The Spartan Generations

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this video brought to you by gamefly goto slash halo cannon for a 30-day free trial stick around to the end for more details the spartans in many ways they're the very core of the Halo universe both from a narrative perspective and an in-universe one the creation of the Spartan 2 news was through central focus of halos first novel and few books or even comics don't at least feature sparked if not revolving around one or more and of course short of Halo 3 ODST we have always played as Spartans in the games however despite all this exposure and exploration there are many mysteries that surround the Spartans and their various classes especially among those not well versed in the lore today I aim to fix that with an overview of all known Spartan and Super Soldier programs in the Halo universe the earliest sort of Super Soldier program began during the interplanetary Wars of the 22nd century during which organizations attempted to generate tougher stronger and faster soldiers these early attempts were largely fruitless by the 23rd century the UNSC had begun developing bio engineering protocols and experimenting with bio chemically enhanced soldiers codenamed orion name for the orion arm of the Milky Way this early program selected and tested five candidates unfortunately these early augmentations were declared ineffective and the five test subjects reintegrated into the UNSC military all five died within a year of the tests for reasons known only to Oni it wasn't until the 25th century that Orion would be launched again just as the early seeds of the insurrection began to take hold on January 29th 2491 the Orion project formally launched with 65 test subjects these subjects were successfully augmented and after completing their training an additional 100 volunteers were accepted into the program Orion augmentations are known to have included muscular enhancement injections pulmonary respiratory enhancements retina inversion injections and cochlear enhancement tuning on January 12 24 96 the first Orion operation was successfully launched as part of Operation Charlemagne a full unit of Orion were deployed to recover a suborbital transit station over air adonis two which they did without casualty or detection more operations would follow in the next ten years though Charlemagne marked the only time a full unit would be deployed rumors and conspiracy theories about secret super soldiers also began to spread among the outer colonies as a result of Orion the program continued to expand as the insurrection grew stronger and bolder with a full 300 Orien candidates being augmented by the program's peak unfortunately older candidates began to show side effects both physical and mental that only worsened with time there are also some that had secret insurrectionist sympathies refusing to participate after augmentations with all the shortcomings and degradation of the candidates the program was quietly shut down in 2506 the 165 surviving candidates will reassigned to other specop units throughout the UNSC however the effort mentioned side-effects would continue to worsen for some and a number of former Orion soldiers were discharged due to mental instabilities to keep Orion secret these side effects would be attributed to boring syndrome despite all of this some former Orion candidates such as Sergeant Avery Johnson were able to remain in active service for much longer than the average soldier other know Narayan candidates include James Lee who later changed his surname to James Gilley who would eventually have a child with James Gladys Wilson and Morales who had a son Orion would have a lasting impact such as with the UNSC using Orion operators as models for the reorganization of the ODST s in the years following the program's shutdown however the biggest impact would be on a future iteration of the program Orion 2 began around 25 10 as only started reviewing what were known as the Carver findings a series of theories predicting massive civil conflict in the colonies unless forcibly stabilized when a young doctor captured Halsey we examined the findings predicting an even more grim future for Humanity only went to work initiating their next super soldier program with the after mentioned doctor as its lead under dr. Halsey the program took a radical shift rather than adult volunteers they use six year old children children unlike adults could be easily indoctrinated by choosing candidates from a select gene pool Halsey ensured only the best of the best and of course their young bodies would be more adaptable to augmentation in addition to distance her program from the failings of Orion palsy renamed it Spartan to the - used to at least honor the sacrifices of those that came before only approve of the program and Halsey began searching for her candidates by 25:17 she had identified 150 potential candidates budget cuts however forced her to reduce that number to 75 Halsey aided by only teams would observe the subjects and decide which ones to conscripted September of 25 1175 children across human space were secretly abducted replaced with rapidly grown clones and transported to reach humanity's military powerhouse second only to earth for the next eight years the 75 children will be trained physically and mentally for more physical training military history tactics and strategy and more in March of 2525 the candidates entered the second phase of the program augmentation this new generation of Spartans received a wide variety of risky and invasive surgeries to enhance their natural abilities these included occipital capillary reversal to enhance their vision even in the dark carbide ceramic ossification coating the bone so they carbide ceramic making them virtually unbreakable a catalyst thyroid implant which released a growth hormone to boost skeletal and muscle tissue growth muscle tissue enhancement injections to increase muscle density and superconducting 5 verification of neural dendrites resulting in a 300% increase in reflexes unfortunately there were side effects of the 75 candidates only 33 survived intact 12 were severely crippled and another 30 killed a mock funeral was held for the dead who received early put on ice until such a time that they could be resuscitated perhaps even deployed as proper Spartans it is known that a few Spartans were revived and deployed among them Jerome oh 92 Alex won 3-0 and Douglas Oh 4-2 following the funeral and rehabilitation the Spartan twos would eventually be deployed on their first mission capturing an insurrectionist leader the mission was a success however upon returning they were briefed on the fall of harvest and first contact with the hostile alien hegemony known as the Covenant by November of 2525 the Spartans would receive their new Mjolnir mark 4 armored the armored provided incredible protection will also further augmenting their speed strength and reaction time Spartans would be deployed against insurrectionist targets and Covenant forces the latter more and more as the Covenant kept advancing in August of 2552 the 25 surviving Spartans will recall to reach for operation red flag a mission to kidnap covenant leadership and force a peace the Spartans were outfitted with the latest line of Mjolnir mark 5 which featured a number of upgrades most notably energy shields the leader of the Spartan 2 is Master Chief Petty Officer john-117 was also given a smart AI Cortana who would help them on their mission unfortunately before red flag could be initiated the Covenant showed up at reach as far as were deployed to help in the battle but most would die and reach his defense by the end of the covenant war just months later only a handful of Spartan 2 personnel were known to be alive though more once thought that our missing would show up in the years following the war after the graduation of the Spartan twos in 2525 a second class was planned however due to the covenant war diverting funds and a reduced pool of ideal candidates it was shut down in 2531 however Colonel James Ackerson proposed his Spartan 3 program to oniy building off the work started by dr. Halsey the Spartan 3 program would widen the strict age and gene pool taking orphaned children rather than kidnapping them from their homes and use a series of safer know just as effective chemical augmentations the biggest change however would be the armor used the biggest ongoing cost of the Spartan 2 program was the development and maintenance of Mjolnir a single suit costing almost as much as a destroyer Spartan threes would instead be equipped with the less powerful and sophisticated semi powered infiltration armor or spy spy featured photoreactive panels to camouflage users and limited ability enhancement the armour plating was also notably weaker than me linear but spy overall was better than the armor given to most UNSC forces to lead this new program a Spartan to Curto v 1 was secretly abducted given the new name curt Ambrose and the rank of lieutenant he would train the next generation of Spartans on the secret world of onyx in December of 25:31 Alpha Company began their training with a pool of 497 candidates not only 300 alternately allowed to join the class was augmented in November of 25 36 their augmentations including a carbide ceramic ossification catalyst to make their bones nearly unbreakable and allow them to survive harder impacts a fibroid muscular protein complex to increase muscle density a Retina inversion stabilizer to improve eyesight even in the dark and an improved colloidal neural dis unification solution to decrease reaction time by 300% alpha company were successfully deployed on numerous missions in the months following their augmentations however the entire company safe for those who had been pulled aside for special teams were wiped out during Operation Prometheus a mission to destroy a covenant shipyard two years later in 2539 418 candidates were conscripted to form beta company once again only 300 were ultimately selected beta company was given the same set of augmentation injections sometime prior to May of 2554 and equipped with spy mark 2 which featured a number of minor upgrades like Alpha Company before then beta successfully took on a number of missions and once again were mostly wiped out in a massive suicide mission operation torpedo for PETA was enacted on July 3rd 25 45 in order to take out a covenant deuterium / tritium refinery on pegasi Delta well a few Spartans were successfully pulled from the company for special missions all but two deployed for operation torpedo were wiped out the survivors were Tom b2 92 and Lucy B oh nine one Tom and Lucy would go on to help train the next company of Spartans Gama which was approved in July of 25 44 and started not long after Gama was made up of 330 candidates all of which were allowed to join the program when augmented Kurt motivated by the grief of losing two previous companies of spurns secretly added a few extra legal augmentations a neural altering non carcinogenic mutagen that enhanced the aggressive response of an individual during times of stress this drug also had a depressing side effect on the higher reasoning centers of the brain regular doses of cyclohexene for bipolar integration and Mesa olanzapine drugs or smoothers as they came to be called we'd need to be taken to counter these side-effects by October of 25 52 most of gamma company had been deployed with only a few remaining teams on Onix to compete for top marks unfortunately for when our sentinels hidden deep within the planet came alive responding to a signal from the recently destroyed installation zero for the Spartan freeze began a fight for survival eventually ending up in a hidden Shield world the entrance for which was kept at onix's core the survivors were recovered in February of 25:53 the Spartan 3 program was in many ways similar but in more ways distinct from its predecessor while the twos had been created to quell human rebellion the fries were created to take on the Covenant meant as disposable flawed or trading lives for time the Spartan 3 program also saw the birth of a number of specialized teams first were the headhunters either lone wolf operatives or two-man teams called a binary they would be pulled from regular service after surviving two or more specially assigned missions and receive additional training once done headhunters were sent deep behind enemy lines against specific targets often with the expectation that they wouldn't return the headhunter program would continue with the Spartan 4 program after the war though with a few minor alterations another type of team born from the Spartans reprogram were combat fire teams such as noble team these are Spartans pulled from normal ranks or the headhunter program and outfitted with millionnaire armor along with mobile team three other Mjolnir clad spartan three teams were known to exist call it red and echo following the covenant war the surviving Spartan personnel were given the chance to join the newest iteration of the program Spartan for the Spartan Ford program began around September of 25 52 under the leadership of the Spartan to wash out Musa Oh 96 and approved by only had Margaret Perrin go ski Spartan 4 would return to its Orion routes taking adult volunteers from military service and augmenting them the first iteration of the program would attempt to create Spartans that would need me all near who were as strong and capable as any previously fully outfitted Spartan or class unfortunately nine of the 10 test subjects died with the 10th else's Ain going insane following that only reverted to something more akin to the twos and threes using augmentations to enhance individuals and outfitting them with the ulnar Armour known Spartan for augmentations include Torbett data cluster installation a specialized neural implant capable of interfacing with an AI muscular and skeletal engineering enhancing bone length and strain reinforcing the joints and muscle enhancement a series of neurological enhancements to decrease reaction time organ implantation replacing or enhancing nearly every organ in the body this included replacing lungs enhancing their ability to intake oxygen and allow them to process airborne toxins and foreign gas mixtures a pancreas replacement and corneal implants to increase eyesight and night vision capability circulatory and metabolic improvement allowing blood to circulate better and for subjects to heal from wounds faster it also allowed them to absorb more nutrients from food gene therapy in which the telomeres were lengthened giving the Spartans a longer life and operational time and several other augmentations and implantations including bio monitoring implants locator beacons and more following augmentations spartan pores were certainly among the most capable soldiers but did fall short of twos and threes to compensate Milner Gentoo developed alongside the spartan four program featured new technology to bridge the gap between the floors and previous spartan generations in short a spartan 4 and Gen 2 Milner could fight on par with a spartan 2 or 3 and Gen 1 barring combat experience spartan 4 has also received additional training following augmentations having to earn their armor before being deployed as proper Spartans the first class of Spartan 4s graduated in January of 25:53 with 145 members with more to come in the years to follow by 2557 the flagship of the UNSC the infinity regularly had anywhere from 300 to 500 Spartans on board at any given time with several more spread across UNSC space when not on missions Spartan force would often train with one another in wargames simulators a state of the art combat deck the spartan 4 program marked several departures from past programs including separation from any main UNSC branch the scoring tubes worked as part of the Navy the 3s as Navy and Army but the floors had their own branch the spartan branch and that covers all spartan / super soldier programs the UNSC has launched over the centuries I obviously couldn't cover all the details in nuance of each program but I hope this gives you an idea of what each program was about and why they were created what did you think of the video and what do you think of each Spartan program let me know in the comments below thanks for watching as always and until next time this has then halo cannon thanks for watching also consider checking out game fly with over 8,000 new releases and classic games for current and previous gen consoles and even some older consoles Gamefly is a great way to try of games without buying them goto slash halo cannon to start your 30-day free trial
Channel: Halo Canon
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Keywords: halo, canon, halo3, halo2, haloCE, CE, combat, evolved, anniversary, Halo1, bungie, 343, 343i, Guilty, Spark, xbox, 360, gaming, Halo (series), Halo: Reach (Video Game), Video Game (Industry), Master, Chief, Cortana, official, ToaFreak, Toa, Freak, Lore, didact, librarian, forerunner, One, CEA, ODST, Orbital, Drop, Shock, Trooper, Halo3ODST, HaloODST, Archive, HaloArchive, books, comics, games
Id: BzCfM1ehPvc
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Length: 15min 52sec (952 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 22 2017
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