, reach, halo reach PC, reach PC, halo PC, Halo MCC, Halo MCC PC, halo reach emile armor, customization, armor customization, halo reach campaign, HiddenXperia, halo: reach, Halo Infinite, halo lore, halo reach lore, halo canon, halo story, halo, luke thenotable, halofollower, armor, halo armor, halo reach customization, halo reach armor customization, halo armors
Id: xBrfVk_EPPs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 20sec (1280 seconds)
Published: Wed May 22 2019
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