The Lore behind ALL of Halo's Scarabs (Halo 2 Anniversary PC)

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hey guys welcome back with halo 2 anniversary releasing on PC in only a few days in fact maybe even tomorrow depending on when this video goes out PC gamers are finally gonna get their hands on the best story ever told in gaming and no Vista doesn't count so to celebrate I thought we'd take a deep dive into the law behind one of the best things halo 2 Dave halo the Scarab a covenant vehicle that transcended the conventional role of a vehicle in a video game and gave halo easily its best and most replayable boss battle the Scarab is simply put iconic and today we're gonna take a look at its origin its history and all the models this monster of an excavator come in so if you enjoy the video at any point then don't forget to leave a like down below and also if you haven't done yet subscribe for more halo content in the lead-up to and of course following the launch of Halo Infinite we have a hopefully very bright future ahead for Halo fans so you know content is gonna be coming thick and fast also don't forget to go follow the twitch twitch TV slash his next barrier but anyways let's run the simulations and find out why these things are tough but not invincible they were the G so where the hell did the Scarab actually come from well originally it centella purpose was vastly different to how we see it in action in the games the Scarab is part of the covenants excavator class a vehicle alongside the locust the Kraken and the harvester which if you can't remember which that really weird thing from Spartan Ops that when it came out everybody thought it was the primordial strange times these excavators do exactly as their name implies they were used by the Covenant as excavation and mining platforms either to clear some ground so they could establish a base of operations or more common to excavate holy foreigner sites that were hidden within natural terrain as search I like to imagine that scarabs had this almost like holiness about them if one was gonna be requisitioned then nine times out of ten a sacred relic of their gods was about to be discovered which as we know was quite a big deal to the Covenant in total there are speculated to be nine tiers of excavation platforms but as of 2558 only three have been encountered the Tier one locusts the Tier four scarabs and the tier five harvesters now we don't currently know where the Kraken ranks in these tiers but given its immense size and strength I would imagine quite highly but again that's irrelevant to today's video however following their first encounter and war with humanity it was clear that the scarabs were destined to be more than just simple mining tools their excavation beams were absurdly powerful and the platform's themselves provided an excellent battering ram for just smashing through human cities and a search its classification was kind of changed from an excavator to ultra heavy infantry now that might sound wrong infantry I thought the Scarab was a vehicle well technically even though it might look like it it isn't even if the human is beauty is search if you really really want to push the boat out the scarab is actually a technically a type of hunter see the core of every single scarab is a colony of like gola worms bound together with the platform's control systems however the colonies used in scarabs were typically populated by unruly and hard to control streams of like Dula which posed a slight problem considering they were the main driving force of this almost 120 seven-foot-tall 200 ton behemoth if left to their own devices for freely control it as they saw fit things would they wouldn't end well and so considering their immense importance and value inventory had to be stationed on board the scarabs alongside their like gala to supervise them and to ensure that they weren't piloted to ruin so now that I've blown your mind with the knowledge that the scarabs are actually very who's and are technically kind of sort of a form of hunter let's dive into each model of the scarab starting off with the type 29 the type 29 scarab more commonly referred to as the super scarab was the earliest model ever encountered by humanity and as search it has far more in common with an excavation tool than the rest of the models according to research into Covenant records it seems the design of this strange scarab model is actually quite an incredibly ancient design possibly even wholly in some manner and used only to uncover extremely momentous foreign artifacts its focus cannon which is its only means of attack is far more powerful than any of the other scarabs but it comes at a cost the platform itself is totally immobile and the cannon only has an effective firing radius of about 160 degrees this total inability is made even worse by the fact that this scarab isn't even portable either it has to be literally constructed on site due to its size and the delicacy of its components and furthermore it even requires external powering to function as search it's rarely ever seen in combat because frankly it just isn't suited for it given its role as an excavator almost exclusively it is typically built with its focus challenge facing a wall or a rock face or some sort of thick terrain basically the direction that the enemy won't be attacking from however with that in mind it seems humanity got pretty and lucky with their one and only encounter with a super scarab during the kubernetes invasion of arcadia in 2531 and their search for foreign artifacts on the planet they excavated some ruins in one of its jungles knowing the unic were going to be hot on their tails they actually built a super scarab facing the entrance to the ruins to ensure that any attempt made by humanity to breach the site would be promptly stopped now presumably they also used this scarab to extra me at the site as well so maybe they just tore it down and then rebuilt it facing the other way when it was done or maybe they just built another one or requisitioned another either way the type 29 is certainly the weirdest model of scarab and one that I'm not surprised we don't see very often and on the topic of weird scarabs the type 36 ultra heavy huge platform is a scarab model that we've never actually seen before all information about it seems to just come from distant battlefield rumors and whispers just like the other scarabs it's a four-legged mining platform turned siege platform but instead of being fitted with a large focused cannon instead has a class 4 plasma cannon as its primary weapon now we have no idea what these plasma cannons look like how big they are or even how powerful they are but my assumption is that it's essentially a huge plasma cannon that rivals the size of the focus cannon if it wasn't then why would they put it on the scarab instead of a focus cannon it makes no sense now apparently the type 36 uses a variety of chasse designs which is something that you don't see very often with scarabs and I can't help but wonder if this ties in with its designation as a seed platform now no other scarab comes with this designation so it makes me wonder what its intended use case could be maybe it's specifically designed for laying siege to human encampments or structures that otherwise would be impenetrable kind of a little bit like the grunt used by Mordor in Lord of the Rings now granted current has more significance to the forces of Mordor than just being a big battering ram but at the end of the day it was just to pick a battering ram so maybe that's kind of what the type 36 scarab is or alternatively given its variety of shot ease maybe it's a more modular scarab that can be repurposed and modified based on the mission who knows maybe we'll see this thing one day maybe we weren't until then it's just gonna be a scarab grande in my eyes right moving on to the two most well known scarab models first off we have the type 47 a Protoss as seen in Halo 2 encountered as early as 25 27 in the outer colonies the Protoss scarab which is the first iteration of the type 4 seven was in fact almost never used in combat just like many of his choices regrets decision to use one in new Mombasa was a little bit odd to say the least instead the Protoss is normally used as a specialized artifact retrieval vehicle which is what I assumed it was being used for on Delta halo until a certain chad managed to commandeer it but that said as I'm sure we're all well aware by now it does still come with some pretty heavy armaments to suspend some mounted heavy plasma repeaters allow for efficient anti-aircraft fire and its main focus cannon can be fine-tuned allowing it to remain as powerful as possible regardless of its target it also comes with specialized sensor arrays that feed information to the crew and allow for effective target detection and acquisition and also to protect them is an energy shield that can be activated to block entry into the cockpit as for what this fifty meter tall behemoth is made of wealth I wish I could tell you I really do but unfortunately the origins of it are unknown somehow - even the Covenant realistically they have no idea what they're even piloting what we do know however is that 50 Cal Rockets they don't do a bloody thing against the Protoss but apparently killing its crew makes the lek Goler worms that control it just kind of give up and explode nice the type 47b do Taurus scarab however is far more comet capable than not only the Protoss but every other previously encountered scarab model the do Taurus saw extensive use in large-scale covenant operations from as early as 2527 to the end of the war and I imagined that even post-war it still used and during this entire time span it struck fear into the heart of countless UNSC platoon us this chassis is radically different in its design to any previous model now featuring an interior Bay command center a paddock and core room all of which can be sealed off to allow for short span of phidias maneuvers meaning this scarab can work underwater this is instantly superior to the Master Chief infantry are off the machine lining Brophy upper deck and interior Bay providing small arms and heavy turret fire to deter any who seek to board the platform and to protect the lac d'oo low interweave core of which is now for some peculiar reason entirely exposed bit of a strange design choice but ok when it comes to heavy weapons that you Taurus does not hold back not only does it come with the usual heavy focus cannon which is now almost capital ship caliber and able to melt through five feet of concrete with enough power to level an entire city but also a significantly upgraded anti-air sweet when compared to the Protoss this heavy anti-aircraft swatting device for small and even larger aircraft but aim to distract a scarab it's also far more maneuverable than all previous iterations its legs feature more joints which allow it to climb terrain as steep as 45 degrees turn on the spot and even reposition quite easily as for battlefield insertion the addition of thrusters on the underbelly allow it to be dropped seemingly from any height from a covenant capital ship and land softly with no damage to a suspension or body that said however I imagine that during insertion if any infantry are stationed on the scarab the inner Bay and command center look a bit like a snow globe when you shake it a bit too hard a really dangerous and bloody snow globe however these improvements of the scarabs agility come at a cost the armour plating on the legs is now extremely susceptible to heavy weapons and if destroyed temporarily disables the entire platform causing it to lower its body to the ground which allows any would-be intruder to infiltrate it via the bay now if this of course entirely hypothetical intruder were to successfully fight his or her way through the infantry on board and make it to the core then this behemoth is toast extremely extremely burnt toast all it takes is small arms fire to knock out the shield protecting the core and then destroy the core itself which causes the Scarab systems to start loading eventually leading to a massive explosion that can be seen from orbit and the destruction of the platform in its entirety it turns out that 50 Cal and Rockets actually do work I'm sure Michelle Rodriguez is over the moon but only against the de toros ah finally a scarab of culture the banished scarab is without a shadow of a doubt my favorite iteration of the scarab from design to seeing it in practice it just looks so damn menacing and aggressive honestly the perfect scarab design if you ask me but that's enough gushing for one video what law is there for a hit well not much to be quite honest there's surprisingly very little known about this model obviously just like everything banished it's a heavily modified ex Covenant scarab now the model that it's based on is an own entirely unknown and to be quite honest it doesn't really look like any existing model if I had to guess I'd say maybe the type 47 BD Toras but even still it looks really different so we don't know which one is based on like usual its received a new coat of paint armored weapon system mr. fences whose just about everything in fact of all the tools in a banished Armada their scarab is arguably the most different to their former militaries its entire body and legs are now draped in heavy grey and red metal plating offering immense protection and patching up some of the vulnerabilities present in the du Taurus model notably its leg joints the inner layout of this design is totally unknown but now instead of a doorway that leads to the upper level there's a hatch providing an airtight cockpit and allowing for amphibious travel just like all the prior models this beast is still controlled by let go low worms but of course with banished supervisors on hand to ensure that they don't do anything too crazy and despite its incredibly strong and heavy armor plating it's arguably the most agile scarab ever created able to easily traverse all terrains and obstacles nowhere is safe from the banished Gharib and then to further that it's armaments and combat defenses are arguably the most effective of all the models as well the focus cannon is heavily modified now firing an unstable beam of superheated plasma so unstable in fact that plasma can even be seen sort of dripping out of the cannon barrel when not in use given the scarab is really intimidating and almost primitive aesthetic to combat aircraft the typical AAA turret has been swapped out for six Thrasher surface-to-air missile pods which are able to be retracted into the main body of the scarab when not in use for protection now obviously if they weren't and one of them was shot and exploded then it caused a pretty big chain reaction and the scarab would again be burnt toast if the scarab is become and a heavy fire it can even activate a defensive shield that I think works kind of like a jackal shield creating a linear energy field that protects it from ballistics and also explosives but that's just my theory either way it's a massive shield to protect set what isn't a theory however is just how much more intimidating this makes the scarab not only is it an offensive powerhouse but it now has ample defenses that allow it to continue its plasma fuelled rampage for as long as it wants and as if the banished scarab wasn't already enough of a powerhouse Voridis one of a trio axes lieutenants within the banish'd have a particular fascination with infusion gel and decided one day to combine it with the scarab to create something even more terrifying so what is infusion gel well if I can just for one second put on my nerd glasses it's a he perfected form of energetic meta materials and a strained bond lattices used in fuel rods and one of the materials that's put throughout the arcs great rivers to keep the installation functioning okay so that all sounds pretty harmless right well Voridis took this infusion gel and kind of modified it a little bit creating a corrosive and mutagenic sludge when used and then he took this weird gel get in massive apps bolted those vats to the side of the scarab and augmented its plasma beam with them creating the banished volatile scarab by augmenting the beam this way void has created a scarab that leaves behind lethal pools of the gel wherever the beam touches so if somehow the beam doesn't kill you then the gel almost certainly will do in a much more horrific and gruesome way that said as evil as this may sound Voridis may have just created the perfect antiparasite stirrup just some some food for thought there and that my friends just about caused it that's every single known scarab model in the Halo universe I mean there are definitely more out there humanity only really encountered a tiny percentage of what the Covenant had to offer during the war so hopefully one day we see some different models start to pop up oh and before three please if the banished are in Halo Infinite don't you dare not include the banished scarab that would be nothing short of heresy and so with all that pretty bluntly said we had a pretty big influx the other day in patrons so thank you thank you guys so much zinc Helios James and zigzag writer Oh - thank you very much for becoming primordial and iconic ones respectively thank you to everyone who continues to support me over there and thank you all so much for watching I really do appreciate it and I'll catch you all in the next one [Music]
Channel: HiddenXperia
Views: 495,006
Rating: 4.9157424 out of 5
Keywords: halo, halo 2 anniversary, halo 2, halo 2 pc, halo 2 anniversary pc, halo 2 mcc, halo master chief collection pc, halo scarabs, halo 2 scarab, halo 3 scarab, halo lore, halo 2 lore, halo 2 anniversary legendary, halo wars, halo wars 2, halo scarab lore, halo covenant lore, halo infinite, xbox series x, hiddenxperia, halo 5, halo 3, halo 3 pc, 343 industries, bungie, halo pc, halo 2 annversary pc gameplay
Id: S77vHJ6jzMo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 2sec (1142 seconds)
Published: Mon May 11 2020
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