ONI's deadliest Spartans - THE HEADHUNTERS

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the Office of Naval Intelligence are no strangers to black ink only operatives work under the director that their missions don't exist and what little information is made public about the office is just a fraction of what goes on beneath the surface one such example of which resides within the Spartan 3s a small group of elite covert Spartans codenamed headhunters to all but a few the headhunters were ghosts their mission was classified under the highest of orders they didn't get the glory the Spartans used if instead they lived fought and died with only the admiration of those view who even knew they existed their missions are similar to those of modern-day paratroopers inserting behind enemy lines quietly providing reconnaissance and disrupting enemy forces except the headhunters do all of this with a hint of assassin often provided with the names and coordinates of covenant HVT spa locations by only these ghosts are sent in an order to eliminate the target or inflict as much damage as possible regarded to as government-sanctioned sociopaths by some within the team these Spartans more than earn such a title the headhunters were conceived after the worry that losing large groups of Spartans at a time whether war with the Covenant was perceived as a losing battle could Turman to reality this led to the team's being limited to two Spartans in size codenamed binary sports with some headhunters even being sent out on operations alone codenamed lone wolf missions Spartans were assessed by only beta 5 a highly secretive group within only Section three responsible for operating the Spartan 3 program to become head hunters the already veteran Spartan threes had to have survived at least two specially assigned training mission before having their mission reports and entire life records from the day of their birth up until their activities in the last 24 hours scanned this data was then analyzed by only top specialists who ultimately selected only 17 Spartans out of the 1200 Spartan 3s to fill six two-man teams with five reserves on the side ready to fill in for those that were killed in action those members are reflective of the requirements to join the team the selected Spartans were then shipped to a special training facility on onyx where they underwent elite training before being paired with another headhunter based on evaluations and interviews that aim to find the most effective pairs of assassins a Spartans were then outfitted with armor and equipment that best suited their roles with most of them choosing to wear enhanced SPI armor as the post in the regular may on air this armor was more fitted the stealth of core talent of the head hunters but was superior to the more mainstream FBI suits used by other Spartan threes the head hunters SPI featured energy shields advisor technology motion trackers and a prototype active camouflage module developed by the UNSC as opposed to the Covenant using photo reactive panels instead of the Covenant used energy field active camouflage units that were typically found in the field due to the nature of their operation mr. weaponry used by headhunters tended to be quiet yet lethal weapon is like the suppressed Magnum suppressed SMG and sniper rifles were favored with remote defamation charges being used on a sermon sabotage missions the sad reality of the headhunters like most Spartan threes in fact was that death during missions wasn't only a possibility it was a likelihood the mission is they were sent on was suicidal failure and death were factored into the outcome and the only hope was that the Spartans were able to do as much damage as possible before their time came [Music] the identity of most of the headhunters remains shrouded in only mystery however we do know the identity of three of the 70-year jonah b203 roland b210 and june a two six six Jonah and Roland served as a binary squad of headhunters sent to a Covenant held moon on which they seemed to be digging for a hidden artifact the two were ordered to destroy six base camps surrounding the dig site to sabotage the Covenant plans and then ultimately paved the way for a full-scale Spartan 3 assault Jonah was the tactician of the giro we're favoring his custom combat knife in close quarters combat whereas Roland was the sadistic warrior who took no greater pleasure than that of annihilating the covenant sounds a lot like another Spartan 3 that we know the diro were relatively successful in completing their objective but both met their fate ironically at the hand of their elite counterparts the sang Healy silent shadow this division of elite warriors contained the holiest and deadliest of their kind sent on assassination and extraction missions for the prophets before turning their deadliness on the groups during the Great Schism now if you'd like we threw a video on these guys then let me know in the comments because they are quite similar to the headhunters in quite a few ways Jonah and Roland's abilities personas and attitudes demonstrated the exact type of Spartan the headhunters were made of quiet deadly confident and not afraid of death the only other known headhunter was June the same June that served in mobile team during the fall of reach who made it off the planet and then eventually became a Spartan for program recruiter like much of his career June time as a headhunter is covered in black ink and top-secret stamps and June himself rarely even speaks of it of what little but we do know June's performance as a headhunter was exemplary one of the best many of his ops hadn't served as a piece key hunting down and assassinating insurrectionist leaders who continued their terroristic activities after the peace treaties were signed between the UNSC and rebel factions after the first hostile contact with a covenant we really really need more information on mobile team like really badly following humanity's victory in the human covenant war and the onset of the Spartan 4 program the headhunter program remained active only still retain a very select list of spartan 3 years and now spartan 4 operatives who can be called upon to serve as headhunters binary and lone wolf teams still remain the norm though the program itself has undergone some changes and adjustments although most of these changes do remain classified as is the only way a few details have been revealed notably armored details now the Spartan 4 headhunters have their own specific set of Gen 2 armored war Master armored built specifically for the needs and requirements of head into operations the armor is built with improved resiliency mobility and speed and helmet is crafted in such a way that intimidation tactics are opened up to the user fear is a consistent element to the head hunters new specialized armor sets and non emanate fear more than wrath the gentian of a meals custom evie a armor the helmet comes complete with a meals trademark crew cry extol now nicknamed deaths head that was recreated as accurately as humanly possible the armor comes as a meal woried and started out as an upgrade to the base Mach 5 sued before secretly morphing into the beginning of a new moon a variant crafted to directly satisfy the needs of future head into squads seeing as a new me on a variant has been created solely for the head hunters I'd say that only have plans for them in the near future and that their numbers are very likely to increase past two figures but no matter how large the number of the ghosts grow their operations will always factor in certain death and only will ensure their missions always remain under the blackest of ink so thanks a lot for watching guys I really hope you enjoyed this video I put quite a lot of working time into structuring the video differently and presenting the information in a different and sort of more serious and unique way so I hope that it made for a fun and informative watch if you want to see me do a similar type of video in the same fashion about the Covenant equivalent of the headhunters be silent shadow then be sure to make it known in the comments and also with the lights down below thank you very much guys as usual I want to give a big THANK YOU to ardent tomahawk Taylor Evan Lucas Momo Shikata foxy maoli Matthew Pierre Manu Jack Patton Stefan Kasich Eric Brown Sam Grafton Reagan sink and burn 98 for their generous support over on patreon thanks a lot for watching guys and I'll catch you in the next one
Channel: HiddenXperia
Views: 1,743,366
Rating: 4.9297996 out of 5
Keywords: Halo Spartans, Halo ONI, Office of Naval Intelligence, Halo Headhunters, Halo Reach, Halo Emile, Halo Noble Team, Halo Spartan IIIs, Halo Jun, Halo assassins, Halo lore, Halo Spartan lore, creepy Halo lore, disturbing Halo lore, Halo Flood, Halo covenant, Halo 3 ODST, Halo ODSTs, Halo Spartan program, Halo trailers, Halo Infinite, Halo Headhunter lore, Halo Silent Shadow, Silent Shadow Elites, Halo Prophets
Id: z7NHd-_AQOM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 57sec (537 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 20 2018
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