ONI's disturbing betrayal of Master Chief

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it isn't uncommon for high-ranking government agencies to turn on their agents especially those dealing with highly sensitive information that would be detrimental if it ever saw the light of day loose ends have to be tied up and sometimes these loose ends happen to be operators who just know too much only are no exception to this their treatment of Benjamin Jareau is living proof that anyone who knows too much is taken care of both publicly and privately but their most grievous act of smearing was of the greatest hero in the history of humanity this is only Grievous betrayal of the Master Chief in 2558 the Galaxy will be made to rethink their adoration for the hero of the millennia sometimes glory can go to the heads of those who achieve greatness and send them insane or sometimes allegiances that the heroes make can lead them down the wrong path in the years to follow whichever scenario was the case with the Master Chief something had clearly gone very very wrong civilian is across the galaxy woke up one morning in early 2558 to every single news media reporting the same disturbing heroine story leaked incident reports from a human elite peace talk on the outer colony world of Beco stated clearly that the Master Chief had entered the embassy and proceeded to shoot up the peace negotiations it was being reported by some media outlets that chief had killed 19 innocent humans and that he taken Richards akibo which was the head of the negotiations as a hostage before escorting the elite to safety by mowing down any human security forces that got in his way days later officials located the body of the Kibo the man behind what was just about to be the most historic signing of peace in human history dead in a field this incident sent shockwaves through human control space politicians on earth began spewing vile rhetoric declaring chief as the Fallen Spartan civilians and the inner colonies wanted chief dead and the outer colonies while still extremely angry were more mad with only believing that they were responsible for the chief going crazy v now senator Andrew Del Rio held a rally where he condemned the Master Chief labeling him a full spartan and a broken bastardization of a soldier it was clear this event had forever changed the way humanity perceived john-117 what was wouldn't a galactic hero was now a traitor sentence seen by his own heroism [Music] however that was the story that only wanted you to believe the real story the truth was far far different it wasn't a falsehood that she had stormed the peace negotiations and it wasn't fake news that he'd shot and killed humans there that day the reality was however that the human he'd killed were terrorists members of a radical anti sang Healy terrorist organization known as CPM sunrise the group were popular in the outer colonies and refused any form of a light so the élysée citing their murder of billions of humans during the war which to be fair is a reasonable citation the nine members of sunrise disguised themselves as bodyguards civilians and security personnel and would go undercover in the peace talks before murdering the elite delegates which is he both the leader of the human side of the talks caught wind of their plot but couldn't get any aid from the government for it luckily however chief and blue team managed to learn of the assassination plot and stormed the embassy moments before the attack would begin chief took out Sachi bird's bodyguard who was actually a disguised terrorist and a firefight begun in the Kibo was seriously wounded chief fought his way out of the embassy escort him to Kibo and the elite to safety killing all nine sapiens sunrise members he managed to get the elite a blue team ship with only three casualties but sadly Suki burrows wounds overcame him leading to his eventual death despite chief doing absolutely everything to save him [Music] so as expected chief was once again the hero and not the villain but that didn't stop the united earth government from covering it up for as long as possible while also denouncing Sapien sun rises' involvement in the event but even still this event was very much contained within the outer colonies which are extremely disconnected from the inner colonies it took a much larger much more controlling force to spread the false story among the rest of human controlled space this force came in the form of Maya Sankar a deep undercover only agent within insurrectionist groups at the time Sankar was working under the codename of Pharaoh and was extremely deep undercover in rebel organizations on an operation to try and reduce the violence that these group used to gain the trust of the rebels she would reveal some information about the atrocities that only had classified under the guise of Pharaoh she got in contact with Ben Jerome an investigative war journalist who only had commissioned to write an in-depth profile on the Master Chief promising to reveal the truth the absolute truth to him about Chi's history as opposed to the fake people and fake stories that only had fed him to create their perfect report then the attack on Pico happened and to really emphasize the disturbing in muddled history of the chief at the hand of Oni she leaked the incident reports to inner colony mainstream media including the ueg and pico government's alterations that covered up CPM sunrises involvement and implicated the chief the plan was to then set up a talk with Ben Jiro senators and only officials in which Ben would reveal all about the Spartan program that only had hidden from the government's leading to the Senators reprimanding only for committing such heinous acts behind their backs and with their funding humanity's most glorified hero going crazy and shooting up a peace talk due to the psychological transformation that the Office of Naval Intelligence had put him under would have as the perfect catalyst for these punishments however the senators didn't buy it continuing to trust Oni and Ben's feed to the conference was Patong ultimately pharaoh ended up going dark and when Ben was going to reveal all of the truths that he'd learned about Oni the Spartan program and the Master Chief's of the world live on ECB news only officials managed to get in just before him and discredit all of his evidence this made Ben look like no more than a crazy conspiracy theorist with no basis in reality live on TV he just had every single piece of evidence he spent the last weeks accumulating and getting from inside sources completely discredited in front of millions of live viewers he was then taken away by Oni and put in Midnight vicinity the highest security prison in the galaxy for the rest of his days all for finding out the true origins of the Master Chief and every single Spartan two of which he now knew were nothing more than child soldiers the rest of humanity continued to believe that the Spartans were just mayor heroes and that the Office of Naval Intelligence were just another body of the government little did they know how close they'd come to finding out the original insidious origins of every single Spartan - that saved humanity in covering this up they'd managed to hide their most insidious secret from the public eye and have managed to use Ben Giroux as an example to anybody who punished across the Office of Naval Intelligence so that's the disturbing story of how only the United earth government and the Beco government and also an agent that was working for only but also kind of working against Dhoni managed to smear the master chief as a traitor in front of billions of humans and get away with it to me this is the ultimate betrayal because every single one of these organizations would be dead and buried if it wasn't for chief but with groups as secretive as bees anyone is expendable given the right situation so I hope you guys enjoyed yet another conspiracy filled halo video the darker sides of a Halo universe and the sort of like conspiracy secretive sides of the universe really are so interesting and their areas that I really wish more media would cover hopefully in the future they will big thank you to my fellows over on patreon for the continued support ardent tomahawk Taylor Evan Momo she kata me Olney Matthew Pierre Manu Tony Benn Jim Regan Jack Madden Eric Brown Sam Grafton and Brewin 98 thanks a lot for watching guys I really appreciate it and I'll catch you in the next one
Channel: HiddenXperia
Views: 1,060,061
Rating: 4.935113 out of 5
Keywords: Halo Master Chief, Halo ONI, Halo Office of Naval Intelligence, HiddenXperia, Halo Hunt the Truth, ONI's betrayal of Master Chief, Halo lore, Halo story, Halo Infinite Master Chief, Halo Spartans, Spartan IIs, Halo Spartan Programme, Ben Giraud, Halo Insurrection, Halo Blue Team, Halo Arbiter, Halo Flood, Halo UNSC, Halo conspiracy, Halo Reach, Halo Emile, Halo Noble Team
Id: lYSh7bpCvvs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 14sec (554 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 14 2018
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