DUAL WIELDING, ODST campaign, Flyable UNSC Frigate, Insurrectionist Firefight and MORE! (Reach Mods)

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👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/smolenskian-snek 📅︎︎ Dec 24 2019 🗫︎ replies
hey guys welcome back today's video is what I hope to be the first of many to come a halo mod showcase so with reach on PC the modding community have already been so hard at work creating some downright incredible mods and I've been sat here since launch just dying to make videos about them and today I finally pulled the trigger now you guys know that I don't usually ask for this but I really want to make more videos like this more modern videos but only if you guys want to see more of them so if you do then I'd really appreciate you showing some support down below by of maybe leaving a like and a comment and maybe even showing the video with a friend or two if you really enjoy it and really want to see some more but anyways that's far too much cookie cutter YouTube shelling for one video here are a few things on today's mod menu a drivable frigate and ODST reach campaign overhaul no sang Healey insurrectionists firefight and more so let's waste no time and kick this bad boy off first up we have a pretty damn cool reach campaign overhaul Halo Reach ODST made by Zula the link to download this mod and all the others featured in this video can be found in the description now this mod is pretty dope I'm not gonna lie as the name implies it's a complete campaign overhaul that allows you to play as a special blue ODST in place of mobile six the story and missions and all that are pretty much the same but as you can tell by the gameplay there are some pretty significant changes firstly beef incredibly obvious one the camera is now in third person instead of first now you'd be actually genuinely surprised at how different this makes the game feel it changes halo from the typical run-and-gun FPS that we're all very familiar with to what feels much more like a tactical sort of methodical type of game like I actually find myself crouching behind cover and pea King round corners to take potshots at the Covenant so much more frequently than usual it really does feel more strategical and if you're somebody who's into more realistic and firefight like games then I have a feeling that you're gonna love this Mart but the viewpoint is you're the only change see to make you feel more like an ODST and not that really overpowered Spartan 3-0 also changed some of the base stats of your character as well so for example you don't have any shields obviously and your move speed is reduced to 75 percents while your jump height is reduced to 85% which is I think pretty similar to what Halo 3 ODST did but also for technical reasons I think you can't escape in don't worry OTS T's can actually use scopes it's just for some reason this one can't also considering that you're no longer a super soldier there are a few things that you also can't do like hijack vehicles detached turrets use energy source or gravity hammers and a few other things however to balance out just a little bit you have a hundred and fifty percent damage reduction and your health regenerates at two times the normal rate now there might not seem like that much but these settings combined with a third-person camera really do make for a more tactical experience and honestly really do put you in the boots of an ODST like fighting alongside Marines under the Rhodey ESPYs as an ODST feel just feels so natural which is weird considering we've already had a game like this but for some reason it feels so much more grounded now that we're in a third-person I'm not particularly sure why it might be the cover it might be the peak shooting it I'm not quite sure it just feels so much more grounded than ODST at least in my opinion it's really a feeling that I haven't quite managed to get over like playing it feels totally totally unique the third-person camera also allows you to see so many more animations that you'd never otherwise see and it makes even the simple things like reloading behind cover while you're pinned down by Covenant fire just look really cool and militaristic an even more gritty than reach already lurks and the small details don't stop there Zillah even went as far as to give you a backpack to store Cortana in during the pillar of autumn it's such a small detail sounds quite insignificant but you know it's the little details like that that really add up to create a genuinely unique campaign experience definitely definitely give this bad boy a shot Danny Boy what you just witnessed was courtesy arguably of game Chiefs finest creation no civilians noble six was never on our side he was sent into the UNSC by the silent shadow elite warriors of the Covenant as a sleeper cell a covenant planet within the Spartan three program and on August 23rd 25:52 in new Alexandra's Trax's tower this sleeper would be activated unleashing all hell on those he pretended to serve and proving his loyalty to the covenant the prophets and as the silent shadows newest acolyte as I think you can already tell most civilians is a no Russian inspired mod made by game g13 the terms Exodus into the airport from Modern Warfare team the only enemies are civilians who scream and frantically run away the second they see and just like macro village boys you come armed very very well-armed so game cheap modified some of the weapons on the map so the shotgun and now shoots like an AAA 12 with God knows how many shells that can be fired before reload the AR fires faster and has a much bigger magazine the falcons turret goes from a simple turret to a literal minigun death machine and the DMR well you see I'll let you discover what the hell he's done for the DMR yourself and on top of all of these already insane changes he has his very own words turned the blood effects up to 11 but I think that might just be the understatement of the century this mod is absolute pure unfiltered chaos if you ever need to just wind down chill out and obliterate some easy targets then this is absolutely the mod for you just download it and jump into the shoes of the greatest traitor the UNSC have ever dealt with and the most effective killer the prophets have ever employed and speaking of complete unfiltered chaos this next mod makes the halo 2 jackal snappers look like grunts welcome to guter firefight by 101 Steven 101 the unimaginable has happened the one thing the UNSC were convinced was impossible has been accomplished and by their greatest enemy not only have the Covenant learned how to tame and control the guter but they've also uncovered the secrets of their breeding allowing them to breed faster than grunts and furthermore through various selective breeding methods some have even been bred and trained to pilot vehicles this is truly what hell looks like meh for real as crazy as this mod is it's actually a lot more fun than I had any idea it would be I played this on legendary so the game for your watching right now is on legendary and the guter go down actually much easier than they do in campaign which to be fair is kind of necessary given how many spawn seeing like 20 guter just spawn on the same spot and then immediately begin charging you is bloody terrifying I'm not gonna cook a get out no matter how weak they are having to constantly run away from them and then turn around and shoot and then keep running away and dodge the Klaus makes you feel like you're fighting a herd of wild animals or something which to be fair is exactly what you're fighting this is something that I always remember people ask me for back in the day and I assume that Bungie never gave it to us because of technical constraints to the xbox360 but now that this is a thing that very much exists make sure you go and give it a shot it's gonna be too good to be true get it buter gotta be oh my god okay right on to the next one this is UNSC firefight again by 101 Steven 101 for the first time in Halo history the UNSC are officially your enemy as noble sixes sleeper operation against the UNSC continues you a zealot within the same silent shadow contingent as mobile six have been deployed to a different region of new Alexandria by the Field Marshall here a strong UNSC presence has been detected move as silent as the shadows and vanquish their heresy without insolence so as you can tell this is firefight but with quite a big twist you play as an elite and instead of fighting the Covenant all your enemies are human ranging from simple army infantry to ODS T's to Spartans and even members of noble team I see so many people out there asking for a Halo game where we actually fight humans so maybe this can fill that void Steven actually kinda went all out with this one all the enemy vehicles are human from rocket hulks to pelicans and on boardwalk there's even a custom concussion Ghost and even though Auden is dropps have a sort of covenant like texture applied to them which is a pretty cool little detail like I said earlier it's the little things I'm not gonna lie though this mode is actually a lot harder than I thought it'd be I initially tried it unnormal and I got absolutely demolished so I had to go and switch to easy which I did end up really enjoying not gonna lie though it is strangely weirdly cathartic going round cleansing the map of Marines and ODS teas and when the Spartans appear it's strange but also really cool to fight them it's actually quite surreal in fact considering that they're not just any Spartans but actual mobile team members that have their voice their mannerisms their animations and everything like that weird like you know you shouldn't be fighting them but here they are engage me so I kind of have to fire back you know it's weird and ask for the OTS T's well I actually felt kind of bad killing them chemistry during they all have books voice really makes you think twice before pulling the trigger or swinging the sword you know at least until they start shooting unless you know one of the coolest things about this mode aside from the obvious is just how many UNSC army trooper variants there are in it like there are variants of the troopers in this mode but I had no idea even existed like I'm pretty sure there are some army troopers in this mode that weren't ever in the campaign which is pretty cool all in all though if you're into firefight and want to fight humans in Halo then this really is V mod for you just try not to feel too guilty cutting through hundreds of books and immeubles with your sword or doing this in fact no I don't feel guilty that is your punishment for your awful driving ability right so this next mod is quite the behemoth ultimate forged by rejected shotgun now when he says Ultimates trust me this dude means it this mod injects loads of insanely cool and working vehicles custom weapons and other things into forge world for us to play around with so let's take a brief look at the stars of this mod starting off with vicita is just the saber from campaign but now viable on Forge world complete with all of its weaponry there's also the Seraph as well which is insanely fast I absolutely love flying this thing because when you fly in like turn and do trick and stuff seeing the way that the tail sort of thing on it moves like as a rattlesnake looks so damn cool it's really made me appreciate the seraphs design then there's the unique space vehicles that were in long out of Solace so the space Banshee is again insanely fast but holy hell it drifts more than fast and furious it's really weird to control this thing and I killed myself quite a few times trying to pull it round corners but still it's really fun to use and coming in from a height and like zooming towards the floor is pretty fun I'm not gonna lie and then there's also the space phantoms as well which honestly are pretty vanilla although some of the turrets on the side are usable which is pretty cool but there's nothing too special about this and now for my favorite healer vehicle of all time the longsword flying this absolute beauty airship feels so good I've always been a long sword stand so finally getting to fly it made me even more of one and as if I wasn't already happy enough it comes equipped with a heavy cannon and as its secondary weapon a literal shiva nuke man I would absolutely love to play some PvP with this bad boy at some point how it work how it be balanced I have no idea I just know for a fact that it would be fun as hell to just mute people hidden experience for context then there's the drop ships the pelican and phantom just fly like they do in the campaign when you do that Easter Egg except now they actually have collision and like in the campaign but the spirit is weird like this thing is strangely really fast like really really fast and the handling is so weird as well like it drifts but also terms really tightly I'm not quite sure what's going on there with a spirit but now for the thing that you all want to see the frigate now the cells don't quite seem to work on it and it's pretty slow but actually flying a frigate run for world is so weird and crazy this thing's like half the size of the entire map it really is a thick ship all the goodness work as well which is pretty cool but the physics on it are well take a look for yourself and then there's a bunch of other stuff too the match cannon from the final mission is in and working there's the campaign falcon Varian serve the Grenadier and also the regular one with a cannon the troop warthog that's only in mobile actual which is insanely fast like many other vehicles in this mod there's an only truck and also a few other non-combat vehicles and finally there are even custom weapons as well there are two variants of the scarab gun the first of which is a reach scarab gun which is pretty decent just like a regular scarab gun and the second one is a remake of the halo 2 stirrup gun which has a boss radius that's like twice the size of Pangea this thing is like firing a billion mutes at winners and the final weapon is the missile launcher basically a rocket launcher multiplied by 10,000 all in all this is a really cool mod to just mess around in and I can't wait to see what game types and maps are made with all of these injected assets people are gonna make some really cool crispum games in the next few weeks I'm telling you there's gonna be some really cool stuff popping up and the final mod which I only stumbled across yesterday is really cool and there was no way that I was leaving this out of the video all in Corvette by Corman double-oh-seven part of his covenant mod series now you play as one of the last elites left alive on a Corvettes alongside your Thunder squad mates as the demons are reading the ship now as you can see were back to a third-person camera for this mod but that isn't the biggest change see Corbin's given the Corvette a complete makeover to fit the dire state the ships in I mean it's quite literally falling through the sky towards reaches surface which is why the embers are like falling upwards I mean there's even a scarab that's like pinned to the roof of the hangar that was wimps in there which is pretty cool makes for a very different looking map quite honestly other than that this is basically just un su firefight but there is one more really really cool addition dual wielding or rather I should say during extreme he's not only managed to get the mechanic working pretty well in itself but he's also given us the ability to do real work that we never cut shotguns grenade launchers assuit rifles and even more it's so fun running around blasting ODST with dual shot ease like winchester 1887 style or blowing people away with dual grenade launchers all in third person so we can see those badass animations I don't really have much else to say about this mod honestly other than the map is really cool the atmosphere and like the ambience of the map is also pretty cool a very read and sort of ominous and you're wielding is incredible I will never get tired of blasting people away with jewelled shotguns so satisfying deed so damn satisfying and so those are all the mods that I want to cover in this first mod showcase I made a point of including a pre varied group of mods to really show what the community capable of and there's some really cool stuff out there that you should definitely check out link to everything that I cover today is in the description so if you're playing on PC do not hesitate to give them a shot again like I said at the start of the video if you want to see more videos like this covering even bigger crazier and more iconic mods then please don't forget to leave a like a comment subscribe if you're new and also maybe share the video around if you enjoyed it but yeah I think that's all for today massive thank you to all of my amazing patrons for the support over there as per usual and thank you all so much for watching I really do appreciate it I hope you enjoyed have a Merry Christmas and I'll catch you all in the next one you
Channel: HiddenXperia
Views: 577,982
Rating: 4.89854 out of 5
Keywords: halo reach, halo reach pc, halo pc, halo mods, halo pc mods, halo reach dual wielding, halo mcc pc, master chief collection, halo reach pc gameplay, halo reach ODST, halo reach flyable frigate, halo insurrectionist, halo reach firefight, halo reach modded vehicles, halo reach modded weapons, reach mods, hiddenxperia, no russian, halo playable elites, halo reach elite firefight, halo odst, halo reach campaign mods, halo reach mods, halo mcc mods, halo reach PC forge mod
Id: sm_pWMQ9VVE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 33sec (1173 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 23 2019
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