The Elite who SECRETLY HUNTED Master Chief during Halo: Combat Evolved

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hey guys welcome back what if I told you that during the entire campaign of halo combat Evolved you were secretly being stalked what if I told you that there was an elite with a personal vendetta and will to assassinate you who at all times was only one step behind you what if I told you that many of the enemy encounters that you faced during the campaign weren't random in fact they were orchestrated traps set up by this elite to assassinate you what if I told you that this elite is one of the few and easily most-significant named covenant characters in the entire game and that we even fought him what if I told you that this elite had a pet grunt what if I told you that I'm gonna stop saying what if I told you and get on with the video that's right folks today we are taking a look at the divine operations of one zuka zama me an elite spec ops officer who received personal blessings by the prophets to carry out his duties and seek revenge on the demon Lucas story begins during the read on the pillar of autumn he led a small but aloof of grunts into the ship where he initially encountered Chief and Cortana trying to escape realizing this was one of the heretical demons Zuko was quick to engage but chief was even quicker to retaliate shooting be elite in the face with his Magnum the 12.7 millimeter round went straight through the elites visor but only managed to skim his head before coming to a stop at the back of his helmet knocking him clean out as I'm sure you can imagine in his absence all of his grunts were also massacred poor guys as Keyes took the autumn on a one-way trip down to the ring and the chaos on it continued to Inhumans lay there and conscious but his story was not over yet a group of grunts timid and afraid of meeting their end on this demon ship stumbled across his body initially hesitant to save him their leader one urap realized that if they were to escort him to safety on a lifeboat they could not only avoid combat but also their inevitable death so yup along with the four of the guerrillas in his squad each grabbed a limb and dragged zuka zama me to safety however little did ye up know in avoiding this battle he just signed his own grantee death warrant when Asuka eventually awoke he honored the Grint with the role of his new assistant considering that his previous one was unfortunately massacred on board the autumn now being a spec ops officer blessed personally by the prophets Zuka was relentless he was essentially a fanatic awarded his rank for his limitless willingness to risk not only his own life but that of his squad as well to further the great journey and yet Yop had no choice but to accept the offer and with one of Halo his most prominent iconic DeRose now formed Zuka Letty I up in on his plan to seek revenge on the demon who he told the Grint that he believed the human who wounded him was such a capable warrior that he poses not only a threat to himself but also to the entire battle group and that if the records were to be believed he may very well be a demon solely responsible for the death of thousands of holy warriors however he vowed that these would be this demon this final days he met with the Council of masters on board the truth and reconciliation and proposed his plan to hunt and kill this warrior before any more holy blood could be spilt now initially the council were actually split so her olla me an elite aristocrats turned down the idea but after the demon was successful read of the ship and saving captain keys his tune very quickly changed and the council blessed Zuka to carry out this holy mission but before zookas divine mission begins I want to thank recon for sponsoring this video they were kind enough to send me some of their e 25 wireless earbuds to try out and these puppies sport premium sound quality and yet they're half the price of other premium brands so want to ensure that you're never being tracked by one of the prophets holy zealots then go to buy recon comm stash hidden experior or just click the link at the top of the description to get an amazing bike Friday deal the recon is that I have are the e25 so not only are they perfect for listening to music or halo audio books on the go but they're also super sleek in their design they come in a range of different colors and they're totally wireless offering peak maneuverability style and quality no matter which installation shield world or colony you're using them on so go to buy recon comm such hidden experior or hit the link in the description to check out some great Black Friday deals on Raycom thank you very much to recon for sponsoring this video and for allowing me to continue creating iconic halo content his first attempt at revenge was the following day at the silent cartographer inside the cartographer security Center he stationed two hunters and a squad of grunts and a yachts command ready to ambush chief when he ventured into the dark facility the grins ended up proving a total liability one of them going by the name of Ling Glynn even went so far as to accidentally fire an overcharge plasma pistol into the back of a hunter instantly killing it and letting chief overwhelmed the ambush team he slaughtered the grunts and also the last hunter decapitated Ling Lin and then made his way through the facility azúcar and Yap hid in a cargo pot this marked their first failure something the council would not take lightly when he reported back to them he was given one last attempt before he was gravely punished for his failures the profit of stewardship a bleed member of the council even brandished the decapitated head of the aristocrats rolla me the headed for his failure to prevent the flood outbreak on the ring this was the true price that the Zuka would pay should he fail once more so he changed up his game plan instead of laying traps he decided to conduct an infiltration mission he arranged for Yap to be captured by the humans and taken to that primary base of operations on the ring alpha base so he could then alert the elite of Chiefs arrival there so the invasion could begin to ensure that his capture was as authentic as possible Yop was beaten up and left bloody and bruised next two were destroyed ghosts and also given a fitting cut a story should he be interrogated after about five hours of just lying there waiting for something that he wasn't even sure would happen he heard and then smelt approaching humans they checked him over for fatal injuries and then hogtied the poor lil bastard and put him in the back of a warthog on roots to alpha base meanwhile Zuko was watching from the shadows pretty pleased with himself the first part of his plan had succeeded the bases invasion and the death of the demon were now inevitable samal was later in the dead of night a mysterious transmission came into alpha base from a pelican Charlie 2:17 now what made this transition mysterious was that Charlie 217 have been missing in action since the autumn crushed on the ring two days prior doubting the transmissions legitimacy alpha requested Charlie's pilot identify their name rank and serial number retail serial number eight seven six five four four three two one it seemed entirely legit but just to make sure the base was put on high alert and the reaction force was sent to landing pad three to greet Charlie 2:17 as a precautionary measure only they knew what Charlie 2:17 was really harboring once Rick concluded his transmission and turn off his mic he turned to his co-pilot bazooka zama me when the autumn had come down the crew of the 217 had been captured by the Covenant and to get into the base he'd been used as a decoy bazooka to trick the humans and it had worked so far his plan was working almost flawlessly in a seeming out of character moment for a covenant fanatic such as himself he actually told hey or that he'd done a good job and thanked in which in itself would have been a pretty worrying sign to the lieutenant before dropping a green circle of light around his neck before Rick could react to what it was Zuka pulled two handles on either side of the circle which tightened a sharp wire around the pilots neck this contraption was an energy garage and he held it tightly around his neck until the pilot stopped kicking and when he did a strange foul stench emanated from his body he'd soiled himself lovely Zuko then went into the cargo bay to brief his squad a squad of thirty SpecOps Alize all armed with active camouflage units and weapons and trained for infiltration their job to capture six pelican landing pads in the base and hold them into covenant reinforcements could arrive before they landed there and before their mission began as you could told them to remember this moment that this battle this victory is one that will be woven into their families battle poems to be sewn by generations to come he told him that the prophets had blessed this mission and that they blessed them personally and that those who transcend the physical will be welcomed into paradise and with that the Pelican touched down on landing pad 3 and the invasion was ready to begin yup listen from his cell three levels down as the battle begun six hours prior he'd activated his transponder indicating that he'd seen chief in the face this however wasn't the be-all end-all yab was convinced that chief had left the base before the invasion began which was actually correct but nevertheless Zama me came to free him and asked him where the demon was and he lied saying that he was guarding the Banshees the humans have stolen however by this point the invasion of the base was not going as planned Zama may had been monitoring the command net keeping close tabs on the how it was going and the humans were putting up a much more relentless defense than he'd expected on their way to the Banshees Lucas plasma rifle overheated with a swirl of Marines pushing on his position he had a brief moment of almost assurance knowing that this was the moment that he died but at the last second yup tossed the plasma grenade which stuck one of the Marines and decimated the entire squad saving the elite with no time to thank him they've kept moving until they reach the Banshees where it turned out they were entirely unguarded this sent Zuka into a fit of rage threatening to kill Jaap for lying to him but yup mustering all of his great courage actually aimed his plasma pistol at the elites head and explained that he had no idea personally how to fly a banshee but he knew that the zoo cadet and with how badly the invasion was going and also how much he didn't want to die he proposed that the two just flee for their lives now normally this is something that Zuko would have absolutely just not tolerated it was one of the most dishonorable things that was ever possible he probably would have just executed Yap right there and then in most situations but this wasn't most situations he knew full well that if he went back to the council with another failure under his belt they would have had his head so he had no choice but to comply and you hopped in the Banshee and fled the battlefield however they could only remain on the run from the Covenant for so long they needed food water and most importantly me thean and the only place they could get those supplies was a covenant camp the closest of which happened to be in a crash site of the pillar of autumn so they decided to undertake the identities of warriors that died at alpha base and pretend to have been captured by the humans but managed to escape so they could easily integrate themselves into the camp without anyone realizing that Zuka was essentially a dishonorable elite who fled the battlefield and who the council would more than likely execute for such a thing however much of the content of both suka and yap-yap plan worked flawlessly and the two began undertaking tasks for the commander at the camp until something absolutely monumental occurred the demon arrived at the ship they were already having trouble with the flood finding new ways to constantly break into the ship but now the demon had arrived the commander was getting increasingly confused frustrated and more so than anything secretly frightened he needed rid of this threat and when he proposed that one of his elites hunt him down samih me was the first to offer and within minutes he'd left the briefing and a hunt was on he ordered Yap to remain in the communication center so he could provide him with all the necessary information to hunt down the Spartan which was really a blessing in disguise for the grunt the furthest he could be away from the combat the better the plan was for Yap to find out where the Spartan was gonna be heading next as opposed of discovering his current location so that then Zuka could lay a trap now it didn't work first time but I guess second time's the charm right when yup heard that chief was going to be leaving the ship via lyft V - 1 to 69 he immediately lets you canõt suddenly feeling a strange sense of affection towards the elite after thanking him Yop told him to be careful before ending the call now full well that would more than likely be the last time that he'd ever speak to the elite considering what the two had been through that's kind of a sad thought with the state of the Covenant and the ship rapidly deteriorating the grymps look after the command office and loaded a day's worth of food and the tank of methane onto a ghost before driving away from the autumn into the sunset feeling for the first time a true sense of peace and for the first time in days feeling genuinely happy how wholesome anyway he's back on the ship Cortana called up the exact service elevator that Yap had predicted and as it reached the top chief was greeted by Zaman II mounted on a shade turret alongside a squad of grunts although initially the fight looked to be vastly in Sam amis fever the tide quickly turned Cortana very sharply dropped the elevator sending it into a freefall and she followed up by rolling a few grenades down the shaft as she fell the grenades launches a mummy out of the shade before hitting the floor snapping his spine and killing him innocently with the last thing he saw before death being the demon and their marks the end of zuka zama me later on when chief blasted out of the hangar bay of the Ottoman a longsword urap watched as the human ship began to explode knowing his time had finally come on the bright side I guess at least before he was engulfed in flame and ejected into space yup got to experience a sense of peace and happiness just one more time and that is the story of zuka zama me and the Yap who tried time after time and failed time after time to kill you during halo combat Evolved now it is worth noting that the final battle between suka and chief was maybe a little bit more underwhelming in the games than in the book because in the book Zuka really had chief pinned in the shade but in in the game nine times out of ten you just nuke him with a need as soon as the elevator doors open ah poor guy I will say they're rereading this story for this video did give me a newfound appreciation for zuker and also Yap as well and honestly this might sound really weird but I did feel kind of sorry for him in the end especially when the IAP said that he felt a small bit of affection toward him because at the end of the day the two had been through absolute hell to try and accomplish a mission and they were both pretty much televisions Zuka on chief and yeh upon just surviving and despite all their efforts they both failed you know what let's pour one out and put an F in the comments for both Yuka and Yap done but never forgotten [Music] so that's all for today if you can wipe the tears from your eyes then maybe consider leaving a like and if you haven't yet then maybe subscribe and hit that curse the bell that YouTube makes us hit for reason mister I don't think I need to go into thanks once again to recon for sponsoring this video with all the drama surrounding that copper thing at the moment 2020 is looking pretty dicey for content creators here on YouTube but sponsorships like this help drastically with keeping us all afloat during the rough times so don't forget to check out the link in the description for a sick Black Friday deal on some pretty great wireless air but I want to give a massive thank you to Toby LaRon solid name right there for becoming a prime audio over on patreon a primordial of the chocolate kind it seems along with of course everyone else and thank you all so much for watching I really appreciate it and now catch you in the next one you
Channel: HiddenXperia
Views: 1,184,888
Rating: 4.845284 out of 5
Keywords: halo lore, halo, halo infinite, halo reach, halo pc, halo mcc, halo combat evolved, halo ce, halo ce pc, halo steam, halo news, halo reach pc release date, halo flood, master chief, halo zuka zamamee, halo yayap, halo prophets, halo covenant, halo elites, halo elite ranks, halo secret, hiddenxperia, halo reach steam, halo the flood, halo secret elite, halo on pc, halo mcc steam, 343 industries, secret halo story, halo pc gameplay, master chief collection
Id: TpafSGbV1fA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 1sec (1081 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 23 2019
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