The Life of the Most Powerful Elite in Halo who TERRIFIED the Prophets and was sent into EXILE

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👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Xytan_Jar__Wattinree 📅︎︎ Jun 06 2020 đź—«︎ replies

Ya know, I’ve been slowly developing as issue with these types of channels.

Now these channels—this one especially—got me into the lore, but once I got into the lore I realised these videos pretty much just read out the plots of the books they’re talking about and not much else.

A lot of their older vids were talking about whole segments of the lore with theories and shit, but they’ve talked about so much of it that they end up having to resort to finding the most niche things and just reading out what it is and nothing else. Because they’ve already covered everything else.

And it’s even more apparent when a new book or comic comes out, because then all of their new “lore topics” are centred around that new release. It feels a bit depressing really, that they’ve almost fully exhausted their resource.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/SilencedGamer 📅︎︎ Jun 07 2020 đź—«︎ replies
hey guys welcome back today's video is quite special very few things have ever terrified the hierarchs truth mercy and regrets were ruthless power-hungry politicians who lied their way to the apex of covenant leadership they manipulated all races within the Covenant including their own in that pursuit of power making countless enemies and even a spot in one of the bloodiest wars in galactic history along the way but never once were they ever fearful for their lives never once did any organization or group or god forbid any individual terrify them into fearing for their lives and more importantly their power except for one elite an elite so powerful the prophets banished him into exile because of the risk he posed to that power he was the only one within the entire covenant who the hierarchs legitimately believed could destroy their societal and political ivory tower that they built and usurped them from their thrones atop the Covenant this elite almost universally considered to be the most revered and powerful elite in the history of their species was ones item jaw what Henry and in today's video we are gonna dive into the life of this incredible elite why he was so revered and powerful his battle history his exile and relationship with the Covenant and his unfortunate demise Jace to Tommy Hayden for recommending this video I did already have it on my to do list for my videos I've had it on there for a while now but Tommy just spurred me on so thanks for that deed also apologies if my voice sounds off in this video I'm currently suffering quite bad from allergies so not much I can do about that I'm afraid so if you enjoy the video then you know the drill by now don't forget to leave a like subscribe if you're new I can assure you it's worth it and don't forget to follow the twitch trust hitting follow is a choice as important as firing the array during a flood outbreak now let's kick this bad boy off so who exactly was Zeitung Jowitt in rien how did he become so revered in the first place well he was the only known Imperial Admiral in the entire covenant a role that embodied his incredible status as an elite as Imperial Admiral he wouldn't manded the entire Covenant Navy now there were likely more who did hold this rank but his eye Tan was the only one ever encountered by the UNSC so for now he's the only Imperial Admiral he was described as quite literally a living legend practically worshiped by other elite because of his accomplishments and status he was everything that made a great leader and more confident charismatic intelligent powerful cunning throughout his entire career he never wouldn't suffered a defeat never failed at any task regardless of his difficulty and was never found to be wrong but most importantly he never let any of this get to his head as the leader of all of the elites within the Covenant and later following the Great Schism the de facto leader of the elite separatist forces he inspired powerful and high ranking survivors of this great betrayal to continue that devout beliefs in the great journey regardless and so as you can probably imagine he was also an extreme religious zealot valuing the great journey above even the lives and sanctity of the hierarchs something they despised literally everything about this elite just Exuma superiority even the way he held meetings with ship masters within his fleet gave off this aura of extreme power and confidence and inspired great fervor in his subordinates addressing them all via hologram from the Eurasian Chamber of a super courier the sublime transcendence his holographic projection towered over 30 metres tall above them with image replications made so his face was represented at four different angles able to address large crowds simultaneously and this level of superiority that emanated from the Admiral even embodied by his physical stature on top of everything else he was significantly taller than pretty much any other known elite standing at over three and a half meters tall roughly 11 and a half feet and draped in extremely intimidating sacred ornate armor ultra strong silver plating covers most of his body covered in gold foreigner glyphs of sacred mystery and on his head sits in even more ornate counselor inspired headdress once again lined with holy gold plating and designed such that it only increases his already giant-like stature to put it lightly sight enjoy what Henry was an exceptional warrior honestly nothing short of a demigod the most powerful elite to ever exist and the most decorated within the entire species seen by many as Italy flawless the perfect elite however ironically it was this status that would create his only flaw ironic he in fact became so revered within the Covenant that the hierarchs saw him as a direct threat to that power when the Great Schism began truth mercy and regret undoubtedly knew the havoc he could cause both in naval combat and on the ground inspiring members of the Covenant to turn on their former leaders and fight beside him he had all the makings of their perfect leader was far more capable than the prophets and I think on some level even the prophets themselves knew that and so Imperial Admirals sight and jaw with Henry was exiled to command the combined fleet of righteous purpose on the fringes of covenant space and just like that as they had done before to one she would threaten their power and as they would lead to do to fill Werdum the prophets disposed of yet another potential usurper as Admiral of his new fleet his orders were simple and he was vastly overqualified for them defend the fringes of covenant space from any would-be invaders a disgrace to his honor and his battle history however at the outbreak of the Great Schism Zion would once again return to lead his species with honor and distinction on November 3rd 25:52 the Covenant were officially plunged into an ultimately fatal Civil War and so Zhytomyr summoned his entire fleet along with any available and still intact elite ships that received his message to the Covenant outer colony of joyous exultation over 200 vessels arrived and 30 ship masters were invited to meet with him as representatives of their ships and fleets their Zion announced that they had been betrayed by those they trusted the most betrayed by their prophets he's 30 meter tall hologram shaking both fists as his voice firmed throughout the bridges of 30 proud vessels the Admiral inspired such awe in his listeners that they dare not speak he continued to berate the covenant for forcing their honorable species to live in constant lie and then suffer destruction at the hands of the leaders so many died to protect the Holy Writ of Union that marked peace between the wounds warring elite and prophets and also the formation of the covenant had been split asunder and the covenant had reached its end normally words like these would be considered the darkest of heresy but now they were truth he then proposed the formation of a new covenant Zion knew these elites were still believers in the great journey as was he and together they could form a new version of the covenant free from the shackles of their betrayers to complete the great journey together a proposition that was met with thunderous applause and approval by all ship masters in the congregation all besides one this elite was Varro Manta Cree the ship master of the heavy cruiser the incorruptible he was stationed at high charity when Astor schism began and went through quite the ordeal there he was forced to kill his ship's former master tan Owen and Rory who believed they should allow the flood on board to consume them all because he believed they were a creation of the foreigners and thus holy and their infection by them was a sacred act then once he had usurped his former ship master mentor and friend who had clearly gone insane he engaged in combat with both brute controlled ships and flood controlled ships in the orbit of Delta halo before fleeing the madness of the Halos orbit to answer the Imperial Admirals call anyway back at the meeting the Admiral noticed that man that we showed disapproval and back in the shipmaster up to the podium to speak before the group certain as I turn would quickly execute him for his disagreement extreme worry began to build up inside him however when Zeitung addressed him as the hero of the battle for the second ring of the gods and de facto leader of his fleet he became overwhelmed with honor still fearful but basking in the honor of such a righteous titled nonetheless he addressed the crowd now appearing as a holographic Titan before them as I tunnel instead firstly he came out in total agreement with Zeitung the treacherous brutes and all who allied with them must be destroyed however the brutes the prophets what remained of the covenant were simply an insignificant threat compared to the one that was currently rapidly spreading across Delta halo the flood man decree warned the ship masters and the Admiral that if they were to not address the parasite of which was on track to consume the entirety of the sacred ring and had already spread on ships the high charity than any action they would take against the brutes and their allies would be redundant the parasite was the ultimate threat to their survival and had to be their number one priority sytem waved Manta Creed down from the podium and the Admiral took center stage once more he stated that the ship masters words were wisdom but then in the same breath announced that he had summoned the leadership of all the brute alpha tribes to their location under a banner of truce now of course there was instantly an uproar but when his itan elaborated all became clear of course it was bait to quickly deal with the brutes so they could waste no time in shifting their focus to the parasite once all the brutal leaders were dead their forces were essentially decapitated and there was no third party left who could stop them from eradicating the flirt and the council agreed entirely he then brought out an old wiser lead to brief them on the planet per Ola on Monroe when his personal adviser to the prophet of regret Corolla announced humans who had destroyed the first sacred ring and desecrated the second had now discovered another ancient for inner world onyx and one of their suits based transmissions had been intercepted and translators parasitic infestation known as the flood has contaminated this construct attempting to escape the known coordinating intelligence suggests fleet comm Nova bomb Delta halo followed by the humanist orders send elite strike team to recover technological assets from onyx send Spartans outraged murmurs could be heard among the crowd and Varro deciphered the word Spartans as the vile demons who had already reached far too much havoc across the galaxy site an then issued his orders this heresy could not be ignored for both dogmatic and strategic reasons and the holy artifacts of Onyx must be protected from the demons at all costs given their history of destroying them so they could later be used to help with their impending struggles he then did something unprecedented on the spot he promoted shipmaster forum and decree to fleet master Varro norm and decree and ordered that he lead his new feet the second feet of homogeneous clarity to onyx to slay the demons and retrieve the artifacts on the surface Varro was extremely honored but deep down he wondered if Zion had ulterior motives with this promotion spoilers he did in fact in promoting Varro he had simply demonstrated his superior intellect Varro had challenged his orders with wise words sites on himself genuinely believed them to be wise but he knew that one elite in disagreement among 29 others in agreement was simply incompatible and so he had done what the prophets did to him exiled Varro for challenging his leadership oh so he thought either way though whether it was done with an ulterior motive or as a genuine reward for his wise words was ultimately redundant he on board the supercarrier the sublime transcendence were a number of engineers and a grunt by the name of qua sus know the irony of that name is not lost on me the day of the grand meeting between all the elites quasi still deep into the bowels of the ship where the engineers worked and found them playing with a large shiny cylindrical machine they had its hull opened up and were messing around with the wires inside it and so qua sauce went up and started pressing random buttons inside it that just happened to be flashing and suddenly a human started speaking from it beginning midway through a sentence he understood what the human was saying but didn't know what it meant and the words went as followed I am Vice Admiral Danforth Whitcomb temporarily in command of the UNSC military base reach to the covenant uglies that might be listening you have a few seconds to pray to your damned heathen gods as the message cut out the engineers let out an ear piercing screech and rushed to the Machine and began soldering wires together with Sparks and the device was turned on when it's more now showing red symbols on the display and speaking with us again this time playing the part of the message that was originally cut off this is the prototype Nova bomb 9 fusion warheads encased in lithium schreiter I'd armor when detonated it compresses its fusional material to neutron star density boosting the thermonuclear yield a hundredfold this is Vice Admiral Danforth Whitcomb and then there was a blinding flash of light followed by a glorious wave of heat then nothing just as Varro and his new fleet had left a system on route 2 onyx the engineers had accidentally activated a nova bomb the most powerful warhead in human history on board site an Jowitt in aries supercarrier the resulting blast was absolutely cataclysmic both North and South Poles of Joy's exultation the planet we'll let destabilizing its atmosphere and melting its entire surface before igniting it the nearby moon mĂĽlheim were shattered into a billion fragments the overpressure force of the explosion subsided sending a 300 kilometer speed of wind across the surface of the planet obliterating cities and creating vast tsunamis but most importantly every single ship on this side of joyous exultation was boiled and vaporized in an instant over 200 ships carrying maybe even millions of holy warriors ready to take the fight to the Covenant defeat their betrayers then annihilate the parasite and begin the great journey were all boiled and vaporized in an instant and with them the most powerful elite in their species history Zeitung ja what Henry what an unfitting end for such a figure quite ironic in a way if you ask me he was the most notorious revered figure not only within his entire species but arguably within the entire covenant as well who was poised to bring a swift end to the entire hegemony one much swifter than the arbiter dealt them and he met his end thanks to an overly curious engineer and a fiddling grunt what an utter shame what a disgrace to his legacy can I please get a massive F in the comments please for imperial admirals iton ja what Henry but that at the end of this one I'm not about to leave you hanging with Varro's story what happened to Thoreau nah man Terry well when they arrived at Onix they were denied access by the planet Sentinels which led to a short conflict with them one of their ships were destroyed but they were able to combat the Sentinels that remain fairly easily a destroyer within the fleet the absolution was then sent to jump to the north pole of the planet where upon arrival it was immediately greeted with even more sentinels and immediately destroyed to counteract this man decree ordered the rest of the fleet to move into the atmosphere where they faced little resistance but ultimately it detected another covenant ship on the planet the bloodied spirit of which had been captured by the humans sometime prior and he prepared to lead an assault on its location alongside all the remaining reserve troops in the fleet leading the assault in what ended up being an ancient foreigner city on the planet Manta Cree along with his hunter companions pursued the spot in twos and threes aided by a number of a legendary elites known for their valour and savagery for extra protection against the demons he actually ordered all of his elites to carry jackal shields now as weird as this might sound he was prepared to do just about anything to ensure the humans did not destroy onyx as they had done the first sacred ring when they reached the antechamber of the core room of the planet all they found was one Spartan Kurt 0/5 one who had been mortally wounded and was bleeding out as he was preparing to grant a Spartan an honorable death with his energy sword Kurt revealed his trap card to stripped-down Fenris nuclear warheads after man decree had finished rejoicing to Kurt that he had captured onyx for the covenant the humans had failed and that when he was dead they would reopen the portal that his demon brothers and sisters had escaped through only minutes prior and hunt them to the last Kurt started laughing before saying die didn't you know Spartans never die and detonating the warheads killing every single covenant ugly and denying them access to the wealth of artifacts in the shield world and that is the extended story of the most powerful elite in the Halo universe seitan JA what Henry also Varro no Manta kriyas well it's a real shame you know that he went out the way that he did I mean I would have loved to have seen him take the fight to the Covenant and absolutely demolish them I mean hell maybe he even would have temporarily struck a bargain with the arbiter and artist and formed a temporary alliance with the swords of San Helios to take them down I mean I doubt he would have actually joined the swords considering they directly opposed the great journey that he's still worshipped but I don't know see them work together would have been kind of cool yeah also rest in peace foreign amantha Kree as well he faltered where's item never did by letting his power get to his head and ended up being vaporized too just like Zion as a consequence F in the chat but yeah that's all there is for today's law I hope you guys enjoyed huge thank you to everyone over on patreon as per usual for the continued support over there and also thank you all so much for watching I really do appreciate it and I'll catch you all in the next one you [Music]
Channel: HiddenXperia
Views: 619,938
Rating: 4.9498377 out of 5
Keywords: halo 2, halo, halo lore, halo 2 pc, halo mcc, halo pc, halo master chief collection, halo mcc pc, hiddenxperia, 343 industries, gaming, halo 3 pc, halo 2 anniversary, halo 2 anniversary pc, halo elites, halo covenant, halo elite lore, halo ghosts of onyx, halo music, halo ships, halo infinite, halo news, xbox, xbox series x, halo spartans, halo blue team, halo prophets, the most powerful elite halo, halo unsc, halo gameplay, halo 2 rebalanced, halo 2 rtx
Id: 9atnLD5HpAs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 41sec (1241 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 06 2020
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