Who are the BANISHED? | Banished Origins (Halo Lore)

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during the war the Covenant had two enemies humanity and the banished while they almost decimated the former they didn't even come close to the latter the banished are set to return in Halo Infinite and they wished death on humanity but before we get to that we must first understand where they came from and who they are so my name is same token and to prepare for the upcoming halo we'll be uncovering the origins of the banished [Music] the Covenant Empire was a powerful religious authority that presided over several different species a tree ox a member of the draw Han a race was born during the covenants rule in 25-10 joining its military when he came of age during the human covenant war a trio served alongside his fellow drill hani eventually being thrust into the front lines for tea at a time they would be used as expendable muscle in his suicide missions their commanders told them that dying in this war would speed up their holy journey a religion that wasn't even their own however time and time again 39 drill hani would die and aatrox would return the sole survivor of each mission b-tree ox became legend [Music] however as his comrades fell around him a tree oxes resentment of the Covenant grew fierce his mythical status among his peers worried his sign Healy commander rohan a were not supposed to live this long their quick deaths prevented them from questioning the covenant questioning why they are dying in the first place but a tree Oaks was surviving and his commander knew his loyalty was faltering this troubled the prophet of truth who decided that to keep the peace among the Dro hani a tree ox must die quietly so as to prevent him from becoming a martyr and so while out on a mission patriarchs began questioning his allegiance to the Covenant and this prompted one of his drove on a brethren to become enraged considering this heresy he attempted to assassinate a tree ox but this failed ending in a tree oaks killing him upon his return to camp aatrox was apprehended by sang Healy for the murder of one of his own aatrox defended his actions pleading self-defense but the sang Healy believed this to be a lie and immediately sentenced him to dead but Eitri ox refused this verdict and fought back kilee his executioner the other sign he Lee prepared to attack him but the rouhani who were watching left to defend aatrox slaughtering all of the sang Healy patriarchs and the others had been banished and his successful defiance was inspiring other johanna joined him taking control of the parish sang Healy ship and salvaging everything they could use while some joined his troupe with the intention of assassinating him likely still believing in the ideologies of the Covenant they were soon weeded out Decimus who had been the first to join a tree oaks at his sentencing became his right-hand Rohani they became pirates using stolen ships to plunder covenant and eventually human resources not only for survival but to expand their influence across the galaxy they grew in strength with each attack while gathering killers and mercenaries to their cause the Covenant now had two targets during the war humanity and the banished a tree orcs was separating from the draw Hanna's old ways where traditionally they saw power in the ranks as a threat a tree ox saw opportunity he formed alliances with many who initially sought to kill him after the covenants Great Schism which sold the draw Hana ordered to murder the sang Healy a great hatred of the drew Han a group yet as the banished had already left the Covenant before this patriarchs was able to convert many sang Healy to his calls following the demise of the covenant Empire in 25:52 a triage salvaged their vast stores of weapons and equipment while accumulating soldiers who lost their ideology with the fall of the prophets this left a vast power vacuum for the banished to fill [Music] he began by raiding a sang Healy separatist base prompting their assault carrier enduring conviction to apprehend him ship master Leadville ear and his troops found a tree ox in their armory yet he allowed himself to be captured when sang Healy reinforcements ships arrived they asked enduring conviction whether they had successfully captured a tree ox but just as let Valier was about to answer a tree ox stopped him he said that he had spared as many of their crew as he could during the raid on their base and then he asked let Wilier to tell the other ships he had indeed been captured this whole time a tree ox had planned to be captured by the enduring conviction he was tiring of his banished being thieves and pirates a tree ox had greater plans but to help fill the covenants power vacuum he needed a powerful ship he knew you let Valier didn't have much of a Cole's left and that he cared only to support his ship and crew Patriarchs promised him that he would supply his ship and crew with the resources they need in an exchange he expected their allegiance to the banished Leadville e'er quickly came around and joined the banished slips facing away from the rest of his fleet by 2553 the banished had already garnered a fearsome reputation among those aware of their existence but they would continue to be relentless in their expansion [Music] five years later in 2558 the banished travel to the Ark the forerunner mega-structure located thousands of light-years outside the Milky Way here the final battle of the human covenant war took place with humanity ultimately toppling the Covenant while also eliminating the floods gravemind in the aftermath with the portal to the ark on earth humanity's UNSC began setting up research outposts these outposts and the Ark systems were unaffected by the rise of Cortana's created as the ark enacted fail-safes to lock them out however this did not stop the banished they knew there would be vast amounts of Salvage on the Ark's surface all the weapons vehicles and resources left behind by full and covenant and UNSC forces was ripe for the taking and so a tree ox and his right-hand man Decimus initiated mass salvage operations [Music] meanwhile a tree ox laid siege on the UNSC research outposts slaughtering their scientists while taking over the Ark's cartographer which gave them access to the Ark's portal network which ultimately let them close the Ark's portal on earth however this was not without retaliation from the ark sentinels which kept fighting back soon after the UNSC ship spirit of fire mysteriously appeared drifting towards the ark patriarchs noticed they sent soldiers towards a research outpost and so he travelled there with his vanished inside the facility he found spartans taking them by surprise he began pummeling them shrugging off knives and bullets ultimately besting the Spartans he decided to toy with them letting them run while they were chased by his forces thus began a large-scale conflict between the humans on the spirit of fire and the banish'd who occupied the ark the humans quickly became a nuisance first the spirit of fire began an assault against a banished salvage operation Decimus attempted to stop them in person but failed and in a last-ditch attempt he bombarded his own base killing human and banished forces indiscriminately yet their salvage operation still grounded to a halt then the spirit of fire began a campaign to take the Ark's cartographer they took over the control towers and destroyed the Ark's conduits that were powering the cartographer shields at the same time after killing Decimus they destroyed a tree offices key controller for the portal network crippling the banished stability to quickly deploy troops in response the banished went on the offensive launching their own campaign to take the final portal controller however the humans were waiting for them holding back their waves and in desperation as Arab was deployed but this was fruitless forcing the banished to withdraw the humans were proving a powerful adversary and so a free ox launched a large-scale attack on their ship almost breaching its hope while destroying many of its defensive weapons with the banished s-- enduring conviction dwarfing the spirit of fire it successfully garaged their ship however the humans managed to immobilize the engineering conviction using the Ark's particle cannons they then infiltrated a banished compound to board the ship while this was not immediately concerning their plan was ultimately devastate the enduring conviction hacking into the ship's systems the humans activated its energy projected firing it at the Ark's surface this caused the arc sentinels to retaliate slicing the enduring conviction in half [Music] [Music] shipmaster let Valier survived meeting with a tree ox on the ground to discuss their response the sang Healy made it clear that they should both honor their contract with a tree ox funding and supporting them with their loyalty in return as they spoke they witnessed the humans releasing a deactivated halo ring from the Ark's foundry a tree ox demanded Leadville ear to prove that he is worth his price by sending all his troops onto the ring and taking it from the humans while the banished sent as many troops as they could towards the ring they were met with heavy human resistance with a spartan stealing one of their scarabs ultimately the humans managed to stop the banish from reaching the ring by destroying the portal they were using despite this the banished managed to gain a foothold in the Rings control room however this was short-lived as the humans aggressively pushed through their defenses as they came concerning lis close a tree oaks decided to offer them a deal he would let them live if they left immediately but the spirit of fires captain cutter refused severing communications a tree oxes message showed the humanists his hand he knew he was close to losing the ring eventually the banished forces lost to the humans who pushed into the control room yet a tree Oaks was not ready to give up the banished kept attempting to force their way back into the control room sending everything they could but this was not enough and ultimately humanity assumed full control of the ring physically ejecting the banished of its surface and into space the human scientist professor Anders opened a slipspace portal and traveled through it with the ring leaving behind the spirit of fire and her in addition to a furious a tree ox the fights would continue between the banished and the spirit of fire now the enduring conviction was destroyed the playing field has been slightly tilted but a tree oxes army remained fast as the fight with the spirit of fire continued across the arc for months the banished continued its salvage operations with the once Covenant Capitol High Charity having crashed on the ark during the human covenant war patriarchs believed there would be a wealth of resources in the surrounding area Jhon a warlord pavia and the banished lieutenant Voridis were ordered to scout the shell of the Fallen covenant capital with strict instructions not to enter however Pavia had concerns that Voridis would try to prove himself and as a result fail as he has done before regardless they mobilized their troops towards high charity's carcass as they approached a VM notice that sentinels were surrounding it and that they appeared to be guarding rather than protecting something that lied within he believed that perhaps what was inside was the parasitic flood boardís was skeptical however believing the stories of the parasite to be covenant propaganda after pushing through the Sentinels with a scarab Voridis sliced open high Charities Hulk and proceeded to send in his troops against a tree Allah's orders as per VM had feared Voridis was seeking glory [Music] inside vortices troops encountered a lone flood pod infect er it was easily killed but then strange noises began emanating around the hole they had entered the potent factor had not been alone and they were already too deep inside to escape the horrors that would consume and reanimate their corpses waiting outside Voridis and his troops began hearing the same strange noises coming from within high Charities cavity and then out stepped one of their fallen comrades twisted by the flood it didn't take long for them to realize that they had to prepare Voridis as coms fell silent initially Pavan did not think this unusual but as he prepared a salvage route with his own troops Voridis broken up by interference contacted Pavia warning him to immediately extract his troops it was not long until Peruvians saw flood pod carriers spilling from every direction Voridis had released an unimaginably powerful parasite one he had thought just a rumor not wishing to abandon Voridis in his troops pavia m-- held the line to ensure as many evacuated as possible but Morris's crew could not make it as he was forced towards the entrance of a forerunner structure as Voridis as engineers believed it to be connected to the Ark's defenses pavia ordered Voridis to enter and start them up however horridest struggled to pass through the flood forms blocking their way noting that it was as if the parasite knew it be a threat to them Pavin realized they could use explosive fissures that were appearing in the area to overload one of their salvage drills and burn the flood away this was highly successful allowing Voridis and his troops to enter the facility inside they managed to activate the sentinel defenses however on the surface a giant flood form had appeared over running one of their bases large tentacles started ripping through the ground around them as they traveled across the surface this signified that the flood was creating a grave mind left unchecked this proto Grave mind would become unstoppable this excited Voridis believing that they would become legends for defeating such a beast but pavia understood the seriousness of the situation if they failed to destroy this grave mind there would be no one left to tell their story and no one left to hear it as a result AVM decided to contact a tree ox and inform him of what had occurred a tree ox was furious pavía and Voridis were ordered to clean up the mess before his arrival and so they commanded their troops towards the source of the tentacles eventually finding the fledgling gravemind using hit-and-run tactics pavia manned Voridis troops destroyed the unusual sacks of eggs around the grave light exposing its internals which they then began barraging with everything they had but this simply wasn't enough and so pavía reluctantly instructed his troops to activate sentinel reinforcements with this they managed to topple the great light killing it and thus severing its connection with the flood just as they eliminated the infestation a tree oaks arrived while he was still not pleased he was impressed enough by their actions to let them live his final instruction was to clean up their mess after which he would continue his campaign against the spirit of fire but the banished had forces across the galaxy in the arc wasn't their only target forces occupied the raid within hours it will be under over their breweries and defiance and so the banished formed due to the oppression imposed by the Covenant drill Hana had been sacrificed for ideologies that weren't even their own but a tree ox saved them initially making them pirates but then expanding into a force to be reckoned with they assimilated several species including many sang-hee Lee and Lee Colo interestingly we see no inherent hatred for humanity except of those who get in the way of their plans namely a certain spirit of fire and of course all those innocent scientists but with the message from the banished sent from a halo ring wishing humanity to burn we see that they are now out specifically for human blood exactly why this is and why they do not wish to accumulate humanity in their ranks remains to be seen after all they have been in touch with the human black market in the past perhaps it is because they have not heard from a tree ops and assume the humans killed him in the arc or when they say humanity they really mean UNSC or maybe they're upset at the whole Ratana thing that threatens everyone in the galaxy but soon with halo infinite we will uncover what lies ahead for the banished and their seemingly pure relationship with humanity as a whole so thank you so much for watching if you enjoyed this please leave a like and subscribe for more halo videos I have finally completed the University and have several videos in the pipeline that I'm really excited to share with you if you have anything in particular you'd like to see please let me know in the comments stay safe and I'll catch you next time [Music] [Music]
Channel: SameToken
Views: 178,664
Rating: 4.9618936 out of 5
Keywords: Who are the banished, history of the banished, the banished are in halo infinite, halo infinite enemy, the banished halo infinite, banished origins, origins of the banished, Atriox in halo infinite, history of Atriox, rise of Atriox, the covenant halo, the banished on the Ark, the banished released the flood, halo awakening the nightmare, the banished voridus, the banished pavium, the banished halo, the banished halo wars 2, halo wars 2, halo sametoken, sametoken
Id: HikwacsIhTk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 24sec (1224 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 08 2020
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