7 Characters that Should Return in Halo Infinite's Campaign

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hey guys welcome back you want to hear something that'll make you really really mad no well sorry that's the wrong answer if it weren't for the pandemic this week would have been III and by now we would have seen infinite campaign footage gameplay and we'd probably even be playing it but silver linings we're now probably less than a month away from the July reveal event so not long to go now I just hope it's worth the wait anyway in lieu of the fact that the reveal we've all been waiting for for god knows how long now is almost almost within reach I thought today we'd do something a little bit different return to tradition and do a countdown video 7 characters need to return in some capacity in Halo Infinite I've done a few top 3's and a few top fives before and to be honest they went down an absolute treat so I figured today we'd do a top 7 because what number is more trad Halo with than 7 so if at any point you enjoy the video agree with any of my choices or want to see me do more countdown videos like this one then don't forget to leave a like subscribe if a sympathy Lea reason you haven't done so yet and on the blood of Our Fathers on the blood of our sins you swear to follow the twitch let's begin the countdown starting off in the number seven spot we have a man who needs no introduction noble six the end of reach made it very very clear that he didn't die and given the blue team are gonna be going back to reach just prior to halo Infinite I honestly think that few for free will be mind-numbing least if I'm sorry I can't keep that up now I'm sorry I can't I can't continue to say that with any form of sincerity so with that joke that's definitely not past its use-by date yet out of the way let us actually begin the countdown at number seven we have Captain Thomas Lasky for me Lasky is one of the few new characters from the reclaimer saga that I can say that I genuinely really do like his development in Halo four going from a sort of relatively meet commander under the orders of the brash Del Rio to a strong confident captain taking over Del Rio's role and personally ensuring that chief made it inside the mantles approach was such a cool development to watch I mean I still get insane chills hearing his final words before he blows a hole in the ship who sure was my dude chills following Cortana's death he sought became a father figure to chief in a way maybe father figure isn't the right word but he's talked with him on the infinity afterwards showed that he cares for chief more so than any other members of the UNSC I mean I'm not really that surprised considering he literally owes him his life but with chief more than likely having to kill Cortana once and for all in infinite having both Halsey his mother figure and Lasky his father figure present would make for some great development if you ask me there's also the fact that you know he's the captain of the UNSC flagship the infinity which is also guaranteed to play a huge role my only worry is that with it being a soft reboot the few in my opinion good things about P for three's era will be left behind with all of the bad things given the infinite is taking heavy inspiration from Cee however I'd love to see Lasky return in a sort of not reworked but restyled manner sort of in Aki's s Crowell but more intimate than Keyes was inhaler Cee given their history he'd be great to have as like a personal commander or something the one giving you the orders on the battlefield of Zeta halo and then if he were to fill a captain Keys like role we could see him get some field experience as well spot knocks wasn't great by any means but one of the few diamonds in the rough for me was seeing Lasky defend his ship against Promethean invaders seeing him defending infinities crew with a massive shotgun and not being afraid to use it was great and I'd love to see a bit more of that from him and if he were to be keys 2.0 that would definitely be a possibility karma had I can already see the Lasky proto gravemind comments now really the main reason I want to see him back center stage is his relationship with chief and to see how that will evolve and change now that Cortana is big bad space Hitler halo 5 completely let me down on that front along with pretty much every front humanly imaginable Lasky was so ancillary to that game's narrative it was almost insulting after healer for he was essentially pointless in that game and I really don't want to see that happen again oh and also one last thing Darrin O'Hare who voices and does the makeup for luskey played Brad Vickers in the resident evil 3 remake and I really wanna see Brad supporting chief in Halo Infinite in the number six spots we have Chiefs family blue team I will forever be annoyed that of all the Halo games Healing five happened to be blue team's first game we've waited so long to see them in a game and their entry point just so happened to be the worst campaign in the series and I feel like a lot of people sort of generalized their dislike for Halo 5 over to blue team or at least over to the idea of blue team being in the games and I really really disagree with that as somebody who's been reading halo books since like I don't know probably 2003 blue team have a special place in my Halo heart their Chiefs family and if infinite is set somewhere in the 25 60s they will have been serving together for over 40 years so having them present during the war against it created one of the most important Wars any of them will ever fight is only right if you ask me each member of blue team brings something different to the table both narrative Lee and in combat and the way they function as a unit with chief would make for some just incredible spine-tingling moments something he loved I've completely lacked to put it lightly the way that halo 5 treated blue team was an awful representation of their characters and their place in the universe and I really hope halo Infinite can right that wrong however I know what you're all thinking and I wholeheartedly agree halo 5 squad mechanics were awful and they need to stay as far away from halo infinite as possible agreed if anything I feel that the squad mechanics and the constant presence of blue team alongside chief actually weakened their presence in Halo 5 the way I'd handle them in infinite is quite the opposite in fact I'd savor their presence have chief be alone or with like a few marines or ODS teas for most of the campaigns missions just like comedy gold halo 2 halo 3 and Halo 4 and only have him fight alongside blue team for a few missions but make those mission is the most important do-or-die missions in the entire game emphasized that missions Zess is who crucial and the odds are so overwhelming that not even chief could possibly get through it all alone make blue team essential backup if you get me that way you emphasize their presence and the importance of the mission a billion-fold it gives more weight and value to them being there and in doing so it gives more weight and value to the characters oh and also if they are in the game please actually focus on each character's treats this time fred is the knife and a CQC Specialist of blue team Kelly is the fastest Spartan to ever exist and Linda is the best marksman in the entire UNSC and not a single one of those treats received any emphasis or god forbid development in Halo 5 honestly I must look at this concept art of Fred from Halo 5 like maybe women so twice a week and just just cry to myself like we we could have had this this could have been his character design talk about waster potential by flushing out Fred Kelly and Linda's individuality not only are you fleshing out the team as a whole by showing how four very different very unique Spartans work together like the most well-oiled machine in existence but you're also giving each character their own unique identity that fans can attach themselves to I mean that's exactly what Bungie did with noble team and love them or hate them it gives them a massive cult following but still loved them 10 years later I mean the mere fact that people are still obsessed with a meals helmet and still believe that mobile 6 might have survived is proof of that and blue team should receive the same treatment make them as badass and as lethal and as unique as they are in the books and you'll be hard-pressed to find a single person who doesn't end up loving blue team coming in ever number five spots we have one of if not my favorite faction in the entirety of halo the silent shadow now when all those mega bloks toy league started coming out and it was starting to look increasingly more likely that the banish were going to be in Halo Infinite it wasn't a tree ox or let the layer or colony who first came to mind as characters that I was excited to see in a game it was the mere possibility that maybe finally we might see the silent shadow for those who might not know who the silent shadow are there he are basically the elite of the elite a division of SpecOps elite who specialized in assassination and extraction and are pretty damn good at their job to put it lightly typically given orders to assassinate human HVT s like spartan miss for example there are sometimes even ordered to silence heretics and those who betrayed the covenant as well following the human covenant war they dedicated themselves to hunting down and exterminating the brutes however later they encountered a tree Oxana banished he managed to convince them to join their faction and they've been with them ever since so infinite is the best possible opportunity to put these badass elites in a game they'd make for a perfect boss style encounter or hell maybe even as a super rare enemy encounter that only happens on legendary or when you've got mythic turned on or something sort of like the devoted centuries in a way that group of zealots that hunt noble team throughout reaches story having the cellar shadow fill a role like that would be nothing short of perfect and honestly i don't think i need to say anymore everything about them is badass unique and assume is that almost edgy cool factor that people of all varying levels of interest in Halo would love and become attached to their also dying to be fleshed out more and what better way is there to do that than have them play a prominent role in Halo Infinite honestly I could go on forever about these guys they are one of my favorite aspects of halos entire law and the fact that they haven't been in a game yet or even mentioned in a game nothing short of heresy quite honestly but I think I've said all that I need to say c43 if they're banished are in Halo Infinite the silent shadow damn well better be as well that said however if the silent shadow are in Halo infinite then they're going to be hunting you down like a shark in bloody water you're gonna need something to help you stay off the grid to make you absolutely undetectable and boy do I have a 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actually quite mysterious as well in March 25 58 seven months prior to halo 5 he shot down three only prowlers that were trailing his ship a shadow of intent now we don't know why they were trailing him and we don't know what happened to him after that but it's quite the cliffhanger to leave his story on whether it was something to do with oneis continued black ops campaign is to destabilize the elites or whatever is unknown but regardless get this man back in Infinite he was a fantastic leader for the élysée able to rally and inspire them when they were being beaten and Shradha non by the Covenant leadership and then following the Great Schism devoted his life to hunting down and killing all the prophets who survived the fall of the Covenant his history is also one that's heavily intertwined with the flirt as a commander of the Covenant spec ops division he acted as a leader of some of the finest blade masters in the history of their species all of whom looked up to artists as a great leader and later when he became a ship master he dominated brute fleets above the ark which staggered line [ __ ] bastard they outnumber us three to one fight following the war he took up a senior role in the swords of San Helios so regardless of only black ops projects he's still a vital ally to humanity something Bane he'd now more than ever with the created on the rise now I assume that in Halo influent we're gonna be fighting alongside the elites again if Halo 5s ending was anything to go by and what better commander would there be for them than our TAS and when you consider that we're here on Zeta halo the most flood connected location in the entire galaxy it all starts to make too much sense he should have been in Halo 5 but 3 4 3 there is no better time than now to bring our task back into the forefront of halos main story as he was in the original trilogy his character is an absolute badass gives incredible speeches and has one of the most interesting yet painfully brief backstories in the entire franchise we could even say that right now the Allies are outnumbered 3 to 1 and what better ship master is there for such a scenario bring him back coming in at number 3 we have a character that actually you might confuse you at first the primordial now yes I know the primordial is dead he was put in a reverse thesis chamber which accelerated the passage of time essentially forcing it to undergo a billion years of decay in only a few seconds completely and ultimately killing it that said however all that did was destroy its physical body his consciousness was transferred into the flood hive mind and continues to exist woven into the very fabric of existence as dictated by the precursors extremely complicated philosophical neural physics every grave mind that has existed since its death has had the consciousness of the primordial in it along with all of its knowledge and memories I mean that's how the grave mind in Halo 2 and halo 3 knew about the foreigner' flood war its consciousness is essentially the primordial x' so where does this leave us in terms of the primordial inclusion in Halo Infinite well the way that I see it given that the game is set anze to halo something you're about to hear a lot for the rest of this video whether primordial was imprisoned by the foreigners where it gave mendicant bias the logic plague where it corrupted fever the master builder where it ordered sickening torturous experiments to be conducted on abducted ancient humans etc etc etc it would honestly be nothing short of heresy to set a game on this ring and not have the primordial be present in some capacity and this brings me to my first of two ways they could include it in the story firstly the obvious one if the flood do return and form a grave mind then the consciousness and personality of that grave mind is the primordial so in a way that's his inclusion in the game even though it's kind of indirect they could always change the personality of the grave mind a little bit to make it more in line with the primordial and have it speak about ancient events more so it's clear that it's actually the primordial speaking as opposed to just being present somewhat in the grave ones consciousness if that makes any sense I don't know I feel like there's a much better way to do it however personally I'm really not a fan of the idea that the primordial should be the primary antagonist or any antagonist or prominent character in the game for that matter which my son backwards but I honestly feel like that words in a way be quite a big disservice to the tone and nature of the character the primordial works best in the shadows remaining ambiguous and secretly pulling the strings and my second way to include it encompasses just that having super cryptic halo 3 style terminals scattered around zeta halo containing ancient messages from the primordial talking about what happened on the ring its intentions and its plans to return in the distant future in the form of the precursors final test for humanity would be the perfect way to include it ultimately this game is going to be set in the one location with the most ties to the primordial in the entire universe it would be borderline illegal for three-for-three to make a game set on zeta halo and not have the primordial influence in it somewhere whether it's small and subtle or more overarching and grand scale and doing it with Halo 3 style cryptic terminals is the best way to do that if you ask me and speaking of the primordial coming in at the number two spots we have the jelly to the primordial was peanutbutter manda can't bias mendicant bias is one of the most iconic characters in the entire franchise and is probably the only widely known and mainstream character from halos expanded universe and there are a billion good reasons why he's managed to achieve such a legendary status especially as a character who's yet to be featured prominently in any of the games ever since his introduction in halo 3 or halo 2 if you want to get technical people of all varying levels of halo interests have loved his depth and mysteriousness and people have been predicting him playing a major role in a game since like pre halo 4 I remember before halo 4 came out people were predicament but Dai lacks and mendicant bias were gonna be the main characters in that game and yet sadly it's still yet to happen but if there was ever gonna be a game where that could change its halo infinite now it's worth noting that unlike the primordial despite mannequin significant history with Zeta halo his last known location was on the other side of the galaxy as far as we know what remained of his call like his central housing following the foreigner foot war was buried in one of the Ark's vast deserts and the last we heard from him was at the end of Halo 3 where he very cryptically spoke to Master Chief in a terminal informing him that he sought atonement for his sins by aiding the spartan their sins of course being joining forces with the flirt and that he was nearing the end of his life presumably because installation 0-8 was about to be destroyed and with it the ark or at least that's what he thought now of course as we know the Ark wasn't destroyed and it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if mendicants survived the events of halo at least I sure as hell hope they survived so where does this leave us in terms of his involvement in infinite well if he's still alive he's presumably still seeking atonement and zeta halo is where the primordial infected him with the logic League and brought him over to the side of the flood so it's the very source of everything he's seeking atonement for just like the primordial the best way to include mendicant would be in super cryptic mysterious halo 3 style terminals again don't make him the main focus of the game but like halo 3 did have him secretly pulling the strings in the background in support of humanity as opposed to the primordial who's doing it to oppose them a lot has happened since the end of halo 3 and since chief last smokes American bias I mean chief has simps encountered and defeated the Didact of whom had a massive connection to mendicants reasons and I reckon manikins would have something to say about that haven't years ago there was even this very circulating that mendicant bias was the one that closed the portal early at the end of Halo 3 cutting the dawn in half and ensuring that Chiefs half were sent to Requiem to wake the Didact instead of being sent back to earth like the orbiters half was to prepare for the eventual return of the flirt now whether or not that's true or not and to be honest that more than likely isn't but whether or not it is or not and whether mendicant is still seeking atonement or died somehow when installation is zero rate fired and was destroyed he's actually kind of redundant to be quite honest because even putting those aside there are still ways to include him in Halo Infinite his primary extension which is basically like a housing that his physical body slash cores plug into is on zeta halo as is his data network and the facility where he was given the logic plague and the Palace of pain where he oversaw the sickening experiments conducted on the ring as humans again the so much material here for halo 3 style terminals to focus around mannequins the primordial their history on the ring and the history of the ring in general really really hope that three four three capitalize on it because mannequin is one of the most interesting beloved and sadly criminally under youth characters in Halo universe and halo Infinite is the perfect game to change that and coming in at the number one spot is a character who needs no introduction the arbiter this one is an absolute no-brainer to be honest I mean regardless of what any hardcore law fan might say the fact that halo 5 didn't show RB in Chiefs reunion and instead saved it for a book is an absolute travesty and halo Infinite needs to rectify it honestly I don't think I need to elaborate on why the arbiter should be in Halo Infinite I don't really think that's something but I need to do I mean he and chief put an end to the covenant together they defeated the flood together and save the galaxy together he's the leader of the swords of sang helios humanity's number one ally and best friend when it comes to stopping the creator and above all of that he and chief are the two fan favorite characters in the entire franchise fee for three are looking to recapture many of the emotions and magic of the original trilogy with Halo Infinite and what better way is there to do that than have chief fight alongside the leader of nearly it's once more when its mortal enemies once again joining forces to fight a common evil cementing the two species Alliance and more so chief and arbiters Alliance its search a good diro because on the one hand you have a warrior responsible for the death of millions of the other species and then on the other hand you have a warrior responsible for the death of billions of the other species and yet still like the incredible warriors they are they're able to fight alongside each other back to back against a common foe seeing the arbiter return in Halo 5 was probably the only shining light of that entire game for me and I really don't want it to stop there I want the souls of San Helios to feature prominently in the Halo games moving forward and again if before if we want to recapture the spirit of the original trilogy having humans fight alongside elite once again and by extension having chief and arbiter fight alongside each other once again is one of the best ways to do that the two fighting long side each other just encapsulate that camaraderie in the face of total destruction that was such a key aspect of the original halo trilogy and that's been sorely missing from three for three games like I said bringing the orbiter back and having him be center stage again is a real no-brainer I mean I was adamant it was gonna happen in Halo 5 I was adamant we were gonna get chief an arbiter fighting alongside each other once again sadly we didn't end up getting that but with the entire galaxy now under the creators reign I would be shocked if the swords of sang Helios just sat back idly and let humanity do all the work the arbiter is one of the greatest heroes in the entire Halo universe and he deserves the return to his former status as a main character alongside chief please fee for three give us a proper chief and arbiter reunion on the zeta halo I beg of you and so that's it seven characters that I think need to return in some capacity in Halo Infinite ideally I'd love all of these characters to feature prominently but one of the lesson is that fee for three needed to learn from Halo 5 is to just kind of chill a little bit with the amount of main characters in their games I mean he'll if I've had like 15 main and side characters which is a ridiculous number it doesn't give anyone character enough time to shine and be developed with Halo 5 if they went for breath over death and with Hiller infinite I really hope they do the polar opposite of that that said however it doesn't mean that a number of these characters can't feature in the game please fee for three I just want to see chief blue team and arbiter being commanded by Auto sand Lasky fighting the sullen shadow while mendicant bias and the primordial pull the strings in the shadows it's not really too much to ask but yeah that does it for today yeah you know who those top tens or top whatever's on YouTube tend to just be like ten minutes and one second long ultra click beat for maximum ad revenue and minimum efforts here on my channel we we do things a little bit different so if you want to see more countdowns like this one in the near future then forget to show your support down below with the life's in the comments and of course by hitting that big ol subscribe button I want to give a massive thank you to PG&E Q for becoming a new iconic one over on the old patreon very iconic indeed along with of course everybody else who continues to support me over there and thank you all so much for watching I really do appreciate it and I'll catch you all in the next one [Music] you
Channel: HiddenXperia
Views: 268,302
Rating: 4.9170923 out of 5
Keywords: halo, halo infinite characters, halo infinite gameplay, halo infinite trailer, halo infinite july reveal, hiddenxperia, 343 industries, xbox series x, halo arbiter, halo precursors, halo flood, halo mendicant bias, halo infinite news, halo blue team, halo top 10, halo lore, halo infinite prequel, halo infinite release date, halo mcc pc, halo 3 pc, halo 3 flight, master chief collection, halo 2 pc, halo 3, halo infinite, halo infinite campaign, halo infinite story
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 30sec (1770 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 14 2020
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